Question Anyone experiencing frequent Aw Snap Reload page messages on Chrome on Iqoo 7 Legend? - iQOO 7

Some days I experience Aw snap messages 1-2 times during the day. Anyone else facing this issue? Can't say if related to Chrome app or the phone.

It used to happen on my S9+ . All I did to fix it was clear the cache and disable Chrome, restart phone and enable and update it. That ought to help it.


[Q] Anyone experiencing more Force Close message since the latest US OTA update?

I updated to the latest software this week and since then I'm noticing my phone seems more buggy not enough to piss me off, but enough to bug me a bit.
The main thing that's been weird is how often I'm seeing the force close message for several apps, some of which I don't really use.
Side note: I also experienced a issue where I opened my camera app and saw green lines running vertically down the screen
Just wondering if anyone experience unusual buggy behavior since the update?
The update broke my camera all together. I cannot even open the camera app. It trys to open and then closes back out again. Google talk FCing but not many others. Is there any way to revert back?
hated the update. Now running stock sensation le rom from europe and my sensation is better than ever, will stay with this rom for a while.

Snapchat issues on S8+

First of all, I am not sure whether this is a device issue or an app issue but here's my problem,
When I download snapchat and open it for the first time, it opens in fullscreen and takes fullscreen pictures. The navigation bar is also translucent at this time. However, when I close snapchat and stop it from running in the background then reopen it, the navigation bar is solid black and it no longer takes fullscreen pictures. I have tried uninstalling all other apps to see if they were affecting it, but the problem remains. I have asked everyone I know who also owns an S8/S8+ is they have also experienced this but none of them have. The only solution I have found so far is to uninstall the app and re download it so I'm hoping that someone here knows what is causing this and can help me.
I've never had SC take full screens photo's. Always the black bars.
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

Instagram Stories Camera Black Screen

Hello everyone,
I am on stock... and for about a week now (and i think after an instagram update) my camera in instagram stories is completely black!!! if i press to take a picture it does take the picture or the video and displays correctly... but this is very annoying! anyone else experiencing this issue? I tried removing the app reinstalling clearing cache etc... everything but no luck.
I'm usinng a Xiaomi Mi A1 and a OnePlus One and they both have the same problem... In the mean time i just instalded the version 35. That one seems to work. Its not a solution, but at least it works until they solve it...
Me too, im using MIA1, i think the problem isn't at ur phone, but it is in ur account, i tried to open my acc with other phone, and the insta story is completely black, and i tried to login another account in MIA1, and insta story works properly
quick update... yesterday's update fixed it on mine!

Question Camera Startup Lag

I've got the Samsung Galaxy S21+ since release day, Exynos, UK unlocked.
I am noticing that when I open the camera app on the normal settings, auto setting and on the standard lense it takes a good 10-15 seconds to actually focus.
I've tried clearing cache for the camera app, clearing all data for the camera app and I am on the latest available software update for the phone.
Is anyone else experiencing anything similar? Has anyone found a fix?
Same, even changing portrait to landscape takes a solid 3s, it really sucks
Same here. Camera takes a while to focus, upward of 10 seconds and shutter lag is obvious.

Camera issues

Hello I was wondering if anyone has any help with issue I started having with camera, it started closing it self after 2 seconds of opening. I tried clearing cache, restarting phone, and clearing apps permission and can't seem to fix the issue! I noticed that if I turn off Bluetooth the camera doesn't closes and works with no issue, any help would be greatly appreciated so I don't have to factory reset phone. Thanks
Did you recently update your phone?
On my N8 and Galaxy Tab S4, the camera app would crash, so I installed Open Camera. Really enjoyed using Open Camera on both devices, so I also installed it on the N20U.
I always use open camera because a couple of things, record video while on call and flashlight while picture because spammy doesn't know how to do either, way too complicated for spams ham. yet open can can't quite focus as good as spam, well I can only guess it's because spam hoarded stuff away from other cam apps, sounds like something spam would do anyway.
never seen the stock cam close after couple seconds those, does alternate can app work?

