Hello at all ....
I use the UIS7862 HeadUnit in my Car and really love to use it. After deleting a App my Unit goes into a loop after reboot. It startup normally then it opens the Settings and reload the Settings all 1-2 seconds. So there isn't a way to stop this loop. I trying all but I can't stop it and now my Unit isn't useable in the Car.
My Idea is flashing a new Rom oder go into a Factory Reset. St first I trying to go into the Factory Reset but I can't get in.
I turned off the Power, pushed the Reset, one times, many times, again and again, hold it for 10, 20 and 30 seconds before I let the Power get back ... I searched Google and Youtube and followed all Tutorials many times step by step but I can't enter the Menu to reset to Factory Settings.
So I think my last way before using a Hammer and destroying the Unit is flashing a new Rom, a Backup or a Custom Rom. About this I'm really very open mind.
Anyone has a Idea or a Rom to use? I can share this Infos about my Unit:
Build number:
QP1A 190711.020 release-keys
System Info
APP 1280x720 2021-03-31 08:56:07
CPU Info
CPU: UIS7862 Octa-Core 1.8 [email protected] (Memory) + 64GB (Storage)
Please ... I really a Noob ... my last Unit I killed about a wrong Rom. If someone have a Rom, Backup or a Idea how I can fix it, please share it to me with a Tutorial or Infos what I need like a SD Card or a USB Keyboard to get prepared. I can't killing this Unite too because if I killing it, my Wife will me kill me ;-)
Hopefully someone here can helping me?
If this posting is in the Board Section, please move it. Thank you to all for reading ans follow up me.
You may give your wife the chance...
Well, start over reading in this thread: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...unisoc-ums512-q-a-mods-tips-firmware.4396339/
I already informed the mods to move your thread to the right forum part.
rigattoni said:
You may give your wife the chance...
Well, start over reading in this thread: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...unisoc-ums512-q-a-mods-tips-firmware.4396339/
I already informed the mods to move your thread to the right forum part.
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Thank you for this link. I found and read it already but English isn't my native language. so all I read it some Codes to enter a Menu etc ... this all I can't do. I can't get more Hardware Infos or Specs because my System is in a loop
AdryanT said:
Thank you for this link. I found and read it already but English isn't my native language. so all I read it some Codes to enter a Menu etc ... this all I can't do. I can't get more Hardware Infos or Specs because my System is in a loop
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If you are not that familiar with the English language, just use the Chrome browser and let it translate the page into your mother language.
Nevertheless... Your issue is better stored in the FYT Android Head Units Forum. There are the experts for your unit.
As I said, I already asked the mods to move your thread.
OMG now I have a "UI and MCU does not Match" Error and my Display is wrong. its turned 90 Degree to the wrong .... OMG my wife really will killing me.
AdryanT said:
OMG now I have a "UI and MCU does not Match" Error and my Display is wrong. its turned 90 Degree to the wrong .... OMG my wife really will killing me.
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Please read the linked thread. That is all posted there.... May be better you should not do strange things on your unit until you are prepared to fix issues. If your wife is armed to kill you... take care.
Done and solved. Can get closed.
I used the update of Joying and all is working perfectly.
Thank you to all for helping
Sorry to bother anyone. But can anyone please post the fix (Whether registry or .cab or even written) for the bug that prevents e-mail account modication/Creation of new account once you have used the camera. I'm using Lt. Ivans Last Release (It's amazing, only thing left for me is this bug.) Thought it was fixed but i have experienced it twice on this rom.
I really love this rom and would very much appriciate any help in regards to this matter.
Took me 10 seconds to find, using the 'SEARCH' feature of the forum. Handy tool that, people should use it. In case this isnt what you are looking for, maybe you should give it a try?
Sorry to inconvience you for 10 secs.
Did do a couple of searches but just brought up rom updates that included the fix as part of the rom. Maybe i could get some lessons in using it effectively using principled key words.
Very much appreciated that there are people out there who still care and enjoy to put us down at every turn.
Hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and show some compassion.
I love you guy's, oh and girls.. (Anyone seen my Universal?)
jasonkruys said:
Took me 10 seconds to find, using the 'SEARCH' feature of the forum. Handy tool that, people should use it. In case this isnt what you are looking for, maybe you should give it a try?
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Thanks anyway..
Not Completely worked, I installed then reset and then took a pic and recorded a short video and now i cant edit email setting and create a new e-mail account. Not even re-installing the .cab and resetting helps..
thanks anyways, gonna go sulk...
Read page 2 of the link posted above.
gsmknight said:
Not Completely worked, I installed then reset and then took a pic and recorded a short video and now i cant edit email setting and create a new e-mail account. Not even re-installing the .cab and resetting helps..
thanks anyways, gonna go sulk...
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Android port for HTC HD Mini (PHOTON) Frequently Asked Questions
Photon Developers Team
-r0bin-, schlund, munjeni-cardsharing, derefas
Cotulla for the first android port
...Thanks to codiak, tzacapaca and all other members who work and helping the Photon community
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note:Android port for Photon is still under development and NOT READY FOR DAILY USE!
Q:Is it a ROM? will it remove Winndows Mobile (WM) completely?
A:No this is not a ROM .. so WM won't be affected by it .. and whenever you want to switch back to WM just restart the device. Currently Android is installed by using a clean SD Card, and booted from there.It is booted by running a special application called 'Haret.exe' residing on your SD Card which will terminate the Windows kernel and boot into Android.
Q:Means when I come back to WM I will not notice a difference?
A:In fact, there are two reported issue:
1.After running android, the gps in WM may not work. Solution is : launch Andriod again, go to Settings -> Location, and enable checkbox Use GPS satellites
2.If you lower ringtone volume in Android you will also have lower ringtone in WM(even if it's on maximum)
Q:What version of Android, release is using?
A:Android 2.2
Q:Where can I download latest release?
Q:Where can I get instructions on how to install?
or http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1002178
Q:When will we have a full working Android? when will be ready for daily use ?
A:Hard to say ..PLEASE Do not ask such things, because nobody knows, but the project is in progress ...Will be published ...
Q:Is there an porting Android on HTC HD Mini roadmap?
A:NO! Developers working in their spare time, please show some respect! and not bothering them with questions such as: When will be the X sensor designed ... or X bug fixed
Q:What kind of questions can I ask here?
Alease look around to see if your question has already been asked (and maybe even answered!) before you ask. You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face.
Q:How do I know what has already been asked and answered?
A:How to Search on XDA-Developers? - search using the XDA-Developers Forum built-in Search function, find the search bar and type in your search text, and press Enter.
Q:I'm not a programmer but I want to help .. How can I?
A:Check the developers requests
Installing Android
Q:Haret wont finish loading android ? & My SD Card doesn't seem to work!
A:Most SD Cards are working, but if not, you should try one of these fixes
Fix 1: a)Format your card with this tool http://www.sdcard.org/consumers/formatter/(perform full erase,or full owerwrite)
b)go on "My Computer",right click on card and format it again FAT32
Fix 2: Tell your wife / girlfriend that you are about to make some modifications to her phone... change the ringtone and steal her SD Card to use with Android. She will never discover what you have done.
Fix 3:Buy a new card
Using Android
Q: Where can I report bugs?
A: http://code.google.com/p/photon-android/issues/list
Q:Any other known bugs ?
A:Other known bugs here:http://code.google.com/p/photon-and...+Milestone+Owner+Summary&cells=tilest=1073817
Q:I can't wake up my device?
A: Press Volume + and power together. If you can't wake it up just remove the battery
Q:Application "xy" is not responding: Should I click "Force Close" or "Wait" ?
A:Click wait, it COULD be related to the slow speed of the SD Card (for Android's liking) This seems to happen more after bootup or wakeup when the device is busy doing stuff in the background.
