Help! I Cannot sync my calender! - Touch Cruise General

Hi all, hope u gurus out there can help me out here. I cannot sync my calender anymore. I have no idea why. Everytime i sync n connect it says attention required. Error code 0x8503001c
i've tried removing n adding new partnership but it's still the same. I've searched google and managed to narrow down to my calender. I deleted all my appts in my Calender and when i sync it's ok. But the minute i add an appointment in, the error pops out again. The error only goes away when i remove the appt. But if i add an appt on my Polaris n sync, the item appears in my outlook. Meaning, i can only add appt one way. Please help cuz i add appts via Outlook most of the time! thanks!


Active Sync 'Hanging'

I have a provblem when syncing my M5000 (JasJar) using Active Sync 4.1 On the today screen I can see the PDA shows a duplicated entry for an appointment on Saturday. I want to sync the PDA and then delete one using Outlook to let it then correct itself on the PDA, but it seems to 'hang' when it says its syncing the calendar.
I know if I remove all the appointments from the PDA and hope to sync them back on, it will remove them off my PC, as I've managed to do this once before
Anyone got any ideas? Thanks in advance

Active Sync not allowing calendar synchronization

Please help.
I have an XDA2i and I'm running Active Sync 4.2.0. When I try to sync, everything works fine, except I cannot select calander as a sync option with my XDA. Where I would normally go into options and check the box for calendar, there is no check box.
This is really starting to do my nut in as I've tried creating a new profile but the problem follows the profile. Any suggestions would be mostly appreciated.
Have you got a default calendar set-up in outlook? used to work. It suddenly stopped allowing any synchronization, that's when I created a new profile for the XDA2i and updated to 4.2 but it will now not synchronize Calendar. It will sync the Contacts & tasks but the most important thing for my work is the Calendar.
Calander problem and other queries
Hi I have had an xda2i in the past and it all worked fine with the Calander. This week my newer model xdamini S broke down so I turned to the replacment xda2i i had been sent when the other one packed up and I just cant get it to recognise the calander. Its just not in the list. As you say contacts etc is there but Calander is not. The strange thing is when setting up connection you can choose to sync with calander, contacts etc which I select only to find that once the sync occurs Calander is just not in the list. Can anyone you had anyone help solving this?? Im using outlook 2003. Also the xda2i im using has not got the latest drivers I have looked for them on the 02 site but they dont seem to be their anymore. Finally, what does the radio version do anyway? Help with these issues would be greatly appreciated.
Right then....
...The only workaround I have managed to find is simple...
1) Remove the ActiveSync software and all pairings
2) Hard Reset the XDA2i (yes, that means everything is lost is nothing has sync'd)
3) Re-install ActiveSync and recreate the partnership again.
It seems drastic, but since doing that the XDA2i now functions perfectly. Hope this helps some people (I'm reluctant to try anything like this on my new Mini S cos I can't get it to partner up at all..but that's another thread )

calender one way sync problam

well.... its very strange but when i make any change on outlook calander on pc and/or serwer i cant see the changes on the pda.
but if i make changes or new apointments on pda it shows on the pc and on the serwer system.
i sync throw the serwer.
hope someone can figure this strange issue.
Had this issue as well, and I just solved it:
- Connect the Mobile Device to the Computer and make sure all your appointments are listed on the desktop.
- Disable Calender Sync in ActiveSync
- A message will pop-up, saying that all appointments will be erased from the Mobile Device. Accept this and continue.
- Enable Calender Sync in ActiveSync
- Happy 2-way Syncing
hi rudolf
i have tried your suggestions but with no success.
i am syncing throw exchange server.
first the massege showed its delleting all apointments but when rechecking the calender option it resync all apointments but noun of tham shown on the calander itself.
if you have any suggestion i will be happy to try anything.

Active sync issue (change made on server require re-sync)

