Blackberry client - Touch Cruise General

Hi Folks,
I was just wondering if there is come kind of blackberry emulation/client that runs on the pda.
Our IT won´t install the nessessary exchange tools that are required for Direct Push via Active Sync, but we do have blackberry in usage.
Is there another way of getting the mail via direct push?

Seven software is the best BB alternative. It's beta, but works FANASTICALLY. Truly, I find it better than BB Connect for WM since it uses less battery AND can still use your normal data connection.
Get the software here:
Use the download link at the top of your screen. Depending on what email you are trying to have pushed, there are different configs. But if its just POP3, IMAP, or Yahoo, or Gmail, it works. It even has a solution if you have a corporate email that sits behind a firewall on your company's intranet.
I've been using it for 8 months, and its simply awesome.
Edit: BTW, if you really want true BB client, then search the Kaiser forum for Blackberry Connect. You'll find links to download it. It works, asusming you have a BB-compatible data plan. but like I said, its a memory and CPU hog, draining your battery about 10% per hour, even limited to Edge data, with intermittent (say 15 minute) polling periods.
Seven is real-time and even on 3G, doesn't suck the battery dry. And I'm not affiliated with Seven. My posts on their hep forum will prove that. But I recommend Seven to EVERYONE who wants push mail.

Thanks for the Info,
I found BB Connect in the meantime an also manage to get it installen on WM 6.1.
I´ll give the sother SW a try on the weekend.

Have you managed to get BB Connect working? I've tried so many different versions and have not been able to get it to work. Everytime it establishes a connection and data tunnel it disconnects immediately. I haven't heard of anyone who's got this to work. I'm talking about Blackberry Enterprise. Check out this thread:
The Seven software mentioned above, that's not for BB Enterprise server, that's just for push mail correct?

hambola said:
Have you managed to get BB Connect working? I've tried so many different versions and have not been able to get it to work. Everytime it establishes a connection and data tunnel it disconnects immediately. I haven't heard of anyone who's got this to work. I'm talking about Blackberry Enterprise. Check out this thread:
The Seven software mentioned above, that's not for BB Enterprise server, that's just for push mail correct?
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Seven is a "competing product" to BB's suite. If you are trying to connect to a BB server, then yes, you'd need BBC. But if you are just trying to get your email delivered, whether it be personal, POP3, IMAP, or you corporate email (Exchange) and you are behind a firewall, then Seven has a solution for you. Some more elegant than others. But it works. For me, it's the only option since we do use Exchange, behind a firewall, with no OWA externally accessible and BBC's software is very juice hungry.
As for getting BBC to work. Without knowing your exact setup, its hard to know what the issue is. First, make sure you are on the right data plan. I.e. for AT&T you MUST be on one of their BB data plans. Otherwise, you won't be able to get to the APN needed. Then, make sure you have the BBC for WM software installed on your phone and PC. (There are 2 programs, one for each) Then, connect your phone to the PC as in ActiveSync. Run the PC's program. You should notice that ActiveSync connection is severed, and the BB program should find the phone. Then go to assign a PIN and it should. Then it shoudl start to pull email to your phone.
The second software you need to run on the PC is here:
Click on the link for:
Because BBC uses a different APN than all other network access on your phone, and your phone can only connect to one APN at a time, you will not be able to do other things like surf via IE on your phone while you are connected to BBC (another reason it sucks).

There is a new version of BB client , can somebody try it and let us know if it is working ?


