Need phone to replace Orange SanFran/ZTE Blade(Ireland) - General Questions and Answers

I broke the screen connector and it's probably not worth trying to replace it.
So I'm thinking of getting a new phone. I'd rather not replace it with the same phone as then it'd feel like I outright wasted money, I'd rather pay a little extra for something either better or a more recognisable brand that's thus easier to get parts for.
I'm thinking of the HTC Wildfire S. It actually has a GPU on it, which could be nice for playing games. However I've heard some of the mid sized Samsungs could be a better option in terms of build quality. The Wildfire S also only has a 600mhz CPU which isn't any better than my Blade, but I know that's not necessarily an accurate measure of performance(old PPC processors vs intel for example). Screen is lower resolution too, but it's hard to get a screen as good as the Blade's.
I mainly need a Smart Phone for web browsing, checking facebook etc. It could have been the ROM(though I did get through like 5 of them) but I found Facebook at least to be incredibly slow and in general web browsing wasn't a very smooth experience.
There weren't many games that worked either. I'd like to at least be able to play Sonic CD for example, as I hear it's a pretty good port. If there are any cheapish phones that come with attachable controls(at least I've heard they may exist) I'd probably prioritise that over anything else since I can just use emulators in that case.
Looking at no more than €150, I'd rather go less if possible. I need something just a little bit better than the SanFan. Same size would be nice as I just bought a carry case for it, but a little bigger could be handy too.


Is the Advantage for me?

Hello, I'm having a little trouble deciding which device would suit my needs more. My first choice was the HTC Advantage X7501, but after reading countless reviews and such, the device's size is an ultimate turn off. The 5'' inch is really nice, and suit my needs for watching videos in some leisure time on the go. Also looks great for web surfing, but still the size is bugging me. I've learned the device isn't primarily a phone, but I just need an all in one device. At the same time though, I'm a heavy texter [SMS Messaging], and would like to know from first hand experience, how it is on this device.
On the other hand the I-Mate Ultimate 9502 caught my attention, but spec wise does not stand a chance against the Advantage in my opinion.
All I really want to know is:
1. Is this device SMS friendly with a touch screen keyboard?
2. It's portability. [I need a device that I can take anywhere and everywhere, and not have to carry anything extra such as a bag.]
3. If this device isn't for me, any alternatives?
My post-review might help you.
Google "xda-developers Athena post review"
Xanon said:
Hello, I'm having a little trouble deciding which device would suit my needs more. My first choice was the HTC Advantage X7501, but after reading countless reviews and such, the device's size is an ultimate turn off. The 5'' inch is really nice, and suit my needs for watching videos in some leisure time on the go. Also looks great for web surfing, but still the size is bugging me. I've learned the device isn't primarily a phone, but I just need an all in one device. At the same time though, I'm a heavy texter [SMS Messaging], and would like to know from first hand experience, how it is on this device.
On the other hand the I-Mate Ultimate 9502 caught my attention, but spec wise does not stand a chance against the Advantage in my opinion.
All I really want to know is:
1. Is this device SMS friendly with a touch screen keyboard?
2. It's portability. [I need a device that I can take anywhere and everywhere, and not have to carry anything extra such as a bag.]
3. If this device isn't for me, any alternatives?
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Hi there!
This is certainly not easy questions that you ask, but I will try my best to answer them for you anyway!
First of all I have to say that I used to have an X7500 but I sold it in the favour for the upcoming HTC Touch Pro wich is due to come out sometime this month!
Having said that, I can tell you that I do miss the beautiful big 5" screen of my device, surfing and watching videos is just not the same with a smaller device! Also I used it for navigation and I really miss the big screen there too!
I also miss the 8 GB built in harddrive becouse I am a heavy user and I fill up my 4 gb card very easy, but hey thats not really a very big issue becouse the card can be exchanged for a bigger one!
The device is as you say pretty big, but you dont need to carry any extra bags if you have big enough pockets! Also I know that there is at least several cases that you can strap to your belt and carry it like that, search in this forum for more information on that!
Now to answer sms typing question!
I guess it depends on what you are used to! If you are used typing on a touch screen with a stylus then this device is alot better then the smaller screen sized, also if you install "resco keybord" you will be able to type with your fingers without using a stylus, you cant beat that!
However if you are not used to type on a touch screen and prefer using the real keyboard for typing then you are in for a heck of a lot trouble! First of all the keyboard on the X7500 sucks! It has very small keys and almost no feedback at all to talk about, when I used it I typed wrong letters all the time and that was very frustrating! Also I think it is important to mention that the keyboard is attached with a very strong magnet, but it will work best if you place the device on a stable surface while typing, if you intend to hold the device with your hands and type the chance is big that the device will detach itself from the keyboard and fall forward or back! The magnet is not that strong so it can keep the keyboard attached in all position!
