Activesync keeps on restartting - General Questions and Answers

i understand that this question may have been asked many times in this forum but considering that they are rather dated and i have yet to get a solution to my problem i thought i started a thread here. Do bear with me as i'm rather new to using a WM device and to this forum but i thought this would be the best avenue to hear opinions and suggestions.
i'm currently using a Sony Ericsson Xperia X1i, ROM version1.02.931.3
all along when i have been using this phone, never once did Activesync start up on its own unless i connected my phone to my PC.
Recently, i accidentally pressed upon turning on the Microsoft Direct Push option found in my Comm Manager program and ever since then (even after turning it off) Activesync has been constantly been running minutes after me having closed the program.
I have tried many methods that i have come across while checking search results in google and in here (especially in the wiki).
from creating a fake server to having set my schedule updates to manual for both peak an non peak timings, to having disabled AppRunAfterTimeChange from the notifications list of the program “repllog.exe”. i have even deleted all notifications relating to “repllog.exe” (thank goodness to memmaid being able to restore the notifications!) and still the problem occured off Activesync still running by itself after having been closed.
i'm kind off exhausted as to how to resolve this problem of mine, i do know that some pple would voice that Activesync running all the time is normal but having gotten my phone without this issue it would please me most if i can actually have this problem not occuring at all
i do appreciate you having to read my mini wall of text and do hope that someone out there has a solution!

quickmenu is supposed to be able to close it permantly when active sync is closed, but thats not much good if u dont sync. I have had this issue before. Now for some reason my jamin with 6.1 doesnt do it (but never used exchange before) and my polaris does (have used). The only way i was able to stop it was a hard rest, drastic i know.
I'll have a search for you as i have read other methods but cant remember if they were successful or not!

well i didn't have that problem when i first got my x-1 : |
really have no idea wad to do to get it back to its previous state
as much as i've gotten used to activesync popping out forever
but i'd really wish for a solution where i can get it to be 'away' and come on only when i sync


Active Sync just keeps "synchronizing" ?

Just upgraded to WM6. When Active Sync asked if I wanted a new folder or to combine the old one, I chose combine the old files. It's just spinning and spinning, and "synchronizing", but wont finish or show that it's actually synchronizing anything. Is this normal? I've used the search feature and can't find a thread to fix this or answer this question. Thanks. -Fin
I have the same on windowsmobile 5, but then without having changed anything.
It was just a normal functioning partnership and then all of a sudden it just keeps synchronizing without ever finishing...
activesync on the device itself doesnt show up though...
very strange, haven't got a clue what caused it
removed partnership and created a new one, but same problem happens...
i'll let you know when i found out what caused it...
I have exactly the same problem, i have 5753 agenda items, wich I don't have. I sincerley hope that someone comes up with a simple solution...

Active Sync problem

Since I had battery problems and the active sync always active was the main cause (now I can use the Pro for two days, otherwise at dinner time it was dead already), I read a lot about it and people told to kill the notification with taskmanager called replog.exe, or something like that.
It worked well, the problem is that I still want to connect to activesync to install programs and sync with outlook and now I cant. device is not connected at all.
how can i start activesync manually or solve this issue?
please help! this is getting me nuts!

Using Blackberry Connect on Fuze could be ...