Q:I got an error: process com android settings has stopped unexpectedly
A: See Tutorial
Q: How do I overclock?
A: Tutorial click here
Q:How do I migrate my contacts from Windows Mobile?
A: See How to sync WinMo with Google or you can also use SPB Migration Tool
Q:How do I prevent clock drift?
A:To alleviate this, download ClockSync from the Andriod Market. An hourly synchronization setting is recommended.
Q:What is ADB / How-To ADB
A: ADB = Android Debugging Bridge. Official Google ADB Page It also kinda works like USB Mass Storage using a Windows app called Droid Explorer.
Q:How to expand the size of data.ext2
A:There are two procedures described :
1.Click here if you doing a new "installation"
2.Click here if you want to keep your user data
*Helping the FAQ get better*
help out by using comment / thanks to all contributors
Tips and tricks
How to change GPS zone for faster GPS: Tutorial
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Overclock / Dual Boot / Bootanimation
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LONG PRESSING HOME BUTTON opens a TAB that show all Apps are open, so you can switch between them
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How to increase battery life
Turn off wireless functions such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and data connection when you’re not using them
Use only GSM networks.
Do not use GPS satellites to determine your GPS location.
Lower the screen brightness.
Switch off screen animations.
(Batteries gradually lose storage capacity over time. Consider replacing your battery after 1 year, or if you notice that the battery life is decreasing)
Checking the power usage of applications
Press HOME > MENU, and then tap Settings.
Scroll down the screen, and then tap About phone > Battery > Battery use.
Great tips to read [Howto]Tips n tricks for better battery life
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Froyo (frozen yogurt) Google's name for Android 2.2
Cyanogenmod customized firmware release based on Android - it offers extra features
HARET(Handhelds Reverse Engineering Tool)application that serves as a Android boot loader
Initrd.gz initial RAM disk
data.ext2 Second partition with format ext2 (file system for the Linux kernel) includes all user data
zImage kernel image (the z means it is compressed). It contains most of the drivers.Some drivers go external via Linux kernel modules (.ko files)
kernel The kernel is the central component of operating system it is a bridge between applications and the actual data processing done at the hardware level. The kernel's responsibilities include managing the system's resources - the communication between hardware and software components
spl Secondary Program Loader. same as bios on a PC. (it sets where your system boots from, intialises sub system process etc)
sspl soft spl - allows you to flash another spl
Troll is someone who involves itself in discussions purely for the purpose of disturbing other users and making itself feel important. Please don't feed the trolls. Send his "definitions" to moderator with link to topic and then ignore him.
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Important icons and indicators
key function
ok then i wont post the faq ive already written then, i was just awaiting mods response as i said in my thread, lol, thanks
why should not it perhaps better than this, if so I'll ask a mod. to erase this thread
15MA1L said:
why should not it perhaps better than this, if so I'll ask a mod. to erase this thread
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no mine was almost exactly the same, lol
Hopefully this will stop the spam
Ok guys! Now we have the Faq thread for our Android Mini and thats really cool but i think people still ask their questions on the other threads.... xD
What's wrong with these people ???
spithash said:
Ok guys! Now we have the Faq thread for our Android Mini and thats really cool but i think people still ask their questions on the other threads.... xD
What's wrong with these people ???
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Thats why i asked mod for a q&a sub-forum but i haven't got a reply yet, do you think i should pm admin to ask?
I have not seen the last few days, someone asks something that is written in the FAQ, and if I see someone, then I will tell him maybe in the replication or through PM and ask him nicely in a friendly way, to read the FAQ. That's my plan!
bruce2728 if you want to do something new that would be for all of us benefit-Thumb Up!!
Nike - Just do it!
ok then i will tell people to see the faq thread first before asking something...we may win!
spithash said:
Ok guys! Now we have the Faq thread for our Android Mini and thats really cool but i think people still ask their questions on the other threads.... xD
What's wrong with these people ???
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those big ads and banners are very annoying
superzuan said:
those big ads and banners are very annoying
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I fixed it
spithash said:
I fixed it
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that's allot better , thank you spithash .
