ask: FLV files player for PPC ??? - General Topics

hi guys,
Just wondering if any player software for playing flv files in PPC - winmob 2003? (videos downloaded from youtube, etc)

Not as far as I know, I still had to run my FLV files through eRightSoft SUPER. Take a look at thread here:
(note, someone's going to say SUPER sucks because of sync, to which I say try the 29.97 fps setting.)

Nothing wrong with SUPER, does the job well and it's free.


WMV plugin for WMP

A lot of movies are coming out with digital copies & they are all in WMV format but our players don't support it.
I tried searching but all I found was the plugin for TCPMP, which didn't work too well. Anyway I would like to know if there is a plugin for WMP on our phones? I have a few of these digital copies & I would like to put them on my storage card for those boring days at work. If anyone has a plugin or a solution, I would really appreciate it.
Where are the movies?? Anyways, CorePlayer should play them, about $25 directly from CoreCodec, which should be cheap for you judging by your avatar !
What are you talking about? Windows Media Player plays WMV files. it's already on your phone.
DarrenUtd said:
What are you talking about? Windows Media Player plays WMV files. it's already on your phone.
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Talking about certain codecs not included in WMP, so you need a different player. Most videos can't be played through WMP.
Thanks for the reply. I was hoping to not have to buy anything new but you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway, a new question... if I buy this coreplayer will it do everything tcpmp does or do I have to keep tcpmp on my Kaiser?
As far as the movies... I have Juno & AVPr right now but a lot of movies come with an extra disc right now that you can download it from... Look for it on the cover, it says digital copy right on it
Beast84 said:
Thanks for the reply. I was hoping to not have to buy anything new but you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway, a new question... if I buy this coreplayer will it do everything tcpmp does or do I have to keep tcpmp on my Kaiser?
As far as the movies... I have Juno & AVPr right now but a lot of movies come with an extra disc right now that you can download it from... Look for it on the cover, it says digital copy right on it
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Cool, I have to check out my friend's DVD collection . Anyways, CorePlayer does all the main functions of TCPMP, but a bit better, and I personally like the looks of it better. It has the YouTube function built-in, but currently you have a limited number of results, so if your looking for a specific video, you must type a lot. I use CorePlayer as my main video player, and still keep TCPMP with the FLV bundle to watch video directly from the web.
TheChampJT said:
Cool, I have to check out my friend's DVD collection . Anyways, CorePlayer does all the main functions of TCPMP, but a bit better, and I personally like the looks of it better. It has the YouTube function built-in, but currently you have a limited number of results, so if your looking for a specific video, you must type a lot. I use CorePlayer as my main video player, and still keep TCPMP with the FLV bundle to watch video directly from the web.
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Sweet I been reading up on it since you suggested it & I'm sold on it now. Thanks I hope it plays these movies. I'll let you know as soon as I got it all set up
WACK!!! Same thing as tcpmp... Granted, it looks better but its the same outcome. The video will start but it won't play. It starts loading & then it stays like that forever. Occassionally it plays a clip of the sound but only a fraction of a second
Any tips for the settings to change Champ?

On2 VP6 codec and Adobe Flash question

Hi, I have two questions:
Firstly, I've been trying to play flv files that need the on2 VP6 codec using Coreplayer but apparently their site says it is not supported.
Are there any codecs available that can or any player? I used mplayer downloaded from this site that does play the file but is jerky and audio is out sync.
Secondly, I use miniopera as my default browser and I am an avid facebook user. The Facebook site keeps telling me that I need Adobe flash installed. I have installed flash7 but it still tells me i need to install it.
(Snap2face application works great but its not the same being on the website!)
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
flash plugins only work for ie as of yet. That being said, either visit facebook mobile using ie, or get the opera mobile 9.5 available on opera's site, and visit the full fledged facebook.
Sorry I should have mentioned, itdoes the same in ie and opera 9.5 (didnt like 9.5 too many glitchy graphics!?!).
Same question here. Is there a solution to use opera and play flash. And is it possible to play a flv with on2 vp6 codec on core player. (you know flash movies for those lonely nights)
Coreplayer says On2 VP6 is not supported and I havent found anywhere any codec or program that supports it. I had some luck with mplayer playing them but its jerky at best, though I have noticed slight improvements after loading the Omnio drivers and if I play a flv file after soft resetting the voice sync isnt that bad.
Funnily mplayer is the only one that shows any video. All the others just give me sound only.
Flash works with the newest build of Opera 9.5 , Build 1938!
The flash you need can be found here:
After installing Flash, you have to soft reset the phone! It WON'T work with Opera mini!!!
I'm using a Polaris with WM 6.0 and have no problems viewing youtube videos, or youp*rn / redt*be.... i can also play some flash games online!
ZaPP187 said:
Flash works with the newest build of Opera 9.5 , Build 1938!
The flash you need can be found here:
After installing Flash, you have to soft reset the phone! It WON'T work with Opera mini!!!
I'm using a Polaris with WM 6.0 and have no problems viewing youtube videos, or youp*rn / redt*be.... i can also play some flash games online!
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Doesnt work for me on UDK's 6.1 rom - even tried a hard reset, its got the latest opera on it but it still says i have an older version of flash on youtube videos.
Oh well.. maybe it works only on 6.0?
Just read the small print "you must remove all previous versions of flash" apparently if its cooked into the rom like udk's it wont work, unless someone know a workaround?
Ok, but how to remove all the version of flash pls ???
In Settings => system => Add/Remove Programs
i dont find any FLASH programm...?
Any luck with the On2 VP6 codec? I'm in the same boat as you...
Any luck with the On2 VP6 codec? I'm in the same boat as you...
There is a thread regarding the TCPMP GF5500, I ever try it and those FLV files with On2 VP6 format can be play without any problem.
Can try to download it, but the forum is in Chinese language. Can use google to translate it.
U can try this patch for TCPMP.
I've tested it on WM6.1. It worked but was a little jerky on my Touch Cruise.
Rename the att. to .cab. and run it on ur mobile.
VP6 FLV on HTC Magic / Android
bally3 said:
Hi, I have two questions:
Firstly, I've been trying to play flv files that need the on2 VP6 codec using Coreplayer but apparently their site says it is not supported. Are there any codecs available that can or any player? I used mplayer downloaded from this site that does play the file but is jerky and audio is out sync.
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I copied the flv files out my browser cache and imported them into Kino on Ubuntu 9.04. I then exported them as MPEG-2.
Then I used VLC to build the FFMPEG command to "Convert" the MPEG-2 to an MP4/AAC file. I had to manually set the scale to a different value as Android's video player won't play anything bigger than 320x256(-ish). Whatever file you want to play, you need to scale it down to 320x240 at most. You need to have the "unstripped" FFMPEG files / libraries installed as the ones shipped with Ubuntu are fairly limited for legal reasons. Have a look here:
Ok, it's not playing native On2 VP6....but the processor required to play those might see them looking pretty bad even if you can decode them. Converting the files to mp4/aac produces a compatible file....and they play very well.
duvi said:
Any luck with the On2 VP6 codec? I'm in the same boat as you...
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You can use the "Ultra Video Convertor" to convert the VP6 to a AVI.
The video quality on WM was real crisp..

