Sprint TP uses 200-400mah w/ data conn, fast drain, defective? - Touch Pro, Fuze General

I have a sprint touch pro, it was fine for the first day or so including active sync always connected.
Then I noticed it would get really warm and the battery was draining very fast, long story short but on a hard reset with only CMP battery monitor installed (which was not installed when the problem first presented itself) the unit uses between 0-100 mah normally but if I have activesync on always connected or even no active sync profile but manually enable the data connection it goes to 200-400 (average around 300 mah) causing it to heat up, super fast battery drain, etc.
One thing I noticed is that it is flipping between EVDO and 1x a lot too I am not sure if this is the cause?
I have several other phones (mougl, 6700 etc) all which would stay on EVDO without a problem here. Is it a defective unit?

Also to note my battery can train from about 100% to dead in a few hours when the data connection is active, vs day+ without.
I also am having a similar problem as the thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=2851168
where basically while in a strong evdo area it will rarely connect over evdo and if it does it generally will break the connection within a few minutes and default back to 1x. I think this may be the cause but it still doesn't explain why this is happening.

Mine seems to be having the same sort of issues, my battery, on average is only lasting me about 6-8 hours, I keep bluetooth and wifi turned off. I just got the phone less than a week ago, so it is seeing abnormally heavy use, but I'm really trying to make it last me a day and this isn't looking good so far.
Keeping background programs closed (except glight and gyrator)
Signal for this area is strong, 3g everywhere. I used to be on Helio (using Sprint's network), and my 3g signal never dropped. This phone, when sending a text message, the box switches to 1x, the text sends, then it goes back to Ev. It's the same for making calls. I'm not "dropping" 3g I guess, it's just switching off to make a cell transmission. Browsing sites or using data keeps it connected to 3g.
ROM version: 1.03.651.3
Radio version: 1.03.15F
Now, you think us Sprint Touch Pro users will possibly see a new ROM and Radio soon? I want to try reflashing the ROM, but don't know where to get another stock Sprint one, and I'm positive a GSM radio won't work.
If only the touch pro had 1/3 the following the Diamond seems to :/

Yea I don't think that its due to any programs, at this point I run a hard reset with nothing loaded but the battery monitor and no wifi/bt. As for sprint roms nuechem will be releasing a new rom tonight (see is blog at nuerom.com ) you can flash over.
I think the problem is related to the network however as in 3 different locations now as soon as I go to use a very good strength evdo signal it will drop to 1x for an unknown reason.


Cant surf in EVDO only 1X why?

I just got my Sprint HTC Touch Pro yesterday and to my surprise I can only navigate in 1x and not EVDO but since Im usually always in a EVDO area I can barely surf the net. I called Sprint Techs on 3 ocasions and they couldnt figure it out. Can anyone help me out?
Could be a provisioning issue. First day i got mine, for 6 hrs data didn't work right so i called in and specifically asked them to re-provision the account.
Ask for Vision technical support when you call C.S next time.
ive called them 3 times for 30 minutes each time with no luck. ive reset the device 2 times. i actually got an advance software tech and we did everything with no response. i know Diamonds are having an issue like this also
I am having the same problem as you I think, normally an always EVDO network however now it seems almost always will only be working on 1x with EVDO failing. I am curious if you have the same power issues as me too, try using activesync (if you have an exchange server) or something to keep the data connection open for say an hour. See if your device gets really hot and have super fast battery drain.
I am not sure why this happens but if you also have rapid battery drain then I would say there is definately something wrong with our devices causing them to only really work most of the time on 1x (sometimes I can connect on EVDO but generally the connection breaks or fails shortly after becoming active).
My thread is at: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=2849500
raydog100 said:
I just got my Sprint HTC Touch Pro yesterday and to my surprise I can only navigate in 1x and not EVDO but since Im usually always in a EVDO area I can barely surf the net. I called Sprint Techs on 3 ocasions and they couldnt figure it out. Can anyone help me out?
