AT&T Tilt Internet Problems on other carrier - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Windows Mobile ROM De

Hello Everyone...
I want to first than everyone in the forum for all your posts.. With your help I have SIM unlocked my AT&T Tilt phone to work with my carrier (Einstein PCS).
I am not new to Smartphones.. My first being a Motorola MPX220 that I used a modified rom to have 2003... After that I had a iPaq 6515.... Now I have my Tilt.. I did a hard reset when I got it and rebooted near the end to precent all the installation of much of the AT&T bloatware... I got the settings I needed for my carries internet... But it seems to only work sometimes.. If I am simply web-browsing it is great, or using software like IM+... But when I try to run updates, or TomTom Traffic (among many other things) it does not work and seems to try to be connecting to AT&T or something to that effect. If I am connected via Wifi everything works fine. This becomes very irritating as I can't be connected via Wifi and be driving around... I loose the signal and there aren;t always Wifi hotspots available. We have bad traffic problems in this area and the TomTom Traffic usually helps reroute it well. Any suggestions? As I said, some stuff works, other stuff doesn;t. I will include the settings I got from my provider below. I also manually delelted the AT&T settings in the conenctiuon manager thinking that would help.. it did not.
under proxy settings check: this network connects to the internet
check this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet
proxy server should be :
click advanced
secure wap:
socks (blank)
under modem, your access point name should be : apn
name and password blank.
under advanced check use server assigned ip address
Those are hthe instructions given to me by my provider.. ANY help would be greatly appreciated! My carrier chargs me about $50 a month for unlimited Voice, TXT, and Internet, so I want to stick with them. (BTW< I am also having problems using MMS messaging).

First of all, you might want to look into installing the OEM htc rom... The ATT rom has hidden proxies that might be causing you issues, besides, you dont really want all the ATT bloat to begin with since its not going to work with your carrier!

Thanks for the advice.. but I had read people are having problems with the GPS chip when they do that.. is that correct? I downloaded a few of the roms, but not sure on how to install them, or to even know which would be best for me.. Any suggestions? Also, any step by step walk through on how to install them exactly? Preferabley something that will work with Vista as I run x64 ultimate... IF not I can get acess to an XP machine.. but not as easily... Thanks in advance

Teej53214 said:
Thanks for the advice.. but I had read people are having problems with the GPS chip when they do that.. is that correct? I downloaded a few of the roms, but not sure on how to install them, or to even know which would be best for me.. Any suggestions? Also, any step by step walk through on how to install them exactly? Preferabley something that will work with Vista as I run x64 ultimate... IF not I can get acess to an XP machine.. but not as easily... Thanks in advance
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Many people, myself included, are using unlocked Tilts on other networks without any problems. It's hard to say which rom would be best, it's really a matter of opinion. No doubt, you will have to read...and I recommend you start with the wiki. All the info you are looking for is covered there.

Teej53214 said:
Thanks for the advice.. but I had read people are having problems with the GPS chip when they do that.. is that correct? I downloaded a few of the roms, but not sure on how to install them, or to even know which would be best for me.. Any suggestions? Also, any step by step walk through on how to install them exactly? Preferabley something that will work with Vista as I run x64 ultimate... IF not I can get acess to an XP machine.. but not as easily... Thanks in advance
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start here
this will give you a link to the official HTC rom
The people you read about with problems on anything are usually using cooked roms or using an incompatible radio. But for YOU, i would suggest using the OEM rom which is linked in that thread i gave you..


