Do you know how to configure Blackberry Connect - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario ROM Development

Please, if someone knows how to configure the Blackberry service on WM6 please let me know...

i believe you need service for it.

I think he wants to know how to configure it.
I had problems on my Wizard as well. Can't seem to pickup an IP even though I have service for it.

rupture said:
I think he wants to know how to configure it.
I had problems on my Wizard as well. Can't seem to pickup an IP even though I have service for it.
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Same problem here.. I have the service, I got the PIN and all stuff but never get connected (no IP)
Any advance / tip / anything on this issue???

Pin not right
After several hours with Tmobile and Blackberry Support, they tell me it will not work on my wizard because the pin is not a correct pin. The guy from Blackberry told me that Tmobile did not pay for this kind of support and that he would not be able to get ti to work. I got an IP, I even was able to send a service request and it come to my phone, but nothing ever would work besides that. I had the blackberry plan from Tmobile and never could get it to accept my pin. Any help would be appreciated, I miss push email.

i am havin the same problem with my wizard using orange
I didn't test the above tutorial, but some people are claiming that it is working... can anybody tell me if:
(1) it is working?
(2) is there a rom that already includes this patch?



Has anyone managed to get full Internet and Messenger on O2? If so, please could they let me know how they managed to do it?
Thank you.
If you get a working phone (looking at your profile you have an XDA1?) then it should arrive in a working state.
On my XDA1 and 2 (hopefully 2i tomorrow!!) I was able to get straight onto the net and MSN over GPRS without any problems. There was an issue when I first got the 2 due to it being a duff phone, but that was MMS messages not working correctly. Once they replaced it for me it's worked a treat since.
However, the following file may help's been on this site many times before and should (at least on XDA2's, you might want to check for 1 if that's what you have) set up your net settings correctly.
I should have specified that I want to get on the Internet and use MSN with O2 pay-as-you-go and not contract - is there anyway I can get the Internet with PAYG? Will the above method and file work on an XDA?

{SOLVED} Vox to TomTom aka Bluetooth DUN

If this has been covered before and is known to work then feel free to lock or delete the topic
Apologies if this is common knowledge but I spent an entire day on this on Wednesday without any joy but have just managed to crack it and get my phone talking to my TomTom via GPRS and thus re-enable all my TomTom plus stuff.
Okay, so the key here is application unlocking the phone.
Because the Vodafone v1415 is still pretty new in the UK (and therefore I guess uncommon) all the instructions I could find refer more explicitly to the HTC S710 and it has been a bit unclear exactly how much or how little Vodafone have monkey'd about with it before selling it on.
I've managed to establish that they've done quite a lot! And it's certainly appllication locked.
I just went through the thread about removing a lot of the branding but the bit that didn't work was the registry editing as I just got Acces Denied. After a quick search I followed the instructions in this thread:
And got my phone un-application locked. I suspect this is not 'unlocked' as in how most UK people find their phones to be SIM locked (not Vodafone incidentally) which is why I continually make the distinction.
After then successfully editing my registry so as to change the appearance a little I then wandered if it would have any impact on what I was trying to do the other day about the BT DUN issue (or lackof).
'Lo and behold I reinstalled the cab file ( that I had found in a thread on these very forums, rebooted the phone and bingo, the TomTom then connected (which it did before), the phone gave DUN as a capability (which it did not before) and everything proceeded as it used to with my Nokia 6230.
You'll need to search the forum to find the thread with that file since I can't remember where it came from but it was a hot topic so I really doubt it will be at all hard to find.
I'm chuffed since that was a real show stopper and I was going to return the phone and cancel the contract but now in one afternoon I've got rid of most of the crappy branding and resolved the last issue with it
So, big thumbs up again to these forums and to offically mark the down as working with the Vodafone version of the Vox as long as you unlock it first as above.
So, now that I've finally covered all the setup of my phone I can get down to some of the developy type things that I bought it for in the first place (well, free on contract but hey!)
Oh, probably worth noting that I did all this on an iMac too (with a little help from VMWare here and there)
The CAB is available at
...does anyone know if the Cab files has been ammended yet to deal with the issue of once a DUN call is keeps the connection open until the phone is reset?
In this case, Activesync via GPRS does not work ( get a message about "cannot connect whilst a voice call is in progress) and I;m also worried about the cost of the DUN call charges?
bennyk said:
...does anyone know if the Cab files has been ammended yet to deal with the issue of once a DUN call is keeps the connection open until the phone is reset?
In this case, Activesync via GPRS does not work ( get a message about "cannot connect whilst a voice call is in progress) and I;m also worried about the cost of the DUN call charges?
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Can anyone help with this.
I use activesync to connect to MS Exchange at work for MS Outlook email. I was looking to install the BT DUN workaround on my Vodafone v1415 so that I could access the TomTom Traffic service with my TomTom GO520. If I install BT DUN will it break my GPRS connection used to Sync with MSExchange at work.
Can yuo tell me which directory you need to copy the CAB files to on the phone?

