O2 Atom = BAD BAD. How to fix? - General Topics

I've bought the non HTC O2 Xda Atom PPC Phone days ago. This device has quite alot of annoying problems. I believe all these issues have to be rectified before we can comfortably use this device.
I. VERY FEW Main Storage Memory
As we know WM5 includes PS (Persistent Storage). All the RAM are now used as Program Memory. But the Main Storage Memory (Flash ROM) is only 22.1MB. This is petite and would not be sufficient for installations of programs that has to be installed on the main memory to work. The Storage memory is 43.9Mb, I wonder if there is anyway to MERGE the 43.9Mb and 22.1Mb which would make things alot easier.
The device's response is very slow. It takes seconds to load things or half a sec to response to tap sometimes. It is just SLOW. I thought it has something to do with WM5 but after upgrading my BlueAngel to WM5, it is SIGNIFICANTLY faster. I've already tried the Registry cache mod to speed it up a little but it is still slow. Even lags up when I type a sms.
III. CHOPPY Mp3 ringtone
It is just so choppy that it is unbearable. How to fix?
IV. Phone Answering Delays
V. Camera is EXTREMELY Slow! Quality of pictures acceptable as a 2MP device.
VI. In Car charger DOES NOT charge phone unless the phone is switched off. Why??
The cons are so critical that it outweighs all the pros of this device
I would rate it 5/10 personally. I am going back to my BA WM5 unless there are fixes. :!:

I have ALL those problems too. It sucks. The memory issue is really bad. I think the choppy ring is from the file being shuffled out of the rom to play. Sometimes I get an error message saying I have no memory when I try to take a pic (when I have used no memory ). If there was a way to get wm2003se onto it I would be willing to do it, but I doubt it is possible.

I HAD the same annoying problems. I wrote to O2. The reply I got is quite formal and useless. It seems most of people wrote to O2, they got the same template-style reply.

I understand how new thigns can have problems but I doubt if there will ever be fixes to the problems listed. We are just not supposed to go back to the default ringer tone because the Mp3 ringtone is so choppy. The Mp3 ringtone Works perfectly on my WM5 Blueangel.
The 22.11MB(16.13 Actual) storage memory just WON'T work. Even if I install everything on the storage cards, there would still be files needed to be written on \windows\ directory, the size of the main storage is just way too small.
The overall speed is slow and unbearable.
I think I am going to sell the device in a few days... Spent too much time trying to fix a $900 phone. Has anyone tried the bundled headset? The pieces are SO BIG that I doubt anyone with the largest earholes can put them on... Just Bad O2...

yesterday I went to Broadway and I saw that there is guy buying this O2 crappy machines.....and I think he will have the same feeling with yours....
But I cannot do anything at that moment.... :roll:

The quality is Below standard expectations. I would not recommend this device to anyone. Do you know where I can sell it off in Hong Kong at a good price?

i think sell it in yahoo.com.hk is the best place.... :lol:

I was going to buy the exec as well later in the year. I do not know any more. Has anyone bought it to comment?
I only have wm5 from the atom, I would like to know just how much of the problem is wm5 and how much is the hardware. O2 have really tarnished the brand name xda. I was dumb enough to buy just based on previous experience with other xda's.

Try some twaeking.. it helps
I have the Atom and I have been tweaking it a little.. the speed performance has improved.. now maybe up to about 85% - 90% of my O2 Mini.. so, it may not be as bad, if you tried some of these tweaks..
O2 Atom Tweaks - http://www.mtekk.com.au/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8631&sid=437d12dbc33628f1dde0d7b2c7c7efa1
Hope this helps

Those peeps who said problems with MP3 ringtones, i had the same problem with MP3 but if i convert that MP3 to WMA it plays perfectly as a ringtone, i believe that this is because WAV,MID & WMA play natively but the MP3 ringtone goes through a WM10 player.

what goes around comes around..
the tips from http://www.mtekk.com.au/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8631&sid=437d12dbc33628f1dde0d7b2c7c7efa1
are from my review from absolutesurf.com

