Is anyone else disheartened by the lack of development for our device? - Xiaomi Mi 10 Guides, News, & Discussion

Just a discussion I've wanted to bring up for a while, I'm honestly disappointed in the lack of development for our device tree, the Xiaomi Mi 10 series. I feel thanks to Xiaomi overly saturating the smartphone market with a strategy similar to BKK Electronics, we as consumers have suffered the most from this practice. It does is not beneficial having dozens of similar devices, budget phones to midrange phones to top tier models such as ours with small changes or new gimmicks that leave consumers confused on what model to purchase. I wish Xiaomi had more timed releases such as Samsung or OnePlus, where we can see lots of development for OnePlus due to its open nature, but instead they found they are likely making more money or shipping out more product by flooding the market with a new model every few weeks. I'm bummed out because our phone has been out now since February, and we still do not have a custom ROM... had there been less competition from Xiaomi itself, we likely would have seen more developers purchase the Mi 10 series. What do you guys think about all this? Will someone fulfill the prophecy of producing our first ROM in the near future?

xda-jimjongs said:
Just a discussion I've wanted to bring up for a while, I'm honestly disappointed in the lack of development for our device tree, the Xiaomi Mi 10 series. I feel thanks to Xiaomi overly saturating the smartphone market with a strategy similar to BKK Electronics, we as consumers have suffered the most from this practice. It does is not beneficial having dozens of similar devices, budget phones to midrange phones to top tier models such as ours with small changes or new gimmicks that leave consumers confused on what model to purchase. I wish Xiaomi had more timed releases such as Samsung or OnePlus, where we can see lots of development for OnePlus due to its open nature, but instead they found they are likely making more money or shipping out more product by flooding the market with a new model every few weeks. I'm bummed out because our phone has been out now since February, and we still do not have a custom ROM... had there been less competition from Xiaomi itself, we likely would have seen more developers purchase the Mi 10 series. What do you guys think about all this? Will someone fulfill the prophecy of producing our first ROM in the near future?
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If you're disappointed have you thought about learning and developing a ROM yourself?
You shouldn't be disappointed about something that people give up there free time to do.
More popular devices will always get more attention.
They will come when ready

Thread closed
As already said before: Be part of the developer community and contribute :good:
Forum Moderator


How do you feel about Android OEMs developing new OSs?

I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does. Samsung developing Tizen, Amazon forking the hell out of Android (I don't even really mind Amazon forking the hell out of Android, I just wish they had done a better job.), LG purchasing WebOS etc.
I support these companies with my dollars because they support Android. I also understand that that everyone needs to diversify their portfolios and to maximize their profits. I have a degree in economics and am an anarcho capitalist by nature. So why does this bother me at all (it definitely shouldn't)?
I have purchased a handful of Samsung devices and have invested heavily in the Google Play Store and I have this suspicion that one day, Samsung will release the newest Galaxy phone and at the top layer it'll look EXACTLY like Android, but at it's core it'll be a Tizen device with its own app market.
Perhaps that is a little far fetched, but in that scenario; they are still able to sell millions of devices because the average consumer doesn't know the difference between Android and Galaxy and, although they will lose customers, they could potentially grow their Tizen consumer-base overnight and everyone in the Android community loses.
Now, that isn't to say that I believe new OSs are a loss for Android. I think that any OS that brings something different to the table is great for everyone. But making an Android copycat OS, and creating a large rift within the community benefits no one but Samsung(as far as I can see).
But perhaps they all need an Ace of up their sleeves against Google to ensure fair treatment?
What do you guys think? I, for one, have vowed to only purchase Google devices for the foreseeable future because buying a Samsung or HTC device and feeling an overwhelming need to install CM 10.1 makes me feel as though I should be investing in a company that is giving me the software closest to CM 10.1.
That's my rant. Opinions?

QSAlpha Quasar IV - The most powerful and secure android phone in Indiegogo!

Mod Edit:This one slipped through the cracks, but xda doesn't allow fundraising. Thread closed!
I only came across the Quasar IV today after reading engadget and I must say that it has piqued my interest. However after reading about it in indiegogo more carefully, isn't the security system, only beneficial within its closed ecosystem and if one were to use the normal commercially available services (gmail, gdrive, etc.) that they won't benefit from the security features of this the Quasar IV?
The security feature aside, the only other benefit of this phone for me is the 128GB. However since it's only to be released April '14 (and if Indiegogo is anything like Kickstarter, Oct '14 would probably be a more realistic date), most of the other major players in the market (Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, etc.) would probably announce and release their "large" storage phones.
Take another look to the news.
AnakChan said:
I only came across the Quasar IV today after reading engadget and I must say that it has piqued my interest. However after reading about it in indiegogo more carefully, isn't the security system, only beneficial within its closed ecosystem and if one were to use the normal commercially available services (gmail, gdrive, etc.) that they won't benefit from the security features of this the Quasar IV?
The security feature aside, the only other benefit of this phone for me is the 128GB. However since it's only to be released April '14 (and if Indiegogo is anything like Kickstarter, Oct '14 would probably be a more realistic date), most of the other major players in the market (Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, etc.) would probably announce and release their "large" storage phones.
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You're right, the special security brougth by QUATRIX will be only available when the information is sent from a QUATRIX-enabled devide to another, but mind that sending encrypted messages to anyone that doesn't have the key to decode them is completely nonsense. I urge you to take a look to the news I've posted on the top of the page, because they mean that It will be possible turning a normal phone into a QUATRIX one just by adding a micro SD. Isn't it great?
