Question Weird screen issue. Had anyone experienced that ? - Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra

Hi all.
For months ive been battling with a screen issue on my phone. Anytime im sliding or holding my finger on the ads, be it in app or browser, i get the touch noise like the screen is touched tens of times per second.
Ive tested multiple configs and checked for viruses, reset the phone and I still get this ****.
Additionally I get a random ghost touches with the screen looking like its a bit "warped" in the lower left corner as well near the top of the frame.
I have a hard time reproducing the ghost touches but im trying to prepare case for samsung warranty to get replacement.
So my question is: had any9ne experienced something like this before?

Foglito said:
Hi all.
For months ive been battling with a screen issue on my phone. Anytime im sliding or holding my finger on the ads, be it in app or browser, i get the touch noise like the screen is touched tens of times per second.
Ive tested multiple configs and checked for viruses, reset the phone and I still get this ****.
Additionally I get a random ghost touches with the screen looking like its a bit "warped" in the lower left corner as well near the top of the frame.
I have a hard time reproducing the ghost touches but im trying to prepare case for samsung warranty to get replacement.
So my question is: had any9ne experienced something like this before?
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in the Developer options you activated the "Show touches" or something similar.

verszipo said:
in the Developer options you activated the "Show touches" or something similar.
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Its about the noise. The show touches and cursor position is for the troubleshooting and is not relevant to the video. Addding another video that shows what i mean. This is exprienced with both finger and s-pen.

I haven't experienced anything like that...sorry


[Q] Weird Touch Screen Issues

So i've searched around and couldn't find anything exactly like what i am experiencing. So on any rom either stock or lollipop custom etc, after a day of use without reboot my touch screen becomes weird ghost touches random click keep opening app and its all over the screen not just one place, before this happens say i'm scrolling chrome when i scroll up works perfectly but when i scroll down its completely unresponsive. Basically i'm just asking for some advice before i take it back to the shop i purchased it from. Does anyone have ideas about what could cause this and what i should specifically say to the store of purchase when taking it back?
check this out:

Is it me or is the touchscreen of the S6 very sensitive?

