I am a newbie to this board. I purchased a micro sd card at Amazon. It worked for one day on my transformer. I took it out and then inserted it the following day. It got swallowed up and I couldn't remove it. My transformer also didn't recognize that the SD card was there. It took many hours to remove it. I ended up using a fine pair of twizzers. I read that amazon is carrying a lot of fake SD cards from China...read the reviews on Amazon if you are interested. I wonder if that was the problem...however I used a adapter and the card worked fine on my computer but not on my droid phone nor camera where it alerted me the card was damaged.
Has this happened before? Is this a glitch with the transformer...the card getting stuck? Since it was day 13 of purchasing it at Best Buy, I returned it. Now I want another one and can't decide to wait and purchase the prime or buy the same one cheaper.
I also had another problem with my tablet. I like watching House on Fox TV. It was barely possible. I would get alerts saying my mobile is not compatible. I got a lot of streaming issues where it would stop every few seconds and load up.
Does anyone know if the prime would solve this issue? It only has 1gb of ram. Watching Netflix was fine...not Fox TV.
thanks in advance
i can't help you with the memory card but it's usually a good idea to stick with the name brand cards.
i say good job on returning the transformer while you still could. i think the prime is a pretty big leap over the original and at an extra $100 it's a bargain imo.
as for the netflix versus foxtv viewing. netflix was probably fine because you were using the netflix app. foxtv is laggy because it is probably running through flash which the transformer couldn't handle properly for some reason. flash on android in general is a mixed bag and i don't know if the extra power of the prime will fix it. my guess is it will be better but can't say by how much. i think when prime eventually gets the ice cream sandwich update is when we'll truly see what it's capable of which hopefully is a whole lot.
From the sounds of it more like you insert it wrong or something as opposed to a fake sd card. Fame or not it should go on and out the same imo
I don't know what happened. It wasn't inserted wrong. I pushed it in and it went in too far and I didn't have the grip of my nails to pull the SD out.
I just saw an ad for the original transformer with 32gb for $389. I'm still can't decide to wait and pay the extra $125+++ and get the prime just for speed but 16GB or spend $389 and get a larger 32 GB drive. I am not using it for games but just for movies. I also hope to use the movie maker app to edit my long videos and burn to DVDs.
anyone think it is worth it to wait for the prime which is somewhat lighter in weight in but faster than the origjinal--- or buy the original with double the GB for a lot cheaper price now and use it for 6 months and wait for what ASUS offers after the first of the year when they get even a faster tablet and buy it then after all the kinks are worked out with the operating system?
The prime is built to aim more towards gamers than anyone else. The quad/quint core is only used to its full potential when dealing with graphically intense apps... like games.
For most other purposes, the transformer 1 is more than capable of handling.
Regarding the card issue, this is the first I've heard of it. But I'll tell you this. I don't know if you inserted it wrong or not, since I wasn't there. But through all my years of tech help of other people, the #1 issue that most people run into when they say they have a bad card or their device card slot is bad is actually them inserting the card wrong. I'll leave it at that.
Please feel free to ask plenty of questions. Myself and other experienced android users will be more than happy to help you. I may appear cranky at times, but that's just my other personalities. Take my advice. Multiple personality disorder, when left untreated, can result in poor health and social relationships with others.
thanks for your advice. So you are saying this quad processor won't make streaming or viewing movies any faster ---or video editing [large files of copy, cut and paste] quicker? I am a graphic artist and hope one day that I can find a photoshop -equal app where I can take big files and tweek them while keeping my processor quick enough during this action.
otherwise I will buy the original 32gb tablet for $389 and replace it in a year or two when tablets are more advance and prices hopefully are better.
Someone on here got a used Transformer from Amazon and was pretty stoked about it; it still had most of the plastic on it and didn't look as if it'd been used much, if at all. You could swoop up a 32GB unit for $297 (it's also eligible for a SquareTrade warranty, if you're into that [some cats swear by it]) and chill with that till Prime shows up and is worked out. Just a thought!
transformer_girl said:
thanks for your advice. So you are saying this quad processor won't make streaming or viewing movies any faster ---or video editing [large files of copy, cut and paste] quicker? I am a graphic artist and hope one day that I can find a photoshop -equal app where I can take big files and tweek them while keeping my processor quick enough during this action.
otherwise I will buy the original 32gb tablet for $389 and replace it in a year or two when tablets are more advance and prices hopefully are better.
