How difficult is it to create a payment system like paypal? - General Questions and Answers

Building on the theme established by the other answers: it's hard because there are many speciality systems that make it happen.
But if you identify each of those discrete systems then you can begin to break it down into it's unique parts.
- Interface
- Security
- Authentication
- Verification
- Transaction
- Billing & Invoicing
- Interbank Exchange
- Compliance
- Fraud
- Fulfillment
- User / Account Management
- Marketing / Advertising
- Partnerships and PR
- User Research
Paypal developers and other similar programmers should build a product, encapsulating one of the above functions, with an architecture/framework/process that's open enough to work with as many potential partners as possible.

This looks suspiciously like the beginning of an advertisement/promotion for an app development company.
I'll just go ahead and let you know that any kind of advertisement in the forums isn't allowed and if you want to advertise on XDA you can find all the relevant information here:


[INFO REQ] Details on CIQ from DEV's

By now anyone who has an Android phone has heard about CarrierIQ, CIQ or IQAgent. Business Wire in London announced on June 8th:
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Carrier IQ, today announced availability of a new Application Analytics module that will enable mobile operators and device manufacturers to monitor application performance and usage across multiple mobile device platforms, including tablet devices. Carrier IQ’s technology provides mobile network operators and device manufacturers with invaluable insights into the performance of various devices and networks from the user’s perspective. Carrier IQ’s solution is deployed on over 150 million mobile devices including smartphones, feature phones, data cards, radio-equipped devices, downloadable agents and now tablet devices.
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For the few who may be scratching their heads wondering what CarrierIQ is...
Steve Topletz, a member of an international group of hackers, human rights workers, lawyers and artists that fights internet censorship and promotes the right to privacy has described it as follows:
Carrier IQ as a platform is designed to collect "metrics" at any
scale. What I found it to hook into is far beyond the scope of
anything a carrier needs - or should want - to be collecting.
Carrier IQ sits in the middle of, and "checks" the data of, SMS and
MMS messages. It listens for and receives every battery change
notifications. It hooks into every web page you view, and every XML
file your device reads. It receives every press of the touch screen.
It 'sees' what you type on the physical keyboard. It reads every
number you press in the dialer. It can track which applications you
use, what 'type' they are, how often, and for how long. It hooks into
data sent and received.
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Information on CarrierIQ can also be found in the ACS SFR Epic4G ROM discussion thread and a thread I started requesting information from Epic4G Dev's here.
References to CIQ have been found deeply embedded Epic4G
Provided by chris41g
to be effectively removed you only need to remove it from 4 files. it is referenced elsewhere scattered throughout... but the four main files are
then in the kernels initramfs, you have to disable the service in the init.rc
Provided by mkasick
Here's all the files that reference "CIQ", "carrieriq", or "libiq" with instances unrelated to Carrier IQ removed:
/ (initramfs):
- init: /dev/ttyCIQ0 UART, presumably to communicate with radio.
- init.rc: Start iqmsd service if
- lib/modules/dpram.ko: Implements ttyCIQ UARTs.
- app/DialerTabActivity.odex
- app/FactoryTest.odex
- bin/iqmsd
- framework/ext.odex
- framework/framework.odex
- framework/sec_feature.odex
- framework/services.odex
- lib/
- lib/
Of these, bin/iqmsd is a purpose-unknown daemon, and & the client & service native code. The client & service managed code is implemented in framework/ext.odex & framework/framework.odex respectively.
In addition, the following framework classes reference Carrier IQ in some fashion:
- org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector
- android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService
- android.webkit.{BrowserFrame,CallbackProxy,LoadLis tener,WebViewCore}
Finally, is used exclusively by framework/framework.odex (com.carrieriq.iqagent.client.NativeClient), and is used by:
- bin/iqmsd
- framework/ext.odex (com.carrieriq.iqagent.service.IQService)
- lib/
Makes you wonder what might be in the closed source.
The Android platform, like Linux, is based on openness. I am calling on all Android developers, programmers, hackers and users to band together as a community and come forward with any information you may have on CarrierIQ.
I am asking all those with the knowledge and resources to delve deeper into this issue to please do so and help spread the truth.