Pop mail and cooked roms

Anyone else have the issue of not being able to get pop email from cooked Rom's? I can get exchange mail, I can get phone calls, and hear the system sounds fine. I just cant get pop mail to work. I have tried about 4 or 5 Rom's, and all the radios listed in the sticky post. Please let me know how you fixed it, or if you know how to fix it.
Maybe it is more of a setting for the POP account than the ROM's / Radios you have tried.
Maybe the POP accounts settings or port or something else - you are using improper settings? Hard to say...
Maybe someone will chime in with news about 4-5 ROMS all having problems with POP email.
need to go through the account settings in outlook to make sure you are using the right connection. 99.9% sure it is not the rom, just the connection settings
Its the same setting I am using for the one rom that will work. And its gmail, and verizon, so it auto downloads the settings from the web.
Did you make sure you have gmail setup to use pop3 connections?
yes I did. On the rom it works with, I can set it up and work with radio .09, but if I just change to any other radio like .11 or .17 or any other is will stop working. Then change back to .09 it will work again.
can anyone help?
email just broke today
My email was working last night as late as 11 pm. As of this morning I can't even get email to launch! I have tried launching via the today screen, windows live and thru the programs pull down. Now get this, I did a hard reset and reflashed and did a restore of the last good working backup..same thing! I'm running dutty's v7b hybrid rom. Also, voice command just started giving an error immediately on a soft reset. i don't know if this is related or not, but I just started searching for email issues and saw this thread. I have both hotmail and yahoo mail account configured. This after about of week of working fine with a replacement tilt for te 3G bug. Is it possible for AT&T to send something via an update that causes problems for cooked roms? I mean why won't a reflash fix this?
a little help
One thing that I had to do with my comcast email was to forward it to a hotmail account. Nothing I tried would get my comcast email to work on the tilt. This works(or worked ) great for me. My issues are some sort of conflict with apps or a memory leak of some sort, but in general I suspect some email providers don't support pop for whatever reason, so maybe give the forward to hotmail a try.
TimSykes said:
can anyone help?
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Perhaps it may help to be a bit more specific with the problem that you are having? Are you getting any errors or is it that the mail has simply not just appeared? If the latter is the case, not to insult your intelligence, but be sure to go through gmails settings and first of all enable pop...secondly, if you'd used pop somewhere else prior to that phone, you have to tell gmail again to re-enable pop mail even if it has been downloaded (I'm paraphrasing the wordage). You'll have to do this each and every time you switch the device/software you use to get your pop mail. (Imap wouldn't but imap currently is screwed from gmail's end)
without re-flashing my ROM, I can’t get the error, but it said something to the effect that it cannot connect to the server check the dialing rules. Every time I tell it to do a send a receive it would disconnect the 3g, reconnect it about 2 times, then give a issue with the 3g connection. And it’s odd because 3g works with everything but pop mail. It works for internet, and exchange email. It just when I do pop email. I have only been able to get pop to work with official att ROMs, and with radio .09
TimSykes said:
without re-flashing my ROM, I can’t get the error, but it said something to the effect that it cannot connect to the server check the dialing rules. Every time I tell it to do a send a receive it would disconnect the 3g, reconnect it about 2 times, then give a issue with the 3g connection. And it’s odd because 3g works with everything but pop mail. It works for internet, and exchange email. It just when I do pop email. I have only been able to get pop to work with official att ROMs, and with radio .09
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Ok, now I know exactly what you are talking about. I've had the same problems before, it seems as if autoconnect for some reason when I flashed didn't work fully. What I had to do was install the carrier settings cab that I kept over from my previous device. On some roms this happend for me, on others it didn't, it probably has something to do with the rom being HTC based or AT&T based. Try installing the Cingular/AT&T carrier settings cab found here.
I've attached to this thread as well. Be sure to report back if this works or not.
great, thanks I will have to flash it tonight and test this out. It would make me very happy.
no it did not work. It killed the internet on my phone.
TimSykes said:
no it did not work. It killed the internet on my phone.
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For what its worth since you're flashing ROMs, try flashing Q-Mobile 1.2 (sounds like you'd want the Tilt version since you're a US AT&T user). I can confirm that pop mail works just fine so if it doesn't work for you there then you can safely assume it is something other than your choice of ROM brand that is causing the issue. Cheers,
I found what it was, I had to change isp.cingular to wap.cingular
Glad to hear...sorry it didn't work immediatly.