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In General, when unable to surf EVDO all you need to do is a PRL update - soft reset - then your problem should be solved.
aerra said:
I am having the same problem as you I think, normally an always EVDO network however now it seems almost always will only be working on 1x with EVDO failing. I am curious if you have the same power issues as me too, try using activesync (if you have an exchange server) or something to keep the data connection open for say an hour. See if your device gets really hot and have super fast battery drain.
I am not sure why this happens but if you also have rapid battery drain then I would say there is definately something wrong with our devices causing them to only really work most of the time on 1x (sometimes I can connect on EVDO but generally the connection breaks or fails shortly after becoming active).
My thread is at: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=2849500
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Well after a night and a day here's the answer to my problem. It seems there's a programming issue with both diamond and touch pro in the Puerto Rico Sprint Network. This causes these issues: Even when it says EVDO our phones are not connected to the network fully, so you can't surf and even phone calls don't come thrue the majority of the times. Since the phone internally keeps trying to connect to the network it causes the battery to drain at a rapid pace and therefore making it very hot. They are working on this issue and was told a patch should be comming out a.s.a.p. I was offered a full refund but I decided to keep my TP and just swap esn's and keep using my mogul 6800 until this is resolved. If you are in the PR Sprint Network be advised your Diamonds and Touch Pro's will not funcion correctly unless your in a 1X all the time or in roaming.. Hope this gets fixed sooon.
raydog100 said:
Well after a night and a day here's the answer to my problem. It seems there's a programming issue with both diamond and touch pro in the Puerto Rico Sprint Network. This causes these issues: Even when it says EVDO our phones are not connected to the network fully, so you can't surf and even phone calls don't come thrue the majority of the times. Since the phone internally keeps trying to connect to the network it causes the battery to drain at a rapid pace and therefore making it very hot. They are working on this issue and was told a patch should be comming out a.s.a.p. I was offered a full refund but I decided to keep my TP and just swap esn's and keep using my mogul 6800 until this is resolved. If you are in the PR Sprint Network be advised your Diamonds and Touch Pro's will not funcion correctly unless your in a 1X all the time or in roaming.. Hope this gets fixed sooon.
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I agree the rapid trying to connect to EVDO is the cause, however as I am not in Puerto Rico ( rather a standard sprint area which has fine EVDO coverage) .
I am having the same issues. Only works 1x, it tries EvDO for a bit and it switches to 1x then it connects, very slow and dissapointing.
Makes me want to switch to Verizon, I never had problems with their EvDO network. As a matter of fact, my CarPC has a Verizon card 100% working all the time. And faster too.... Too sad for Sprint. I wouldn't have paid $300 for this Touch Pro if I knew I was going to have problems... I had a regular Touch and it always worked EvDO in the 900k once in a blue moon I would hit 1mb.
I have a regular HTC Touch and I fixed the problem by upgrading the radio. I am thinking Sprint needs to update their end to reflect the radio version the phone has, maybe that fixes it?

How can the battery be this bad?

I cannot go a full day without charging this thing twice. Even if i dont turn on wifi, gps, or BT.
Lastnight i had my phone charged to 100% by 12am when i went to sleep. By 7am when i woke up my phone was at 30% battery. The phone was unplugged and in standby the whole time. I didnt not get any incomming calls or sms. I only had the phone radio on, and no others except that i have it set to check for web email every 2 hours. I get great service in my house so i dont get it.
This is my 3rd battery and my second touch pro, and they were all this bad. How can this be? the f***ing thing uses 10% of its battery per hour in standby?
This is a problem
It could be a program running in the background that drains it. If you really want to know for sure, just master reset your phone and see if it drains.
YL Groper said:
I cannot go a full day without charging this thing twice. Even if i dont turn on wifi, gps, or BT.
Lastnight i had my phone charged to 100% by 12am when i went to sleep. By 7am when i woke up my phone was at 30% battery. The phone was unplugged and in standby the whole time. I didnt not get any incomming calls or sms. I only had the phone radio on, and no others except that i have it set to check for web email every 2 hours. I get great service in my house so i dont get it.
This is my 3rd battery and my second touch pro, and they were all this bad. How can this be? the f***ing thing uses 10% of its battery per hour in standby?