For anyone who wishes to contribute confidentially and anonymously please email:
Below are some of the most recent statements made by Sprint in response to questions concerning CarrierIQ:
“The software that is in the Android phones is supplied by Google themselves as well as the manufacturer. We (Sprint) has no control over the actual operating system supplied to us such as the Carrier IQ as it is indigenous to the Android platform.”
“Removing the Carrier IQ software from your Samsung Epic device can void your manufacturer warranty.”
“I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me today. I understand your concerns about the Carrier IQ software and how it can access personal information on the device. As discussed on our call, we are committed to protecting our customers personal information.”
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My questions were directed towards Sprint about CarrieriIQ and the Samsung Galaxy S Epic4G because that is my service and phone. I would love to hear from others on their experiences when questioning their carriers about CarrierIQ on Android phones.
I have contacted CarrierIQ, Inc., Google and Samsung Mobile US requesting comment on the above statements and other direct questions.
I have a quote from a telephone conversation with Samsung technical support that I am hoping to be able to release soon. After receiving the statement in response to a question about CarrierIQ I sought legal advice and was advised to give Samsung Mobile US's PR company, Edelman PR, the opportunity to comment on it prior to making it public.
I received a response yesterday to my questions about the capabilities of CIQ from a group that has disassembled IQAgent & CarrierIQ.
We have actually disassembled IQAgent/carrierIQ and captured its behavior to find exactly what it is sending back to sprint on the samsung optimus phone. The information we found it to collect was basic, such as cell towers, signal strengths, device battery. Nothing alarming on that phone, but Sprint could send a remote update to enable the surveillance features without the owner being aware.
Now while the above statement is about the Optimus, I was able to confirm through another source that IQAgent & CarrierIQ data collection and transmission capabilities are basically set the same across all Sprint Android offerings. (exception Nexus S)
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Lets recap
IQAgent & CarrierIQ run as a backgroud service on boot.
CarrierIQ logging is set to OFF
CarrierIQ is collecting data and transmitting it on the fly without logging it.
The data CarrierIQ is collecting is basic metrics.
The surveillance capabilities of CarrierIQ can be activated through remote update running in the background at any time by Sprint.
hmmmmmm very interesting.
I am actually quite surprised by the apathy of Android users and consumers in general when it comes to privacy and protecting their personal information.
In just a few months this software has gone from 90 Million installations to over 150 Million across multiple smartphones, feature phones, tablets, etc...
Your next phone will most likely have CarrierIQ or a similarly capable software installed on it unless we make our voices heard now.

Freeware Apps - Redefining a Lost Genre

Freeware isnt something you really find much in the Android community.
You hear the term thrown around quite a bit, but even alot of what is termed as freeware, actually isnt.
The Lion's Share of Android apps are not Freeware at all, and the Vast majority of the so-called 'freeware' apps that are available for us to download & use daily are not truly freeware at all
I would like to draft a set of guidelines for what would ideally become a certification standard for the ethical creation & development of free apps
Apps adhering to this standard could be classified under this genre of apps, and even bear a symbol within the app, overlaid on its logo, showing users it belongs and mentioned in the app's description, showing users how it was developed, and stating that it adheres to the guidelines and fulfills the requirements of the new standard.
I would also like to compile a list of any existing apps which already meet these criteria
and all Apps filling these requirements will fall under the realm of this Guild.
Please feel free to offer your own ideas & input as to what you feel would be best for the end user, and any rules or criteria you feel are relevant to forming a framework of guidelines & prerequisites needed for apps to be called under this name, and be brought under the umbrella of this guild.
Please feel free to offer suggestions for the certification & class name and/or Guild name as well
this is all preliminary work, and I'm looking for anyone interested in helping to build this community and standard & promote its use.
There could be 2 classes of apps, Freeware & Benefit-Ware
Or there could just be one set of rules for each, stating "IF.. such and such, THEN... such and such"
If you are an App User, please mention anything you find annoying, bothersome, or troublesome.
If you are an App Developer who knows about or is displeased with the ethics and developments of certain apps which gives other apps and developers bad names, please mention anything you can that might assist us in reigning in the cowboys of the App Wild West.