I have to add that the production of the phone has already begun so the release date becomes stronger.
Thanks for your comment.
What a powerful phone! I like it! But I think the most way for keep the secrets safe it's not to put it on our phones! LOL
As Anonymous said "There Is No Full Security, We Can Catch You !" :S
I have payed for the 64 GB because even without the encryption those are awesome specs and I want to get this
MaluNoPeleke said:
I have payed for the 64 GB because even without the encryption those are awesome specs and I want to get this
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How much did you pay it?
MaluNoPeleke said:
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It sounds like didn't succeed in reaching their goal in Indiegogo and everyone is getting a refund. However QSAlpha is still going to proceed with pre-orders directly from their website instead. I guess they got funding somehow though some joint venture.
However for those who did get in early in Indiegogo for the $495 pack will have to start again with QSAlpha's a the $595 price instead.
And here's more info on the crypto system it uses and the downsides too
Any other buyer? I found this mobile and I m not sure about this. Im between this and Xiaomi
By the way : Hi. This is my first message but Im following this fantastic forum from ages. I just wanted to know if any one is getting this mobile to know about future support
Enviado desde mi SGS3 Miui ROM con patapalk
Seems like a long wait for a device. I would go with currently available models with similar specs. Nexus 5 for example.
Actually I dont need a phone right now. I could wait for months but I really dont know if its worth
Enviado desde mi SGS3 Miui ROM con patapalk
I moved away from the iPhone 2 weeks ago and was looking at Android alternatives and came across the QSAlpha after an engadget or gizmodo article. I almost pledged in Indiegogo (before the project was pulled due to lack of funding) but to me the issue was that you have to be in their ecosystem to enjoy the security features and I don't have enough persuasion power to convince all my friends to move to this ecosystem. So it boils back down to a regular phone.
2.3GHz & 3GB RAM are available now. So the only thing this phone has going for it is the 128GB. But as many of you have noted the delivery time is sometime mid next year. By then I'd dare speculate the rest of the major Android phone makers would have 128GB offerings too.
Also I think one could forget about trying to root their Android flavour.
I am very interested on this phone. Wonder though if it'd ever be open sourced? Also, is the encryption to the GSM/HSPA hardware level or is it all over the traditional data channel?
whats a performance phone.
i can buy this
better then samsung phone
Just to catch up anyone who might have been coming to this thread years later, the "QSAlpha" folks were apparently the same people that ran the later "Turing" phone company scam. (Mobile devices with multiple "Snapdragon 830" CPUs? :laugh Effectively no retail devices ever shipped, in either case. Hope no one reading this ever wasted any money, time, or hope on these folks.

Cyngn, OnePlus, Micromax - The Legal Battle (Portal thread comments)

This thread is available for comments on the featured portal article.
Thanks for the extensive read! Too bad that a community project like CyanogenMod will be harmed through the company that controls it.. I am waiting for a move from OnePlus, they should be able to build a good case.
it's a clear case of back biting by Cyanogen Inc. They have done this to a lot of developers when Cyanogen Inc was formed, and now they do this do their partner.
The emails sent by Kirt clearly show they were aware of what the agreement was, and that they had already decided to end the relationship with OnePlus. Those emails are rude as hell and I guess Kirt needs a rap for that.
Micromax is nothing but an Indian company who has put a brand name on Chinese phones. Yeps Chinese phones were very popular in India and with Android all they needed was to put a name on phones. Yes, they do sell like hot cakes because of the pricing but yes they are no-where close in terms of quality to HTC or Sony.
All in all, a bad move by Cyanogen and it's not the first time. Yes, they may be pioneers in the Android custom rom world but right now it's the success getting to them and they are going to fall hard.
What can I do about it, well ever since the incident with xplodwild I have stopped using CyanogenMod or any roms based of it. Yes, I want the latest Android version running on my device but not from someone who cheats and stabs people behind the back.
It's time for PA, Omni, Slimkat and others to rise to the occasion. Yes, building a rom as popular as CM will take time but patience is the key.
Over and Out.
One thing I forgot to mention, I am from India and trust me I would never buy a MicroMax device even if it's running CM. I wanted to buy a OnePlus One but after all the lies they had in the basket I had to pass. Yes, I want the latest hardware at the cheapest price but not from peeps who lie.
PS:- This is my personal opinion
Looking forward to California Case. Anyways, XDA has many AOSP roms other than CM running good on OPO. Any device that gets love of people/dev stays alive.
Looks little dangerous for startup hardware partners.
I'm an OnePlus and CM customer (not only a user, I've paid for their products) and I'm worried. I though OPO was going to be CM flagship and they were going to make an effort to show they can produce and deliver good software, I'm afraid I can't confirm that.
Of course Micromax is a more lucrative project but they have customers.
I chose OPO because of the hardware and because of CM, I've been using CM for years. I didn't chose this phone for the money, I could have paid $600 for another phone, I just didn't like any other phone, I trust Nexus line mostly because of the software but I don't like Nexus 6 so CM software was a nice solution at the time.
So my next phone won't come with CM since I can't trust this company anymore. For me the most important point to choose a phone is software support and CM is no different than Samsung or LG updating their products.
