Internet WiFi Problem - General Questions and Answers

my chinese tablet with almost stock distribution of android 9 , when it connects to my wifi, it says that the internet is not available, when all the other android and non-android devices connect serenely. This problem only does this tablet on this wifi, it doesn't happen if I connect to different wifi.
Thanks in advance for your attempts to help.

lionleggend said:
my chinese tablet with almost stock distribution of android 9 , when it connects to my wifi, it says that the internet is not available, when all the other android and non-android devices connect serenely. This problem only does this tablet on this wifi, it doesn't happen if I connect to different wifi.
Thanks in advance for your attempts to help.
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Mismatch in wifi connectivity system. Look for advanced wifi settings, if any, and experiment.
However, much more depends on the router's capabilities. If you don't have access to it, there's nothing you can do about it.

1. Have you tried 'Forget the network' on your tablet?
2. If the issue still exists, you should check the settings of your wireless router. As far as I know, a router may block a device via its mac address.

ze7zez said:
Mismatch in wifi connectivity system. Look for advanced wifi settings, if any, and experiment.
However, much more depends on the router's capabilities. If you don't have access to it, there's nothing you can do about it.
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i tried enabling and disabling dhcp, insert static ip, more of one, changing dns 1-2. Nothing.

James_Watson said:
1. Have you tried 'Forget the network' on your tablet?
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Fuze and home Wi-Fi

I'm having a technical problem with my home Wi-Fi router, and my Fuze. I just recently set up a wireless network at home, and have my PC connected to the router through Wi-Fi. Whenever I attempt to connect my Fuze to the router, the Fuze hijacks the connection, and disconnects my PC from the network. I have tried to contact the tech support for the router, but nothing they suggest seems to work. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there something I am missing in the router configuration? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
htcfan78 said:
I'm having a technical problem with my home Wi-Fi router, and my Fuze. I just recently set up a wireless network at home, and have my PC connected to the router through Wi-Fi. Whenever I attempt to connect my Fuze to the router, the Fuze hijacks the connection, and disconnects my PC from the network. I have tried to contact the tech support for the router, but nothing they suggest seems to work. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there something I am missing in the router configuration? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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i've used my fuze on multiple routers and it doesnt do this. Get a new router
If you give static ip on both pc and ppc check if you gave the same ip. If not, check the dhcp range on your router.
nhshah7 said:
i've used my fuze on multiple routers and it doesnt do this. Get a new router
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Maybe I should not have said "any help would be greatly appreciated". It is a new router.
htcfan78 said:
Maybe I should not have said "any help would be greatly appreciated". It is a new router.
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And who makes this new router?
NotATreoFan said:
And who makes this new router?
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It is a Linksys RangePlus WRT110 router.
htcfan78 said:
It is a Linksys RangePlus WRT110 router.
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First thing I would try is updating the firmware, and doing a factory restore.
If that doesn't work, try changing the router to force 54g connections only. It's possible, but unlikely, that the Draft-N spec used by the router doesn't play nicely with the WLAN chipset in the Touch Pro.
jigero said:
If you give static ip on both pc and ppc check if you gave the same ip. If not, check the dhcp range on your router.
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agreed, i would try this first. makes sense that if they both have the same ip that that is the cause of your problem. if you're set to assign dynamic ip's on connecting to the router, then i'd try upgrading the firmware. good thing to check first
Still having problems with this issue. Tried everything suggested so far.
Make sure the IP's are not conflicting and the dhcp range is at least 10 addresses.
It could also be a neighbor screwing around, make sure you encrypt your wifi with wpa or wpa2 or anyone in range can use your wifi.
When I first read your problem I thought it was an IP conflict with both devices like some others have said....but if you've checked everything and tried all possible solutions posted in this thread I think it might be pretty safe to assume that you need a new router. If its new, just bring it back and exchange it for a different one.
I'm using a D-Link DIR-655P and have connection types (B, G, N) on auto, dynamic IP address assignment set, and I have the latest firmware installed and I have no issues whatsoever...I have a quick lock and fast speeds.
I've got a few questions, because to me this sounds like a possible issue with your network adapter on your PC, rather than a DHCP "hijack" issue.
What is the ip on your PC after it gets "hijacked"?
Do you use sleep/hibernate modes on your PC?
Have you turned off Windows Firewall or any other security/virus/malware software on the PC?
This router is new, did this setup work with a previous router?
What security protocol are you using for wireless connections, WEP, WPA, WPA2, or none?
Hope you can figure it out, that's gotta be a real PITA.
Got it fixed. Did some more research, and found that the firmware updates do not work with Firefox, so I used IE to do the update, and it works fine. For anyone else that uses or is planning to use this router, check the firmware. The firmware version that mine came with (1.0.4 build 10) does not work with multiple versions of Windows (ie: cannot have a computer with Win XP and another with Win Vista connected at the same time). Thanks for the help.
Ahhh...well there you go. Glad its fixed.

