Not getting notifications of new e-mail using Windows Live - General Topics

I installed the Windows Live thing on my WM5 Herald. My phone's configured to vibrate and play a tone whenever I have a new incoming e-mail, and that works fine for an Exchange account and POP account that I have setup. But, when I get new e-mail, I don't get that notification, just the line on the today screen that says I have new mail, which doesn't help when the phone's in my pocket. Is this not a feature of Windows Live or something? thanks


Setup Gmail with WM6

Now that i have "the real thing" i would like to setup my gmail account with outlook mobile so that whenever i am connected to wi fi i can download my messages without having to open PIE. I would also like to do the same thing with my hotmail email account. How can i do this?
Have a look here - and then normal po3 account?
Or here
I do have POP setup, but it won't download messages, it can connect, but it won't download any messages. As for windows live hotmail, i cant connect with that either, i think it has to do with my settings under connections, then connections. Like with all the network and dialing rules.
you configure the incoming and outgoind mail right?
incoming mail:
outgoing mail:
options: page 2: Outgoing mail requires authetication
Ok so i now got both working, but my gmail automatically removes my messages once they have been downloaded once. How can i fix that?
probably because there no "new messages" set the "Only display messages from the last "x" days to more days
or unset this option
The option was off, and after it had downloaded the messages once and i tried it again they all went away. My Windows Live ones stay the same though.
prefix your user account name with "recent:"
for example, my gmail account is "baarod" so I use "recent:baarod" and my normal password
does it need quotes around it? and do i put this infront of the email adress or user name?
EDIT: nevermind i got it. Thanks a ton. Now both are working.
Thanx for the "recent:" tip... this was driving me up against the wall... Have you ever had it that messages you sent from Gmail (sometimes when sent from PPC, always when sent from PC) appears again, from yourself, in your Gmail Inbox?
Yeah. That's "normal" for gmail. Has something to do with it being conversation-based. If you look in gmail through the browser you'll see that actually the same thing happens, your responses to email get attached to the message you replied to.
anyway to turn it off?

Email Help on WM

Hello everyone, this post is going to be a bit on the lengthy side, but I really want to try and give as much information as I can.
Phone: Samsung Blackjack 2
Platform: Windows Mobile 6
Carrier: AT&T
So to anyone who has used WM6, you know how on the Home Screen, if you go one section below the time and date, you get to the "Missed Calls, Voicemail, Text Messages, Email ..." strip? Well, I setup my three emails (@Hotmail,@Gmail,@Yahoo), and everything worked perfectly, it told me when I received emails with no delay or anything like that. Until one day, I created a new email, which I tried to setup by going to the "Messaging" screen, selected "Setup E-mail," entered my email, my password, and hit next. Unfortunately, because it's a Windows phone, which is ultimately a Microsoft product, it of course knows that is from Microsoft as well, so it prompted me to the next screen which said: "Auto Setup found settings for: To complete setup and download e-mail, click Next." And then when I clicked Next, it opened up Internet Explorer, and prompted me to download this Windows Live program, which opens up, and sits at a blank screen. SO, I go back to the "Messaging" page, and even the "Missed Calls, Voic...." strip, and my Hotmail is gone. Only my Gmail and Yahoo show on there. I have no idea why it did that. I'm guessing because just like it detected as a Microsoft email, it detected that Hotmail is too, and therefore deleted it, and wants me to use that Windows Live program that it downloaded. So now, I try to "Setup E-mail" my Hotmail, I go through the same screens as I did with the, and it sends me to Internet Explorer, which made me download the same program that I did with So this Windows Live program says that it's syncing my email, but it does nothing. It just sits there with "Hotmail" at the top, and nothing else.
SO my question is, how can I setup my Hotmail so it can update in real time like it was before all this crap happened? I'm honestly considering re-installing WM6.
I apologize for the long post once again. Your help will be appreciated!
I use SEVEN to instead of WM6' work nice.IST an good answer?
sorry for my bad english.
What is Seven?,

Problem with Outlook Syncing to Phone

I have the HTC Touch Pro and am having difficulty with my work email account syncing properly with the phone. When I first got the phone and setup the outlook email through exchange the emails flowed into my phone simultaneously. However a week or so ago I accidentally cleared all my data back to the phone default settings as to when I bought it. My yahoo email still shows up properly, but my outlook account only syncs when I am at work logged into our system, or when I log into the exchange network. Once I log out of the system, the incoming emails stop showing up on my phone. Can you tell me why I wouldn't be able to get my outlook email at all times of the day, even when I am not logged into the system? Really it is pointless to only have my outlook email update on my phone when I am sitting at a computer viewing. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!

