Question 5G re-enabling on reboot / at random. Changing from LTE/3G/2G to GLOBAL network mode. Cannot control. - Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3

Hi all,
I noticed this recently, biggest potential thing I can think of was the February software update.
Long story short 1) I have no use for 5G service for battery / data reasons as I pay by the gig. 2) I'm on GoogleFi so there's potential carrier aggregation woowoo going on.
I do the standard Mobile Data>Network Mode> Select LTE/3G/2G and the phone sticks with that for a time. However it will, seemingly at random, revert to the GLOBAL network mode which has 5G. It will 100% trigger this change if I reset the phone.
Would just like to confirm this behavior with any other user and figure out how to make it stop as it is pretty infuriating that I have to keep manually making this change, in addition to the fact that it's really, really not great from a security standpoint that the phone can be induced somehow to alter specific user settings.
Thanks for the help.
Quick edit: I have already gone into safe mode and changed network and reset, didn't hold. Also went into the dialer menu *#*#4636#*#* and changed the network mode, and it still reverts.

Same here.

valyvis10 said:
Same here.
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Can I ask what carrier you're on?

Orange, esim.

I was having the same issue, this seems to work


Possible method of disabling 4G

On my Evo, I have tried a number of different things to conserve battery. One of the issues that someone suggested related to a possible bug in the way that the phone interacted with the Sprint network- it apparently continued to search for CDMA even if connected to Sprint CDMA (please forgive my lack of specificity about this- I have absolutely no understanding of how CDMA networks operate).
Anyway, on the Evo boards, an app was recommended that allowed the user to specify the type of networks that a phone would use- called (appropriately enough) "Network". It's hard to find in the market; I think you have to search by the dev name- which is "mangelow". I used the app to set "CDMA only" instead of "CDMA PRL", which supposedly addressed the problem; by my own rough estimation, battery life improved (although slightly).
The app downloaded to my TB when I first logged into the market, so I thought I'd give it a try. It shows different options since it's on Verizon (which makes sense), the default being "CDMA+LTE/EVDO Auto"; there's also a "CDMA only" mode. I selected "CDMA only" in a known LTE location (my office) about 2 hours ago; yesterday at the office the phone was in LTE mode all day, as it was this morning before I switched modes, but since switching, it's stayed in 3G mode constantly.
I'll leave it to the smarter types to confirm my hypothesis, but I thought I'd toss it out there because it seems to work so far. There's not a widget or anything for this- you have to use the app to make the adjustments each time you want to change, but it's at least more than we have currently.
I suppose a disclaimer is appropriate, since I'm recommending someone else's app- I have nothing to do with the development of the app, and it wasn't my idea. If this works, any credit should go to the developer, not me.
doublehoya said:
On my Evo, I have tried a number of different things to conserve battery. One of the issues that someone suggested related to a possible bug in the way that the phone interacted with the Sprint network- it apparently continued to search for CDMA even if connected to Sprint CDMA (please forgive my lack of specificity about this- I have absolutely no understanding of how CDMA networks operate).
Anyway, on the Evo boards, an app was recommended that allowed the user to specify the type of networks that a phone would use- called (appropriately enough) "Network". It's hard to find in the market; I think you have to search by the dev name- which is "mangelow". I used the app to set "CDMA only" instead of "CDMA PRL", which supposedly addressed the problem; by my own rough estimation, battery life improved (although slightly).
The app downloaded to my TB when I first logged into the market, so I thought I'd give it a try. It shows different options since it's on Verizon (which makes sense), the default being "CDMA+LTE/EVDO Auto"; there's also a "CDMA only" mode. I selected "CDMA only" in a known LTE location (my office) about 2 hours ago; yesterday at the office the phone was in LTE mode all day, as it was this morning before I switched modes, but since switching, it's stayed in 3G mode constantly.
I'll leave it to the smarter types to confirm my hypothesis, but I thought I'd toss it out there because it seems to work so far. There's not a widget or anything for this- you have to use the app to make the adjustments each time you want to change, but it's at least more than we have currently.
I suppose a disclaimer is appropriate, since I'm recommending someone else's app- I have nothing to do with the development of the app, and it wasn't my idea. If this works, any credit should go to the developer, not me.
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not that we don't appreciate this, but there have already been a few threads about this, and there are actually a few apps that do this, also there is a number you can type in the dialer that allows you to do the same thing.
Apologies- didn't realize that. I had tried to search, but must have missed it. Please disregard.
nosympathy said:
not that we don't appreciate this, but there have already been a few threads about this, and there are actually a few apps that do this, also there is a number you can type in the dialer that allows you to do the same thing.
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I know this has been talked about already, but are there any widgets that can do this quick swap for you? My wife's TB arrives today and I want to disable 4G for her (but have it EASY for her to turn it back on if wanted/needed with a simple press of ONE button via a widget). I disable my 3G on my AT&T Captivate, but do it through the settings menu with several different button presses to get it done. This saves a HUGE amount of my battery on my Cappy and I imagine that it will on the TB too.
nosympathy said:
not that we don't appreciate this, but there have already been a few threads about this, and there are actually a few apps that do this, also there is a number you can type in the dialer that allows you to do the same thing.
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Yes you can also dial *#*#4636#*#*
ElCamino said:
Yes you can also dial *#*#4636#*#*
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I'm talking easier and quicker....the TB will be my wifes phone and I need to "wife proof"the process! ;-)
Is there a one click widget for this??
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
Here you go. There is an app for that...
Is anyone else having trouble getting the phone to switch back to 4G? Sometimes it switches right away for me and others it won't. I make sure the CDMA + LTE option is checked but nothing happens and if I reboot my sometimes it will be back on 4G and others it will have switched back to CDMA auto and then I have to try toggling the switch and rebooting again.