So in conclusion, if you are a havy typer and want to use the screen go for the X7500!
If you however prefer to type on a real keyboard then this device is not at all for you, I would then go for the upcoming HTC Touch Pro, or if you are not that of a havy user then you should consider a HTC Universal! I know that is an old device, but if you ask me it has by far the best keyboard compared to any other device! Also it has a big 3,8" screen and is alot smalled then X7500!
Also watching videos is very smooth and it´s not skipping frames due to missing drivers!
I hope this helps you in your decision!
Good luck!
You helped me plenty Branko
Actually using the touch screen to type is something I had in mind.
I forgot all about the HTC Touch Pro, isn't the price for it going to be around the same as the Advantage though?
If you use software keyboard, Softmaker for excel and word, watch lots of youtube, do lots of internet, 5 inch screen will be a better choice.
Xanon said:
You helped me plenty Branko
Actually using the touch screen to type is something I had in mind.
I forgot all about the HTC Touch Pro, isn't the price for it going to be around the same as the Advantage though?
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I actually think that the touch pro will be somewhat cheaper then the athena!
However it you are going to type on the screen then I would go for the athena and not the touch pro!
However I still think that a real keybord is better when it comes to typing, to be able to feal the keys you are pressing results in less typos! And the only device that I feal comfortable using when typing sms is the HTC Universal!
Maybe you should take a look at my post in this thread
Please look at the post number 6 "The universal is a masterpiece!", that will explain why I would still recommend the uni above all the other devices, not to mention it would be much cheaper if you can find a used one, you will save money!
Good luck, and please let us know what you decide!
Yeah saving money is a big factor for me.
If I have to fork over a hefty amount for the device, I want to know I'm getting the most bang for the buck. Which is why I made this thread, didn't want to be disappointed if I do decide to buy the Advantage. It's a lot of money and eating my saved money alive.
I was considering the Uni at one point, but the XDA Exec version.[Black is sexy baby] It's hard to come around though, so I'm considering a newer device.
I'm feeling so/so for the Advantage, seems SMS wouldn't work like I have in mind, on the other hand, a handset with a keyboard wouldn't be so bad. Think there will be a little keyboard lag when you first slide the keyboard out for SMS on the Touch Pro?
Xanon said:
Yeah saving money is a big factor for me.
If I have to fork over a hefty amount for the device, I want to know I'm getting the most bang for the buck. Which is why I made this thread, didn't want to be disappointed if I do decide to buy the Advantage. It's a lot of money and eating my saved money alive.
I was considering the Uni at one point, but the XDA Exec version.[Black is sexy baby] It's hard to come around though, so I'm considering a newer device.
I'm feeling so/so for the Advantage, seems SMS wouldn't work like I have in mind, on the other hand, a handset with a keyboard wouldn't be so bad. Think there will be a little keyboard lag when you first slide the keyboard out for SMS on the Touch Pro?
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You should check out this video demonstrating the touch pro! What I can see there is no lag what so ever, but then again, we just have to wait for it to come out so that we can see for ourselfes! Who knows how it will perform when a few apps are installed?
Xanon said:
I was considering the Uni at one point, but the XDA Exec version.[Black is sexy baby] It's hard to come around though, so I'm considering a newer device.
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Yeah black is nice, but I dont think however that you should ignore the uni just becouse it´s not available in that particular color, I can promise you wont be disapointed with the uni if you type alot!
Somehow I think that the touch pro´s keybord, even if it is slightly better then the one on Tytn II can really be so good!? I for one would like to spare my fingers and hands, and I can not do that if the keys are so small that you have to be an acrobatic master to be able to type on them!
Hmm, no wonder I am using my uni to type all my sms with! Also very nice 3,8" screen to watch videos and surf the internet, and it still fits in your pocket nicely!
But hey, thats just my opinion!
Wow thanks a million Branko, been massive help to me. The Touch Pro has developed a lot since the last time I've seen it. This device looks very promising and I'm highly considering it. I just hope the price isn't sky high, I could use the extra money for a beefy SD card and some form of protection. Looks like the type that'll scratch.
But that 5 inch screen on the Advantage . . .
Xanon said:
the device's size is an ultimate turn off. The 5'' inch is really nice, and suit my needs for watching videos in some leisure time on the go. Also looks great for web surfing, but still the size is bugging me.