lots of questions about Pushmail and blackberry

Hello all
I have several questions that I haven’t been yet able to find answers to yet. I am new to all this and I would really appreciate it if you can help me answer them:
1. If MS Direct Push is free and can even be used on Nokia phones (mail for exchange) and other other platforms. Then why do many companies are still stuck with BlackBerry?
2. What are the advantages that BB has over direct push? And are they enough to convince many corporations to stick with BB
3. Are there any numbers that compares the data (gprs)usage between the two technologies. I read somewhere that the cost to get BB device connected is about %30 less than directpush. If that number is true, why?
4. Would someone refer me to good articles that explains how BB or direct push work.
5. Are there any articles that contain tips and tricks that would help get the data usage direct push to the bare minimum. GPRS here is just way too expensive (around $1.5 per meg)
6. In the interest of saving cost, Is it possible to get the exchange server to only push unread messages or even not push at all if I am connected to the exchange server using outlook from my desktop.
7. I read somewhere that microsoft pushmail is not true push like RIM’s BB, why? And should we care if it isn’t. Is there an advantage of having “real” push solution.
8. Which uses less data and better battery life: enabling push mail or auto-synching every 1 hour. I honesly couln’t care less about push if its going to end up costing much more than normal.
9. My friend (uses BB and direct push) says that BB is a little faster than direct push. Why? My understanding is that BB uses a Blackberry enterprise server BES server (connected to the exchange server) and some kind of e-mail relay server (connected to the BES and the phone) somewhere in the internet. So why is direct push a little slower even though there is no middleman (exchange server talks directly to the phone)
10. My friend also claims that BB proved to be more stable than direct push (many times stops receiving e-mails for no apparent reason) in his company. If that is true everywhere else, why? In principle, shouldn’t direct push be more stable\reliable as its design is simpler => less things are likely to go wrong.
11. can you have more than one account pushing to the same device on wm5
Thanks. Thats all I have for now will post more if I get more
Hi, welcome to the forum!
Wow, that is a lot of questions for your first post
Let me try to answer some of that:
1) Push mail is not free. You need to install MS EXCHANGE 2003 with SP 2. Most companies that use BlackBerry already have dedicated expansive RIM servers so they don't want to invest in changing the infrastructure.
2) Don't really know the answer to this one, but here is an interesting article I ran in to a while ago.
3) Also not sure but I remember reading somewhere that without transfer of any mail MS PUSH takes about 12MB a month.
4) Here is a link that might be helpful.
5,6) Sorry do not know the answer to that.
7) It's true. You'll see after reading the article in the previous link that while it is not "true push" it is fast enough to appear as one. I've been using push mail for the last 4 month and noticed an interesting phenomenon: When my phone is next to my desktop at the office I often get new mail notification on the phone as much as 1min before the desktop outlook pics it up.
8) Auto sync each hour uses much less data and battery. That is because to have push mail MS sends about 400 bytes each 2 minutes over the connection to keep it alive.
9, 10) As I never used BlackBerry all I can say is that I never had late arrival or dropout in push in four month nor did anyone else in my company. Still MS products are known to be buggy.
11) No. You can only define one server and one account on it.
thanks for the exellent replay and the links
many questions are still unanswered though, still need your help guys
13. what are some of the improvments to direct push that we are expected
to see in the future (exchange 2007 and wm6)
14. i tried MS direct push on Nokia e61 and N80 using wifi (free+faster) and it seems to work just fine. why no wifi on wm5 push mail.
15. is it possible to automatically switch to wifi active synching (not push) when you then switch to pushmail over gprs if the phone gets dissconnected from wifi.