[List] Bugs and Glitches -- I Will Update

So there has been a lot of bugs & glitches coming out as we get to use the phone more and more and they just seemed to be all over the forum and the forum is looking very unorganized.
Request: Can any of our G2x forum Mod's made this a sticky?
Here is the list of bugs and glitches that i have compiled from the whole forum:
**Added 04/23/2011**
Media Scanner bug
After leaving a 4G area phone will say that is connected to 4G but in reality there is no data and will not change to 3G/2G
When pressing home button or just navigating the home screens, screen flashes/flickers (Happened to me too)
Kinetic scrolling could be improved and the screen shakes when holding a position with your finger: and
No System UI sounds nor a System Volume setting
Bleeding LCD mostly 2 upper corners
Overheating when playing games, tethering, HDMI mirroing.
WiFi not connecting with some routers. Seems to happen with Dual band routers
WiFi Profiles keeps getting disabled
Phone connected to UMTS but displaying 4G notification icon
4G turning on when WiFi is supposely "On"
4G disconnects too much and randomly switching between Edge/3G/4G in same area with 4G
4G is not as fast as other phones with same hardware
Battery draining fast possibly due to this connection glitches
Freezes and Reboots
Connecting Headphones, or any Input will make Mic mute. When connected to car input, caller can the other person but person called can't hear caller.
Music turns off when opening camera
Phone screen brightness gets really dark when opening camera and auto-brightness is enabled
GPS works but sometimes slow to lock (Work around: Thanks Mitta from LG 2X forums for getting a working fix and to the many other work around offered)
Cannot adjust brightness or Screen timeout settings anywhere only with market apps
Email signature keeps changing to default even after modifying it or removing it.
Bluetooth stops working after using WiFi or Wireless tethering
Audio would randomly stop working after having it plugged in to a TV via HDMI cable.
Lock screen sound won't work
SD card not been able to be mount
I know there is a Poll with an "Issue Summary" but it is lacking a list of bugs and glitches in the Original Post.
Anyways, So this thread is really to compile a list of the known bugs and glitches to make it easier for the Devs to determine what they should be looking at to fix and for everyone to look for known issues and make the G2x Forums neater.
I strongly believe that this forums are visited by manufacturers and by phone companies, almost 99% sure about this. So let's make the issues known to get them working on hardware optimizations and software.
Here is the link to the Issue Summary Poll:
I read all 10 pages and could say that the most common issues posted in that thread are reboots and freezes.
I will be updating this post as bugs and glitches comes out.
Please post your glitches if they are not mention in this thread. so that I can add those
Thanks for posting. Good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tenbeau said:
Thanks for posting. Good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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For a better G2x!
I have had the phone since release day on the 20th and have had none of these problems *knocks on wood* although I did come across something really weird. I had the phone in my pocket and I don't know if I accidentally turned it on or whatever but I took it out of my pocket at one point and it was kind of hot on the back. When I hit the power button I got nothing so I had to battery pull and then power it on and that worked. When it booted the battery was under 5% (battery was over 50% when I initially put it in my pocket which was only about an hour or so when I noticed it was off and felt hot). So I plugged it in charged it back to 100% and have been fine since that. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
Nice work on getting this thread started. Is there any way you can also put links to the threads that these issues are talked about? I would be great to be able to read the thread easily if you have that issue with your phone. May help the devs find things easier too!
I am having an issue with my screen. if I am on a web page that is not designed for mobile phones and I push my finger on the screen and don't move it all, the screen will shake endlessly until I remove my finger. It will also do it if I hold when flipping between home screens. Does anyone else have this issue?
Please forgive my ignorance if these aren’t really bugs or are simply repeats of the above, but I discovered two new items with both my wife and my G2x’s that I’d like some feedback on.
I had zero data in WI tonight where T-mobile shows as having data coverage. The phone display shows that I am connected to AT&T for voice with a GPRS signal. Additionally, neither navigation or Google maps give me my location when both of these features had worked when I had data.
I’d be interested in learning if these items are actually bugs of if they are simply related to the available networks and G2x hardware. If bugs, does it sound like they could be fixed through a software update?
Thanks in advance.
I have 2 more bugs to add. Both of them being pretty damn major.
1. Once you leave a 4G tower it will not downgrade to 3G or Edge for data but voice will still work. The 4G icon is still there but you will have no data connection. In order to get your data working again you have to manually disable then re-enable it through network settings.
2. After removing the device from my pocket, it is in car mode. (Had to freeze the app so it stopped)