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transformer_girl said:
thanks for your advice. So you are saying this quad processor won't make streaming or viewing movies any faster ---or video editing [large files of copy, cut and paste] quicker? I am a graphic artist and hope one day that I can find a photoshop -equal app where I can take big files and tweek them while keeping my processor quick enough during this action.
otherwise I will buy the original 32gb tablet for $389 and replace it in a year or two when tablets are more advance and prices hopefully are better.
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That would be a yes and no. In theory if it brings enough of the processor cores online for the job, yes by brute force. Also yes in the sense that something there is probably a way for a movie player to take advantage of it, but no in the sense that you probably won't find such a soon enough to care, and no in the sense that at the hardware level it might not always. Logic there: AFAIK they use a baby core for simple tasks and start reving up to the quadtacular power house as needed, so e.g. if you just e-mail you get mega battery life. Try playing Need For Speed non stop and it'll drain faster but run smooth.
Can't say if it's any good but there is an Adobe Photoshop Express app; for simple tasks it might suffice but it may vastly fall short of what you may need. My expertise in your field is minimal so take it with a grain of salt.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
You mention that you could not grip the card with your nails to pull it out. To remove the card, you push in on it to release it and it should pop far enough out to grab with your fingers. It is not like the sim card on some phones that you pull out. It is a push to insert ( till it clicks) then push again ( till it clicks) to remove.
transformer_girl said:
thanks for your advice. So you are saying this quad processor won't make streaming or viewing movies any faster ---or video editing [large files of copy, cut and paste] quicker? I am a graphic artist and hope one day that I can find a photoshop -equal app where I can take big files and tweek them while keeping my processor quick enough during this action.
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I didn't say that. I said to the average user or users who don't game or don't care much for those really high pixel movies won't notice a difference. If you're a graphic artist, then yes the prime will be perfect for you. Again, it all comes down to what you want to use it for.
otherwise I will buy the original 32gb tablet for $389 and replace it in a year or two when tablets are more advance and prices hopefully are better.
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If you want to use photoshop and all the graphically intense stuff, then yes I'd recommend waiting for the prime.
thanks for all your advise. I will wait and get the prime...however I am quite disappointed that the new docking has only 1 USB and not 2....
regarding inserting the SD card that got stuck. Yes, it is possible I didn't push it in hard enough to have it pop out but it was stuck so far in it the port that I was afraid to try to push more to ejact the SD. Regardless when it was stuck in my old transformer didn't recognize it
ok so this video about tegra 3 says that flash performance will be greater than before
Amazon delivered my A700 last Friday, and spent most of Friday & Saturday messing with it. I've install a large number of apps & games to try out. I have NOT yet unlocked my bootloader/rooted, in case I do decide to return the A700. I did not do a full factory reset when I got the A700 either. Finally, I'm using my A700 in conjunction with a Poetic HardBack Case.
Pros: The HD screen is fantastic. I compared it against my gal's iPad 1 and iPad 3, and it is easily comparable to the iPad 3. The iPad 3's resolution is a hair better, but one can only tell if you are looking very closely - for all practical purposes, they are on par. I found that using auto-adjust brightness, left the screen too dim to my tastes. Instead I manually set the screen to approximately 30% brightness, and found that that setting is suitable for everything except outdoor direct sunlight. When I tested outdoors, I kicked up the brightness and found that 80% was the minimum needed to be usable in direct sunlight. Additionally, there is no backlight bleed.
As an Android fan, I like to tweak my devices & am a strong believer that Android's 3rd party offerings are one of its strong points. That being said, I've disabled Acer Ring, and installed Chrome & Dolphin to replace the stock browser, Nova Launcher to replace the stock launcher, and QuickPic to replace the gallery. It is also trivial to unlock the bootloader & a rooting method has already been released.
The A700 has a very solid heft and feel to it. It does not feel like it is cheaply-built. I like having dual speakers and found that the sound was good. Finally, per the Service Guide, the A700 is very easy to dismantle.
Cons: Acer did install some redundant bloatware apps, which I will immediately rip out when/if I commit to the A700 & root it. These include the Amazon App Store, an Acer Photo & Video app, Acer Ring, and a worthless anti-virus app. Thankfully, this is the only con I could come up with except...