16. i have tried MS direct push and its working great but the data usage is too much. yesterday i logged 1.9 MB of gprs traffic(only pushmail working and i only recieved 12 simple text e-mails. i talked to the security people to varify that the https connection time-out is more than 15 min and they confirmed that it was set to 30 mins. i talked to exchange people and they confirmed that the heart rate signal was set to 8 mins. so what else can i check to see the root of the data-use and battery problem.
Couple more answers:
13) No idea, but I wouldn't hold my breath for WM6. I think it's about a year - year and a half away (Crossbow should only be like WM5 SE).
14) M$ believes that push mail should always be connected. On most WM devices (including my Jamin) WiFi is turned off during standby, so push mail tries to force GPRS whenever possible. It will go through WiFi for a while if your device is on and you manually disconnect GPRS but it will not switch automatically to WiFi.
15) Starting with ActiveSync 4.0 MS removed WiFi sync option for 'security' reasons. I remember seeing an articles on setting up some kind of VPN or something to bypass this, but I don't remember the link and I am not sure it works past 4.1
16) I am not 100% sure but I think MS push ignores those settings and uses its own. Partially because it has to go through the cellular network and partially because its MS.
Partial answers:
1) As noted above, many companies have spent large sums of money on their BB infrastructure so aren't about to throw that away. There's also, in my opinion, a perception that BB devices are "for email" whereas MS devices are phones. Hence conservative big business goes for email devices rather than phones.
2) Personally I don't believe BB has any real advantage, but some people would disagree. Some like the BB devices more than the phones. Certainly from an IT and cost perspective, setting up a BB infrastructure is not for the feint hearted.
3) There's a huge amount of misconception about the traffic that DirectPush generates - it need be nothing like what many people make out (certainly nothing like the 400 bytes every 2 mins quoted above) but it does depend on - primarily - your firewall settings and how swiftly your firewall terminates the HTTP(S) connection.
5) Ensure you have good anti-spam software so that you're not getting spam pushed to your phone! Set it up so that only the first few K of any email is sent by default - you can always request the entire email if it's necessary. If you have access to WiFi periodically, then sync your mail then - that way, when you get a new email, it won't trigger a large sync. Likewise, if you're only using DirectPush occasionally then keep your Inbox lean - don't store loads of emails in your Inbox as those will get sync'ed down.
6) Umm... if you're connected to Exchange via Outlook on your desktop, then wire your phone via ActiveSync and you won't need DirectPush on... and then your phone will be fully sync'ed as soon as you unplug and go on the road.
7) <rant> Forget the moaners who tell you that DirectPush is not true push as there's a 'ping' sent from the phone. That's irrelevant - who cares!! When an email is received in Exchange, it's pushed to the phone. That's all that matters!</rant>
9) I don't believe that DirectPush is slower. There are many other factors that may affect the timescale by which an email is sent to either an MS or BB device and those factors are much more likely to have an impact on the timeliness than DirectPush itself.
10) Never had any problems with DirectPush myself.
16) It is the firewall settings as you describe that are key. But how are you deciding that you're using that number of Mb? Data traffic is charged by some operators in blocks, and hence a small 'ping' could be costing you one block even if it's only a fraction of a block. Also, some traffic monitors can be configured to count in blocks. So my first suggestion (if you haven't already) is to double-check that this 1.9Mb is what you are actually using, not simply whatever some piece of software is incorrectly reporting. Next up, how many K of each email have you set it to download per message? Secondly, remember that it's doing a sync when a new message arrives. So, if you're in Outlook on the desktop, and you get 10 messages which you leave in your Inbox, then you put DirectPush on, then you get 1 message, you'll be sync'ing 11 messages. I can be a relatively heavy user of DirectPush on any one day and still use nothing like 1.9Mb.
Hope this helps.

