Question Sometimes wont receive calls - Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra

I have my S22 Ultra (Exynos) for more than half a year. After an update couple of months ago i have problem receiving calls.
Sometimes i receive them okay sometimes i get missed call messages after a while(sometimes some minutes sometimes after hours).
I found on a forum that is a signal problem and if i set the signal to 2G&3G only the problem is gone. But this is not a good solution.
Does anyone have the same problem with me and have a proper solution?(btw everyone in my home have the same provider and only i have this problem. I tried replacing my sim too)

with all the devices I have had, I have experienced it ocassionally, and I reached at the conclusion hat the carrier is always the culprit, as you mention, by switching to 2 or 3 G the problem is gone, my daughter has had the same issue with the iphones she loves to use, but worse indeed

winoles said:
with all the devices I have had, I have experienced it ocassionally, and I reached at the concludion 6hat the carrier is always the culprit, as you mention, switching to 2 or 3 G the problem is gone, my daughter has had the same issue with the iphones she loves to use, but worse indeed
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The issue is that only mine does that there are 4 other people in my house on the same carrier (one of those has the same phone as me). Why only mine do this? And only sometimes?

well, I have asked the same question, and, ofc, I don't know, it is really annoying…


Verizon S3 connection problems

Anyone else having problems with sending and receiving calls on their S3 in areas where they should be having no problems?
I got my phone at launch and it seemed to work fine, I noticed the connection issues after a couple of weeks and figured they would be fixed with software updates as time progressed.
But it's been over 6 months and I'm really growing tired of having to resend texts 5 times and never receiving calls. My phone shows I have 2 bars of 4G yet when my family calls me from the front door of our house (which is 12 feet away from my room) I get nothing. The only reason I know this is because I have the google voice chrome plugin that tells me when I have messages or missed calls to my google voice number, but since I have my voicemail synced up with gv it tells me when I have missed calls regardless of it being to my actual cell number or my gv number. If it wasn't for that I would never know that I missed calls all the time. And I only know I miss texts because my girlfriend gets pissed at me all the time because she thinks I'm ignoring her when I don't reply to texts I'm suppose to receive but never do.
So I've been living with this annoying problem for a while now and I thought maybe it was just my room that had bad reception but I remembered that my previous phone (HTC Droid Incredible) never had this problem. So I tried out my parent's feature phones (LG env 2 and 3) and they didn't have any problems while I replicated the same situations. Their old inferior phones worked better than the nice premium one I paid extra for. Ain't that some bs?
And now I go to a different school that has terrible reception in all the buildings I have classes in. So I always turn on airplane mode and enable power saving to make sure my phone doesn't die by the end of the day. But the other day I asked this random girl sitting by me in the first floor of the student union if her galaxy s3 was getting signal and she said "No, this phone sucks in this building". I asked what service she had and she said Sprint. I didn't know if I should have felt content knowing I wasn't the only one or mad that this phone might have an antenna problem. BUT just yesterday I was in the same student union, in the lower floor this time, and I asked this guy from my class if his data was working on his phone and he said "Yeah I'm downloading a picture right now.", to which I replied back with which service? He said "Verizon", what phone? "Motorola Razer something". At that point I got so frustrated that I felt like throwing my phone.
I mean the phone itself is great, I love using it and taking pictures with it, although lately I've been getting "camera failed" errors a lot. It's just really annoying that it doesn't serve its most basic functions when I need them to work.
So I'm asking if anyone else has been experiencing similar issues and what they did about it? I would have called Verizon sooner but since I'm an added line on our family's plan they only want to talk to my dad. He and I have different schedules so it's always a pain to try and coordinate.
I had similar issues with by i535.
Except the issues appeared the 1st day I got my device, and I was highly po'd to say the least, considering I left sprint the same day because I couldn't complete a call for months. Troubleshot with Verizon tech as is the protocol prior to replacement, and saw the device was faulty. Not communicating with the Towers. Device issue possibly regarding the antenna, but uncertain.
Anyway, I got a new replacement a few months ago, and all has been well.
The cause of your issues may be the same, except yours were delayed in appearing. Hard to tell.
Yeah, I'm hoping to try and get a replacement soon. I'm just scared I'll get a refurbished one that has the same issues.

S6 active loses network??