Heat: This deserves its own section. The A510 had reported heat issues and the A700 definitely shares that as well. Due to the internal design, the CPU/GPU mainboard is on the lower right and when used heavily, can become unbearably hot. In my experience over the weekend, I found that casual use such as browsing, e-mail, & other productivity apps, only caused the A700 to get warm but not uncomfortable.
However, when I play-tested several games - Heavy Gunner, Flick Football, & Cut The Rope, the A700 got HOT. I use a Poetic HardBack Case, which "insulates" my hand but inhibits heat dissipation. Additionally, the A700 did crash on me a few times while gaming. I presume that the crashes were due to heat, but am uncertain. After each crash, I'd remove the A700 from the case to feel it back "naked," and it was excessively hot... hot enough that I wouldn't have continued gaming had the tablet been naked. I spent about 1 hour TOTAL, play-testing the above three games and all crashes occurred within that timeframe.
Studying the photos from the Service Guide, I'm curious to open up the A700. Looking at the back panel, it is lined with some sort of metal panel. Then there are several "pads" which contact different points on the mainboard. I'm curious to see if those "pads" are thermal pads and/or whether the metal panel on the back is supposed to act as a primitive heatsink to help disperse heat. If yes to both, I'm interested in experimenting with changing out/upgrading the thermal pads and using some paste. Additionally, I'm toying with the idea of modding the back panel to make a vent.
That's it for now. I'll be happy to field any questions & post more thoughts as the week goes on.
My curiosity got the best of me, so I went ahead, opened up the A700, and added some thermal paste to the thermal pads. Check out my write-up here.
Beknatok said:
Cons: Acer did install some redundant bloatware apps, which I will immediately rip out when/if I commit to the A700 & root it. These include the Amazon App Store, an Acer Photo & Video app, Acer Ring, and a worthless anti-virus app. Thankfully, this is the only con I could come up with except...
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You should know with ICS you can deactivate most of those apps without root.
I would rather have an hour or even two so less battery life to afford a smaller battery and then Acer would perhaps had space to accommodate a wider dissipation of heat.
The Infinity in spite of its thinner frame and higher clocked chipset apparently does not get hot. Price is $50 more, but to avoid the heat, seems a better option.
DЯΦ[email protected]П said:
You should know with ICS you can deactivate most of those apps without root.
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How do you do this?
Quick Note: The Infinity is $150 more actually.
On the subject of heat dissipation, I was thinking about modding the back of this case for venting as well. I believe the crashes may just be from bad software programming for certain apps. I don't think the tablet is actually OVER heating just getting warmer than other tablets. It should be within the processor's limits. I was hoping to overclock this tablet in the future to pump up it's gaming capabilities since right now it's a bit slower than the other Tegra 3 tablets due to the resolution. Hence why I want to mod the casing to allow for venting. Maybe a few vent holes properly cut will allow for the processor to release a lot more heat.
To Disable Apps: Just goto Settings --> Apps --> ALL --> Select the App you want to Disable --> Click Disable -- If the app has had updates, Select Uninstall Updates then go back to that app again and choose Disable.
I disabled Virus Scanner, WildTangent, Face Unlock, Google+, Zinio, and Evernote. Those are the only ones I found I will never use.
32gb is $500 for Infinity and launching mid July. The 64gb version is $600.
Whoops, I see now that I was wrong. It IS only $500 for the 32GB version. That's a kick in the balls. I bought the A700 because it was thought to be so much cheaper than the Infinity, now that it's only $50 cheaper it seems a lot better. Oh well I still enjoy this A700 so I'll keep it, plus a new custom ROM will probably speed this up to Infinity levels anyways.
Heat issue fix
Some people are reporting that disabling McAfee will fix the heat issue, at least for the a510. Hopefully this will fix it for the a700 as well.
rushless said:
I would rather have an hour or even two so less battery life to afford a smaller battery and then Acer would perhaps had space to accommodate a wider dissipation of heat.
The Infinity in spite of its thinner frame and higher clocked chipset apparently does not get hot. Price is $50 more, but to avoid the heat, seems a better option.
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Devil is in the details. I'm considering A700 instead of the Infinity for two reasons:
- I/O problems: though associated with TPI's Tegra3, I've never read about similar problems with A700 in any of its reviews (browser hiccups and the like)
- Poor speakers: "stereo" speakers placed side-to-side under one (!) small grill located at the back (!) of the pad facing away from the listener and at the right (!) side of the pad. As a result, when you're playing\watching a movie, you're:
- getting mono sound
- the sound comes from the right, not perceived center, which is off-putting
- if you're watching it on the sofa with the pad lying on your knees, or in bed with it lying on the blanked, the speaker is muffled by the blanket\clothes so much it's a big problem.