Does anyone noticing that the touchscreen on the S6 is very sensitive. The screen registers my touches even when my finger is not physically touching the glass. I like highly sensitive touchscreen but it can be annoying especially when I am scrolling webpages.
kojaraty said:
Does anyone noticing that the touchscreen on the S6 is very sensitive. The screen registers my touches even when my finger is not physically touching the glass. I like highly sensitive touchscreen but it can be annoying especially when I am scrolling webpages.
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I might be wrong, but I think since the S4 or Note 3, the phone has had the ability to detect when a finger was hovering over a particular spot. Though that is probably incorect because I only vaguely remember reading something about that 2 years ago when Samsung started introducing crazy features like scrolling based off of tilt and such.
Chocolina said:
I might be wrong, but I think since the S4 or Note 3, the phone has had the ability to detect when a finger was hovering over a particular spot. Though that is probably incorect because I only vaguely remember reading something about that 2 years ago when Samsung started introducing crazy features like scrolling based off of tilt and such.
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Yeah I remember this feature on previous Samsung phones, but there is nothing in the settings that indicates that there is such feature on the S6.
Screens don't even work with the note stylist.
I agree, it is SUPER sensitive. For me, this is a plus, because I tend to be too fast for most touch screens, and the extra sensitivity keeps the S6 on par with my quick hands. I actually love everything about this phone, and I am very picky.
ingenious247 said:
I agree, it is SUPER sensitive. For me, this is a plus, because I tend to be too fast for most touch screens, and the extra sensitivity keeps the S6 on par with my quick hands. I actually love everything about this phone, and I am very picky.
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But, does your device have accedental touches when swiping quickly a webpage or an app?
kojaraty said:
Yeah I remember this feature on previous Samsung phones, but there is nothing in the settings that indicates that there is such feature on the S6.
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I don't have mine till later today, but, on the S5, there are two settings that may be affecting the issue you are having. Can you still search the settings on the S6? Look for "Air View" (main culprit) and "Touch Sensitivity".
kojaraty said:
But, does your device have accedental touches when swiping quickly a webpage or an app?
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No, my device doesn't have accidental touches, but my fingers do. lol
The device can't make me accidentally do it, it's not a fault of the phone
natefish said:
I don't have mine till later today, but, on the S5, there are two settings that may be affecting the issue you are having. Can you still search the settings on the S6? Look for "Air View" (main culprit) and "Touch Sensitivity".
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Both of those seen to have been removed as user options.
Sent from my SM-G900T using AllianceR(●)m
I would like to see the touch response time of this device's screen measured. It's seems very responsive .
Yes it does and it's really annoying. To replicate the issue, scroll down a web slowly and then lift a very little like 0.5-1mm of your finger while you scroll it up. So scroll down and then lift a bit and scroll up without touching the screen. When you do this fast enough, the page will scroll up following your finger movement without touching the screen at all. Weird.
The Air View feature was removed on the S6, it was present on the S5 and Note variants. Same thing with the Screen Sensitivity toggle from the S5, Samsung just opted to make the screen more sensitive by default.
i have an S5 and S6 so I was able to compare.
I used the S5 for about a week and the touch screen was great
once I got the S6 I noticed i keep accidently hitting back/window button . upon tinkering and testing I realized the screen is super sensitive. If you take both the S5 and S6 (one in each hand) and lay them face down on your lap together, the S6 will hit buttons (and thus vibrate), the S5 wont
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
That have solve my touch screen problem...
i have the same problem when playing Clash of Clans because sometimes when i launch a spell the screen is so sensitive and it launches alone
kojaraty said:
Does anyone noticing that the touchscreen on the S6 is very sensitive. The screen registers my touches even when my finger is not physically touching the glass. I like highly sensitive touchscreen but it can be annoying especially when I am scrolling webpages.
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Have that as well on my 1st S6 Vodafone EU 32gb.
Returned it for other reasons and will receive new one next week....
My touch screen was not sensitive at all, very unresponsive
I can verify that this indeed works:
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
I tried a reset, a full system restore, I tried safe mode, I tired uninstalling all apps, I tried screen tests and can verify for me, that this above solution was the only thing that fixed my problem.
Screen is working wonderfully now
Fix doesn't work for me?
-JFK- said:
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
That have solve my touch screen problem...
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I tried this and got an error message that this feature is not available on my service. I'm on US Cellular, I don't know if that matters or not. I saw this fix posted on another site and it seemed to work for a few people who were having the same issues that I'm experiencing. I'm not very technically you actually dial/call this number sequence? How do I choose or command "TSP firmware update"? Thanks.
Some games are impossible to play because the screen is so sensitive it counts a touch as a swipe and some apps read as two touches. This happens consistently, not just here and there.
Jerameecarson said:
Some games are impossible to play because the screen is so sensitive it counts a touch as a swipe and some apps read as two touches. This happens consistently, not just here and there.
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Not sure if it's just the way I'm holding the phone, but I frequently find myself turning on a timer, only to realise that I've paused/cancelled it like 2 secs after. Great when you put something in the oven and forget lol.

Touch screen sensitivity

Hello. I have an Nvidia Shield tablet k1 on lollipop 5.1.1. Everything is great about this tablet except the touch screen. It is really sensitive. Also, when I am scrolling, it "jumps" and goes faster than I actually scrolled. It scrolls faster than it should. I found this thread on xda. It helped a little with the being too sensitive issue, but scrolling is still really weird. This is my second device since the first one's micro sd card was defective. They both are like this. Is there anything I can do, or do I just have to deal with it?
I was opening a thread with this exact same issue. I'm not on stock though (using the latest CM12 nightly), so I don't seem to have the 'Sensor Calibration' option.
Also the touchscreen seems to register a touch even when the finger is not touching the screen.
On the other hand, if I scroll a very small distance (like 0.5 centimetres) the list I'm scrolling doesn't move at all. This doesn't happen on other devices such as my Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 and is very annoying in some cases (some games, or moving the cursor for keyboard input).
I'll try to record a video of this behaviour.
What can we do to fix this?
Update: found a video (not mine) showing the issue I'm talking about:
anyone else with this issue?
I also have this issue on/off sporadically on stock rom.
I'll be scrolling and itll jump back the opposite direction
Its like it looses track of the touch then catches it again.
It's irritating as my S5, Nexus 2012 have no problems scrolling smoothly.
I don't recall the original shield i tested in store to have this issue either.
Currently having amazon ship me a replacement to see if its just limited to the one I received. (QA issues)
Calibrating screen might fix the issues: go to About in settings and tap on model number until the calibration screen comes up. then hit calibrate. don't touch the screen then when it asks to reboot, reboot.
variance said:
Calibrating screen might fix the issues: go to About in settings and tap on model number until the calibration screen comes up. then hit calibrate. don't touch the screen then when it asks to reboot, reboot.
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Did it fix the issue I posted the video about? I'm on Cyanogenmod now so I don't have the option to calibrate the screen, but I would consider going back to stock if it fixed this issue...
Calibration doesnt help at all , same issue at brand new k1. Nvidia says thats normal functionality lol
Yeah, very normal for a gaming tablet which would require precision...
Not trying to take up for this thing but I haven't had the first touch screen issue with it . so maybe not all is affected?? I've tried to replicate the issue but just can't everywhere I touch and slide is smooth
You mean it doesn't "jump" like the OP said? I don't seem to have that issue either.
I'm more concerned about the touchscreen's precision, as shown in the video.

