Question icon wooden theme - Samsung Galaxy A52 4G

Hello everyone I'm looking for icon wooden themes for Samsung can someone help me thanks


Newbie skinning question

A newbie to the forums but fairly competent with WM5, just not that great with skinning!
My question is this - I have installed a Wisbar Advance 2 skin onto my HTC TyTn which is very nice but the standard icons on the top bar are missing, replaced with the ones from the skin. Is there any way I can get back the 3G icon and the standard connection icon whilst keeping the nice battery icon that came with the skin?
I appreciate any help and the patience of anybody kind enough to answer!

how change icons on pointui?

Hi guys
I wonder if anyone has managed to change icons on Pointui
thanks for the answers

Need Some Help

Hi guys.
I made quick access icons circled,but I can't theme the coloured icons circled...can someone help me?

[Q]Looking for font found in Beautiful Widgets theme

Hello all,
I apologize if this not the appropriate place to post this, but I'm not sure where else it would go.
I'm looking for a font I found in a Beautiful Widgets clock theme. The name of the theme is Christmas Clock. Has anyone seen this in a font before? Does anyone know how these themes are built and if there is anyway to extract the fonts?
Any help would be appreciated.

Galaxy S6 theme request, dark theme with neon green Fonts and icons

I would appreciate if someone talented such as Hs would make a dark theme with dark neon green fonts and icons as well as the rest of the gui including the dialpad ,battery status icon ,and calculator this would make for an epic theme what do you think,I'd appreciate it a lot I've gotten the idea after seeing this guys phone theme
Anyone interested in my request?

