I have MDA Vario III (Kaiser/HTC Tytn II) and Windows Mobile 6.
I sincronise my PPC whit MS Outlook in my PC.
Whit Outlook I CAN sort TASK by REMINDER order, but on my PPC not???
I use many task to organise my job..., an I whant to know WHAT I has TO DO today or tomorow: When be TASK sorted by Reminder, I will be to know what I have TO DO (example) tomorov....
I thing this is very bad for PPC, or exist some solution, some programs or what...
Pocket Organiser - TAsk in WM6 sorting TASK only by
- Status
- Priority
- Subject
- Start Date
- Due Date
(And that sorting has Agenda Fusion 8.60)
Someone know how can I sort TASK by Reminder order?
I have HTC Touch Cruise (Polaris) with WM6 and Vista on my dekstop. I use tasks quite extensively so everyday I have 5-10 of them.
The problem is that in Windows Mobile Delice Center I cannot select anything like "synchronize all future tasks and past tasks within XXX months/weeks". As a results after six months of using my PDA the tasks database is full of old enrties I won't need. It slows down both WM6 tasks application and pocketbreeze.
I wonder if you know any software that could delete some old tasks (not all of them) and then, after sync, it wouldn't appear that they were erased from my desktop too.
i'm using thumbcal atm.. this is truely a great program. only weakness is that thumbcal doesn't have any today plug-in by itself, so i've been looking for a today plug-in that displays tasks and appointments.
i've tried todayagenda, calendar+, tasksplus, quicktask, quickagenda and many other programs, and the result i got is : they are linked to OUTLOOK, not Thumbcal even though i made Thumbcal default PIM program.
however default task and appointments plugin that is included in windows mobile works well with thumbcal(not calling outlook but thumbcal to add/edit materials).
yeah, so i can use default plug-ins. they're free and clean and simple. only problem is, I can't find a way to integrate to my UL or HomeScreen/Batterystatus++.
is there any help i can get? i'm looking for some kinda third party plugin that uses thumbcal to edit/add materials, or any method to integrate default appointments/tasks plugin to UL/HS++
I'm bringing my tilt to school and it of course has Windows Mobile on it. Are there any programs that can:
1. remind me to do things
2. show things like tonight's homework, etc, on the today screen
3. allow me to put test dates in (lol i know i can use calendar for this)
but the first two, ?
also, can I use manilla2d with any apps like this?
pocket informant and/or spb diary
The normal agenda included on wm6.1 is enough for that tasks, no need to install any other software
I use Pocket Informant to book appointments.
on my HTC Touch Pro 2.
It annoys me how slow it is.
All I want to do is
(1) look at some sort of agenda of my booked appointments and (this could be optional)
(2) quickly add an appointment.
I decide to meet someone at 8:30am tomorrow.
I just want to book it quick and type in a brief description.
I think Windows Mobile is outdated.
Any suggestions ?
Moved as not software release.
Don't u use HTCActionScreen? I use it to input appointment, task & contact by Pocket Informant 9 easily. I don't think WM6.5.5 on my HTC Touch Pro 2 is outdated. A lot of things could be done by WM6.5.5 and couldn't be done by iphone, blackberry & symbian (yet). WM6.5.5 is the most customisable mobile device at this present time
this thing is driving me nuts. I've spent the last 20 hours trying to figure out how to make this simple setting.
The environment: TP1, WM 6.5 / 6.1
The problem: You open a stock WM calendar application. Lets suppose you have an appointment in the agenda view. You select the appointment (select with the arrow keys). Then, you want to create _a new_ appointment. But. You want this new appointment to occur _directly after_ the appointment you've selected earlier.
I've checked 9 ROMs (most Energy ROMs) with WM 6.5 and two ROMs with WM6.1 and only one ROM supported this feature. Now, maybe I'm exaggerating, but a 6.5 Windows version _should have a very simple thing like this one fixed_! God damn it!
The question: does anybody know a registry fix / a solution (adding subsequent appointments in agenda view; a new appointment will automatically get a start time after the first appointment ended).
I've searched/tried:
- the xda forum
- the ROMs (I have a list)
- used AgendaOne <- this program solves the issue
- used Pocket Informant <- latest 9.10 version doesn't fix the issue on WM 6.5, haven't (yet) checked on WM 6.1