Really old phone, trying to get pictures off for someone - General Topics

Ok, so I have someone's Kyocera Kona S2151 flip phone. Now when I plug it into my pc in device manager there shows two "modems" and a serial port without a driver. Even after installing the specific driver for this phone from the Kyocera website it still says there is no driver. I tried to manually select the driver from the folder that was created during the install, not a single one of the 6 worked. Now all of this might even be a moot point as I don't even know if this device will allow me to pull the pictures off of it using a USB cable attached to a pc and everything on the web says I should be able to but there's also a Kona android smart version. I also can't find anything that says I can't either lol. Now I would Bluetooth but there are no options for sending photos via Bluetooth and whats worse is the antennae for the cell service is going out so it won't stay connected to the tower (I assume its the antennae, I'm not gonna try and fix something this old, also its sprint which just got absorbed by Tmobile which could also be the issue bc its pre sim card).
So, in summary, I am trying to retrieve the photos. You can't Bluetooth them, there's no SD card slot, I can't text or email them due to lack of wifi and cell service issues, Which leads to the only option left, PC USB transfer but I can't get that working either due to what I am hoping is simply driver issues. If I need to use an older Operating system that's fine I have another pc here I can mess with to my heart's desire.
I know this isn't android, rooting, modding, custom os, related but this forum is home to some of the smartest people, it's where I come to get all my instructions and files for phones. if anyone could help I'm hoping it's the community here.

Oops, just saw the "don't post questions here" my bad... sry

Update, I installed xp on an older pc I had sitting around. ALL drivers worked fine BUT it appears the only functionality this phone would have for a pc is to act as a modem. There doesn't seem to be ANY functionality in the way of file browsing or retrieving media. Furthermore, this specific phone lacks media sharing over any other connection aside from the mobile network. So if anyone has one of these old phones and it no longer has service/can no longer connect to towers your only option is going to be a data retrieval company.