Internet Sharing with the at&t rom

I feel like a newb asking this question, but the Tilt doesn't have Internet Sharing like the roms for the 8525. The Wireless Modem utility doesn't work worth a chit. I've search for an hour to find a cab for installing Internet Sharing but I can't find it. Surely some of the masters here has come up with one.
Or could I just grab the exe file off my 8525 and run it with any "installing"?
Check out this link:
Better yet, post #24.
What advantage does Internet Sharing have?
Back up
Can someone please direct me to the back up tool
Neonwheels said:
Check out this link:
Better yet, post #24.
What advantage does Internet Sharing have?
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SWEET! Thanks!!
Advantage? So far it is the best option for tethering my laptop. PDANet worked like a charm, but with Internet Sharing it's not need anymore.
I was trying to get the Tilt to work like a modem for a couple hours last night and it would disconnect every time it got to "Registering computer on network". I saw that Internet Connection Sharing (post 30) and gave it a go. Tethered like a charm, 768kbit down ~125ms latency.
The file \Windows\Internet Sharing.lnk contains this text:
And I just copied it to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs and can run it from there or the shortcut I created in the HTC Home plugin. You don't have to do anything on the PC to use it either, except have ActiveSync (I think it requires even less because activesync automatically disconnects when this is in use).
I cant get ICS to work on the Tilt. I get "cannot connect for unknown reason" error in ICS window. Any ideas?
Is your "Network Connection" set to MEdia Net? I have two things on my list, that and "AT&T ISP GPRS". If I try that one, it tries to connect a bunch of times then dies with the unknown reason thing.
It gave me that same message if I end-tasked ActiveSync on the PC, so I'd say make sure they both say connected before trying to connect the internet sharing.
Yes, its set to Medianet. Do I need to be connected to my laptop for this to work? I didnt think so.
swweeet i got it working thanks everyone
lansa said:
Yes, its set to Medianet. Do I need to be connected to my laptop for this to work? I didnt think so.
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It won't work if it isn't connected to the laptop. that is what it is for!
help with tethering
Hello everyone I did some of the applications last night on trying to setup my tether to my tilt but its not connecting. I could not find internet sharing to change those setting on download needed cab for it. My phone is set media net and have the correct ip and subnet gateway so what am I missing??
It seems AT&T was pretty successful in killing Tilt Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) with the introduction of 6.1. It was seamless until the upgrade, now it is not. Lotsa complicated workarounds been posted here for the past year and a half. I wish someone who is doing it successfully would post a set of step by step instructions. We novices keep sorting through all these posts on the subject and if there is light at the end of the tunnel, it needs a new bulb!! With data plans getting more and more lucrative for the carriers, tethering is getting more and more important, anyone got a simple answer?

T-Mobile SDA (US) [HTC Tornado] WiFi Issue

Upgraded today to WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt using kar hoe's guide (great job btw very clear instructions ). I am wondering if anyone is experiencing issues with WiFi connectivity. I do not pay for a data plan and WiFi is very important to me. I tested today with my home access point and it seems that I never pass the "Connecting to Network" stage on the "WiFi Networks" page. It'll flash my AP's MAC address for a second or so, but no actual connectivity. I tried connecting via WAP-PSK security, WEP security and even no security.. all to no avail. WM 5 had this problem when AP's had low signal (it would flash the MAC/SSID and then move on to the next network), but never to the point where I could not connect. Also, I notice the WiFi icon shows as a tower with a halo and the three dots (/°\...) while it's trying to connect. As soon as it flashes the MAC/SSID the icon turns to a dead tower (/\). I was wondering if this is a known issue, and whether anyone has experienced and/or fixed this. Please advise... Thanks in advance
P.S. Excuse the crappy ASCII art in trying to get my point across. Pls let me know if you need more info.
I know that for my wep secure home network - I needed to add the phone to the network before it would be accepted. Just knowing the wep pass code was not enough
The phone would just loop trying to connect with no luck.
Not sure what software you are using on your network / wireless router - but this may be the issue.
Good luck
I normally use WPA-PSK encryption on the network. Its a linksys wrt-54g router. It runs in b/g compatibility mode. I even tried to connect w/o security period. It kept dropping after flashing the MAC/SSID.
well here's an update. i an still having issues with the wifi but i decided to spring for the data plan. it's only $20 us on top of the phone bill. i figured thats not a bad deal since internet is so important for me. i'm actually sorting this on my sda.
I do same as far as wifi (no data plan). I see you got one now btw, gl.
I use same rom and I got no problems with wifi, maybe you need radio update or something simple as that.
On my home network you need wep key and mac address added on my router in order to connect (just a thought); I use linksys and can post more details on this with pictures if needed.
Using wifi and Devicescape ain't that bad for me.
I had to reply just so others who didn't try this rom know its not the rom issue about wifi - I LOVE THIS ROM
My phone- SDA Tornado
Provider - T-Mobile USA
Rom- WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt
bllohin said:
I do same as far as wifi (no data plan). I see you got one now btw, gl.
I use same rom and I got no problems with wifi, maybe you need radio update or something simple as that.
On my home network you need wep key and mac address added on my router in order to connect (just a thought); I use linksys and can post more details on this with pictures if needed.
Using wifi and Devicescape ain't that bad for me.
I had to reply just so others who didn't try this rom know its not the rom issue about wifi - I LOVE THIS ROM
My phone- SDA Tornado
Provider - T-Mobile USA
Rom- WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt
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hmmm... devicescape, you say? yeah that's definitely worth checking out. i'll play around with it at some point. you are totally right though, the WM 6.1 rom is awesome and I encourage anyone who is still running Windows Mobile 5 to go ahead and upgrade. Karhoe's guide is a very concise way to make this happen. i was actually looking to get a new phone prior to upgrading. i was thinking about getting the HTC Kaiser (TyTn II) although I was put off by the issue where it was released lacking hardware acceleration support for its ATI Imageon graphics processor. I haven't had a chance to play with the wifi on other access points yet, so perhaps this issue was specific to my home router.
P.S. Thanks for your reply!
bllohin said:
I do same as far as wifi (no data plan). I see you got one now btw, gl.
I use same rom and I got no problems with wifi, maybe you need radio update or something simple as that.
On my home network you need wep key and mac address added on my router in order to connect (just a thought); I use linksys and can post more details on this with pictures if needed.
Using wifi and Devicescape ain't that bad for me.
I had to reply just so others who didn't try this rom know its not the rom issue about wifi - I LOVE THIS ROM
My phone- SDA Tornado
Provider - T-Mobile USA
Rom- WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt
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Can you link the thread for the exact ROM you used. I am getting a Tmobile SDA soon and want to upgrade it to 6.1, just want to make sure I used the right rom for that works with the SDA as there are multiple threads/roms posted one by illi and another by ricky.
Appreciate it! Thanks.

