S M S P R O F I L E S - General Topics

there is a GSM Module in my car. It has three functions:
1) Send alarm warnings (when someone is trying to steal the car or CD player) to my phone (XDA2) as a SMS.
2) Retermine car's location, when it is stolen
3) Remote control of Webasto heater (when standard radio remote control can't reach the car - max. distance is 800m)
Each of these function has a small problem:
ad1) XDA just once silently beeps when SMS is received. It is fine for regular messages, but not for that message saying "Someone si trying to steal your car!". So I need a different sound for received messages, depending on sender - the sound for SMS sent by my car must be louder and longer, than SMS sent by my wife! How to do that?
ad2) I'm using T-Mobile Locator service for that. I don't know if TMO offers it in all countries, but here, if you know LocatorPIN of some mobile phone, you'll immediately receive a SMS containing location of that phone. I also have a great navigation software and maps (2CDs) from TMO - so when your phone is connected to the PC, you can track location of your car (or even of your wife). But without the PC, you'll only receive a text message with approximate location (calculated from one BTS). On PC you'll get more precise position calculated from more BTSes. So I need to use my XDA as the PC - I want to see accurate position on the map. But I'm not sure if some PocketPC navigation map software (such as TomTom) is able to read the coordinates automatically from SMS in inbox. On PC you can use any GPS software with "T-Mobile Locator", because TMO provides a driver, which simulates GPS, but in fact it sends SMS location requests, reads the SMS responses and sends coordinates from them to the navigation software.
ad3) To start or stop or control other heaters functions, you need to send a SMS to your car in special format (syntax). There must be a 7-digits password for the car's GSM gate and SMS also must contain commands for the heater in proper syntax. So I'd love some application simillar to those applications for infrared remote controls - the fullscreen panel with buttons such as "Start heating", "Stop heating", "Turn winter mode on", "Turn summer mode on", "Auto switch-off after XXX minutes", etc... (all commands accepted by heater and/or climatronic). I'd define SMSes in proper format under these buttons (just once) and then I would be just pressing these buttons and XDA will automatically send the SMS. Is there such a piece of software (remote control software sending SMS mesages instead of infrared beams)?
In a worst case I would create that software by myslef. I just received a DVD with latest VisualStudio.NET from M$, I also have the devkit for WM2003. But I don't know, how to send SMS, how to read it from inbox, atc...


Q: Is there call answering machine software? A: Nope.

Many would really welcome a local answering machine on their Pocket PC’s to, for example, avoid the (often costly) need to call in remote voicemail boxes and/or to keep / archive the recordings of their, say, girlfriend.
Unfortunately, I have bad news for all these people: there is NO way one can implement such software on the current (mostly HTC-manufactured) crop of Pocket PC Phone Edition devices because of the hardware limitations I’ve explained in my article on recording conversations. That is, it’s pretty futile to look for any answering machine software for your Pocket PC phone – unless you have the GIGABYTE G-Smart (see below).
Note that
there are SMS notifiers (Aali Alikoski’s free SMS Notifier and BOO! Interactive’s commercial SMS Answering Machine) but they only answer with an SMS message and aren’t able to directly record the speech (the message) of the caller
other smart phone platforms (see for example Smart Answer on the Nokia S60 platform) do have call recorders. They, however, have hardware that does allow recording calls. (HTC, hear this?! It has been stated many times and we’ll tell you many MORE times that you SHOULD produce phone models that are able to record phone calls because that feature would also make it possible to use the phone as an answering machine!)
there is only one Pocket PC Phone Edition model, GIGABYTE’s excellent G-Smart, which contains built-in software to do this. The software, however, can NOT be “hacked” to other devices – this GIGABYTE PDA has special hardware that, unlike HTC models, does allow for recording the voice of the other party (incidentally, this is why it also contains a call recorder software, not just a call answering machine.)
Some related threads:
Answering machine
You can also try entering the words "Answering machine" here, making sure you also select the “Search for all terms” radio button.
The Answerphone is great on the g-Smart... but not perfect....
To get it working better you need to get rid of your service providers answering service, otherwise that one will occasionally take the call, as the time that you set the answerphone on the g-Smart, isn't always accurate. I.E. set it to a 20 sec delay, and because of the lag for the phone to ring, the lag for the software to activate etc etc.... the SP answering service grabs it first...
Once you've disabled the SP service, it's great... when you have signal... otherwise you'll miss everything, won't get any indicators and all the caller gets is the DO-DO-DO-DO-DO of the engaged/not available.
Upside though... cheaper... messages available locally... and you can screen the calls...

total care its now free beta version..

