Making Photo Quality a Way Better - A20 + NIGHT MODE UPDATE - Samsung Galaxy A20 Guides, News, & Discussion

Hi to all, since I got this phone I was wondering why the camera was so terrible in specific scenarios (Mostly on low light) and then I started to experiment with an app called SnapCameraHDR, which is the ''basic'' alternative to Gcam since samsung blocked RAW on specific thrid party apps, and gave us a lib file with LIMITED CAMERA2 API, This thread is aimed to those who want tho get the most of the Sony ExmorRS 258 sensor (Which is capable of a really decent things but Samsung just blocked some features).
By now, RAW is barely working in SnapCameraHDR but for some reason every pic is taked with a blueish tint. There is no fix for it yet because it needs lib editing and that's something that is out of my reach. If someone knows how to handle this kind of libs (uses Hex) and could contribute to get RAW propertly working could be awesome.
Ok, let's start, what we would need to have at least almost full MANUAL CAMERA CONTROLS?
1.-A rooted A20 (Only working on A205X).
2.-A custom lib (Thanks to @YasirArafatShihab and @tbm13 who edited the lib to get almost all manual camera controls working).
3.-A ROM that has R/W permissions in /vendor partition (Ilusion OS v1.1, and maybe others, need testing).
4.-Latest TWRP avaible for our device properly installed.
After having verified that all the requirements are met, we begin with the installation.
File Explorer method. Download any Root file explorer, Download from this thread, copy it and then paste it in: /root > /vendor > lib > and paste it here (You will wonder if you want to replace an existing file, we will say yes.) > give chmod 0644 (Rw-r - r -)
(You can do this either in an Android file explorer or in TWRP file explorer)
After completing the installation process we need to Download SnapCameraHDR (The apk included in this thread is only a TRIAL VERSION, it wont work connected to internet, but it will work great if you disconnect the internet or if you add this app to a firewall block list)
After this, Open SnapCameraHDR and go to: three dot menu > Other > scroll down until your find USE CAMERA 2 API an set it to ON. and check USE OPENGLES 2.0
Presets camera modes and more
By default SnapCameraHDR comes with a basic configuration, Right now I'm using 2 personalizated profiles, one for good light conditions and other for low light conditions.
Good light SnapCameraHDR Config (HOLDABLE BY HAND)
Select in the lower dial the program preset you want to be the good light preset (P1, P2 OR P3) > open the three dot menu > set PICTURE Size to maximum avaible > keep focus mode on AUTO > scroll down to JPEG QUALITY and set it to BEST > keep POST PROCESSING OFF >keep METERING AREA, ISO AND SHUTTER SPEED on AUTO > enable Low Light Mode > set Low Light Frames to 9 > scroll down to PREVIEW SIZE and set it to maximum avaible > keep DENOISE OFF > keep SHARPNESS in 0
Low light SnapCameraHDR Config (TRIPOD OR SUPPORT NEEDED)
Select in the lower dial the program preset you want to be the low light preset (P1, P2 OR P3) > open the three dot menu > set PICTURE Size to maximum avaible > keep focus mode on AUTO > scroll down to JPEG QUALITY and set it to BEST > keep POST PROCESSING OFF >keep METERING AREA, ISO AND SHUTTER SPEED on AUTO > enable Low Light Mode > set Low Light Frames to 32 > scroll down to PREVIEW SIZE and set it to maximum avaible > keep DENOISE OFF > keep SHARPNESS in 0.
My recomendation is to use a Tripod or a Phone Holder in order to keep the phone as steady as you can, because every minimal movement could affect the sharper final processed photos using the 32 frames option.
HDR Tune (FOR BALANCED PHOTOS) (Thanks to @PaperGreg who posted his config in A10 forums)
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Photo samples are down below, you can difference it because I've tagged SnapCameraHDR Samples, and they use IMG prefix at each picture.
( file is zipped in a .zip archive, you need to extract it because XDA format limitations)
*Good light - Samsung Camera gives a great color palette, but it would be irreal because post processing, in the other hand, SnapCameraHDR gives accurrate colors, more closer to reality.
*Low light - SnapCameraHDR gives the best results with low noise and sharper details. Samsung Camera tends to use a high noise reduction, it's too aggressive that the photo loses too much detail.