I am currently on my 3rd Samsung s6 active in less then 2 months. My problem is the phones work fine for about 2-3 weeks then just out of the blue it drops the network. The only way I know to get the network back is to restart the phone. The problem occurs nearly every 12 hours and progresses an hour later each day. I don't have hardly any apps installed and I didn't do anything prior to the problem happening. I did notice this last time it happened the signal strength on the sim card under Sim Status was reading -51dbm when it's usually reading around -100dbm or so. My carrier is AT&T and they had me replace the sim card once with the first phone. We've been with AT&T for nearly 20 years with no problems. I have 4 other phones on my plan with 2 of them being smart phones & both Samsungs but different models and they have no problems. The way it's acting makes me think it's more of a software issue then a hardware problem. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Is there any type of "event log" I can look at to see if something changed when this began?
Thank you in advance for any help.
Received my 4th PHONE yesterday and tonight it has already dropped the network!! AT&T says they can only replace the problem phone with the same model so according to the last guy I talked to a different model is out of the question. I call BS on that, I am totally fed up with this crappy phone and after nearly 20years of being at&t's customer I am getting fed up with this runaround as well. Perhaps it's time to switch carriers. For all of you that actually read my post, thank you for at least looking at it. Since no one had any suggestions I'm done. Considered this post closed, thanks.
@MikeChannon OP considers this thread closed.

Pixel SMS/MMS issues

So my first pixel (32gb black) had microphone issues and had that replaced yesterday no problem. It was all working totally fine and like it should until after the ball drop last night when all of the sudden my phone would not send text messages anymore. So I went to bed thinking it was just tower overload from the new year celebration. Then I wake up this morning and my wife tells me she got 20 text messages from me all in duplicates. I think great, its all fixed. Then I realized throughout the day that while my messages were going out now I was not getting any back. We tested this and sure enough nothing is coming through.
So I chatted with a Google rep and after doing all the troubleshooting (Safe mode, cache clear, reboots, etc) we still had the same issue. At that point he says he talked to a specialist who says its a known issue affecting a small group of Pixel owners and they are working as quickly as possible to fix it.
Anyone else experiencing this? I haven't been able to find any other posts about it which seems really unusual.
I have the exact same problem as you! You're not alone...and yes this is very frustrating. I haven't seen much posted about this issue either. I also thought it was tower overload until my mother-in-law told me my mom was texting me and I wasn't getting any of the texts. Can you send texts? I can. What about phone calls? I can still make and receive those. I'm talking to google as we speak. See what happens.
Well I'm glad I am not alone. I can also still send messages and make and receive calls. Just no text messages coming in. They said it might be my sim card and they want me to talk to my carrier which is ATT. who is your carrier? Let me know what they say or if you get it resolved!
I've been having the same issue with AT&T. Also the same thing happened to me on NYE. I sent happy new year to a friend and he got it like 30 times. I then didnt get any txt's for the rest of the night. I then rebooted my pixel in the AM and I got flooded with txt's I didnt get the night before.
This has been an on going problem for me and AT&T because I get txt's in spurts. Nothing for a while then all of a sudden I get a chunk and then nothing again. It's also very random as I have not been about to duplicate it. I think it's just something with AT&T and the pixel.
mdecker79 said:
I've been having the same issue with AT&T. Also the same thing happened to me on NYE. I sent happy new year to a friend and he got it like 30 times. I then didnt get any txt's for the rest of the night. I then rebooted my pixel in the AM and I got flooded with txt's I didnt get the night before.
This has been an on going problem for me and AT&T because I get txt's in spurts. Nothing for a while then all of a sudden I get a chunk and then nothing again. It's also very random as I have not been about to duplicate it. I think it's just something with AT&T and the pixel.
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I had almost the same issue. I sent out some texts for the new year that night and they kept saying failed but people said they got them about 100 times. From there I turned it off and rebooted in the morning. Then it was exactly the opposite with them going through no problem but not coming back at all.
I had another Pixel prior to this and never had any issue after a month of use. My brother and SIL also have the same phone on my plan and live right up the road and have never had the issue. It seems unusual that its only affecting SOME phones and not all who have the same set of conditions.
I'm going to talk to my local AT&T store today and see if they will pop in a new SIM card for me and give that a shot.
I have similar SMS issues with my Pixel XL on ATT. In my case, I seem to have more issues sending or receiving SMS while connected to WIFI. Disconnect WIFI and they send/receive as they should. I've had ATT replace my SIM and check all necessary configs on their side and all looks good according to them. I can take that same SIM and put it in my Nexus 6P and all works as it should on WIFI or on carrier.
prestonpeterson said:
I have similar SMS issues with my Pixel XL on ATT. In my case, I seem to have more issues sending or receiving SMS while connected to WIFI. Disconnect WIFI and they send/receive as they should. I've had ATT replace my SIM and check all necessary configs on their side and all looks good according to them. I can take that same SIM and put it in my Nexus 6P and all works as it should on WIFI or on carrier.
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So I just tried turning off wifi and sending a few test texts. Still nothing for me coming back. I wish that would at least temporarily solve the issue so I could get on with my day to day life. It seems strange that others are having this issue but there isn't any chatter about it online. I thought more people would be posting about it but there is nothing.
ATT has an SMS test number you can send "test" to 151 and it will respond if all is working correctly. I have the same results with that test number as I do with any other contacts.
Okay so I got mine resolved. I went to the ATT store and they put in a new SIM card and reset network settings. They also reregistered the serial number of the phone to my number. After that all my messages came flooding in and I've been fine ever since. So many one of those three things fixed it though I had already reset my network setting before so I don't think that was it. Best of luck to the others out there!