Oneplus 6 - Unresponsive Screen (Video Included)

I've had the phone since the day it came out. It took me a while to notice but the screen is definitely unresponsive at times. It is actually difficult to notice because, if you are like me and spend hours on your phone every day, if every so often if a touch doesn't register, your brain automatically make you repeat the gesture and you don't even think about it. And, it's OK if it happens like once a day. But with this phone, it's hundred times a day. I thought I was crazy so I recorded a video with my OP5.
See here:
OK so this is kind of a very bad occurrence. Usually, it's not always like that. Sometimes it works perfectly fine. I also wonder if this could be the reason why the double tap to wake is also inconsistent, when the screen is off.
Also, yes, I do have a screen protector, but I've had them on all my phones and never had an issue.
Looks like this is happening only with you, is this problem occurring only in specific apps? or globally..
The touch here works snappy and very responsive. Maybe a faulty device? report to service center, I guess.
I also noted unresponsive screen once in a while while trying to click some hyperlinks or items with small clickable icons. But it's not anywhere close to what your video showed. Best and fair thing to do would be: Fresh flash the stock rom, don't install any additional apps then see if the problem persists. If it does, time to call customer service for a replacement unit. Good luck!
I've had similiar issues with my Essential PH-1, turns out it was a defect in the digitizer and I was RMA'd on it.
Nope working great here.
Do I get a new phone if I rma it? Or refurbished?
No I get this sometimes as well. Not nearly as bad as shown in your video, but sometimes it just doesn't register the touch properly and you have to touch it harder for it to register. Or when scrolling it only registers the scrolling partially
i have same problem in the same position
It happens to me sometimes when I tap the screen (for example tapping on a contact in whatsapp) that the screen doensn't respond good. When I tap a few times more and with a little more pressure it's going well. (I didn't test without the factory applyed screen protector)
Do people who have this problem use gestures? For me, the problem also occurs (no reaction when I tap the hyperlink or a small icon) but I noticed that it only occurs when the gestures are on. Maybe there is a problem.

Possible haptics bug?

