Question Video recording only 8mins - Xiaomi Mix Fold 2

Does anyone else have this issue with video recording only 8 mins then stopping this is not good and i can't find the setting if any appreciate any help?

Such a problem in the Xperia Z3 is the norm if the processor overheats. I have not read about other cases. Can you show graphs of all temperatures during video recording?

But its 8 mins each time all the time i thought may be its a setting i have done a camera reset on settings will try again.

Enter the current camera settings (bitrate, resolution, frames per second, codec) into some online video calculator and see what size the file will be.
If 8 min. video is 4GB, then change SD memory partition to exFAT or NTFS if phone supports.


[Q] Could the Inspire record 50min of video?

Hey, I'm looking at a new phone. And I want to use it to record lectures in my classes. So I'm wondering, does the Inspire have enough battery power to record 50 minutes straight of video?
That is hard to answer because there are so many variables. For example, Brightness level, WiFi on or off, Bluetooth on or off, 3g 4g edge on or off. If you turn most of the features off and lower your brightness and have a big enough microSD card, I would bet you can record 50 min long video lectures.
Q. Why not record the lecture in audio format?
Just to add, it also depends on "video mode" you use. If you use high resolution (e.g. 720), you'll run out of space quickly and won't be able to keep recording. If you are using 8GB sd card that came with it, you can only record somewhere around 30 mins until you run out of space, unless you go for low resolution. I personally bought 16GB sd card partially because of this.
In most cases, the battery should not be a problem. The only exception is if you are running a number of apps in the background. But, otherwise, your phone can keep going to record even past 1 hour.

Problem During Video Recording

first of all why there is no zooming during video recording on o3d
and other main problem when i record video during video recording video stop for half second then smooth and then after some time its again stop for half second then smooth
please give solution this problem f****k my brain
sorry for my bad english
will some one help me OR not??
man I have the exact same problem.Can anyone help?
higher bitrate cause this problem
maybe next update can fix this problem
sorry for may english
then is there any way to low the bit rate????
unfortunatly no
lg company don't care about this problem
may be xda developer team can fix this problem
For now you can set your resoulation on D1 from camera settings and wait for fix
good luck
actually I think there is a way to lower the bitrate.In video quality there's three options: normal,fine,superfine.I have superfine as default and sometimes causes me problems(video saved on internal storage because my microsd is class 4-lower writting than internal).Try fine or normal (I prefer fine) to see if it's ok.
I may buy a class 10 microsd so that it can deal with high bitrate videos
Great that's Worked for me
set resoulation on Full HD
set video quality to fine
set storage to Internal memory
problem solved

[Q] 1.9GB limit on video recording

I recorded video with both stock camera app an lgCamera app, also in 1080p and 720p. The end result is similar: the record stops silently or the camera app crashes after recording a video that is size of 1.9GB. Why such behavior? Is anybody experiencing this problem too? I wonder if it is a bug or a limit set on purpose. (I know typical Point-and-Shoot cameras in the US has 10 min limit on HD video recording) Is there any work around?
The same thing happens here. I tried 2 times with the camera set on 480p and the recording stops exactly at the 44:36 mark.
Is there a way to inform Google about it ?

[Q] Continuous Video Recording Possible?

If I try to record an extended video (40+ mins) I've noticed the Nexus 5 splits my video recordings into 2gb files (roughly 15 min clips). The good thing is it'll keep recording, except it misses a few seconds between clips.
Is there a 3rd party app that can either overcome the 2gb limit or splits the video without losing footage?
There is no possibility to Create one file of 43mints in N5
I don't mind several clips but the fact that it loses some footage when it splits the video is really disappointing.

choppy video recordings?

Hi Guys,
does any of you have issues with recorded videos?
When i shoot a video in 4K the video is not smooth - seems like from time to time some frames get stuck or something and it breaks the fluidity of the video (the footage kindof skips some frames).
I tried shooting in 1080p60fps and in this mode i occasionaly get pretty significant FPS drops (from 60fps)
See example of a video shot in 4k: (see a frame skip at 7-8 seconds?)
is it supposed to be like this? I tried wiping the cache in the recovery, but that didnt help. When i first got the phone 2 months ago, videos looked okay.
Try to do a fresh install, clear all data and without any apps running in the background. If it still happen, that could be a hardware issue.
I have same problem on my u11 6/126gb. I'm experiencing fps drops on 60fps recording.
I have the same issue with my u11 ?
Just a thought...are you saving the video to the internal memory or sd card?