More Atom Problems
[NB: duplicate post from other Atom thread - suggest an Atom specific area?]
Apart from the poor response time, I also find the standard alarm function does not work properly. A quick test with the alarm set for 10 minutes ahead works well, but 6am the next morning does not sound at all, until you later go into the alarm section to find out why, and then it goes off. Any ideas anyone?
Also, my Atom turns itself on accasionally for no reason. No incoming call or SMS, no alarm set, no USB or bluetooth connection, etc. It just turns on and sits there. Any ideas anyone?
Also - another poster advised removing items from start-up. How do you do this? Does it require a registry edit?

my friend from O2 Said, that the old version is very slow
and the there is the newer version from o2, but is not official lunch yet
is have batter memory architecture :roll:

Yeah.. I get the exact same alarm problem..
Ended up late to work 'cause of this.
I just sent in my Atom to the service centre (SG).. hope to receive it by tomorrow evening. Really eager to check out the improvements.



what was that for ??
@ morphosin
I suppose, it was his way to say "well, there are several threads in this forum about upgrading to 1.11. Please take a look at the search button".
If You are currently using radio 1.01, upgrading to 1.11 should be a major improvement. Wne I upgraded to 1.05 (or was it 1.06) it was a big step towards good sound (but I must admit that there is hardly a difference between 1.06 and 1.11 in terms of sound). Sound improvement will not depend on the installation of the other ROM-Files, the radio.nbf is enough.
with 1.11 there will be only a few performance features at my side ...
Too bad none of those several threads are able to conclusively identify any solid benefit from upgrading. I am still looking for posts that tell me why 1.11 is worth the bother. And he did say he was reading about it beforehand (presumably in this forum). So seems the question is valid in my opinion.
ROM upgrades are mostly used to fix bugs in older version. From time to time new capabilities are thrown in as well, but that is not the main concern of a ROM update. So the question is: do you want to live with these bugs, or do you want them fixed?
Don't expect all bugs to be fixed by doing a ROM upgrade, though. ROMS are made by humans, and we make mistakes. Of course new bugs can be introduced as well, but unless these new bugs are very bad and a lot of users are experiencing them, I see no reason to run an old buggy version.
Seems they've replaced the old tired bugs with new and improved ones! I have finally stabilised my JAM on the 1.06 ROM after much pain. I am still not convinced that the 1.11 is any better since some people claim its better and some claim its much worse. In other words, there is little consensus.
BTW, I don't accept the human factor as an excuse for lingering bugs. I am not a beta tester and I don't wish to use beta products. Once maybe, twice is pushing it, but three ROMs and still no sign of fixes for the fundamental problems is unacceptable. My phone is unreliable and if I don't get it sorted soon I will be back on a Nokia / Blackberry combination (quite a step backward in my opinion).
All I want is a stable working ROM that allows me to hear calls when I make them, to hang up when I hang up, and to connect and disconnect to GPRS when I need to and to put an end to soft reseting all the time! Unit and regression testing as part of a typical QA process should kill off 90% of bugs either new or old.
The problem is that in the rush to market HTC/Imate have obviously failed to complete a proper QA cycle prior to release. Their QA is terrible.
ianwood, what are these numerous bugs that you're referring to?
I'm heavily using my JAM on a daily basis. I was very cautious and selective on what 3rd party software I install. I had some 3rd party software that f*cks up my JAM completely (JGUI's for example), but now I have a list of software that WORKS WELL TOGETHER and don't have any problems. I never do a soft reset and the JAM behaves exactly how I want it.
We also have to distinguish between 3rd party software bugs, Windows bugs and HTC flaws.
The same bugs that everyone else refers to:
GPRS not being able to resume after a call
Answering call fails with "unable to answer call" message
Hanging up fails with service command error message
ActiveSync becoming unresponsive when syncing
BT not installed errors
Unresolved items in ActiveSync when there is no conflict
Heavy static on calls
Sound quality is crap (worse than the old T68s)
Speakerphone is also crap
Camera is slooooooow and picture quality is mediocre
BT headset drops after 15 minutes
Several reputable today plugins just don't work
BTW, I have very little installed on the thing. GPRS Monitor, a couple of simple games, Resco, Skype, TomTom. The rest are I-Mate default apps.
Let's face it; I am not the only one to have an issue with this thing.
MS, Imate, HTC, et all need to wake up and realise they will continue to be a footnote in mobile until they get this stuff sorted out! Let's hope WM5 will be better -- too bad we might not get it on our JAMs.
Some problems just not related to the Rom itself. I am using 1.11 rom
ianwood said:
The same bugs that everyone else refers to:
GPRS not being able to resume after a call (I don't have GPRS)
Answering call fails with "unable to answer call" message (never happen to me)
Hanging up fails with service command error message (never happen to me)
ActiveSync becoming unresponsive when syncing (never happen to me too)
BT not installed errors (Yes! But not anymore after 1.11 rom)
Unresolved items in ActiveSync when there is no conflict (blame stupid MS)
Heavy static on calls (sometimes)
Sound quality is crap (worse than the old T68s) (Ok for me)
Speakerphone is also crap (I agree)
Camera is slooooooow and picture quality is mediocre (I agree)
BT headset drops after 15 minutes (not in my case for my HBH 600, even 30+ mins still ok)
Several reputable today plugins just don't work <- This is the plugin's problem. All my plugins works without problem (SBSH's Pocket Breeze, Marware's Pocket Weather and PocketMax's Phone Alarm)
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ianwood said:
The same bugs that everyone else refers to:
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I had some of those when I first got my Magician, but haven't seen any of them since upgrading to 1.06.
GPRS not being able to resume after a call - Constant, but fixed in the Norwegian.
Answering call fails with "unable to answer call" message - Never happened to me.
Hanging up fails with service command error message - Never happened to me.
ActiveSync becoming unresponsive when syncing - Agree.
BT not installed errors - Never in 1.11, but only in 1.06.
Unresolved items in ActiveSync when there is no conflict - Constant.
Heavy static on calls - Never happened to me.
Sound quality is crap (worse than the old T68s) - No.
Speakerphone is also crap - No.
Camera is slooooooow and picture quality is mediocre - As in all ROMs.
BT headset drops after 15 minutes - Haven't got a headset, but BT GPS stays connected hour after hour.
Several reputable today plugins just don't work - Name one. I haven't had one single problem and I use many.
Let's face it; I am not the only one to have an issue with this thing. - And there are lots of users that think that it's more stable than 1.06.
MS, Imate, HTC, et all need to wake up and realise they will continue to be a footnote in mobile until they get this stuff sorted out! Let's hope WM5 will be better -- too bad we might not get it on our JAMs. - Oh yeah.. I've worked with QA and I woudn't have released even the 1.11 as 1.0! Terrible!

