My Phone Is GOING CRAZY HELP!! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario ROM Development

So after updating to a couple WM6 ROMS and being happy, my phone starts to act weird, my screen starts to turn white at random times and i have to keep the keyboard slid out slightly to keep the screen from going white. Then after a while it changes again, and now my screen always goes white until i slide the keyboard in and out a couple of times and then slide it back in, but it will only stay normal for a little and my screen will go white again. In hopes to fix this i switched back to my official T-Mobile 2.26 ROM but i am still having the same problem. Can someone please help me fix this, my phone is almost at the brink of not working and i would have to wait about half a year before i can get a new one. Any help will be appreciated.

are you overclocking at all when you are experiencing the problem???
I have heard that overclocking to too high of a speed will cause the phone to go to a white screen..
just a thought

also, if you could, please list all third party apps and the current ROM you are running

Well i was overclocking to 260 using battery status, but i dont do that anymore,i am currently running the T-Mobile 2.26 official ROM, and i have these programs installed:
Fizz Weather 2
TCPMP 0.81

If you need some more info you can look at my signature too.

upgrade your IPL/SPL to 3.08..

double_ofour said:
upgrade your IPL/SPL to 3.08..
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how do u do that ?

killerkhatiby009, you can check if it is a hardware problem by performing a remote control (PC controlling PPC, google for it) and start messing with your phone, see if the PC gives you the same problem.
IF the PC gives a good reading (e.g. no white screen) while the PPC gives you a white face, then it is probably the screen problem (not sure what).
IF both the PC and PPC gives you the white face, it is then either software error (hopefully so), OR internal harware error (e.g you've burned your microprocessor?).

Ok thanks for the help, ill go and try that ppc remote controll thing and report back.

Ok after testing it the PC comes up fine while the Pocket PC comes up white.

double_ofour said:
upgrade your IPL/SPL to 3.08..
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will this be able to fix it?

can anyone help me?

hanmin said:
IF the PC gives a good reading (e.g. no white screen) while the PPC gives you a white face, then it is probably the screen problem (not sure what).
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Ok after testing it the PC comes up fine while the Pocket PC comes up white.
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Sounds like a hardware problem to me, which may be a result of your constant overclocking. It may also be due to a bad switch in the keyboard slider.
You might want to contact your provider and see if the phone is still under warranty and/or if you can get a replacement.

Well my phone is no longer under warrenty, does anyone know of a way to fix my phone or get a replacement?

Can someone tell me how to upgrade my IPL please ?

found my answer. Thanks anyway

I have the EXACT same problem
Ignore my signature - I downgraded back to the latest stock T-Mobile ROM. I see the same problem no matter what ROM I am running.
It is EXACTLY the same as you describe here. I can usually make it stop by pressing the sides together (holding the screen and keyboard slider tighly closed). Once it stops if I set it down and don't touch it it will work fine.
Also when I reboot the splash screen never has the problem - the problem starts as soon as WM boots.
So what did you have to do? Buy a new one? Or were you able to get service or an exchange?
It seems to be the mechanics of the display connector that are causing this. I looked in the service manual and it shows a stiff flat flex-cable connecting the keyboard to the screen, and it seems to me that this cable is the problem - either it is damaged or it is not fully seated on one end or the other.
I considered trying to dissassemble it and clean/reset connecters - for about a nanosecond. But it looks way too fragile and full of hidden little plastic hooks that will break off if you don't release each one in exactly the right way and then it will never go back together again.


*The* TyTN v1605 problems post...