NOTE : - You must RESTART the device after installation to go to setup.
Post Installation Command List : -
MCS 12345 SILENCE ON - to turn your android device to silent mode remotely
MCS 12345 SILENCE OFF - watever mode is it in, as soon as the device receives this SMS from a control phone, it 'll be set to LOUD Mode. Very useful when you place your cell somewhere in silent mode and need to ring it to find it.
MCS 12345 START AUTO ANSWERING - Once you send this, the device will start listening for any calls that comes after. The calls will be answered automatically and the loud speaker will get activated. You might get a chance to listen to the thief in case your mobile is stolen. To deactivate this, you need to send : -
MCS 12345 STOP AUTO ANSWERING- Stop auto answering service.
MCS 12345 GET CONTACTS - This will send all the contacts in your contact list to the control phone through which you have sent the SMS COMMAND in form of pure Text message. One message for each contact.
MCS 12345 GET CONTACT apurva - where apurva is one of your contacts. This will return the phone number of that particualr contact or will send an sms alert if no such contact is found. contact names are not case sensitive, so use any case you want, but try using First name. Haven't tried with Second or Middle, do inform me if it works. Very handful if you leave your android home and you need to fetch a particular no.
MCS 12345 GET CALL LOG - This will send all the call logs of the android to the SMS Sending control phone in case user leaves his device at home and wants to know who callled. Call type will come along as either Missed Call, Received Call or Dialled Call. Once Call log per SMS.
MCS 12345 GET GSM LOCATION - Very useful if the phone is left or stolen somewhere. Not so much precise though. It returns the CELL Tower location to which your cell phone is connected. So you can assume where you dropped your cell. The return is two values, CID and LAC which can be provided to a website that i'm currently developing, to get the approximate location. (its still under construction though, so you'll have to wait). But you can always give the information to the cops. They know how to use it.
MCS 12345 GET GPS LOCATION - Now this is some good feature that comes handy. Only drawback is that GPS has to be enabled for it to work. Android apps can't switch on GPS programatically. Once you send this sms, one message you definitely receive quoting how to use the coordinates to receive the exact location. If the GPS is switched off, another Message return says that GPS is off, try later. But if it is ON, then, you won't receive any SMS and the device will keep on listening for a position. Once received, the GPS will send the location to your control phone giving a very precise position of your cell phone. This may take 1 minute or 1 day or more. Till the device receives any GPS Signal.
MCS 12345 GET COMMAND LIST - its very useful in case you forget your commands. Just remember this one and send this from either of the control phones to get an instruction how to use the command along with the command lists. Sends 4 SMS overall.
Please be carefull with the following commands. Make sure you want to do it before doing it.
Most of it is to be used in case of stolen or misplaced device.
MCS 12345 DELETE CALL LOG - This will delete all the call logs in your device as soon as it reaches your device. An acknowledgment SMS will be sent back to the command issuing phone number (either of 2 control phones).
MCS 12345 DELETE SMS - This will delete all the SMS in your device (haven't checked for the locked ones though). Do tell me if it does. Acknowledgment will be received.
MCS 12345 DELETE CONTACTS - This will delete all the contacts in your contact list. Haven't checked for non displayed ones. Do tell me if it does. Acknowledgment will be received.
MCS 12345 DELETE MMC - This will delete all the memory card content. Please be carefull!!! This really works. Acknowledgment will be received.
MCS 12345 DELETE ALL - This will automatically perform the above four command tasks, i.e., deleting call logs, contacts , SMS' and MMC Card content. Acknowledgment will be received for each one.
MCS 12345 CHANGE PIN 54321 - Where 54321 is your new PIN CODE. Use only 5-Digit PIN Code to change successfully, otherwise, you will receive instructions. You will receive feedback with new PINCODE.
MCS 12345 CHANGE CONTROL1 +918800210000 - Use this to change Control Phone 1. Please don't forget to provide Country Code along lyk i did (for INDIA). Using wrong format might return predefined SMS' like if you try to set a bunch of abcde characters as phone number. Feedback will be received with new phone Number as control Phone and the Control Phone you set will receive an SMS that their phone has been set as a control phone. 1 SMS will be sent to you as feedback, and one to the Control Phone.
MCS 12345 CHANGE CONTROL2 +918800210001 - To change Control Phone 2. Same as above.

[Q] How do you know if an app is infected spyware?

