How do you backup your phone before flashing a new rom? - HTC Tornado

Is this possible? I'd like to back everything up including software installed so if anything goes tits up i can just revert to my backup.
Also, how do you flash a rom?

anyone? please help

forget it, i just flashed the rom..
fortunately everything worked ok.

This is the way i backup my phone
Your phone should be Registry and App unlocked..
Sync your phone, copy folders /Application Data - /Program Files - /Windows/Start Menu - /Windows/Start Up - to your Desktop (PC)
Install Registry Explorer with Resco Registry
Export HKCR,HKCU, HKLM then copy the .reg files on PC
Backup Contact, SMS, Call History with Jeyo Mobile Companion
Now, restoration...
App Unlock your device
Copy folders /Application Data - /Program Files - /Windows/Start Menu - /Windows/Start Up - to your Phone thru Active Sync. (Overwrite all)
Copy the .reg files from your PC to phone..
Install Resco Explorer with Resco Registry and Import the .reg files
Restore your Contacts thru Jeyo Mobile Companion
Restart device
there you go, you got now a clean setup of your device with all your apps and customizations. One thing, some apps wont work/launch with this procedure, you may need to reinstall them and if you try to, it will prompt that it couldn't be removed and if you wanna still continue installing, just hit Yes and install it on the same directory where it was on your previous setup.


Backing up and restoring text Messages on WM5

I used Backup Manager to backup 1) Databases 2) the \Windows\Messaging\ folder and 3) Some files in the \My Documents\ folder
Then I did a hard-reset
Everything got restored but when I open the Messaging application I do not see any text messages.
I did not backup the registry because I thought that was where my problem was, so I wanted to start with a fresh registry.
Did I do something wrong, or did I miss something?

Activesync restore

Today I lost all the data on my phone.. no problem I thought, I shall do a restore using my backup activesync makes every time i plug my phone in, so all is fine and dandy. When it gets about half way through the restoration, activesync crashes (always at the same point). It is during processing a file called fldr1001dd8.
This means I cannot fully restore my device - very annoying!!
Can anyone help with this... can I make it so it skips errors instead of crashing? Any help at all appreciated!! Device is a Blue Angel, using ActiveSync 4.1
You want to download a free utility called STGViewer - this utility allows you to examine the contents of the backup file activesync creates so you can identify which data you want restored. If there is a corrupt file then you can decide not to restore that particular one but retrieve everything else.
Thankyou so much, I will try that!!
OK I have found it, but I cant work out how to delete a file from the archive with it. All it seems able to do is 'copy' files out of the archive :-(
Any tips?
You cannot delete individual files from the .stg file but the program does allow you to restore selected folders and files. So you can restore Program Files folder all at once - if that works then restore My Documents folder and so on.
You may find that by restoring individually there may not be any corrupt files. But if there are, then you just select everything else except the corrupted file - you can use drag and highlight to speed things up. A little bit tedious but at least you can get all your files back from a bad .stg file.
BTW, the file you mentioned is in Pegasus Databases which are system files
Have you used the program yourself Ian? If so could you please help me with the restore folder button.. when I select a folder, then the restore folder option on the menu, nothing happens. This is very frustrating!
Also, when I extract the files from the pegasus database and put them on the phone, the pegasus folder shows in the phone's file manager (obviously, because I just put it there). How do I restore them to the (presumably hidden) folder, where they are meant to be?
I appreciate all help on this matter, all I need back are my contacts, appointments and message data etc, the rest I can start afresh with.
No I have not used this to restore an entire phone, only to retrieve individual files. It does sound like you will need to start afresh and just use STGViewer to recover personal files from My Documents etc. Most installed programs in Program Files will work fine if restored via STGViewer- there is often no need to actually use an installation program as many programs work as standalone folders.
If you have synced with your PC previously, all your contacts, notes and messages will be in Microsoft Outlook so you can use Activesync to restore these back onto your phone. (assuming you had opted to sync these items)
I would suggest in future that you use Xbackup in the Programs folder to regularly save your contacts/notes data into permanent Storage. I also from time to time make a copy of my .stg file so that I do not need to start anew if my current .stg file is corrupted. Good luck!

hel please pimbackup

i have a backupfile of pimbackup, can i open it from windows?i must recover some phone numers but my wm pda is broken!!!
change the extension of the backup file to zip, Extract with winrar and you'll find a file called contacts_date.pbc, use notepad or excel to open this file and you will be able to see your contacts.
I prefer excel cause you will have a lot of strange looking characters to deal with...
Easier alternative, if you have the windows mobile emulator installed on your PC, just do a restore from PIM backup and you can see all your contacts...