Bummer, some older phones are very limited when it comes to retrieval. cheers


Can't Unlock Phone - Using Official Dev Account - RESOLVED

Ok, now I'm going into my third day with this phone, and I'm really struggling to find a way that it has made me happy. I mean, yeah, I like the OS and all, but Sprint still hasn't gotten back to me on whether they're going to send me a free Airave (I spend half the time in my home roaming). I had to reset the device yesterday to get it to connect to Marketplace - even though my account has never said anything but US (last time I left the country was in the Navy 21 years ago) - and even though I could connect to marketplace on Zune software, my phone wouldn't connect to it. Now I've got that working, by resetting the phone.
Now I can't get the phone unlocked. My developer account has been approved, identity verified, and the next step in my process is unlock my phone. I have tried all the tricks I've found so far: start phone, unlock the lock screen, turned off a bunch of services on my PC (like SQL, IIS, and more), reset my phone again, touch marketplace on the phone while connected so it says "connected" on the screen... Between all this and the lousy reception I get at home, I'm ready to just chuck this thing back at Sprint and say, "Thanks, but no thanks." The one thing keeping me from doing that is that Verizon is going to get the Trophy, and I want a phone with a keyboard. I've had keyboards on all my WinMo phones, and don't plan to stop now. I just wish this phone was available on VZW. I'm going to stick it out as long as I can, but iff I don't have an improved experience by day 28, Sprint gets it back... </rant>
Ok... Have I missed any other steps in getting this phone to connect to the Developer Phone Registration tool?
Have you tried following the directions here:
Yes, many times.... I never get past step 4.
Someone just told me an another thread that you have to be verfied through GeoTrust and to do that you must first create and submit an app that you have developed.
After you submit the app, supposedly GeoTrust will contact you via email and have you verify some personal information.
Make a fake app. That's all you have to do. Make one, then submit it. This will generate a claim number with GeoTrust. Trust me, I had to do this myself...
Have you got your certificate from msdn yet it takes a couple of days, once you get your certificate your account will be unloced
thealanshow said:
Make a fake app. That's all you have to do. Make one, then submit it. This will generate a claim number with GeoTrust. Trust me, I had to do this myself...
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I just finished this. Hopefully by monday all will be well
My account has already cleared GeoTrust, and the next step is to unlock my phone. I'm not a student, but it wouldn't matter - I can't get that far. The reg tool doesn't even detect my phone.
If you're getting the dreaded "Check that the Zune software is running blah blah blah" message, this one is a PITA to deal with. From what I've seen poking around on the interwebs, it's hitting a good number of people. It happened to me too.
I have 2 systems that are identical hardware wise, and running 64 bit OSes.
I have 1 machine running a 32 bit OS (it's a much older system).
I was finally able to unlock the phone without any issues at all on the 32 bit system (after swapping out my phone and nearly a week of struggling with it) the very first time I tried.
I'm loving the phone, especially with it being unlocked, but it was a fight until I tried it on that last machine.
Poke Microsoft about it. The more they hear about it and the more information they get about it the faster they'll be able to fix it (that assumes the problem is even on their end).
I've heard using a USB hub (or if you're already using one then NOT using it) has helped some people. *shrug*
Thanks for all the suggestions - I appreciate them. I have yet to get my phone to get past the check zune... blah blah blah error, with the exception of one time. Here's what I did...
I reset my phone, got past the intro, added my live account, hooked it to the computer, let it sync with Zune (I had deleted the phone's proflie), opened the reg tool, and it found the phone. I entered my login info, and got the dreaded 0x64 error having to do with time on the phone.
Several posts I found had to do with people getting past this by using a different internet connection and finding success. Well, I have a rather odd internet connection going on. I live right behind my church, just beyond wireless range from the pastor's router. So here's what I have:
Scientific Atlanta DSL modem/router combo - pastor's connection
Buffalo high powered router running DD-WRT sitting on the platform (closest part of the building to my house), repeating the pastor's signal.
Buffalo high powered router running DD-WRT sitting in my computer room, repeating wireless to my house, and serving as wired router to the server and the HTPC.
Pastor's is, the one on the platform is, and the one in my house is, so they are all separate networks, each using the one upstream of it as a gateway.
So, given my success connecting to the phone, I walked over to church, phone still connected to the computer, connected to the pastor's router, and by this point in time, I can no longer connect to the phone.
I suspect that there is some update that Sprint is pushing that causes this problem, so I repeated the process several times, each time deleting the Zune profile, resetting the phone, going through enough of the startup to get to the settings, and putting it in airplane mode, then connecting in the specified order, allowing the new profile to be created, and still failing to connect to the phone from the reg tool.