Question Constant problems with Galaxy S22 Ultra

Ever since the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra came to me about two months ago, I have had some problems with it non-stop. Some of the most common problems are network loss, that is, the cell phone shows that it has a full 4G / 5G signal, but in reality I have neither the internet nor anyone can call me. This occurs at least 2-3 times a day and I have to turn the airplane mode on and off to make the cell phone work normally again. Furthermore, sometimes it happens to me that I make a call but I do not hear the interlocutor nor does he hear me. The solution to this problem is to reset the phone. In the beginning, I had problems with unlocking, that is, the cell phone knew how to "freeze" for a minute, after which it would inform me that the UI had crashed, but now it has been corrected. Furthermore, it sometimes happens that some animations start to freeze or freeze briefly. I can’t believe I have such problems on such an expensive mobile device. Something like that hasn't happened to me on any Chinese mobile phones that are called "problematic", and now with Samsung it has become everyday. What should I do?
Feel your pain mines like old touchwiz days freezing , glitches, typing sometimes slow to keep up random stuff worst samsung ever signal very erratic 1 bar most of the time yet can put same sim in another phone and have full sig bars , can't wait to ofload it tbh
Have you got the latest, April, updates? Assuming they are available for your region. Working fine here with those installed.
hrzagi said:
Ever since the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra came to me about two months ago, I have had some problems with it non-stop. Some of the most common problems are network loss, that is, the cell phone shows that it has a full 4G / 5G signal, but in reality I have neither the internet nor anyone can call me. This occurs at least 2-3 times a day and I have to turn the airplane mode on and off to make the cell phone work normally again. Furthermore, sometimes it happens to me that I make a call but I do not hear the interlocutor nor does he hear me. The solution to this problem is to reset the phone. In the beginning, I had problems with unlocking, that is, the cell phone knew how to "freeze" for a minute, after which it would inform me that the UI had crashed, but now it has been corrected. Furthermore, it sometimes happens that some animations start to freeze or freeze briefly. I can’t believe I have such problems on such an expensive mobile device. Something like that hasn't happened to me on any Chinese mobile phones that are called "problematic", and now with Samsung it has become everyday. What should I do?
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I thought it only happened to me but I see that it is not, I have spoken with samsung and they have seen my system logs.
They have told me to take the smartphone to an official technician because my s22 ultra has a problem... With the signal?

Question Pixel 7 pro is good in phone reception?