Backup all configuration files automatically / Restore uppon reflashing

Aaaah, another backup??? WHY? Read why before downloading this one, running and deleting afterwards without knowing.
why1: after re-flashing device, all setting files will be imported automatically into device.
with autobackup switched ON and even better with my another script (papustomize),
you will have your old settings after reflashing without pressing a button
why2: it’s simple & plaint. You can combine using script or file explorer for manual copying, deleting, adding of files and folders.
Not running difficult backup programs and re-selecting which files to keep backup of..
You can select individual files or whole folder structures to be backuped/restored
why3 (not yet I want to add the same for program’s registry values of course. It would be why3. (backuping and restoring saved regs)
..meantime only papustomize is parsing saved registry entries, but backup of them is not done automatically. Read notes in “papustomize.mscr” on how to prepare reg files for parsing.
Papustomize is using dotfred’s taskmanager for parsing registry. You need to have this in windows folder with name "\Windows\TaskMgr-fdc.exe"
or change location and name of it in papustomize.mscr
How it works?
Packup will backup files, folders or complete folder structures from device
which you manually once copied into specified backup folder on SD card.
There is no backup list, all files which you once manually copied to backup folder
will be always backuped.
Files have to be in corresponding directory structure. e.g. put \Windows\saveme.cfg file
in Storage Card\data\backupFolder\Windows\saveme.cfg
* if there is a file named packup.all in any folder inside BACKUP path, it will
Be backuping ALL files and folders from that level up
* for using OEM version you will probably want to set your own default backup path and settings right into script files. There are notes inside them on how to do it. Eventualy, put your folder in rgu
I am using version of Mortscript 4.2 – it’s included in cabs but not in OEM downloads. May not work with older ones.
MortScript is great project and all Glory and $ for using scripts with Mortscript must go to Mortscript program author: (c) Mirko Schenk [email protected]
There is other app in OEM package, automatic light chnger for day/night,
you can find description and cab in general kaiser forum.
Hints and bugs welcome
will try it soon and give a feedback
thanks for this nice utilities...
Looks good, will give it a try! Thx
What is the difference with this one:

HTC application copying files from rom to storage

After every hard reset and during the first boot there is an application running in the background that copies some files (f.e. Opera9.exe, Copilot, GoogleMaps, wallpapers etc.) from rom (these files originally reside in Windows folder) to storage memory, creating a double copy of these files.
Does anyone know the name of that application and if it is possible to run it without a hard reset?
Thank you
Edit:It must be RunCC.
Does anyone know how could I reactivate the customization process without a hard reset?
I'd like to know how to get rid of it, why do we need two copies!!!
You can get rid of the files that are in the same directory, like Opera9.exe and OperaL.exe.
You can also move googlemaps and Copilot to storage card.
But you can not get rid of the image files, ringtones etc that are copied from \Windows to another folder.
The reason why I am asking for this, is because if we manage to activate the customization application without hard reset then it will be possible to restore an old backup file without losing any new features offered by the rom upgrade.
This could be done as following
1) Backup (f.e. with SPB backup or Sprite backup) before upgrading
2) Upgrade the rom
3) After completing the upgrade install Resco Registry
4) Export the entire registry from the upgraded rom
5) Restore the backup file
6) Import the previously exported registry. In this way you overwrite any keys that should be changed during the rom upgrade.
7) Finally if you manage to run the customization again you will restore all the double files that can not be deleted..
(Opera9.exe and OperaL.exe can be activated by simply removing the files from the \Windows folder and thus activating the rom files)