Over on the App Hub forums, there are several of us with this problem, and a Microsoft team member said that they believe that it is something specific about the Sprint Arrive, and they are looking into it.
My main gripe about this whole thing is that since Sprint is a latecomer to the game, all the posts I'm finding about this are like six months old. Many people have overcome this problem, so you'd think that Microsoft would have figured out the problem by now, and fixed it.
I hope to get this figured out soon, as I am presently unemployed, and spent my $99 to join the App Hub, hoping to make a bit of money there until I get a job. I'm working on something, but until my phone is unlocked, I can't put my confidence in testing solely with the emulator.
Thanks for the tips guys. I do appreciate it.
I've heard really good things about the HTC arrive, I hope it works out for you. Who knows, it could be something NoDo related (because to the best of my knowledge those phones come with NoDo stocked on). I kinda hope it is, it would take the sting out of the fact that so many of us can't our hands on that update! haha ;-)
Yes, it does come with NoDo. It's interesting, takes a bit of getting used to, but it seems to work well. I love the phone. It feels more solid than my TP2. The only thing is that I wish the screen tilt wasn't spring-loaded. I got used to not using it most of the time on my TP2, so it's taking some getting used to on here.
Oh, frustration of all frustrations! I just grabbed my wife's phone and tried it for kicks. It took me all of 15 seconds to unlock her Sprint Arrive. So I know the problem isn't my computer. WHY WON'T MY PHONE WORK?????
(oh, and if it makes any difference, she's installed WAY more apps than I have)
did you try going to msdn?
My MSDN subscription has expired, but I have posted on App Hub forums. MS thinks it is something specific to the Sprint Arrive, but who knows?
If anyone else has had this problem, there is an official workaround posted on AppHub, but for those who don't have access to that forum, here's the copy/paste:
Re: Cannot register developer phone (HTC Arrive)
Reply Quote
Hi Folks,
There is now an understood issue with respect to the HTC Arrive that may be the cause of your problem. It can affect both developer unlock as well as the ability to update the phone. A KB article is in the works but here is the gist of it for developers having trouble unlocking the phone:
Windows Phone 7 Developer Unlock Tool cannot detect the HTC Arrive Phone
This article applies to developers of Windows Phone 7 applications who are testing their application using the Sprint HTC Arrive, model number PC93100, OS build 7389 or 7390. Developers may find that they are unable to unlock the Sprint HTC Arrive phone using the Windows Phone Developer Unlock Tool, for the purpose of deploying their applications to the phone for testing. This article offers a remedy.
The developer completes these steps to register the phone:
1. Registers through the App Hub as per the steps described in the App Hub registration walkthrough here.
2. Downloads and successfully install the latest version of the Windows Phone Developer Tools.
3. Owns an activated Sprint Arrive in which they personalize their settings (including date and time, and selecting a language).
4. Registers the Sprint Arrive with the same Live account they used in the app hub registration.
Next, the developer follows these steps for Developer specific registration:
5. Connects the Sprint Arrive to the developer's PC with the USB cable included with their device.
6. Ensures that the Zune software is running/open.
7. Launches the Windows Phone Developer Registration Tool.
8. The registration tool ultimately fails to detect the phone upon launch, reporting the following message:
"Unable to connect to phone. Please check that the Zune software is running and that the Zune's sync partnership with your phone has been established."
This occurs due to a specific state setting in the HTC Arrive that results in the phone not being able to make a desktop passthrough connection. This state condition can be mitigated by following the steps below.
Use the following workaround.
1. If connected, unplug the phone device from the computer.
On the phone device:
2. Press the Windows button.
3. Press the right arrow button (on the top right of the screen) or swipe from right to left to expose the application list
4. Scroll to and select “Settings”.
5. Scroll to and select “Cellular”.
6. Select “Change Network Profile” and wait for this operation to complete (<-- this is a key step; you don't need to actually change it).
7. Press the Back or Windows key to exit the “Settings” menu.
After completing the above steps, follow through with the registration process:
8. Connect the Sprint Arrive to the development PC with the USB cable included with the phone device.
9. Launch the Windows Phone Developer Registration Tool (Zune software must be running).
10. The window titled "Windows Phone Developer Registration" appears which establishes a connection to the phone device and the following status message: "Status: Phone ready. Please enter your Windows Live ID and password and click Register to begin".
11. Enter the App Hub registered Windows Live ID and password, and then press the "Register" button.
12. The following status message appears in the window:
Status: Your phone has successfully been registered.
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Thank you hopmedic that fixed it for me
this was driving me nuts and the info here solved it thanks
Thanks it worked.
Done the workaround, but nothing for me, still have the 0x64 error.
My phone was relocked after one year of AppHub. But now I can't unlock it again..
Also tried to deelete the phone in the device list on my account and use a proxy VPN network. I'm ttired of this. :/

