Working T-Mobile Hotspot Hack - OnePlus 8 Questions & Answers

Has anybody figured out how to bypass the T-Mobile hotspot throttling on the OP8? I have unlimited data but a 500mb tethering cap.
Adding settings put global tether_dun_required 0 over adb doesn't seem to work.
Does anybody have a working method?

SilverZero said:
Has anybody figured out how to bypass the T-Mobile hotspot throttling on the OP8? I have unlimited data but a 500mb tethering cap.
Adding settings put global tether_dun_required 0 over adb doesn't seem to work.
Does anybody have a working method?
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editing build.prop on android 10 final.
There seems to be no way to mount /system rw on Q/10 or am i missing the workaround somewhere?
select option # 4 and follow what was posted earlier and entered "net.tethering.noprovisioning=true" in selection n- New custom prop.

Any update on this?
Recently they started counting Hotspot data for me. Even rooted using VPN hotspot with edited dun APN.
Also tried changing TTL to 64/65.

gullzway said:
Any update on this?
Recently they started counting Hotspot data for me. Even rooted using VPN hotspot with edited dun APN.
Also tried changing TTL to 64/65.
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FoxFi works just fine for me on T-MO, stock OOS11

FoxyDrew said:
FoxFi works just fine for me on T-MO, stock OOS11
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Doesn't get counted as Hotspot data on your plan? Wireless or USB?
Edit: Just tried Wifi Hotspot on FoxFi, it says "Fail to activate hotspot:Fail to start,please verify your phone contains hotspot feature." It does.

gullzway said:
Doesn't get counted as Hotspot data on your plan? Wireless or USB?
Edit: Just tried Wifi Hotspot on FoxFi, it says "Fail to activate hotspot:Fail to start,please verify your phone contains hotspot feature." It does.
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WiFi Direct hotspot

FoxyDrew said:
WiFi Direct hotspot
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Thanks, looks like that opens PDA net. I'll try it out.
Seems to be working. Since I mostly need it for a PC, and it requires the app, this should do.
Is the $8 premium needed? I've streamed about 1.5gb and it hasn't buffered or disconnected at all.


[I9020A] 2.3.6 blocked Tethering?

I've just applied the update for 2.3.6, When tethering either wifi or USB, the 3g icon disappears and i get no connectivity.
What's interesting is that if i use an alternative APN (VPN access point for Telus) I am able to tether without a problem.
I'm suspecting that this is a pre-emptive strike for AT&T who want to charge for tethering.... any ideas anyone?
I am on ATT and lost tethering...
I just spoke with steve.garon who is using CM7 nightlies. He updated his modem to the one included in this update and is able to tether without a problem, also the search bug appears to be dead with this modem.
So for those who are tethering, might be an idea to skip this update and just apply the modem.
As for myself, since i CAN tether through VPN, I might wait it out. It only took them 3 months to fix the search bug, what's another 3 months?
damnit...I'm completely stock and am having the same issue with tethering.
theprodigy85 said:
damnit...I'm completely stock and am having the same issue with tethering.
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Me too.
Fix for tethering issue in 2.3.6
1) Create new access point, for example “Tethering”
2) Copy all the settings from your primary APN you use for internet access
3) Set APN type to “default,dun”
When you want to tether, select your new APN and then enable hotspot function.
I actually thought I'd modify the original Access Point by adding 'dun' to the list as mentioned by north49. So now I have "default,dun,supl,mms" and it works flawlessly with the original Access Point and tethering.
Edit: I stand corrected. I had to create a complete separate Access Point for it to work.
That's good news. At least there's now a workaround.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
Is this the case for TMobile users?
AtomicPC said:
Is this the case for TMobile users?
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Do you have an i9020A?
Sent from my Nexus S
I9020XXKD1 on the baseband version.
AtomicPC said:
I9020XXKD1 on the baseband version.
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Please read this topic to identify your variant
Sent from my Nexus S
Worked directly in Sweden with telia.. all functions are there
Copy found in system/vendor/lib from 2.3.4 to the 2.3.6 ROM and tethering may work again...
I do not use thethering much so did not try it yet but I believe this may fix the tether issue...
Try using Pete's patch. I think its suppose to be universal
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
I9020A Tethering blocked here too.
Tried adding dun. No go
Tried creating new APN with Dun - No Go
Monitored using *#*#info#*#* - and noticed when activating hotspot - data goes to att_tether and ping results in Data Not Subscribed.
F*** Att
So.. does anyone have a stock 2.3.4 for Canadian Nexus S that doesn't require Clockwork recovery? I can't seem to downgrade using any of the signed versions I've found. Signature failures etc etc.
darwoodcdn said:
I9020A Tethering blocked here too.
Tried adding dun. No go
Tried creating new APN with Dun - No Go
Monitored using *#*#info#*#* - and noticed when activating hotspot - data goes to att_tether and ping results in Data Not Subscribed.
F*** Att
So.. does anyone have a stock 2.3.4 for Canadian Nexus S that doesn't require Clockwork recovery? I can't seem to downgrade using any of the signed versions I've found. Signature failures etc etc.
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You will need cwm to downgrade.
Sent from my Nexus S
north49 said:
1) Create new access point, for example “Tethering”
2) Copy all the settings from your primary APN you use for internet access
3) Set APN type to “default,dun”
When you want to tether, select your new APN and then enable hotspot function.
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Can somebody explain me the technical background, why this fix the bug?
What does ',dun' means?
DUN == Dial Up Networking.
It's a force setting for the phone to use this access point for tethering.
I've applied 2.3.6 and the tethering changes but I have a question... Does Nexus S tethering share the Wi-Fi connection or only the 3G connection?
When I enable 'Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot' it turns off the wifi on my Nexus S and jumps over to 3G.
I don't remember it doing that before... although I only tested it briefly to see if it worked so I didn't pay attention to what network it was actually using. I also don't remember having to select the specific APN for tethering either from my settings (On my Rogers Phone I have 1 APN for internet use and 1 APN for tethering)