VZW TP2 Exchange Sync Issues

I have VZW TP2 and I use an exchange server to sync my email, contacts, calendars and tasks across my mobile phone, desktop and laptop.
For some reason, on this phone, it doesn't update certain things that I've done of my desktop or laptop for a while. I even manually go into active sync and click "sync now" and it doesn't update.
For example, if I'm on my desktop or laptop and I delete a message in my inbox, it won't update on my phone until it receives another message. Even if I click "send & recieve" in Outlook on my desktop/laptop and then manually click sync on my TP2, the email won't dissapear until another message is received. Also, today I deleted a calendar appointment on my laptop (which was for today) and even after many syncs on both my laptop outlook and on my TP2 via active sync/send recieve etc, the appointment is still showing up on the homepage screen and in my calender.
Anyone ideas?
I am having trouble with mine syncing as well. In Activesync, I get an error saying something about the server not being able to be reached. It may be an intermittent connection problem. It was working fine up until a few days ago. Also, make sure in your Schedule in Activesync is set to 'As Items Arrive'.
I had a problem with syncing then realized from some dumb reason the default option on off hours was manual sync and not "push", after making that change my issue stopped.
this is not a question of configurationi...
i have activesync set up for as items arrive in peak AND off peak. all days are checked, and for safe measure - peak time is from 12a to 11:59pm. so i'm covered there.
BUT i have the same delay issue. i can sent a test email from another email account on my deskto TO the exchange inbox on my device. i will watch it arrive almost instantly to the web portal of that same exchange inbox...but wait 10, 15, sometimes 20 minutes for the device's activesync to "wake up" and decide to sync on its own to retrieve that test message.
totally ridiculous.
yes, it is "push", but it's CLEARLY not instand (or even "immediate") push. certainly not comparable to a blackberry (which i despise and refuse to use).
so far, htc, verizon, and my hosted exchange company have been unable to offer a solution. i'm told, "a 5 to 10 minute delay is totally acceptable when using activesync exchange".
that is totally UNACCEPTABLE in the professional world.
i would go back to using goodlink (as i did with my old xv6800, befoe upgrading to the tp2), but it doesn't work well with touchflo 3d. and to be honest, what's the sense of using the tp2 if you can't enjoy the the new interface?
anyone have any suggestions? can this be fixed??????
The delay in syncing emails getting deleted is common. I don't know this for sure, but I'm pretty sure I read that receiving a new email is the trigger to sync all changes in the mail folders.
As far as it taking 10 - 20 minutes to get new mail, that does not seem normal. I get new mail on my TP2 before they show up in my inbox on my desk and I have on all the "direct push" phones that I've had. Are there other users on your Exchange server you can compare to? That way you'd know if it were just you or the server.
here's a solution!
after speaking with trusted friends and valued forum members (thanks guys for your input), i've decided to ditch "the message center" (the aforementioned exchange hosting company that gave me that "acceptable email delivery" crap). i opened a newa account with another company that advertises IMMEDIATE email delivery via activesync. wish me luck!
I've been syncing mine with an Exchange 2007 Environment that I setup personally and I have had no problems with my Touch Pro 2. Everything has synced just fine. Make sure you double check all of your settings on your phone and if need be on the Exchange Server itself.
my company uses for our email hosting. We have a ton of mailboxes using all sorts of devices. blackberry, wm, iphones. I use tp2 via echange active sync. I get emails near instant. calendar updates are near instant. deleted items needs a new email to trigger syncing as I believe that is the way it just works.

Android issues with unknown number, calendar recurrence, contact sync

I just graduated from a Blackberry to the HTC Incredible. After a few days of use and way too much forum browsing, I still have a few issues that I cannot resolve. Please help if you know of any solutions!
1. PHONE: If I dial one of my local contacts and do not include the area code, the call log labels the call as UNKNOWN. This is somewhat frustrating as every phone that I've ever owned was sophisticated enough to known that I'm dialing a known contact even if the area code is not included.
2. CONTACT SYNC: I synced my Blackberry with Outlook. I had no problem getting all of my contacts into the Incredible, but now I want to sync them with Google Contacts and ditch Outlook. I cannot change the PC Sync label on each contact in my phone though, and I'm not even sure if it has anything to do with it.
3. CALENDAR RECURRENCE: I often need to enter meetings to repeat on multiple days of the week. For instance, I may have a review meeting every Tuesday and Thursday. Is there a calendar app that has the capability of recurrence in this manner? I know this is a popular problem, but I have been unsuccessful in finding a solution. It seems insane to have to enter these types of recurrences through Google Calendar to have them sync with the phone properly.
4. MAIL: If I setup my "native" or default google account in the HTC mail app, it syncs with IMAP to get all of the existing mail. HOWEVER, it will not show any new mail that comes in. I have unchecked the sync with the Gmail App ( I cannot remove the account from the Gmail App), but no matter what I do, I cannot get new mail in HTC Mail. Each time I try removing the account from HTC and setting it up again, the new mail shows up, but nothing new from then on.
5. POPUP NOTIFICATIONS: I love the notifications that I get in the status bar for new mail or text messages. Is there anything that I can use to have these notifications popup in a new window on my screen?
Please help! This is an awesome phone, but it just seems that some of the "basics" are missing.
Why didnt you post this in the HTC Incredible subforums? I doubt you will get an answer in here.