Exchange and activesync issues...

Hey all,
Just an idea. Does anyone out there think that it might be a good idea to start a thread about Exchange and OTA activesync issues? I have fielded a few questions recently and just figured that I would ask. (perhaps not located here in WM6 group but since this is most active I figured I would ask here).
Yes, I think it is a good idea.
Why? What is the problem? I've have used at least 5 different WM6 Roms as well as WM5 cooked versions, all working fine with my TMobile MDA and Push/Activesync and front-end exchange server here.
Personally.... None...
Personally, I have similar setup and no issues with multiple roms as well. I have just been answering a few questions lately from people who have been having issues and rather than have them get off topic in other forums non-related to exchange / active sync issues I figured I would start one.
Ok, I am feeling ya'
Let the questions/issues begin! Will help if I can to answer questions or test.
Real World Problem
Perhaps you will allow me to jump in with a real world problem, then.
I was able to synch with Exchange 2003 SP2 no problem. I essentially have two different scenarios:
1. I have no T-Mobile service at my desk, so I hook up to my XP machine with a USB cable and run AS 4.5. That view puts me on a private network (; the pertinent server configuration is ISA 2006 front end to the network and a WS 2003 running Exchange behind it. The XP machine gets its IP address from DHCP server on the ISA machine, using the ISA address as a gateway for the local network.
2. Away from my desk, I connect via GPRS. The connection is to the ISA server using the public DNS name of mail.<domain>.com. This means a VPN connection.
So after flashing a new ROM, I can no longer synch locally. I get a 85010001 error message, bad HTTP protocol. Not much helpful information out there; I made certain that integrated authentication was not checked on the directory security tab for the IIS folder, and I went through the deletion and recreate of the IIS folders per MS article. Still won't synch up with the same error.
Additional information. RPC over HTTP is set up on the Exchange server via ISA server, and publicly purchased certificate covers the IIS DEFAULT directory. I can do OWA from inside and outside the network, synch via GPRS when I have service but can't when I use a USB connection. I had copied my WM5 settings down before I flashed, and they are set correctly. HOWEVER, when I unlocked the phone before going to WM6, I reloaded 2.26 from T-MOBILE AND THIS PROBLEM SHOWED UP BEFORE WM6! There were no reboots or changes on any of the servers or the XP machine from when it was working to when it wasn't.
Thanks, sorry if this was posted int the wrong place.
Hey rvverito, I'm an Exchange admin myself and would love to help others who had problems setting up the Exchange/OTA Sync. If you're interested in any help or just get stuck on a sticky problem, drop me a PM or email. (Both will be pushed to my device )
Unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with ISA, I mainly service SBS servers and a WS 2003 box of my own, but with a hardware firewall. From your post it's not clear exactly what the error message is. WHen it comes to Microsoft 0x850001 is different than 850001, so if you could expand on that, it would be great.
Activesync reports the error
the 85010001 error is a windows dialogue box that comes from Activesync and not to be confused with something in one of the event files. In fact, there are no event postings on either the Exchange nor the XP boxes, and for that matter not on the ISA box, either. The error descriptions indicate a bad HTTP protocol, but I have seen other references to this error where the user wasn't even running Exchange and was trying to synch with some POP3 service. Go figure.
I know that with a certificate, there are some extra considerations, but i seemed to have had it working just fine, now not at all.
I am convinced it has something to do with Exchange and inside the local network. The WM5/6 setting capactiy is simply not rich enough to let me play with some things.
Here is another wierd thing. I am running a Netgear wireless router with WPA-PSK security. I try setting this up as a wi-fi network on my MDA and it comes back unavailable. There is a scanner on the build, and when I turn on SID broadcasting, I can see the network. However, the broadcaster says it is running WEP. If I turn off the SID, the broadcaster says it is open. And of couse, a dozen or so devices including a Nintendo Wii are all affectionately connected to the router.
thanks - L
Hmm, from the sounds of it, you may have to load the certificate onto your device. It is possible that you had it before you started the whole reflashing your phone deal, so it's worth a shot.
Of like mind
that is the conclusion I came to as well. I have been sorting out how to get the cert onto the device.
what troubles me though, is why it works over GPRS.
It could be because you have the certificate for AS/OWA, but not one for connecting to the LAN. I'm not sure what your network topology is like, so I can't really help you in that regard/
one more thing, if you have stupid tmobile proxy enable it will not let you sync with Exchange when its docked with PC, nor your pda will have access to internet. BLAME the t-zone service for blocking inbound traffic over proxy or get your self fully fledge internet for 29.99 or what you can do is disable the proxy when you connect to pc or installed battery status extended and enable option where it disables proxy when wifi is turned on. This will let you sync over wifi however again when docked with PC it can't be synced until you manually turned of proxy. Hope this helps.
wish that were it
but proxy is turned off. thanks.