All I really want to know is:
1. Is this device SMS friendly with a touch screen keyboard?
2. It's portability. [I need a device that I can take anywhere and everywhere, and not have to carry anything extra such as a bag.]
3. If this device isn't for me, any alternatives?
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as they say... you gotta pay to play...
what i mean is You CAN'T possibly wish for a 5" screen in a 2.5" size phone, that is physically impossible, until some one make a mass production of Tactile virtual 3D Holographic cell phone with large screen display. (in another 20 years i'll estimate)
Here are my reasons why i got the X7510
R1: i got tired of my 2.5" x 2.5" screen on my old smart phone.
I wanted something big ... the iphone first got my attention, but software, and hardware support was horrible, so then i found the lagest posssible smartphone was our HTC 7510 with 5" display, i immediately fell in love with it, specially after seen the yutuve videos of how easy people are browsing the next and movies and games, etc
R2: as mentioned above, i wanted something to browse the net quickly, without having to scroll the screen like 10 times, just to be able to read the page from left to right.
R3: i Text (SMS) and email more than i talk, more convenient than a Blackberry + iphone combined.
R4: oh did i mentioned entertainment? i bet i did playing games and movies on a large screen, is hella wayyy better than on a 2.5" screen
specially if you are watching movies in foreign languages and you need to read the subs LOL
R5: for bragging rights "Look! i got a better "iphone" than yours, can your iphone do this? LOL "
R6: it fits in my pockets just fine, i'm medium size 5.6 so my pants and shirts pockets are not that big.
is only 1 inch bigger than my old Smartphone Treo 6XX
R7: need i say more?
to answer you last 3 question
1. SMS = superb way better than the Treo, you can use the on screen LCD keyboard just fine, provided you have medium size fingers, but not suitable for people with big fingers.
2. answered that on R6
3. get an iphone, and come back *****ing about it after a few weeks, you can;t play movies, you can;t play games, you can;t use blue tooth audio, you can;t .... etc
Oh man, so glad to hear it can fit in pockets. That's a huge plus to me, and how is the Opera Browser on the 7510?
Oh man, so glad to hear it can fit in pockets. That's a huge plus to me, and how is the Opera Browser on the 7510?
Opera browser is pretty damn good, i'm glad that it came included from factory.
if you have used and likes the Opera browser in your desktop PC
you wont even notice the difference (exept for the screen size)
it'll be easier to import all your book marks too
That's pretty nifty, but there's a really hefty price tag on the X7510.
If you're going to use software keyboard (which I recommend Tengo), and want portabibility, I suggest that you use it without carrying the keyboard (i.e tablet style). Buy a cheap used 7500 or 7501 instead of 7510. In this way, you have all the hardware buttons which 7510 does not have, and also the ability to use cooked ROM. (No cooked ROM for 7510 at this moment).
Also, although you can put it in your pocket, I do not recommend it as it would be uncomfortable. Use a pouch instead.
Read my post review here to get more info.
See post #4
Xanon said:
1. Is this device SMS friendly with a touch screen keyboard?
2. It's portability. [I need a device that I can take anywhere and everywhere, and not have to carry anything extra such as a bag.]
3. If this device isn't for me, any alternatives?
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1. YES, either using the screen itself or with the keyboard.
2. I have no problem with portability. I have a leather pouch and it stays there. All I need to answer and make calls is the LG HBM 700.
3. I currently see no alternatives, as none have the 5 inch screen yet.
If you do decide to get the X7500 or X7501. READ ABOUT TROUBLES WITH THE 8 GB HARD DRIVE FIRST. If buttons are important to you, then go get the X7500 or X7501. If both does not concern you at all and you are a first time buyer looking for a BRAND NEW DEVICE then I suggest get the X7510 instead, because the price difference is only about a $100 dollars and you get the peace of mind not to worry about the hard drive.
cktlcmd said:
If you do decide to get the X7500 or X7501. READ ABOUT TROUBLES WITH THE 8 GB HARD DRIVE FIRST. If buttons are important to you, then go get the X7500 or X7501. If both does not concern you at all and you are a first time buyer looking for a BRAND NEW DEVICE then I suggest get the X7510 instead, because the price difference is only about a $100 dollars and you get the peace of mind not to worry about the hard drive.
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that's exactly why i went for the X7510 instead of the cheaper older models
What problems are there with the 8GB microdrive????? I don't think there is anything you see there that you will not see in say a Storage Card. It is just as reliable for me, except it is way way faster.

What phone to go for?

edit: for the most up-to-date indecisive rambling, just jump to the most recent post, though feel free to peruse the whole thread.