If you have something to say about make a better FAQ, please! so that novices can follow the fast track in a sea of posts ... and if you do not then at least keep the forum clean please
Devssss....... will there be a new release before the 27 of juni? i read that somewhere.
superzuan said:
Devssss....... will there be a new release before the 27 of juni? i read that somewhere.
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hallo superzuan ! to clarify, I am not a dev, I am just one member of the xda, the same as you eagerly awaiting the new release If you follow the forum then you saw that dev are working "full steam"
I'm going tomorrow at 10 days of vacation to Africa and do not know if I will be there online
however, dev and members, good luck!
Thats why i am asking im going on a vacation to. Have a nice trip
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App
hi, don't know whether this should be here, or in another thread, but
I was wondering whether we could overclock in android from 'haret', because for me the setcpu app force closes many times and the overclocking widget does too. Maybe use haret startup command?
Thanks in advance!
benjanico said:
hi, don't know whether this should be here, or in another thread, but
I was wondering whether we could overclock in android from 'haret', because for me the setcpu app force closes many times and the overclocking widget does too. Maybe use haret startup command?
Thanks in advance!
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Overclocking comes with some pretty serious risks. There is always the possibility you could brick the phone, this is not a game for beginners.
double post - sorry
15MA1L said:
Overclocking comes with some pretty serious risks. There is always the possibility you could brick the phone, this is not a game for beginners.
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Yes, you right.
But i 5 months used my Diamond2 overclocked to 710mhz and all works fine.
It was be nice to overclock and this HD Mini too
Hi there
I'm one of the HTC Elevate members who got the beta ICS update and I have a question... I'm probably being a right thicko, but where has the option to edit the custom dictionary gone?
Many thanks,
Not an elevate member but running ICS...
Setting > Language & keyboard > Touch Input > Personal Dictionary
If only it were that simple? (And if it was, would I risk posting that on here... I've seen what happens to noobs on here )
I don't have that option any more - I'll try and attach a screen shot...
stewarta13wsb said:
If only it were that simple? (And if it was, would I risk posting that on here... I've seen what happens to noobs on here )
I don't have that option any more - I'll try and attach a screen shot...
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Hello bud.
In your screenshot, where is says touch input, press the button at the far right that looks like a little equalizer setting. It will take you to where you want and personal dictionary is at the bottom =)
Maybe a factory reset fixes the problem?
I saw this thread where someone couldn't acces the device administrator settings, the option just wasn't there. After a factory reset it was back.
It was the equalizer thing! I thought that was just some fancy screen candy! I must go through all the new menus now and see what else is new.... now, delete this post quick before any of the 'angry birds' see it
stewarta13wsb said:
If only it were that simple? (And if it was, would I risk posting that on here... I've seen what happens to noobs on here )
I don't have that option any more - I'll try and attach a screen shot...
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It is that simple, hahaha (couldn't resist) lol
Yes, I asked for that!
Would any of you 'wise old men' also happen to know/guess what happens when the real ICS comes along for the UK. Will it look at my software version and be confused or decide I don't get/need the update?
I'm currently on software number 3.32.401.103 Android 4.0.3 and Sense 3.6
(and I have asked on the Elevate site but answers are quite hard to come by)
I'm guessing you'll either get it from Elevate or just get the OTA Update. You'll just have to wait and see what HTC decides to do.
I posted the Sensation ICS User Guide:
It might help
Hi there! I'm having some doubts about the phone, switching between apps forces app refresh, even if I switch only for a couple of seconds. If I was filling up a form and had to check something in another app (let's say a bank app), everything I completed resets itself. If I was using a browser, leave it for a couple of seconds, come back, it refreshes the website (spending data and time). Any way to make it better? A really fast phone but this is bothering me.
Here is a video I recorded to show what I mean.
Tried limiting 4 background process as someone suggested me but it didn't change behavior.