One other minor bug people are experiencing is upon awaking the device it will flash your home screen before your lock screen.
I can't see myself keeping this device after the sensation comes out. In my opinion, the G2x is possibly the buggiest device I have ever had and was not ready for launch. I will keep exchanging my G2x until I get one that works 100%.
By the way, I had to freeze "My Account" app and "Wifi Calling" because they were accessing data constantly.
Kinetic scrolling could be improved and the screen shakes when holding a position with your finger:
Some are reporting slower data speeds than normal:
No System UI sounds nor a System Volume setting.
OP Updated!
Xeyro said:
Please forgive my ignorance if these aren’t really bugs or are simply repeats of the above, but I discovered two new items with both my wife and my G2x’s that I’d like some feedback on.
I had zero data in WI tonight where T-mobile shows as having data coverage. The phone display shows that I am connected to AT&T for voice with a GPRS signal. Additionally, neither navigation or Google maps give me my location when both of these features had worked when I had data.
I’d be interested in learning if these items are actually bugs of if they are simply related to the available networks and G2x hardware. If bugs, does it sound like they could be fixed through a software update?
Thanks in advance.
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Thanks for posting Xeyro, few questions for you,
Did you had a T-Mobile phone before and did you used in this area?
Was it 4G? If yes, where you able to connect fine to the network?
If your answers are yes then your G2x should be connecting just fine as well if not then there is a glitch/bug with the phone. Try rebooting to see if that helps.
Xeyro said:
I had zero data in WI tonight where T-mobile shows as having data coverage.
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Figured it out; user error. Apparently there's a check-box in the wireless and network settings to allow data roaming. Apparently this box is unchecked by default, and checking the box has restored data connection to the phone.
Thanks for the response Moshe.
Looks like we were posting at about the same time, but I figured out my error. The phones are set by default to not allow data roaming, and you have to manually make the change in the settings. Everything seems to be working as expected at this point.
Xeyro said:
Figured it out; user error. Apparently there's a check-box in the wireless and network settings to allow data roaming. Apparently this box is unchecked by default, and checking the box has restored data connection to the phone.
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If I understood your problem correctly, that is no fix at all. Data roaming is turned off by default because data roaming charges are massive. The reason it started 'working' is because you allowed the phone to roam data over the AT&T network instead of connecting to tmobile towers. Watch out because your next bill is going to be a whopper.
dasbin said:
If I understood your problem correctly, that is no fix at all. Data roaming is turned off by default because data roaming charges are massive. The reason it started 'working' is because you allowed the phone to roam data over the AT&T network instead of connecting to tmobile towers. Watch out because your next bill is going to be a whopper.
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Thanks for the heads up dasbin. I decided to give T-Mobile a call to make sure I wasn't being charged an arm and a leg and this is what I learned.
The T-mobile coverage in this area is actually provided through 3rd party networks, so while the maps show data coverage, it may not be T-mobile directly providing the data. Therefore, the option to roam data needs to be turned on. T-mobile only charges for international data roaming, so there are no extra fees as this is how the network is designed to work.
I think then the "bug" isn't as much of a bug as an understanding that the phone is not configured by default to allow non T-mobile data networks. I wonder how often this has caused some of the dropping of data that others have experienced?
I only have the bleeding issue and reboot issues. If I exchange, it could be a lot worse.. decisions decisions..
You should include the Media Scanner bug.
If I put any substantial amount of media (more than 3mp3s) on my sd card, media scanner glitches and never finishes scanning, making camera, music, video, gallery, etc unusable.
I've seen at least one other poster with this issue.
ericc191 said:
I only have the bleeding issue and reboot issues. If I exchange, it could be a lot worse.. decisions decisions..
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Yea, same here, and when I have some free time I want to look at the kernal source, I'm thinking the frezzing/rebooting is caused by it, its acting the same as my mt4g did using custom kernals until those were fixed, so I think once we can get some custom kernals out we'll be good to go on that issue.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
OP Updated with the Media Scanner bug and some other ones
dasbin said:
If I understood your problem correctly, that is no fix at all. Data roaming is turned off by default because data roaming charges are massive. The reason it started 'working' is because you allowed the phone to roam data over the AT&T network instead of connecting to tmobile towers. Watch out because your next bill is going to be a whopper.
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T-Mobile only charges for international roaming.