I've been experiencing a possible bug where I start getting random little haptic clicks happening by themselves. The clicks are pretty much the same as what you get when you take the S pen out of its slot or tap a nav bar button.
Basically the phone will behave fine for hours and then all of a sudden these haptic clicks start happening here and there while I'm using the device, but are not related to anything I'm doing at the time. So for example I could be turning the volume up or pulling down the notification shade and a second later I'll get a random click or two. It then keeps on happening intermittently as I interact with the phone. A restart fixes the issue every time - at least for a few hours - which makes me think it's a software bug of some kind.
Anything else noticed this? I'm using an unlocked UK Exynos version SM-N986B.
I am noticing the same thing and it is driving me nuts. ? It's constant haptic click like when the spen is removed and I can't figure out what it causing it. I have a Verizon US version. I seem to notice it when I have a case on it. Using the ESR case with the kickstand.
makavelisk said:
I am noticing the same thing and it is driving me nuts. ? It's constant haptic click like when the spen is removed and I can't figure out what it causing it. I have a Verizon US version. I seem to notice it when I have a case on it. Using the ESR case with the kickstand.
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Good to know I'm not alone. Interesting that this issue can affect the Snapdragon and Exynos versions. I'll look into your theory about the case. I'm using a Ringke Fusion, but next time the clicks happen I'll take it off to see if that makes a difference.
Otherwise I guess this is just one of those little bugs you always get when you're one of the first to buy a newly released device. I'm sure they'll fix this in a future update.
I'be been using mine since last Thursday with an Otterbox case and have not had that issue, mine is an unlocked variant from the Samsung store.
Go to Settings > Display > Edge Screen > Edge Panels > Handle Settings (3 dots) > at the bottom, turn off Vibrate when handle is touched
Go to Settings > Sounds and vibration > System sound/vibration control > turn off Touch interactions or other options
SpaceGooner said:
I've been experiencing a possible bug where I start getting random little haptic clicks happening by themselves. The clicks are pretty much the same as what you get when you take the S pen out of its slot or tap a nav bar button.
Basically the phone will behave fine for hours and then all of a sudden these haptic clicks start happening here and there while I'm using the device, but are not related to anything I'm doing at the time. So for example I could be turning the volume up or pulling down the notification shade and a second later I'll get a random click or two. It then keeps on happening intermittently as I interact with the phone. A restart fixes the issue every time - at least for a few hours - which makes me think it's a software bug of some kind.
Anything else noticed this? I'm using an unlocked UK Exynos version SM-N986B.
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makavelisk said:
I am noticing the same thing and it is driving me nuts. It's constant haptic click like when the spen is removed and I can't figure out what it causing it. I have a Verizon US version. I seem to notice it when I have a case on it. Using the ESR case with the kickstand.
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That sounds like a strange bug. I have the N20U 512GB unlocked US version from the Samsung store and have been using it for 3 days now and haven't had that issue.
When you say "click" do you mean like a random screen press or a small vibration?
lennie said:
That sounds like a strange bug. I have the N20U 512GB unlocked US version from the Samsung store and have been using it for 3 days now and haven't had that issue.
When you say "click" do you mean like a random screen press or a small vibration?
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Small vibration. Like when you pull out the spen. It comes and goes. Hasn't done it for the last 4 to 5 hours and then all of the sudden it's starts doing it again. I may do a factory reset as I am having multiple issues from the spen intermittently not working, horrible studder when scrolling with the 120hz turned on, sub par photos that are washed out and blurred, and atrocious battery life. Maybe I got a complete dud.
So I ended up reformatting the phone and chose not to do a restore but download everything manually including the settings and apps. The odd haptic feedback click is gone as well as some of the other issues so far.
makavelisk said:
So I ended up reformatting the phone and chose not to do a restore but download everything manually including the settings and apps. The odd haptic feedback click is gone as well as some of the other issues so far.
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Ahh the old restoration bug striked again. The only things I restore are media/photos, messages and contacts. Great to hears the problem wasn't too serious.
Getting the same thing on Galaxy S20 ultra. I noticed that it all started after the update i got on the 21st
it feels like the side panel compass
when u have the bug again just tilt your phone a little and check the panel if its the compass
xXPheNomEnoNXx said:
it feels like the side panel compass
when u have the bug again just tilt your phone a little and check the panel if its the compass
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I also thought the compass could be the cause of this - like maybe it was still clicking on the 0° mark even when the side panel was closed - but so far I haven't been able to confirm that as the cause as it doesn't do it on cue.
In fact the last time I experienced the haptics bug I was editing the button order on the pull down quick panel, but I wasn't able to reproduce it this way a second time so it just feels like it happens at random times. And now suddenly for the last two days it hasn't happened at all, but I don't know if that's down to anything that I have done or a setting I changed
For me the jury's still out on this one.
I just had it start today! So annoying. I have no idea what it is. I do have the compass edge panel. I'll look out for that.
Snapdragon unlocked model here.
I just got the phone and I noticed the same thing. I did use the cable to transfer everything to the new phone. Nothing I tried worked until I factory rested it and manually installed my apps. I did notice that if I shake the phone it will do the haptic click a second after I stop shaking it. It seems to be coming from the bottom camera lens.
i removed the tools panel from my edge panel and couldnt reproduce this haptic bug again...
I am also having this problem too. Can't pinpoint what reproduces it yet.
aaronlee0712 said:
Go to Settings > Display > Edge Screen > Edge Panels > Handle Settings (3 dots) > at the bottom, turn off Vibrate when handle is touched
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There is no vibrate setting in Handle settings on mine. If you have that, then please post a screen shot.
Make sure you have auto restart turned on everyday. I haven't noticed any problems with my verizon branded 128gb white
AndroidPurity said:
I am also having this problem too. Can't pinpoint what reproduces it yet.
There is no vibrate setting in Handle settings on mine. If you have that, then please post a screen shot.
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Here is the link to the screenshot:
Let me know if the link failed.