[Q] S4 Help needed (Warning: Long story)

Hey guys, let me just start off by saying I have spent almost 8 hours straight today trying to figure this out and dig myself out of a hole I've created for myself, that being said, I'm going to try and be as detailed as possible so you guys know EXACTLY where I am and what I've tried. This post looks long but that's because it is. It's pretty much my entire day's worth of trouble typed out. So just bare with me and see if you guys can help me out here!
I have a T-Mobile Galaxy S4 model: SGH-M919 it has Android 4.4.2. Now on to the problem: I've had this phone for almost a year now and a few months ago I rooted it. Did a simple Youtube tutorial and used Odin to do the work and everything worked out fine. A couple months down the road (yesterday), after using the phone like a teenager, downloading apps and cluttering it up it started to slow down and not run some apps. After thinking about it I decided to factory reset it. All of my contacts, photos, and videos were backed up on Google so I thought "why not?" Well, this is where $#!% hit the fan.. being rooted then factory reset, right before the phone came online it had me answer two questions about the root. Something to the effect of "Do you want to keep root? (This option is not reversible)" I thought since I wasn't using the features I originally rooted the phone for I figured nah just get rid of the root. So the phone did its T-Mobile boot up and started the Initial setup.
Everything up to to this point was fine until I wanted to log in to my Google account during the setup. Please understand that where I am I have full 4G LTE coverage and have access to a pretty fast and sturdy wifi connection. Well, when it came to the google sign in I entered my email and password and it came up with a message reading "Can't Sign in - Can't establish a reliable connection to the server" (believe me i wish that was the only issue) so after reading that, I thought I'd try with my wifi.. nope. Same thing. Since neither my 4g or wifi worked I thought it was Google's servers so I tried again this morning, same thing. (keep in mind at this point i think my phone isn't rooted anymore.) I call the t mobile store and they give me a technical support number, so I call it and I tell them i cant sign into Google. The gentleman told me he cant do anything because he can tell my phones been rooted. Only thing he suggests is to contact Google, well, the customer care number just tells you go to and there's nothing there about my problem.
This is where I dig my hole even deeper. I tried another factory reset and up in the top left corner i still see that root text. Even the rooted android symbol pops up before the Samsung logo or t mobile. Since I saw that I thought "ohh it just didn't get unrooted all the way." I look up ways to completely remove a root and a lot of them require plugin your phone into the computer and using Odin to flash a stock firmware on to the device. I went to plug my phone into the usb port but my computer didn't recognize the usb device, having experienced this a long time ago I searched around for the latest Samsung usb drivers and I installed those. Device still isn't recognized. Let me just note before people tell me to use MTP mode or Developer tools> usb debugging or connection mode.. The only thing that happens when plugging my phone via usb is the phone starts charging and my computer makes the trumpet noise like something is plugged in. Other than that, there is NO notification of it being plugged in. The reason i stress this is because I called Samsung technical support at this point and the guy (not gentleman) treated me like a 5 year old and ran me through all of these options after i told him I already did everything he was suggesting, including downloading Samsung Kies 3 and having it install the drivers. It does not pick up the device either.. at this point I looked up ways to remove the root without the computer. I found out you can just go into the root app "SU" or something and theres a remove root option. I jumped on that opportunity and had it removed. I restarted the phone and all the problems still persist, it even still has the root text on the top left when you factory reset it again. However now, even if you factory reset and select the option "keep root," thinking it would bring back the"SU" app it does NOT.
So lets recap. I have a phone that thinks its rooted and even appears rooted to t mobile but doesn't have any of the root apps or privileges or capabilities to fix my Google log in issue (like the host file in filemanager). And I can't re-root to get that app back because none of my 3 usb ports, 3 different usb cables (one being the cord that came with the phone), or any of the ports/cables on someone else's computer will recognize the darn thing to work on that way! I have all these issues that are supposed to fix each other but I can't do any fixing because they cancel each other out too... I'm at a dead end.
In case this isn't the right forum/website/thread/post area etc.. I have this whole message saved in Microsoft Word document so I can repost it anywhere you guys might suggest better results. Any help/advice will be much appreciated.