I've been working in a Night Mode update, and finally I can say that I've achieved a great goal, this config is v1, so maybe it can be upgraded. The next big step is to make something to improve video recording quality in low light and even in night.
Night SnapCameraHDR Config (TRIPOD NEEDEED)
Select in the lower dial the program preset you want to be the Night preset (P1, P2 OR P3) > open the three dot menu > set PICTURE Size to maximum avaible > keep focus mode on AUTO > scroll down to JPEG QUALITY and set it to BEST > keep POST PROCESSING OFF >keep METERING AREA on AUTO, set ISO to 6400 and SHUTTER SPEED to 1/2 > enable Low Light Mode > set Low Light Frames to 32 > scroll down to PREVIEW SIZE and set it to maximum avaible > keep DENOISE OFF > keep SHARPNESS in 0.
This config is aimed to offer the best luminosity, sharper details, and a high overall quality in night conditions,

Nice work man
Keep it up

For anyone interested, this is the patch applied to the libexynoscamera3 library:
Raw Support:
Address Original Value New value
000B46E2 C0 3F
000B46E3 F8 25
000B46E4 34 00
000B46E5 37 00
000B4710 44 F8
000B4711 56 55
Set Hardware Level to FULL:
Address Original Value New value
000B444B 15 25

Here I attach the same photos but has been taken using Samsung camera, you can see the massive difference between Samsung camera and Snap Camera HDR.


[Guide] Modifying Viper4Android Convolver Impulse Responses (IRs)

Disclaimer: This is not a guide on how to record impulse responses, nor do I think it's the absolute best way to go about editing one. I am not a professional in that regard, and I'm sure the pros will say something if they have something to add, as per Cunningham's Law. There's really not a lot of information on this, this is what I've learned from trial and error.
Who this is for:
You got Viper4Android/Arise/Divine installed, and they keep saying the convolver is such a sick, powerful feature. So you downloaded and tried some IRs but the ones you found have been too loud, too strong of an effect, or just not right. You're also not an audio expert (you wouldn't need this guide), and you don't know how to go about creating/editing simple IRs.
What is an impulse response?
To be honest, I don't know the exact definition either. I believe the audio you're playing is 'multiplied' by the IR to produce a new sound based on characteristics of the IR. You can google "convolution" and "impulse response" for precise definitions. It's not too important for our purposes.
Setting Up Audacity
Download Audacity and install it. It's self-explanatory.
When you start Audacity up (after installing), go to Edit -> Preferences (or Ctrl+P).
Click on Tracks (the actual parent node), set Default view mode to Spectrogram.
Click on Tracks -> Spectograms. Here set the frequencies you care more about. Personally, I set Min to 5, Max to 20000, Scale to Log as a default. You can modify it later per track.
If you care more about Bass, set Scale to Logarithmic; if you care more about higher frequencies, set Linear.
Opening/Saving IRs
The .irs files that Viper uses are just renamed .wav files. If you try to play it, it will just sound like a brief moment of static.
Use Audacity to open (File -> Open) the .irs you want to load. If it gives you a warning, select copy the file (should be default) and hit OK.
Before saving, go to Effect -> Normalize, and normalize to 0dB.
After you make changes and want to save it, go to File -> Export -> Export as WAV, and save it as one of the WAV formats. Viper works with both 16 and 32bit formats. I use the 32-bit float PCM one because I figure more bits = better quality, but that's not necessarily true.
After you save it, you should rename the extension to 'irs'. The main reason we don't want to keep it WAV is so the Android media scanner doesn't automatically add them to your songs/gallery/etc.
Note about Sample Rate
When you open one of these files, they will typically either be 44100 Hz or 48000 Hz. Most of the time, they will be 48k, but what you want depends on your device. For example, my Pixel 2XL processes at 48k for the phone speaker, but when I connect to my car Bluetooth to play music, it uses 44k. To check what your phone is processing at, play some music with the audio output you want to use (headphones, speaker, etc). Open Viper, go to Menu -> Driver Status.
Screenshot: Link
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If the IR has the wrong sample rate, you need to change it. In Audacity, in the bottom left, change the Project Rate (Hz) to the correct one (as displayed in Viper). Next, select all on the track (Ctrl+A) and go to Tracks -> Resample, make sure it's the same as the project rate you just changed to, and hit OK.
