Why hasnt Microsoft done anything about this site yet? - General Topics

i mean, everything on this site is pretty much microsoft, which should create some copyright issues.

they are just happy to find a place where winmo doesn't get bashed constantly

duude said:
i mean, everything on this site is pretty much microsoft, which should create some copyright issues.
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LOL, your first post and you have a pop at this site?
You dont work for MS do you

GREAT first post.
They tolerate it because we don't personally host anything and yes, we do make windows mobile better.

Also, this site actively opposes software theft, (warez and others like it,) which is the bulk of any copyright problems. It spreads goodwill towards Microsoft, believe it or not; if users have problems with standard Microsoft software, they don't have to just sit there and be unhappy, it can be tweaked. By doing so, people are happier with their Microsoft-driven equipment, and more likely to keep using it than changing to something else. There are countless people on this site who would tell you that without this site, they might not be using a Windows-driven phone.
It is also free tech-support for Microsoft, which saves them loads of money.

LOL duude...are u an attorney or do u own an iphone?

m$ knows better to keep this site alive. its their faults we are tweakin up and makin it better. beside...you never know...this draws a lot and i mean a lot of ppl towards m$. so i m pretty much sure the revenue keeps em' happy

yesod7 said:
There are countless people on this site who would tell you that without this site, they might not be using a Windows-driven phone
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One here!!!

microsoft never sold wm to any end user
and this site never taken part in porting wm to a device that dident came with it
more because of the close to impossibility of doing so
so as ms still get their licensense from the manufactors
and better rep with users who can get more out of their devices then just
depending on what the manfucators give before they forget about older devices
and move on to their new stuff
more wm phone owners keep getting new wm devices rather then moving to iphones or symbian devices so
it helps ms out alot in their quest of getting a larger % of the market

Plus, along with the free tech ehlp, the improving of current phones, we all know new htc phones will be tweaked cooked and stuff, so buy another phone. so XDA not only saves tehm money, but actually gains them money

It's because of this site that I'm looking at the Windows Mobile platform for my next phone rather than traditional Nokia, Sony Ericsson (other than x1), or even the iPhone..... actually come to think of it, without the exisitence of this site EVER, I would get an iPhone 3G right away.

you will see that in the coming future microsoft will be incorporating programs and devs that were created through this site to their platform. There was once a time when microsoft tried to shut it down when they realised that the site actually brings more people to microsoft and keeps them there.

LOL! I was going to post something else, but I'm pretty sure everybody has already said it, or thinks it! To much good comes from this site! Think about it, how many users of this site are now WM users for good and will always be sold on the next best WM platform because of this site.

yesod7 said:
Also, this site actively opposes software theft, (warez and others like it,) which is the bulk of any copyright problems. It spreads goodwill towards Microsoft, believe it or not; if users have problems with standard Microsoft software, they don't have to just sit there and be unhappy, it can be tweaked. By doing so, people are happier with their Microsoft-driven equipment, and more likely to keep using it than changing to something else. There are countless people on this site who would tell you that without this site, they might not be using a Windows-driven phone.
It is also free tech-support for Microsoft, which saves them loads of money.
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Yup, that's it.

TheChampJT said:
LOL! I was going to post something else, but I'm pretty sure everybody has already said it, or thinks it! To much good comes from this site! Think about it, how many users of this site are now WM users for good and will always be sold on the next best WM platform because of this site.
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Amen to that!

Why haven't they done anything?
because nobody there is smoking crack
Would you close down a site that gets people talking about your products ? that is full of people writing programs that enhances the usability of your products? that's a great place to see some ideas you might steal for later versions of your OS.
This is free R&D!

duude said:
i mean, everything on this site is pretty much microsoft, which should create some copyright issues.
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Alas, I saw this differently with others. I think the question is very out of topic since this is an All-HTC-Devices forum, not an M$ WM forum. It's only 'coincidence' that after these years, HTC always used WM as their OS.
If HTC decided in the future that they will build their own OS, or maybe use Android, then it may trigger M$ to reconsider its stance against this forum. Especially, when we -as always- try to improve our experience with the devices, do it by porting some parts (drivers/softwares) from WM to other OS, or vice versa. Then the issue may be valid.
Btw, I don't know but do you all think it's safe -legally and/or morally- to port other vendor/ODM's part (drivers/softwares/etc) into our HTC devices? I ask this because I saw many attempts already...

I don't know the exact number of people on this site, but I do know that there are a whole lot of people on this site. My point for that last sectence is "would you destroy a site that has FREE workers helping your company out to better there products and gain more money"
Yes, we might receive applications before they are release, but honestly where do you really think we receive those from uuuummmm?
So again, if I was a big company I would never touch this site because I will pass my software to this site let eveyone play with it and then I would know where all the bugs are at. So then I will fix it and then sale it.
There might be alot of poeple on this site but I think MS has a lot more customers that don't even know that this site is even alive.
There you go my 2 cents.