most of my programs won't connect

Phone: HTC Wizard (T-Mobile MDA)
Current Rom: X-Plore 2.0
Radio: 2.19.11
Network: T-Mobile USA
Since upgrading to X-Plore 2.0 I am able to use Netfront, Internet Explorer, SMS, and MMS. But programs like Pocket IRC, the FTP client within Total Commander, and things like that won't connect to the net. I have verified that my settings are correct, So I donot understand what is occuring. All these worked perfectly before the upgrade but now donot at all. Unfortunately I donot have a Data Cable any longer to try and see if it was merely the rom or something else.
Please someone help!
This includes Windows Live (not connecting). I don't get it, why are browsers connecting but not my apps?
Okay just tried a hard reset. Still No Bueno.
If this helps:
Programs That Do Connect:
1. IE
2. NetFront
3. Opera (loaded only to test if it would connect)
4. SKTools (When it connects to see if there are updates available)
5. Tweaks2K2.Net (When it connects to see if updates are available)
Programs that DONOT connect:
1. PocketIRC (Keeps acting like it kind find a server to connect to just jumps from ip addy to ip addy trying to connecy)
2. Total Commander FTP Plugin (Says ''Username not accepted; Offline'' And that is on multiple FTP's including XDA'S!!)
3. Windows Live
Now I have verified my settings in connections and the fact that my browsers will connect shows me its able and is connecting and browsing the net. Please guys what could it be???? Thanks in advance!
And you are using GPRS ?
My WindowsLive is working ...i did not tested the others you said, but i am sure that Windows Live is connecting....except now, it won't work neither from my PC, that's M$'s bad not mine...
Mabe it's the connection or data plan. Are you sure that it worked before..or you changed data plan meanwhile ?
Yeah It worked before and I have not changed my data plan. If I recall it worked after the upgrade for a short while. Its been occuring for about a week now. Its bloody frusterating because my browsers all work, I can browse the internet, and do all that good stuff. I just cannot get things like PiRC & Total Commander to connect to the net. Even after a hard reset...Nothing. Could T-Mobile be blocking these apps? Of course once again that would not explain why NetFront and Opera, Sktools and Tweaks2k2 can connect. I am about to install OZ IM ill let you know if it works. Question though, Is there an alternative to using T-Mobile USA's 216 Proxy? Maybe a better one? Cuz maybe if I change the proxy to a non-T-Mobile one they won't be able to block it anymore..... Hmmm its an idea.
and sure enough OZ IM Connects its the one I found in the Ext. Rom
Yeah its gotta be a T-Mobile issue cuz all the programs that DONOT connect via GPRS/Edge connect perfectly via WIFI. Why would T-Mobile do that and is there a way around it?
Okay so I called T-Mobile and they deny doing anything of the sort. Which is good and bad. I am also getting a nice little messege in both WIFI and in GPRS when trying to download anything that states "This device is restricted from downloading this file type" when trying to download anything from the net. Any ideas?
Edit: I also called HTC and they said that there are no settings in the phone that would cuase this occurence which is bull becuase umm yeah....Anyway HTC tech support or at least every one of them that I talked to is for crud. Not very good support those guys.
Which data plan do you have? The $29.99 Internet one or the $5.99 T-zones one. If you only have the $5.99 plan, t-mobile filters a lot of the traffic that isn't on specific ports (ie port 80 for http works, but many other's won't) which causes some programs to not get network access. There were some proxies that allowed you to get around those, but a lot of them aren't working anymore last I heard.
If that's the case, probably your only solution is to pay for the full data plan which includes all ports internet access.
See the only reason I donot suspect the Data Plan being the issue (yes I have the 5.99 T-Mobile Web Plan,formely the $2.99 T-Zones) is because programs like NetFront and the like are connecting without issue. However I DO Suspect its a setting of some sort within the phone. I am going to try a level 2 Hard Reset (the one done with the combination of buttons) and see what happens. I tried a level 1 hard reset (The clear storage) to no avail. The level 2 hard reset will hopefully wipe it.
aestivalisakito said:
See the only reason I donot suspect the Data Plan being the issue (yes I have the 5.99 T-Mobile Web Plan,formely the $2.99 T-Zones) is because programs like NetFront and the like are connecting without issue. However I DO Suspect its a setting of some sort within the phone. I am going to try a level 2 Hard Reset (the one done with the combination of buttons) and see what happens. I tried a level 1 hard reset (The clear storage) to no avail. The level 2 hard reset will hopefully wipe it.
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I am in the same boat as you. With my tinkering I found that programs automatically connect to the connection called "The Internet" which there is no way I can edit.
It connects to this "The Internet" automatically even when I set it to connect to my Proxy setting connection in Settings>Connections>Advanced tab on the bottom>Select Networks. Could that be the problem?
Okay after my Hard Reset 2 (the combination of buttons, I was finally able to get to download programs again, however I am back to having a 1MB download limit. And in answer to your question yes I have the same thing even though I don't have a connection called ''the internet'' other thing I have noticed is that the connection ISP does not allow for the assigning of a proxy server. Even though you can just make a new connection and assign a proxy server to that new one. This however does not circumvent our little issue. Nor does it get rid of my 1MB dl limit. Anichulis do you know how to change programs defualt connections away from Internet and assign them to use GPRS?
Hey This issue, is still occuring any ideas?

Disabling DirectPush/Changing Exchange Server?