McMacri said:
Hi there! I'm having some doubts about the phone, switching between apps forces app refresh, even if I switch only for a couple of seconds. If I was filling up a form and had to check something in another app (let's say a bank app), everything I completed resets itself. If I was using a browser, leave it for a couple of seconds, come back, it refreshes the website (spending data and time). Any way to make it better? A really fast phone but this is bothering me.
Here is a video I recorded to show what I mean.
Tried limiting 4 background process as someone suggested me but it didn't change behavior.
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Unfortunately, no one can help you if you don't provide your device model.
Hi, yes I thought about it but I also created a thread at the phone forum and no one replied, it's a Leeco Le Max 2, don't think many people have it, perhaps someone could put me in the right direction as to what I'm looking for.
McMacri said:
Hi, yes I thought about it but I also created a thread at the phone forum and no one replied, it's a Leeco Le Max 2, don't think many people have it, perhaps someone could put me in the right direction as to what I'm looking for.
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Try posting your question here:
Good luck!
Will do, thank you!
Would it be possible to get this phone added as a device, or maybe a General Questions thread for blu devices? Not sure if this is improper protocol here but if I looked around a bit and that just seems like the next logical step.. I think. Lol. There is a similar thread for getting root w/magisk but I believe that's it. If adding a new device is a bunch of extra work just point me in that direction and I'll put everything together if need be. Thanks. Again, sorry if this is out of line. Long time lurker, first time poster.
iamtheflame said:
Would it be possible to get this phone added as a device, or maybe a General Questions thread for blu devices? Not sure if this is improper protocol here but if I looked around a bit and that just seems like the next logical step.. I think. Lol. There is a similar thread for getting root w/magisk but I believe that's it. If adding a new device is a bunch of extra work just point me in that direction and I'll put everything together if need be. Thanks. Again, sorry if this is out of line. Long time lurker, first time poster.
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I have never posted here either, but have also frequented here over the last several years. I have this device, as well as a few other Blu products, just started learning them recently. Its a mediatek course, have poke around with various features , still trying to unlock the bootloader. Did successfully unlock the bootloader on my Blu v50 (g50 plus clone), but the process is not the same. I created an account for this, will be watching here and on a few other devices, hopefully we can get some info to continue tinkering
iamtheflame said:
Would it be possible to get this phone added as a device, or maybe a General Questions thread for blu devices? Not sure if this is improper protocol here but if I looked around a bit and that just seems like the next logical step.. I think. Lol. There is a similar thread for getting root w/magisk but I believe that's it. If adding a new device is a bunch of extra work just point me in that direction and I'll put everything together if need be. Thanks. Again, sorry if this is out of line. Long time lurker, first time poster.
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Well, I see there's not been any action here yet. Xda is hit or miss for less popular devices. I plan on messing with the b140dl tonight, hopefully unlock the bootloader and patch/flash magisk, I'll post the results either way.
I'd like to find a twrp or the firmware.. if a boot.bin or boot.img exists yet as I've been unsuccessful so far. Any kinda help much appreciated
Has anyone made any progress on this device in the last month or two? I know we all got lives to live but I could use some help....
I did figure out how to simply frp bypass this phone
immalegend said:
I did figure out how to simply frp bypass this phone
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Care to elaborate?
PsYk0n4uT said:
Care to elaborate?
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i got into the phone by opening emergency calls. Then adding and editing emergency contact info. You will see the option to whe re you can call or send a text. choose text, then the three dots in top right corner allowing you to select details. In details click on notifications, then click the middle of the top of the screen which will open the messages app info. Now click open. open settings and choose permissions. Now you should see the search icon in the top right corner. Click it and type apps. In the apps go to play services and disable it, go back to where you typed apps and type accessibility. Go to accessibility and select the first option, think it is the accessibility menu. open it and turn it on...Now go all the way back to the start screen. Open the accessibility and and select the assistant. You will be asked to enable play services. after doing this you should be able to set up the device...if not restart the device and you should be able to then...If I haven't forgotten anything...I am going on memory alone with no device to refresh my steps...goodluck
A video of frp bypassing may help some people out as well. Have we got close to a guide on how to root and install custom recovery?
wOULD VERY MUCH LIKE a BLUE community plox
Gudolbob said:
A video of frp bypassing may help some people out as well. Have we got close to a guide on how to root and install custom recovery?
