SPV M1000 Wm2005 - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 Windows Mobile 2005 Upgrading

Hello, I will want to know the ROM Windows 2005 run on the SPV M1000 and its is worth really the blow to pass has WM 2005. Thanks

yes it's possible

But does the passages have Wm 2005 brings to you it really much thing compared to Wm2003? And especially can you one pass by again has previous ROM?

It gives you a much improved interface, and better stability.
You can easily downgrade to an older ROM if you wanted too.

But I could configure easily the parameters operator (Orange in my case) and the Camera and the MMS work you correctly it? Thank you


Intelli Softwares

Hi all!
I'm going to buy the new Eten M500 because it has the Audio gateway!
I think it's a shame that it hasn't the Intellidialer software nor the Intellipad!
So, I ask you: can I install them on my M500? where do I take'em?
Thank you very much for your help, I need it!!
PLZ do a search. I posted the iMate (ie neutral blue-ish colour) version some months ago.
If the Eten has WM2003 or WM2003 SE it will run Intellipad
If it is WM2003 SE, it will run both Intellipad & Intellidialer
BUT: As these two s/w packages are created by HTC itself, It might be the case that it does some h/w dependent check. And then I wont work at all....
Just try it. You can uninstall my versions
Thx edsub!

wm6 standard questions

hey guys (and girls where aplicable),
i got a question (a sorta dumb one). If a smartphone lik the iPAQ 514 Voice Messenger or the HTC Vox have windows mobile 6 standard does that mean they run regular windows mobile programs or smartphone versions? See the Cheeta/treo 750 has windows mobile standard ed. and is called a smartphone but it uses regular PPC programs, the other two mentioned before have the same wm6 but no touch screen. so i was wondering if that made a diference in the phones capabilities to use PPC Progs? I appreciate any answers as i am greatly puzzled and intregued buy this.
With WM6 they dispensed with the term "smartphone" in favour of WM 6 Standard. Too many non Windows Mobile phones were being called "smart phones" as well as PPC phones.
WM Standard has no support for touch screens and many PPC apps will not run on it.
WM Pro has touchscreens.
understanding versions...
so lemmie go over this... a ppc with a touch screen is said to run WM6 pro, a ppc without a touch screen is said to run wm6 standard the "smartphone" version. so what of the vox? it has all the capabilities of a full sized PPC without the touch screen so where would it and the ipaq 514 fit in? Because correct me if i'm wrong but dont they offer features like MS Office editing and production verus the others whose ability is limited to viewing or is it the WM6 platform that actually enables this?
You're right, its just a functionality of WM6. Any smartphone (i.e. non-Touch screen device) running WM6 has those same office capabilities and will be running WM6 Standard, not Professional.
As far as I know the two WM6 are one same core of the same OS but..
In the PPC version there is more advanced setup in the menus wich setup is locked in the Srtandard by default.
For example in the Standard there is no way to change the IP of the wi-fi manually.
And in the pocket pc there is some dll's, responsible for touchscreen operation .
yes but....
i do believe you might be correct on everything but the I.P setup for standard. i have an sda running wm6 and i can manually setup my wifi and change certain settings in the network config. Also the HP ipaq 514 that i've been researching also has the same features. see my big thing is i love he compact size of the smart phone but need the capabilities of the PPC. It wold be great if i could get the best of both. i know the O2 XDA stealth has that exact combo but they are hard to find and kinda pricey for thier age.
There are separate SDKs for Standard and Pro, so I think the differences run a little deeper.
well what to do?
well i guess my final questions then wuld be what kind of phone are:-
1/ O2's xda stealth
2/ HP's Ipaq 514

Treo 500 - new rom, WM6.1?

I have from work Palm Treo 500v. I canĀ“t find "fan web" with tips and new roms. I like to try windows mobile 6.1 on non-touch device
Do you have any solution or information
Looks like there is no interest (or no technical know-how) in the Treo 500.
I like the device, and i want to get it to replace my HTC s710, but after I tasted the difference between the WM6 and WM6.1, I am not willing to let go... especially the threaded-sms.

Windows Mobile 6 Review

Can somebody explain it to me what is the difference between Windows Mobile 5 and Windows Mobile 6.1 on HTC Wizard device?
Is WM5 more stable than WM6?
Is WM5 faster than WM6?
What is the advance of using WM6 instead of WM5 on HTC Wizard?
Just give it a try in my opinion i can say that WM6.1 is much faster and stable than WM5. Also changing to WM6.1 solved many bugs for me which i had in WM5 ROM. Like WiFi connection problems, GPS module Nokia LD-3W connection problems with GPS navigation software etc... if i could compare it to something similar it is like to change from Windows 98 to Windows XP
Outstanding! So, You recommend me to use WM6, a? I will, is flashing procedure very complicated?
Like he said, the difference between 5.0 and 6.1 is immense. 6.1 boots faster, runs faster, doesnt require as much memory for programs, looks nicer, shoot...its just all around better.
The flashing process is not that hard, you just need to read, read,read the guides here for your particular phone, whether it is a G3 or a G4, and away you go! Ask here if you need any more help!
I just get my new Wizard, but it is G4 device
I just did CID unlock (HardSPL), and now choosing adequate WM6 ROM which I can use. I plan to put Slim Diamond 4, what do You think about it? Should be better than default O2 WM5 ROM, G4 safe, but we will see. I do not like TouchFLO It just disturbing me while I am using my XDA...
All of we Try lots of roms touchflo fre and enhanced... but it s a vicious thing hahahaha, jajaja just let your boring WM5 wizard revive with WM6.1!!!!!
I reflash my wizard G3 almost 3 times at month just to try some new features...

Just bought a orange e650 and a few questions

Just won a SPV E650 on ebay that is on it's way to me. I've never had one of these before with only xda's in my pocket.
Are their any good apps for it that might be considered essential?
I've just read a thread with people installing wm6.5.
Is their a tutorial on how to do this anywhere?? Is this still OK on a orange branded phone??
p.s. Are they reliable??
Wm6.5 still has some bugs and is not officially released yet , i advise you to install wm6.1.
1) Update your USPL
- download http://ostiedbrosse.free.fr/Xda-Dev/wm 6.1/windows mobile 6.1 v1.1.rar
- Follow the steps from readme file except the last one (install flash.exe because we are going to install a newer clean rom than this one)
2) download http://st.free.fr/phpmyvisites.php?...02833&pagename=FILE:VoxRomWM6.1Clean_v1.4.zip and open flash.exe
Get the USPL files from the sticky and install them according to the Wiki (link in my signature) and then choose any of the ROMs around here!
Ok, cheers for that. Is their much difference between wm6 & 6.1 though?
The homescreen of WM6.1 is different because it has the sliding panels. The taskmanager is also different; in WM6.1 you can see how much memory a program uses, but you can't see the total available memory (and in WM6.0 you can).
Important for your warranty is that if you flash your ROM, you won't get any warranty ofcourse!
I found also a site with from Microsoft where they compare the WM versions (WM5, 6, 6.1 - PPC & Smartphone)
Microsoft Compare Site for WM versions
littleimp said:
Just won a SPV E650 on ebay that is on it's way to me. I've never had one of these before with only xda's in my pocket.
Are their any good apps for it that might be considered essential?
I've just read a thread with people installing wm6.5.
Is their a tutorial on how to do this anywhere?? Is this still OK on a orange branded phone??
p.s. Are they reliable??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here is also a guide for your SPV E650 http://www.portability.nl/windows-m...5.1_4.1.13.54_03.10.90_ship.exe-htc-s710.html

