how change icons on pointui? - TG01 Themes and Apps

Hi guys
I wonder if anyone has managed to change icons on Pointui
thanks for the answers


WM5 Icons

Hey guys, i remember i use to be able to change application/shortcut icons now but i cant remember which app i used? since some of the default icons looks kinda fugly
any ideas?
thanks in advance
post #4

Icons Search

Hello, i am looking for this icons (for cab installing). I hope you can help me. Thx

[REQ] Change Home Tab Icons

Hi guys, ive changed my icons in start menu and its grate, but... i also would like to heve the same icons in my home tab in manila 2.5.2012. The problem is that some icons are changed and some arent :/ do you have any ideas how to fix it?
sorry for my english

Need Some Help

Hi guys.
I made quick access icons circled,but I can't theme the coloured icons circled...can someone help me?

[Q]Looking for font found in Beautiful Widgets theme

Hello all,
I apologize if this not the appropriate place to post this, but I'm not sure where else it would go.
I'm looking for a font I found in a Beautiful Widgets clock theme. The name of the theme is Christmas Clock. Has anyone seen this in a font before? Does anyone know how these themes are built and if there is anyway to extract the fonts?
Any help would be appreciated.