This is a problem
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hello, have you recently flashed your phone? have you tried a different radios, radios make a huge difference. is your data connection staying on all the time?
let the phone drain down completely and turn off before you plug it in. My Fuze was draining very fast when I got it. So I let it run down until it powered off.
I went 3 more days with my phone running on 4% battery. I think it was 96 hours or something. I took it off the charger at 8pm Wednesday and it died Friday around 9pm.
Since it has been pretty good. I noticed that when i am at work, with no signal... it'll eat my battery. My Samsung Blackjack and Epix didn't do this.
I'm using the stock radio btw
my stock battery was actually pretty good. it would easily go 24 hours with some texting, a call and internet browsing. i usually always have 3g off until i really need it. now i have the seidio 1500 mah battery and its even better.
new rom
new radio
extended battery
limiting 3g usage
Thanks for all the replys...
Im alittle confused by what you are saying about "new radios". How can you try new radios? Not a physical radio, right? is it a different driver for your wifi or something? kind of lost.
Also, when I first got the phone i stretched and set the memory in the battery. I charged completely without turning it on at first>then used the phone until it died completely (it wouldnt even turn on anymore)>then complete charge>complete death>complete charge>complete death.....So i did that three times. I think the battery is good.
How exactly do i turn off 3g? would that be the "data connection" in comm manager? I installed this comm edit that shows 10 icons in comm manager; there is a 3g switch but it always shows as off and when i click it it does nothing. Now the data connection seems to shut on an off at different times. Im assuming that is due to the 2 hour send and recieve or any mms that i get. How do i turn 3g on only when i want it? I do have an "EV" (Evdo) icon in my system bar even when the data is off.
What data goes through 3g? mms? browser (of course), send and recieve, Weather?
If I have my weather set to auto update, does it only do it when i go to my wheater tab? it seems that way. What about the web mail send and recieve, once its done does it shut the data back off?
Thanks for all the help, i hope im providing enough info.
I’m sorry for coming off as such a noob, it’s embarrassing; Mostly because im a friggen MCP who works in desktop support and has configured countless WM devices for exchange access.
I think my issue is that this is my first personal windows mobile device.
Thanks for humoring my noobisms.
YL Groper said:
Im alittle confused by what you are saying about "new radios". How can you try new radios? Not a physical radio, right? is it a different driver for your wifi or something? kind of lost.
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A ROM package you flash onto your phone sometimes doesnt always only consist of an OS update (eg.: ROM) but sometimes comes with a "bios" update too, an update for the Radio-ROM (eg.: radio) which handles your phones connectivity deep down inside it.
How exactly do i turn off 3g? would that be the "data connection" in comm manager?
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3G means UMTS which is the fastest standard cellular network based data connection widely available today. Its the third generation of cellular data connectivity evolutions, hence 3G. The "data connection" button in your comm manager establishes or disconnects a data connection the device has, independent of what technology it uses, eg. 2G or 3G.
I installed this comm edit that shows 10 icons in comm manager; there is a 3g switch but it always shows as off and when i click it it does nothing.
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You can edit the standard 6 button manager to show a 3G icon, several of the so called tweaking tools can do that.
Why it doesnt work on your specificly edited manager, I dont and cant know.
Now the data connection seems to shut on an off at different times. Im assuming that is due to the 2 hour send and recieve or any mms that i get. How do i turn 3g on only when i want it? I do have an "EV" (Evdo) icon in my system bar even when the data is off.
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A "big" EV icon next to the signal bar means thats the technology available in your area right now and which your phone is using. So an EV plus two bars means mediocre EVDO connectivity possible. If you have a small EV above the signal bar, this means a data connection is open and active using EVDO. There is also G for GPRS, E for EDGE, 3G for UMTS, H for HSDPA and obviously EV for EVDO.
What data goes through 3g? mms? browser (of course), send and recieve, Weather?
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Think of it that way: what data goes through my network cable at work? Well, all data trying to reach the intranet, extranet or internet. So similarily all data at that moment goes over your currently open connection whatever program is its origin.
once its done does it shut the data back off?