Thats Ridiculously Buggy
I don't understand how childish The cyanogen team's action to send an email and just cut off a tie with legally well documented contract with the way,its us...the users will suffer the most.Maybe oneplus will move on with the launch of their own ROM for their devices but I doubt cyanogenmod's future and reputation in the Dev forums...
Kirt deserved my piss.
They (Cyanogen Inc) have dropped the development dreams since back then when Cyanogen Inc was up and running. And since then too so many good dev's noticed it and left Cyanogen Inc to start a better one like Omni's/PA's.
It is sad to see a super-great phone development, aimed for the enthusiasts, went this way. Cyanogen = Bad for business. They were like stupid cartels in Mexico downtown. Their rom is not that excellent anyway, i am more interested on AOSP-based team nowadays.
guille26 said:
I'm an OnePlus and CM customer (not only a user, I've paid for their products) and I'm worried. I though OPO was going to be CM flagship and they were going to make an effort to show they can produce and deliver good software, I'm afraid I can't confirm that.
Of course Micromax is a more lucrative project but they have customers.
I chose OPO because of the hardware and because of CM, I've been using CM for years. I didn't chose this phone for the money, I could have paid $600 for another phone, I just didn't like any other phone, I trust Nexus line mostly because of the software but I don't like Nexus 6 so CM software was a nice solution at the time.
So my next phone won't come with CM since I can't trust this company anymore. For me the most important point to choose a phone is software support and CM is no different than Samsung or LG updating their products.
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One thing I have to say is - I've spoken to one member of OnePlus' new internal software team. If the rest of the team as as competent as he is (as in: I know his work and he's smart), they'll do well.
You make a good point - Cyngn is doing a lot of things that people used to go to CyanogenMod to get away from. What is interesting is that OEMs are also noticing this market trend, which is why you're seeing Motorola put forth minimal skinning (a massive difference from the disaster that was Blur), and Sony's skins are fairly light and minimal. (In my opinion, they are done with enough care that they're almost always a positive improvement. Sony devices are the only ones where I've frequently found no desire to unlock the bootloader to flash something else or even to root. My Xperia Z3 is STILL, after more than a month, bone-stock. I'll eventually work on Omni for it, but right now... It's nice and solid as it is, it would be hard to improve upon that.)
Similarly, OnePlus' new team are intelligent enough to realize that just by doing a base Qualcomm CAF bringup with a few minor tweaks, you can actually do far better than the OEMs that go overboard with ricing.
As to Kirt - of interest is his past work. He was the founder of Boost Mobile.
Also of interest is that Cyngn has signed a pretty juicy exclusivity deal with an OEM that is universally hated in those areas where Cyanogen has brand recognition.
Entropy512 said:
Also of interest is that Cyngn has signed a pretty juicy exclusivity deal with an OEM that is universally hated in those areas where Cyanogen has brand recognition.
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We Indians change our phones a lot. The reason for that is we are not tied to any carrier contracts with our devices, we buy them at full price. We loose our phones, break them, they get stolen whatever be the reason but we change phones whether it's by choice or by force.
That's one the reasons we cannot spend 50,000 INR on a device every time we buy one, we have to look for cheap options and that's where Micromax cashed in. Touchscreen phones from a brand for less than 15,000 INR is good enough.
Very rarely do people care about the quality, all they want is a touch screen phone. Now the nerds and techies like us know the truth about Mediatek devices and that's why we prefer OEM's like HTC, Samsung, Sony etc.
But Micromax, No way! I was even surprised when Google tied up Micromax, karbonn and Spice. All of these supposed OEM's have just rebranded Chinese phones and put Android on them.
The only truly Indian OEM which I had hope from was Notion Ink, but they couldn't compete with the big guns.
"as long as OnePlus didn’t breach the agreement in the first 30 days, Cyanogen “shall not engage in the integration of CyanogenMod with any other mobile device manufacturer for the purpose of distributing such device in the permitted territory”."
This part of the article is incorrect as if you look at what was actually written in the report it states:
"Provided OnePlus is not in breach of this Agreement, for a period of thirty (30) days after the Launch Date, Cyanogen shall not engage in the integration of CyanogenMod with any other mobile device manufacturer..."
If you look at the position of the comma in the actual statement in the report, you can see that these conditions are only applicable for the first 30 days after launch
How disheartening that Cyanogen has gone so corporate so fast. I wonder if it's just the new faces they have for the company and Steve Kondik & Co. were as surprised by what happened as OnePlus was. I can't imagine the actual devs have changed that much, but they definitely let the new corporate "suits" they hired run them into the ground fast.......
WA_Bob said:
How disheartening that Cyanogen has gone so corporate so fast. I wonder if it's just the new faces they have for the company and Steve Kondik & Co. were as surprised by what happened as OnePlus was. I can't imagine the actual devs have changed that much, but they definitely let the new corporate "suits" they hired run them into the ground fast.......
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This isn't even corporate. This is like kids playing monopoly.
How can you terminate a contract, by just a one line email?
Sadly, I'm running CM on 4 of my devices(including the 1+1). I think I'll go and find alternatives now.
I guess we can almost sum up all these disputes through this sentence: "... choosing to not issue updates to a device for political [and economic] reasons". Business is business. We do not care about users.
Political & economic purposes against faith & community.
vvarma1 said:
"as long as OnePlus didn’t breach the agreement in the first 30 days, Cyanogen “shall not engage in the integration of CyanogenMod with any other mobile device manufacturer for the purpose of distributing such device in the permitted territory”."