AT&T Fuze and Rogers Wireless - What's needed?

Is there anything that needs to be done for the Fuze to work with Rogers?
Can I simply put the Rogers simcard in and all will work fine?
Does it need to be unlocked, or flashed with a different ROM?
Is it better to wait until Rogers gets something very similar?
Any ideas what would be best to do?
Thanks in advance for your input/advice.
Slingbox said:
Is there anything that needs to be done for the Fuze to work with Rogers?
Can I simply put the Rogers simcard in and all will work fine?
Does it need to be unlocked, or flashed with a different ROM?
Is it better to wait until Rogers gets something very similar?
Any ideas what would be best to do?
Thanks in advance for your input/advice.
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you need to unlock the phone first of course. you can find the relevant information on this forum if you search for it. You don't necessarily have to flash it, but you prob don't want all the AT&T bloatware.
As far as I know, Telus is going to be the only carrier with Touch Pro, so you're better off buying a Fuze from the states and "smuggle" it across border (or you can always pay the tax at border )
Unlocking the Fuze
SlingPlayer Mobile is installed on the Fuze...
However, despite the 3G symbol being there, "Cannot Connect" shows up.
It leads to Settings for Connections.
Rogers Wireless 3G settings...Is there a tutorial?
Is there a step-by-step tutorial on setting up the Fuze with Rogers Wireless so that SlingPlayer Mobile works with 3G, instead of getting "Cannot Connect"?
not exactly but its really simple, first off, what have you done to your phone thus far? are you using a stock rom or custom rom? etc
I am also going to assume you have entered your slingbox info into the application.
I am using fuse on rogers network with NATF rom with Dara Plan, and nothing realy needed after i poped the sim in, it found anything there is to be found, and Ta-Da! It's working flawlessly so far.
What I did so far....
First of all, I have a stock ROM unlocked Fuze...I have a warranty on it for 1 year, so I really don't wanna mess with the ROM just yet.
1. I went Start, Settings, Connections Tab, Connections Icon, My ISP and Add a new modem connection.
2. Name: Rogers Wireless
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access... :
User... : wapuser1
Password: wap
Domain: left it blank
Now SlingPlayer Mobile and Weather works.
However, Internet browsing, E-mail, Messages...all don't work
I found info here:
but those cabs do not work properly with the FUZE.
There's other settings posted there too...trying to figure it out. No success so far.
If there can be one made specifically for the FUZE and Rogers Wireless, it would be sweet.
Anyway, any kind of help is very much appreciated. If anyone knows what to do specifically,
please advise or point to where the information is.
Slingbox said:
First of all, I have a stock ROM unlocked Fuze...I have a warranty on it for 1 year, so I really don't wanna mess with the ROM just yet.
1. I went Start, Settings, Connections Tab, Connections Icon, My ISP and Add a new modem connection.
2. Name: Rogers Wireless
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access... :
User... : wapuser1
Password: wap
Domain: left it blank
Now SlingPlayer Mobile and Weather works.
However, Internet browsing, E-mail, Messages...all don't work
I found info here:
but those cabs do not work properly with the FUZE.
There's other settings posted there too...trying to figure it out. No success so far.
If there can be one made specifically for the FUZE and Rogers Wireless, it would be sweet.
Anyway, any kind of help is very much appreciated. If anyone knows what to do specifically,
please advise or point to where the information is.
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Nice you found lurch's cab. install it anyways so you have mms working. I thought auto configuration was installed on the fuze by default, but it was a while ago. for internet you need to disable the proxy that is on the fuze (set up for AT&T users)
First on the overall end with the disable proxy cab
and then you need to do it in opera, since you clearly have made a decent attempt at using the search function, i will just attach the cabs here, let me know if it works
Slingbox said:
First of all, I have a stock ROM unlocked Fuze...I have a warranty on it for 1 year, so I really don't wanna mess with the ROM just yet.
1. I went Start, Settings, Connections Tab, Connections Icon, My ISP and Add a new modem connection.
2. Name: Rogers Wireless
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access... :
User... : wapuser1
Password: wap
Domain: left it blank
Now SlingPlayer Mobile and Weather works.
However, Internet browsing, E-mail, Messages...all don't work
I found info here:
but those cabs do not work properly with the FUZE.
There's other settings posted there too...trying to figure it out. No success so far.
If there can be one made specifically for the FUZE and Rogers Wireless, it would be sweet.
Anyway, any kind of help is very much appreciated. If anyone knows what to do specifically,
please advise or point to where the information is.
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depending on how you unlocked the phone, you may have already lost the warranty. if that's the case, flash away~
oh...and even after you flash it, you can always reflash it back to stock rom
OK...first, about the warranty, the place I bought it from unlocked it and said 7 day replacement, 1 year servicing. I've never used the HardSPL, etc...I think I want to wait before I go that way until after the year is up.
Progress report:
Good news! Installing only "" (and not the VPN one) plus the two posted earlier in this thread did the trick. Everything works.
Next, learning how "Microsoft Direct Push" and "hotmail" work, and if they can work together. I got my hotmail addy working, but I have to go in and "Send and Receive" to get it to show new e-mails. I want it to do that automatically. Then, to get "Messenger" (IM) working. It just keeps saying "Signing in..."
I want to thank all who have been helpful thus far. It's a sweet phone to play with. Thanks
did you ever have any luck with getting Messenger to work, and hotmail to be pushed? I just got my Fuze today but it didn't come with a USB, so theres no way to get the cab file to my phone . I also now have to wait to flash the ROM, boo lol