I think there is a need for deeper discussion on Blackberry connect on Fuze. I have used BB for corporate emails for past 2 years and have thoroughly enjoyed the ease and reliability of BB for this purpose. When my contract was up for renewal, I decided to go with Fuze since it supports BB and has a much cooler look. And then the problems started.
I am using the "unbloated" version of Fuze
I have attempted all performance and battery life updates available on xda
I have used this phone for over a month
I have BB Connect installed via and have BES plan for it
Battery life - I am ready to return this phone for this sole reason. I am out of battery by mid-day (no exageration). I think BB connect has something to do with it since I have not seen as much frustration on the battery life as I would imagine with half a day of battery life.
Phone locking - sometimes the phone just locks up. I cannot do anything. I believe BB Connect has something to do with it since it is constantly syncing emails
BB functionality - there are certain functions that were easily doable in BB are not so easy or not feasible in Fuze. e.g. 'Reply to all' is 2 steps instead of one, search functionality is virtually non existant, email lookup on corporate directory is 2 to 3 steps.
I use my phone via my left hand (especially when I am driving, I know I am not supposed to do that but lets be real, we all do it). This makes it extremely difficult to hit the 'x' button on the top right hand corner and invariably causes 2 to 3 misses before getting it right.
Power button not functioning on occasssions. I have had instances where I cannot turn my screen off at all (needed to save battery life). I have to restart in those instances which is annoying if you want to make a quick phone call. This has happened to some other folks in my company as well.
I think would be beneficial to hear others experience and concerns and hence a new thread for BB Connect users for Fuze.
I had a similar battery issue until I flashed to the ROMeOS rom and flashed the .28 radio rom. Now I get 2 days use with push email (using exchange admittedly) enabled. This really does make a difference.
As for the close button, using something like AEButton you can set the back button to close and the home button to jump back to the today screen etc. This really does make the phone 1 hand friendly.
I have not used Blackberry connect before and so sadly cant help with the reply to all etc
I would seriously recommend flashing to one of the cooked ROMs of which in my experience the ROMeOS is a seriously stable, no nonsense and fast ROM. Make sure you do the radio as well and I think you will find yourself a happy punter!
Yours aye,
Few more issues
thx for the suggestion. i was trying to stay away from flashing my phone but if there is no other alternative, i might have to do that.
Couple of other BB related issues that i forgot earlier and would like suggestions on are-
I cannot install BB messenger on it. It gives an error on all browsers I tried i.e. Opera, Skyfire, IE, BB Browser
Earlier (in physical BB) if I filed my emails in folders or deleted them from BB, it did that on the server and thereby on the client/ laptop. But with Fuze, it does not do that or I have not configured it correctly.
any help is appreciated.
There is no blackberry messenger in blackberry connect.
Check your settings in the CMIME service, Synchronication tab when you click the Blackberry icon.
I am running BB Connect on the Fuze and do not seem to have your battery issues. It does not seem to drain any faster than it did before I installed BB Connect. I have run into both the phone locking issue and the power button issues you note. I have no solution, but can just confirm that I have had similar issues.
I have also found these three issues with BB Connect on the Fuze (I checked with my company's tech folks on 1 and 2, who say these can't be fixed, but I am not so sure):
1. I cannot open attachments that come through BB Connect in anything other than the BB Viewer. So I don't get the benefit of Word Mobile, etc... I also cannot save the attachment to the phone and then open in the right application. If I need to get to the attachment, I have to forward the e-mail to my Gmail account, and then I can open it in the right application, but that is a hassle.
2. I can't view html e-mails. Again, if I want to see them in html format I have to forward them to my Gmail account and view them there.
3. Sometimes the Blackberry e-mails just stop coming, even though the Gmail account is still working fine. If I soft reset, they start coming again. No explanation.
I wonder if others have these same issues, or if anyone has resolved them. By the way, I am still happy that I have the Fuze instead of a Blackberry.
I too am unable to download attachments.
I am able to see that the email has an attachment in the "inbox" window. When I open the email, there is no attachment to download or view.
I just posted on another thread, but it appears that this is a more appropriate thread (didn't search long enough...) Anyway, I just noticed this week about the email attachment problem. I was on travel and a buddy sent me some files that i wanted to save to by device (Fuze) but was unable. I also have a problem attaching files from my phone. any ideas or work arounds?