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After a horrendeously amount of time Windows Mobile caps the connection, I think. But you can for example use the Schaps Advanced Config Tools to set a much lower timer, mine for example is set to 3 minutes so an idle connection gets stopped after 3 minutes.
Back on topic:
I got my Raphael two days ago, I switched from an XPERIA X1 because the build quality got annoying. I'm quite shocked, the Touch Pro performs much worse than the X1 does or did. I'm aware of the battery size discrepancy, this is more some kind of a general statement as in "fuch the TP battery really DOES suck that much"...
I've noticed that turning the bluetooth off gives me a huge boost in battery life.
try new things
my battery was really bad ,until yesterday when i installed an app i shouldnt have made my touch pro go nuts so i had no more options but to do a hard reset,ive noticed a huge differance,i also do my email manually now and i unchecked allow incomming beams ive read that doing makes a diff i charged my phone last night at 10pm took it of charge it was 100% at time i hsvent charge it since its 9am now n ive been on web for 3 hrs now n still have 40% lol cant belive it this is on stock rom
Where can you buy 1500 mAh.. I couldn't find one on ebay either?
How bad does the 2500 +mAh looks like? Does anyone have a photo to show the working HTC Touch pro?
http://www.expansys.com.au/p.aspx?i=171884 battery bank, external battery
http://www.expansys.com.au/p.aspx?i=172018 1800MAh battery
http://www.expansys.com.au/p.aspx?i=169457 1340MAh battery (the one which comes with the device)

4G LTE Data Connection "Stall"

So I have a perfectly good 4G LTE signal going, data speeds are great and all, but every once in a while it will just stop receiving data. The 4G LTE icon is still there, occasionally I see the upstream arrow flash, but the downstream arrow remains blank. A difference that I see from other people's connectivity issues is that I never once see it switch to 3G/1X when this happens.
One thing to note is that this behavior is not readily apparent until you're doing something real-time network dependent, like streaming audio/video for a considerable duration of time until it cuts you off suddenly.
Between 10 seconds to several minutes after data stops transmitting, it starts working again. Sometimes I get impatient and just toggle between CDMA only/LTE automatic to get 4G LTE working again without having to wait.
Is this a common issue among Charge owners? I noticed the reviewer at Anandtech had a near identical experience (though not always fixable without a reboot for him):
"My only complaint is that every once in a while, the LTE data session sometimes stalls briefly – sometimes for a a few seconds, other times for a few minutes. When that happens, you’ll see the uplink green arrow blink, but no orange downlink arrow. Rebooting the device fixes things."
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After conversing a bit with him (he also reviewed the Thunderbolt/Revolution), this apparently only happens with the Charge, but he also has faith that Samsung would fix this through software (RIL) or hardware (firmware). Given Samsung's track record with smartphone updates, I'm not so sure they will.
PeterDLai said:
Given Samsung's track record with smartphone updates, I'm not so sure they will.
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Considering a month after the phone's launch we already have a Gingerbread leak I think this device will most definitely see support from Samsung. It is a DROID branded phone after all, and Verizon is statistically the best carrier for updates, they do take special care of the "DROID" phones over every other Android handset.
4G is flakey, on both devices that offer it. I have both the Thunderbolt and Charge with me most of the time, and I see all kinds of flakiness on both. It's the network.
It is definitely the network. I had a Thunderbolt before the Charge and it was FAR worse with network connectivity falling off the face of the planet despite having full 3g/4g.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk
I have had the same problem. I usually wait and it comes back in about 30-45 seconds, but it is annoying. It was really bad for a couple of days but has been better the past couple.
I personally haven't had to much issue with 4g dropping out. However people need to keep in mind that LTE is new for both the mfgs & carrier. So it is going to take time to get all these bugs worked out. That said I have to give props to VZW and the mfgs tho because back when they were building out 3G originally you want to talk about issues my lord was it bad.
