Bluetooth-GPRS and the connection break: a petition to QTEK - HTC Tornado

If you don't mind, please go to and post them this text. I hopen they would fix it...
I use qtek 8310 as bluetooh gprs modem from my Pocket PC and from the desktop. Also I use GPRS to check my emails and ICQ directly from Qtek 8310.
1) Even if keyboard is locked (!), RED button breaks the bluetooth link. Small short (!) press breaks the line. I need to redial again after an accident click! This is a bug definitely: the keyboard is locked and the link should not break upon red button. Though it should not break even the keyboard is not locked too...
2) The worst thing... Bluetooth link breaks after any incoming sms, any outcoming or incoming call. I'm not demanding simultaneous GPRS and CALL, as from 3g phone models... But, as a standart de facto (starting from the most old phones with blueetooth and GPRS support, like Ericsson R520 and cheap modern like Motorola L7 SLVR), GPRS has to just suspend during the call, not to break the connection itself or not even break the bluetooth link to client device! This behavior is absolutely unacceptable for such a business-application powerful smartphone as Qtek 8310 for ~~500$.
I cannot even use it from my notebook as Bluetooth-GPRS modem: I often receive SMS and this breaks down my link completely, I need to redial and redial and redial again. Why any cheap phone with bluetooth still CAN keep the connection after any call?
3) This problem is absent when I use GPRS from the smartphone itself. The link keeps after SMS, after call or whatever. This is paradoxal, though good, behavior.
Please, do not ignore my letter. I hope you would fix these bugs, which make your phone totally unusable for business application.
Waiting for you answer,
with hope.


No incoming calls when streaming radio over GPRS - SDA. Fix for this?

I've read all the posts on this, but near as I can tell nobody can figure out how to fix the problem...
When I'm streaming radio over my T-Mobile GPRS connection, my phone NEVER sees an incoming call. I jsut tested it 10 times, and every call went straight to voicemail without ringing - either on the SDA or in the earpiece of the landline I called from. This occasionally happens when simply browsing as well, if the incoming call happens to occur at exactly the same time the SDA is reading in a page. But the real pain is the streaming. I was so excited to finally be able to stream radio over the air, but I can't bring myself to ever use it, knowing that it will basically take my phone unreachable the whole time.
PLEASE tell me there's a fix for this!!!!
Uisng the T-mobile SDA, running the imate 2.6.33 ROM...
Please help....
There is no fix. GSM+GPRS is meant to have the ability to cancel data calls when a voice call comes in but I haven't found that this works on the SDA or many of the other devices either. It sucks a lot.
Here's your explanation.
It's a limitation of the GSM service.
From here...
The class indicates the mobile phone capabilities.
Class A
Class A mobile phones can be connected to both GPRS and GSM services simultaneously.
Class B
Class B mobile phones can be attached to both GPRS and GSM services, using one service at a time. Class B enables making or receiving a voice call, or sending/receiving an SMS during a GPRS connection. During voice calls or SMS, GPRS services are suspended and then resumed automatically after the call or SMS session has ended.
Class C
Class C mobile phones are attached to either GPRS or GSM voice service. You need to switch manually between services.
So you have a Class B service
Great Info Pinko! Thanks!
Still sucks though. If I have a class B device, there should be a way for the phone to at least recognize the incoming call when I'm streaming radio and interrupt it (the GPRS session) temporarily to inform me. But, I understand. Apparently when I'm streaming there isn't a "break" in transmission long enough for the GSM service to see the call and notify me - is that the jist of it?
Thanks again for the link.
twinair said:
Here's your explanation.
It's a limitation of the GSM service.
So you have a Class B service
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The explanation is not true!
When surfing or StreamMedia on EDGE, same problem ! no incoming call.
I put the SIM back on Sony Ericsson phone as Internet modem to PC on EDGE and GPRS, no any problem . It looks HTC or WM5.0 have some defective designing issue !
I have an HTC ONE V and im facing a similar problem. Whenever the mobile data connection is on and data is being transferred through it, the phone does not receive calls. This does not happen in other phones. I asked a few friends (with android phones) about this and they dont seem to be facing any such issues.
Any solution to this yet?
alphatheta said:
I have an HTC ONE V and im facing a similar problem. Whenever the mobile data connection is on and data is being transferred through it, the phone does not receive calls. This does not happen in other phones. I asked a few friends (with android phones) about this and they dont seem to be facing any such issues.
Any solution to this yet?
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Your best bet would be to ask in the HTC one V section here (Make sure to post in the Q/A section!)

