I'm writing an MSN client for Android. When running it on the emulator or on the phone over WiFi, the program works fine. When connecting to MSN over 3G (T-Mobile Netherlands), after a while the socket stops receiving data (while it is receiving data). The point where the socket stops receiving data is different every time.
Has anyone had any problems with this? I assume it's a problem with Tmo NL...
I really cannot find anything about this on the internet.
Anyone know how to be able to Talk on the Phone (Using Voice) while tethering to a PC / Mac , I know I can talk on the phone while using PIE and other internet based applications on the Treo, but NOT WHEN I HAVE IT TETHERED via Dial-up Networking (either via Bluetooth or USB). Basically I have tried both, and am using a MacBook Pro, and successfully tethered to the internet through both BT and USB but it HANGS UP if I make a call (and I presume it hangs up when I receive a call), but either way it does not treat the TETHERING the same as using INTERNET on the Treo, is this just some Registry entry thats causing the problem or something?
Please help I have been trying 10098098034298 things to get it to work; however I only have a VERY limited knowledge of Windows Mobile 5.0 and am pretty useless. If someone could even just give me insight on what settings or registry entry(ies) deal with this I could play around with it an post any results once I stumble upon them...
Thank you so much in advance!!!!!!!!!
It all depends on the network connection you have.
GSM/GPRS doesnt support Voice and Data where UMTS does.
Make sure that you have a 3G connection.
Yes I do have a 3G connection, this same thing (Tethering when using Voice) works on my LG CU500 flawlessly both when using USB and BLUETOOTH to tether, no drop in speeds and voice is crystal clear.
Not sure if its the way in which I am dialing up or something, or if its some bug in the 750. let me know if you guys can helop. [email protected]!
doedoe said:
It all depends on the network connection you have.
GSM/GPRS doesnt support Voice and Data where UMTS does.
Make sure that you have a 3G connection.
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Go to Menu>Preferences>Phone Settings and select the Services tab. Select the band selection and make sure to turn off auto and bind to UMTS only. If you are in auto and connected to GSM network and try to place a call while connected to DUN, thte call should suspend for a total of 13 minutes before disconnecting. If you are selected to strict UMTS then you should be OK for DUN and voice.
Hi guys,
Normally, I rely on WiFi networks to browse the internet on my devices.
Ever since I got my Touch PRO, been using alot of data connection (You Tube and the browsing is just very good)
Problem is, Live messenger doesn't seem to connect via data connection.
I have to be connected via WiFi..
Any workaround for that or has it been like that all this time?
Mine works on data connection
infernoir said:
Mine works on data connection
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Ahuh, so I guess it's just the coverage then
Thanks for sharing
I don't have 3G fyi. but it works fine on 2G.
I seem to be having the same problem too recently - even when I have full coverage.
data connection and internet works fine, but I still can't manage to connect to live messenger.
I am in the UK and on three by the way.
Ahuh, so I guess it might be temporary
Some networks, T-Mobile for example, will block the ports required for IM on some packages. If you've only ever had it working via WIFI you should check this isn't your problem.
fireblade63 said:
Hi guys,
Normally, I rely on WiFi networks to browse the internet on my devices.
Ever since I got my Touch PRO, been using alot of data connection (You Tube and the browsing is just very good)
Problem is, Live messenger doesn't seem to connect via data connection.
I have to be connected via WiFi..
Any workaround for that or has it been like that all this time?
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I guess there is some proxy setting that may solve your issue:
funny how i can't connect via wifi and u can't connect via ur network.. fun times!
I had a similar problem before, I connected once using WiFi and the next time I tried to connect using HSDPA it just won't recognize it. I fixed the problem by syncronizing using "Windows Live" while using HSDPA. Then Messenger worked.
But I have to say messenger has been acting weird lately, even on a PC. I think it has something to do with their servers.
In my house there is bad 3G coverage. Phone keeps flopping between G and 3G. Very annoying because MSN won't make use of my WiFi connection. Opera does seem to do that though.
fring has ability to work with msn, but I hate fring ...have you tried mChat? it's good alternative, msn is in beta testing, but it works for me..
Even though WiFi is up and running, my phone keeps getting connected via GPRS automatically. Although most programs use the WiFi connection, sometimes they switch over to GPRS. Also, when I reboot the phone, WiFi gets deactivated and GPRS kicks in automatically. Of course, this is a bad thing since my carrier allows only 1MB of downstream on GPRS.