Has anyone got the Microsft Myphone app to work to locate their phone??

Hi guys
the other day i lost my HD2 walking the dog..... god i was panicking (spelt right?? who knows?)
Tried searching everywhere, couldn't find it.. called it a few times.. ring ring.. nothing...
So dejected i went home and tried the Microsoft MyPhone service.. which you can use to
locate your phone...
send messages to it
force it to go extra loud and scream (well pretty much)
wipe it remotely...
however i got a few issues
the location service didnt work..
don't know if the loud screaming worked..
i was able to send messages to it..
LUCKILLY!!!! i called it again and someone had already picked it up and i popped round and got it..... PHEW!!!!...
Are there any limitations on the location service in the UK?
is it a provider issue?
Anyone tried it at all?
I actually was testing Microsft My Phone today to see if it can detect where my phone is, it failed. Is there any good app out there that can actually lock and detect your phone where ever it is...
doens't work here in Australia, perhaps it's a US thing
hidden_hunter said:
doens't work here in Australia, perhaps it's a US thing
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disagree...i tested it and it was 98% accurate, works fine!
Works flawlessly (most of the time) for me, and I'm in the UK.
EDIT: I mean yes it does know where my phone is... not entirely sure about being able to remotely lock / send messages to it though... haven't tried that.
AFAIK it works worldwide but only sends its location when it synchronises and i think it also needs enabling in the application