gsessons said:
I don't know the exact number of people on this site, but I do know that there are a whole lot of people on this site. My point for that last sectence is "would you destroy a site that has FREE workers helping your company out to better there products and gain more money"
Yes, we might receive applications before they are release, but honestly where do you really think we receive those from uuuummmm?
So again, if I was a big company I would never touch this site because I will pass my software to this site let eveyone play with it and then I would know where all the bugs are at. So then I will fix it and then sale it.
There might be alot of poeple on this site but I think MS has a lot more customers that don't even know that this site is even alive.
There you go my 2 cents.
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and if the truth be known, they (M$) are happy that the masses dont know., in truth, the people on this site contain more knowledge and expertise than all of m$ combined as far as HTC handsets are concerned and how to tweak and tune the software to ACTUALLY work. it could be perceived as (truth) the Big companies are just mass clearing houses of useless data they can sell for a profit. how many of us came here for the first time only looking for useable software programs? how many of us came here for the first time trying to find a solution to an OEM problem?
M$ has found a truly unique forum in the world of r&d., although probably more out of frustration than than anything else, the majority of talented people here could teach this stuff to most of the employees at m$ about these devices and how they work and why.
I would be very surprised if they didnt have a staff of several people working there monitoring and testing to roms and software packages developed or tweaked through this site. they would have to be unbelieveably arrogant to think this is a bad thing for business, and we all know who one of the richest men and companies in the world is dont we. he didnt just fall off the truck so to speak, he understands..............economics!

With all of that in mind can anyone understand why pocket development is not possible on Visual studio express editions (free).
Isn't that a shoot on the foot? I think so.
I think that a platform with a lot of developers is much more appeling, and then seel more. Only a opinion from someone that will never buy a iphone.


Boycott Microsoft!!

