Universal Search in MIUI 12 - MIUI Central

Why there is no universal search in MIUI 12?
Whenever I search in my mobile it gives results from internet rather than local search.
When will MIUI adopt search features like iPhone.


Barcode Reader?

Is there a working barcode reader for the Windows Mobile platform? I am looking for something like what Google's G1 phone has, it uses the camera to read barcodes.
if you used the search function these are the results you would have gotten
if you want more you are required to use that search function yourself

[Q] TTS for web browser/VoiceOver equivalent for Android?

I've been looking for a way to have my Android phone read to me similar to iOS's VoiceOver feature. I'm running Android 2.3 but can't seem to find a way to accomplish this easily.
A couple quasi solutions I have found is to use a RSS reader, such as FeedSpeak or Web Talks that support TTS (Text to speech), however this only works for RSS feeds. Another method is to convert websites into PDF's using Dolphin Browser's "MyPDF" Add-on and use ezPDF's voice reading feature to read the PDF back.
Am I missing something that is inherent in the Android OS? Does anyone have a better app to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance for your help!
gTen from over at the PPCGeek's forum recommended
Voice Browser Lite: https://market.android.com/details?i...from_developer
This is an excellent example of what I'm looking for, I just wish it was a little more refined. Hopefully this will help someone.
Does anyone know of any similar apps?
Thank you

[Q] Any way to send a location from maps to car nav?

Hi, I'm new to windows phone and loving my new Nokia 920. Does anyone know of a way to send an address found in Nokia maps or any other application to the nav system of your car? Coming from android there was an app called send2car that worked with google maps. You find where you're looking to go in google maps and then hit share and choose your car (in my case a BMW) and the car would then receive a message with the address and I would just click navigate. Very simple way of entering destinations in your nav system. Is there a way to do this on windows phone? Thanks everyone!
You should probably ask this in the WP8 forum, not WP7. Different OS, different features, different limits. I'm guessing that your Android app used Bluetooth? It *might* be possible to do that with Bluetooth on WP7, but I'd be surprised and it would take a lot of hacking. WP8 should be better, though.

Android as a desktop OS is no more

So why Google can't understand that you need flash enabled browser to reach Desktop browsing expiriance? I understand that Adobe stopped supporting flash, but maybe few million bucks would help them? Or they just want mobile users?
I think they just want to rule the web with the best search engine, maybe browser and att the end of the priority list comes an OS for PC's
The chromebooks looks really nice though but it feels more like a toy when you work with it.

Need Built In Voice Changer

Is there any Built in Voice Changer for Android 7.1 ?
China Cheaps phones have this functionality to change voice during calls without internet but android ??
Is there any App for this Purpose ?
Could you confirm the model of those chinese cheap phones in which you find that functionality? I could research and make that my next project to come up with something for android as well