Also, if somethings are simply & 100% "Not Possible" because of the Android OS, these would be issues the Guild will work to make Individual Device Manufacturers as well as the Android team at Google aware of
So, it could start something like this:
- An app should not contain ads nor promotions which cannot be closed or disabled
- An app should not contain any full-screen ads nor any ads which limit or effect user interaction with the app
- An app should not give reminders which pop up and ask the user for money, ratings, or to download additional apps
- All requests for financial support, ratings, and downloading of additional apps should be contained in the 'About' Section of the Apps Settings
- All apps which produce sound of any sort must include its Volume Controls, including in-app Mute
- All apps with services which wish to run at start up must include their own settings option to enable or disable "Start when Android Starts"
- An app must not Auto-start unless the User has specifically selected it to, nor shall it be kept running if it has not been manually Launched by a User since the last Boot time.
- An app must allow users to manually select the installation directory upon installation
- An app must have its own internal Uninstall button in the "About" Menu Settings
- An app must install 'portably', that is, without adding data to the internal phone storage
- All apps which save data must have a User-Selectable Save Location which can be used to replace the App Default Save Location
- All Apps must Uninstall completely and leave no folder behind, asking users whether or not to uninstall specific items which might contain important user data
I hope other people can add to this list
I would like to stress that this isnt a knock on any existing programs, nor do I expect anyone to change what they are doing who isn't willing to.
If you hate the idea of this, please continue doing what you are doing.
This is for people who want to join or participate because these are the apps they would prefer to use, or make.
Others may include:
- An app must ask users whether or not the user wants to add a shortcut to the users default Home screen, regardless of the user's own phone settings. Perhaps an "Allow Shortcut" selection for Shortcuts which are going to be added
- An app must ONLY install shortcuts to the program currently being installed, and can in no way add shortcuts to the Home screen, the apps drawer, or the installation directory, to any other program nor any website at all.
- An app may include a single, small, unobtrusive "Donate/Beer" button on a menu bar with other menu buttons, but to be at the far right or farthest/last menu item available on the menu
- An app must not include permissions for anything other than the express intent & use of the app for its specified purpose.
- No app may, at any time, access a users personal information unless the app has direct interaction with such information as directly related to a service it is providing as a primary function of the app - And even then, the apps access to information must not be sent online nor over the internet unless specified as such due to it being a primary function of the app - and if & when personal information is sent online, the owner of the server must have a secure server which is not accessed by himself or his employees, but in which information is automatically transferred by software to and from the end users needed locations, and to no other place shall the information be passed - Nor shall it be kept on the server while not being sent or received to/from the users locations, without the users express consent, as an additional option.
- A "Primary Function" is defined as a Function which is the main or only reason a user installs or interacts with the site, and will be the main focus of the apps description
- Secondary Functions are not allowed to gain internet access, nor have any interaction with any online server or service, nor be granted any access to personal information nor any stored data outside the apps own install directory, etc.
- Apps must, in a written disclaimer provided in the "About" section of the apps own settings, give specific details as to the apps permissions and justify with specific reasons and technical details why each function requires each form of permission, and exactly how the app will use each permission, including server specifications & information-handling specifics, where applicable.
- Apps qualifying for inclusion in the Guild will clearly label themselves in one of 3 categories exclusively - Freeware, Benefitware, or Trialware.
- Apps labelled as Free, or containing the word "Free" must 1.) be 100% ad-free, 2.) not be a Trial, 3.) be fully functional, & 4.) not bother users for payments, ratings, etc.
- Apps labelled as "Benefitware" may include 1.) ads adhering to the guidelines for the inclusion of ads, 2.) requests for financial assistance in accordance with the guidelines for requests of Financial Assistance, 3.) Added Functionality which is above and beyond the scope of the original, feature-rich, fully-functional program, & 4.) Other items which are primarily of benefit to the developer, but which adhere to the guidelines of Enjoyable, Unfettered User Interaction
- Apps labeled clearly as "Trialware" may 1.) Limit the functionality of the apps Primary Functions, 2.) Must have a fully-functioning trial period of no less than 30 days, 3.) Must not be limited in any way during the Evaluation Period (e.g. no "20-character", "2-page", "3-time" limitations, or the such), & 4.) after the Trial Period, the app will be completely 100% uninstallable, and a re-install of the app on a specific device will begin a new 30-day evaluation (Users will not be treated like criminals nor presumed Guilty of Fraudulent use before proven otherwise).