just dont buy their Vista! that should teach them something! never piss off thoses that supporting u!
netnerd said:
just dont buy their Vista! that should teach them something! never piss off thoses that supporting u!
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I never planned on it, what a rip off! XP will last another 3-5 years, then I am sure the next PC/MAC will have something better.
netnerd said:
just dont buy their Vista! that should teach them something! never piss off thoses that supporting u!
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OK....you got me....what does this have to do with upgrading your hermes.
maybe that you can not run upgrade software under vista
tco said:
OK....you got me....what does this have to do with upgrading your hermes.
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The pukes in Micro$oft's compliance and licensing department have demanded take down of all ROMs- source of the only stable, up-to-date WM versions of their piece-o-crap OS.
Palm did this to Shadowmite about a year ago after Cingular and Verizon started to complain to Palm. Basically MS is admiting that Gates is the carriers' *****- its a shame that sanctimonious prick elected to breed: conquers the computer world then surrenders it to Ma Bell, her children and their content providers.
Guess it's time to spread some pirated Office 2003 love....
I betcha what bothered them was the progress being made by the XDA Linux project- after seeing what Access released earlier this week M$ ought to be running scared.
I'm running SuSE Linux and have no problem upgrading my roms on my HTC TyTN.
and by the way.... all the little pretty pictures and how VISTA does multi windows with content.. Linux does too! XGL!!!!
This got me thinking.... can we load Linux on our phones?
This is annoying that M$ has to do this. They just cant leave anything alone.
Oh if Linux can do a ROM load then surely OSX can too then.
Yeah spread the good word on the process. In another topic of course(dont wanna de-rail)
This thread needs more LOLZOR1111!!!!
Seriously, wtf?
Don't buy Vista to show them what exactly?
Yeah, let's use a 5 year old OS with easily exploited security issues to teach them what?
The term cutting off your nose to spite your face comes to mind.
Also, they are protecting their legal intellectual property, and they are in the wrong?
What we do here has always been of dubious legal standing. We carry on as long as we are allowed, but we stop when we are told to stop, and that way nobody gets into trouble.
Get a grip on reality people.
Exactly well said. The trouble is instead of a nice comprehensive source of good ROMs made by people who know what they're doing. There'll be a proliferation of hacked-up images with random hacked version numbers scattered across the internet.
Will this result in fewer bricked phones and support calls?
AlanJC said:
Get a grip on reality people.
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I couldn't agree more.
Apparently a lot of people have problems with "reality" nowadays.
Yes, it sucks that the ROMs have to be pulled from the ftp servers.
Yes, Microsoft could do better and show a firmer stand regarding the carriers.
Yes, this online community is very valuable to Microsoft AND the carriers, if they realize it or not.
BUT: there are laws and if Microsoft demands the removal of the ROMs, it is their right to do so, like it or not. They could have used a more "aggressive" approach with their law department but they chose to use a more "soft" approach and this is a very wise decision.
However, Microsoft must realize that such unpopular decisions won't be forgotten and such actions will definetely not make their already bad reputation much better.
Calling for a boycott doesn't help much, I'm pretty sure myself that the carriers are behind the ROM removal, not necessarily Microsoft.
Maybe we should write a letter to the carriers, asking them if they're behind the pressure on Microsoft to have the ROMs removed. If the carriers are blamed instead and their decisions are out in the open, maybe they re-consider because trust me, I would NOT want to be a customer of a carrier who asked Microsoft to remove the ROMs. Definetely not.
personaly i'm not planning on getting vista untill maybe sp4
xp with 3th party software and no IE is safe enough
vista is mostly 3th party software functionality now as a std. ms thing
and fancy eye candy which linux and macos had for ages
but if ms see that vista is not selling as well as it should
and they connect the dots and form a picture that show that
their pull unoffical roms off sites
there is something wrong with their heads
Vista already not selling as well as it should - it started to show when it was released for volume (corporate) clients, and now its well clear that ordinary users dont rush to buy it despite all PR tsunami unleashed - maybe its "good, advanced, beautiful" and all the buzz, but even thick Joe User sees thats its somewhat lot of problems and complaints floating around.
The whole Vista thing was a reckless scheme - MS spent millions on development, but they lost the clear understanding of why exactly people will want it - on the latest stages it was more of make beleief.
Now they will have to transfer money from other branches, that is more profitable (namely being their Office branch, XBox being not profitable on their own). I think thats why they made it "WM6" (when it was clearly 5.2 originally and still 5.2 in matter of features and internal versioning) - for WM6 they can charge license fees from ODMs as for entirely new OS.
Forget about roms, we will find alternative way to store them, so this is just empty talk. There are free filehosting sites, and other p2p distributing variants, so what's the problem? Microsoft has the rights to ask for deleting the roms, everyone know that. We will continiue what we doing but with difrend way of distributing rom images, thats all. About vista is sucks, you have to confirm every action you do about hunderd times, it works slow even with effects shutted down, and on high end configuration PC, it randomly loose settings, cookies, passwords, favorites, software and other stuff, overall it is unreliable fo usage.