The other problem is that WiFi keeps getting disconnected after a period of inactivity. Now I don't mind this happening as it saves battery, but I don't want this to happen when I'm at a place having access to a power source. Strictly speaking, I could live with the WiFi getting disconnected, but the irritating thing is that sometimes it just doesn't reconnect - instead, a baloon pops up informing me of all other wireless networks available - my network isn't listed! Then after a few more minutes, it automagically connects to my network. Sometimes, to get the wifi to connect, all I have to do is click on the "G" icon (I'm about to open the wireless manager) and the WiFi starts to connect! Just w.t.h is going on here? :S
Now the common "solution" for the GPRS problem that's floating around the net is to use a program that disables the GPRS connection, like Modaco NoData or such, but I'm looking for a more permanent solution (regtweak?) by which:
1) GPRS is never connected and if connected, never used by any program IF there's an active WiFi connection
2) When the phone (re)boots, WiFi should be activated and if any "known" networks are found, should connect to it automatically, else it should be deactivated
3) Perhaps WiFi/GPRS can be enabled/disabled based on the cellid/GPS and/or time schedules? Now I know of programs that can do this, but I'm looking for something extremly light, preferably which doesn't have a GUI and/or runs as a service and can be configured by xml/ini/reg (or maybe have a seperate GUI for settings)
Any ideas people?
Thanks for your time.
Did you ever find a solution for this? I'm in the same boat and would like to know as well. Thx.
Yeah, I changed phones. Didn't face this issue on a Diamond and a Hermes.
got the same problem with my tg01 keeps dropping wifi and keeps connecting to gprs when wifi is on
I have a G1. I've been using Wireless Tether for Root and it seems to work fine however the wifi makes the pretty hot. I've been trying AziLink but I've been having problems with dropped connections. I'll go though the tethering process, then set up tunneling/SOCKS5 via SSH to a remote server. (This avoids the caching the T-Mobile proxy does.) After anywhere from around 1 to 10 minutes, the SSH connection stops working. (I figure this is either AziLink or OpenVPN.) It doesn't simply disconnect, it just stops transferring data and eventually times out. Starting another SSH session works fine. This doesn't happen so quickly under the wireless tethering. That usually takes more than an hour and it's often the case that the phone needs to be reset as it's really a hardware or driver issue. (Sometimes just turning off and on the bluetooth or wifi will fix it, but sometimes they refuse to turn on again. I'm guessing overheating.)
Anyway, anybody have any suggestions for fixing this?
Hello I have the Pixel. My company makes a Video Chat app which uses a SIP Server for video calling. When I try to connect to the SIP Server, I am unable to connect (it just times out). This is if I am connected to WiFi. If I turn WiFi off and am connected to LTE, then I can connect to the SIP Server no problem. I tried other devices at my office on the same WiFi and they all work fine when connected to WiFi or LTE. I then tried two other WiFi networks and have the same issue (cannot connect to SIP Server). I then downloaded a different VoIP app (Bria) and put my SIP info in. Same problem. On WiFi i cannot connect, but on LTE it works fine. My LTE is Verizon, so I tried connecting via a Verizon Hotspot. My phone is connecting to that via WiFi, and I still have the same issue, cannot connect to SIP Server. I even tried a couple of different SIP accounts as well and none of it helps. If this phone is connected to WiFi, it CANNOT connect to a SIP Server. I also have a co-worker with a Nexus 6P who has the Android 7.1 Developer Preview, and his phone connects to the SIP server fine on WiFi. So it does not seem to be an Android 7.1 issue. It seems to be related to the Pixel phone itself. Has anyone else been able to setup a VoIP app where you need to connect to a SIP Server and successfully been able to connect to the SIP server when on WiFi?
My phone got the November security update today. And after restarting, SIP calling now works for me in WiFi! Mine is build NDE63X. If you haven't gotten it yet, I suggest giving it a try. You can side load the update via adb.
jimmyn89 said:
My phone got the November security update today. And after restarting, SIP calling now works for me in WiFi! Mine is build NDE63X. If you haven't gotten it yet, I suggest giving it a try. You can side load the update via adb.
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I spoke too soon on this one. After working for about a day and a half, it stopped connecting to SIP servers when on WiFi. I rebooted my phone though and it started working again. So something triggers it to stop connecting to SIP servers when on wifi but a reboot does make it work again.
I have pixel and Bria. If I restart the phone Bria connects on wifi every time. If I stop then start Bria without phone restart Bria will not connect ever.
Here are a bunch of other links related to this problem. And it's still not fixed as of March security update from yesterday.