Tethering broken (Sprint)

Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Good to see you over here. Are you rooted yet? Cuz i think Sprint is blocking tethering unless you pay for it
sent from my HAMMERHEAD neXus
phishfi said:
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Silly question, but if you're not rooted are you paying for the hotspot ability from Sprint?
Their really cracking down
sent from my HAMMERHEAD neXus
My tethering works although I had to hack it
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
toreyjh said:
Silly question, but if you're not rooted are you paying for the hotspot ability from Sprint?
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I am rooted, so if there's some trick to try please do share. I believe I'm paying for the hotspot feature, although going through the change plan process doesn't seem to show that option anywhere (I just tried to find it to see whether or not it was already enabled but I can't find it anywhere on the Sprint site...).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
phishfi said:
I am rooted, so if there's some trick to try please do share. I believe I'm paying for the hotspot feature, although going through the change plan process doesn't seem to show that option anywhere (I just tried to find it to see whether or not it was already enabled but I can't find it anywhere on the Sprint site...).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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I had tethering working on Sprint via this mod:
add a new entry to the "global" table called "tether_dun_required" with a value of 0 in the /data/data/ file. ​
Just updated to 4.4.2; re-rooted (via WugFresh toolkit) tried tethering and its not working anymore. Not sure if its related to the 4.4.2 or not.
Anyone have a fix?
phishfi said:
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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ralphkaz said:
I had tethering working on Sprint via this mod:
add a new entry to the "global" table called "tether_dun_required" with a value of 0 in the /data/data/ file. ​
Just updated to 4.4.2; re-rooted (via WugFresh toolkit) tried tethering and its not working anymore. Not sure if its related to the 4.4.2 or not.
Anyone have a fix?
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Had a similar situation. See my post here. Maybe it will help.
AGiLiT said:
Had a similar situation. See my post here. Maybe it will help.
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Thanks, appreciate the help. My issue is different however - the phone seems to start the tethering and I can connect to it through my tablet - but no data seems to flow... can't even run a speedtest on the tablet or load any webpage...
On the T-Mo side, I was afraid that we would lose the tethering with the latest 4.2.2 OTA - and initially, it looked that way. Speedtest would work on download side but "communications issues" on the upload side & unable to finish and show results .... Arrrrrgghhhh.
With two Nexus 5 on hand, it was easy to compare pre- and post- edits, hotspot & speed data, etc. along with comparing the entries in the above mentioned settings.db fields. First, save a coopy of the *.db just in case it is needed - then, added the tether_dun_required and value to 0 as a new entry/line, saved & exit. Reboot device for good measures, and sure enough, it connected by got re-directed to T-Mo's home page ... APN was set to IPv6
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
Letitride said:
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
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While on Sprint I don't see a way to even get into the IPv4 vs. 6 settings - no APN settings available in the mobile network settings menu...
ralphkaz said:
While on Sprint I don't see a way to even get into the IPv4 vs. 6 settings - no APN settings available in the mobile network settings menu...
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Use PDA-Net and Foxfi to tether to your computer or sprint.
Letitride said:
On the T-Mo side, I was afraid that we would lose the tethering with the latest 4.2.2 OTA - and initially, it looked that way. Speedtest would work on download side but "communications issues" on the upload side & unable to finish and show results .... Arrrrrgghhhh.
With two Nexus 5 on hand, it was easy to compare pre- and post- edits, hotspot & speed data, etc. along with comparing the entries in the above mentioned settings.db fields. First, save a coopy of the *.db just in case it is needed - then, added the tether_dun_required and value to 0 as a new entry/line, saved & exit. Reboot device for good measures, and sure enough, it connected by got re-directed to T-Mo's home page ... APN was set to IPv6
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
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Thanks. The APN settings options are not there on a Sprint phone; drove me crazy trying to duplicate the the posts of the T-Mobile trailblazers until I saw a screenshot and figured that out. :laugh:
adio01 said:
Use PDA-Net and Foxfi to tether to your computer or sprint.
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yep, i'm aware of those but would prefer to use the built in android tethering. anyone else able to get hotspot working on Sprint on 4.4.2 ?
ralphkaz said:
yep, i'm aware of those but would prefer to use the built in android tethering. anyone else able to get hotspot working on Sprint on 4.4.2 ?
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Yes; see my post here .
4.4.2 here, Sprint tethering still works for me after update.... Just tested it
Stock rooted, no custom ROM, no custom kernel just plain old stock with root and the settings.db edit
orthonovum said:
4.4.2 here, Sprint tethering still works for me after update.... Just tested it
Stock rooted, no custom ROM, no custom kernel just plain old stock with root and the settings.db edit
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Hmm, wonder what happened with my config then. I'm in the same boat - stock rooted only. maybe i will try removing the new line in settings.db are re-adding... Right now I can launch hotspot and connect to it from tablet/laptop but no data flows thru the pipe....
I lost my tether after the 4.4.2 update as well. I have a Sprint Nexus 5. My laptop and tablet were able to connect to the hotspot, but no data was coming across.
I looked at the settings.db file and could still see the "tether_dun_required" entry was definitely there. So I decided to replace the settings.db file with a copy I had from before the 4.4.2 update. Rebooted the phone, and magically, tether started working again.
I was curious though to see if I put the post-4.4.2 update settings.db file back, then would I lose my tether? So, once again, I replaced the settings.db file with the post-4.4.2 version, rebooted the phone, and magically, tether still was working! WTF!
The only thing interesting that I noticed during all of this is that every time I replaced the settings.db file on the phone, the corresponding settings.db-journal file would disappear. I don't know much about SQLite, but I wonder if the journal file had some transaction state with the "tether_dun_required" hack removed or not committed.
Anyway, hope this helps.