I love to hate MS as much as the rest of you, but everybody needs to step back and take a breath on this one. The reason MS is doing this has nothing to do with piracy, Vista, progress, Linux, taking over the world, Bill Gates, them being money-grubbing pigs, or your grandmother.
The reasoning is simple...under US intellectual property laws, if they are made aware that someone is distributing their intellectual property (like a ROM that contains MS software) and they make no attempt to stop it, they forfeit their rights to that intellectual property. I don't think I need to explain why giving up their rights would be a bad idea for them.
In my experience, companies try to ignore sites like this for as long as they possibly can, because nobody wants to attract the kind of bad press a takedown notice causes. Inevitably, however, things get too big...a site gets a mention in the news, or it becomes the defacto source for ROMs, or it gets frequent mentions in other forums like cingular.com, and the attorneys finally have to face the fact that they can't possibly claim in court that they weren't aware that their IP was being distributed.
All companies do things like this every day to a lot of great sites and forums, not because they are jerks, but because the US legal system requires them to.
In the meantime, we just have to move on and do what everyone else does--find somewhere else to keep the bits
The reasoning is simple...under US intellectual property laws, if they are made aware that someone is distributing their intellectual property (like a ROM that contains MS software) and they make no attempt to stop it, they forfeit their rights to that intellectual property. I don't think I need to explain why giving up their rights would be a bad idea for them.
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Actually that's completely untrue. I think you're thinking of trademarks which do behave in that way. That was the reason for the necessary recent legal cases by Linus over the Linux trademark. There's no such requirement for copyrights or patents.
Not being on the inside it's hard to know the reason for the action: Whether it's the OEM's complaining. I think their logic is that if they only provide updates with new hardware then you'll have no choice but to buy their new hardware. and that people making updates for their older devices are harming their sales figures. they really are that dumb.
The alternative is that MS are annoyed/worried about all the information leaking about WM6 before launch and they simply want to control the release situation.
ivorh said:
Actually that's completely untrue. I think you're thinking of trademarks which do behave in that way. That was the reason for the necessary recent legal cases by Linus over the Linux trademark. There's no such requirement for copyrights or patents.
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Not quite...the nature in which you forfeit rights is different between copyrights and trademarks, but due diligence is required for both. If a known copyright infringement is not pursued within the statute of limitations, implied license is granted, meaning the infringer can essentially distribute at will.
ivorh said:
Actually that's completely untrue. I think you're thinking of trademarks which do behave in that way. That was the reason for the necessary recent legal cases by Linus over the Linux trademark. There's no such requirement for copyrights or patents.
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Not quite...the nature in which you forfeit rights is different between copyrights and trademarks, but due diligence is required for both. If a known copyright infringement is not pursued within the statute of limitations, implied license is granted.
No offence guys but Microsoft or the Vendors wouldn't have given crap about the roms here if it wasn't for the idiots (yes you know who you are) pestering the vendors and Microsoft about support for yet to be released roms. Either bugging them with questions on why something doesn't work anymore, how to use something in the new rom (GPS....), or warrenty repair for f'ing up one's device. Not to mention how pissed they must be for the even bigger idiots who contact Vender A and tell them they installed Vendor A rom on Vender B device
Really what it comes down to is if it costs them money they are going to make a stink and handling service calls for hacked/unsupported roms costs them money. Not to mention how much it would piss off Vendor A to spend money enhancing their rom only to have news sites promoting the rom to other Vendor B devices and have people installing it on Vendor B's device.
That's really what this is all about so if there is anyone to blame in all this, don't blame Microsoft or the Vendors, blame those people because if it wasn't for them, the vendors and Microsoft would have given a sh*t and probably just let things be the way they should be.
Maybe an appropriate response would be to overwhelm MS and the Carriers support systems with complaints about slow, non functioning, unstable software and devices.
The Carriers who actually sell most of us our phones should be ashamed of offering such substandard products. The diference between an "XDA-Developers sourced ROM" and the stock ROM on my device at least is enormous. Yet it was achieved by unpaid amateurs, I mean no disrespect to ROM chefs with this statement.
With the Windows update features built in to WM6 maybe there is a mechanism for MS to offer timely updates/fixes direct to the user. These updates could have incorporated "XDA-Developers" inspired enhancements and bug fixes. Sadly I feel this will not now be the case.
Yes, I can understand the global motives of MS in protecting its intelectual property but I cannot perceive any benefit to MS by exerting its right/might in this case.