Screenshot: Link
Adjusting Gain (for IRs that are too loud or too soft)
When you apply the IR in Viper, if it's too loud, that means its gain is too high. This will sometimes also manifest itself as the volume fluctuating up and down. Typically you don't want to set your volume too high when using the convolver since it will cause this effect more often. I will give an analogy based on percent rather than dB. Basically, if the IR is telling the device to play a certain frequency at 120% max volume, the convolver will scale everything by around 83% (100/120 = 5/6 = ~83.3%), so that the 120% frequency will now play at 100%, everything that was previously at 100% will play at 83%, etc.
To adjust gain, use the slider next to the track options. Screenshot: Link
You may also use Effect -> Normalize if you'd like.
Adjusting gain will only affect the loudness of the IR, not the overall effect.
Basic Frequency Analysis
To get a basic understanding of the frequencies in the IR, select all (Ctrl+A) and go to Analysis -> Plot Spectrum. Make sure Algorithm is "Spectrum", Axis is "Log Frequency". Function shouldn't matter too much.
You will be adjusting Size. The default is 1024. Lower values gives you a good idea of the balance across the spectrum. Higher values gives more definition to the lower bass frequencies, at the cost of less sensitivity to the higher frequencies.
Useful references for understanding frequencies:
Basic Modification
Select all (Ctrl+A) and go to Effect -> Equalization. You can mess around with the frequencies here. I will give an examples below.
A high pass filter (Effect -> High Pass Filter, in the second half of the menu) may be useful if the IR boosts ultra-low frequencies that your device can't output (it varies, but 20Hz should be a good cut off). Not always necessary.
Base Impulses and Creating Custom IRs
If you want to create a custom IR, load the base impulse for your sample rate. Download them from: Link
You can modify it as explained above, creating your own custom effect. Normalize (Effect -> Normalize) to 0dB.
Before you export, select all and go to Effect -> Truncate Silence. These are the settings I use: Link
Export it as explained above.
Example Modification
I like the SuperiorBass+ IR. It gives nice, deep bass, but I have a sub in my car, and after a certain point, I can't hear the music over the rumble with the car shaking. My car Bluetooth also only processes in 44k.
I open the SuperiorBass+.irs in Audacity, and notice the sample rate is at 48k. Screenshot: Link
I change Project Rate to 44100. Select all, go to Track -> Resample, make sure it's also 44100, and hit OK.
Select all, Analyze -> Plot Spectrum. With Size at 2048, I see there's a big boost at around 60Hz. I keep this in mind. Screenshot: Link
Next I go to Effect -> Equalization, and I create a curve that somewhat compensates for the boost. Screenshot: Link
Effect -> Normalize to 0dB.
I export by going to File -> Export -> Export as WAV, and save it in the "WAV (Microsoft) 32-bit float PCM" format. I rename it to a .irs extension, move it to my phone's /sdcard/Viper4Android/Kernel/ directory, and test it out in my car.
If any part of this guide is wrong, or you have something to add, please let me know so I can correct it (and learn :laugh!
Amazing guide
Is Convolver affect INPUT?
If convolver affect input (microphone), please guide how to create voice morphing IRs. Voice morphing is a voice changer. For example, if some unknown number is calling, we can answer the call with big male voice or monster alien voice. For privacy purpose.
:good: :good: :good:
how make new own irs/wav file
how to start.
underrated thread
nice work!
Hi. How can I make an irs that slightly increases the gain on the right channel of my in-ear monitor. I just noticed that my right hearing is slightly lower than my left. I read that custom convolver/irs can do what I wanted (increasing gain on the right channel) this but I have no idea how to start. I am using v4a on my android and it works well. I am also using the ViPER-DCC. I load my customed .vdc file to equalize my KZ ZS10 Pro iem. I read this guide and it seems it needs loading an IRS and then modify it. But I just want to slightly increase the volume on my right channel. I don't want to change anything else.
Oh wow, even though this Thread is pretty old i just found it and it helped me a lot, since i was never able to use Impulse / Convolution files within APO Equalizer on a windows machine because of that 48k / 44.1k thing..
Now i can easily transform files. Thats awesome, ViPER with convolution has become a major part in how i listen to music (on my rooted android).
So yea i just created an account to say THANK YOU!
have a good one,
Cheers Don
Thanks for the detailed guide that helped me out today.
hey there.
i got some strange behavior with Viper in my car radio.
it will apply some IRS files and some not. first i thought it might be the sample rate, but it isn´t.
what else can corrupt viper to apply .irs in convolver ?