This part of the article is incorrect as if you look at what was actually written in the report it states:
"Provided OnePlus is not in breach of this Agreement, for a period of thirty (30) days after the Launch Date, Cyanogen shall not engage in the integration of CyanogenMod with any other mobile device manufacturer..."
If you look at the position of the comma in the actual statement in the report, you can see that these conditions are only applicable for the first 30 days after launch
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Well spotted, I had already rectified this in the article and marked it as a correction, then I saw this comment. You are correct in that the exclusivity on integration assistance was a 30 day deal.
So my question is, will this mean that CM is going to stop updating international OPO's in the future? That's going to piss a lot of people off, and I'm going to have to be the one to explain to my fiance why my phone advice to her turned bad.
Might be time for me to convince her to let me replace it with Omni or something else.
dibblebill said:
So my question is, will this mean that CM is going to stop updating international OPO's in the future? That's going to piss a lot of people off, and I'm going to have to be the one to explain to my fiance why my phone advice to her turned bad.
Might be time for me to convince her to let me replace it with Omni or something else.
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From what Kirk said ("Carl. We will be terminating our relationship with one plus. I will get back to you with more details shortly."), there might well be issues. Nobody knows, but that kind of message seems rather like CM are ending working with 1+.
It is rather unusual though - you don't "break" a contract by telling the other party you will do it, and send details later. That's just not how you do business. You negotiate the specifics, and try to have a clean, quiet, and drama-free break-up, without headlines or press releases. Both sides would discuss the terms and settlements, and legal would sign off on it. That's how it usually works. In this case, this is highly unusual.
pulser_g2 said:
From what Kirk said ("Carl. We will be terminating our relationship with one plus. I will get back to you with more details shortly."), there might well be issues. Nobody knows, but that kind of message seems rather like CM are ending working with 1+.
It is rather unusual though - you don't "break" a contract by telling the other party you will do it, and send details later. That's just not how you do business. You negotiate the specifics, and try to have a clean, quiet, and drama-free break-up, without headlines or press releases. Both sides would discuss the terms and settlements, and legal would sign off on it. That's how it usually works. In this case, this is highly unusual.
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Yeah, that struck me as REALLY strange and more than a little bit off-putting. I agree, it is certainly not "usual behavior", even among backstabbing companies out there.
I'm wondering if I shouldn't root her device for her, TiBackup everything, and migrate her to another ROM or something.
pulser_g2 said:
Well spotted, I had already rectified this in the article and marked it as a correction, then I saw this comment. You are correct in that the exclusivity on integration assistance was a 30 day deal.
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So that means One plus One broke their side of contracts , since Cyno' went ahead and entered into agreement with Micromax.
It will be pretty nice to keep tabs on this topic as it enters into Californian Courts,
As I am pretty much sure that this will be having much (bad?) effect on the whole Licensing ecosystem of Android modding (say like Slimkat, PA etc whoever decides in future to go Cyano way.)
ps : It seems the funny part that " Sent from Ipad "sig was not noticed by Kirk while sending the email.
So, CM has become something to avoid... very, very sad.
As previously said, all this clearly shows that unfortunately CM (the company) has no interest in the benefit of its users, and they only intention is in lining their pockets as soon as possible, by any means and forgetting any ethics. So, that also means that as users we should avoid CM and any device or system that depends on it, and so reccomend to NOT BUY devices as those form OnePlus and MicroMax that uses it: CM has become a stain that corrupts the devices on which it resides. Lets hope OnePlus develops as soon as possible an alternate OS ***AND RELEASES IT IN AN OPEN ENOUGH LICENSE*** so we can reccomend its devices again to our friends. Also, lets hope that, if CM (the company) has any legal responsabilities as it appears to be, they become clear soon enough in a judgement and if so, any repairement measures are made available to OnePlus because they seem to be, after end users, the most wronged party in this sad development.
In my opinion, the truly back guys in this story are clearly those running the company CM.
Not so fast.
People who wanted to switch, how about waiting for a OnePlus made ROM to come out next year? Lollipop based


Hi, I would first like to share that I'm a moderator on Doogee forums and am also a Doogee owner. I have a direct contact with the admin on Doogee which he has access directly to all Doogee department.
I have talked about the software issues arising and the development of it with the admin and feedback from members there, and it seems that we need help in improving the software side. The admin has approved my plan and I am speaking here in behalf of Doogee.
All we ask is help from experienced developers and programmers here to develop and help improve the software of all supported Doogee models. We need to know what we need to provide and what you will need in order for this to be possible. Please bear with me here, this is a big chance for XDA to be known better.
Doogee, for your information, has a very high potential to compete with popular brands like Vivo, Oppo, and even Samsung. Can you find a phone worth $300-$400 that has an insanely 8GB RAM of hardware? No. Their phones are powerful and yet the price is reasonable since the parts they use are direct and in return they can make it at a goid price unlike overpriced brands.
Please help us out here, just let us know with what resources are needed to make it possible. I will make sure that XDA will have its name on to the partnership with Doogee.
Thank you for your time!
Doogee Moderator
We're calling out skilled and experienced devs out there
Let me clarify that we will be working on the official ROMs, not custom ones
Custom ones can be added later on.
