Android 12 ROM available - Xiaomi Mi 10 Guides, News, & Discussion

Just to let you know.
There are Android 12 ROMs available for a while. You can find them in the crappy telegram groups. (Yeah, I hate them, too)
I don't post a link here cause I don't know of it's allowed

It's funny how you people call the groups crappy, the same groups made by the devs who made the ROM's you're obnoxious here about. lol


Chat room for Xdadevelopers members - Meet the people behind the signatures :)

I was thinking of making a website and using this chat script I found at to setup a chat room for our forum community to meet and talk. Get to know the people behind the funny avatar pics and hilarious signatures Is that something you guys might find interesting? I'll post a link here when I have a prototype of the chat room online. Would be nice to see you there for a chat!
i would definitely be a reg

Lets get this app on Android. Cinemagram

I hope this falls inside the rules for this section.
I now have yet another reason to be jealous of iPhone users. This does not often happen, but at times it still does. Cinemagram, is an app for building cinemagraphs right on your phone. Here is a tumbler feed with supposed examples of what the app can create.
I contacted the developers of this app, Factyle Inc, and did my best bit of groveling for an Android version. It seems I wont need to be jealous for too long. Here is the reply I received back in a matter of minutes.
We'll get there soon "​
If you want this on Android as much as I do, please email the devs and let them know there is an audience for this app on Android.
I dont want to post up their email, so take a look at the bottom of their site for their email link.
Great idea ...
171 views, but has anyone actually sent them an email?
we have many developers on here and cinemagram has a posting on there site looking for android developers.

Android history, android games, apps and ROMs

Hey guys I know I have posted here before on this particular forum but just want to get the word out there that I have a channel that does:
ROM Reviews
Android app reviews
android games reviews
And pretty much anything else android.
Reason I am posting on this particular forum is because I beleive most of us search for things like this and I would like to attract a bigger audience to my channel and there no better place to start than sharing is with my favorite online community.
So please check out my channel and maybe leave feedback on this thread?
My channel is

STAPPZ- What's live near you - location based app - early cm adopters needed

I'm Tim and we developed an Android app and started a startup in Germany. However, the app is free. Therefore, I hope that posting about the app in this forum to search cyanogenmod users is ok. If not, please delete this post.
I post here, because I, myself, love cynongenmod custom roms and would like to find out more about the compatibility of our app. Therefore, I search people that like to try new apps that report if it works from them. The app is location based and in beta (so not perfect yet) and for my cm10.1 on an Lg P990 and cm on a Galaxy S3 it works. I'd be curious about other phones. Therefore, I thought this forum here is the best place to find like minded people that use cm - Maybe even someone has the onplus one and can test it
We have the app for beta testers open and you can get it on our page STAPPZ com or find us on facebook (STAPPZ)
OK- now i talked so much about what we would like to test - here a brief description:
What is STAPPZ? In short, it is answer to the question: “What is live near me?”
With STAPPZ you participate in an open conversation with pictures and text at your current position. You create and perpetuate your own STAPPZ: Moments, noteworthy facts or any other information that you consider relevant.Nearby fellows (other STAPPZ users) see those STAPPZ and respond to them by posting something themselves or by saving them in their profile.This way, the people joining STAPPZ enrich and weave the world, collaborate and take advantage of the knowledge that others left around them.
However, if you like the app and have some feedback in other directions or you want more info or to blog about it, please let us know.
We'd be so glad to get feedback if it runs on your cm devices.
Kind regards

[APP][IDEA] Easy Social Follower | I need your opinion

I believe social media is all about people, but with all the current platforms (twitter,instagram,facebook etc) peolpe split up and sadly you don't get to see all the updates of the people that are important for you.
When I think about a person and I want to see updates from him,I have to go throught Instagram/Facebook/Twitter etc and search his user and check if he updated something or not.That's quite inefficient.
So , I want to build an app to solve this big problem. It focuses on People. A picture is worth a thousand words so for that reason I made an ilustration of what I want the app to be (please don't mind the name it's temporary) (see attached files)
I want to hear your opinions, it's a idea that I've be thinking a lot of time.
I know some basic Java and weeks ago I began to tech myself with tutorials work with Android Studio. I learnt to do a few things buy I'm far away to be able to work by my own on such a big project.
I know many of you perhaps will say me that it won't be possible because of the limitations of the API's but that can be solved perhaps opening in a webview the link? or perhpas opening the original applicacion on the phone(for example instagram to see the new posted pic)
Sorry for my bad english.