I have had this issue, with the 3G and the 4G, but I can't say that it's a deal breaker for me, compared to the lousy HSPA+ signal my Vibrant had. It's only ever happened to me at my house, which is right on the edge of LTE coverage, so it switches back and forth a lot. But I have to give the network the benefit of the doubt for right now, it's a brand new network and a brand new device. And the 97% of the time that things work properly, it's so far above and beyond the T-Mobile network I have no regrets about switching.
I called Verizon with the same issue last Friday. Their resolution after a couple of questions was to overnight me a new (certified like-new) Charge and SIM card - the replacement was received on Monday. I haven't had any issues since, but I also stopped seeing the issue after I made the complaint.
Regardless, replacement has been better and locks a GPS signal much quicker. Maybe it's the SIM card?
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA App
I tested if I have this behavior using LTE only mode (dial **583 in Phone app) and indeed I do, so this furthers my belief that my issue is not due to something wrong in the hand-off between 4G/3G.
I found out the way to actually change the data modes and tested using EV-DO Rev. A instead of eHRPD (in conjunction with LTE) and also using just CDMA 1X (in conjunction with LTE, essentially disabling 3G), but my issue of dropping data exists. The 4G LTE icon is displayed the entire time when it happens, I just seem to lose connectivity (and all three of the tests in the Phone Info area fail) temporarily. For what it's worth, I'm not moving the phone around at all when this happens.
I think I would actually be more content if when the data connection stalled, my 4G LTE icon just disappeared or if it switched to 3G because then it would make more sense to me (that I may have lost connection to the 4G service and it's attempting to reconnect to either 3G or 4G), but as it stands, all I get is a constant 4G icon with intermittent dropouts. The switch to 3G/1X seems to be the more common issue among 4G smartphone owners, but my (and the reviewer at Anandtech's) issue seems to deal completely within the 4G network, and I've tried every leaked radio to no avail.
The regularity of the dropouts seems kind of random as well; I'm not sure how I can figure out the source of the issue. Does anyone know if there are some logs that I can look into to see if something is happening to my phone at the very instant that I'm having these stalls?
Of course, I'm not discounting the fact that it might completely be on the side of Verizon's network and/or my area in San Diego and has nothing to do with my phone, and I may in a minority of users that actually continuously uses the 4G enough to notice these dropouts, which on average happen once every half hour to hour or so. Sometimes I'm able to stream something for several hours without the stalls, and other times it'll happen frequently within a short time span.
I just got off the phone with tech support for the intermittent data drop problem. After confirming that I was on EE4, and that I had tried doing a factory reset, he is fedexing me a new sim card.
Really hope it works, I love the phone but losing data for 1-2 minutes at a time randomly is pretty lame. Especially since I switched to Verizon for their reputation as the better network.
Racer447 said:
I just got off the phone with tech support for the intermittent data drop problem. After confirming that I was on EE4, and that I had tried doing a factory reset, he is fedexing me a new sim card.
Really hope it works, I love the phone but losing data for 1-2 minutes at a time randomly is pretty lame. Especially since I switched to Verizon for their reputation as the better network.
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Is your problem the same as mine (data drops all while 4G icon is displayed) or is yours the more common 4G to 3G/1X transition or losing the 4G network icon data drop?
PeterDLai said:
Is your problem the same as mine (data drops all while 4G icon is displayed) or is yours the more common 4G to 3G/1X transition or losing the 4G network icon data drop?
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The data will stop. Then the 4g or 3g icon will disappear entirely for a minute. Then it will reconnect at either 4g,3g or 1x, I don't really see a clear pattern, it seems totally random to me.
Is there anyone who's reading this that regularly uses their 4G continuously (i.e. hours) for streaming web content (e.g. radio streams, live video streams, etc.)? If so, do you experience any occasional dropouts or is the 4G connection for you rock solid?
Racer447 said:
The data will stop. Then the 4g or 3g icon will disappear entirely for a minute. Then it will reconnect at either 4g,3g or 1x, I don't really see a clear pattern, it seems totally random to me.
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hey, I have exactly the same problem!
same here,lose 4g icon when i use either the mobile hotspot or the tethering option.longest i have been connected was about 15 minutes.
fender22 said:
same here,lose 4g icon when i use either the mobile hotspot or the tethering option.longest i have been connected was about 15 minutes.