Please let me clarify that we are not only the one who will benefit here, but XDA as well. We will make sure to have your names as a credit and the XDA forum as well.
If someone here is interested, please leave a reply here. We just need to know what we will need to provide and help needed so we can get started on developing the software. There's quite a couple of things needed to improve Doogee's software here, thanks for your consideration.
One of the biggest things is kernel source code. Without it you will be hard pressed to improve anything. Next would be access to the code for the OS.
I can't say I have ever heard of the device as they are not sold in my country.
Their rugged devices are probably what they are best known for; they have devices sold / targeted in/at the US via mail order. It seems someone from alaska would probably be interested in them. The s80 and s90 models include a UHF radio / 'walkie talkie' feature.
travisn000 said:
Their rugged devices are probably what they are best known for; they have devices sold / targeted in/at the US via mail order. It seems someone from alaska would probably be interested in them. The s80 and s90 models include a UHF radio / 'walkie talkie' feature.
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They survive up here as much as any other. The walkie talkie feature is useless really. The distance between people is too great for this most of the time. Also it doesnt help that most OEM hardware (this one too) has a built in kill switch when the device hardware drops to 32 degrees or less. This will shut a phone down. Also in lot of places where you need a rugged phone, you really dont even get gps let alone a cell phone signal. Like one of my jobs puts me out in no cell phone or gps signal range for weeks on end. No phone (even a sat phone) does me any good out there. So we have gotten to the point of not even carrying one when we go out to places like that. Other then that. The only real things needed are an IPS rating. Anything else is just icing on the cake.
I'm glad to see xda and doogee working together.
As the title states I am glad to see xda and doogee working together it gives me some piece of mind as far as future support and updates go. From some of the posts read some people are not familiar with doogee simply explained they are a Chinese cell phone maker that make Android phones and recently are more well known for there line of rugged phones. First let me state that this is my first rugged grade phone I've owned also it's been my second phone from China if you count the tmobile revl plus/ yulong phone. For years I've looked at different rugged phones with with little to no interest they usually were overpriced and underpowered until I found out about the doogee line of rugged phones. After looking at there line of phones and the competition I decided to go with the doogee s70 lite for the cost performance and making a educated guess that it might possibly sell more then other rugged models. I also went with doogee because I like the idea of modular phones like the s90 have yet to see a company have much success with the concept I owned a moto z2 and the only add on I considered buying was the battery add on. Back to my point. I'm glad to see xda and doogee working together since day one of buying my s70 lite I've worried about support and updates and figured I'd eventually have to go the custom rom route or look towards third party updates. Anyway so far with my s70 lite I have not noticed any major bugs to mention or bring up so far I am quite pleased with how Stable things run. I am really impressed with the hello p23 chipset on how well it runs apps and how little power it consumes and how cool it runs on temperature I've ran qualcom soc phones for years and the few mtk chips I have ran seemed a bit laggy and unstable i must say mediatek really upped there game with the hello chipsets and would recomend one for multiple reasons. My only gripe with the s70 lite is how long it's been since it's had a security update release but overall i would recommend a doogee rugged s series phone to anyone that is tough on there phones at work. Only other thing that is a minor inconvienence is the recovery is in Chinese conji which I can't read a English translated recovery would be nice or a third party twrp/clockworkmod port for the s70 lite or the s series in general would be nice I have considered trying to do a port of twrp recovery for my s70 lite but due to being busy at work and little experience dealing with mtk chipsets I have not attempted it yet. Love my s70 I really hope doogee sticks around for a while. Would recommend there s series phones to anyone working in a industrial/blue collar field of work I work as a automotive technician and average breaking my phone every 2 months. Has been a month now with my s70 lite not a scratch on the screen and I've done some durability tests. Who wouldn't want a phone you can shower with lol. I've even considered trying to promote and spread the word about there s series phones so if doogee wants to send me some phone pamphlets I'd be more then happy to hand them out to my coworkers and others that work in my field. Also anyone reading this if you buy one try to order it direct from doogee I did not have the option when I bought mine I ordered mine off and I recommend getting the express shipping.
Without the kernel source code: no.
However, provide us with API documentation for the optional attachments, firmware source code, local OTA server config, kernel source code, the original build compile folder, and anything else that could be used to develop the phone, (repair manuals, etc) FOR FREE... then maybe we'll be more open to developing the phone for you.
Sorry if this is a bit harsh sounding, you guys make great phones
TheDarkLord098 said:
Hi, I would first like to share that I'm a moderator on Doogee forums and am also a Doogee owner. I have a direct contact with the admin on Doogee which he has access directly to all Doogee department.
I have talked about the software issues arising and the development of it with the admin and feedback from members there, and it seems that we need help in improving the software side. The admin has approved my plan and I am speaking here in behalf of Doogee.
All we ask is help from experienced developers and programmers here to develop and help improve the software of all supported Doogee models. We need to know what we need to provide and what you will need in order for this to be possible. Please bear with me here, this is a big chance for XDA to be known better.
Doogee, for your information, has a very high potential to compete with popular brands like Vivo, Oppo, and even Samsung. Can you find a phone worth $300-$400 that has an insanely 8GB RAM of hardware? No. Their phones are powerful and yet the price is reasonable since the parts they use are direct and in return they can make it at a goid price unlike overpriced brands.
Please help us out here, just let us know with what resources are needed to make it possible. I will make sure that XDA will have its name on to the partnership with Doogee.
Thank you for your time!