OK, so sometimes I download apps that are cracked from various websites online.
Recently I have just installed ROM Toolbox Pro and I was going through all the various options.
One option is "Auto Start Manager", which tells you which broadcast receivers are enabled etc.
1) What is a broadcast receiver and how is it related to Permissions that the app requires you to accept at installation?
2) I found one broadcast receiver that was called [APP NAME].spy.SMSReceiver that was "enabled by default"
I didnt understand why the heck that app would have anything to do with SMS
and why was the broadcast receiver called "spy"?
*is it really a piece of spyware and the hacker was being stupid or having a laugh thinking noone would ever see it?
*is it that an Android developer at Google has a twisted sense of humour and wants to include the word "spy" deep in the system workings to spook anyone coming across it?
A broadcast receiver is a component that responds to system-wide broadcast announcements. Many broadcasts originate from the system—for example, a broadcast announcing that the screen has turned off, the battery is low, or a picture was captured. Applications can also initiate broadcasts—for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use. Although broadcast receivers don't display a user interface, they may create a status bar notification to alert the user when a broadcast event occurs. More commonly, though, a broadcast receiver is just a "gateway" to other components and is intended to do a very minimal amount of work. For instance, it might initiate a service to perform some work based on the event.
A broadcast receiver is implemented as a subclass of BroadcastReceiver and each broadcast is delivered as an Intent object.
Spy SMS software is the next generation of smartphone spy software. It allows you to monitor sms activities of a particular target cell phone. If installed on the target mobile phone, it will automatically copy all text messages (sms) sent and received by the target mobile phone and silently forward these copied messages to your own mobile phone in real-time, all the time without the target user knowing it.

[APP] SWApp Link: will make your SmartWatch and your Phone communicate

!!!! This is a Beta Version, some Features are not yet available !!!!
SWApp Link will make your SmartWatch and your Phone communicate.
It can use 3 different ways of communication:
* Bluetooth (not yet)
* Push Notification between devices
The user will be able to choose what to use. If more then one is enabled, the app will try to use any of them in this priority order: BT, Push then SMS.
What it does:
Remotely or Locally enable Call Forwarding between devices, Call Notification (get notified when other device receive a call), SMS Forwarding.
(For example if you forget your phone home, you can remotely set your phone to forward all incoming call on the smartwatch)
When getting a Call Notification, allow to reject call, take call or make the linked device reply with an SMS
When getting a SMS Notification, allow to make the linked device reply with an SMS
Make the linked device place a phone call
Compose an SMS to be sent by linked device (with a button to use Google Speech to Text) (not yet)
Make Linked device play a ringtone to be able to find it or flash light in silent mode (silent mode not yet)
Interphone: Establish a phone call between devices and put remote on loud speaker. Will allow to communicate with people near the phone
Microphone : Establish a call to hear sounds around remote device
(For both it’s the linked device that initiate the call: the linked device doesn’t ring)
Get linked device status (Battery level, Memory…) (Only battery lever so far)
Be notified in case of low battery on linked device
Remotely Activate Phone lock with password (for example if you forget your phone and don’t use a password)
Activate “Lost Mode”: Lock linked device and display a message (for example: “I have been lost. I belong to Pierre Martin. Please call me on +…..”) (not yet)
Remotely Take a Photo and get it (not yet)
Use linked device as a webcam (not yet)
Get Remote device GPS Location and show it on google map
Remotely control music playing (not yet)
Synchronize Audio mode on both devices (for example: you enter a meeting, if you set your watch on Silent mode, your phone will be set to Silent too) (not yet)
Night Mode (dark screens) (not yet)
Beta available on Google Play Store:
XDA:DevDB Information
SWApp Link, a App for the Android General
Version Information
Status: Beta
Created 2014-04-08
Last Updated 2014-04-08
Prett nice. Gonna mess wuth it on my gear then on my gear 2 in a couple weeks
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
Interesting app. Unfortunately crashes often and looses BT pairing. How can I help to troubleshoot? I have an Omate Truesmart and a Galaxy gear with a Galaxy Note 3. Also, app is quite confusing. Is there a good guide to follow to understand each settings?

[App][Free] Find your Phone in case of theft or loss

Hi Guy,
if you search a free app that in simple mode find your phone in case of theft or loss i think you should try this app:
This is my first post and i can't insert link so if you want try the app search Smartphone Monitor GPS Free on Google App Store.
Smartphone Monitor GPS send the GPS position of your mobile phone via GPRS to a web server GPS, or via SMS to another number. You can set the frequence of send.
There is also a useful function ANTITHIEF. If your phone is stolen and the thief change the sim card, you can receive an sms with the new SIM card number inserted and teh position of the device, to another telephone number set.
There also other useful function:
- SOS Alarm. Send an SMS with alarm and position to another telephone number when the button is pressed.
- Stealth mode. Hide the app from the launcher.
- Commands via dial pad
If you download the app you can try also our GPSWeb service free for seven days. You will be able to track your device on google maps in real time.
There is also a payment version with more functions and more days of tracking on GPSWeb.