Does anyone have working wifi hotspot with AT&T unlimited data and root?

As the title states, is there a method that is working on AT&T H810 phones yet to enable wifi hotspot, either with or without root, on an unlimited data plan? I have seen a few methods for other carriers and for NON unlimited data plans, but unlimited seems to be SOL.
I don't even need the data shared itself, I just need to be able to create a wifi hotspot that my chromecast can connect directly to so that I can mirror my phone screen in my truck. I would not actually be sharing any data usage to the chromecast in my application.
Any thoughts?
In theory you would need another device, wouldn't you? I have the unlimited data plan with AT&T (grandfathered) but the device acting as a hotspot doesn't act as a client on it's own network.
I have a chromecast as well so if you'd like to share your connection vision I wouldn't mind trying it out for you.
Sent from my LG-H810 using Tapatalk
I am going to try this soon but will try to use VPN.HT ( I use the service for popcorntime and a few other apps/ devices) app to help secure any data going in or out so hopefully in some way that will help - I still need to read up on if using a VPN on tethering will reduce risks of any problems with carriers .
a40dayflud818 said:
In theory you would need another device, wouldn't you? I have the unlimited data plan with AT&T (grandfathered) but the device acting as a hotspot doesn't act as a client on it's own network.
I have a chromecast as well so if you'd like to share your connection vision I wouldn't mind trying it out for you.
Sent from my LG-H810 using Tapatalk
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The phone can act as a hotspot and still cast to the Chromecast. You need to setup the phone as a hotspot, then connect another phone/tablet/computer to configure the Chromecast for the phones hotspot WiFi. Once it is setup, you can just fire up the hotspot on your phone, let Chromecast connect, and then cast away.
Sent from my LG-H810 using Tapatalk
Yeah, has anyone found a way around this? I just rooted and FoxFi still doesn't work.
After rooting I did the sqlite modification, first using selinux to switch to permissive, then use sqlite to edit the 'settings storage - settings.db - system' database, search for 'entitle' set value to 0.
This is the only way I got it to work, I tried various other methods before this one. I'm on grandfathered unlimited data plan.
Maybe doing this?
ajent said:
After rooting I did the sqlite modification, first using selinux to switch to permissive, then use sqlite to edit the 'settings storage - settings.db - system' database, search for 'entitle' set value to 0.
This is the only way I got it to work, I tried various other methods before this one. I'm on grandfathered unlimited data plan.
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This works on AT&T LG4!!! A world of thanx!
ajent said:
After rooting I did the sqlite modification, first using selinux to switch to permissive, then use sqlite to edit the 'settings storage - settings.db - system' database, search for 'entitle' set value to 0.
This is the only way I got it to work, I tried various other methods before this one. I'm on grandfathered unlimited data plan.
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Could you share full name of that id so i can add on..mine doesn't have
faizalotai said:
Could you share full name of that id so i can add on..mine doesn't have
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Mine its not on 852 line, but organize it by name and then you will find it
darkriff said:
Mine its not on 852 line, but organize it by name and then you will find it
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Yes, as op's said search for entitle and none come out, so i guess i have to add it
Nevermind, already add..
Root Wifi tether confirmed working
ajent said:
After rooting I did the sqlite modification, first using selinux to switch to permissive, then use sqlite to edit the 'settings storage - settings.db - system' database, search for 'entitle' set value to 0.