- Other apps will not gain classification, certification, or inclusion in the Guild, and may refer to themselves in anyway they care to, but may broadly be referred to as "junkware" if they are found to not conform to the Principles, Guidelines & Statutes set forth and adhered to by the Guild & its Members & Affiliates
- An app must have an option to turn off Automatic updates, and may not self-check for updates otherwise.
- All Settings a User sets must be permanent and may not be reset nor shall those permission requests for updates, etc, be altered or changed nor be made to reappear, nor require the user to specify the same setting more than once.
- No app shall ever contact its servers for anything other than a user-launched request for the specific function required by the user at the time of the request.
- No app nor server nor company shall in any way interact with its apps or servers in anyway other than to execute the exact function called for by the user according to the UI meaning and implicit intent of the action
I have checked almost all the setting of it..But couldn't find the prior results..What are the other alternatives of it?
MarkanthonyDonald said:
I have checked almost all the setting of it..But couldn't find the prior results..What are the other alternatives of it?
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Hi, markanthonydonald. welcome to the forum, I see this is your first day registered, and your first post no less.
That's right, all the prior results are belong to the settings of it t almost at all from the prior r results, but dont stop trying your point o of that the alternatives are to us, and thats the most bases of it. ll
I like the idea of this, and from what youre saying and a few apps I use would fall into this category just fine IF certain things were moved into the 'about' option. How or why a dev would change their current, 100% working fine app, to modify this I dont know.
robneymcplum said:
I like the idea of this, and from what youre saying and a few apps I use would fall into this category just fine IF certain things were moved into the 'about' option. How or why a dev would change their current, 100% working fine app, to modify this I dont know.
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Great Idea!
- An App must have a complete Version History contained in the About Menu Settings, or a Menu Item Devoted to Version History, with Detailed explanations as to why the changes were added, and if they are only to fix a bug with device x, why is it recommended to install it if you arent using that device
- Each App Update should be available as a complete App Stand-Alone APK installer, or installable from the Play Store Directly. No App should require Updates, nor provide updates for which there is no Standalone APK or an updated Google Play Installation.
alot of devs set up their apps just good enough to get on Google play, without getting kicked off, and then after you install it, they update the app with functions & behaviors that would get it kicked from the Play Store.
great work catching that one, thanks
robneymcplum said:
I like the idea of this, and from what youre saying and a few apps I use would fall into this category just fine
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If you know of any solid apps that you believe fall into this category, or easily could, please post them here
We need a list of example apps that we feel embody the spirit of honesty, transparency, user-centric programming & packaging, and which are either made in the spirit of true freeware, or made in the spirit of goodwill, and have either Benefitware or Trialware which adheres to consumer-oriented needs & interests
The following behaviors DO NOT qualify for inclusion in the Guild:
- Any app which appears desperate to flash things in front of your face, particularly things which flash or change scenes or color rapidly, change in a single frame, or less than a 1 second cross-dissolve, and which are overly animated, bothersome, annoying, or which may lead to epileptic reactions, which cannot be permanently closed or disabled for the duration of the session.
- Any app which appears to desperately or urgently present users with matters of no immediate significance or importance to the user. This includes the pestering need for ratings, requests for financial assistance, downloading of the developers other apps or partner apps, offers to visit the Play store or any other external website, etc..
- Any Benefit-ware app with any full-screen advertisement at all, from Internal or external sources used to promote the sales, use, or downloading of its own other products & services or those of an external company
- Any Benefitware which does not allow you to close a bar-style advertisement with a clear, easily-accessed, and adequately-sized close button
- Any Benefitware which re-opens an ad which has been closed within the same 24-hour period, or since reboot.
- Any Trialware which limits functionality of its products to a state inconsistent with the primary function of the app
- Any Trialware which does not allow a minimum 30-day trial period
- Any Trialware which limits the functions within its trial period in any way
- Any Trialware which doesnt openly allow a re-installation of a Trial package on fresh uninstall/reinstall
A user is to be given as much time as is required for him/her to fully evaluate the product. Often times a user may begin a 30-day trial period, only to never have the time to use it, including having no time to even look through it the day it was installed
Furthermore, All apps containing promotions of their own products are to be classified as Benefitware, and not Freeware, even if there are no ads from external advertising companies.