Hello. I signed up for Mail2Web's Exchange service, but then I learned about Consilient Push, before I got heavily invested in Mail2Web (no one even knows the address yet), and I was hoping to change. Problem is that WinMo 6 will let me change the server address for my Exchange server, but not the log-in, or the domain.
This is going to be moot, since eventually I'm probably canceling my unlimited data plan (costs a little too much for me, and I'm going to school where I'll be under a nice blanket of WiFi). Anyway, I'm using a T-Mo Dash, and to save power, it shuts down WiFi... plus between buildings, and in dorms there's no WiFi (routers, even in campus apartments and townhouses are forbidden), and I don't want my device hammering away at the network unnessessarily. I'll probably go with something like 20 MB (accidents do happen...), but I want to avoid all possible automated data usage.
I tried searching for a solution to this problem, but I couldn't come up with anything. Maybe I'm using the wrong search terms, or perhaps no one has tried this before. Maybe both!
Check under my signature 'rk-OSR'
See if that helps you
tytnguy said:
Check under my signature 'rk-OSR'
See if that helps you
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I hate to say it, but it doesn't. All the existing software is working fine, and I'm just looking ro DEautomate it all. For now, I'll settly for being able to change the username for the ActiveSync Exchange Sync settings.

Blackberry Connect on Raphael

I don't know how much people care, but it'll be available with the AT&T version. I saw someone on the Diamond forum I think saying they got it working, there's a link right in the Messaging section of the AT&T tab and it links you to (which doesn't exist yet of course).
Any update? Has anyone with a Raphael got Blackberry Connect working yet?
djhakase said:
Any update? Has anyone with a Raphael got Blackberry Connect working yet?
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Did you try clicking the link that I said the Blackberry Connect icon linked you to from the Fuze? If you did, you would've seen that there's now a website but it shows this:
"Blackberry Connect: Coming Soon!"
Right'o.. Has anyone tried spoofing their device as a Diamond or Kaiser and run that version of Blackberry Connect?
I'd try it myself but I don't have a Blackberry plan yet.
Hi guys,
I am sorry, but I don't know if the USA Raphael is CDMA or GSM and its implications to Blackberry.
I do have the GSM Raphael and Blackberry Connect is no problem at all. Just install the latest version (see my footer) and run. No hacking required. Works perfectly, no big load to processor or memory, full integration in TF3D. Very stable device.
djhakase said:
Any update? Has anyone with a Raphael got Blackberry Connect working yet?
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Yes I had it working fromt he 1st day in BIS mode. I have to say
1. It slowed the TP OS down.
2. Blocks other data traffic ports like browsing so you need to turn the connection off if you want to do other data related stuff.
3. Sends emails in plain text only and does not allow calandar accepts and rejects. (this may work in BES as calandar and contact sync is supported in the software)
I ended upi paying the contract penalty to drop BB for a standard data pack instead. emials are better although I don't have push yet.
Does not slow the OS down.
I installed BB connect when I got my Pro in August. Works like a charm and I have no problems with accepting or rejecting meeting requests.
It does eat up the battery...
djhakase said:
Any update? Has anyone with a Raphael got Blackberry Connect working yet?
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User "Blob8Me" is using Blackberry connect on his TP.
what exactly does blackberry connect do?
Google for blackberry connect....
th1nm1nt said:
User "Blob8Me" is using Blackberry connect on his TP.
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Indeed I do I have the BES Version (E for Enterprise) and its working really well too! I've used bbconnect on various devices now for about 2 years and this ones as good as any other - which is great!
I have my email, contacts and calendar all synced all of the time. I often have email arrive on my Pro faster than I do on my desk-top - its much quicker and more reliable than push email - although I do also have my g-mail synced with emoze - another great FREE app available for free from
I dont have an issue with blackberry data connection conflicts either as both my weather update and google maps work well with bbconnect installed! I also have BlackBerry Browser running which gives full access to my corporate intranet too - only in explorer though and not Opera!
So - in summary - works on the Pro and works Really well....
Software can be found here and by the way you'll need at least version for it to work on the Raphael.....
I've also attached here's a couple of screen shots!
i can also verify that it works perfectly for me as well. Here is the drawback though. It pulls your company's security policy and if that poilcy (which most are) is to lock your device you will be looking at a double lock if you already make your device lock. If you do not then you will only have one lock to get through to use the device.