htc fuze - just arrived, can't navigate and already 3G connected

Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It doest connects to the 3G network, but i receive no data, can't display any information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
htc fuze - alreadi connected to 3G network but wont navigate
Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked it out from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It does connect to the 3G network witouth problem, but i receive no data, can't display any page/information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
PD: weather update works, and it connects to the 3G network. but dont work in Opera/IE
there is nothing to configure with the fuze if you are on the AT&T network. all you do is put in your sim card.
I had a few issues myself. If you were using isp.cingular then it might not connect there any more unless you purchase the tethering plan. Even then, isp.cingular will only work for direct push and tethering.
rocho said:
Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked it out from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It does connect to the 3G network witouth problem, but i receive no data, can't display any page/information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
PD: weather update works, and it connects to the 3G network. but dont work in Opera/IE
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Try this
Start>>>>Setting's>>>>Connections>>>>Connections>>>>set up my proxy server>>>un-check "this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet"
i wound a useful thread, where you can disable some sort of hidden thing installed on device (programs>proxy tools), now IE works but still no luck with Opera, im looking forward to upgrade this factory AT&T Rom because i don't feel my Fuze very smoothly
PD: also check on what you suggested, but it was already unchecked.
Thanks for helping mate
Sleuth255 said:
I had a few issues myself. If you were using isp.cingular then it might not connect there any more unless you purchase the tethering plan. Even then, isp.cingular will only work for direct push and tethering.
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im into another network, i bought my fuze unlocked in eBay, i tried the .cab app to uninstall hidden proxy (programs>tools>proxy) and now i can browse using IE, but not into Opera.
Im looking forward to change the factory ROM because it doesn't feel too smoothly.
Any suggested ROM/Radio to install, i really don't want cooked roms with extra apps/games
thanks in advance for the help mate
rocho said:
im into another network, i bought my fuze unlocked in eBay, i tried the .cab app to uninstall hidden proxy (programs>tools>proxy) and now i can browse using IE, but not into Opera.
Im looking forward to change the factory ROM because it doesn't feel too smoothly.
Any suggested ROM/Radio to install, i really don't want cooked roms with extra apps/games
thanks in advance for the help mate
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If I remember right, the default Opera browser on the Fuze is set up to only work with the proxy, so you'll have to flash a new rom most likely (but you really should do that anyway.)
Why did you start two threads? Did you not read the rules?
htcfan78 said:
Why did you start two threads? Did you not read the rules?
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i know, my bad, because i was getting errors from server, but when i find out there was 2 topics i tried to del my post, but i couldn't do it, didn't find the option, i apologize.
To help out, I merged the two threads into this one.