This is the only way I got it to work, I tried various other methods before this one. I'm on grandfathered unlimited data plan.
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This worked for me too, thank you for the SELinux update - hadn't even thought of that.
I changed the value to 0 and yeah, WI-FI hotspot does activate after reboot, but when i connect to the internet with another device through the G4, I get "Internet unavailable with G4" Anyone else has the same problem?
I have a GS4 and have used the hot spot for a couple of years now. (unlimited data plan). I just bought this AT&T LG G4 and I have been setting it up through my GS4. But I have read this thread and I am not sure if I have found away to unlock the hot spot function with out paying AT&T more money. I really would like what I have with the GS4. My free Hot Spot. Once I have a rock solid way to get this hot spot function to work then I will activate the LG G4, until then... Can anyone point me in a direction I should be looking? All my phones have custom roms on them but as I have been reading so far I am also striking out with custom roms on the LG G4. Thanks for any help.
Worked like a charm! Thank you ajent!!
darkriff said:
Maybe doing this?
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This worked!!!! Thank you!
Worked on H810 5.1 H81010o
confirmed working H810 5.1 as well
confirmed working on 5.11 v10o but anyone tried on marshmallow
Easy solution to LG G4 AT&T hotspot issue
1..Download "Settings Database Editor" apk from play store.
2..Open the application and select system
3..scroll down to "tether entitlement check State and change the number to -1
Having done these, the mobile hotspot of your LG G4 AT&T will work like a miracle.

Anyone have Hotspot working??

Just bought a H950 and plan on rooting on 5.1.1 ... Only issue is, I must have WiFi hotspot for me to be able to keep this phone. I'm currently on cricket, and they will not unlock the carrier block on wifi hotspots. Has anyone had any luck getting this to work? Thanks.
really.... is the support/community for this phone this weak??
Sampson0420 said:
really.... is the support/community for this phone this weak??
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Locked bootloader and no method to recover from a brick depending on what firmware you are running.
You could try to add DUN to your APN settings and see if native hotspots working. Use an app like shortcut master to find the hidden menu where you can change this.
Check if this method works on the Flex, I know it was present on the G2's (ATT) LP build, and G3 too I think.
Sent from my XT1528
Wifi Tether Router ( worked for me without popping up the carrier dialogue box. Does take a minute or two to enable, but it worked.
thanks to everyone for the replies, phone comes in monday. I will test all mentioned methods and report back success and failures.
lyphe said:
Wifi Tether Router ( worked for me without popping up the carrier dialogue box. Does take a minute or two to enable, but it worked.
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WiFi Tether Router confirmed as working with root, thanks!!
SQLite Editor will not allow me to edit Locked System.db
Was unable to get native hotspot working using shortcut master, changed the apn settings for vzw_only and added dun, even tried removing fota hipri supi and made it only defualt,mms,dun still no worky.
Sampson0420 said:
WiFi Tether Router confirmed as working with root, thanks!!
SQLite Editor will not allow me to edit Locked System.db
Was unable to get native hotspot working using shortcut master, changed the apn settings for vzw_only and added dun, even tried removing fota hipri supi and made it only defualt,mms,dun still no worky.
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It sounds like Wifi tether router worked for you? If so, what provider are you on? I have an H950 on T-Mobile and am wondering if this will help me wifi tether.
What settings are you using for Wifi Tether Router? I've tried several and nothing is working for me (H950, Cricket). The SSID doesn't appear to be active on any other devices in the room.
Try WIFI Tether Router on my H950 11x rooted and it crashed on me. Can't even start the app.