Guide for Sprint Tp2 on boost

Just in case anyone needs it
This is a guide based off my experiences on how to get everything working properly on boost mobile. This is not my work nor do i take credit for it i was helped by many. im just putting it together in one place for every one that needs it. Oh and i seen all over craigslist and ebay that they sell guides on how to do this everyone that learns from here please do not try to sell this instead help out who ever needs it just like you needed it.
1) You need to have a boost CDMA account active
* CDMA, yes boost has CDMA just like sprint. ** CDMA not IDEN in other words no walkie talkie.
1.5) if you have a walkie talkie account just call boost Customer service (C.S.) and tell the rep you want to transfer your account to the cdma side
2) Call boost mobile C.S. and tell them you want to swap phones on your account for whatever reason you can make up i.e. phone broke or fell on water. Just tell them its a red phone or something and it works
3) Do not tell them that your new phone is a sprint phone they will tell you cant do it not possible. Dont get worried it will work
4) They will ask you for the phones info give it to them (if they ask u if its a sprint phone deny it all the way) then they will tell you what numbers to punch in follow that exactly the way they say.
5. Once it is done wait a few while the phone gets completely activated on their system. At first text messages might not work and data as well. just give it till the end of that day it should work but if it doesn just wait a little bit.
6. Then make sure you carrier provisioned it make sure to select Sprint.
7. Run the Sprint prl update to make sure you get data working.
** Now for the big one everyone has been having problems with MMS**
Never mind i forgot how to do that one sorry . LOL
8. On a custom rom (i use Mighty rom FF) install the Sprint Arcsoft MMS cab that i atached at the bottom and do exactly like this
*Install the cab to your phones memory
*Soft reset
*Go to Messages
*All messages
* MMS options or Pics/Video Options
* Click on NEW
*Server Name = put whatever name you want
*Gateway = leave blank
*Port number leave at 80
*Server address:
*Connect via: Sprint
*Send limit= leave at 500K
*Press done
* Under setting select the name you created and then click on Set as default
* Exit out and soft reset just to be on the safe side then your should be able to send/receive MMS
9) You should have everything working correctly from here its back to customizing however you feel like.
I added the soft reset cab also just to make it easier just install it doesnt matter either your phones memory or sdcard and look for the icon in the start menu press it and it will soft reset
Oh and foreveryone that bought the phone "flashed to boost mobile" there isnt such thing they just did as stated above. There is no flashing to boost and there isnt a boost mobile rom.
If i forgot something let me know ill add it to here or maybe someone else will. If you have any either question just ask.
Wow!! What a simple method this is. So many "third-party" cell phone shops are charging as much as $75 to $100 to "flash" these phones to boost. That's insane. Thanks!!!
Glad you liked it. If you really like it then how about hitting the thanks button instead of just saying it.
Also if you feel like your missing something by not paying i can help you with that too ill send you a paypal link.LOL
I take it back, it's not that simple. Tried many many times and I guess things are more enforced since then. Ended up paying but was WELL worth every penny. I'm loving the phone now. No thanks to this
quickbird144 said:
I take it back, it's not that simple. Tried many many times and I guess things are more enforced since then. Ended up paying but was WELL worth every penny. I'm loving the phone now. No thanks to this
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i was j/k about the paypal link. Many others have used the guide without a problem your the only one that has had a problem to successfully do it and you happen to be the only one i jokingly said anything about a paypal link. LMAO
Either way, glad i took it to get done
TP2 on Boost working great so far!
Using the instructions above, I just migrated my Iden Boost account to CDMA on my TP2! The Boost rep said that since I didn't say which phone I had, she couldn't tell me that it couldn't be activated. She said if I had said I wanted to switch to the HTC TP2, then she would have been obligated to tell me it could not be done. I have been receiving SMS and MMS with no problems. The Internet works fine too! Thanks for the info! I am glad I did not pay someone a crazy amount for these relatively simple instructions!
cayjominara said:
Using the instructions above, I just migrated my Iden Boost account to CDMA on my TP2! The Boost rep said that since I didn't say which phone I had, she couldn't tell me that it couldn't be activated. She said if I had said I wanted to switch to the HTC TP2, then she would have been obligated to tell me it could not be done. I have been receiving SMS and MMS with no problems. The Internet works fine too! Thanks for the info! I am glad I did not pay someone a crazy amount for these relatively simple instructions!
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You are most definately welcomed especially since you hit the thanks button. Glad i was of help.
Internet issue with htc tp2 on boost mobile
I have the same issue here with the htc touch pro2,with internet and mms. Did anyone here know the boost mobile internet setting? If so,please do share. Thanks.
destin4ever said:
I have the same issue here with the htc touch pro2,with internet and mms. Did anyone here know the boost mobile internet setting? If so,please do share. Thanks.
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What issue are you talking about. From what i have read no one here stating they have a problem with their internet.
Read the guide again and look at step #7 if you still dont get it let me know.
**If i helped you in any way hit the thanks button**
Can I get some help? My TP2 has been working flawlessly on Boost since I followed your instructions. All of a sudden, today, whenever I try to use the internet or Titanium Weather, I get a message saying that "Your plan does not include wireless web or your balance is not suficient to cover the wireless web charge". I have been using the pay as you go plan and have plenty of money in my account. This problem just started today. Has Boost changed something? Or do you have any tips?
Ma$etas said:
Just in case anyone needs it