Doogee Moderator
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Hi my name is Jose, I was owner of DOOGEE MIX i ask too much time for kernel source and u didn't provide to me. Without kernel source we can't do nothing, for example a good custom kernel overclocked a custom rom. I think a good idea will be update the phone to a newer version. But pls give to devs like me kernel source and we will can help u to get a good stock rom.
jmpf_bmx said:
Hi my name is Jose, I was owner of DOOGEE MIX i ask too much time for kernel source and u didn't provide to me. Without kernel source we can't do nothing, for example a good custom kernel overclocked a custom rom. I think a good idea will be update the phone to a newer version. But pls give to devs like me kernel source and we will can help u to get a good stock rom.
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Hi, thanks for your interest. Unfortunately, I myself can't even get my hands on it, I have talked to the software department yet they are not handing it out, they believe it is for security reasons.
Is the S90 getting a Pie update?
seanybiker said:
Is the S90 getting a Pie update?
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Not sure though, I have switched to Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro.
TheDarkLord098 said:
Hi, thanks for your interest. Unfortunately, I myself can't even get my hands on it, I have talked to the software department yet they are not handing it out, they believe it is for security reasons.
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If you make that DOOGEE release their kernel sources, the developers i think that will work on mediatek devices and they will help on stock and making customs roms.
So please, try to make DOOGEE release the kernel sources.
jmpf_bmx said:
If you make that DOOGEE release their kernel sources, the developers i think that will work on mediatek devices and they will help on stock and making customs roms.
So please, try to make DOOGEE release the kernel sources.
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Hi, unfortunately I am not even getting any replies from the admins. I believe they really have no plan in releasing kernel for their "security reasons" which is stupid.
TheDarkLord098 said:
Hi, unfortunately I am not even getting any replies from the admins. I believe they really have no plan in releasing kernel for their "security reasons" which is stupid.
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This thread is about as disappointing and sad as I imagined it would be ... Rugged phones are soon-to-be trending I believe as well.
TheDarkLord098 said:
Hi, unfortunately I am not even getting any replies from the admins. I believe they really have no plan in releasing kernel for their "security reasons" which is stupid.
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Yeah this is stupid as hell. I still remember doogee phones ard 1-2 year back were preinstalled with malware(this can be found online). I suspect they might as well have put some weird **** inside the kernel source so they don't want to release the source code.
The thing is that they don't make kernel source and software by themselves, it is made by HCT, so they just do the hardware. So if they pay to HCT, they will can release kernel source, since HCT will gave it to them.
I know this is an old thread, does anyone know if the kernel source is custom by HTC, and should we be contacting HTC to release the kernel source code?
I have a DooGee S95 Pro and it's a decent phone between the S95 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G is a great phone. Whichever phone gets LOS first I will use. The S95 Pro has been out a lot longer and isn't a bad phone considering the newer ones from DooGee are not as nice. Anyhow either that or I will switch over and buy a Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G if LOS gets there. Both fronts are interesting. If I can get the GSI working without issues on the S95 Pro I will just use the S95 Pro but otherwise if not, I will have to sell it and switch brands.
I mean what's with DooGee and other manufacturers other than Samsung and Apple making a good phone and then the new models come out without some of the features I like. The new DooGee phone just has most of what the S95 Pro has, removed take the S97 Pro for example it's maybe a better phone, but the screen is still LCD not AMOLED and not 120Hz or anything. It's a rugged phone and I like that but I can't really use it because it's on Android 9 and not updated at all also no LOS on it which totally sucks. Why give a phone to a dev and have the dev port over LOS for the phones it would probably cost less than having HTC supply source anyway.
My two cents worth here. I don't have any android devs on staff that can do this kind of work anyway which sucks otherwise I would have it done.

[DISCUSSION] Is it even plausible to gain Treble support through a future update?

With rumours of Treble support coming along with 8.1 that have been debunked by the actual updates, I couldn't help but wonder how plausible it even is that we'll be getting Treble-support on our devices? I know that the Pixel got it and some other devices that came with Nougat got it as well but I can appreciate the complexity of the situation. That being said, I wanted to start a discussion, trying to gain some knowledge by people who have a deeper understanding of how Treble works and how plausible this actually happening for us.
Also, if we were to stay on the a/b partition system without Treble support, how plausible would it be that Xiaomi keeps its promise to deliver Android P for the Mi A1? I get the feeling that it'll be more or less obligated to be able to upgrade.
This is not an attempt to complain about update frequency, I'm very content with the monthly updates and if updates stop I'm pretty sure custom ROMs will provide us with extended support. I'm just trying to get some more insight and I know that there are a lot of people on this forum who have a lot of knowledge to share about stuff like this.
The thing is that xiaomi will never care about this phone and i bet that mi a2 will have the same end. No Support. I think that xiaomi was not really ready to make an android one phone.
billis2020 said:
The thing is that xiaomi will never care about this phone and i bet that mi a2 will have the same end. No Support. I think that xiaomi was not really ready to make an android one phone.
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I don't really agree with that. We've gotten updates every month, we were one of the first to get Oreo, one of the first to get 8.1. If you look at the Android adoptions rates and the Android One project guidelines, objectively speaking, we really have nothing to complain about.
That aside, i wasn't looking for subjective comments on why Xiaomi "isn't doing a good job" but more for comments that can give me more knowledge on the questions I was asking.