Hello, I have pixel 7 pro and I'm experiencing difficulties in cell change, often when i put my phone in my pocket, and then I take it off i'm without signal for many seconds.
Anyone with the same problem?
Same for me. After the march update is even worse. It take so long to gain back the signal and sometimes I need to reboot the phone or reset the network. Also after the latest update after the boot sometimes it takes 3-5 minutes to get the sim signal..
samueledenicola said:
Same for me. After the march update is even worse. It take so long to gain back the signal and sometimes I need to reboot the phone or reset the network. Also after the latest update after the boot sometimes it takes 3-5 minutes to get the sim signal..
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What sim network?I'm with Fastweb (Wind).
failax said:
What sim network?I'm with Fastweb (Wind).
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Now I'm using Vodafone IT. Yesterday I switched to the esim. I will keep the thread updated to see if the esim is better.
samueledenicola said:
Now I'm using Vodafone IT. Yesterday I switched to the esim. I will keep the thread updated to see if the esim is better.
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you were again with vodafone previously?
failax said:
you were again with vodafone previously?
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Yeah, I only switched from a phisical sim to an esim
In addition to the above, in my case I also hear some strange noises at the beginning of the calls, a kind of "Crack" and sometimes the voice on the other end is choppy, but it is slight and allows me to speak well most of the time.
This does not happen all the time. I am tolerating it for the moment.
I'm experiencing worse reception since the March update. On Verizon.
Yesterday I had to reboot the phone to go from the exclamation mark to LTE.
I'm thinking about doing a wipe/fresh install, hoping that might help.
I ran into this issue with mine while talking with somebody, the phone connection would randomly drop the call... shocking Google hasn't released an update to resolve this issue - it helped forcing me back to a OnePlus 11 device.
Guys, I had this exact issue on my P7P. It was driving me crazy, constantly dropping coverage and taking ages to reconnect, I had both esim and physical sim. I messaged Google support and they said it was a software issue and to wait for a fix. But like most of you I bought this phone months ago so that's not good enough. I eventually got them to do a full replace of my phone under warranty and now I have no more issues. Get them replaced!
Bxperiaz3 said:
Guys, I had this exact issue on my P7P. It was driving me crazy, constantly dropping coverage and taking ages to reconnect, I had both esim and physical sim. I messaged Google support and they said it was a software issue and to wait for a fix. But like most of you I bought this phone months ago so that's not good enough. I eventually got them to do a full replace of my phone under warranty and now I have no more issues. Get them replaced!
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What do you mean for "costantly dropping converage", i have this issue sometimes when i put off the phone from my pocket, but i noticed that if i disable wifi when i'm outside, this happens no more.However I have to do more attempts ..
failax said:
What do you mean for "costantly dropping converage", i have this issue sometimes when i put off the phone from my pocket, but i noticed that if i disable wifi when i'm outside, this happens no more.However I have to do more attempts ..
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I mean I would take my phone out of my pocket and have two exclamation marks. Or I'd be driving and my music would stop and id have the two exclamation marks. I tried absolutely everything and even moved networks and it never improved. Replaced my phone and haven't had an issue since.
Bxperiaz3 said:
I mean I would take my phone out of my pocket and have two exclamation marks. Or I'd be driving and my music would stop and id have the two exclamation marks. I tried absolutely everything and even moved networks and it never improved. Replaced my phone and haven't had an issue since.
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What is the best way to contact Google and get a warranty replacement?
swieder711 said:
What is the best way to contact Verizon and get a warranty replacement?
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I bought mine new from Amazon but I contacted Google directly. I think warranty is from Google so I would message them and see
samueledenicola said:
Now I'm using Vodafone IT. Yesterday I switched to the esim. I will keep the thread updated to see if the esim is better.
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Have you news?
Same here in Germany and Vodafone , since March update worse then before.
Since a full wipe and fresh install of the March update, my cell reception on Verizon has been better. Before that I was updating without wiping and my cell reception often gave me the !
I thought I'd add a comment. I'm on TMobile in Louisiana, USA. I believe reception is the best I've seen personally on pixel 7 pro. One of the things that surprised me most is in building where I work, usually no phone signal, but on this one I can surf the Internet,etc. One other thing to note is, I have a friend with a messed up cell phone, for the longest when you talk to him you can hear an echo. On this phone there is no echo when talking to him which is surprising. I thought he had got another phone but one time after disconnecting from my pixel buds or something similar I heard the echo, and asked him; did he get a new phone because I haven't heard the echo in a while. Come to find out he has the same phone and all I could think is that possibly this phone aka clear calling(which I could be mistaken) had literally cleared up the echo.
I live in the country and have never had any issues. 5G is disabled. It's not even available anywhere near where I live. I've never had 5G coverage as far as I know. So again, personally reception has been good. If you look here, on telegram, and on Reddit there are a lot of weird complaints about reception with this phone. My only complaint about it is battery life. Ever since the November update it's sucked. I get through a day easy, but I should be getting through 2 days without charging and still have 30% no problem.
A month ago I charged my phone while working in my shed. I unplugged the phone and left it in a metal enclosure shelf (bad reception). 18 hrs later I came out and the phone had 100% charge still. It is my work iphone XR that is 2 or 3 years old. I couldn't believe it. 0% idle drain in awful reception over 18hrs. The phone may have been connected to wifi, but still. Had I done that with the p7p the battery would have been at 70% due to Google's crappy software in Google plays eevices and/or hardware searching for signal and never stopping. If they wanna use crap hardware they need better software to control the frequency of signal searching to increase battery life. The balance they've chosen between maintaining good connection signal and maintaining battery life is way too far off balance in favor of maintaining good signal. It's ridiculous and is obvious
I don't have a source or poll to refer to, but I would have to guess that device battery life is a top 3 concern of anyone buying a new device.
My first p7p had really bad connectivity. Returned it under warranty and the new one has been perfect ever since