EDIT: IT WORKS!! just exported the wrong way.

How to Get the Best Gcam Settings - Mastering Gcam Advanced Settings

Well, if you are on xda you probably have heard about Google Camera App A.K.A Gcam and if you have there are two major struggles - how to find the most stable/latest Gcam mod the next, how do I tweak it to get the best pictures. There is already a General Gcam hub on xda here which is very well organised if that won't satisfy you, head over to your device forum and check the App and themes section. You should find one there and if you're not still satisfied check put my YouTube Gcam Playlist for All Android and choose the particular today that serves your need. But I am not here today basically for how to find the best Gcam for your device, if you have found the perfect Gcam for your device, how well do you know the Advanced Settings.
Here I will cover the most important Advanced settings, there are few things in the Advanced Settings that may not result in any significant improvement or change on the picture you take but may still be important. It will be a long read so I'd you are as lazy as me and still want to see all the details, watch the videos or scroll down to continue reading.
#1 Best Gcam 7+Settings for All Android (Mastering Gcam Advanced Settings Pt 1)
This was based on Gcam 7.2 by Urnyx05 a very good and versatile Gcam port
#2 Gcam Best Settings for All Android (Mastering Gcam Advanced Settings Pt. 2)
In this one, we cut accross Gcam 6.2, 6.3, 7.2 and 7.3 advanced settings
#3 Gcam 7.3 Best Settings For All Android (Mastering Gcam Advanced Settings Pt. 3)
In this one we focused only on Gcam 7.3 using Parrot043 Gcam 7.3 v1 one of the most advanced Gcam 7.3
The main problem here is that your own Gcam Advanced Settings may look different from the one in the video so you might want to stick around for a little bit and learn what these advanced settings do.
We kick things off with HDR - High Dynamic Range settings.
This will include Advanced Settings for:
HDR+ Enhanced
EV - Exposure Value
Exposure Compensation
The HDR settings (icon) to turn on and off HDR+ for Gcam is the same no matter the Gcam port you are using.
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While it is easy to just turn it on or off, the main action is in the Advanced Settings.
There quite some handful of settings under HDR+ Advanced Settings but we are going look at the most important ones.
JPEG Quality - 90 - 100% but there is no much difference in size so I'll recommend 100%
HDR+ Enhanced Frames - this is a big game changer and a setting to take note of if you install Gcam and your HDR+ or HDR+ Enhanced pictures looks raw or pale. Just bump the numbers up. The numbering of the frames differs from Gcam to Gcam so I 3rd or 2nd to the highest number
EV/Exposure Compensation - if your Gcam Advanced Settings have this for Night sight, tuned it to the highest (2.0) for daylight pictures it could be a little tricky. Higher EV can over-brighten day light images so you should. Exposure compensation brings in light generally to the image being taken while HDR ensures that the bright parts of of the pictures maintains its brightness while brightening the darker parts. Combining HDR+ and EV can help create amazing pictures in low light.
Auto Exposure Correction - if you haven't handled DSLR Cameras before now and very comfortable with its manual settings leave this one on Auto.
If you can't tell which type of picture that will require 1/30 secs of shutter speed or 1/300 or 1/2 secs then use Auto. General rule of thumb faster movement requires bigger fraction of seconds eg 1/1000 sec will capture more details and less blur for a moving object ot person more than 1/10 secs.
Binary (customs) library - this very important especially if the Gcam you are using wasn't ported directly for your device. The default library settings is Google but if your default pictures are not top notch even after tweaking the HDR+ and EV settings then you can try different custom libraries.
There could be ISO limit for HDR+
This setting controls the amount of light that goes into HDR+ from here you could choose to let in more light into HDR+. The default is usually OK but you can tweak it to your taste.
Color settings
Under this we are going to consider Saturation, Brightness, Sharpness, chroma denoise, luma, even tone curve.
If you have done any kind of post picture editing, you will conversant with all the words above.
Saturation adds more color to the picture, you won't see much difference with sharpness.
The tweaks for Astrophotography and night sight are better off seeing in the video up.
Thanks I was looking for this.