[Q] Turning off cellular modem without turning off WiFi

Hi all!
I just recently upgraded from a Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0" to a Moto G. I sold my SGP and accessories for almost what I paid for my Moto G, which I considered a pretty good deal. I currently have no need for a cell phone, however, and merely use the Moto G as I did the SGP. That means connecting with WiFi only and using it mostly as a media and navigational device (with pre-downloaded maps and GPS enabled).
In an attempt to conserve as much of the (already amazing) battery life as possible, I've set location to Battery Saver and disabled "Data enabled" and "Data roaming" under Settings>Wireless & networks>Mobile network settings. I've also set "Battery Saver" under Settings>Battery to "On". Despite this "Cell standby" under Settings>Battery still consumes an average 20% of a full charge of my battery. Part of this could be that as I am in a remote location, with only very weak cell signals available, the device is constantly searching for signal despite the fact that I do not even have a SIM card installed.
Is there any possible manner in which I could switch off the cellular modem in the phone without switching off WiFi? I can set the device to "Airplane Mode" but that also turns off WiFi, which I prefer to leave on during the day and only switch off at night. I am very new to Android 4.x, so do not yet know all the ins and outs of the Settings menu, and as such may be missing something. Or there might just not be the option. Either way, is what I am wanting to do possible?
You can turn WiFi back on (long press it in the quick settings tile) after enabling Airplane Mode. There may be an app or widget to do this more seamlessly, though.
Turn OFF cellular radio.
I can't wait for my Moto-G to arrive, so I am winging it here..
You can try this: *#*#4636#*#*, and you will enter the TEST mode.
Select Phone information, and scroll down to where you see the SMSC dialog box, directly above this, you will see another greyed out box with the wording: Turn off radio. Select that, and the radio will be disabled, but will restart on a reboot, but there is a way to shut off the radio completely as well, but this should help for now.
You can also use this: ##7764726(program) and then tap DIAL to access the SPC password menu, where you enter SIX ZEROES, and tap 'verify' to enter the programming menu.
The two you will be more interested in, are the first and third selections, User activation and Extended NAM
You can wipe all the data if you wish (but write that information on paper so you will know its location if you decide to actually use that device in the future!
Scroll down to Extended NAM and write that information down, first to last, in proper order as before.
If you wish to completely disable ALL outbound dialing, you should delete the emergency number listings as well.
To upgrade your overload class, change that number to a '1', so some schmuck can't boot your call in favor of theirs.
Your MIN and MDN should be erased, as this prevents the phone from placing any calls, even 911 calls if you erased those numbers.
You can erase everything, from the SID to the MCC (Mobile Country Code), to anything the phone uses to access the network.
Just write everything down in proper order so you have a point of reference when you forget what you did.
Once you finish your task, reboot the device. You may need to once again, shut off the radio using the *#*4636#*# operation, but each device is unique here, you may not need to do this.
You can then try the above mentioned shut down procedure again, and disable the radio completely.
WiFi should still be operational
Thank you both very much for your replies! tma200's method works quite well for me, being easy to get to (definitely seamless compared to doing anything in Gingerbread!) and simple to remember. Thank you for your reply, AECRADIO, I'll keep it in mind if I ever need to do some more advanced radio management on my device!