MS could invest in XDA Developers!

I guess if M$ is being so cheeky by enforcing tight string on XDA-Developers site, then I suggest they buy it out for not less than 10M$ and invest in is so that it brings them cash in return on their investment!
This site has been a refuge for many of the pda users for not less than 5 years! It has helped many and many have even mastered the PDA tweaking and rom cooking for only and ONLY one reason (i.e. developing) the PDA technology.
If M$ has not learnt anything from this site and perhaps will never learn, then it is their own problem and they are shortsighted!!
I personally believe that XDA-Developers has helped the industry a lot and no one can deny this fact whereas others have just kept waiting and perhaps were left behind…
Com'n guys, it say "XDA-Developers" and it is only meant to develop and enhance by making our lives much easier not as M$, make it more miserable!!
few if any sane company would invest on something as free and "opensource" as this place
nobody here get paid and everybody could leave never to return
from an economic perspective it would be way risky
Rudegar said:
few if any sane company would invest on something as free and "opensource" as this place
nobody here get paid and everybody could leave never to return
from an economic perspective it would be way risky
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I tend to disagree, you would get a few people turn and leave if this place was affiliated with MS, but at the same time SOOOOOOO many people would stay and even get more active if all our efforts were recognised by them. Im in no doubt that ALOT of people from the operators and HTC are silent members (or even active members) in this forum. Opensource is not always a bad thing but its not as if we are actually changing the WM core system, we are adding to it and tweaking the hardware we have.
The actual investment in our devices is another reason, some of us have paid a HELL of alot for these devices and arent willing to sit back and wait for the next ROM to appear a year after we bought them! Im YET to see a genuine ROM update from HTC, yet over the phone the guy did tell me about Xda-devs and the recommended ROM to use!
Bizarre decision
I can only imagine they are under pressure from the device manufacturers : You;re not going to buy a new device as quickly if you can get the latest OS to run on your existing machine.
Unless they have plans to retail windows mobile operating system, in which case the roms here would impinge on those sales.
Otherwise, it makes little sense : communities help make the market for these devices and often show technology leadership : from Win95 to XP, look how many community innovations made it into the OS : media players, codecs, compression tools, IM, etc etc. None these innovations are born in Microsoft labs. They're born in the community.
More specifically though, their actions will cause all those people who are smart enough to double and triple their effort to get open source operating systems for the hardware, leaving them out of the picture all together.
Linux and the entire open source community was born, grown and raised because of actions just such as this and I said as much in my petition comments.
Allow open source or buzz off!
MS has been acting weird lately which I reckon they would go out of business if they continue though.
What they've decided to do will certainly lower their market acquisition and customer loyalty, dono man!!
I mean think for a minute, what if they MS tomorrow tills you to buy a new PC everytime there's a new OS?! Get new hardware everytime they release new platform! Would that be kind of an insane strategy?
I paid about 1K$ for my universal and feel itsn't enough, which I should get better support and even have full right to any update and upgrade too, don't you think so?
What MS wants us to do, everyone who has a PDA to replace it with a new one so that they generate more money out of us! Tough man. I know a friend who's fighting big time for Vista Enterprise version and you know what? He's getting nowhere!!
It's left up to you gentlemen...
why would ms invest when they are already reaping the benefits of the tweaks and fixes from a source that has people doing it for free.
i renember windows 3.0 it sure come along way
but think about it are we comparing pda/smartphones too much with pc's ?
how many palm and nokia owners ever get new firmware ?
why should one expect to get newer os's for a pda/smartphone at all if the one it came with dident have any bugs ?
it's a full solution we buy not hardware and then get the software we pref
like on pc's
not that i object to the oppotinity of upgrading a dusty old device with new software though
ms wont be getting anymore of my money,
You buy a pc with windows what everinstalled ,nothing but crashes and hassle
if you do get a virus or have to reset you loose word etc,and if you didnt get a reinstalled disc your screwed
as for pda's,totally unsupported they just hope by the time updates come youll buy a new device and live with teething problems
hand on heart if it wasnt for this site my exec wud be 10% of what it is now in terms of vaule to me ,useablility
IMHO the out of the box devices are total dog sht,
they dont live up to the hype ,its only thru tweaks,added software and places like this that make the devices
that being the case i wont get a windows device next time around,its either symbian or treo for me and ive already order a new computer and its a Mac
microsoft thanks for nothing.places like this site make there devices crediable and what they are,in return some openess or investment are due from microsoft
my bottom line is they bring out new op systems,but wont let us upgrade free or cheaply,but if the softwares .op sys,worked as they claim we wouldnt want to upgrade
sell me a half baked set up ,then relase somehting improved but make me pay all over again,nah for me enough is enough
micorsoft have the vast market place,but this has turned then arrogant and feel that they can do as they wish ,but to many people we have had far to much and there offerings arent worth the hassle
you can get customers but the market has grown wiser and the compation stronger,menawhile microsoft sit back and only think of money,play on nero
im off to get me a Mac

Is this the end of XDA-Developers?

