I upgraded to WM6 with TNT 4.0 and now activesync wont recognize the device. It will charge over USB but activesync doesn't see the phone.
Im using activesync 4.5 as instructed. I have deleted all old profiles just in case it was an old corrupted profile. I have hard reset the device and have reloaded the device from scratch and still no go...
Any ideas?
Please forgive an OT posting from a newbie on this forum, but I have tried elsewhere with no results.
I have inherited an old iPAQ 3630 that I want to get going but am well stuck with the following problem.
New installation of XP Pro + SP2 from original media on modern P4 with motherboard BIOS at latest rev. All ports work OK with other devices.
Firewall OFF.
New installation of Outlook 2003.
No other software installed (e.g. AV).
Soft reset iPAQ.
Install ActiveSync 3.8 as Local Administrator.
At the Get Connected screen insert iPAQ into USB cradle, turn on and plug into USB port on the back of the computer.
Plug and Play does its thing and iPAQ appears correctly in Device Manager.
iPAQ briefly displays Connecting to Host.
On the host Get Connected screen disappears and ActiveSync icon appears in System Tray.
Open ActiveSync on host and the green thing rotates; ActiveSync says Connecting - forever.
The ActiveSync never connects to the iPAQ. Never get to set up a Partnership.
Tried two other computers, Windows 2000, Outlook 2000, ActiveSync 4.0, Serial Connection. Same problem.
Tried hard reset of the iPAQ.
I have never seen this iPAQ connected. I was assured it worked. It has had an upgrade to PPC 2002 at some time in its life.
I have tried a couple of other forums but just get responses stating the obvious. So I thought I'd try the real experts.
Any ideas please guys?
I am using Jwrightmcps Crossbow ROM 2.02.02 WWE. Hard reset fresh install. Current running programs - Wisbar Advance. Thats all.
The latest and most irritating problem I am having with Vista and Activesync on Universal is that it wont connect via USB . It connects and suddenly disconnects. Today i took some pics with the phone and wanted to transfer them to laptop on the train where there is no internet and GPRS wont work under cave. Device just wouldnt connect to laptop running vista ultimate.
Then i tried to connect Activesync bluetooth to transfer the pics wouldnt work either. All bluetooth or beam connections wouldnt work. I dont know if this issue is only occuring with me but i find it very irritating. Some troubleshoot tips would be really helpful.
Ultimately i had to transfer the pics via GPRS email.
I wonder when will Windows Mobile support Vista. Almost all my electronics are synced with vista very well like xbox360.
ActiveSync under Vista? Don't you mean Windows Mobile Device Centre --> http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/devicecenter.mspx
I'm having all my phones hooked up (see sig.) without any problems under Vista, Guess your vista install is corrupted then.
eelco_akker said:
ActiveSync under Vista? Don't you mean Windows Mobile Device Centre --> http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/devicecenter.mspx
I'm having all my phones hooked up (see sig.) without any problems under Vista, Guess your vista install is corrupted then.
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ActiveSync under Vista? Don't you mean Windows Mobile Device Centre - YES I mean Windows mobile device centre.
You are lucky to not be having any problems. My vista install is not corrupt . My other phone works well with Vista's Mobile Centre. My HTC Advantage X7500 that is. ... Oh well looks like Universal sux.
To be more precise. The Activesync 4.5 on windows xp is experiencing the same problems as Vista's Mobile center. >.< as i tried on my other desktop
If the only program you have installed is Wisbar Advance, why don't you hard-reset your phone? That usually solves all connection problems.
alphaandomega said:
If the only program you have installed is Wisbar Advance, why don't you hard-reset your phone? That usually solves all connection problems.
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Done. No change. Using same ROM. Connection keeps dropping. Does the connection drop after some idle time? Unable to sync via Bluetooth either.
yes, i have the same problem like you. Crossbow 2.2.0 and vista business with wdcm don't synchronize. It try and return me a error.
But it is strange because it install nero mobile on my device, but he don't synchronize !
I need a solution too.
Here no problems at all. Vista Ultimate and JW ROM 2.02.02 WWE. Sync works perfectly well. I use USB connection. I think, the problem may by with cable or USB hub, if any. Also make sure that you've got the uodated version of WMDC. Main is 6.0.3783. I also install soft from my Vista, browse my uni, copy files and abslolutly no problems.
Tadeusz said:
Here no problems at all. Vista Ultimate and JW ROM 2.02.02 WWE. Sync works perfectly well. I use USB connection. I think, the problem may by with cable or USB hub, if any. Also make sure that you've got the uodated version of WMDC. Main is 6.0.3783. I also install soft from my Vista, browse my uni, copy files and abslolutly no problems.
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What about the Bootloader and ROM upgrade thru Vista? How do yousolve the problem with the USB driver/ports in these modes?
myname70 said:
What about the Bootloader and ROM upgrade thru Vista? How do yousolve the problem with the USB driver/ports in these modes?
