E-Ten Phone Skins HOW TO??! - General Topics

Hi All,
I was looking at the FTP site and i came accross this
there are 3 very cool skins by E-Ten, i looked around the forum but can't get how can i install them on my phone?
Can anyone please help me out?
Thanks a lot for your help
Mustafa Rabie


E-Ten Phone Skins HOW TO??!

Hi All,
I was looking at the FTP site and i came accross this
there are 3 very cool skins by E-Ten, i looked around the forum but can't get how can i install them on my phone?
Can anyone please help me out?
Thanks a lot for your help
Mustafa Rabie
See http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=35326 for discussion about the skins.

What is the best I-Phone software for me?

Hello All,
I have been using the origianl I phone software (the first one availbale on this site) with i-contact and s2ul for yonks now, and I know there will have been updates on here, but I have been away and want to know what is the best i - phone type software for my PDA. I have had a look around and cant find it. I know it is there, can anyone post a link please.
I have a Hermes.
Thanks in advance of any help and advice given.

Can someone please help me with this TF3D Problem?

Hey guys, I apologize in advance if this has been asked somewhere else on this forum, but I've run out of options.
I'm looking for the original TF3D black theme for the Touch Pro INCLUDING the fix for the horizontal screen (when the keyboard slides out). I'm currently using the Vodafone UK theme and I'm getting mighty sick of it very fast.
I've already spent 2 days looking all over the Raphael forum and the Diamond forum as well but I can't find anyone who has the original theme that works completely on the Touch Pro without the horizontal screen problem.
If anyone could attach the file or point me to the link where I can find the theme I'd be soooo grateful.
Thanks guys.
Look for 1.2b posted here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=430174 BTW, you should post your request in "Raphael Software" to get the answer quick.
Thanks!!!!!!!! That's exactly what I was looking for!

[Q] [Newbie] Where can i find...

hey all, i'm newer to XDA, i used to be a frequent guest, but i stopped and just got back into the tech world ;D
Where can i find Slick UI? i was reading about it on LauncherPro forums and it said it was on XDA but i couldn't find it and i Googled it and searched here in these forums :O can anyone help me?
its supposedly a new 2.2 launcher application not yet on the market but I've heard good things about it.

[Q] Where to start?

Searched Google, searched XDA, and asked my far-a-way living brother but haven't received much help. I want to start making roms, preferably for the G1, how/where do i start! I would love links and suggestions and such. Thank y'all.