MNS (internet sharing) trouble

Im running damage 2.0r2 and have PRI 1.70_003
when i select internet sharing my computer cant seem to find the connection...
is there anything i need to do on my computer's side to get my phone's internet to show up?
i dont get any error 67's or anything like that, i just dont get any new connections
any help would be appreciated^^
im running windows 7
frostrunner said:
Im running damage 2.0r2 and have PRI 1.70_003
when i select internet sharing my computer cant seem to find the connection...
is there anything i need to do on my computer's side to get my phone's internet to show up?
i dont get any error 67's or anything like that, i just dont get any new connections
any help would be appreciated^^
im running windows 7
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internet shareing in the settings menu is only if you have PAM assioated with your account and it's like 15 or 50 bucks per line I think? It's expensive....
what you need is the wifi tethering for testing, I think flipz's roms have it pretty much ironed out, give it a try. When you get that to work, try doing usb tethering with the same rom. I don't think any actions are required from the computer side as long as it sees your phone. But I could be wrong.
Darchlegend v4 and v5 have tethered great over usb for me (no i don't pay for it). Occasionally it has trouble initially connecting through to the internet, but toggling mobile data seems to fix it. Once connected it has always worked like a champ (tested on a 3000 mile road trip).
i did forget one huge step. I installed the Droid Eris sync software from HTC. You can get it from here >>
This worked to tether two different Win7 64 bit laptops to two different Hero phones.
danknee said:
Darchlegend v4 and v5 have tethered great over usb for me (no i don't pay for it). Occasionally it has trouble initially connecting through to the internet, but toggling mobile data seems to fix it. Once connected it has always worked like a champ (tested on a 3000 mile road trip).
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Is he using the built in feature or a different app? I was using PDAnet for a while until I rooted my phone and found out about wireless tether. It's been 5x faster than PDAnet was.
If Darch's is like the one on Damage's then it may be that it's from a different carrier and does not check to see if you pay for the service or not. Damage's is a Sprint ROM and is checking username and password to see if you are paying for the servce.
&RoidRage said:
Is he using the built in feature or a different app? I was using PDAnet for a while until I rooted my phone and found out about wireless tether. It's been 5x faster than PDAnet was.
If Darch's is like the one on Damage's then it may be that it's from a different carrier and does not check to see if you pay for the service or not. Damage's is a Sprint ROM and is checking username and password to see if you are paying for the servce.
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It is based on the Legend dump, but I am fairly sure that MNS worked on Damage's build for me as well. It looks identical, I switch in the top taskbar from charge only to internet sharing.
Got the error 65
so have we centered in on what the cause of this one is?
again, i have PAM on my account...
frostrunner said:
Got the error 65
again, i have PAM on my account...
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you didn't mention either one of these in your prior post.
a 65 error is a sign in failure. Are you sure PAM is working on a stock 1.5 rom? Something doesn't smell right with what you're saying. Start from there and test. If it works there and doesn't work here, then we can go further. It might be as simple as finding out how the damage rom is signing into the second account, it should accessed by a dialed #777, this is different depending on what carrier the rom was probally based off of. If we find out it is a problem with the rom and not your account you could throw damage a message and make reference to this thread.
If it doesn't work on the official 1.5, sprint tech support should be able to help you with that, and no amount of xda wizardry will be able to modify your sprint account.
"65 Error Code 65 Unknown error. Sign in failed.
Please try again. If the problem persists, turn your
phone off then turn it on again. Non-specific error as
a result of some administrative prohibition "