GPRS blocks incoming calls, bug in Radio stack

Just a heads-up
I have had the Vox for a couple of weeks here in Sweden
It is being used with Active sync towards an Exchange 2003 over GPRS
I quickly noticed that suddely it was not possible to receive SMS or incoming calls, the calls just got redirected to voicemail, after a reboot the phone started working for a while again, but it kept coming back.
After a couple of discussions with HTC and the distributor (and 2 rounds to the service partner for more extensive tests only to say that the phone was fully functional...) I now know what the problem is, and I put it here to let you know.
Aparently here in sweden and the rest of the nordic coutries we use GPRS type B
See here for a spec:
And the radio stack in S710 has trouble switching between GPRS and GSM
What they told me is that HTC are working on this, (and they better be and fast...), because without a fix GPRS is useless on this phone it could anytime hang in either GPRS or GSM mode, resutling in nonworking GPRS or (even worse) no GSM, you only notice this on the fact that incoming calls are not working, outgoing calls works.
So the only way to test is constantly call your own phone to see if it is still working.
The only fix I have found to this so far is to disable all GPRS accounts and reboot the phone...
Just thought I should share this information with you. I have a feeling that more people will experience this, and I had to do a lot of digging to get this information.
If someone else has some more information or experienced this I would love to hear about it.
Thanks for the tip.
Got my S710 yesterday evening, did the GRPS setup today afternoon and tonight got couple of calls redirected to voicemail... Yep GPRS was on (although I wasn't actually doing anything, just noticed the "E" icon for an active connection). Thought was only bad reception... Knew about the missed calls because of the SMS telling me right away somebody had called.
Anyhow, SMS were getting in... Maybe it's not related to the same problem... Hopefully was really only bad reception, but enough reception for SMS.
I'll do some more testing tomorrow. I can't afford missing work calls or I know I'm fired by listening my voicemail.
Ok, time to disable the GPRS settings... Let's hope they make a bugfix soon for this.
thats really worrying. has anyone experienced this in the UK ?
The whole point of the S710 is so I can have IM and push email and phone on one tiny device with keyboard
I think this is all related to the GPRS class B, what I understand so far at least is that this is mainly a problem in the nordic counties where this is used (I may very well be misinformed, this is new to me, I have a diploma in GSM technologies from a short course but that is not even worth the paper anymore )
If a network uses Class A, this is what I am told not a problem, and Class C seems mostly useless everywhere, look at my link in my first post and read about Class C ,you will see why
Kast, that sounds like a slightly different problem, I don't get SMS or calls when this happens, you also have access to EDGE and that may not have the same problem (don't know). But it would either way be interresting to see if you experience problems.
gprs class b
The class of GPRS (class B) is parameter no to gsm provider. This is spesification on device htc s710.
I have also htc s620. Result of my testing is that this device is working on Gprs Class B. When i made sinhronzation to exchange server then you can't call my gsm number, but when my sinhro is done you can call my gsm.
The bug on htc s710 is very serios i hope that from htc make quickly patch or update to solve it !
definitely all working fine on my new S710 in the UK. Will be trying in NY next week .....
Yes I think the problem is definately in Tele2's network in Sweden but probably also the other networks hera as well as in Denmark, Norway and Finland
That is what I've been told anyway. But thanks for the info
gd day friends
have just tried this issue on a orange il simcard and no problems were found
i can get calls and sms while gprs is on !
Then orange has GPRS class A (I wish they had that in sweden as well then we would not have that problem here...)
I have the same problem with a HTC Tytn in Belgium with Proximus, whenever the GPRS connections is enabled, calls tend to be blocked and go directly to my voicemail. Only fix is to disable the GPRS connection and only use it to check your mail every hour or so.
If I remember rightly, All GPRS phones are class B anyway. Never come across a class A GPRS handset yet (or if i have, it was never plugged as a class A device).
what tends to happen is that the network and the phone will negotiate to suspend the GPRS connection when there have been no packets sent for a certain amount of time to save the power on the handset and the towers, and to optimise the bandwidth to accomodate as many users as possible.
Seems your network might have this suspend timeout set a little too high, or alternatively, I suppose the network infrastructure could be Class B and therefore not support it at all.
I'm sure there was a reg hack around for earlier smartphones to make the GPRS connection disconnect automatically after 30 seconds or so. seems you might have to set activesync to check avery so often and see if you can find this hack.
ubfortunately, this is always going to be an issue on GPRS/EDGE devices if you are a heavy email user....but the networks still want the handsets, so they will still be made.
I donät think the problem is with the network timeout, I have used the similar setup with Nokia handsets and Sony-ericsson and the correctly suspend the GPRS and then resume it after a finished call. But this phone seems to hang in the GPRS mode, then network is trying to send the call to the phone but the phone is not able to pick it up.
I think you are right that the registry hack might help, have not tried that yet, don't know if it is the same in WM6 either. But I might give it a try, now I have solved it via WLan at work and no e-mail elsewhere :-/
Did a bit of testning with the registry keys found this thread
And changing the first key
DWORD CacheTime
60 - Timeout in seconds
String SuspendResume
~GPRS! - Always On
GPRS_bye_if_device_off - Timeout after CacheTime
This works, setting the timer to 30 seconds automatically disconnects the GPRS session, next is to see if the phone stops receiving calls or if it still works even with GPRS activated... Let¨s keep out fingers crossed
Solved this (at least temporarily)
The registry edit seems to solve the problem at least eough for me to receive e-mail at scheduled times and receive calls.
However this is not a final solution, still waiting for a radio update from HTC...
And there is always a risk that the phone stops working during the rime GPRS is active...
I have a s710 also. I'm having missed calls very often, people are complaining they can't reach me. Sometimes after a certain period a sms arrives that i haved missed calls.
I use GRPS constantly due to the syncing with exchange (push mail) at my work.
Is there a solution for this problem yet?
You should try the radio in the Arabic rom (do a search).
It's the latest version.
After much experimentation, i have found the following:
1. If i boot up my phone WITHOUT the USB cable attached, and i start transferring data from the internet, my phone will not allow any incoming calls. They all get sent to voicemail.
2. If i boot up my phone WITH the USB cable connected (which happens to block GPRS data), but THEN DISCONNECT the USB cable so i can activate a GPRS connection, when I start transferring data from the internet to my phone, it will pause the data transfer and allow incoming calls to ring through to the phone.
My company has C500 ( Vox in Asia named Dopod C500 ). We suffer from the same problem that everyone in this thread are talking about....hang and incoming calls blocked. The only way to solve is romove the battery to reset it.
HTC Thailand gave us the -new hope- ROM which I believe it was modified from the Arabic ROM. But no improvement.
Anyone get the solution?
MR2046 T_T
on my S710 i can receive calls but the caller cannot hear me.
but when i make a call its perfect.
I am tired of making callbacks, somebody pls help