WiFi-Calling Menu (Unlocked)

finally got my gold device yesterday. Upon installation, some messages about wifi-calling popped up, asking about how do I want to use this service. If I remember correctly, I had 3 options: (a) Wifi-calling as a default, (b) prioritize mobile service (T-mobile, in my case), and if i have no service then try wifi-calling, or (c) don't use wifi-calling at all. I chose the second option.
But, now I cant seem to find the settings menu for adjusting the settings. Was chatting with HTC online but they didnt seem to know and only suggested that i'll reset the device because these options appear only in the beginning (if this is true, this is really stupid way of handling stuff). Moreover, tried to do airplane mode (with wifi on) to see if wifi-calling would work and it didnt.
Anyone has a lead on how to get to the menu? I have the unlocked version and on T-mobile network.
Instead of a full factory reset, have you tried just doing the network settings reset?
Kardon403 said:
Instead of a full factory reset, have you tried just doing the network settings reset?
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I just did, and I've found it! I dont know if I've found it because of the network settings reset,but for everyone else who's interested - you can find this menu under mobile network settings.
Specifically if anyone else was wondering. It's under "Settings--> Mobile Data". I spent a good 20 minutes going through every menu in settings trying to find it. Why they put it here, is beyond me.
I have the Sprint version and it's not there.
BOO5TED said:
I have the Sprint version and it's not there.
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Sprint has always done Wi-Fi calling so it's possibly only a matter if time here honestly for it to be added.