So basically since one of the main functions of the pad I'm about to buy is to watch movies at home when the desktop PC is occupied, speaker quality is a big item in choosing the pad, and TPI loses to A700 hands down.
Of course, A700 also has speakers in the back (why in Lord's name can't they be in front?), but they're genuine stereo and have larger grilles.
All Tegra 3 devices have some form of occasional hiccups since single channel (this is why the new dual core S4 beats it- more than one channel memory). As per the Anandtech review (and others) the Infinity actually has less events since higher bandwidth from clock increase. In spite of the higher clock, the Infinity apparently does not get hot (if reviews are correct).
Acer should not have used the same exact chipset as the 510, but considering how hot the 510 gets, perhaps that would have been too much for the 700.
Will be nice to see a smack-down of both devices (Acer & Asus). Problem is finding the Acer in a store, since retailers have the 510 which is also new and the same price. Asus at least has an excuse, since the Prime is now "older" by electronic standards and will be price reduced (maybe the 510 should do the same).
Still, perspective is for $450 a person can get a 1920x1200 Android tablet that has good performance. If you can put up with the heat, or do not play many high resource apps, it would be web surfer or comic readers best cost option.
---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 PM ----------
All Tegra 3 devices have some form of occasional hiccups since single channel. As per the Anandtech review (and others) the Infinity actually has less events since higher bandwidth from clock increase. In spite of the higher clock, the Infinity apparently does not get hot (if reviews are correct).
Acer should not have used the same exact chipset as the 510, but considering how hot the 510 gets, perhaps that would have been too much for the 700.
Will be nice to see a smack-down of both devices (Acer & Asus). Problem is finding the Acer in a store, since retailers have the 510 which is also new and the same price. Asus at least has an excuse, since the Prime is now "older" by electronic standards and will be price reduced (maybe the 510 should do the same).
Still, perspective is for $450 a person can get a 1920x1200 Android tablet that has good performance. If you can put up with the heat, or do not play many high resource apps, it would be web surfer or comic readers best cost option.
BTW, why no reviews yet? The 700 came out first- zero reviews, but the Infinity already has a bunch of reviews. Acer not send review units out?
rushless said:
BTW, why no reviews yet? The 700 came out first- zero reviews, but the Infinity already has a bunch of reviews. Acer not send review units out?
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Why no reviews? Less, and mostly lacking detail and depth, but not nil:
I've also seen some in-depth reviews (with charts comparing various aspects of A700 display with the new iPad, really technical and detailed), but they were all in Russian, so I won't link 'em here.
no reviews, no custom roms. Please developers begin cooking roms, the device has been out a month ago and the development section is still empty.
agdroubi said:
no reviews, no custom roms. Please developers begin cooking roms, the device has been out a month ago and the development section is still empty.
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Keep in mind that it was only very quietly released (in limited quantities via Amazon) here in the US last week.
Adoption takes time.
Our A700's were delivered on the same day... My review slash first thoughts would've been exactly the same as you (the OP). The heat is my number one concern. I did not buy this for gaming, but when I did install the car racing game that was already on it and a deer hunting game, I was totally hooked. Sadly, it crashes after the same amount of time passes playing each of these games. The back in each instance got very hot. I have been using mine with the Slim folio Case With Multi-Angle Stand that I bought on Amazon as well.
I really like this tablet--the speed is amazing, the display quality is excellent, the speakers are the best I have seen on a tablet (including iPad 3) even when compared to some laptop computers, and more... but if it's going to crash each time I play a game for, say, half hour, and gets hot to the touch, then I am not too sure what to do...
XooLoo said:
I really like this tablet--the speed is amazing, the display quality is excellent, the speakers are the best I have seen on a tablet (including iPad 3) even when compared to some laptop computers, and more... but if it's going to crash each time I play a game for, say, half hour, and gets hot to the touch, then I am not too sure what to do...
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What a shame. I'm seriously considering buying A700 instead of Prime primarily because of the speakers; and though also not for gaming, this heat issue is still a concern. A device over $100 should be sensibly engineered.
Looks like I'll have to get a google pad for the meantime and wait for S4 Krait devices or even a w8 pad.
