I have been doing a lot of reading, just not a lot of posting. i do have a couple questions that the search has not answered.
Q1: At the bootscreen, how do you change what OS version is running?
Q2: How do you change the info in About and Device Info?
Thanks in advance for the info.
P.S. If anyone knows any great threads for such beginning Q's maybe i want have to ask such Q's.
I've seen these changed in many wm6 roms. I don't mean to pry but is this kinda a secret?
Please read through the forum before you post. Your question has probably already been answered.
We now have to wade through countless threads regarding SMS phonebook lookup, where can i get radio 4.16, etc.
I appreciate those who already take a little care.
martinlong1978 said:
Please read through the forum before you post. Your question has probably already been answered.
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This is the key here. If there was an easier way to do this.
My suggestion is start up a FAQ page|post.
With common and upto date news.
Especially the following I believe:
- Latest updates, and where to find or get them (eg ROM)
- SMS problem + patch.
- Un-locking technique (or is this against the rules?)
- hardware problems screen, serial, etc..
You can't stop people posting silly questions, without having the answers easily available.
I spend a lot of time on the madonion site for 3dmark. Yes overclockers and computer destroyers! Newcomers, beginners need to be led. You cannot tell them NO. Never tell somebody no, tell them other things...
Just my 2 pennies worth of comment:
I normally would try a Search for some keywords to get all the posts recently on the topic I am interested in. The search engine is very efficient and it shows you all the posts with that keyword. It can be a little tedious some times to read thru the threads for a topic which has been heavily debated. But the search mechanism is a good point to start for someone interested to get an answer quick as one doesn't have to wait for somebody to answer you especially when the info is already available elsewhere. An FAQ would be a fabulous addition though it would be lots of extra work for the site developer.
This forum is the best support for the xda available in the whole world and we should thank all those who made it possible. As the person with probably the most silly questions it is a great site to get help and I would like to give those guys sweating behind the screen a big thank you !!!
Will do
Sounds fair enough. Thanks for the awesome site!
Was it really necessary to revive a thread that is almost eight years old? Most forums have FAQs and other stickies to help new users find what they need.
Wasn´t really necessary that you also replied on an old thread?
Hi Guys.
Very impressed with the forum here, and hell to you all
I am going to ask a question that some people may refuse to answer because they know it all but here goes...
What is all this "rom" changing about?
I want to get rid of the vodafone on my v1615 so that its a normal" kaiser, do i need to download a new"rom" and change it?
Also i would like to unlock it, can somebody point me in the right direction?
Will i loose any applications or features by changing the rom etc.
Thanks, just putting my mind at rest
flashy said:
Hi Guys.
Very impressed with the forum here, and hell to you all
I am going to ask a question that some people may refuse to answer because they know it all but here goes...
What is all this "rom" changing about?
I want to get rid of the vodafone on my v1615 so that its a normal" kaiser, do i need to download a new"rom" and change it?
Also i would like to unlock it, can somebody point me in the right direction?
Will i loose any applications or features by changing the rom etc.
Thanks, just putting my mind at rest
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well if you like what we do here... please respect the fact that this thread is highly organized and quite informative, as a matter a fact... right above your thread (the top) is a bunch of links that "point you in the right direction"
im not gonna start the newb bashing, but a little reading wouldve been easier than posting a new thread... go to the xda-wiki at the top brown bar... scroll down to kaiser... and read the whole thing. if you still have questions, then ask... deal?
all you need to do is read the wiki located at
enuff said
i just spotted that.
Thanks. Looks like i'll be going to 6.1 very very soon!
Welcome on board Flashy.
Follow the advice given above.
Closing thread - question answered.
Hi Everyone, yes I've been sandbagging for the last few weeks or so since I picked up my Kaiser. I've noticed the high levels of frustration with noobs asking questions before searching and also noticed people like Gwen who have had major success off their own bat (congrats Gwen).
I have a question to pose to the elders )) ... I am relatively technically savvy but really only as an end user and part time tweaker. I am keen to try Dutty's 6.1 Rom but when I start reading about Rom flashing/cooking etc I get hopelessly lost in the details.
To get to the point, my suggestion is, would it be helpful and probably reduce a lot of clutter in the regular channels if there was a dedicated channel where noobs could hangout and ask potentially silly questions without fear of annoying ppl and where 'experts' and more experienced noobs could drop in to answer when they have time.
My example is this.. I have scoured the boards and found several how-to's on flashing including the very helpful Rom Flashing Wiki thread. But I still find myself with a question without an obvious (to me) answer. I bought my Kaiser outright (in Australia), do I still need to do the step to remove the CID using Hard SPL before kickin off the update???? If I don't will I brick my phone? Perfect question for a noob channel.
Sorry for the lengthy virgin post, thought I might try and help while asking for help. Thanks for your time.
well am a mid noob not an expert but can tell u that u need to use the kaiser unlocker to do the SPL and unlock the radio aswell, there is no other way to upgrade unless u SPL first.