This is a guide based off my experiences on how to get everything working properly on boost mobile. This is not my work nor do i take credit for it i was helped by many. im just putting it together in one place for every one that needs it. Oh and i seen all over craigslist and ebay that they sell guides on how to do this everyone that learns from here please do not try to sell this instead help out who ever needs it just like you needed it.
1) You need to have a boost CDMA account active
* CDMA, yes boost has CDMA just like sprint. ** CDMA not IDEN in other words no walkie talkie.
1.5) if you have a walkie talkie account just call boost Customer service (C.S.) and tell the rep you want to transfer your account to the cdma side
2) Call boost mobile C.S. and tell them you want to swap phones on your account for whatever reason you can make up i.e. phone broke or fell on water. Just tell them its a red phone or something and it works
3) Do not tell them that your new phone is a sprint phone they will tell you cant do it not possible. Dont get worried it will work
4) They will ask you for the phones info give it to them (if they ask u if its a sprint phone deny it all the way) then they will tell you what numbers to punch in follow that exactly the way they say.
5. Once it is done wait a few while the phone gets completely activated on their system. At first text messages might not work and data as well. just give it till the end of that day it should work but if it doesn just wait a little bit.
6. Then make sure you carrier provisioned it make sure to select Sprint.
7. Run the Sprint prl update to make sure you get data working.
** Now for the big one everyone has been having problems with MMS**
Never mind i forgot how to do that one sorry . LOL
8. On a custom rom (i use Mighty rom FF) install the Sprint Arcsoft MMS cab that i atached at the bottom and do exactly like this
*Install the cab to your phones memory
*Soft reset
*Go to Messages
*All messages
* MMS options or Pics/Video Options
* Click on NEW
*Server Name = put whatever name you want
*Gateway = leave blank
*Port number leave at 80
*Server address:
*Connect via: Sprint
*Send limit= leave at 500K
*Press done
* Under setting select the name you created and then click on Set as default
* Exit out and soft reset just to be on the safe side then your should be able to send/receive MMS
9) You should have everything working correctly from here its back to customizing however you feel like.
I added the soft reset cab also just to make it easier just install it doesnt matter either your phones memory or sdcard and look for the icon in the start menu press it and it will soft reset
Oh and foreveryone that bought the phone "flashed to boost mobile" there isnt such thing they just did as stated above. There is no flashing to boost and there isnt a boost mobile rom.
If i forgot something let me know ill add it to here or maybe someone else will. If you have any either question just ask.
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Ok I have been working on my phone for two days now and no luck so I need some help, I use to have a blackberry with the walkie talkie that I programed to run on boost but had problems getting my text like 2 days later so I decide to switch over to the HTC TP2 so I called boost switched my number to there cdma side and did what they told me to get it connected. Now Im using the same sims card that was in the BB phone not sure if that makes any difference. I can call out and receive calls but I dont have data or text. I have tried different roms, mighty, and mighty ff, now im trying engery now, and I like the looks of it so I will stay with it. OK I have tried installing the cab files that you have posted up, Im sure Im just doing something wrong but I extracted the files to the phone but I dont see any changes and I never get to the text option screens that you say to change. Could you please help me out Im about to the point of going back to the cans with strings attached phones. Thanks
Adding this note now getting " dialed #777 cannot connect" I have tried a hard rest but still not connecting.
DigitalFunk said:
Ok I have been working on my phone for two days now and no luck so I need some help, I use to have a blackberry with the walkie talkie that I programed to run on boost but had problems getting my text like 2 days later so I decide to switch over to the HTC TP2 so I called boost switched my number to there cdma side and did what they told me to get it connected. Now Im using the same sims card that was in the BB phone not sure if that makes any difference. I can call out and receive calls but I dont have data or text. I have tried different roms, mighty, and mighty ff, now im trying engery now, and I like the looks of it so I will stay with it. OK I have tried installing the cab files that you have posted up, Im sure Im just doing something wrong but I extracted the files to the phone but I dont see any changes and I never get to the text option screens that you say to change. Could you please help me out Im about to the point of going back to the cans with strings attached phones. Thanks
Adding this note now getting " dialed #777 cannot connect" I have tried a hard rest but still not connecting.
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how long has it been since you did the switch to tp2?
Just this past weekend, I now can text but no mms nor data. I cant get the Sprint Arcsoft MMS cab installed, I have Arcsoft 5.27.34 now but cant add any new servers.
unlock first??
Probably a dumb question here, but does the phone need to be unlocked before hand? Your instructions don't mention it so I wanted to be sure.
[email protected] said:
Probably a dumb question here, but does the phone need to be unlocked before hand? Your instructions don't mention it so I wanted to be sure.
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Phone does not need to be unlocked if your gonna be running a stock rom. If your gonna be using a custom then you need to have unlocked so you can install the custom rom then install the acrosoft for custom rom. Hopes this answered your question
Thanks! Great Job!
saajuu said:
Thanks! Great Job!
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Your welcome
im on a blackberry plan right now, couldnt i just call them and switch to the 50/month plan and then update my phone on the website by entering in the ESN# from the touch pro 2. i have no idea what to say if im asked what the phone model is.
if your on the blackberry plan most likely your gonna have to do both changes at the same time ( your plan & phone).
Also in re: to what phone to tell them that you have thats already answered in the guide in the first post of this thread.
If the website is allowing to update ESN# changes then you might be able to do both there without having to call