I understand this is a very difficult question to answer, especially given that no two people's needs are ever quite the same but I'm just looking for some ideas/a sounding board.
I currently have a Touch HD which I have been quite happy with, I really quite like TouchFlo, but it's starting to show it's age and I'm due an upgrade in about a fortnight anyway.
At the moment, given what's available on the market, Android is the only choice IMO.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against WinMo/WinPho but I'm not buying a phone that won't be properly upgradeable and therefore, arguably, rendered obsolete in a couple of months and I'm definitely not waiting two months plus for a new phone on the off-chance I like what I see.
As for the rest, Symbian's a joke; Blackberrys aren't my thing; Palm is not an option; and the iPhone, well unless they announce something pretty damned special on Monday, my dislike of iTunes alone is enough to put me off - before we even get onto the flaws with the handset(s)...
In terms of what I want, that's where it all gets a bit difficult.
I can't work out if I want to go for an all-out powerful handset à la the Desire or the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S or if I want something a bit less fancy, the Sony Ericsson X10 Mini being a prime example - trading off absolute power for benefits in terms of size and cost.
My worry about a high-end handset is that I get one, then a month or two, or even a week or two, later, something else comes along that makes me regret my decision - not least the impending WinPho 7 release and all the potentially 'awesome' new handsets that will accompany that.
With the X10 Mini, I'm not too worried about something better arriving in the near-future, I think it's too niche a device to end up with much competition but, having read the review of it on GSMArena, it seems that my biggest concern is the handset's Achilles Heel - the low screen res. If it was even HVGA, I would probably just go for it but QVGA is pushing usability.
Anyway, yeah, I'm just looking to bounce ideas/suggestions around, so if anyone wants to chip in, please feel free.
Nexus one is my phone of choice at the moment. I've just made the jump to Android and this device is nothing short of awesome! The 2.2 upgrade will be rolled out soon which brings several improvements too. (It is available already but this early release isn't very polished yet. I'm waiting for the OTA release).
Unusually for me i'm keeping this device stock, so no custom ROM flashing etc. It's just such an improvement over the WM phones that i'm used to that i don't feel the need to change anything. I could harp on for hours about all the features that makes this such a good device but you should have a look around instead and make your own informed decision. There are lots of good forums devoted to this device but i'd start with the dedicated xda, nexus one section.
If I were going for a high-end Android device, then it would be the Desire and not the Nexus One - partly because I like the Sense UI and partly because I wouldn't entertain the idea of switching to Vodafone, their tariffs aren't competitive and their coverage is poor where I stay.
I have played extensively with the Desire and it is a lovely phone but, as I said previously, I'm concerned that if I upgraded to it, I'd only want to change again when say the Galaxy S comes out or in a couple of months when WinPho 7 arrives.
Obviously, there's a chance that would be the same if I went for the X10 Mini but I would be able to get it on such a cheap deal instead, that the idea of then choosing to shell out for a new device a few months down the line isn't so bad.
I'm also starting to question whether I need all the features that the Desire/Nexus One offers as opposed to merely wanting them.
I bought myself a laptop back in January and, since then, I'm using the web a lot less on my phone, so do I really need something with a huge, high-res screen?
Thanks for the input, it's greatly appreciated (as is anyone else's opinions/ideas), I fear I've a bit of thinking ahead of me yet though...
At the moment, there are a few phones that I'm considering and I'm trying to weigh them all up, so I'd appreciate any input, suggestions or ideas anyone can offer up.
First up, the HTC Desire
HTC Sense
Decent CPU and RAM
AMOLED screen
HTC handset - excellent build quality and 2 year warranty
No HD video
Screen is only AMOLED, not sAMOLED
It's already sold a lot and, as sad as it is, I don't really like the idea of having the same phone as everyone else
Samsung Galaxy S
superAMOLED screen
HD video
CPU that's potentially even more powerful than the Snapdragon in the Desire
Samsung handset - 2 year warranty
No HTC Sense
Even worse, it uses Samsung's childish UI
No camera flash - seriously, wtf?