Hi all,
Figured I should start a post with problems (in the quest for solutions).
I have had my v1605 from Vodafon for 3 days now and have found a few problems already. I have a replacement coming on Tue so will see what is fixed...
So far:
- keyboard back lights not working, matters not if the sensor is active or not. Vodafone replacing the unit as a result.
- some keys on the far right seem unsensitive - I keep missing O, P and L from my typing. The keys do work though...maybe it is just me.
- screen alignment wanders and as such I usually need to re-align the screen once a day or more. Seems always to drift left and slight lower than I am pressing.
- today screen items are locked and 'vodafoned', very annoying as I cannot show task list, owner info or lock status on the today screen. I hard reset the unit and reset it before the customisation happened and voila - the usual today screen items were back - but as a result I lost the vodafone dialer skin and the 3G symbol. I presume someone can ROM-hack to get rid of this restriction and look forward to it In fact, it would be perfect if the ONLY Vodafone customisations were the dialler skin, 3G symbol and theme.
- If you have a password set and hard-reset the unit it crashes when you are prompted for the password. Soft resetting it then skips the vodafone customisation.
- left softkey set to phone instead of calendar and no way to change it.
- no easy way to access Vodafone Live!
- camera quality pretty poor for a 2MP, no where near as good as the K750i for example. However, the K750i on its first firmware was pretty aweful too!
- when plugged into USB on computer - if you turn it off (so as just to charge) it will turn itself back on again shortly and commence another sync.
Other than these niggles, of which the today screen is the biggest for me, I love the TyTN. By far the best PDA/Phone I have owned to date!
So - over to you guys, does your v1605 have these issues or others, or none????
My slide out keyboard down't click into place on the left side the way the right does (and also the way the wizard does). It may not be a problem now but in the future, it may begin to wear and then it might affect the function of the keys??
Are they just swapping a unit for you or exchanging the whole package? How will you know if you get a brand new set? When I switched mine on, the call timers showed outgoing 40 seconds and incoming 45 seconds. I'm not sure if this is vodafone testing the units or it's not new.
Am told I am getting a brand new unit - will check call timers as they *should* be 0-0.
Just had a play with mine and I only feel a click on the right side of the keyboard too. Feels nice and solid once it is out though - not like the xda-mini-s which feels flimsy in comparison.
I do not see the "E" icon even in EDGE enabled areas. I even tried the HTC Wizard icon hack hack with no success:
'E' appears on my v1605
3G is awesome.
rakh1 said:
Just had a play with mine and I only feel a click on the right side of the keyboard too. Feels nice and solid once it is out though - not like the xda-mini-s which feels flimsy in comparison.
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Thats great! was a bit worried that mine was a faulty unit. It does feel solid when sliding. It was just the lack of the "click" that bugged me.
Anyone else who received their unit had timers showing calls made and received from it? Its probably vodafone testing it. The unit is too new for any refunds/refurbs to have been made.
- some keys on the far right seem unsensitive - I keep missing O, P and L from my typing. The keys do work though...maybe it is just me.
My unit has this issue and I hope my next unit which is a brand new replacement that comes on Tuesday doesn't have this issue. My unit it is only the O that has problem which is getting better over time. I called them and they was more than happy to get a brand new unit to get sent out just want a perfect working one in my 14 day period so fingers crossed will keep you updated.
xxnoelziexx said:
- some keys on the far right seem unsensitive - I keep missing O, P and L from my typing. The keys do work though...maybe it is just me.
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Do you also feel a click only on the right when you slide open the keyboard? Let us know how you get on with the new unit.
Don't feel no click at all. Will keep you all updated.
New unit turned up - keyboard lights now work as expected.
Still only a right side click on the keybard - so it must just be the way it is.
Today items:
Fix posted here:
Hope that helps - Rich
Hi guys
Peter .. the guy that got his VPA Compact III two days after me as sent it back on the 14 day returns .... He was concerned about stability. He's always struggled to come to terms with WM stability which I can understand ... so he's off back to palm and blackberry.
From my point of view - I've had one hang during operations which still worries me (I left it at the today screen fine ... and 30 mins later I noticed backlight was completely off and it was utterly un responsive - wouldn't respond to incoming calls). It also hangs occassionally of soft reset or power on (from a complete power off). It usually comes up fine on a subsequent soft reset.
I'm waiting for HTC to call me back so I can raise this as a call. It seems to happen regardless of today plugins being active (I disabled all) - I have also rebuilt with 4 phases of Sprite Backup to restore from - and the problem hasn't gone away.
I suspect it is firmware / software as opposed to hardware .... fingers crossed.
Aside from that I love it as a device .... I just wish one of you guys that has one will let me know if you have had any hangs at all and where you see them.
My keyboard light works fine. It has to be in low light and you have to press a button before it activates - just opening the keyboard in low light doesn't activate it.
Occasionally I turn the device on and it starts in landscape mode and then switches to portrait ... odd .. because I didn't switch it off in landscape.
There is an odd moulding mark where the stylus comes out on the curved recessed part of the body (right hand side). I thought it may be a crack but I'm pretty sure it's just where the plastic moulding was finished before painting. If it's not cracked I'm not bothered.