Wi-Fi Hotspot bypass

Can anyone recommend a way to bypass the mobile Hotspot authorization or an app they're using to activate the Wi-Fi Hotspot?
GreenLantern said:
Can anyone recommend a way to bypass the mobile Hotspot authorization or an app they're using to activate the Wi-Fi Hotspot?
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Flash Tmobile or Unlocked firmware
ShrekOpher said:
Flash Tmobile or Unlocked firmware
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Does the Tmobile firmware allow the VoLTE? Don't believe the unlocked does, use that frequently just because of bad reception in home.
GreenLantern said:
Does the Tmobile firmware allow the VoLTE? Don't believe the unlocked does, use that frequently just because of bad reception in home.
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I haven't tried the Tmobile firmware on this device, but had no issues on my S7e or my S8+. Didn't have wifi calling though, but I don't use that anyway.
I just flashed the unlocked firmware on it and I could use it just fine.
I'd like to know as well. Don't want to lose volte & Wi-Fi calling by flashing a different firmware.
manny05 said:
I just flashed the unlocked firmware on it and I could use it just fine.
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could you please post the download link for the firmware you used? :good:
and what is the model number on your device?
I have a N950UZKAATT. :fingers-crossed:
funkie.dude said:
could you please post the download link for the firmware you used? :good:
and what is the model number on your device?
I have a N950UZKAATT. :fingers-crossed:
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[GUIDE][Switching Carrier][Flashing Carrier][Flashing Unlocked] SM-N950U/U1
Got it working last night using a method I found I think on the S8 section.
Use "BK disabler" and search system for "tether", disable all 3. I have attached a screen shot of them.
Set up your tether options, and make sure to Enable Wi-Fi sharing.
Now try to connect to any Wi-Fi network using a wrong password. While it's trying to connect quickly enable mobile hotspot, then turn off Wi-Fi.
I did it multiple times last night, it worked every time.
if you're looking for just an app then netshare no root tethering works, but since you have to use a proxy, it only allows internet to programs where you can configure proxy settings.
manny05 said:
[GUIDE][Switching Carrier][Flashing Carrier][Flashing Unlocked] SM-N950U/U1
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Thanks a lot. i'll give this one a try
ajent said:
Got it working last night using a method I found I think on the S8 section.
Use "BK disabler" and search system for "tether", disable all 3. I have attached a screen shot of them.
Set up your tether options, and make sure to Enable Wi-Fi sharing.
Now try to connect to any Wi-Fi network using a wrong password. While it's trying to connect quickly enable mobile hotspot, then turn off Wi-Fi.
I did it multiple times last night, it worked every time.
if you're looking for just an app then netshare no root tethering works, but since you have to use a proxy, it only allows internet to programs where you can configure proxy settings.
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May I ask what firmware is your AT&T device running?
Hi I updated from BRA8 to CRB8 and lost my ability to have a hotspot. I am using it on AT&T and now have the bloatware. Can anyone help?
I just got the Note 8, updated it all the way. I guess I'm screwed on the hot spot?
JRPY said:
Hi I updated from BRA8 to CRB8 and lost my ability to have a hotspot. I am using it on AT&T and now have the bloatware. Can anyone help?
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BRA8 was working with this hotspot bypass?
Use "BK disabler" and search system for "tether", disable all 3. I have attached a screen shot of them.
Set up your tether options, and make sure to Enable Wi-Fi sharing.
Now try to connect to any Wi-Fi network using a wrong password. While it's trying to connect quickly enable mobile hotspot, then turn off Wi-Fi.
testrak said:
BRA8 was working with this hotspot bypass?
Use "BK disabler" and search system for "tether", disable all 3. I have attached a screen shot of them.
Set up your tether options, and make sure to Enable Wi-Fi sharing.
Now try to connect to any Wi-Fi network using a wrong password. While it's trying to connect quickly enable mobile hotspot, then turn off Wi-Fi.
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Can you share screen shot, it didnt post. Thanks!
JRPY said:
Can you share screen shot, it didnt post. Thanks!
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testrak said:
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hmnmm that first one is missing
There's a program around the net called wifirouter but I think it's only working on rooted devices