Feel free to add to this list, or to add an app you believe warrants inclusion for its programming efforts, ethics, & merits
A similar Evaluation Period problem arises when users are given a 30-time evaluation. As one "Evaluation" day is simply a 24-hour period since the app was launched.
Launching the app by accident, or launching the app and immediately closing it, removes evaluation days from your trial, days in which no evaluating took place.
Even if we give each launch a time-specific interval where an app which is running for 10 or 15 minutes is considered "Evaluated" for one day, it doesnt take into account that launching the app then closing it where it sits opened in the background still takes away your evaluation days, or opening it, then answering the door or going to grab a sandwich also takes from your evaluation period
We could find other solutions to this problem, but one of the primary characteristics for an app or developer to be included in the Guild is to treat the user as if they were a guest in an actual store, and not a criminal pirate on a baby-killing spree, meaning:
- No app or developer should treat a user like a criminal, nor assume he is engaging or will engage in criminal activity, nor accuse him of such activities, nor behave in a manner which displays mistrust or accusations of users
- An app & developer must leave it to fate, heaven, and the common goodwill of mankind to have its requests & guidelines (such as for trials, etc) met, and can in no way behave in a manner which is inconsistent with good will
- All agreements made will be made in Good Faith with the community at large
you wont walk into a department store and be tackled by the security guards and forced to pay for something you didnt even try on, simply because you touched in on the rack, or be banned from the store for life until you do pay for it.. simply because the paranoid psychotic lunatic in charge of the store thinks everybody who walks into his store is a dirt-poor crack-head criminal out to steal his supremely precious goods
- An app is not to be created for the sole intention of Data Collection or Information Gathering, and apps which appear to do so will be blacklisted
- An app is not to be developed or created for the primary purpose of spreading advertising spam, shady promotions, other sites & services, etc, and any app found to be out of balance with respect to this criteria will be blacklisted
- Any app found to be in breech of any of the guidelines shall be blacklisted. Concerned Members could write a letter to the developer instructing them on the things they could change for inclusion in the Guild, if they so choose
- No app shall include advertisements or links of/to any shady or malicious programs or websites, including phishing sites, spoof sites, porn sites, or any site which executes malicious code or scripts, or which is deemed as an unhealthy website, program, or service by the world-wide community of web experts as a whole
- Any app or developer found in severe breech of the spirit of the Guild will be banned for life. Severe offenses include things such as falsifying information, deception, betrayal, lying, perpetuating viruses/malware or web-based attacks, hacks or intrusions, or stealing private information & personal data; the gathering of personal data for uses unspecific to the service or which willfully compromise the security & privacy of users; or if an app or developer is found to be using the information & data of users in a way which destroys the Integrity & Trustworthiness of the app & developer, and undermines, corrupts, corrodes, or destroys the Trust & Faith the community has put in the app & developer
chinarabbit said:
If you know of any solid apps that you believe fall into this category, or easily could, please post them here
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I use zeam launcher, that definetely qualifies.
robneymcplum said:
I use zeam launcher, that definetely qualifies.
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Cool, thanks
It seems its not under development anymore.
Perhaps a goal of the Organization can be to encourage, promote, or reward excellence in Programming as well..
It may help to motivate devs who've grown disassociated or whos apps may not be getting the attention they deserve.
I currently use Lightning Launcher, and I would definitely say it qualifies as well. It has the most features of any launcher I've tested, and one of the smallest foot prints as well.. its fast and minimalistic, and completely free, and never bothers you about anything.. it has more features than you'd expect from any high-priced app.. if it has additional paid options I dont even know, as the app is extremely feature rich and has all the functions you could ever want, and many more you havent even thought up yet
These kinds of apps make using Android Phones worthwhile
Other important requirements -
- Any App wherein the user enters personal, private, or sensitive information, which has the ability to sync Across Devices & Computers through Web-based Servers, shall:
- Provide a switch to turn off all syncing options & functions
- Provide an adequately useful method for SD Card Storage export which is not dependent on the software which was used to create it
- Be fully functional, practical & useful, as per the intent for use of the primary function of the app, in an offline state.