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Tested on mine and same result.
Edit: Rebooted and it works fine been on it 20+ now, I'll be testing some more
A couple of days ago my SIM card crapped out.
Now that i have a new one my 4G signal has been more consistent and stronger than ever. I live in a fringe area and before the new SIM it would constantly switch between 4 and 3G. Now i go for hours on 4G and it even stays on 4G in places that it would always switch and stay on 3G.
Get a new SIM before getting a new phone.
Sent from my Samsung Droid Charge: Stock EE4
After reading this thread I'm considering switching to either the Thunderbolt or the Revolution, or something else when it comes out...
Anyway, I have experienced this same thing.
The only difference in my situation is that I'm trying to use my LTE internet as a dedicated connection. The setup I'm trying to do is plug my phone into my router and have the router distribute the verizon LTE internet through my apartment. My router currently has the latest version of tomato installed and I compiled my own RNDIS module (modified to work with the charge). Everything works for the first few minutes (15-20), then I notice the 4G icon "stall", then disappear, then reconnect. After the first disconnect and reconnect, the internet connection is very unstable and will disconnect every couple of minutes until I disable and re-enable the internet again... very frustrating.
In the interim, I've been using EasyTether and this works very well. I have streamed hours of 720P video and it works flawless; not one skip or reconnect.
This leads me to believe that it is either one of the following:
The kernel - I'm currently using the PBJT kernel found in the latest version of humble. I'm not sure if the stock rom will provide better stability.
The radio - I currently have the EE4 radio installed, but am very curious to know the stability of the GB radio updates (EP1f, etc.).
Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Weird issues with my phone after Android 8.0 update

So, to start... My phone is 100% stock, no aftermarket anything or custom anything. After the most recent update to the OS a week or so ago, I'm noticing weird stuff, see below. Anyone have any suggestions? No changes were made to the phone, no weird apps installed, etc.
- Battery drains significantly faster. At 85% it's saying I have 12 hours of battery life.
- Wifi drops outside, despite being only 15 feet from my router. This never happened before.
- Phone will not consistently connect to my Sprint Airave (mini cell tower, Google it). Generally will have one bar of LTE rather than full bars of 3G while on wifi.
Backup everything and reset the phone. Start from scratch. Latest CRC builds are better than 1st CRAP build.
Feedback later.
Good luck
Haven't done the reset yet, but I think the issue with the Sprint repeater is that the Sprint device only runs on 3G, which is fine since at home I'm on wifi. The phone seems to want to connect to the one bar of LTE that I have rather than that. Is there a way to force it to only look for 3G connections instead of LTE? Under the Connections > Mobile Networks section of the settings menu, I don't see it. I recall seeing it there before on this device and other devices.

Poor signal strength

Just received my Xperia 5 II. I'm enjoying it so far but unfortunately one of the most basic requirements is letting it down, 4G signal strength. I'm on Vodafone and using the SIM in my Mate20 Pro I can gain full bars. However using the same SIM in this phone I barely get one bar with the status showing around 105 - 115 dBm. Out of curiousity I switched to GSM using the test menu and it dropped to 85 dBm. Anyone experiencing similar?
Bugsy46 said:
Just received my Xperia 5 II. I'm enjoying it so far but unfortunately one of the most basic requirements is letting it down, 4G signal strength. I'm on Vodafone and using the SIM in my Mate20 Pro I can gain full bars. However using the same SIM in this phone I barely get one bar with the status showing around 105 - 115 dBm. Out of curiousity I switched to GSM using the test menu and it dropped to 85 dBm. Anyone experiencing similar?
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Hi!! I have the terminal for about 1 week. I have the same problem. I have Vodafone Spain. I think it is a software problem because I have compared with a Realme x2Pro and the indicator is very good, the values ​​are similar in Xperia. So I think it is an OS problem. Without any coverage bars, the phone makes calls without problems. They are not cut or similar.