XDA IIi occasionally inexplicably slows down

Every now and then my XDA2I inexplicably slows down to a crawl and equally mysteriously comes back to normal speed after several minutes. The only additional software I have installed (but not necessarly running) is Calligrapher 7 and OmniSolve (a calculator that allows me to use RPN.
Has this happened to anyone else? Can anyone suggest what the problem might be?
- Vikas
Slow down
It happens to me as well, think it's when the phone is calling home/getting a sync to the nearest beacon..
Mine does this too, the only thing i have found to cause it slowing down is the SD card i have ...
Its a cheap 1 gig card but when the phone slows down if i remove the sd card it will skip back to normal speed.
Very wierd and a mega pain in the rear...
Me too!
My new O2 XDA IIi has the same problem, a few times a day it slows to a crawl. I touch the screen, I count to three, then I hear the screen tap!
I'm on the verge of returning it.
I also have a 1 gig SD card - branded Bytestor hi-speed.
Any tips from anyone?
Re: Me too!
Conor said:
My new O2 XDA IIi has the same problem, a few times a day it slows to a crawl. I touch the screen, I count to three, then I hear the screen tap!
I'm on the verge of returning it.
I also have a 1 gig SD card - branded Bytestor hi-speed.
Any tips from anyone?
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Remove the card for a week and see what happens?
I have the same problem with my Qtek 2020i, but I don't have a SD Card inserted.
maybe this?
I outstalled the onboard 02 UI software, (which is always unwelcome and distracting) and everything seems to be much smoother now. Could it be their software I wonder that caused the problem?
I have the same problems with no extended rom files installed.
I also have a Extrememory 1GB card which I blamed for the speed.
It got a little better after disabling Microsoft Voice Dial and the Pocket Plus today plugin, but these problems persist:
It is not possible to enable Wlan after having BT enabled, only after a reboot.
Sometimes the phone hangs when a call arrives (caller gets to the mailbox - very funny)
BT-Headset loses connection frequently.
BT-range is about 1 meter, than it sounds distorted.
Funny also that I noticed that there was no \Windows\Rings folder on my Qtek 2020i.....
BTW: Rom is 1.11.01 Ger. Radio 1.02
Where do you get updates from (in German).... :?: I know that the German xda2i have Radio 1.03 which does not seem to have the problems of my Radio.