[Q]PLEASE HELP ME(Cpu, android, apple) reward is possible. TRIED VERYTHING.. :(

Hello, I am seeking advice/help...
I can see by looking and reading some of your writings and posts that yours and others time is worth alot... I am not sure on how much I could spend as I have already lost funds and had my bank accounts hacked. However I will gladly see what I can do if someone can hopfully help me...
I have been without proper internet for well over a month now.. I have changed my wireless routers out twice even added in a AP(hardware firewall)... My internet provider also suppliea optik TV and that is all ran through the same router.
At first I noticed some new programs would appear, things would be moved around some things would go missing... it was very unnoticeable unless you were paying attention.
Then the windows start up acreen would freeze for 5 minutes sometimes almost as if somethinf had froze the screen so that I wouldn't be able to see whats happening(Basically started getting worse - passwords being changed on me etc... - would lose my elevated privledges almost as if I was just a guest account)...
I even tried using CMD in dos to get my permission settings back and at first this would work but then the dos/cmd commands(whoami / ICACLS / and a few other commands would not work and say they don't exist... I also started to notice the size of my harddrive change.. I was never able to get it back to the right amount of GB. I tried to restore it many different methods as well (win7, linux, dos) nothing worked.. I then also noticed the MBR would constantly become corrupt and same with the hard drive.
So I looked into things and figured it must be the bios or cmos.. I tried to flash it and just decided I would start from scratch... However, everytime the computer restarts the old cmos/bios is back. I then also found things saved on (A: , B: and X) ... They were all write protected so I decided to pull the hard drive out. They still showed up even if I had the hard drive removed.
** X: is the boot drive as well so every time I tried to reinstall anything a bunch of extra files would get installed as well**
**Drive B had a volume named RamDrive..**
I ran some system/ tests in dos on the memory and kept getting errors but would not tell me what the problem was I finally figured out that it was a system error because the range went higher(above the 4gb that it's supposed to be)..
Now 4 laptops ruined... I just got a new laptop (win8.1) was never used and had never been turned on and after the initial startup/setup had extra software etc and now is stuck in infiniti boot loop....
Also similar stuff has happend or is happening with fax/printer, pvr, tv, ipad, iPhone, Android, wii, ps3, ps4.. dvd player, basically all media devices and anything wireless..
I have seen lots of evidence on remote connections through IOT, P2P/PHP, IPv4, IPv6, ssl, http(local group/work group) now it seems like things are communicating through a technique called air hopping or coupling. (RF, NFC, WIFI, IR, GPS/GSM, RFID, Altel Bluetooth and a few others). **I can remove the wireless card and laptops still connect**
They even got into a desktop computer that has no wirelsss or bluetooth card... and never gets plugged into the internet. Odd internet type numbers started calling my house phone also my house phone if I unplugged it etc... then powered it back up and didn't set date or time it would reset itself... The play stations would turn on and off them self... I tried reformattibg and missing a huge amount of GB.
Also, money was taken out of bank account as well.... anyone who goes to where this all is happening there cell phones get infected tooo... it seems to update tbe phones in fhe form of a push update aka broadcast signal.. Any help or input would be greatly appreciated...
another thing i noticed was files like index.dat/index.ini... desktop.ini. doubles of everything in my registry... and the fonts i couldnt change or delete... i noticed files from other devices listed on my phones and vice versa for things listed on the computer... if this isnt the right place for this i apolohgize...
also it appears as if my phone is rooted.. judging by the files and folders that are on my phone but it says not rooted. there is apps installed that i didnt put there and cant remove without being rooted.. my phones are constantly connected. factory reset doesnt work anymore... Neither does wipe cache. also constantly streaming data even if data is off and airplane mode. i keep seeng something about a 299-amtel.. redirect in any and all browsers...lots of adware as well.
im not even sure i will be able to ge back on here... if not you can try emailing me [email protected]... i appreciate any and all help.. thank you and sorry for the grammer juat trying to type this as fast as possible.
Your MEANINGLESS title is discouraging people from helping you.
Please at least use a simple sentence to summarize your problem in your title.
Anyway from what you're saying, you should report to the police, or if you have some friend with network and PC knowledge, ask him for help.