You can change the WM5 softkeys with Tweaks2k2.
One thing to remember is that rather than use the phone executable, the device originally used a :MSC call. Once removed you can't put it back with Tweaks2k2. It's not an issue because a normal link to phone is fine. If you want Calendar ... then use Tweaks2k2 to change it.
My keyboard works fine ... no sticky keys. Peter had one or two on his.
I just wish one of you guys that has one will let me know if you have had any hangs at all and where you see them.
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No hangs here yet.....using it a lot with skype, camera, etc...
My keyboard light works fine. It has to be in low light and you have to press a button before it activates - just opening the keyboard in low light doesn't activate it.
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Yes - same here...
Occasionally I turn the device on and it starts in landscape mode and then switches to portrait ... odd .. because I didn't switch it off in landscape.
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I've not had this happen...
There is an odd moulding mark where the stylus comes out on the curved recessed part of the body
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Same here - but very feint....
Hi Rich
What are you running at the moment ?
I'm try to find out what is different between my build and yours so I can narrow down possible cause of hang.
By the way ... my build is :
So far I have SBSH iLauncher, HandyMenu, HandSwitcher, Legato Mahjong, Billiard Master 3, Bubbleshooter, PDA Mill GameBox Classics, BeJewelled 2, 1-Calc, Phatnotes, PIEPlus, Avantgo, CO2005, Clearvue Office Pro, CPL6, FW2006, imov Messenger, NewsBreak, Resco Explorer (without the Resco Today Plugin) 5.40, Resco PhotoViewer, SBSH Pocket Breeze and Pocket Weather, Skype 2, Sprite 5.1, Tweaks2k2, PI2005, FlexMail 2.2, FlexWallet, Cabinstall, Cruxview - all installed on the MicroSD.
Aside from an apparent hang on startup last night which scared me .... I thought I'd need to hard reset but it eventually sorted itself out ... hopefully it is s/w related .... it's all going well. Did a video call with Peter last night which was fine ... first I've done and picture quality not great but usable.
3G is active and working very well. Switches mid call to 2.5g if signal drops to much, but you don't get a chattering issue (i.e. where it regularly switches between the two).
Drove from Hook to Kent with CPL6 and BT GPS yesterday and that was flawless.
Have four phases of Sprite Backup - Different levels of build - so I can decide how far back to go in the event of problems.
Circa 28 mg of program memory following sof reset
Circa 31 mg of storage memory
PB is loading PI Calendar / Tasks / Messaging / Phatnotes / Pocket Weather.
Can someone help me with my wifi problem please. I can get connected to my network ok but IE will not show any pages, it just says wrong settings. I am connected with good signal strengh and thought that i would be able to surf when on my own home network. Most of the time it serches gprs and 3g then shows the error. An idiots step through guide would be helpful. I have searched for hours but came up blank. I also need a walkthrough on how to configue vodafone MMS settings as I cant get that to work either. Customer services isnt much good as the dont really know this device yet. Thanks in advance.
Hey Paul,
I have only the followinig intalled over the base v1605:
PHM Registry Editor
Microsoft .NET CF 2.0
Aspecto Software WiFiFoFum
Handmark Monopoly
That's it......
new unit arrived and the sticking key issue is gone thank god. I hve a few things installed now and the phone is running great. I installed agile messenger beta a few minutes ago as no msn client is in the vodaphone rom and the phone looked like it crashed then a few moments later it signed into msn.
1 thing I have noticed is if I mute the volume so I get a x sign near the volune if I click around I.e start menu and click around the operating system I can hear a clicking noise. could someone else test this 4 me I am currently in a quiet room.
also noticed when using pie with keyboard slid out my view will sometimes change from landscape to portrait view and then back to normal which is strange. I am sure my faulty device did this whilst just using the operating system in general use. shed a bit of light to what I have just found is that I just put the phone down open on the case it comes with and the same thing happened it must have something to do with the magnetic metal in the case effecting the phone causing it to rotate lol well that's what I think.
No clicking sound when I mute mine. Haven't really played around with mine yet. Will install everything once I get my microsd card.
Does your phone's keyboard click into place when you slide it open and is it right side only or both? Also did you check your call timers? Are they zero or has calls been made before receiving it?
Just got my TyTN
and all i got was a lousy keyboard..
got the bad keys on my unit. Waiting for response from HTC distributor, but they halted all sales of it until resolved. There are a lot of phones with bad keyboard.
But apart from that it seems to work fine - like the Jasjar in a smaller package.
But I liked the keyboard on my I-mate k-jam a lot better.
My first one had a few keys that weren't great, t, del and spacebar. This one is good for the keyboard. screen is loosing calibration all the time again which is why I was given a replacement. Moves so that it is totaly unusable! Is anyone else experiencing it? If you are not is it a Voadafone one or something else. I've told Vodafone that I'd like another one out of a different batch and they said that they will extend my exchange period for a couple of weeks until some new ones come in. Might call HTC to see if it is a known "feature". Other than that I'm still totally happy with the device and it is much better at memory handling thn the Exec ever was, It never seems to drop below 22mb of program memory after having opened and closed programs for a clouple of days. The exec would have dropped to 17 by the end of the first.