How can people say xiaomi doesn't care about this phone? We've been getting updates consistently every 3rd week of every month and among the 3% of all phones in the world to actually have Oreo 8.1. Think about that for a moment....
Look at all the other OEMs, LG barely just updated it's almost 2 year old LG V20 to Oreo 8.0, not even 8 1 and it'll get stuck on oreo 8.0. They haven't given the V10 a single uodate for almost more than a year and y'all still complain about the Mi A1?
Also keep in mind that all OEMs will have bugs in initial releases of updates that eventually, are fixed in a timely manner.
Y'all seriously need to chill. If you want daily updates, go develop your own rom and stop complaining.
berezker said:
How can people say xiaomi doesn't care about this phone?
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people like to create drama, always.
I don't think they will add treble support for this device. But who knows!
Well I thought it was impossible because messing with the partition table could lead to bricked devices, but seeing the treble port and even Android P is kinda giving me hope we'll get it in some update (Android P perhaps, after it's release this or next month).
here's my opinion, Xiaomi is unlikely to give A1 a treble support, but constant update will be given to the phone, and as far as I can tell Xiaomi is trying their best to give the user a bug-free experience, I mean it's their first time giving a REAL stock android experience, heck A1 made them more popular... I think?
PaulDnoOb said:
here's my opinion, Xiaomi is unlikely to give A1 a treble support, but constant update will be given to the phone, and as far as I can tell Xiaomi is trying their best to give the user a bug-free experience, I mean it's their first time giving a REAL stock android experience, heck A1 made them more popular... I think?
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I have no doubts about the constant updates. They have been very consistent and monthly so they are doing a very good job at that.
I don't know if someone can give me a more technical explaination of how OTA Treble support would work and what the risks are, that would be nice. Also does anyone know what the requirements are when it comes to Android P? Will Treble be required to be able to upgrade?
I find a lot of info pointing out the dangers of moving from a/b to Treble but I can't seem to find any good ELI5 info that explains why
berezker said:
How can people say xiaomi doesn't care about this phone? We've been getting updates consistently every 3rd week of every month and among the 3% of all phones in the world to actually have Oreo 8.1. Think about that for a moment....
Look at all the other OEMs, LG barely just updated it's almost 2 year old LG V20 to Oreo 8.0, not even 8 1 and it'll get stuck on oreo 8.0. They haven't given the V10 a single uodate for almost more than a year and y'all still complain about the Mi A1?
Also keep in mind that all OEMs will have bugs in initial releases of updates that eventually, are fixed in a timely manner.
Y'all seriously need to chill. If you want daily updates, go develop your own rom and stop complaining.
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I couldn't agree more, I open this thread trying to educate myself on Treble and Android P upgrading process and the very first comment is about how Xioami isn't doing a good job with the Mi A1
Mi A1 is an Android One device which should get an priority to having updates to the latest version asap as Google stated, so comparing Mi A1 with other device that out of the Android One Program is nonsense.
From the very first release of the device Mi A1 get poorly support from Xiaomi, which includes very late deploying source code that almost make the device developing community dies.
Actually the monthly update is just 'OK', everyone knows that we received new bugs on every update even with they have beta program to testing before deploy the stable release.
tanapak1 said:
Mi A1 is an Android One device which should get an priority to having updates to the latest version asap as Google stated, so comparing Mi A1 with other device that out of the Android One Program is nonsense.
From the very first release of the device Mi A1 get poorly support from Xiaomi, which includes very late deploying source code that almost make the device developing community dies.
Actually the monthly update is just 'OK', everyone knows that we received new bugs on every update even with they have beta program to testing before deploy the stable release.
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Thanks for your contribution, now all my questions are answered. Thanks!
Aside from the cynical remark to yet another pointless comment that's completely besides the questions I was asking I want to add that you people shouldn't hijack every thread that has the keyword "update" in it to start whining. I actually want to gather some knowledge and so far half of the comments are completely pointless. Here are some facts for you guys, please mess up someone else's thread, thanks.
Android adoption rates
Android One update guidelines
Let me try to be helpful here:
What do you mean by plausible? Plausible is a word for liberal arts, philosophy, literature and other abstract studies or fields. In development, engineering fields no such word is being used. So let us first replace that word, with another one that makes sense.
Is it possible? Yes, everything is.
Is it doable? Yes, it is.
Will Xiaomi ever do it? I can't say for sure since I'm not in anyway affiliated with the development team of Mi A1 updates, but my bet would be on "No".
Now let me explain my reasoning behind this.
To recreate the partition table required for project treble to work (separate system and vendor partitions basically) you need to format your phone. They can't just send an OTA that wipes people's phones. Xiaomi releases an update where the notification led does not blink and people lose their minds. Just imagine what would happen if they put a disclaimer on the OTA, that tells people to backup because the OTA update will wipe their phones for treble support re-partitioning. The majority of people wouldn't even read it and then flood the forums to cry about it (you are experiencing it in this very thread). People expect Google Pixel-like experience (even pixel has hardware and software issues every month) from a 150$ smartphone. You can't afford to do things like that as a company, when you know that your audience is going to publicly execute you, even when they are at fault. It is just not worth it.
There is a make-shift way to enable treble support without re-partitioning and without wiping the phone, but no separate vendor partition is created (Asus has done is on zenfone 3 and google has done it for pixel and pixel xl). However, this procedure is again somewhat risky and could cause soft to semi-hard bricks and alleviates almost all the benefits of project treble due to not having that separate partition. So again, not worth it.