"u only have to SPL if using unofficial roms and official roms from other operators like at&t..etc"
hope am right though but that's what i gathered from wiki
i know that we are all virgins at the beginning but.....
if you cant understand what to do after reading all the wikis and all the answers that elders give all the noob questions then you maybe should not start meddling in things that might get your unit to become a paperweight.
all the answers you might have have alredy been aswerd time and time again.
i also have questions from time to time and have found that the search button has served me well.
citizennn said:
i know that we are all virgins at the beginning but.....
if you cant understand what to do after reading all the wikis and all the answers that elders give all the noob questions then you maybe should not start meddling in things that might get your unit to become a paperweight.
all the answers you might have have alredy been aswerd time and time again.
i also have questions from time to time and have found that the search button has served me well.
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Fair call...
@ahassouna - thank you for the reply, appreciate it.
Hi Moderators and Senior Memers and all the lovely people of this forum,
I wish if we can have a glossary page at the Wiki for all the new ppl which can have some commonly used terms or Words defined. like OEM, PIE and others..
Though I am quite old to this forum now, but still i find it difficult many times to decipher a particular term used in the forum by Senior people who at times used very technical term.
if we have a glossary, we can avioid new bees posting same old queries again and again..also this way we can aware ppl here about the product they are using.
please respond to this thread, and tell me if i am asking something extra or if we have a glossary page already, Can someone please send me a link.. i will like that to be a bookmarked page.
Many thanks
I will go ahead and write one up over the next few days and post it. Hopefully it can be sticked and then merged into the Wiki. Perhaps you can post any questions you have to this thread so they can be answered and included.
Thanks for your input.
Thanks much h4waii,
i specifically interested in understanding the USPL and Kitchen terminologies... though i have flashed my VOX with all the Dr. Gonzo's Rom and all versions of NEO by secable. but i really don't understand those pure technical words you ppl use... Its more like Follow the instruction like bible
Thanks again for finding my post a worth
take care
Wiki has been slightly updated. Please write any and all questions you have about SPL, kitchen, flashing, ROM/RADIO questions you might have. Aboslutely anything, if you thought of them - other people might have and it can be a great help to them. So don't hold back, ask all the 'silly questions' you can think of!
Nice idea...
don't know if it already exists but also including a F.A.Q wuold not be so bad...including the most usual questions like:
Q:"I was trying to flash the XXX rom and i got Image corruption or whatever is..."
A: Have you flashed your SPL.....?
P:S Maybe we would never say RTFM..but we could say RTW( Read The Wiki) LoL...
Just for the future, when you add a page to the wiki and want to link to it you don't need the full link, just [Glossary|vox_glossary]! Looks better and is easier. OK now start asking questions (never thought I would ever write this)!
Thanks much members..Give me time this coming sunday.. i'll have my list prepare.
Just to share my VOX would have been just abother phone of mine, had i not discovered this forum. It made me love my phone just too much
thanks all
Ah, thanks and thank you for changing it.
Once a good amount of questions are put and answered, I will contact a moderator to have the title adjusted and stickied.
We await your questions to fill you with knowledge! Teehee.
Ok guys let me start by saying that i have recently purchased a M5000 which came with WM5 and i am now looking to upgrade to WM6. I have to apologise in advance as it is a new unit i am a total newb so i have a few questions.
1. Do i simply install a new ROM to upgrade?
2. If so what is considered the best version and where can it be found?
3. If i upgrade do i lose all my installed programs?
The unit is currently running with the orange side bar which i find a little annoying this is the main reason for wanting to change.
Like i say i am new so i can only apologise if my questions seem a little stupid. I have tried searching the forums for the answers but to no avail.
Many thanks in advance
b33k3r said:
Ok guys let me start by saying that i have recently purchased a M5000 which came with WM5 and i am now looking to upgrade to WM6. I have to apologise in advance as it is a new unit i am a total newb so i have a few questions.
1. Do i simply install a new ROM to upgrade?
2. If so what is considered the best version and where can it be found?
3. If i upgrade do i lose all my installed programs?
The unit is currently running with the orange side bar which i find a little annoying this is the main reason for wanting to change.
Like i say i am new so i can only apologise if my questions seem a little stupid. I have tried searching the forums for the answers but to no avail.
Many thanks in advance
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Welcome to the forum
1.- Yes, but follow the instructions!
2.- Tomal ROM v8.5, do a SEARCH!
3.- Yes
Please READ the Wiki!! and enjoy
Many thanks Orb. I did try doing a search but unfortunately there were no polls on the subject and there did seem to be a few different versions available so i was looking for advice. I have found all the info on the wiki so i will be giving it a bash this weekend. Appreciate your help though.
b33k3r said:
Many thanks Orb. I did try doing a search but unfortunately there were no polls on the subject and there did seem to be a few different versions available so i was looking for advice. I have found all the info on the wiki so i will be giving it a bash this weekend. Appreciate your help though.
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Here to download:
Good luck,
Cheers orb. I had already seen the that update but my dilemma was that there are several other updates available and i wasnt sure what the general feeling as to the best one was. My initial thoughts were that the tomal was the most popular due to the number of posts and posters mentioning it in their sigs.
Whats the difference between the standard and special builds?
Are there any extra system requirements for the special build?
Thanks for your help though. I know to you it must seem a little trivial but i can assure you that your help has given me the extra confidence i probably needed to undertake the update.
At this point my friend
The best recommendation is to test several! till you have the one that fits your personal needs (I have tested a lot to find mine)
And really, you have to read!
You´ll find what is the difference between
Vanilla, standard, etc ROM´s
And many many more very usefull info
You know what is my recommendation
p.d. You don´t need any extra requirements for that special build