NuB with a couple of questions...

Afternoon all,
This seems an excellent place for a new XDA IIi owner to start things off! Please forgive me if I repeat anything or if I am posting in the wrong place, just let me know and I will gladly fix it.
I'm just at this stage trying to get used to the XDA and add value to it by means of software and customisation to the extent I did with my P900 and P910i which I have been using for the past 2 years. In some ways I'm finding it quite hard to get my head fully around the XDA IIi?! I actually started out with the IIs a couple of weeks ago but found it to be way too unstable and too much of a problem so I jumped over to the IIi. So far things have been better but I have a few "things" I would like to ask in the hope that someone can help me.
Erm.. where to start...
1. Ok, O2 branding, the O2 active stuff and the icon in the title bar. Can it be removed? Currently my O2 icon is just a blank whit square, it never displays properly and just makes the phone look, well, pants!
2. The headset supplied with the phone seems awful! I get lots of complaints about volume fluctuating. Does anyone else find this?
3. Can you actually just turn the phone off?? If so... how?
4. When listening to music, I cant put the phone into "sleep" mode, ie turn off the screen whilst still having the music play. Is there a way around this?
5. I use AAC music files too, I have Betaplayer which obvioulsy plays them but I cant make the phone recognise an AAC file and associate it with betaplayer... is this possible? Currently I have to open the player then open the file.
6. Firmware. Gulp.
I updated my P9xx's regularly, not without issue I suppose though! Do you guys recommend regular firmware updates?
Currently I have:
ROM Version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM date 12/24/04
Radio Version 1.00.00
Protocol Version 1337.39
ExtROM Version 1.10.124 WWE
Any advice on f/ware would be greatly appreciated. It can be such an ordeal but if its recommended I would like to do it really.
There are more things but maybe I should be quiet now and see if anyones got any comments!
Any help would be gratefully received and as soon as I get up to speed I will put back into this forum.
1) The o2 branding software can easily be removed. I myself have wrtten a couple of replies to this sort of thing and so have others. If you do a search for "o2" "activeUI" "remove", you'll find the steps needed.
2) I've only used the headphones for using the phone once or twice apart from the first XDA I ever had. If you go to start > settings > system > Microphone AGC and enable the auto volume, this may help. Noone's complained about my voice being too quiet or fluctuations since I got an XDA2, never mind the 2i I have now.
3) If you tap the network signal strength, there is the option to "Turn on flight mode" - this is phone OFF. More indepth explanation of this is included in the manuals you should have with your phone. If not, I believe o2 do a .PDF you can download from www.o2.co.uk/xda
4) If you're using WMP10 then I know what you mean. On the XDA2 I used to be able to select the Contacts button as "screen off", but whenever I try this on WMP10 on the 2i it won't map the button. I prefer to use a third party program called Pocket Player 2 from Conduits (http://www.conduits.com/products/player/). It's fantastic, highly customisable and the only drawback is that it's not free. Well worth the money though. And you can turn off the screen and map other buttons during playback.
5) Can't help you on that one.
6) I always update mine once the official update from o2 comes out, though I must admit I've presently got one from the Australian o2 comparable i-Mate. It's a slightly more stable ROM but is sometimes tricky to install. There are instructions on these forums on doing it - I followed them myself. Currently there are NO official updates for you to upgrade to; you are on the most recent o2 ROM. You'll soon know when one exists, if not already from the http://www.my-xda.com/xda2i_soft.html page.
Hope this helps, please post back if you need further help.

