MSN / E-mail sound notification - Touch Pro, Fuze General

just new on Touch Pro - downloaded some sounds and got them on new txt message / e-mail.
Do get notification on screen ( home screen) but no sound / flashing screen / vib. tried standard sounds but they don't work either.
Anybody has had this before? and knows how to solve it?


XDA2 S Problem

I own a month old O2 XDA2 S with the latest ROM and Windows Mobile 2003SE
All is well apart from a couple of things.
If I assign a sound (either .wav or something else) to an event (in this case text message and email notification) it plays ok for a couple of days, then it only plays part of the .wav file. E.G. if the .wav file is 5 seconds long it only plays 2-3 seconds of it.
I have also got the led to flash red when a text message/email message arrives. Sometimes I will get the audio notification that a message has arrived, but the LED wont change from green to red and flash.
I have tried soft re-set to no avail.
I have also removed the connections app in the windows start up folder to get rid of the dreaded o2 icon on the task bar.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance

Atom O2 Plus Bug ? Need confirmation from other users.

I have noticed this bug on my Atom with O2 Plus and need confirmation from other users before I try to feedback to their support.
I have found that my Atom intermittently does not sound Notifications and Alarms. Couldn't figure why for awhile then I discovered this workaround :
Using O2 Plus, switch profile to Silent. You will notice speaker icon on the top bar shows muted.
Switch profile back to Normal. The icon at the top bar now shows the speaker as ON (but actually notifications and remoinders will now fail i.e. not sounding)
Go to Settings / Sounds & Notifications / Notifications
On the Event drop down, select reminders
You will see your notification alarm sound with a "test play" button.
Hit the test play button a couple of times, then wait a few seconds.
You will mysteriously see the speaker status in the top bar change to MUTE !!! Click on it, turn speaker back on, close all the windows. Your notifications will now sound correctly at the appointed alarms and calendar times.
It seems the O2 Plus profile when switching back from silent to normal does not do a full job in turning on the notification sounds, just system sound or something like that.
If you carry out this procedure everytime you switch your profile you will no longer have missing / silent notifications !
Can other users confirm this bug / phenomenon ?
Anyone able to write a simple proggy or script to do the above procedure automatically ?
Haven't noticed it before, and I haven't missed any notifications, but you're right.
yeah i noticed this!!!THANKS FOR THE FIX!
just to add.besides notifications, you also lose screen taps when switching from different profiles.this apparently is not fixed by your solution.


I am using an O2 atom. I suddenly realized I lost all SMS notifications.
The settings is normal in the Sound and NOtifications in Control Panel.
I lost the vibration, the alert tone, but I keep the flashing LED
got dat trash bug also. try upgrading to newer roms.
anybody has any solution for this?

No sms notifications!

Hey Peeps,
My windows mobile has a little bug. I don't get any notification anymore for receiving a sms. Only the count works and gives me the icon that 1 sms is received. My phone doesn't vibrate or make any sound when receiving a sms.
Can someone please help me.
I searched for it in HKEY_CURRENT_USER . didn't find anything?
does someone know what the problem is ?
i asume you looked how the recieve sms
settings are in
sounds and notification ?
one would hope so
yep i tried to alter them but no result.
What has to be the input to get a notification like a sound or vibration?

[Q] how to change/manage notification & messages sounds

I have big problem with my new samsung galaxy s.
v 2.1 installed and handcent sms
in hancent sms I have customized my sms sound - simple mp3 file. It plays only when the new message comes from one person. When I receive sms from unknown number (out of contacts), phone plays the default notification sound.
Is it possible to set one default sound for all incoming text messages? How to correctly manage all the sounds (including the calendar reminder/notification) sound?
I've read that in case of calendar sounds problem it is a big issue.. is it ?
I have found how to set default ring/sound for sms (in handcent sms settings). I think the notification sound has self changed while I was trying to change sounds in android default sound settings menu.
The question about one sound/ring-tone management software stays. It is annoying that in stock phone software is no possibility to manage normal settings....