Screen Brightness hack?

hi guys,
just got my Dopod 838 pro(TyTN)...and I love it. however I notice the screen brightness is not as bright as my o2 atom. even with the brightness turned all the way up in the settings. however I noticed that when I press the camera button the screen brightness increases for a second (to the same as my atom). but the when I close the camera the screen dims back again. seeing this lets me know that the screen does have the capabilities to be turned brighter then is allowed through the settings. does anyone know a reg hack or a trick so that I can turn the screen brightness up? does everyone else notice that the screen brightness goes up when the camera button is pressed? or is this a hardware issue? thanks for the help guys!
I've not tried it on Hermes, but VJLumos II takes advantage of the extra brightness that occurs when the camera is enabled, to make a super brite screen. This works on the Magician, and can be enabled on the Universal but not disabled until soft reset (I've not been motivated to finish writing the Universal's version.)
If the Hermes exhibits this same characteristic, VJLumos II might work on it. Give it a go and let me know.
Hi Vijay555 yeah i was actually on your site and ive heard alot about VJLumos II. But I thought it was only compatible with the Magician. Do you think there is any risk of it Hard resteting my 838pro(Hermes)? Anything else i should know before installing it? Does it work 100% correct on the magician? Please let me know!
Works 100% on the Magician, and the active part works on the Universal.
Basically it mimicks the camera and causes it to be activated, causing the extra brightness.
I can't guarantee 100%, but say 99% that it can't hardreset your device (without having the device in front of me I can't say...)
It'll either work or not work, it shouldn't interact with anything else.
I'd be interested to get a Hermes rom dump at some point to see what it's like. It's a great piece of hardware, I'm wondering how to get one now I've jumped ship to the Mio!
yeah the hermes is great. Ok well i guess i will be the guinea pig and test it out on my device...haha i hope nothing happens. Ill install it in a few hours and let you know what happens. If i need to remove it will it just uninstall?
By the way is the a reg hack that can do this also?
There's no registry setting I know of that will do this, but there might well be; however, as I said, VJLumos does this by interacting with the hardware in an unexpected way, so it's unlikely to be replicated in the registry.
I think you can run VJLumos in stand alond mode, without installing (which will cause it to be enabled every time you switch on). Just run it in stand alone mode to test it out.
Hi all,
I'll also try with Wizard,should I or not?
Any effect on battery life. I mean is it more than max of hardware brightness
vijay555 said:
There's no registry setting I know of that will do this, but there might well be; however, as I said, VJLumos does this by interacting with the hardware in an unexpected way, so it's unlikely to be replicated in the registry.
I think you can run VJLumos in stand alond mode, without installing (which will cause it to be enabled every time you switch on). Just run it in stand alone mode to test it out.
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Hi Vijay, what do you mean run it in stand alone mode?
fordcan: I'm sure that it doesn't work on the Wizard, if it did then I would have written VJCandela for it as well. Not right now, and not until I get a wizard in my hands (all you new Hermes guys, if you find yourself with a spare Wizard, I can give it a good home!)
phame: if you just double click on the VJLumosII icon, it'll enable superbrite once. If you click on the -install icon it will try to enable it every run.
Like I said, it's not written fully for WM5 yet, because I never used my Universal as my main phone, and frankly the screen was bright enough. The magician benefited from it, but hopefully any HTC phone that exhibits the curious camera loading/screen brighter thing might benefit from it.
However, for now, as I said, it's not fully debugged for WM5. But test it, and if it works, I'll try to make some time to fix it. The problem is that it will only work the first time, not every time you run it. Hopefully easily fixable.. But it won't do any damage.
I presume it will drain the battery faster, since screen is brighter, but if you use it in bursts or recharge daily, it shouldn't be an issue. I never used my Magician without it, and it was fine after 1 year.
vijay555 said:
fordcan: I'm sure that it doesn't work on the Wizard, if it did then I would have written VJCandela for it as well. Not right now, and not until I get a wizard in my hands (all you new Hermes guys, if you find yourself with a spare Wizard, I can give it a good home!)