Settings for GCum mod
6 new items · Album by Stepan Rojkovsky
Best settings!
i cant use at all Gcam on Moto G9 plus on android 11, when HDR is set to pixel phones photos r nice but litle blurry out of focus? when i set HDR to Nexus or pixel 2 photos r sharp more details buto color r ****eed up and colours form objectw swim acroos the photo, ffs what bullsit
I think you can but only hardware guy can recover this
Hi everyone, I have a problem. When I change the "ISO/Exposure Time HDR+" setting under Advanced settings it does nothing not matter what setting i choose. I wanted to raise minimum shutterspeed to 1/100 to avoid camera shake as the camera by default chooses around 1/50 even outdoors if the sun is not shining. How do i change to a default higher shutterspeed?
Videos Deleted I think so, Please upload again or give some alternative link

GCAM / ZGCAM for Exynos [s10/+/e]

Hi All,
First of all , I would like to thank @KoopahTManiac , I found Working Gcam with Specially Exynos Phones.
Everything is working except front camera. You can take stunning Photos using the BAck camera. There are many camera configs are available.
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1 - Self-timer: Select the time for automatic photo shooting.
2 - HDR Control: Selects HDR Off, HDR + Auto (ZSL) and HDR + Enhanced.
3- Temperature Control: Manually select the white balance control.
4 - Flash: Enable, Disable or Automatic.
5 - Shortcut to turn on or off AWB (Auto White Balance).
6 - Allows you to turn the continuous flash on or off, if the continuous flash is on even before the shutter is clicked.
7 - Moon icon is full auto. S+M is semi auto. S+ and S2 are manual underexposure based on underexposure value, also they differ in iso selection in lowlight. Moon icon is the most used by us.
8 - Camera Modes.
9 - Zoom.
10 - Toggle shutter aperture, only for compatible devices.
Night Sight
1 - Switch between auto focus, "macro" or infinite focus.
2 - Iso Slider
Settings Main Top
- Dump DevData: Use this only when asked for debuging otherwise keep it off.
- Lens Shading Tuning:
Sets The Lens Shading Correction Profile(Dont Use Off).
- Metering Mode:
Matrix Tries To Expose The Whole Sceene.
Center weight exposes on center.
Google handle by Google itself.
- Lib: Libs are at the heart of image processing, they control colors, noise, white balance, and more. You can use google stock or try the modified ones like ZGCAMV2.
- HDR+ underexposure multiplier: Higher values give more underexposed image(darker image with better preserving highlights and light sources) and lower values give brighter image but overexposing in highlights . Best trade of value is 75.
- HDR+ white balance: Change colors by modifying the white balance.
- Enable sabre: SuperZOOM: Even with Zoom, photos do not lose resolution (Enable only if your processor is snapdragon).
- Live HDR Settings: Live hdr is Samsung's hdr and only is for s7/n7/s8/n8... It eliminates rainbow ring around the edges in high hdr scenes but in returns gives some noise. Its a trade of.
- Device Specific Fixes: Specific fixes for the device, see your model and enable. Color filter Array Pattern: Color corrections for some specific devices. Example: One Action on the front uses GBRG.
Settings Main Middle
- Noise Profile Tuning: Tunes the noise removal according to your phone's camera sensor.
- Lib Editing: Lib Fine Tuning, where you determine the level of sharpness and reduction of noise and artifacts in the image.
- Black Level Back Fine Tuning: helps remove the different colored "tint" you could get in certain scenarios.
- Front Denoise Multiplier: Multiplies the processing of photo noise, the louder, the softer the focus becomes, careful high values can end up with details.
- Custom LibEdit: Enables the menu for noise profile and Lib fine tuning.
- AWB Toggle: Shortcut to turn on or off AWB (Auto White Balance). It is the same function as number 5, which we show in the first image. If enabled during the day, can give yellowish effect in the photos.
- Temporal Binning Toggle: Keep it enabled.
- Alternative Front Fix: For S9/+N9 if libs are installed. Rest keep disabled.
- Tone Map Mode: now deprecated.
- HDR+ parameters: Here we define the number of Frames we want in the photos. The higher the number of frames, the longer it takes to take and process the photo. The advantage of using high values like 20 to 30 frames is that it reduces photo noise considerably.
Settings Main Lower Middle
- Auto Exposure correction: Controls the max shutter speed, in other words the speed at which the photo will be taken. However, it does not work like a conventional manual mode.
Advantages: You can make the photo faster regardless of the light
Disadvantages: It can cause noise in the photos if you don't choose the ideal speed for the light situation.