video conversion?!

Hi all
I would like to plays some video clips on my Raphael, but can't get something smooth with a great resolution...
If someone has a great tutorial on how to convert video files to play something with great resolution.
Hey kitopa!
I would reccomend you look into the "Pocket DivX converter" its free, easy and works really well
kitopa said:
Hi all
I would like to plays some video clips on my Raphael, but can't get something smooth with a great resolution...
If someone has a great tutorial on how to convert video files to play something with great resolution.
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And for starters; get a decent player first... WMP is great for music, but horrible for Video... I'd recommend CorePlayer. And then code your movies to DIVX like already suggested
Absolutely!!! Good catch Moaske
I love CorePlayer 1.2.5, makes a huge difference on my TyTN II!
If you dont want to go the paying money route (or the piracy route) the Core Player guys also have a more stripped down and less optimized but free player called TCPMP, look out for that
Magic Video Converter 8 is what i use, converts anything to anything just about. Even converts to Flash Video!
yeah im looking for a high quality app, used pocket divx encoder, it was ok, and spb mobile dvd, and thats ok, but can't up the settings to increase the quality as much as id like to.
currently for vid files i sometimes don't convert and throw the whole file on there
I cant get the TCPMP to work on my phone...
akash_nu said:
I cant get the TCPMP to work on my phone...
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Search this forum for: " TCPMP-0.72RC1-ARM-PPC-recomp-03.CAB "
(works great)

Compatible media players.

Hello. I've been trying out different media players on my XDA flint (X7510) which currently has the stock O2 ROM, and have had varying levels of success. Most of this post is about playing video files of verying format (.mpg .mpeg .avi etc)
TCPMP: I used this exclusively on my XDA Exec and rarely had any problems, but it seems to crash on many of my mpg files on the Flint. I've tried the original 0.72 cab, the 0.81 (which I don't think is official) and the 0.72RC1-recomp-03 cab which seems to work well on other WM6.1 devices. Of all these the 0.72 cab is the only one which will actually load.
Core player: From the same developers as TCPMP, this is their commercial app. It loads ok but I personally find the GUI ugly and confusing, the TCPMP interface is much cleaner and user friendly. Again, this app won't play all of the video files I've tried, so I guess more work is needed with codecs?
Pocket Player: This apps GUI is quite nice and navigation to files is easy with many helpful (anf finger friendly) menus to select content. Again, it couldn't play all of the media files I threw at it, but it didn't crash at all.
I'm either going to have to convert any video files into a compatible format before watching on my Flint (which means I'm still not free of the PC) or keep searching for a truly versatile player...any suggestions?
thintin said:
Hello. I've been trying out different media players on my XDA flint (X7510) which currently has the stock O2 ROM, and have had varying levels of success. Most of this post is about playing video files of verying format (.mpg .mpeg .avi etc)
Pocket Player: This apps GUI is quite nice and navigation to files is easy with many helpful (anf finger friendly) menus to select content. Again, it couldn't play all of the media files I threw at it, but it didn't crash at all.
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Pocket Player does not work on my x7510 at all. It kills all sound from the device and I must uninstall and soft-reset the device to even be able to hear any sound from other players (like WMPlayer or Core Player). I have installed and uninstalled it 4 times and the same thing happened each time.

Winmo Media Player Formats?

I've been trying to download youtube videos onto my pc and then Syncing them over to my omnia i910. When I do so, I get errors. What formats do the videos need to be in?
I've tried downloading them from my phone with apps, but they dont really work well.
So can anyone tell me how to download them from my pc to my phone without these errors?
I'm currently using Ask and Record toolbar to download the videos.
if you mean wmp then that only support very very very few formats
if you want to play various formats on pocketpc get a players like coreplayer
wmp is a pretty poor player in general