[Q] WiFi won't work, no matter what!

I've just received my Samsung Focus AT&T Unlocked, everything's look good except WiFi won't work, no matter what I do. I've tried all suggestions posted online..
Did NoDo update
Tried WPA
Tried WPA2
Tried with No Security (Open Network)
Tried the channels 6, 9 and 11
Even reset the Router
Reset the Phone
I'd really appreciate any help, WiFi is a must for me!
Many thanks for your help!
You did NOT provide enough information so we can't help you.
Eg. Does your phone give an error connecting or does it not detect WiFi at all? Does your WiFi works elsewhere such as your office?
Oh sorry.
Phone detects all available networks, but can't join/use them. The error is:
"Connection Unsuccessful - Your phone couldn't reach the WiFi network xyz"
Yes, tried creating a network with my Macbook and joining, but that didn't work either.
Have you tried to connect using Wired connection (when your phone is connected to PC with Zune launched)? I just want to make sure that connecting to internet and getting and IP is not the problem.
wbadry said:
Have you tried to connect using Wired connection (when your phone is connected to PC with Zune launched)? I just want to make sure that connecting to internet and getting and IP is not the problem.
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Yes, that works. So I turned off 'Data Connection' from settings, connected to PC and opened Zune. I can access internet on the phone, even checked the IP, it seems to be using the PCs connection. Removed the USB cable, and there's no internet.
So yes, that works which confirms that there's physical fault in the phone, just a bug?
ibr4him said:
So yes, that works which confirms that there's physical fault in the phone, just a bug?
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I had similar problem with my university wireless connection. After several access with Zune, the problem was fixed. And by the way, it may not be a hardware problem since your device detects the available network.
Perhaps you need to visit a phone shop.
wbadry said:
I had similar problem with my university wireless connection. After several access with Zune, the problem was fixed. And by the way, it may not be a hardware problem since your device detects the available network.
Perhaps you need to visit a phone shop.
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Ah, thats a relief to know. And since windows is not officially available in my country, there are no shops.
I'm expecting one of the experts here to chime in and help, or someone who has experienced and resolced this issue before.
Can you please tell me your router's mode, channel, fragmentation, treshold values. Maybe that'll help.
Anyone? WiFi not working is so annoying!
I'd really appreciate any help with this.
Try connecting to WiFi at your office or somewhere else.
I also have the Samsung Focus and it won't connect to a certain router no matter how I configuration the router.
day2die said:
Try connecting to WiFi at your office or somewhere else.
I also have the Samsung Focus and it won't connect to a certain router no matter how I configuration the router.
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Yes, it worked at a friends house, but wont work at mine.

[Q] Wifi on my Sensation works fine everywhere except im home!