- Correction NightSight: Controls the Max shutter Speed NightSight is allowed to use.
- Exposure compensation: Determines the light compensation. Makes the photo lighter or darker.
- Remove the ISO limit in the dark: Disables the ISO limit to use higher values for sensor light sensitivity. It can cause noise.
- HDR+ settings: Option to enable resampling to get sharper photos when zooming and antibanding (depends on your country so leave it at auto).
- Camera photo resolution: Setting the resolution of the photos in their formats. We recommend using 4:3 which is the standard and uses the sensor completely without cropping.
Settings Bottom
- Bitrate: Choose the Quantity of Bitrates to be used to record videos.
- Camera video resolution: Here you choose the resolution for video. Use as you like.
- Video stabilization: Electronic video stabilization, reduces the crewing of recorded videos(For Devices That Expose It).
- Save settings: Tool to save your current settings to a xml file. You will be able to restore them in the future.
- Save location: Enable or disable your location in your photos.
- Camera sounds: Enable or disable camera sounds.
- Google Lens: Enable the Google Lens function in the menu.
- Gestures: Volume key: Control the zoom or Shutter with the volume button. Double-tap: Control the zoom or switch between the rear and front camera.
- Grid type: Add a grid to better frame the photo in the viewfinder.
Settings Advanced Top
- Base: Determines which processing base and model you want to use in your configuration.
Config: There are several processing modes and this is where you will determine which one you will use.
Example: Pixel 2018 ZSLR: Pixel 3 Processing.
BSG Config: Uses the same processing as night vision.
Model: Determines the model of the device you want it to clone for processing. It is a personal choice. Each one analyzes what pleases him most.
Example: Nexus 6P on the front tends to be sharper, in addition to correcting some problems with green spots.
- Final jpg quality HDR+: Choosing the final quality of the JPEG, at 100% will result in better quality and bigger photos.
- Saturation adjustment: With this tool you determine the saturation level of both the front and rear cameras. The higher the value, the more saturated.
- Noise reduction: In this tool you control noise reduction. It interferes directly in the texture and sharpness of the photos. If you don't know the subject, just leave the default value.
- Enable portrait mode: Enable the portrait mode option in the menu. Disable to replace this function with Lens Blur (Restart Gcam To Apply Change).
- Enhanced HDR+: Enables HDR + Enhanced in portrait mode. (Leave it on for better pictures).
- Remove Zoom: This function disables the predefined portrait mode zoom.
Settings Advanced Middle
- Save to /DCIM/Camera: It basically saves the photos that were taken in portrait mode in this folder. This avoids messing up the main folder with multiple photos.
- Alternative config: Fix for Nightsight On Certain Devices, Recomended to be on for exynos devices.
- Use flash: Enables the flash in Night Sight. This function depends on how the flash is used in photo mode. Keep this disabled and use option no. 6 for flash.
- "Motion" function: Show icon of the function of taking photos in motion on the display, a function similar to that of the iPhone that shows you moments before the photo, the choice is personal. It works with HDR+ only and not enhanced.
- Enable "Google Photo": Whether to enable direct viewing in the Google gallery, personal taste.
- Hide "SlowMo" mode: Hide the menu function because it doesn't work on certain phones like S8/Note8.
- Maximum Brightness: Activates the maximum brightness of the screen with the camera open.
The rest have well-explained descriptions here.
Settings Advanced Fix
FIX: In this menu you will correct most incompatibility problems. Please contact an admin if you're unsure of anything in here.
- Black Level camera: Controls the level of black in the image so that it does not turn green.
- Buffer Fix: Buffer fix option will require you to double click on shutter button to take picture, this avoids freezes and crashes.
- Fix Old WB Gains: only for certain devices(Requires forceclose of gcam to apply)
- Improve in low light: Helps remove possible purple and green spots from photos. (For Certain Devices)
- Init SlowMo with: Slow Motion FPS.
- RAW Format: Here you define which type of RAW the camera will use, this directly interferes with the operation of the Gcam, by default, Samsung devices use RAW Sensor.
- Viewfinder Format: can possibly fix lags in viewfinder. (JPG usual fastest)
- Viewfinder Processing: leave the 2 options turned on.
- Motion photo resolution: leave this to default values.