I'm also a happy BES user. Just don't use over the air synchronization of contacts as I have noticed it is not always that accurate and contacts are lost with a large amount of contacts stored, so I leave that with Activesync
Only downside is that Blackberry and regular internet access are two separate connections and only one can be active at a time. Ideally I would like to see two parallel data connections.
Or perhaps even better have Opera and other "data clients" use the blackberry connection, as I have a flat fee data subscription on that.
mallman said:
i can also verify that it works perfectly for me as well. Here is the drawback though. It pulls your company's security policy and if that poilcy (which most are) is to lock your device you will be looking at a double lock if you already make your device lock. If you do not then you will only have one lock to get through to use the device.
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I also have BES connection and works perfect even abroad with roaming. The thing with the security applies to me also. It is enforced by the company's security policy.
Does anybody know if there is a way to setup the blackberry service using Sashimi or any other method after a clean install? So without configuring the handset manually through BBDesktop.
panos_peg said:
I also have BES connection and works perfect even abroad with roaming. The thing with the security applies to me also. It is enforced by the company's security policy.
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There is a way to deactivate the company's security policy. After each reset though, you have to go through the unlocking still, but I use Task Manager and a lnk to it's command line to stop the BB security service. Then the security policy is disabled and won't lock the device anymore. Till you soft reset it again.
Of course not recommended from a company's security point of view, but if you are watching a movie on a plane, it is pretty annoying to enter the password each 15 minutes.
Approach me if you want more info.
I'm a Blackberry user that is thinking of migrating to the Touch Pro. What is the advantage of using BB Connect over Activesync?
Also, do you get full HTML with BB Connect? I do on my BB, so was just wondering.
I8UB4 said:
I'm a Blackberry user that is thinking of migrating to the Touch Pro. What is the advantage of using BB Connect over Activesync?
Also, do you get full HTML with BB Connect? I do on my BB, so was just wondering.
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It will depend on what your work uses all the same though. and emails on BB connectwill be plain txt
clausg said:
There is a way to deactivate the company's security policy. After each reset though, you have to go through the unlocking still, but I use Task Manager and a lnk to it's command line to stop the BB security service. Then the security policy is disabled and won't lock the device anymore. Till you soft reset it again.
Of course not recommended from a company's security point of view, but if you are watching a movie on a plane, it is pretty annoying to enter the password each 15 minutes.
Approach me if you want more info.
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Would you be able to provide some more details or an instruction set on how to do this? TIA!
How to disable company's BlackBerry Security policy
greatg said:
Would you be able to provide some more details or an instruction set on how to do this? TIA!
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The responsible startup service to lock your device is "BlackBerrySecurity" (you can find it with Memmaid, for example). If you stop that service, e.g. with Memmaid, the BB lock screen will not bother you anymore. But attention: never delete this service! (possible with Memmaid). If you delete it instead of stoping it, your device will not boot anymore and you will need a hard reset.
But if you stop the service, after any soft reset of your device you will see the BB Unlock screen again. Only after unlocking, you can then stop the service, and the company's security policy (in my case, locks device every 15 minutes) will not nag you subsequently anymore.
In the past, after a soft reset I unlocked my device at the BB lock screen, then I opened Memmaid and stopped the service manually. As I have to reset my device frequently (2-3 times daily), this was pretty annoying everytime. I wanted a way to stop the service with one fingertouch.
The excellent freeware Task Manager provides command line parameters which allows to stop selected services. I haven't found any other program that does the same. Additionally, Task Manager is small and has many useful system tools. It is actually not what it's name suggests, it is no task manager but a system tool.
This is what I did:
1. download Task Manager (I do have V3.1) from
2. create a .lnk to it with the command line option to stop the BB Security service in your \Windows\StartMenu: for example "\Program Files\TaskMgr.exe" /stopsvc BlackBerrySecurity (if you have installed it in main memory)
3. Now you can reach this link from your Programs list.
I have added a different icon to it and put it in my Programs list at the first place. Now, after a soft reset, I unlock my device, then I just click the icon and the service is stopped.
Company SysAds will hate me. Take care that your data is safe in case you loose the device and use different means of protection.