While everywhere I go I can get a wifi internet connection, when I try at home I connect to wifi but I cannot get any data connection! My router is fine because all my friends use it to connect on the net with their phones.
Any ideas anybody?
A possibility
There are some cases where the router is not compatible wit Android devices and allows them to connect properly onto the wifi network, but not getting the proper IP, subnet and so on. Have you tried to manually enter these details into the phone and try out if there will be any Internet access afterwards or not.
In some other cases, maybe the DHCP pool is empty so it can not provide you with an IP, where manually entering the IP details should again help. But I think this is very rare case. About the first case though, I met some issues with the routers and the Android devices.
Hope this will solve the prob..
Have a lovely day!
Did you try rebooting your router? This happend to me sometimes too, my laptop can connect just fine but not my phone & a router reset always fixes it.
I have tried to manually enter the IP address, subnet and so on into the phone but still I cannot get an internet connection! I have also rebooted my linksys rooter but still nothing!
Log into your router and change the output channel. Sometimes if the router is putting out on a high channel say 13 for example this can cause some devices to not be able to communicate with it. So try changing it to a low number say 3. This should solve the problem.
kabuk1 said:
Did you try rebooting your router? This happend to me sometimes too, my laptop can connect just fine but not my phone & a router reset always fixes it.
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This is more than likely because your router is set up to automatically switch to the channel that is the least congested, again if this is a high channel this can cause problems for some devices. What you are doing when you turn it off and on again is resetting the channel. I recommend you also manually select the channel by logging into you router and changing the settings.
I changed manually the router number several times but still no connection!
This issue is due to WIFI encryption. Try WEP or WPA encryption. I was facing the same issue. When i changed the encryption to WPA I am able to access the net.
uttamhoode said:
This issue is due to WIFI encryption. Try WEP or WPA encryption. I was facing the same issue. When i changed the encryption to WPA I am able to access the net.
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Yes, it might be encryption, might be the channel selection as well as previously stated.
The thing with the channels is not only if they are on higher or lower, but they are just a little hops on the frequency side so for example if some other device is working on the same or close to yours channel, it might interfere and give you disconnections from the wifi, slower speed, no connection at all etc. etc.. So in some case the channel selection (changing the wifi channel) may do the trick. Unfortunately in your case as I can understand this is not true.
About the encryption, there is also one more thing as a security and that is not allowing the devices automatically, but with it's MAC addresses.
I would recommend just for testing purposes to try and disable all the security and check out the connection that way.
What sort of IP details did you entered on the phone? I mean - I was thinking of entering an IP different from the pool, subnet usually (depends) and the Default Gateway to be the router's IP. Then for the DNS if you can try with the OpenDNS and one from Google.
And if you would like to share some info if there are any other devices connecting with the wifi at the premises and how they are working.
Hopefully you will resolve the issue, soon!
Have a lovely day!
having same issues ever since I flashed latest insertcoin ROM
I tried the 2.3.5 ROM and was having issues connecting to wifi, so I went to the 2.3.4 SSE, but wifi issues did not clear up. It hangs on obtaining IP.
This happens for all settings, static and dynamic, router reset did not help, modifying channels did nothing, neither did changing encryption settings. The wifi connection works for every other device in our home, including a stock Sensation.
Thanks in advance for any help. Since I'm a noob on forums I can't post to the dev section about this.
syuusuke said:
having same issues ever since I flashed latest insertcoin ROM
I tried the 2.3.5 ROM and was having issues connecting to wifi, so I went to the 2.3.4 SSE, but wifi issues did not clear up. It hangs on obtaining IP.
This happens for all settings, static and dynamic, router reset did not help, modifying channels did nothing, neither did changing encryption settings. The wifi connection works for every other device in our home, including a stock Sensation.
Thanks in advance for any help. Since I'm a noob on forums I can't post to the dev section about this.
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Hi, since the stock sensation is working properly, why don't you flash the relevant stock rom and see if that works, seems like all else failed

[Completed] Latest Android phones not connecting to WiFi router

At work we installed a new WiFi router a few months back. The connection is open and no one needs a password to connect to it. But many who bought android phones recently arent able to connect to it. I have a OnePlus One with android 4.4.4 which doesnt connect to the WiFi. My colleagues own Xiaomi, Motorola phones which they bought recently, which also doesnt connect to the internet.
The phones detect the WiFi signal, says the network is saved but fails to connect to it no matter what. The temporary solution is to make our laptop into a WiFi router and use it but this is seriously annoying. The router is from HP and I dont know the exam model number for it at the moment
I will be grateful if someone can find any solution for this problem. Also, I am a novice when it comes to gadgets so, if your suggestion is to manually set up my WiFi settings please do so with clear instructions or a video of some sort. However I will be happy if this problem gets solved in a straightforward manner.
Please help!
XDA Visitor said:
At work we installed a new WiFi router a few months back. The connection is open and no one needs a password to connect to it. But many who bought android phones recently arent able to connect to it. I have a OnePlus One with android 4.4.4 which doesnt connect to the WiFi. My colleagues own Xiaomi, Motorola phones which they bought recently, which also doesnt connect to the internet.
The phones detect the WiFi signal, says the network is saved but fails to connect to it no matter what. The temporary solution is to make our laptop into a WiFi router and use it but this is seriously annoying. The router is from HP and I dont know the exam model number for it at the moment
I will be grateful if someone can find any solution for this problem. Also, I am a novice when it comes to gadgets so, if your suggestion is to manually set up my WiFi settings please do so with clear instructions or a video of some sort. However I will be happy if this problem gets solved in a straightforward manner.
Please help!
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No need to configure wifi on your device IMO.
Sounds like an issue with the wifi router.
To check an fix the internet settings of the wifi router, you will need the adminstrative access/console/password for the router.
Then you can check that all new devices afre allowed to connect. On some routers you can restrict the access to a list of known devices or by enabling a MAC address filtering.
If you find such options on the HP wifi router, disable it and restart the wifi.
And make sure that the SSID of the wifi network is visible (= not hidden). Some Android devices have issue connecting to hidden networks.
Thread closed. Thank you.