Gigabyte gsmart i300 running WM6 eng

yup Windows Mobile 6 pro is running on the i300 the (free upgrade from gigabyte)
so far so good
Working good the update?
No problems at al?
one thing i noticed of the bat was MS active sync program is slow.... i guess they have to fix it up, when its doing the sync its taking a lot longer, and if it doesnt work with outlook, i found the fix and this was for wm5 and wm6 is that in outlook if you download all your mail and then hit the sync button, in outlook it will then work with active sync, its a known issue i think with some older outlook ver :/
but ya right now with wm6 it lags a bit in the connection activation, i think as far as the speed its the same speed as before, its just annoying, i might try the active sync beta that is out
the os seems more responsive, i have yet to test the gps and wifi or IE
I can get working GPS
SiRFDemoPPC.zip dl that from the manu run it until u get signal if not, in settup switch to binary mode and do a col reset or reset manu settings then switch back to nmea, it can take a while, play around with it, i know that if i can get a lock with that program then i can get lock with others after i exit this one
oh the device on i300 is GSW3
Hi, just a few questions.....is the I300 as a phone any good?....is the call quality on both ends clear etc?.....and also the back speaker, is it loud?.....i am looking at getting this phone but i would like to know the above first if anyone can answer these questions for me......also does anyone know the correct gps settings to get tomtom 6 to work?.......thanks in advance!!!
as far as quality i think its same as any other phone quality... no diff from my other phone, (moto v300) the speaker is a loud speaker ya you can play games or mp3s etc... and its loud enough IMO, but there is only so much volume and quality of something of that size, regardless of phone IMO unless a phone has stereo, but this and most phones is mono 1 speaker, the headset is stereo and BT can be stereo too
Thanks for the reply, what about tomtom 6?.....does it work with this phone and what are the ps settings to get a proper fix?.......thanks again in advance.
i havent tried tomtom6 but some ppl have i believe on this device, IMO should work just fine
yeah i was just reading some reviews on it from the gsmarena website.....how are you finding the battery life though?......is battery life better with WM6 or WM5, any differences?....thanks
well i really want the 1300mah battery, but i havent been able to see one, maybe they will release one later, or some other third party will
wm6 i think might give better battery life but mostly on idle or low activity, if you run anything intensive then i dont think there is anything that will save your battery hehe the charging seems faster or it could be just me
and for the rest i think you have to get some nice tweaking util to really optimize any PPC, i for one havent bothered much... everything is installed on my miniSD card
i think since its a free upgrade its quite worth it, all the small changes to all the apps is big
i cant really say a whole lot for wm5 vs wm6 becaues i havent been using either one long enough, some other vets could have a diff opinion im sure
i think its sad that any PPC if you use anything like Wifi, GPS or if you had a TV it kills the battery life very quick... same for if you try to run something that takes up all the resources (cpu) it does about the same... i was playing the sega emu and it did drain battery life but not as bad as wifi, gps does, mp3 playback takes even less cpu, as far as movies i dont know but i think it would be a little more then mp3 depending what its encoded i think
but for movies i can use my cowon D2 PMP
btw my i300 came with 2x 900mah batteries i dont know about others but most ppl said so, those that they got from ebay
could anyone export the i300WM6 registry and post it here, please?
GPS icon in settings > connections
I have enabled GPS icon in settings > connections. Programs now can not use built in GPS. Could you please post the registry keys and values in the following location:
HKLM\Control Panel\Gps Settings\
How do I get the voicemail indicator to work on my Gigabyte i300? I am using ATT and it doesn't ever tell me about new voicemails nor waiting voicemails.
balikci said:
I have enabled GPS icon in settings > connections. Programs now can not use built in GPS. Could you please post the registry keys and values in the following location:
HKLM\Control Panel\Gps Settings\
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Sorry balikci, just saw your post today.
I did not upgrade my i300 (so, English WM5 firmware so far).
There is not such an entry (HKLM\Control panel\GPS Settings\) in my registry file!
GPS is not working with Wm6 firmware version?
GPS works perfectly fine in wm6, also the think outside ultra slim BT keyboard does work with this device you need 4.52 driver i think and disable the standard devices hid driver or so... its a check box when you run it for the first time, and then it works just right
I300 seems to have over exposure issue with the camera in wm5 and wm6, in very bright sunny area, after the first picture all pics are over exposed, if you close the app and start the first picture works perfectly but others that fallow do not... it must be a driver/software issue
could somebody help me with taking device into bootloader mode? i want to upgrade to WM6
in it's official website , it says you need to push Send End and power key , while the device is off.
first , what is send and end keys? green and red ones?
second , which one is power key? the suspend key or the soft reset hole key?
third , what does it mean by turning device off ? suspend it or turn it off completely , if so how?
and , is this ROM
WWE , i heard there are certain parts non english , which is okey , but if you know of any full WWE link , please let me know
king_dani, Send (green) is what you use to aswer a call, End (red) is what you press to end a call. Power key's the suspend key. Turning device off means turning it off compleatly, just hold the power key to turn the device off. The rom you gave the link to is WWE.
datdat said:
king_dani, Send (green) is what you use to aswer a call, End (red) is what you press to end a call. Power key's the suspend key. Turning device off means turning it off compleatly, just hold the power key to turn the device off. The rom you gave the link to is WWE.
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thnx alot man , so at least i know i'm pushing the right keys. well i tried these combination , in completely shut down device , still, it turns on and won't go into bootloader mode , for some yet unknown reason. plus , do you know if i should empty the whole card ? or can i use a partially loaded miniSD card? i mean , would it work if there are other files on it , and also , should they files be on root folder?
try another combination: turn the device on, hold Send and End keys, do a soft reset (don't release send and end buttons!), wait for Image Utility. All files from a downloaded archive should be placed in a root folder (/Storage card). It's Ok if there're files on a card.