If I was Xiaomi, knowing my customers, I wouldn't have done it either as a marketing strategy. Give people stable updates, less stuff to worry and complain about and also avoid any risky situations that could put the company's name on the front-pages of bad news.
I hope I helped
solis_f said:
Let me try to be helpful here:
What do you mean by plausible? Plausible is a word for liberal arts, philosophy, literature and other abstract studies or fields. In development, engineering fields no such word is being used. So let us first replace that word, with another one that makes sense.
Is it possible? Yes, everything is.
Is it doable? Yes, it is.
Will Xiaomi ever do it? I can't say for sure since I'm not in anyway affiliated with the development team of Mi A1 updates, but my bet would be on "No".
Now let me explain my reasoning behind this.
To recreate the partition table required for project treble to work (separate system and vendor partitions basically) you need to format your phone. They can't just send an OTA that wipes people's phones. Xiaomi releases an update where the notification led does not blink and people lose their minds. Just imagine what would happen if they put a disclaimer on the OTA, that tells people to backup because the OTA update will wipe their phones for treble support re-partitioning. The majority of people wouldn't even read it and then flood the forums to cry about it (you are experiencing it in this very thread). People expect Google Pixel-like experience (even pixel has hardware and software issues every month) from a 150$ smartphone. You can't afford to do things like that as a company, when you know that your audience is going to publicly execute you, even when they are at fault. It is just not worth it.
There is a make-shift way to enable treble support without re-partitioning and without wiping the phone, but no separate vendor partition is created (Asus has done is on zenfone 3 and google has done it for pixel and pixel xl). However, this procedure is again somewhat risky and could cause soft to semi-hard bricks and alleviates almost all the benefits of project treble due to not having that separate partition. So again, not worth it.
If I was Xiaomi, knowing my customers, I wouldn't have done it either as a marketing strategy. Give people stable updates, less stuff to worry and complain about and also avoid any risky situations that could put the company's name on the front-pages of bad news.
I hope I helped
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Thanks, this was actually helpful. I completely agree that procedures like that would flood all Mi A1 forums with people who didn't inform themselves and it would backfire so that makes perfect sense. I didn't knew that the procedure Google did for the Pixel phones did not unlock full Treble capabilities, kind of strange that they decided to take the risk at all for that.
denisval said:
Thanks, this was actually helpful. I completely agree that procedures like that would flood all Mi A1 forums with people who didn't inform themselves and it would backfire so that makes perfect sense. I didn't knew that the procedure Google did for the Pixel phones did not unlock full Treble capabilities, kind of strange that they decided to take the risk at all for that.
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Well since they are at the forefront of Android development they are required to have the latest and greatest thing as they promised for the Pixel lineup. They were somewhat forced to do it because they promised for it. Imagine Google not keeping true to their written statements to customers.
tanapak1 said:
Mi A1 is an Android One device which should get an priority to having updates to the latest version asap as Google stated, so comparing Mi A1 with other device that out of the Android One Program is nonsense.
From the very first release of the device Mi A1 get poorly support from Xiaomi, which includes very late deploying source code that almost make the device developing community dies.
Actually the monthly update is just 'OK', everyone knows that we received new bugs on every update even with they have beta program to testing before deploy the stable release.
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Get a new phone then lol
Let me give you a piece of advice, OP
If you want an actual, on-topic and useful discussion, NEVER do that on either XDA or MIUI (Much worse btw)
The only people who can discuss these topics mindfully are the developers and a few handful of people that don't get triggered the moment they see the word "update"
Good luck to you
apexashwin said:
Get a new phone then lol
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Why would I have to? We already have strong developing community which is better than manufacturer's support.
berezker said:
Let me give you a piece of advice, OP
If you want an actual, on-topic and useful discussion, NEVER do that on either XDA or MIUI (Much worse btw)
The only people who can discuss these topics mindfully are the developers and a few handful of people that don't get triggered the moment they see the word "update"
Good luck to you
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I actually deleted my account at the MIUI forum because of the poisonous attitude people have over there. The little useful information people post on there is buried immediately by brainless toddlers who clearly don't know how a forum works.
Maybe I was naive thinking this section of XDA would be better but at least a couple of people in these 17 comments were actually helpful so yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tanapak1 said:
Why would I have to? We already have strong developing community which is better than manufacturer's support.
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Look man, if you have nothing relevant to say about what I'm asking here just don't comment. I didn't create this thread to give complainers like you another platform to post your unfounded and subjective views on support for our device. If you want to see what the Android One update guidelines or the Android adoption rates are, scroll up, I've posted the links. Educate yourself. But please, stop with the complaining, my thread is not the place for it. If you want to contribute be my guest, if you don't, leave.
cmon man, I was answered the one I quoted to.
Did you tried to fight with everyone who doesn't the same as yours?
For what I thought about the topic, ofc it should be 'No' and also you shoudn't pretend yourself and believe on what you think.
If Xiaomi want to do, they will do, but also think that they just released Mi A2 Lite which should be replaced Mi A1 eventually
It's a marketing, business things.
Last thing is, if you really want to make some topic support, just make some online petition and spread them, and I would sign them one if someone make it.
Like somebody said, making the discussion in here is useless, Xiaomi customer support or something else wouldn't response them.