Really old phone, trying to get pictures off for someone

Ok, so I have someone's Kyocera Kona S2151 flip phone. Now when I plug it into my pc in device manager there shows two "modems" and a serial port without a driver. Even after installing the specific driver for this phone from the Kyocera website it still says there is no driver. I tried to manually select the driver from the folder that was created during the install, not a single one of the 6 worked. Now all of this might even be a moot point as I don't even know if this device will allow me to pull the pictures off of it using a USB cable attached to a pc and everything on the web says I should be able to but there's also a Kona android smart version. I also can't find anything that says I can't either lol. Now I would Bluetooth but there are no options for sending photos via Bluetooth and whats worse is the antennae for the cell service is going out so it won't stay connected to the tower (I assume its the antennae, I'm not gonna try and fix something this old, also its sprint which just got absorbed by Tmobile which could also be the issue bc its pre sim card).
So, in summary, I am trying to retrieve the photos. You can't Bluetooth them, there's no SD card slot, I can't text or email them due to lack of wifi and cell service issues, Which leads to the only option left, PC USB transfer but I can't get that working either due to what I am hoping is simply driver issues. If I need to use an older Operating system that's fine I have another pc here I can mess with to my heart's desire.
I know this isn't android, rooting, modding, custom os, related but this forum is home to some of the smartest people, it's where I come to get all my instructions and files for phones. if anyone could help I'm hoping it's the community here.
**Reposted here bc I posted in the wrong area earlier.**
steve60914 said:
Ok, so I have someone's Kyocera Kona S2151 flip phone. Now when I plug it into my pc in device manager there shows two "modems" and a serial port without a driver. Even after installing the specific driver for this phone from the Kyocera website it still says there is no driver. I tried to manually select the driver from the folder that was created during the install, not a single one of the 6 worked. Now all of this might even be a moot point as I don't even know if this device will allow me to pull the pictures off of it using a USB cable attached to a pc and everything on the web says I should be able to but there's also a Kona android smart version. I also can't find anything that says I can't either lol. Now I would Bluetooth but there are no options for sending photos via Bluetooth and whats worse is the antennae for the cell service is going out so it won't stay connected to the tower (I assume its the antennae, I'm not gonna try and fix something this old, also its sprint which just got absorbed by Tmobile which could also be the issue bc its pre sim card).
So, in summary, I am trying to retrieve the photos. You can't Bluetooth them, there's no SD card slot, I can't text or email them due to lack of wifi and cell service issues, Which leads to the only option left, PC USB transfer but I can't get that working either due to what I am hoping is simply driver issues. If I need to use an older Operating system that's fine I have another pc here I can mess with to my heart's desire.
I know this isn't android, rooting, modding, custom os, related but this forum is home to some of the smartest people, it's where I come to get all my instructions and files for phones. if anyone could help I'm hoping it's the community here.
**Reposted here bc I posted in the wrong area earlier.**
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It seems that now the only way is to have the driver work and then use PC USB transfer. In addition to the driver from the Kyocera website, have you tried the Google Android USB Driver for Windows? It's available on the Android Developer website. Have a try. Good luck to you.
Flip phone, not an anroid

S7 930U (Snapdragon) ADB connection issues

So I had a broken USB port for a while, but since I want to pull data off my phone (including, if possible, the apps that I needed 2FA to enable like WhatsApp and so on, since I'm currently in Europe for the next 6-12 months and AT&T prepaid doesn't allow me to receive text messages or phone calls).
I bought a replacement daughterboard for the USB connector, and pulled the back of the phone off, removed the old USB connection board, and replaced it with this one. However, I've got some weird problems and I'm not sure if its hardware or software related.
When plugging the phone into USB, there's no indication on the telephone that the phone is charging, there's no indication that the phone has some connection to the computer, the computer doesn't display anything about the phone or allow me to access storage, and ADB can't find the device despite trying about 7 different methods and combinations of drivers, ADB programs, etc.
So I'd believe that my new daughterboard is either broken internally or some other issue ... except ODIN works flawlessly, as I got the inital step of loading the combo firmware to work without issue. (linked here: But I can't get safestrap to work, because it relies on ADB, and ADB still doesn't have any way to connect to the device.
When I start the phone in download mode, I'm able to pull up a device with the Hardware ID USB\VID_04E8&PID_685D&REV_0100, but ADB doesn't recognize it. When I start the phone in any other method, the device doesn't register in device manager. It's a similar story when I tried reaching the phone with ADB from my linux desktop, as "something" exists in download mode, but adb has no ability to actually see the device or make a connection.
As far as avoiding obvious pitfalls, I enabled development mode / USB debugging / OEM unlock in the stock firmware I was running before, and also enabled dev mod/usb debug in the flashed firmware from that page.
It's quite possible that flashing the Combination firmware already wiped my data, as I'm not sure if it does it or not (after scouring the internet, it's pretty much the only option to get root with the B/11 bootloader so it was worth a shot), but ultimately I'd like to try and resolve this ADB issue so that I can actually finish the steps and see if it will work or not.
I just don't know what to troubleshoot next to try and get ADB to work.
To add on to this, I tried reaching out to AT&T to see if I can use my S8+ (VoLTE and all that jazz capable) to receive text messages while abroad here, but they won't let me use the phone even though I'm already abroad, since if it's not compatible with their network in the US it won't be compatible with their roaming network abroad. So I really do have to do the ole root trick.

