At times, when I go to the settings menu, I lose icons like battery, clear storage, power and the other custom settings.
It has been doing this on NDB and now on Black Diamond 2.0 rom. What is causing this?
I hard reset my phone the other day as i messed it up to go to a fresh install of NatF's 4.4
Ever since i ahve an icon in the top bar which looks like a batter with a plug going into it. This is always there and the phone is not even plugged in. How can i get rid of it?, what does it mean? - It was there on my previous install of this rom.
Also, the icons in the programs and settings menus are small, especially the text. I used to get 3 icons to a line but now get 4? - which is normal?
rctneil said:
I hard reset my phone the other day as i messed it up to go to a fresh install of NatF's 4.4
Ever since i ahve an icon in the top bar which looks like a batter with a plug going into it. This is always there and the phone is not even plugged in. How can i get rid of it?, what does it mean? - It was there on my previous install of this rom.
Also, the icons in the programs and settings menus are small, especially the text. I used to get 3 icons to a line but now get 4? - which is normal?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi Neil,
Not sure about the battery icon in your task bar but the norm is 3 icons per row in Settings and Programs. If you want to change it back to 3, NATF has a custom cab for it in his thread here:
If you want to make the font on the icons bigger, use Schap's Advanced Config and under "User Interface" change: "Icon title font size" default is 6 on NATF's roms.
You're still on 4.4? You know he released 4.6 today.
yeh, I would upgrade but it takes ages to reinstall all my apps and the main thing is setting everything to how I like it! - so many small options hidden everywhere which take ages to alter and fix to my liking
I was wondering if anyone has had this happen before? I was just on my Captivate checking a few apps out and then all of a sudden the screen froze for a few seconds and all the icons disappeared and only the wallpaper was left displayed. During that time I was tapping the screen and whatnot wondering what happened and it stayed frozen like this for maybe 30 seconds before it finally came back to life, but I then noticed that whatever icons were displayed on the left side of the status bar turned grey and also when I pull down the menu from the bar it is also grey in color now.
Also I've noticed that the settings menu seems greyer as well. Does anyone have a way to fix this and bring the color back as the grey looks pretty crappy. I'm using Darky's 9.2 rom right now.
Edit: now that I'm looking at it more, it seems like ALL of the menus in all my apps now are greyed. Where before it use to be in color now everything is a dull grey?!
Can anyone help please??
Master Reset. Something (maybe a messed up app?) screwed up the graphics of your phone so if just restarting (... you DID try turning it off and back on, right?) doesn't work then just back up and master reset.
I'm guessing that you have tried rebooting, but if not try that. If that doesn't work flash to stock using Odin and if it still isn't fixed then try to get a replacement.
Under the notification bar, not a widget.
I recall a way to flash a .zip to get more quick settings there, but can't put my finger on it.
Anyone know of how to put extra settings under the notification bar, like add screen orientation sensor on/off, etc. alongside the already existing brightness, wifi, etc.?
Using Inspired Ace v1.0.1 ROM.
I'm running Viper XL 3.2.8 and I used to have power toggles in my pull down status bar (wifi, gps, flashlight, data, etc.). In the past few days, these have been replaced by quick launch icons that I find useless. I can still access these things if I go over to the quick settings, but I've been searching the settings for hours trying to get it back to how it was. What am I missing?
The first attachment is what it looks like now.
The second attachment is what it used to look like that I'm trying to return to.
Long press on the time and date area and it will change. Cycle through the different views until you get what you want.
Thank you! I knew it was something simple.
I'm trying to get the AOSP battery icon instead of the Sony one. I've tried GravityBox, which works to add the AOSP icon, but Sony's one is still there. I know I can disable it in settings but it still shows on the lock screen and when the notification pane is down. Is there any other way to change/remove Sony's battery icon?
Not Optimal... But it works!
So I am figuring you are trying to do this because you got gravity box and when you apply a battery icon it adds it alongside the stock one but doesn't replace it... So there three easy steps to get rid of it! First of all in the settings search for personalization, system icons and untick battery... this will get rid of the battery in the status bar when it is NOT pulled down; then go to the xposed app and download a module called clean lock screen, activate it and tick the option for the removal of the status bar icons... this will get rid of it in the lock screen BUT it will also remove the gravity box one and the WiFi and data signal icons... and lastly, download a module from the xposed installer called android N-ify, this will add some awesome features like the double-tap recents to go to last applications and yata yata but most important thing is that this will customize your notification and quick toggle panel and it by default hides battery... so reboot and your stock battery should be successfully hidden!! I know your question is kinda old by now but I just got back to stock marshmallow in my z3 and was struggling with this same exact problem and this was the best solution I was able to find for this!