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Lo' there have you or anyone else made any headway on the B140DL? I have 2 of these little Blu Bastards and totally went Frankenstein on one of them. (Yes it still works) I have found the reboot "Test Points" but haven't been successful in forcing Brom mode. If you can get it into Brom mode you can get MTK Client to recognize it and run the script to unlock the bootloader. But I'm not sure about getting it out of Brom after that. I'm not afraid to find out, I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Hello everyone,
Dropping by here to clean this thread and remind everyone to read and follow the XDA Forum Rules. Posts violating the rules have been removed. Rules that have been violated are:
2.1 Language: XDA is a worldwide community. As a result, what may be OK to say in your part of the world, may not be OK elsewhere. Please don't direct profanity, sexually explicit language or other offensive content toward Members or their work. Conversely, while reading posts from other members, remember that the word you find offensive may not be offensive to the writer. Tolerance is a two-way street.
2.4 Personal attacks, racial, political and / or religious discussions: XDA is a discussion forum about certain mobile phones. Mobile phones are not racial, political, religious or personally offensive and therefore, none of these types of discussions are permitted on XDA.
This is the second cleanup in the recent short period. Please keep in mind that further violations will lead to infractions that will result in loss of access to the site for a particular period of time and may lead to a permanent ban. Read and follow the XDA Forum Rules.
footlongman1 said:
Lo' there have you or anyone else made any headway on the B140DL? I have 2 of these little Blu Bastards and totally went Frankenstein on one of them. (Yes it still works) I have found the reboot "Test Points" but haven't been successful in forcing Brom mode. If you can get it into Brom mode you can get MTK Client to recognize it and run the script to unlock the bootloader. But I'm not sure about getting it out of Brom after that. I'm not afraid to find out, I'll keep you posted on my progress.
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I used this tool to unlock my galaxy a12 it has all the tools for forcing brom and all kind of stuff https://androidfilehost.com/user/?w=settings-dev-files&flid=335303 obviously it would be different because it's a different phone but that tool might help you out
PrivyetCyka, can I get the file? I clicked your link but it said access denied.
fastvan67 said:
PrivyetCyka, can I get the file? I clicked your link but it said access denied.
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yeah i want the file too please
footlongman1 said:
Lo' there have you or anyone else made any headway on the B140DL? I have 2 of these little Blu Bastards and totally went Frankenstein on one of them. (Yes it still works) I have found the reboot "Test Points" but haven't been successful in forcing Brom mode. If you can get it into Brom mode you can get MTK Client to recognize it and run the script to unlock the bootloader. But I'm not sure about getting it out of Brom after that. I'm not afraid to find out, I'll keep you posted on my progress.
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Any update on this phone by any chance? Which test points are the correct ones?? I've been trying to figure It out for hours. And how did you find that info out if you don't mind me asking, just curious.
Turned mine on for the first time in a couple months, saw there's a security update. Won't be installing that, it seems unlikely but I'll hold out hope that a way to root or unlock bootloader is discovered for this phone someday. I'm on the July 5, 2022 update.
Ive tried this FRP bypass and I dont have the option of choosing permissions when I go to edit the text file. I have been able to get into drive but still havent found the app permissions options maybe it has been patched? The phone was last updated security wise oct 10 2022
twackstar1005 said:
Any update on this phone by any chance? Which test points are the correct ones?? I've been trying to figure It out for hours. And how did you find that info out if you don't mind me asking, just curious.
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The only thing I have gotten it to do from test point is reboot. The only thing that I can tell you is tear it down and start shorting them out one by one. But be careful, don't stay on point for too long. You may end cooking something.