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Well, I still have WinXP on my other disk, so I could upload ROM to my uni from XP. The bootloader is 1.01. I had to use bootloader to install JW ROM. However I mainly use Vista now. I am syncing my uni usualy once a day. I am taking pictures and video so I have to transfer it to my PC. The syncing proces is done using USB under Vista and no problems at all. I never bothered with USB drivers for my Uni. Simply Vista system upgrade doeas everything form me.
I have just flashed my wizard with a TNT wm6 and now I can't get activesync to regonize my device. I am using activesync 4.5. I uninstalled activesync and relaoded it. I have rebooted both my wizard and my laptop. I have checked the coms and let activesync look for my wizard and it tells me that my device has npot been detected. My wizard is showing the plugged in icon and is taking a charge from my laptop but its not allowing me to share info. is there anything I am missing....?
I got the same problem! Cant sync with 2nd PC after upgrade to TNT5.0. I reinstalled Active Sync but it wont work. Now I only can sync with the PC which used to flash ROM. Is there any bar in OS that just allow sync to 1 computer?
Nopes !!!
There's no bar of any sort in any OS as not establish connectivity through Activesync.Which Windows are you using,Active Sync will only work on WinXP and not on WinVista.
1.Disable any Firewall or Anti virus program,check connectivity now.
2.disconnect phone from usb cable,delete partneship from pc and phone.
3.Uninstall Activesync,reboot pc.
4.Get phone into bootloaders mode (multicolor screen),Hook up the phone with pc via usb cable,check if usb appears at the bottom of the bootloaders in the phone,if it's there than,it's establishing connection with phone,if not then,there's a problem either in anyone one of these :-
a) USB cable , b) mini usb port of the phone c) Usb port of the PC.
Dig out the problem and rectify accordingly
Cheers !
Yep... All checked!
Before upgrade, normally I've using all 2 PC (and some others PC) to sync with. I upgraded on PC1, is OK. Plug in PC2, it still recornized, connecting but couldnt connected. Batt charging normal. I've deleted all partnership., reinstall ActiveSync, disable Kapersky AV... but still get error. Oh my God, do I have to reinstall Windows??? It's too tired and take long time....
DiCham said:
Yep... All checked!
Before upgrade, normally I've using all 2 PC (and some others PC) to sync with. I upgraded on PC1, is OK. Plug in PC2, it still recornized, connecting but couldnt connected. Batt charging normal. I've deleted all partnership., reinstall ActiveSync, disable Kapersky AV... but still get error. Oh my God, do I have to reinstall Windows??? It's too tired and take long time....
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DiCham, have you had any development on this or has anyone else had this problem? I downloaded the same verison from Nov07 and have not been able to connect since.
when it set to advanced networking it should give up a network device
in the network connections folder
rightclick this network device and choose properties and in there
uncheck the kaspersky protocol (not uninstall)
you can also try to uncheck the advanced network setting on the wizard
japsfinest said:
DiCham, have you had any development on this or has anyone else had this problem? I downloaded the same verison from Nov07 and have not been able to connect since.
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Sadly, I have no development upto now because I have no time to reinstall Windows in 2nd PC! I hope it will help... thinking about USB driver/controller reinstall first, it will take less time than whole WindowsXP...
japsfinest: do follow da_jojo, it worked!
da_jojo: thanks very much! It work but unfortunately, i'm right on reinstalling Windows! hehehe....
i have a XDA II running WM6 and a Vario running WM6 as well. I am also running the latest version of Activesync.
Whenever i connect either of my phones up to my PC they are not detected and Activesync does not kick in, although they do charge.I have also tried soft reseting the phones but that doesnt work either.
Yesterday I tried uninstalling Activesync and reinstalling and that worked na di was able to sync, but today when i plug either phone in, nothing!
I use two syncs, an exchange server and a local Outlook on the PC, and the latter refuses to work. I have tried everything, different 6.1 roms etc, no luck, its just stuck syncing forever.... I tried Bluetooth, only, usb only etc...just sucks.
Anyone had any better luck??
When I had an HTC Apache, I had these problems with cooked WM5 roms. You might have to wait until an official 6.1 rom comes out to get it to sync with WMDC.
Did you make sure to go into USB to PC in the settings and disable "advanced network functionality"? Mine did the same thing till I disabled that.
Mine synced no problem right after the upgrade to 6.1. I upgraded on my XP machine then soft reseted after and synced on my vista machine.
I haven't had any issues with syncing on any of my cooked roms, nor with Alex's beta rom.
I'm thinking this may be a device specific problem that you're experiencing.
Which 6.1 ROM are you using?
have you flashed on Vista or XP?
I flashed on my xp machine then synch with my vista WMDC and works great..
(( hybrid rom))