Like I said, it's not written fully for WM5 yet, because I never used my Universal as my main phone, and frankly the screen was bright enough. The magician benefited from it, but hopefully any HTC phone that exhibits the curious camera loading/screen brighter thing might benefit from it.
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thanx for the reply,
I a bit confused; you are telling "doesn't work on Wizard" and at the same time "any HTC phone that exhibits the curious camera loading/screen brighter thing might benefit from it " Wizard got this..
curiosity kill the cat :wink: Better try and see issue :idea:
Sorry, it might benefit from the technique, not necessarily this version.
Like VJCandela, I have to have a Wizard in my hands to experiment with the camera driver. It'll be easy to write once I've got the device in my hands, but I can't test it.
It shouldn't do any harm, since it'll probably just not be able to find the correct camera driver on the Wizard. But give it a go and tell me if it does anything.
I never knew that the Wizard has this screen brightening effect
Absolutely not working.. tells; "Can't load Superbrite Libraries!"
Anyway "Trying times are no time to quit trying"
Ok i downloaded the cab file, copied it to my memory card and executed the file. And it worked perfectly instantly the screen brightness went up. And it didnt seem to be causing any type of slow down or problems.
When i click the camera button i just get an error message which sais "the camera app is already in use". But luckliy no soft reset.
However i couldnt find how to turn it off. It doesnt show up in the list of "running programs"
so far the way i launched it was by just clicking in the icon. Can you please tell me how to do the "-install" thing you were talking about?
and how do i shut it off if i want to use th camera? At the moment i can only do a soft reset for it to turn off.
You should have a bunch of shorcuts installed in yor startmenu.
Launching VJLumosII with parameters -off will disable it, clicking -install will install it so it's run every time it's switched on.
However, I've not tested the -install option on WM5 so let me know if it works appopriately. I'll get around to reweriting it eventually.
i tried clicking the short cut to shut it off. But i get an error message saying something about the application being corrupt. So to diable it i still have to soft reset. Im scared to install the app in fears that the remove shortcut may not work
Also ive noticed the battery drains about 30% faster with the app running.
any ideas?
As I've said, it only half works on anything other then the Magician. I'll fix it sometime as a priority - I just got a Hermes, and have to say that the screen is a bit "meh", not as bright as a Mio 701 or Magician. Washed out colours and poorer viewing angle. Superbrite is necessary, not optional
I've just switched from a Prophet to Magician. Couldn't stand the slowness of WM5, especially with some big database software I use. The only thing I miss is the Prophet's screen brightness (OK, battery life was great too) so I was really pleased to find vjlumosII. The only downside I've run into is that it adds about 3 seconds to the power up time when I press the power button on my Jam. I've not seen this mentioned elsewhere. Is this a normal effect of the software?
Do you see the slowness on the Magician or the Prophet?
On my Magician I never noticed it.
I just wrote a new kinda app yesterday for low level hacking, and will see if I can apply this to VJLumos. Hopefully some new ish updates coming soon - however, I am using my time well I hope. I'm writing a new website, hence the slow progress on programming.
For the Hermes, see here:
I've only used vjlumosII on the Magician. The Prophet is the first PDA/phone with a screen that was as bright as I'd want, so I never tried vjlumosII on it.
The delay on my JAM (the 128MB RAM version) is not subtle. It takes a full 3 sec for the phone to come on after you press the power button. The same thing happens if you push any other button to turn on the phone. There doesn't seem to be any delay in the phone coming on if it is awakened by recieving an incoming call. When I turn off vjlumosII the power up delay disappears.
Also the screen brightness initially doesn't come on at maximum. It takes another 2 seconds to boost up.
vijay555 said:
Do you see the slowness on the Magician or the Prophet?
On my Magician I never noticed it.
I just wrote a new kinda app yesterday for low level hacking, and will see if I can apply this to VJLumos. Hopefully some new ish updates coming soon - however, I am using my time well I hope. I'm writing a new website, hence the slow progress on programming.
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[HTC s710] Display turns off all the time