Settings Advanced2
- Show dirty lens warning: This tool warns you when the lens is dirty. Keep this off (Resource Intensive so lags on some devices)
- HDR+ control: Shows in the viewfinder the option to switch HDR Modes. Keep enabled and select HDR Enhanced for best result
- RAW+JPEG control: Shows in the viewfinder the option to capture photos in RAW + JPEG.
- HEVEC encoding: Storing videos more efficiently, is not yet compatible with all players, but saves memory.​Attachment :

GCam Collection, Configs & Discussion

​This is a collection of working Google Cameras (GCams) for the Galaxy A20 & A20e.
This thread is not in its final state and will be updated over time. If you want to add/edit something, feel free to tell me.
Important​All of the following GCams require to enable RAW Capture with this Magisk module.
This shouldn't be required on recent versions of Eureka ROMs. To check whether you need the module or not, download the Camera2 API Probe app. If the "Hardware Support Level" is set to "FULL" and "RAW capture" is available, you don't need to install it.
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If you don't enable RAW Capture, you'll get a black screen and only video recording will work.
GCams​BSG's MGC 8.1​Download (I suggest you to download the version)
Very stable, handles all the cameras without any problems
LOTS of configurations, each camera module can have different settings
Slow performance, but this is expected in our low-end phone. However, other GCams are a little faster, specially when switching between modes (photo, video recording, night sight...)
Slow Motion doesn't work
Motion Tracking doesn't work
Astrophotography doesn't work
@TBM13's config: Enables the wide camera and disables the zoomed front camera. On the back camera, increases sharpness, sets correct AWB model and enables motion photo. Download
@SerbianGeek 's config: Increases contrast and makes colors more vivid. Download
Enable wide camera
Remember that your ROM needs to expose it. For more information check the FAQ below.
Go to Settings->Modules>White list then type 50 , press Ok and restart the app
Enable motion photos
Go to Settings->Global and enable "Motion Photo"
Go to Settings->Modules->Back (1.0) and set "Module hardware level" to "Level 3". This will make Motion Photo work on the back camera.
If you want to enable Motion Photo on other camera modules, repeat this same process on them.
FAQ / Issues​Black screen. Only video recording works​Make sure you installed the Magisk module to enable RAW Capture.
​Sometimes the phone lags / freezes / reboots while using GCam​This happens to me quite a lot. Sometimes the phone freezes and I have to reboot it holding volume down + power key, and other times it reboots itself. This is most likely a software issue on our camera library, and nothing can be done for now.
Closing all other apps before opening GCam seems to help a lot with both the overall performance and stability, so I suggest to do this.
Wide camera is not detected / doesn't appear​Your ROM needs to expose it. You can check this using the Camera2 API Probe app: if it's being exposed, you should see a camera with ID 50 at the bottom of the list.
Additionally, some GCams also require to change some setting.
How to expose the wide camera?​If your ROM doesn't expose the wide camera, as far as I know nothing can be done.
However, if you are using PHH's AOSP GSI or any other based on it (like LineageOS GSI, Pixel Experience GSI, etc.), you can expose it by going to Settings->PHH Treble Settings->Samsung Features-> Tick "Enable access to all cameras" and reboot.
Photos aren't saving when HDR is enabled​This seems to be an issue in newer GCams, like in BSG's GCams newer than 8.1.
I haven't found a fix for this.
Night sight photos are pinkish and blurry​This seems to be a common issue in all GCams.
A workaround is to lock AF/AE, which can be done by pressing any part of the screen to focus and then pressing the lock that appears at the top right.
This needs to be done every time before you take a photo with Night Sight.
Slow motion doesn't work!​I haven't found any GCam with working slow motion as of now. Seems like our phone just doesn't support it.
Reserved 2
do you have a config file for a20 ?
How do I download? And which APK to download? Is it the "googlecameng" APK? After I click the APK it says "you are trying to access a temporary link."
Elsayed111 said:
do you have a config file for a20 ?
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Not right now. I will soon add two (mine, which just makes it easier to get the wide camera to appear, and another guy's config which modifies colors and contrast).
Salman7236 said:
How do I download? And which APK to download? Is it the "googlecameng" APK? After I click the APK it says "you are trying to access a temporary link."
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Yeah, they are all the same. I don't know why you're getting that message. What browser are you using?
TBM 13 said:
Yeah, they are all the same. I don't know why you're getting that message. What browser are you using?