Question Hotspot not reconnecting after pairing to my car

Hello everyone. I don't know if anyone is having this kind of issue, but I tried to Google for the answer and it hasn't led me anywhere near an answer. What's happening is this: I'm trying to connect my car's wifi to my phone hotspot for allow the car to go online for maps and stuff. When I connect my car to the phone it works. After just disabling the hotspot and enabling back again the car won't connect automatically to it and I need to put the password back in. With another phone i have this behaviour is not present. Also my other phone connects just fine to the Pixel 6a every time, no issues there. And my car connects to another phone's hotspot just fine reliably every time. I tried looking for MAC randomization, but that option is already disabled by default. Looking into the Android 13 settings for the hotspot I can't find any meaningful setting.
I hope anyone can at least point me into the right direction, thanks!
MeltingSnowman said:
(...) After just disabling the hotspot and enabling back again the car won't connect automatically to it and I need to put the password back in. With another phone i have this behaviour is not present. (...)
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Do these another phones also have android 13?
ze7zez said:
Do these another phones also have android 13?
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No. One it's a Motorola Edge Plus 2022 (Android 12) and the other one is a Huawei P20 Lite (Android 9). Those do not have issues, both connecting to the Pixel hotspot and serving the car with their own hotspots.
MeltingSnowman said:
No. (...)
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So we have a potential culprit: Android 13.
A case for further investigation.
ze7zez said:
So we have a potential culprit: Android 13.
A case for further investigation.
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I found that there are less hotspot settings in Android 13 compared to Android 12.
Also both my Pixel 6a and the Motorola Edge Plus 2022 have wifi 6 radios and don't have any skins on top of Android that might make work or not work my car.
I was wondering if there's a MAC randomization that can't be disabled on Android 13 when creating an hotspot. That's the only thing I can think might be an issue.
MeltingSnowman said:
(...) I was wondering if there's a MAC randomization that can't be disabled on Android 13 when creating an hotspot. That's the only thing I can think might be an issue.
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You can easily check this when connected from another phone in its connection settings.
MAC randomization is not relevant when it is not supervised in any way. And it isn't, so the connection should happen. The problem may be at the packet transmission layer. There are different solutions, and perhaps the auto does not cope with new solutions. Do you have the ability to check the firmware date with the auto?
ze7zez said:
You can easily check this when connected from another phone in its connection settings.
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You're right. Will do.
ze7zez said:
MAC randomization is not relevant when it is not supervised in any way. And it isn't, so the connection should happen. The problem may be at the packet transmission layer. There are different solutions, and perhaps the auto does not cope with new solutions. Do you have the ability to check the firmware date with the auto?
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I sure can, but I don't know how fit that into the whole issue. IIRC I updated it not too long ago.
ze7zez said:
You can easily check this when connected from another phone in its connection settings.
MAC randomization is not relevant when it is not supervised in any way. And it isn't, so the connection should happen. The problem may be at the packet transmission layer. There are different solutions, and perhaps the auto does not cope with new solutions. Do you have the ability to check the firmware date with the auto?
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Can't find the firmware version of my car, if that could've made a difference.
Doesn't appear to be any MAC randomization while using the hotspot.
I am getting the same problem whenever i try to connect this to my car.
MeltingSnowman said:
I was wondering if there's a MAC randomization that can't be disabled on Android 13 when creating an hotspot. That's the only thing I can think might be an issue.
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That shouldn't make a difference, the car should be looking for an SSID, not a BSSID.
In Hotspot settings, have you enabled "Extend compatibility?"
mike.s said:
That shouldn't make a difference, the car should be looking for an SSID, not a BSSID.
In Hotspot settings, have you enabled "Extend compatibility?"
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I did, but it didn't change anything. With the option disabled on a Motorola Edge Plus 2022 the car connected anyway and, upon restarting both the car and the hotspot on that phone it picked it up immediately. Which leads me to belive that it's equipped with a 5Ghz wifi. It's a 2021 Toyota Corolla.
I know it shoudn't make a difference, but I can't figure out for the life of me why it refuses to work with my phone. I can't deal with inputting my wifi password each time I hop in the car!
I don't see in the video that any password is needed.
Can you provide a link to the video that explains how to pair with the password?
ze7zez said:
I don't see in the video that any password is needed.
Can you provide a link to the video that explains how to pair with the password?
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That's bluetooth pairing. That, at least, works fine. What I'm talking about is wifi connection between the car and the smartphone. The smartphone sets up an hotspot and the car connects to it in order to acess the internet for maps data and apps.
This is the video that shows how to connect to wifi:
What does "Detailed Settings" look like?
ze7zez said:
What does "Detailed Settings" look like?
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Nothing of value for us unfortunately. Forgot to take a picture but I remember that it shows the MAC address of the car, the wireless networks known and something about automatic connection to networks and network notifications.
MeltingSnowman said:
(...) something about automatic connection to networks (...)
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This is interesting.
ze7zez said:
This is interesting.
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It's just a toggle to auto connect to known networks or not. Nothing more.