Heya, This is my first winmo device (HTC Raphael [aka HTC Fuze for At&T]) ever and I'm having an abominably annoying time with active sync for wm6.1
every once in a while when I plug my phone in for syncing, I get this error that says:
There has been a change made on your server that requires you to re-synchronize all items on your device. Please perform a manual sync.
Support Code: 0x80883001
Last synchronized:
Today 11:49 PM
Last attempt:
Today 11:49 PM
I don't know what in the hell is wrong with active sync, but I do know that everytime it does this re-synchronization, I end up having to re-add all my contacts on the People tab on my TF3D interface AND I lose all the custom ring tone assignments for everyone. Is there a way I can make this stop. It's obscenely annoying and I hate active sync with a passion of a million burning suns.
help please?
The only times I've seen this message or a similar one, is when I try to sync with my laptop when I travel and it has a different time than my phone. For example, my laptop is one hour behind the phone time or the other way arround. Fixing the time settings has solved this for me in the past. Though I don't know how would this impact your contacts...
I hate it too...
The odd thing is, it happens very randomly and I have no idea why the change is there and why it screws with tf3d's favorite ppl tab and assigned ringtones, but it's annoying as all hell.
do you sync outlook calendar items?
I believe I do. I'll try changing something on the computer then sync it and see if the message comes up. otherwise I'll do the opposite and see if that's the issue.
I found out that after adding an event into my calendar via the fuze, active sync will display the above mentioned message and proceed to erase all my contacts in the "People" tab as well as all ringtones associated to all the callers on my contact list.
Help please?
Who do I have to make love to here to get some help?
p.s I'm a very kinky person irl
lol. we're trying to help everyone...
alright, which operating system are you using?
(are you female?)
I'm using Windows Vista
(I can be any gender you like, I don't do S&M though)XD
Here is some more info for you. Says something creating outlook subfolders on the desktop w/o syncing first. Anyway, seems like this is the problem you are describing.
I was actually browsing that exact thread. The problem is that I haven't made any folders under outlook. The only thing I did was to add an event into the calendar. Suppose I have an appointment next week say, Monday February 2nd. I go to my fuze and set the appointment via the calenda soft tab. From there, I later sync the fuze to my computer (Vista) and then the error message comes up.
Any attempts to delete the partnership and then recreate a new one will simply just erase all the people I have under the "Peoples" tab on my TF3d Interface. I'd also like to note that all the ringtones that I have assigned for specific contacts also get erased.
honestly, i can't think of anything...
I'd hard reset if i were you
and if you're using vista, you should try to use WMDC 6.1 instead of activesync
WMDC? is it an alternative to syncing?
Sorry, This is indeed my first windows mobile phone so I have very little grasp on various WM softwares and such.
That microsoft forum thread mentions some suggestions to compact your Outlook pst file and check it for errors. If you are syncing to an Outlook pst file, then I would disable the cache mode option in Outlook, make a backup of the pst file, check it for error / repair and compact it to see if that helps.
i have this error...
htc touch diamond2
If it was my type of problem as in everything gets wiped out and replaced back in (therefore screwing up the tf3d peoples tab.. then I found the answer..
when sync your phone, you are asked what to do if there are conflicts. I misread it and chose replace on device... It should be replace on desktop. Basically I told it that if there was a conflict, to replace everything on my device rather than on my desktop.. now that I changed that, i haven't had that problem.. at all.
hi guys,
i m facing the problem when i connect mobile via sync it shows error
''can not exute repllog.exe''
plz help me.

[Q] Error syncing contacts from Live

I'll be as brief as possible. If you need clarification, just ask. I don't expect to solve this problem quickly, but any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I cannot sync contacts with my main Live account (which is set up with Windows Live Domains). Whenever I leave the Contacts option checked, the phone displays "Attention required" after a few minutes of syncing, and then "Error 0x86000106". It also briefly displays "Contacts: 1/0".
Emails and appointments sync flawlessly on that account, and contacts syncing works flawlessly with *any other* accounts I have, even with another Live account with a custom domain.
Here's what I tried so far, without success:
- Posted this problem to the Microsoft Answers forum (no help)
- Hard resetted the phone
- Changed phone's time zone
- Changed phone's region and language
- Enabled logging (where's that log stored?)
- Removed and readded all my contacts (I have about 120 contacts)
- Tried syncing with just one or two contacts
- Tried syncing via both WiFi and OTA
- Tried changing some personal info on the account profile
I've actually found that error code on Microsoft's website, but they say it's related to Outlook/Exchange and Activesync (it's trying to sync a corrupted item, and removing the offender causes the sync to continue). However, I cannot imagine how that corruption could be possible as I am not using Outlook.
Any ideas? Is it possible to "clear" the account in any way?
Bump... Anything? Anyone? I had resetted the phone a few more times, still no luck.
Try this
Uncheck sync contacts, then sync the whole thing. Then check sync contacts and see if it works
wpxbox, thanks for the reply. I can't uncheck to sync contacts now because this is my primary ID (I can only uncheck email). However, I did some tests a while ago and used this ID as a secondary account - unchecking Contacts would yield a successful sync, but the error would come back if I check Contacts again.
Just as you said above, its probably trying to sync a corrupted contact, and removing the corrupted contact should let it sync successfully. It doesn't matter if you are using Outlook or not, the server itself is a Microsoft Exchange server, and very rarely, something like this happens.
More than likely, you'll have to find the offending contact and try to sync again.
I would export all my contacts, delete them from my Live account (clear it out completely), then separate the exported contacts into groups of 10 or 20 contacts each, and then import each group, and sync after each import. This will allow you to make sure your contacts all sync successfully, and if there is a corrupted one, you can narrow it down to the last group you imported of 10 or 20 contacts. Makes it easy to track down the culprit.
That would be a god way. Good idea
prjkthack, thanks for the reply but I already did that. Phone won't sync even with an empty contact list. Still could be a corrupt contact, but where would it be? I used Outlook to access the contacts list and see if something comes up but no luck either (btw, Outlook syncs flawlessly).
And before someone say it, I already contacted Microsoft about it but they just keep sending me back and forth between the Microsoft Answers team, the Windows Live Mobile team and the Windows Live forum without giving me any solutions at all.
Nothing? Oh well, I'm doomed....