That's good to hear thanks! Hopefully Sony can be made aware of this and provide a software update! As I type this it's sat between 0 and 1 bar
Do you have Vodafone ROM? Flashing an original Sony ROM may fix the problem. Can be?
It's pretty much out of the box and updated to the latest software. Interestingly my H+ speed is twice as fast as my 4G speed!
I've just logged in to create a thread about this problem, and I see that I'm not the only one experiencing it. It's really frustrating, my previous device (essential) in the same spot with the same sim card, can achieve 3(!) times faster download speed
Sent from my XQ-AS52 using Tapatalk
Same problem here with wifi and 3g (h).
Waiting fix for this issue..
I want to think that it is a software problem. Seeing that there are many people with the same problem, I do not think that all the devices are bad.
Unless the issue is due to hardware by design. They might've opted for a cheaper antenna system that doesn't get enough signal. In that case we're screwed.
I read quite a few posts regarding the X1ii having the same issue, that doesn't give me much hope! Thankfully I'm in the 14 day return period so I will keep an eye on this thread and also the signal when I'm in the car etc.
I am experiencing the exact same issues on 4G LTE here in canada. And I don't understand what's going on because apart from my home going outside and using data exclusively I'm getting full speeds 4G plus no problem. However certain times of the day primarily during the evening I do have hiccups where I have dropped connection and it takes a while for the phone to just do its thing and then get to have the internet back. With regard to the low signal yeah I'm getting full service my phone calls are working properly text messages are sending but I'm only getting one to two or even zero bars on 4G LTE.
This is all on my brand new Sony Xperia 5 mark ii. I'm hoping the update to Android 11 or a couple of security patches down the line or lifespan of this device will fix this issue. But I'm going to try not to concern myself with it as of yet because again the one place I thought I wouldn't be able to get anything which is my use of the phone outside in public I was able to get full if not better service than anything I did at home. And at home it's not that bad either it's just one point in time the signal will cut off and drop.
thepersona said:
I am experiencing the exact same issues on 4G LTE here in canada. And I don't understand what's going on because apart from my home going outside and using data exclusively I'm getting full speeds 4G plus no problem. However certain times of the day primarily during the evening I do have hiccups where I have dropped connection and it takes a while for the phone to just do its thing and then get to have the internet back. With regard to the low signal yeah I'm getting full service my phone calls are working properly text messages are sending but I'm only getting one to two or even zero bars on 4G LTE.
This is all on my brand new Sony Xperia 5 mark ii. I'm hoping the update to Android 11 or a couple of security patches down the line or lifespan of this device will fix this issue. But I'm going to try not to concern myself with it as of yet because again the one place I thought I wouldn't be able to get anything which is my use of the phone outside in public I was able to get full if not better service than anything I did at home. And at home it's not that bad either it's just one point in time the signal will cut off and drop.
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You have said it. He receives calls correctly and works perfectly. So I think it is a software bug. It does not mark the coverage well. The values ​​are similar on other devices. At least in my case.
The speeds I tested personally have huge differences, so at least for me, there is a significant difference
Sent from my XQ-AS52 using Tapatalk
Befree197 said:
You have said it. He receives calls correctly and works perfectly. So I think it is a software bug. It does not mark the coverage well. The values ​​are similar on other devices. At least in my case.
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I am really hoping that it's a software bug and nothing more. Hopefully it will get addressed. it was interesting going into my local Telus having neither of the representatives in store know what VOLTE was. I was baffled I figured people that work there would have an idea of the services involved or bundled with what they're offering LOL but I think I'm better off dealing with tech support hahaha
I was browsing the XP 5 M2 forums here with the intend to import this phone to India as it seemed an excellent buy. Now after seeing the poor signal issue, I have my concerns. However, you can try doing the following and report back
1. Check "mobile network standby" usage under the battery settings. If the signal actually is too low, this value should be in high percentages -maybe above 10% of the overall battery consumption.