Everywhere I go, I see the following message:
"... links removed due to legal complaint from Microsoft. ..."
They finally got P.Oed enough by the success of this forum and by the fact that you guys are doing everything they can't or won't.
Well, it's a sad day for us all :-(
In the hopes that this forum keeps on doing what it's doing, I say this.
Well done guys! keep on the good work !
And thank you for hearing my rants
I'm not sure why at all it would be considered the end of XDA-developers. Microsoft will still release wm6.5 no doubt so It is just matter of time until WM6.5 is released and then cooking on wm6.5 will start again. Just right now the movie is on pause
And WM 6.1 can continue to be tweaked to our heart's desire.
oh and I also happen to have b16b's WM6.5 if you want that....
I am sure it's a very credibly crafted hoax.
Of course Admins don't want any trouble or harrasement from anyone (certainly such mighty legal giants like Msoft) so they did what all of you would do - take a precautionary measures
Let'em sort it out.
Its just a temporary disturbance in the force far from end of xda LOL
And now I have utopykzebulon's v6 WM6.5 josh's WM6.5 also
"Is this the end of xda-developers?"
Not even close.
Same thing happened when wm6.1 was leaked.
dhob187 said:
Everywhere I go, I see the following message:
"... links removed due to legal complaint from Microsoft. ..."
They finally got P.Oed enough by the success of this forum and by the fact that you guys are doing everything they can't or won't.
Well, it's a sad day for us all :-(
In the hopes that this forum keeps on doing what it's doing, I say this.
Well done guys! keep on the good work !
And thank you for hearing my rants
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Just a hoax...
This thread has been up for a couple of days now...
op, it's not even close to the end! xda will continue on rocking!!
Same thing happened when pre-released WM5.0 builds leaked on XDA-Dev a long time ago. The website lost all it's FTP files to Microsoft back then because of that and yet here it is, still up and running smoothly.
I have strong doubts that xda-dev will go down. Besides, it's not in the best of HTC or Microsoft's interests that they do so. A strong community like the one on xda-dev brings lots of advantages to them. For starters, there's the publicity that they're getting out of this, then there's the strong client base for their devices and OS for which one of the major reasons of purchase is Windows Mobile modability and the advantages this website brings in high-level customization of their own device. Which is what most users like to do: to get the most out of their hard-earned money. And last, but by no means least, there's also the potential feedback on their applications and OS that they can get from xda-dev which might help for future improvements. As for the leaks, i'm sure they really have nothing serious against them, as such leaks keep interest in devices alive. Of course, there are limits to this, as the boys need to keep their pre-release material safe and also incite interest in newer devices, but still... Backwards support is always good for PR.
I can remember when WM5 was in Beta, I added the fix to the Typhoon (orange c500 rom) shortly before it was taken off the FTP... my name is still on the "where has WM5 gone" text file on the root of the ftp those were the days eh?
think of it as a temporary set back... technically roms are no longer hosted on XDA anyways.
Hah, no way is it the end, the links should be back up soon after the admins fix this hoax stuff up. Seriously, the guy who sent the fraudulent emails is such an idiot!
rosebud said:
I can remember when WM5 was in Beta, I added the fix to the Typhoon (orange c500 rom) shortly before it was taken off the FTP... my name is still on the "where has WM5 gone" text file on the root of the ftp those were the days eh?
think of it as a temporary set back... technically roms are no longer hosted on XDA anyways.
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No, they're not. Again, since that little FTP incident. Those were the days...
dhob187 said:
Everywhere I go, I see the following message:
"... links removed due to legal complaint from Microsoft. ..."
They finally got P.Oed enough by the success of this forum and by the fact that you guys are doing everything they can't or won't.
Well, it's a sad day for us all :-(
In the hopes that this forum keeps on doing what it's doing, I say this.
Well done guys! keep on the good work !
And thank you for hearing my rants
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The end is on year 2012 my friend, LOL
And as somebody earlier mentioned this is a very strong WM community, here you can find som stats about xda-developers: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=491608
P.S. Be Positive
Might not be such a bad thing anyway
Even if there was an end in sight for xda-dev, another forum would spring up elsewhere to take its place. And that might not be such a bad thing...
xda-dev is one of the most hostile, unfriendly forums I frequent. Incredibly useful, with infinitely valuable resources, but senior members are often arrogant and intentionally unhelpful, and mods are heavy-handed, closing down threads unnecessarily at the drop of a hat.
Microsoft and HTC in good terms with xda?
There has recently been much anxiety in the Windows Mobile ROM cooking world over at XDA-Developers after the web site started receiving take down notices from some-one purporting to be from Microsoft. The practice of making updated firmware for older devices have always been borderline illegal, and the similar practice on the desktop (e.g placing a pirated copy of Windows Vista on a XP machine) would never have been tolerated.
It later turned out the take down notices were rather dubious in origin, and did not really conform to the format used by Microsoft. Tweakers.net, a Dutch web site, decided to take the bull by the horns and ask Microsoft and HTC directly what they thought of the situation.
Maarten Sonneveld, from Microsoft Netherlands was very clear. "What is happening there, adjusting ROMs is illegal. They go to get the intellectual property of others." He however, Pilate-like, absolved Microsoft from any responsibility to address the crime. "This intellectual property is not with us. The ROMs are owned by manufacturers or providers, if the branded versions. We supply only the OS."
That leaves the ball in HTC’s court. HTC however had no plans to squash one of the biggest selling points of their phones. "What happens there should not", says HTC Benelux director Mark Moons. "But XDA-Developers is the largest and most active community of Windows Mobile developers. We can not live with ‘em and we can not live without’ em."
The outcome of these statements is therefore than an uneasy truce exists, leaving XDA-Developers to continue their exploits in peace, but always with a gun pointed at their head if either Microsoft or HTC changes their minds. If this were to happen however it is likely that both would see a dramatic loss of market share, as many regulars who only buy HTC Smartphones, abandon the platform in droves.
We hope therefore, as is the case now, that cooler minds continue to prevail.
VIA: wmpoweruser.com

How safe are custom roms to use?

