The very middle of my touchscreen on my Wizard (Cingular 8125) is dead and I cannot perform the calibration without moving the stylus to the left of the cross on all five points. I was told calibration info was stored on the device in a file or registry entry and could be copied from other devices, so can anyone who has a working touchscreen send me their calibration info?
"CalibrationData"="1865,1820 711,503 2958,516 3070,3287 762,3230 "
Hi Everyone,
following a hard reset of my XDA2 i have noticed that i have four files in word that i cannot move or delete,
contactprotect key
connection protect key
appointments protectkey
anyone had this problem before and solved it?
Those files are located in the extra storage of 14 MB on your device. The exact location is:
Most likely is your Word pointed to this location.
Those files are used by Permanent save in Settings -> System
Conclusion: This is behaviour is normal. Nothing is wrong with your XDAII. Just point you Word to another location to look for files. Normally this should be My Documents
my problem is not HTC related, but is with Windows Mobile 6.1 ...
I would be very grateful for any help on this.
I get an Unidentified USB Device 'nag' screen on every reset and even when coming out of 'sleep' mode, with no devices attached.
This happens when my PDA is in it's cradle, and in my hand !
I can only click 'cancel' and then everything works fine.
I have seached the web, and most advice seems to refer to getting this nag when actually attaching devices, which is not the case with me.
I am convinced this is a registry problem,
and best I could find was to go to the Hkey_local_machine_drivers_usb section and to make changes to the sub keys.
but here is the rub ! ....
I am getting the problem on a Pocket Loox EDA and also own a Eten Glofish X650 which runs fine ...
both are running WM6.1 with exact same software ... and yet the USB sections of both registries are identical !
even more baffling is the fact that the keys/values mention various dll's that simply do not exist on either device !
Completely deleting the keys, inc the 'loadclients' section does not solve it.
andy ideas appreciated,
Does anybody had the screen aligment data for the HP iPaq H43xx?
Or does anybody can take a look in his registry.
install a registry editor (like PHM registry editor).
and than CalibrationData, where you van see al lot of numbers. that is the data.
Or you can install (remote screen aligmnet, where you can recieve the information, and it will set it in the folder where Remote screen aligment has been installed. Tha file is called Callibration.dat (or something like that).
Kind regards,
Edited so maybe it is easyer to recieve the data with Remote Screen Alignment (from Code Factory).
Anybody? it would me amazing is someone can help me.
out of curiosity whats stopping you entering it maually
I connect my PDA to the computer, and then i use a remote control to insert it manually.
And i cannot use Align screen, because my screen is broken, and before i also did it by manualy, but i lost the data.
aahhh why didnt you say so?
all you need is either an app called my mobiler or everywan
these will show you the device onthe screen so you can align it that way
although im confused as to why you aliging the screen as if you screen is broken then you cant use the touchscreen anyway
Everywan remote can be found here
Used both. But it doesn't work.. i can't allign the screen by software..
because the touchpad have to reconize the point for the data.
It is just a little broke in the screen.. but it is at the point where i have to align the screen. so.. Anybody else can send me the data?
I really need it.
Anybody? who can take the few minutes to take a look?
I have just been given an O2 Zest that I intended to use as a cordless Skype phone at home via Wi-Fi. It was working but the screen was out of calibration and it was hard to find the side bar even in landscape mode. I tried a soft reset to no avail. I then tried the reset in one of the menus that required a password (1234). Now, on power-up, it stops at Align Screen. I have found the original 02 upgrade firmware in a zip file on the O2 site. Should I unzip & load this onto the phone via the micro SD (if so, how?) or am I wasting my time? Is there another solution or have I a brick?
14 September Update
I have now been able to move onto the home screen using Remote Screen Alignment from Code Factory. It is claimed that the screen can be realigned using the stylus but I cannot find any valid hot locations on the screen. If I run the upgrade firmware will that have the valid alignment parameters as a file included?
The touch fuction of screen of my HTC stopped working from nothing but the display works and be operable by keys. A simple change of screen will solve or the problem may come from the board?
Best Regard
Sheppard06 said:
The touch fuction of screen of my HTC stopped working from nothing but the display works and be operable by keys. A simple change of screen will solve or the problem may come from the board?
Best Regard
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
install the calibration screen to fix it
Working Thanks a lot u safed my phone )))
It happened almost the same to my Polaris; for no apparent reason the touchscreen functionality stopped. After several attempts (removing battery and SIM card - waiting for any eventual static to dissipate; soft resets, trying to find any spot on the screen to reactivate it) I decided (i see now it was a bad move) to do a hard reset.
Now, every time i reboot, i get stuck on the "Screen Calibration" - meaning there is no way from me to apply the .cab suggested by Hakim Rahman.
Please, if you have any clue on how to solve this i really appreciate the help.
If any solution goes by using a new ROM or even installing Android it doesn't matter. However I don't know if it's possible to connect and sync the device with Windows or Linux and install the needed files, since I could only get up to the calibration screen.
Under Linux, after connecting the device I get:
$ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 019: ID 0bb4:0b0d High Tech Computer Corp.
Processor: MSM7200-400MHZ
Rom Vers.: 3.13.410.0 PTG
Rom date: 08 24 08
Radio Vers.:
Protocol Vers.:
Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
SE CE 5.2.19965 (Compiled 19965.1.2.3)