2. Download and install GSAM/BBS battery monitor app and check the standby drain per hour on 4G/LTE, keeping the phone idle overnight or not use it for an hour during day time. Ideally it should be less than 1-1.5%/hr during the day on idle and overnight should be less than 1.0%/hr on LTE. If this is the case, its only the signal bars and a software issue. Avoid measuring on WIFI as the drain is usually much less on wifi anyways.
3. Download and install 'Network Cell Info" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wilysis.cellinfolite) and check the actual strength with different phones at the same spot and same time. Cellphones do switch towers frequently even at the same spot. This app will give detailed info on the signal strength and towers (if your telco provides). It will also show where the towers are located approximately and you can compare phones on how they stack up in a similar setting.
4. Force 4g/LTE mode only under network preferences (if available). Check the dBm and ASU levels in this mode and see if it's any different from 5G/4G mode.
If the standby drain is low and the phone lasts a day or more on normal usage, then no need of worry, its the signal bars that are showing wrong. I'd like to hear back from you all as my purchase decision will be based on your feedback on standby drain.
Ah, finally the same issues as I am experiencing. I also have only one or sometimes zero bars. The people I call also tell me connection is bad. Sounds drop, we can't talk simultaneously and so on. Sometimes I can't even internet with wifi. I also hear people on the phone that sounds drop.
I don't feel comfortable about all the suggestions to enable or disable stuff in the default settings, set preferred network to only 4g or disables 5g;
1- I tried this but doesn't make a difference
2- This should work out of the box. I have several phones (samsung, Iphone, Oneplus) and none of these have these problems.
Sometimes I do have full bars, and the internet is very good. I noticed this yesterday. And once on the other side told me the quality was allright, but almost all the time the strength is zero to one bar and quality is really bad.
I also tried a new simcard, no difference. Vodafone also sent it to repaird and I got a complete boardswap, but no difference.
linom said:
I was browsing the XP 5 M2 forums here with the intend to import this phone to India as it seemed an excellent buy. Now after seeing the poor signal issue, I have my concerns. However, you can try doing the following and report back
1. Check "mobile network standby" usage under the battery settings. If the signal actually is too low, this value should be in high percentages -maybe above 10% of the overall battery consumption.
2. Download and install GSAM/BBS battery monitor app and check the standby drain per hour on 4G/LTE, keeping the phone idle overnight or not use it for an hour during day time. Ideally it should be less than 1-1.5%/hr during the day on idle and overnight should be less than 1.0%/hr on LTE. If this is the case, its only the signal bars and a software issue. Avoid measuring on WIFI as the drain is usually much less on wifi anyways.
3. Download and install 'Network Cell Info" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wilysis.cellinfolite) and check the actual strength with different phones at the same spot and same time. Cellphones do switch towers frequently even at the same spot. This app will give detailed info on the signal strength and towers (if your telco provides). It will also show where the towers are located approximately and you can compare phones on how they stack up in a similar setting.
4. Force 4g/LTE mode only under network preferences (if available). Check the dBm and ASU levels in this mode and see if it's any different from 5G/4G mode.
If the standby drain is low and the phone lasts a day or more on normal usage, then no need of worry, its the signal bars that are showing wrong. I'd like to hear back from you all as my purchase decision will be based on your feedback on standby drain.
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Here are some stats
It's really disappointing for a phone that costs around 900 euros to suck at the most important task that it has to do. Yesterday I was sitting with a friend of mine that has an OnePlus 6T. He had full bars and I was between 1 and 2 bars. I haven't seen full bars ANYWHERE. I don't know what is wrong, I hope it's a software bug or something, but I'm not optimistic about that
Sent from my XQ-AS52 using Tapatalk
to compare signal quality you have to download netmonster, bars are not good to make a comparison, however compared to my old mate 20 pro the signal quality is good despite sometimes i have 1 bar if you open netmonster you can see good value, no complain at all , btw i live in Rome.
But I experience also bad quality. WiFi and cellular. My Samsung, iPhone and OnePlus didn't have problems with my WiFi also it's was weak upstairs, but my Sony has sometimes no WiFi at all.
And when calling, not over WiFi, sounds is bad, is dropping a lot.
Looks like Sony can't handle a weak signal as good as other phones?