I was wondering if anyone knows a real answer for this. How easy would it be to cook in something that would send back your email login and password? Or other logins to stuff like banking sites. The people who make the roms seem to be hard working enthusiasts, but it still makes me nervous.
The reason I am asking this is because WM6.1 seems pretty buggy and slow and I was hoping that maybe updating to 6.5 would help, however Sprint is being super slow and vague (as usual) about if they will ever release an official rom.
And please no "then just don't use custom roms" replies. I am just hoping someone has some way to show that they are safe and then I will happily use it!
I was wondering the same thing. I don't use any cooked rom for anything banking related for this possible risk.
I know there are other threads that have the answer but can't find them maybe someone hid them?
Anyway what would the average chef gain, second of all how do you know a member of Opera or IE is not taking down your details or even Bill? "by that i mean there is more to worry about"
My point being chefs cook ROMs to give users better phones than stocks... Also the world of WM isn't laden with virus's/spyware so even doing so would be hard and no one would be bothered to spend there time considering how much time cooking consumes.
Just Hard-SPL your device and start flashing
I find cooked roms are the best! They are tweeked, customized, optimized, flexable, etc. Happy Flashing
Im still leary. Im going to wait until you all flash...then i will know its safe
If any chef here did anything as dumb as that, I guarantee you everyone would know in VERY short order what was done, and that chef would be hung up by his ankles and verbally flogged by everyone here.
Trust me, it's never happened here, and it's not GOING to happen; because we have a great community here with great chefs who do nothing but make life better for everyone else. Choose a ROM, flash it, and quit being so paranoid.
FloatingFatMan said:
If any chef here did anything as dumb as that, I guarantee you everyone would know in VERY short order what was done, and that chef would be hung up by his ankles and verbally flogged by everyone here.
Trust me, it's never happened here, and it's not GOING to happen; because we have a great community here with great chefs who do nothing but make life better for everyone else. Choose a ROM, flash it, and quit being so paranoid.
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That is a very argumentative answer to a very simple and valid concern that allwires has regarding the security of using cooked rom's. Some people that use these rom's like to use their device's web capabilities for banking and for storing personal information and he brings up a very valid question regarding the safety of using these rom's for these purposes. Then you insult the poster by saying he or she is being paranoid when we all know that the capabilities for wrong doing via viruses and other malicious software are very valid concerns in this day and age. I would like to hear an intelligent and informative answer to this question since I'm sure as this sort of thing becomes more mainstream as it is bound through time to become there will be many more inquiries made as to the safety of their usage.
I'm with FloatingFatMan here, any cook daft enough to do such a thing to a ROM would very quickly be found by his peers, tried, convicted and summarily thrown to the lions.
For all that how do we know Messrs Gates, Jobs, well their minions anyway , and other sundry "professional" ROM cooks are not hiding sneaky payloads in?
deedee said:
I'm with FloatingFatMan here, any cook daft enough to do such a thing to a ROM would very quickly be found by his peers, tried, convicted and summarily thrown to the lions.
For all that how do we know Messrs Gates, Jobs, well their minions anyway , and other sundry "professional" ROM cooks are not hiding sneaky payloads in?
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Well, but you see that is my point exactly. Whether it is the big guy or the small guy doing it history has shown that where there is a will there is a way, especially when there is a profit to be made. Its like when Norton got busted for spyware found in their AV software in the early 2000's, remember that? I just wonder if such an attempt will be made with this newly emerging technology that is similar to the PC of the late 90's and the early 2000's, vulnerable. No one is offering (at least no one that I'm aware of) AV or firewall software for these various mobile OS's and I think that it is only a matter of time before the bad guys find a way to take advantage of these opportunities the same way they did the PC. Al least over time there became ways to detect these types of illegal practices with firewall software and packet capture software that made the average user capable of some control over his or her personal data.
qqa92 said:
Well, but you see that is my point exactly. Whether it is the big guy or the small guy doing it history has shown that where there is a will there is a way, especially when there is a profit to be made. Its like when Norton got busted for spyware found in their AV software in the early 2000's, remember that? I just wonder if such an attempt will be made with this newly emerging technology that is similar to the PC of the late 90's and the early 2000's, vulnerable. No one is offering (at least no one that I'm aware of) AV or firewall software for these various mobile OS's and I think that it is only a matter of time before the bad guys find a way to take advantage of these opportunities the same way they did the PC. Al least over time there became ways to detect these types of illegal practices with firewall software and packet capture software that made the average user capable of some control over his or her personal data.
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Hey There,
Not wanting to be unkind but i think you are being very paranoid here and btw, you can indeed purchase AV software for mobile devices; youve only gotta google AV software for windows mobile to see that
The limited OS and how its written means the "baddies" would have nothing to gain/find it difficult to exploit so whats the point.
The only "virus" (and i use the term loosely) i ever came across actually asked you "do you want to install blah blah blah" to which the obvious answer was no.............oooo that was dangerous
To summerise, dont get your knickers in a twist about it and enjoy!
^^ And to add to Tim's comments. Just make sure you get your cooked ROM from an established chef if you're worried, and there won't be any problems.
Now, if the ROM was from someone with a tiny postcount and wasn't known, then you might have cause to think twice; but that's not going to happen here...
timmymarsh said:
Hey There,
Not wanting to be unkind but i think you are being very paranoid here and btw, you can indeed purchase AV software for mobile devices; youve only gotta google AV software for windows mobile to see that
The limited OS and how its written means the "baddies" would have nothing to gain/find it difficult to exploit so whats the point.
The only "virus" (and i use the term loosely) i ever came across actually asked you "do you want to install blah blah blah" to which the obvious answer was no.............oooo that was dangerous
To summerise, dont get your knickers in a twist about it and enjoy!
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Well then why not let the cat out of the bag. I'm just in here to see if I can get a large portion of the members in here's knickers in a twist so that they will all go out and buy my mobile AV since mine is the biggest one out there currently. Lots of potential there, in terms of cha-ching you have to agree. LOL!
There's also the option of downloading a kitchen and cooking your own ROM ... this method permits you to look at each package in detail.
I once opened my yahoo on a cooked room, later on I was trying to log on on my laptop and password was rejected. I freaked out and kept trying, later that day I was able to log in after few hours for some unknown reason...
I stopped using my HTC fuze for emails since.
The myth that ALL cooked ROMs in here are completely clean sounds like an old familiar story of when the young man said to the girl "don't worry it will not hurt a bit" lol
I wish there was a tool that scans for such security gaps in a ROM
I'm not sure what your reasoningn was to stop using email on the phone because of a failure to login to yahoo from a laptop. Did you notice any malicious activity on your yahoo account? Have you since? Have you changed that password? Just seems strange.
As for the security of cooked ROMS, I've never used one but I have a new phone coming and I'm going to try one from a reputable party here. I'm not nervous about it and I use online banking all the time. Here is why I am not concerned:
1.) As several people pointed out already, your PC is more vulnerable just because of sheer numbers. WinMo has a small market share and cooked ROMs would represent an even smaller market share. Even then, there are many custom ROMs to choose from. Then if EVERY user of a specific tainted ROM used their online banking on their phones, there is still little they could actually do with that information. For example, chase uses text messaging which means yes, someone could get my balance and stuff, but I actually have to login to the site to authorize my phone rather than login through the phone. So the information itself may or may not be useful. At the end of the day, it just wouldn't make the chef much money since there would simply be too few potential victims.
2.) The liklihood is very high that the perp would be caught by their peers and exposed in order to 1 - protect their own integrity, and 2 - get bonus points for being the one who exposed the bad guy (or girl). When you add this level of risk to the low reward, it just doesn't make sense. High risk, lots of work, little reward.
3.) Then of course, if someone fraudulently accesses your account, you can usually get that money back.
So I'm perfectly comfortable froma security standpoint. It's the stability standpoint I'm a bit concerned about but that's why I'm waiting till I get my new phone to try one out so I can go back to my old phone if it all craps out.
RedScorpion78 said:
I once opened my yahoo on a cooked room, later on I was trying to log on on my laptop and password was rejected. I freaked out and kept trying, later that day I was able to log in after few hours for some unknown reason...
I stopped using my HTC fuze for emails since.
The myth that ALL cooked ROMs in here are completely clean sounds like an old familiar story of when the young man said to the girl "don't worry it will not hurt a bit" lol
I wish there was a tool that scans for such security gaps in a ROM
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I was thinking the same thing and how much it would cost to have Lavasoft or AVG or Symantec evaluate ROMs as an impartial third party.
If anybody is thinking peer review would snuff out cheaters there are plenty cases where Ebay and Craigslist deals go bad and everybody is in on it - even (inadvertently) the local police authority that doesn't have the technical knowhow to deal with a cyber-based threat.
startluvova said:
I was thinking the same thing and how much it would cost to have Lavasoft or AVG or Symantec evaluate ROMs as an impartial third party.
If anybody is thinking peer review would snuff out cheaters there are plenty cases where Ebay and Craigslist deals go bad and everybody is in on it - even (inadvertently) the local police authority that doesn't have the technical knowhow to deal with a cyber-based threat.
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Hey there,
Way to go to ressurect an old thread
Nothing has changed, i have never heard of seen of a custom rom that has a virus cooked in, or one that has been intentionally created to spy on the user.
That said, i guess you have to make your own decision after reading the comments from some experienced chefs/flashers here