Jio Network Issue Finally Solved

Almost all JIO users have one issue in common and that is network fluctuation issue. Although JIO has made it possible for everyone to use high-speed 4G data at a very lower cost, however, signal drops too frequently due to which it is sometimes very hard to use the full potential of JIO.
So, today I am going to explain why JIO networks are not stable and how to solve this issue.
The reason why JIO network is not stable:
In order to provide seamless service, JIO has 3 LTE bands which are Band 3, 5 and 40
Band 3 provides the best coverage while Band 40 provides the best speed (But the most unstable band too).
By default, all these 3 bands are active all the time and they keep clashing with each other to become the primary band.
Most of the users have noticed quick battery draining issue after switching to JIO. It's because of this "Clash Of Bands".
How to solve the network fluctuation issue:
I have tried almost all possible methods shown on Google or Youtube. But none of them worked, as you already know. So, I have done some deep research as to why exactly JIO network is not stable. And as soon as I realised the actual reason, I knew what to do. And finally, I found something that solved my problem. So, if you want to solve your JIO network issue too, follow below-mentioned steps carefully. It will also improve your device's battery life.
Steps to follow:
1. Go to Google Play Store and install an app called "Network Signal Guru"
2. Open the app and give it root access.
3. Next, click on the 3 dots menu at the top right corner.
4. Click on "Lock RAT" and select "LTE" from the options.
5. Now again click on 3 dots menu and this time select "Lock Bands" and then "LTE"
6. Now deselect all bands and select only B3 and B5 and click on "OK"
7. Leave the app in the background and don't remove it from recents.
Now, as soon as you follow my steps, you would see a sudden change in the network. It will ofcourse not change the network from 1 bar to the fullest, but you will definitely see the improvement. The reason why I left B40 (even though it has the best internet speed) is because of its instability. There's no point of keeping Band 40 without getting stable network coverage. Band 3 and 5 are more than capable of giving you high-speed internet.
I shared this method with a few of my close friends and it never failed. So I thought of sharing it with all XDA members so that they can also take benefit of it. If you like and appreciate my help, please encourage me by hitting "Thanks" and I will bring more posts like this.
N.B. I am no way related to Network Signal Guru app. And I am not sharing the app link as it is not my property. Please search and install the app on your own.
Yes it worked. Thank you so much.
worked for vodafone as well.
lock rat option is locked what to do??
farokhan478 said:
lock rat option is locked what to do??
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Can you please post a screenshot??
It's not working for me after I selected the B3 and B5 bands the bar came from 3 to almost 0. Not working as you said. It is working opposite of what it should be happening.
good job. testing it and will elt you know the result soon.
mity_dev said:
It's not working for me after I selected the B3 and B5 bands the bar came from 3 to almost 0. Not working as you said. It is working opposite of what it should be happening.
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then try selecting band 40 and lock RAT to LTE
I wish if is there anything without root access
Ótima dica! Good information! Thank you. Regards.
Network is now much more stable then before but I am not getting speed more than 2.5mbps
naman1208 said:
Network is now much more stable then before but I am not getting speed more than 2.5mbps
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This is because of unchecking B40.
Rowdyy Ronnie said:
Almost all JIO users have one issue in common and that is network fluctuation issue. Although JIO has made it possible for everyone to use high-speed 4G data at a very lower cost, however, signal drops too frequently due to which it is sometimes very hard to use the full potential of JIO.
So, today I am going to explain why JIO networks are not stable and how to solve this issue.
The reason why JIO network is not stable:
In order to provide seamless service, JIO has 3 LTE bands which are Band 3, 5 and 40
Band 3 provides the best coverage while Band 40 provides the best speed (But the most unstable band too).
By default, all these 3 bands are active all the time and they keep clashing with each other to become the primary band.
Most of the users have noticed quick battery draining issue after switching to JIO. It's because of this "Clash Of Bands".
How to solve the network fluctuation issue:
I have tried almost all possible methods shown on Google or Youtube. But none of them worked, as you already know. So, I have done some deep research as to why exactly JIO network is not stable. And as soon as I realised the actual reason, I knew what to do. And finally, I found something that solved my problem. So, if you want to solve your JIO network issue too, follow below-mentioned steps carefully. It will also improve your device's battery life.
Steps to follow:
1. Go to Google Play Store and install an app called "Network Signal Guru"
2. Open the app and give it root access.
3. Next, click on the 3 dots menu at the top right corner.
4. Click on "Lock RAT" and select "LTE" from the options.
5. Now again click on 3 dots menu and this time select "Lock Bands" and then "LTE"
6. Now deselect all bands and select only B3 and B5 and click on "OK"
7. Leave the app in the background and don't remove it from recents.
Now, as soon as you follow my steps, you would see a sudden change in the network. It will ofcourse not change the network from 1 bar to the fullest, but you will definitely see the improvement. The reason why I left B40 (even though it has the best internet speed) is because of its instability. There's no point of keeping Band 40 without getting stable network coverage. Band 3 and 5 are more than capable of giving you high-speed internet.
I shared this method with a few of my close friends and it never failed. So I thought of sharing it with all XDA members so that they can also take benefit of it. If you like and appreciate my help, please encourage me by hitting "Thanks" and I will bring more posts like this.
N.B. I am no way related to Network Signal Guru app. And I am not sharing the app link as it is not my property. Please search and install the app on your own.
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You know, I did and noticed the same thing but didn't think much of it.
I found that traveling the freeways, calls and network connection would drop. Additionally, I had found that I would loose connection when the phone went into a power saving mode like dose ( after the phone sits unused for for a while).
At this point, I've got it figured that Xiaomi doesn't have the radio kernel optimized or exempted for the doze function, and the cellular to cellular handoff may be an issue with a proprietary kernel or algorithm that that Xiaomi hasn't purchased the rights to.
Good find. For me, Band 3 was the problem (Vodafone Australia) - Band 1 and 5 are working well without fluctuation. But it's annoying to have a background app running.
I've been trying to find how the stock ROM differs from e.g. RR at the filesystem level to try and find any kind of configuration to make this permanent, but haven't found anything.
If anyone has any leads, do share.
CosmicDan said:
Good find. For me, Band 3 was the problem (Vodafone Australia) - Band 1 and 5 are working well without fluctuation. But it's annoying to have a background app running.
I've been trying to find how the stock ROM differs from e.g. RR at the filesystem level to try and find any kind of configuration to make this permanent, but haven't found anything.
If anyone has any leads, do share.
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I really hope that you or some other developer will find out the solution for signal fluctuation on custom roms. This is the main reason I am still on stock rom.
Problem solve for me
Hi EveryOne, as we had the experience of network dropping issues such as switching bands automatically, now my phone is working perfectly well. I'm using redmi note 3 phone and had changed the pcb board of this phone and i find that the problem is gone forever.
Working amazingly for me. Thanks man, B40 was the issue for me. Also, does the app need to run in background all the time?
Thanks for the great info ? but are there separate settings for both the sims?