MortScript, Bluetooth, ATT EP5632 and a request for help

I am a novice MortScript user and can't figure out the best way to do the following:
1. Figure out if Bluetooth is connected to a particular device.
2. If there is a missed call, new text message, or other new notification, I would like to be able to write a script to call my home phone (for a ring or two) as a way to alert me. I have the basics to write the script for the call, but can't figure out how to query the notifications (to see if there is a new sms, missed call, appointment reminder, et cetera) to activate the call routine.
Reason: I have the ATT EP5632 which I like as I don't have to carry my 8525 around the house, however, when I get a text or other reminder, I usually don't hear it. Also, the EP5632 is not very reliable in maintaining the Bluetooth connection so often I have missed calls (if anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them!) so this script would serve as a backup.
Thanks in advance,
WM5: 1.34.502.1

Skype for WIndows Mobile

Has anyone had any luck with getting this to work well? Seems to always be like a delay on a call like when you call a country far away and you have to wait a few seconds to respond, but if I call via skype on a PC to the same skype user it's fine..
Also it seems by default the sound comes out of the back speaker rather than the ear piece, any way to change that?
I never tried to make any international call but it work's fine when I call to my home city (~300 km away from my location).
Regarding the sound,
this tool redirects the sound correctly where you want it, it can be found in the "Cabs repository"-thread but here's the link:
I've used it for both WM to PC and WM to landline, the connection to the PC was much better but I haven't have significant delay when calling landlines. I find that it can vary quite a bit, it probably depends on the amount of people online as well as other factors. On the rare occasion when I had a little delay, I hung up, called again and it was gone. Most of these calls were from UK to HK.
Another thing that annoyed me was the fact that the screen was still active during the call and as I was holding it to my face it pressed random things. If you try to press the END key it will turn off the screen as well as the Wifi connection (which I was using to make the call). So instead, I solved this by pressing the start menu then locking it.
I use Fring for skype calls mainly because I can use the main front speaker (change this in Fring options), works great.

Incoming gsm/lte phone connection priority over other communicators audio connections

HI all,
My gf's phone behaves in a really strange way...
During an audio call using common communicators, say skype, whatsapp, messenger, if a new incoming gsm/lte connection is coming, then it automatically takes priority over communicator call. Communicator call is put on hold.
What is most annoying, is that you are not able to inform the person on other side of the line that there is a new incoming connection - no, the second incoming connection is appearing on screen, current connection is put on hold. To clarify, user can chose whether to accept or cancel new incoming call, but the 'communicator' call is already on hold;(
I find this most annoying coming from iphone environment, where I have full control on all live and incoming connections and where no connection is prioritised. When im on a whatsapp audio call and a regular gsm connection is coming, I can let other person know that I have incoming connection and decide to answer, cancel or put current call on call. I find this rather normal behaviour. Unfortunately this is not the case on my gf's phone which drives me nuts
Please let me know if this is case of specific ROM, or android os in general? I hope you could guide me toward an easy solution, hopefully not requiring reinstalling new rom. Many thanks!
Phone is running MIUI Global, Android 8.0.0.