iFonz very slow / crashing

I think I've put this in the right place, but Mods please feel free to move it if I haven't.
My O2 XDA Ignito (HTC Touch Diamond in a different housing) has worked perfectly with iFonz for many months. I'm on version 1.1.2. I am very, very happy with iFonz and would not want to go back to TouchFlo which is nowhere near as good.
Yesterday, iFonz suddenly started operating extremely slowly. I thought I had crashed, but in fact it responds to commands but takes anything from 15 seconds to over a minute to do so. Until then, it has been virtually instantaneous.
The first command I issue after it's been left for some time will work as normal, but if I open (say) the PI Calendar, then close that - the nothing else will work for about 15 seconds after the keypress.
The only change I know about is that I had a problem with ActiveSynch to a new desktop installation (the familiar 0x86000107 problem) which I fixed in the usual way by deleting and reinstalling the pairing. Activesync worked fine after that.
I have S2U2 running - but that's always been there.
I noticed from the time I first installed iFonz that it would not update its header bar for several seconds after starting, but everything else worked OK.
Can anyone suggest a cause or a fix? I'm reluctant to uninstall and reinstall because I've set up 4 pages of icons and don't want to lose all that work.
I never used iFonz but i'm pretty sure the settings are kept somewhere so you can export them and not have to set everything up from the beginning. I always suggest uninstalling to check what causes the problem.
Thank you. Indeed, that is what I would have expected. I've searched the machine carefully, and found the iFonz software but no settings file.
I've PMed the author, and meanwhile I've taken iFonz off the startup list and running Touchflo instead. I don't like it anything like as much as iFonz, but it works.
Well, there's been no reply from the author, and everything I've tried (including uninstall and reinstall) has made no difference. Sad, because I liked iFonz.
Keithj said:
The only change I know about is that I had a problem with ActiveSynch to a new desktop installation (the familiar 0x86000107 problem) which I fixed in the usual way by deleting and reinstalling the pairing. Activesync worked fine after that.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please tell me how to fix the above a bit more specifik...
I don't understand what you mean by: "pairing"
"Pairing" is setting up the ActiveSync connection between the PDA/phone and the PC so that they will synchronise when you connect them.
If you get the error, you have a problem. I fixed mine for a few months, but then the problem came back worse, and the fixes that used to work stopped. Basically, I don't think ActiveSync is capable of doing the job reliably. It deleted all my contacts (losing me a load of names and addresses that I needed and couldn't recover). I threw it out some time ago.
I now use an iPhone which doesn't have any of those problems.

Strange Email sync issue with multiple accouts using Samsung Omnia Win7 phone - HELP

this is a strange question and a bizzare event thats occuring but i am hoping someone will be able to clear this up for me.
Basically i have had troubles with battery life on my windows 7 phone, its a samsung omnia on the orange network in the uk. This has ONLY been an issue since i upgraded to the Mango update last wednesday.
What i am finding is that my emails are syncing every 30mins or so despite being set to manual update only. I added 3 email accounts to my phone each via the windows live account addition option, i set them to each manually update only and only sync email not contacts/meetings etc... the mad thing is the main acount that is used under my people contact and the main hotmail/live account that is in use with the phone itself seems to stick at only updating when i tell it to sync (i have to click the refresh style sync button within the email screen) however the other two accounts after about 12hours start to go haywire and whilst they start out by syncing manual as soon as i have synced them manually once, after this they just update whenever they want too (every 30mins it appears)... i have tried a reset of the phone and starting from scratch but again eventually this flaw just keeps occuring! over and over, no matter how many resets i do
Its a real pain to be honest, when i first updated to mango i did link all the accounts together as there is an option to band all your accounts into the single hotmail livetile on the homescreen, i changed this option and decided against it, trouble is i cant remember if this issue happened then, im still pretty sure it did, its almost like the other two accounts have a mind of their own, is there any explanation as to what this could possible be?
I have tried to a rollback of my current firmware but it ended up bricking my phone so now it has gone in for a repair under warrenty to samsung, maybe it could have been a dodgy install of mango from day one? as my friend updated and he has the same phone yet hasnt experienced this email flaw, but then again he only has two accounts on his phone
Could it be the manual option no longer works in mango update?
many thanks for reading and hope someone can help, many thanks