- No app shall automatically start Services such as GPS, Wi-Fi, etc, without offering a user Prompt for acceptance of such actions
- All apps which turn on services like GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc, shall contain a settings option to permanently disable turning on of any such external services
- All information Sent or Received through online servers or web services shall be secure & inaccessible by the host, in the following ways:
- The information & data sent by users shall enter the server and leave the server, and not be kept on the server except for the brief moment during transfer, without being subject to any sort of copy mechanism, nor filter, nor scan, nor shall accessing the content in any way while the information is passing through the server be allowed
- Information & Data uploaded to storage servers for later access by users shall be encrypted by the server administrators with 128-bit encryption, and be stored thus encrypted until it is Retrieved from the server by the user or users granted password access by the owner of the information.
- Server administrators & owners are forbidden from accessing any user information on their servers, and must encrypt the files & user data in such a way that its available only to the user, and otherwise remains in a software-encrypted state upon the server, inaccessible by server admins & owners
- Servers shall be vigilantly maintained and frequently tested for security
- If a server is used for "cloud" storage by the user, the User Data shall be backed-up in an Encrypted state, and frequently tested for data integrity
- Servers which are not secure and which do not encrypt user files & data files, or which do not design themselves to be secure from admin access of data and other third-party viewers, shall be known as "Public Servers", and a Warning Prompt shall appear on the device or computer each time the Server is accessed and data is sent or received (there shall be no method for disabling this prompt). The Warning Message shall clearly state the user is accessing a "Public Server" (capitalized) and that any data sent or received is freely viewable to third-parties, and server owners & administrators shall include themselves as third-party viewers
- First Party users & viewers (hereafter referred to as the "Owner") are designated as both the Device & User which uploaded the data to the server for storage
- Second Party users & viewers are defined specifically as both the Device & User which downloads or accesses the data which was previously stored, and who has been given password-protected permission by the Owner (First Party)
-Third Party is broadly inclusive of any organization, company, or individual who has access or potential access to the Owner's Data. Third Party also includes Devices, Computers, Servers, & Software which handles, accesses or views (or has the potential to do so), in an unencrypted state (not 128-bit or higher), any data or information belonging to or uploaded by the First Party / Owner, with the exception of Software or an Algorithm accessing the data for the sole purpose of automated Encryption to 128-bit level, or decryption from 128-bit, which does not copy, record, send or store any user-sent/received data at all, and which no other software or entity views, has access to, or monitors, records, sends, or retrieves in any way whatsoever
- "Encrypt" (also Encryption, Encrypted, Encrypting, etc) is defined as 128-bit automated, unmonitored software / algorithm encryption processed by a program without oversight or monitoring by any other software, algorithm, or entity,and which has no other function other than Encryption
- To Qualify for Inclusion in the Guild, Server owners must open up their server modules, processes and other relevant information to review by the Guild or one of its member affiliates for inspection, review, & certification. Server Owners must also provide sworn affidavits stating the integrity and security of the data, and how the data is used, who has access, how information is processed, transferred, encrypted, etc. and submit said Affidavits to the Guild before being removed from the Guild Security Blacklist.
I think we've already narrowed the list of qualifying software to less than what's available for Windows Phone
A qualifying app must also have the ability to retain full functionality after an Android OS reinstall.. meaning a portable install or an install which can use existing files found in File System Root/data/data without errors when reinstalling the app
No developer shall make any requests for donations or monetary compensation of any kind, who has included in his app any form of advertising or which has been given any permissions pertaining to user data & usage information
No App shall require specific permissions for advertisements or promotions.
No in-app advertisement shall require any special permissions or access whatsoever.
No advertisement or information gathering function shall piggyback on other functions requiring access or permissions, nor shall any advertisement or information gathering function utilize access or permissions granted to the app for its core, non-advertising, non-data collecting, non-marketing functions

Decentralized Application Marketplace - Your Thoughts?

Hello everyone,
We're trying to create a new open-source app distribution platform named Spheris, using blockchain technology. We are really interested in your thoughts – both devs and users. We're also open for possible collabs for those who are interested.