Hi to all!
I have a strange problem with my HTC s710.
I bought it a month ago and it worked fine for a while, then it started to shutdown the display. Then it appears again, and the it turns off... it continues to work, but you can see nothing because the display turns off.
It's impossibile to use it. The HTC customer care sended back my phone after having upgraded the software but the problem is still here.
They wrote: "upgraded software and no problems found" but it's not really true.
I can't use the phone because the display turns off while i'm using it...
i tried to hard reset it several time without results.
Please, help me...
I would take it apart, clean the contacts and make sure it is seated properly. Does it happen when you're not using the device? Say if it's sitting on the table will the display flicker?
Unfortunately this is a very common problem with the S710... Since so many people are experiencing this issue with their phones even after hard resetting & changing roms I strongly believe it's a hardware issue.
It's not s710 only, even the microsoft emulator also have the problem
Look in the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Power The Dword-key "Display". It sets the seconds for display timout. It overrides every other setting!
It happens while i'm using the phone...
for example, if i'm writing an sms, it suddenly turns off the display... then i have to wait for a while and the it appears again... and this go on for all the time...
same problem to me.... dunno what the source of the problem is
guess gonna have to take it back and ask for refund
i've already send it back to the HTC customer care and they said there is nothing to do because it works fine... (oh my god!)
I think it's an hardware problem...
Display blackout
I got the same problem too, did rom upgrades but no success, it s**ks
Its an intermittent fault.
Should someone identify the problem pls let me know !!
This is almost sure a connection problem of the Flex-cable between upper and lower part of the device. Search related threads here or on MoDaCo.
s710 display issues
Hi Guys,
This is not a LCD or flex issue, neither is it a connection issue.
The actual fault is the display driver on the main board, it seems to be an intermittant fault.
please post your findings on this topic....
bro am also havin the same problem but they say it seems to replace the board which costs 9k... hw can i fix this problem pls help me i bought this stuff for 17 k...
tjsa said:
Hi Guys,
This is not a LCD or flex issue, neither is it a connection issue.
The actual fault is the display driver on the main board, it seems to be an intermittent fault.
please post your findings on this topic....
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What makes you so sure it is not HW related? The only thing that really changes over time is the HW (as you slide in/out the keyboard, move the device etc.pp) - SW stays as it is and if even ROM reload does not fix it, well I feel rather sure it is HW.
Anyway, hunting intermittent faults is hard to do and you may construct a causality from just coincident events - no fun nailing this down.
any solution for my problem..?
I have had so many power related issues so far. Sometimes it is the battery, sometimes it is the charging connector, sometimes LCD and sometimes even the whole circuit board.
When i had the same problem relating to intermittent off displays, I got it repaired in the warranty and they had to change the main board. I dont think there is any other solution to your problem!
Display failure
The failure of the screen is not the problem on my Vox. My screen always jumps back to the Home screen. Even while writing an SMS or scrolling in the application menu. Is there a possibility that there ever comes a Dutch version for my Vox?
It happens to me also. I tried to open the device, take everything apart then mount everything back. The problem stays. I tried hard rest, ROM flashing, soft reset, changing settings etc etc etc... The problem is still here.
Then, I left the mobile without using it for 6 month or so. I am using it again and the problem doesn't happen so often but still happens. Any news on this matter?
I solved this problem because my device was still under warranty: I had to get back it to HTC four times before to fix it.
They changed me three motherboard and finally it seems to work fine...
hi,behind the sim reader there is a small switch,either open it or close it,remove the sim reader to and push it back to open the switch or open the housing and do it manuelly.
cheyn said:
hi,behind the sim reader there is a small switch,either open it or close it,remove the sim reader to and push it back to open the switch or open the housing and do it manuelly.
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And what is supposed to happen after that? Also, I guess we have to open again the phone to find this switch because I can't see any switch otherwise. Can you please post a picture of it?

