seering active tasks in task bar? - Touch Pro, Fuze General

is there a free plug-in which shows a small icon in the task bar which shows if i have (or how many) active tasks (as in to do tasks of outlook ).
i have problem searching for it, becouse i keep getting plug-in for tasks tasks as in running tasks , and not outlook tasks. i simply need something small , that will allow me in a quick look in the home screen to see if i have tasks.


Sort Task by Reminder order

I have MDA Vario III (Kaiser/HTC Tytn II) and Windows Mobile 6.
I sincronise my PPC whit MS Outlook in my PC.
Whit Outlook I CAN sort TASK by REMINDER order, but on my PPC not???
I use many task to organise my job..., an I whant to know WHAT I has TO DO today or tomorow: When be TASK sorted by Reminder, I will be to know what I have TO DO (example) tomorov....
I thing this is very bad for PPC, or exist some solution, some programs or what...
Pocket Organiser - TAsk in WM6 sorting TASK only by
- Status
- Priority
- Subject
- Start Date
- Due Date
(And that sorting has Agenda Fusion 8.60)
Someone know how can I sort TASK by Reminder order?

Can't sync all tasks

I have a lot of tasks in Outlook 2003 and want to sync them to my wm6. All tasks were created on wm6 and synced to Outlook 2003, but I had to fix the calendar on the wm6 and in that process the tasks were removed.
The problem is, however, that ActiveSync simply will not syncronize all tasks to wm6. The tasks that are synchronized to wm6 are the ones with a Due Date.
All tasks that have the Due Date set to None are not synchronized.
Also, all tasks marked as Complete are also not synchronized.
I tried to remove the Task synchronization in Activesync, reboot wm6, and reenable Task synchronization, and while the mentioned tasks still aren't synchronized, ActiveSync now gives a warning that says that it couldn't synchronize all tasks. The error was "Support Code 1" (as if that meant anything to me).
Does anyone know what may have gone wrong and where?
I tried to fix my calendar entries the same way as I wrote above with the tasks. It worked, except all appointments were changed from Busy to Available.
I wish microsoft would pay more attention to such problems.
The problem seems to be that the Tasks, when synchronized to Outlook 2003, all were given a start date. But none of the tasks were ever given a start date.
It seems to be the Start date in Outlook 2003 is really the last modified date(!). This makes tasks end up with start dates after the end date (makes no sense to have) and with start dates and no end date (apparently not allowed).
I have to fix all Tasks manually by removing the start date from each. This will allow all tasks to be synced. Weird problem...

Tasks program

Hi there,
Does anyone know how to filter the tasks to only show active tasks that have a start date at or before the current date. My PDA and outlook only show these, but the tasks program on the HTC touch pro shows all active tasks, even if the start date is a couple of months away.
Any ideas?
I'm not sure if this could be a solution for you, but PocketInformant is able to do that.

TO-DO list vs. Tasks (Outlook synchronization)

I'm trying to synchronize my PDA (MIO A701) and work computer (with Vista installed on it).
I've found that there are two types of objects in Outlook: tasks and letters that are marked with TODO flag (but they are not tasks). Objects of both these types could be found in Outlook section "tasks" but only first type of tasks are copied by Win Mobile Device Center to my PDA.
Objectively I need the second type of tasks on my device (letters that are marked with TODO flag).
If anybody knows how to get them to my PDA task section - I would be grateful.
Thank you in advance.
been a dead thread for a while, but ditto here.. would like to get my outlook flagged to do as well as tasks sync'd to other platforms such as iphone, icloud or gmail. (gmail is not as nice as is doe not have the prioritization options)
The built in apple exchange sync only picks up tasks

Looking for a Calendar plugin for Today Screen that works on WM6.5

SPB Diary is no longer being developed and Pocketbreeze crashes after about 5 minutes of using it. I tried alarmtoday but and its close but doesnt have all the features of a real Calendar today screen plugin.
So basically I need something that can show all my appointments and tasks for the day on a screen when I turn it on and there is currently no real solution that I know of.
So what are some of you guys using? Anyone know of any calendar plugin that works with wm6.5?
Calendar Touch should work as integrates via PIM so will show in normal Calendar interface also has a nice usable gui.
Today's Aganda this is free and works GREAT. very configurable also in appearance.
need to google search
TodayAgenda_PPC as linking fails for me.
pulls in bdays from contacts also, freeing them from your "calendar".