We’re utilizing Ethereum’s blockchain technology to build Spheris as a decentralized platform. This makes a lot of cool things possible:
No registration and transaction fees, as opposed to traditional app marketplaces who charge up to $100 for registration and 30% per each transaction. No technical restrictions or censorship. Optional anonymity. Forget about the need for credit card companies or banks – you will be able to buy and sell apps using our digital currency (Spheris tokens), with the option to exchange for other digital currencies (such as Ethereum or Bitcoin).
Customers will be able to purchase apps without going through registration and without credit cards. We’re also trying to accommodate devs whose apps have been removed from Google Play for questionable reasons.
Your Feedback = Extremely Important
We are in the early process of gathering valuable feedback from devs, and see if this is a platform that devs would like to be on. For users – do you guys see this as a platform you would buy apps from? Would love to start a discussion! For devs - have you had bad experiences with app stores (de-listing, ranking issues, not being accepted etc)? Does the concept of decentralization sound like something you might want to be a part of?
If you need more info, have a look at or just ask me here.
Your questions and feedback are much appreciated,
PS - apologies if this isn't the right forum for this topic!

These are challenging times - let's keep moving: StartApp introduces 2020 Android SDK

Across the globe, we are all facing a new challenge that affects every aspect of our lives. At StartApp, we believe that the answer lies in determination. Keep innovating, keep pushing the boundaries, and keep on striving for productivity.
As a global company with offices in the US, China, India, Ukraine, and Israel, we are following the news closely and adopting day-to-day operations according to the local authorities’ instructions and guidelines. Although our team is working remotely in some cases, we have taken the necessary actions to ensure our infrastructure and platform remain up and running with no interruptions. And today, we are releasing the new 2020 Android SDK.
Our new SDK, certified by Google, includes both new features and a comprehensive global privacy compliance mechanism (Following the Google Ad Network Certification of the StartApp Kids and Family SDK in May 2019). StartApp and Google will work hand-in-hand to ensure swift implementation of the new SDK and compliance with Google’s policy and global regulations.
StartApp is one of the very first mobile partners to receive Google’s new SDK certification.
The new StartApp SDK allows publishers and developers from any category and of any size to monetize their apps while implementing a solution with a global privacy compliance mechanism - and grow their business steadily and safely. For publishers, developers and advertisers, StartApp is the smart, safe and certified choice.
Creating user value while building trust
The SDK includes a global privacy compliance mechanism that allows the app to implement a new interface for attaining user affirmative consent for data collection. This is in accordance with different regulations around the world and with Google’s privacy policy.
Joining us for the first time or adding new apps? The 2020 Android SDK offers easier integration
Our manifest initialization methods now enable a transparent initialization function directly via the androidmanifest.xml file. For more information, view the integration documentation.
A whole new way to manage your ad placements with ad tags
Now you can add tags to ad placements. Ad tags help to improve the ad experience for your users and better optimize your monetization by creating the best balance of ad placements. To learn more about ad tags, click here.
Stability is key!
This version of the Android SDK includes bug fixes and stability optimization tools that support slick, smooth operations.
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New operating system for mobile devices - bring back security and privacy

(Dear moderators: I apologize upfront if this is in the wrong section, please refer the correct section or permissions if required before deleting.)
As per the title we are looking for developers who can contribute to a new operating system for mobile devices. Currently we have a leading well know GLOBAL mobile phone manufacturing company invested in this project.
What we are wanting to create:
- A mobile operating system that is simple and intuitive to use,
- that gives its users all the control over privacy, content, and device.
- That is free from all marketing and online campaigns,
- that gives each individual user the right to choose their setting prior to install,
- SAFE!!
What we are looking for:
- Developers who have the skill sets to achieve the target set for us,
- Skills in creating mobile operating systems and or Hacking and manipulating mobile OS systems,
- Skills to write software for hardware communication (drivers),
- Free to travel and work on the OS (Although not essential),
- Long term Commitment.
What we offer:
- sizable remuneration,
- equity shares,
- All the hardware you need for testing,
- the chance to be part of something GREAT!
If you feel you can contribute in any way, regardless of how big or how small you think your contribution is, please write here and make sure you have a contactable messaging link so we can start a private chat to find out more, or message me directly..