such unprofessionalism

In an effort to try to bring this to the attention of as many WM users as possible. I've already posted this thread to mobilitysite,ppcgeeks.com,WMexperts. So anyway I've noticed this from a few companies so I thought I would bring it up now, especially since the beejive im review for iPhone article doesnt have the comment board for it enabled so ill post my comment about it and more in a thread anyway, why the h*** would a software developer stop developing an IM program that could have such potential and leaving it buggy to the point that its nearly unusable (i cant even login without it crashing)? This is what they did to the windows mobile version and i think its really unfair; all the while the iPhone version is nice and complete and stable, how dare they do this?desgraciados!! and yeah ive already sent them an email with my piece of mind. I've also noticed this with vonage there is an iPhone and BB app for it but, no winmo version. I'm sick of these software developers leaving winmo out in the dust it is so unprofessional.Luckily for wm phones skype is better, and cheaper than vonage so this isn't an issue. any thoughts?
eric12341 said:
in an effort to try to bring this to the attention of as many WM users as possible I've already posted this thread to mobilitysite,ppcgeeks.com,WMexperts so anyway ive noticed this from a few companies so i thought i would bring it up now, especially since the beejive im review for iPhone article doesnt have the comment board for it enabled so ill post my comment about it and more in a thread anyway, why the h*** would a software developer stop developing an IM program that could have such potential and leaving it buggy to the point that its nearly unusable (i cant even login without it crashing)this is what they did to the windows mobile version and i think its really unfair all the while the iPhone version is nice and complete and stable, how dare they do this?desgraciados!! and yeah ive already sent them an email with my piece of mind, ive also noticed this with vonage there is an iPhone and bb app fro it but no winmo version, im sick of these software developers leaving winmo out in the dust it is so unprofessional,luckly for wm phones skype is better and cheaper than vonage so this isnt an issue. any thoughts?
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Well my first thought would be that this should be in another forum, not the Development and Hacking forum. Off Topic or General Discussion maybe..
To answer your question, they may have decided to stop development in favor of the iPhone version for some financial reason. Maybe they're getting more money from the iPhone App Store then they were for Windows Mobile. Also judging from the amount of applications for the iPhone, I'm assuming it's easier to develop an application for that platform. Windows Mobile on the other hand is considerably more difficult(again.. an assumption).
They could have ceased development for any number of reasons but in the end it is entirely up to the developer regardless of what the user base may think or want.
Sorry to say it but they really were perfectly within their right, as much as it sucks..
My suggestion: Stop the web-wide rant and try another Mobile Messaging client. I recommend Slick.
Moved as not software release.
& i second Slick
although i really like slick, i dont use it because it doesnt have facebook capabilities. I use palringo, but dont like it. Are there any others out there that do facebook, msn and icq?
I would use that if it had facebook and myspace integration nimbuzz im has this but I don't use that either because it kicks my internet down to 1x and keeps it there regardless of where I am. ironically microsoft makes apps for all other platforms too for example bing
More importantly than anything else, please learn how to type properly on an Internet forum instead of going into one long, un-ending sentence, without proper capitalisations. Your post nearly gave me a headache.
Secondly, you cant call it unprofessionalism. It's upto the developer. If they want to develop it, they will. If they don't then it's not something you can beat them on the head with. You could try requesting them to develop it; possibly even show them some gratuity but not demand it from them.
Honestly, I think you going around the internet across all those forums you mentioned, posting that paragraph of a sentence, is more unprofessional than anything else here.
Stop creating threads for absolutely no reason and mucking up this place.
eric12341 said:
in an effort to try to bring this to the attention of as many WM users as possible I've already posted this thread to mobilitysite,ppcgeeks.com,WMexperts so anyway ive noticed this from a few companies so i thought i would bring it up now, especially since the beejive im review for iPhone article doesnt have the comment board for it enabled so ill post my comment about it and more in a thread anyway, why the h*** would a software developer stop developing an IM program that could have such potential and leaving it buggy to the point that its nearly unusable (i cant even login without it crashing)this is what they did to the windows mobile version and i think its really unfair all the while the iPhone version is nice and complete and stable, how dare they do this?desgraciados!! and yeah ive already sent them an email with my piece of mind, ive also noticed this with vonage there is an iPhone and bb app fro it but no winmo version, im sick of these software developers leaving winmo out in the dust it is so unprofessional,luckly for wm phones skype is better and cheaper than vonage so this isnt an issue. any thoughts?
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wow... like so many others i suspect, can't be ar**d to read. Paragraphs....
what the F is this about?
eric12341 said:
I would use that if it had facebook and myspace integration nimbuzz im has this but I don't use that either because it kicks my internet down to 1x and keeps it there regardless of where I am. ironically microsoft makes apps for all other platforms too for example bing
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+1 for Nimbuzz
eric12341 said:
In an effort to try to bring this to the attention of as many WM users as possible. I've already posted this thread to mobilitysite,ppcgeeks.com,WMexperts. So anyway I've noticed this from a few companies so I thought I would bring it up now, especially since the beejive im review for iPhone article doesnt have the comment board for it enabled so ill post my comment about it and more in a thread anyway, why the h*** would a software developer stop developing an IM program that could have such potential and leaving it buggy to the point that its nearly unusable (i cant even login without it crashing)? This is what they did to the windows mobile version and i think its really unfair; all the while the iPhone version is nice and complete and stable, how dare they do this?desgraciados!! and yeah ive already sent them an email with my piece of mind. I've also noticed this with vonage there is an iPhone and BB app for it but, no winmo version. I'm sick of these software developers leaving winmo out in the dust it is so unprofessional.Luckily for wm phones skype is better, and cheaper than vonage so this isn't an issue. any thoughts?
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Oh My Gosh. Please sort your sentences into paragraphs, because it's a nightmare!!!!!!!
Maybe because the demand of iPhone is higher.
And just like the earlier poster said (I just read it now), you are more un-professional then they (software developers) are. Do you have any idea what being professional is?