Shame indeed... I am literally one click away from returning it. As stated, my original intention was not gaming, but after having spent time playing games on this tablet, I find it a crime to not play games on it! And the thought of playing a game and losing it all in the heat of the moment (pun intended) just kills all the excitement for me. It's almost guaranteed to crash as the temperature rises. Also keep in mind that although it didn't crash, watching HD videos on YouTube definitely does cause the temperature to go up. Perhaps it didn't crash because in between videos I paused quite a few minutes each time, and in the end did not spend that much time watching HD videos in one session.
XooLoo said:
Shame indeed... I am literally one click away from returning it. As stated, my original intention was not gaming, but after having spent time playing games on this tablet, I find it a crime to not play games on it! And the thought of playing a game and losing it all in the heat of the moment (pun intended) just kills all the excitement for me. It's almost guaranteed to crash as the temperature rises. Also keep in mind that although it didn't crash, watching HD videos on YouTube definitely does cause the temperature to go up. Perhaps it didn't crash because in between videos I paused quite a few minutes each time, and in the end did not spend that much time watching HD videos in one session.
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Could you kindly answer a couple of questions for everyone's benefit?
1. If you launch a game, it crashes after a certain time, coinciding with a considerable heating of the pad's body?
2. If you try to launch the same game right away (without letting the pad cool down), what happens?
3. If you try launching a different (but also graphics-intensive) game right away, what happens?
4. Have you tried uninstalling\freezing the McAfee antivirus, which, as claimed by some, may alleviate this problem (not very believable, though)?
Thank you!
I've been gaming on mine and after turning off unneeded running programs, and turning off unused services (gps, auto sync...) it still gets warm but it never crashes. I've also been watching movies without issues as well. A vent or better heat sink option should have been used to alleviate this problem although I have some ideas....The Asus is not even an option for me due to their attention to detail with the speaker, and all the potential build problems that will likely occur just like their past 3 models.
I can confirm that after shutting down and disabling a few apps, specifically Virus Scanner, WildTangent, Evernote, and Google+. I can play games for quite a while without any crashing. The crashing may be caused by the virus scanner rather than the heat, cause I can run RR2HD for over an hour without a single crash now but the back does indeed get really hot. I'm currently trying to figure out how I might be able to dissipate some of that heat via a case mod of some sort.
Is there a program we can install that will run continually so that we get the tab heating up without just playing a game? Just to let it run and see if it ever crashes the tab?
Also 360 VR for $199 too.
Any news on the dac add on from bang and Olufsen?
If it wasnt for how bad the reviews are for the 360 vr I would be tempted to order it. Especially with how much I dislike the gear vr I ahve sitting here next to me.
Woah 199 for the VR? It got horrid reviews.
B&H Photo also has bundles with the G5 and both the 360 VR & 360 Cam for $799.99 - pretty good deal if you want them both.
And I saw the 360 VR did get mixed reviews, but I really think the lightness and lack of clunkiness (ie not having to dock your phone in the headset) are what can make the difference. To me, the mobile VR solutions shouldn't be trying to compete with Oculus Rift yet - I think trading off some immersiveness/quality might be worth it at this point for the lighter frame and greater ease of mobility. This isn't a headset for playing deeply immersive computer games - it's for carrying around with you and enjoying a little VR on the go wherever you are.
That said, I am hoping to be able to try one out somewhere before I think about ordering.
if you own the US version of the G5, the B&O module is not compatible with your device. it's terrible news...
I'm using the LGR105 and it's not too bad. Realize it has limitations. The app, however, is horrible. The 20 minute video is 2.5 Gigs and you must transfer it through the app to get a useable video. But the app won't transfer the video because it can't fit 2.5 Gigs into 7.5 Gigs of available space on the phone. I also have 8 Gigs free on my SD card. The developers don't want to be bothered. First they said "Download the new version, we fixed that problem" which obviously they didn't, as I'm running the new version. Then they said that it's my problem. Totally useless. What good is a camera when you can't view the pictures you've taken?
I have the VR and it fit's better and is lighter then a cardboard with a phone inside.
The screen is not very good, I can count the pixels... and the phone drains fast and gets very hot using it.
I only tried it the day I got it for free with my secondhand phone, you need to install LG friends and all kind of LG 3d specific apps and from what I know it only works with those apps..
Nice try LG, but it's a waste of money..