Kenwood BT-200 Handsfree Kit

I've got a Kenwood BT-200 bluetooth handsfree car kit and have found the following issues with it;
1. Everytime a call is completed, the phone book downloads all over again and takes over 10 minutes, preventing making follow on calls till complete.
2. The received and dialed calls list doesn't work
3. Cannot initiate a call from the head unit unless the phone screen is on (was working perfectly on previous HTC Touch Cruise).
4. Unable to initiate voice dialing on Phone using Microsoft Voice Command whereas with previous HF kits it was as simple as pressing and holding the call button.
Anyone else use the same Touch Pro - BT200 combination? Or experience similar problems with other HF kits?
I have Pioneer BT unit. I can not connect, but I installed Hands-Free Config from JETware Mobile Software and it solved all my problems. There are many setting options which should help you...
Hi Pritman,
I just went through the same thing after upgrading to the Touch Pro from the Dopod 838Pro (Hermes).
There's a firmware update available for the KCA-BT200 which may well fix your issues (certainly did mine).
I created a post about this earlier today (didn't see your post here).
The firmware flash is very easy to do. You will just need a laptop with a bluetooth adaptor.
Kenwood have released another update.
See my other post at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=440494 for details.
Wow, never thought I would fine anyone else with the combination of Kenwood DNX-7100, KCA-BT200 AND the touch pro. I am having similar issues.
DNX-7100 with BT100 worked fine with touch pro.
"upgraded" to BT200, and I have nothing but headaches.
I have tried two different BT200, and both have been flaky.
I have tried BT200 firmware 1.60 and 1.70, and both have been flaky.
My problem is similar to the ones you folks have been experiencing, mainly it is constantly downloading, and the interface is super sluggish when downloading. I can retrieve a name and phone number from the BT200's memory, but when I call out it will say downloading and do nothing. Sometimes it won't "pair" with the phone automatically unless I manually select my phone from the DNX-7100, and sometimes it will just drop the connection. I used the BT100 for about a year, and it was solid 95% of the time. I am running stock Telus rom, btw. I have also played around with the dip switch on the BT-200. From the shipped manual, DNX-7100 belongs in group F, which is off, off, on for dip switch 1, 2, 3. But when I searched online, some of Kenwood's info listed the DNX-7100 under group G, which has dip switch off, on, off, just to add to the confusion. I have also tried removing the "wireless stereo" profile as well as the "serial port" profile, but that fixed nothing. Lastly, just to kick me when I'm down, when it list the numbers, sometimes it list them as first name, then last name, but sometimes it list it as last name then first. This is super irritating as you can't be sure where anyone is listed ..... so far my experience with the BT200 has been nothing but horrible. I am on the verge of flashing my touch pro to a cooked ROM just to see if it is due to the stock Telus rom's bluetooth (I went back to stock as the juggalo rom I used became corrupt after a few weeks).
So, did you guys finally find a solution that worked 100% of the time?
Hi Guys, I'm glad there are more people out there with my combination.
Upgrading the BT 200 to 1.70 has improved things significantly but not as good as it would be with another handset like a Nokia N95. The download delay and sluggishness still exist.
I recall when I paired the TP, a notice came up on the TP that the BT 200 is requesting access to the phonebook or contacts and prompted me to allow or deny. I'm wondering what would happen if I deny? I do know that when I first paired the N95 with the older firmware, it wouldn't syncronise the contacts and I had to manually send the contacts to the BT 200. If this can be done with the TP, it may eliminate the constant downloading, perhaps.
Anyone else willing to try this. I may not be able to do this till later this weekend so if any of you do manage to test this before me, please post the results.