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Firefox on mobile. I was able to download it on firefox desktop, idk why it's not working on firefox android.
@SerbianGeek 's Config: Increases contrast and makes colors more vivid.
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The config link is taking me to SerbianGeek's personal telegram.
Salman7236 said:
The config link is taking me to SerbianGeek's personal telegram.
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Added the missing download URL.
Thank you!
I have cleaned the thread a little bit and also uploaded my config for BSG's 8.1 GCam. Most of its changes are on the back camera, as I made it for personal use and I don't really use the front and wide cameras. It'll probably be updated over time, when that happens I'll try to notify it by commething here.

Themes / Apps / Mods GCam 8.4 + config for Xiaomi 12

APK download:
LMC 8.4 r14:
LMC 8.4 r17:
.xml config download:
LMC 8.4 r14:
LMC 8.4 r17:
Left-bottom side buttons:
1. "Leica" - Adds the Leica/vignette effect on the final picture
2. "LDR" - Low dynamic range, used for darker photos
3. "PRO" - Enables an extra config, for more contrast and darker shadows
Top buttons from left to right:
1. Tracking focus - the object you focused on will be tracked by the camera
2. HDR enhanced frame count - sets the number of frames used by HDR to generate the final picture
3. AWB - keeping it off will generate warmer images
4. Exposure compensation - adjusts the lighting in the final picture
5. Manual sliders - enables manual sliders for ISO and shutter speed
6. Focus slider - enables autofocus slider
You can also download the .apk from here if you don't trust the drive link: - LMC8.4_R14.apk - LMC8.4_R17.apk
No comparison photos yet, but you can post yours
Here a list of phones with a Sony IMX766 camera
Please stay on-topic. This is a release thread. (was meant for a deleted comment)
LMC8.4_R14 has been released
Paolo83 said:
LMC8.4_R14 has been released
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and here is link to download
Hasli: LMC8.4_R14
Download LMC8.4_R14 by Hasli.
I think that xml in #1 post Is not bad but not good
- Uploaded a new config based on ironhrt 1.6 with a few tweaks and fixed cameras.
- Updated Gcam version
bomblader said:
- Uploaded a new config based on ironhrt 1.6 with a few tweaks and fixed cameras.
- Updated Gcam version
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It shots well!
A question: 4:3 or 16:9?
Look my settings in pictures. I dont know what are the "?" but off Is better. 27 MXP Is ok? And then AWB off: if i turn on the picture Is too dark, have you try?
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Paolo83 said:
It shots well!
A question: 4:3 or 16:9?
Look my settings in pictures. I dont know what are the "?" but off Is better. 27 MXP Is ok? And then AWB off: if i turn on the picture Is too dark, have you try?View attachment 5733685
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There is explanation in first post on spoiler.
4:3 or 16:9 simply depends what you like.
You can use AWB ON to get better shots during the night.
Pro uses a different config that gets you better contrast.
Leica adds a vignette effect.
The top "?" is exposure compensation, it adjusts the lighting in the final picture.
27 is the number of frames used by HDR enhanced to generate the final picture.
This xml maybe is better... Try and report
Added a new config, removed old ones, and reworked the main post structure. The new config by Ironhrt is much better.
hey guys, i need advise please.
i installed the apk and put the xml in the root of the lmc-folder. but i can't load the config
what am i doing wrong?
hey, the slow camera doesn't seems to work. When i choose slow motion, the screen just goes black :/
This is only for main camera pictures. For video, slow motion, aux cameras, etc. use the stock app
Shane Gooseman said:
hey guys, i need advise please.
i installed the apk and put the xml in the root of the lmc-folder. but i can't load the config
what am i doing wrong?
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Same here, it's not loading.
meanwhile (i had to setup the whole phobe few times...) i downloaded the apk from the first post.
added the xml into the root of the lmc8.4 folder, opened the camera app and:
double tap on the right free area besides to the shutter button. this should open up a little popup from whitch you can choose a config xml (located in the root of the lmc folder)
thanks for sharing the Gcam version, it works great on my Xiaomi 12 with nice results.
how is the Leica button, LDR and PRO works, i turned it on and see no different results
Any update on xml file? It works good but i hope we can get 16mp pics
Could the xml file for version 14, works fine in version 15?
Hasli: LMC8.4_R15
Download LMC8.4_R15 by Hasli.