g-sensor doesn´t work any more - bricked phone ?

Hallo guys,
After playing around one week without any troubles I realized now that the g-sensor doesn´t work any more. The only thing I did today was to install schap’s advanced config and the remote tracker-software and after some time I recognized that my phone gets little bit warm. I wanted to deny a call by turning the phone around but nothing happens. I tried the g-senor application to calibrate, but also here the bubbles don´t move. Also the hard-reset doesn´t help anything.
Any ideas or suggestions for me, I hope I don´t have to return the phone to repair. And another question: Is the phone after a hard-reset really in the point of origin ??
hi mate,
probably in the schaps advanced config, you have disabled the mute function, try to search through for that function in the schaps advanced config and see what it's on now
Also if advanced config doesnt remedy it do a hard reset, most likely a software thing rather than a broken accelerometer.
mrvanx said:
Also if advanced config doesnt remedy it do a hard reset, most likely a software thing rather than a broken accelerometer.
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thanks guys for your help, but i have already restored all settings from advanced config, removed the program and netcf 3.5. and also did 2 hardresets..the problem is still alive
Thats bad luck man.
I'd put it back to the original settings and get it repaired that should be covered in the warranty...
Im guessing its most definatly a manufacurer defect since its pretty difficult to kill an accelerometer, the device would be dead elsewhere before the G sensor if it is something like a drop or an impact.
hallo friends,
wanted to tell you, that my problem has gone... some hours after my last post i tried the g-sensor once and once more and although i didn´t change anything with the phone suddenly g-sensor reacts again... it´s really curious but in the fact till now it doesn´t came back
so, thanks for your help and have a good day
My Raphael is having the same trouble. I noticed the G-sensor not working when I tried to play Teeter. Calibration doesn't work And also other software using the G-sensor is not functioning. In Teeter the ball gets stuck in one corner and won't move. In calibration (under settings) the green indicators move and the text Calibrating" appears. After calibration the green indicator move to the uppermost and rightmost corner of the vertical resp. horizontal indicator. Running ROMeos 1.22 Dutch version with radio.
Already tried a hard reset. Didn't do the trick. Any ideas?
I have had a similar problem wherein the G-Sensor was not working. I tried restoring the registry back to the state prior to the G-Sensor got busted but nothing seemed to work. I logged the problem with HTC Customer support. In addition to other regular things they asked me the S/N of my device. To check out the S/N of the device I had to remove the battery. It was out for a few minutes and when I put it back I thought of re-running the G-Sensor and surprisingly enough it has been working since then .
I don't know how long it would continue to work but i tried running the G-Sensor for 5-7 times and it worked. I hope it works with you as well.
Just to let you know, I even tried hard-rest twice in the past but it didn't work.
Thanx for the reply.
I'll try this and post the results here.
Not working
Tried everything.
had my hopes set on software. Seems to be a hardware problem
Going to restore ROM to original and hand it in for repair.
G-sensor fixed
Finally I returned the Touch pro with stock ROM for repair (just before warranty expired)
Pick up service at the office, and within one week the phone was send back, repaired.
Kudo's for HTC service.

Fuze screen problems

Today I used the iGo8 GPS for a little bit just to get onto the freeway. The phone tends to go to sleep, and when that happens, it loses it's GPS signal. Since I was already on the freeway, I know my way around so I just let my phone sleep.
When I got home, I realized the bottom part of the screen, where you can scroll through home, people, messages, etc. is messed up. That part of the screen keeps flashing. AND the GPS screen got burnt into the screen, like how things burn into Plasma Screen TVs when you leave it there for a long time. But it's not a completely burn on, it is like a ghost affect.
I have soft resetted my phone. Doesn't work.
Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
I can post pictures/video if it will help.
Have you tried running igo again and closing it down properly?
Yeah, I closed igo properly. It's not just burnt in the igo screen new. It changes. Now it's the Today page. I can see the "Phone" and "Camera" buttons burnt into the lower part of the screen.
ROM Issue?
What ROM are you using? I always use EnergyROM and its a great ROM but it always does the same thing... i thought my phone was ruined the first time i saw this, but when i flashed to another ROM it all went away, im not sure if certain ROMs use different video drivers or what, but my problem atleast seems to just be with the ROM.
Good Luck!
use a all-black or all-white image(i think all black is betteR) and keep it on to try to reduce the burn it...
ohhh. I am using EnergyRom as well. I will change roms and see what's up.
the all black image seems to be a good idea.