Good luck!
If you don't give it access to the phonebook, I suspect it can't download your phonebook automatically, and you would have to manually push the phonebook over, which defeats the purpose of the BT-200, effectively making it a BT-100. After trying a 2nd BT-200 for 3 days, I have given up and chalked up the BT-200 as extremely flaky, and is easily the worst purchase I have ever made as:
1) Half the time it won't pair with the phone automatically
2) The other half when it does pair, you can't dial out as half time time again when you want to make it call, it decides to do a download from your phone instead (never mind that it already "downloaded" when it paired already. Half x half = quarter.
3) Half the time when it does manage to make it call, it magically drops the bluetooth pairing and drops the call.
If you're keeping track, we are at half x half x half, which is 0.125, or this damn thing only works 12.5% of the time. This is not a time saver, nor a gadget of convenience/safety. It is the ultimate source of anxiety, danger (as you're trying to get the damn thing to work), and a big disappointment. Kenwood, shame on you for putting out such flaky products, and especially for not fixing it (look at the first post, it is from Oct 08).
I am going to return both of my BT-200 to Clutchfield, and am going back to my 99% stable BT-100. BT-100 actually is not as horrible with the TP as TP runs WinMo 6.1, which lets you push multiple phone book contacts at once (not like the older WinMo where you had to push contacts ONE BY ONE!!!). The only caveat with the BT-100 is if you need to delete or modify any contacts, you can't, and you have to delete all the entries for a particular phone and repair and push all contacts again, which takes 1 minute now as oppose to half an hour with pre-WinMo 6.1. When I buy a HU next time, I don't think I will consider Kenwood again due to:
1) Flaky software/interface.
2) Poor documentation.
3) Poor service support. Kenwood Canada actually NEVER REPLIED. I only received the auto-gen email notification indicating they received my email. Clutchfield Canada has been very supportive, and I will pay more to buy from them in the future solely due to their strong customer support.
Hi Johnnysks,
As far as the Touch Pro is concerned, I understand your frustration and totally support your argument.
On the other hand, I have tested the BT-200 with a Nokia 96 & my previous Touch Cruise, works like a dream! I've had good responses from Kenwood UK but whenever I contact HTC, I alway get vague responses, which to me suggests that Kenwood must have been making the effort but keep getting let down by HTC. Ultimately the BT-200 works with majority of the handsets out there.
I will still keep trying for a solution though as I really do like the TP and the BT-200!
I have no doubts the BT-200 works with other phones, and I know my TP works with my BT-100 flawlessly. I also know from prior personal dealings with Kenwood Canada's technical support that:
1) They're rude, have a bad attitude, and unprofessional (as my first inquiry for a different product from a year ago was met with a reply that was condescending, unhelpful, and was not even in proper English). I'll be more than happy to dig up my old email for you if you have any doubts.
2) They're not responsive. It's been over a week, and they never replied to my current inquiry regarding the BT-200 (funny. They used to be rude and unprofessional. Now they're missing in action)
Perhaps Kenwood USA, Kenwood UK, or Kenwood Japan are doing an awesome job. However, I can only go with what I have personally experienced.
Anyone find a fix for this? I have the same problems with my DNX8120. Tried Jetware, no luck, I would try BTRestore, but it won't work with .net 3. My biggest complaint is that even if it is connected via bluetooth, it won't start a call from th eheadset unless the phone is not in standby. Next biggest issue is that it drops the connection after hanging up from a call.
Very f*&%*g annoying!
FYI, worked with 2 different ETEN's