Not yet released
Motorola XT720
8MP, HD video, Xenon flash - the best camera on an Android handset just now
480x854 screen resolution - more pixels are never a bad thing
[edit] HDMI out - a real boon for an HD-recording handset [/edit]
LCD screen - not even AMOLED, let alone sAMOLED
480x854 screen resolution - non-standard resolution may cause some app compatibility issues
No LED flash for video use - a minor point but the ideal camera phone would have LED and Xenon
Question marks over CPU compared to the Desire or Galaxy S (720MHz OMAP A8 Cortex as opposed to 1GHz Snapdragon/Hummingbird on other handsets)
No HTC Sense
Motorola handset - 1 year warranty, not sure of build quality
Not available until the start of next month
Sony Ericsson X10 Mini
Tiny size
Well thought-out UI
Sony Ericsson handset - 2 year warranty
Small screen size and resolution - will have a negative effect on web browsing experience and app compatibility
Only running 1.6 'Donut' with very vague upgrade roadmap
Sony Ericsson handset - questionable build quality, possible (probable?) software issues
LCD screen - not AMOLED or sAMOLED
No HD video
I know it may not seem like it, given the large number of points in the 'Cons' category for it but I'm actually drawn the most to the Motorola handset.
The problem is, having only just been released there's a number of questions I have which I can't as of yet get answers for - for example, the build quality may not be an issue but I won't know that until I can have a play with one, the CPU may not be a downside, etc etc.
Anyway, yeah, any/all input is always welcome.
i guess your best choice can be galaxy s
but if you give up on browsing(use your laptop instead) then x10mini will be the best...feature wise and price
wish you luck
I do currently use my laptop a lot for web browsing but I'm not prepared to carry it around with me every day on the off-chance I want to go online.
If the X10 Mini had even an HVGA screen instead of QVGA, then it would probably be high enough to just to alleviate my concerns - at least in terms of app compatibility, though obviously for the likes of web browsing it would never match a WVGA (or higher) handset like the others I'm considering.
As for the Galaxy S, the power, screen and HD video do appeal but leaving out a camera flash just seems so unnecessary, almost like they're doing it deliberately.
But, between that and the Samsung UI, it's just enough to sour my feelings towards it.
As I say, against my better judgement, I can't help but like the Motorola handset.
At least, unlike the Desire, by sticking with an LCD screen it should mean it's ok to use in sunlight - obviously AMOLED has it's advantages but unless you make the jump all the way up to sAMOLED then there's still a cloud attached to that silver lining.
And regarding the CPU, while there are question marks over it, I've also heard it suggested that the TI OMAP 3430 CPUs are actually more powerful than the faster-clocked Snapdragon CPUs like the Desire uses, so it could actually be a better handset than the Desire in that respect.
Also, I should probably point out that my plan when I upgrade is to negotiate as low a tariff as I can out of T-Mobile, then if I see a phone I really like partway through the contract term, I'll just buy it.
So, the shorter warranty on the Motorola may not be an issue.
Thanks for your input, even if it doesn't seem like it, it's definitely appreciated.
Ok, so here we are a full 5 months since the last post and I'm still stuck in the same situation - want, almost need, a new phone but don't know what to go for.
Since last time, obviously things have come on a long way.
Symbian has reached the next level, meaning it's only a bit behind everyone else as opposed to significantly behind; Apple announced the iPhone4 which is a nice piece of hardware but the OS and price are too big of a stmubling block; Blackberry have moved on to OS6 but really there's nothing new about it; WinPho7 was released and looks OK but the hardware is just slightly underwhelming.
As for Maemo/Meego, Bada and WebOS, they're not even worth considering IMO.
So that leaves us with the only thing I am sure about, that my next phone will be an Android handset but beyond that I've still not been able to reach a decision.
Looking back at what I was considering before, none of them are still in the running - the Motorola XT720 turned out to be a dud, the X10 Mini was plagued with problems and the Galaxy S and Desire have both been out-done by the Desire HD.
Obviously the daddy just now is the Desire HD.
The best hardware around, the best UI around, there should be no reason to even consider anything else. And yet, I'm just not taken with it, I know I should love it, I know there should be no competition but it's not exciting me.
On the other hand, against all the odds and especially since the XT720 was so poor, I find myself quite taken with the Motorola Defy.
I know that the specs aren't so great but the idea of a ruggedised handset is pretty neat and the size is just a bit more pocketable than the Desire HD's, though that's not my biggest concern.
Going in the other direction, I'm also quite taken by the Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Given how I use my phone making/receiving very few calls, mostly texting and using the internet) a larger device like the Tab is in many ways better-suited to my needs. However, it's biggest advantage is also it's biggest downfall - the larger screen makes the Tab a far less practical device than the likes of the Desire HD or the Defy (I know I said with regards to the Defy that the size difference wasn't my biggest concern but the Tab is a whole order of magnitude larger), to the point that if I decided to use the Tab as a phone, I'd need to get myself a second handset to use on occasions when the Tab's size made it impossible to take with me.
Once again, any/all help will be greatly appreciated.

exactly how more powerful can phones become?

what with this talk of dual core, quad core, it sounds bloody great on a spec sheet, but in reality do we really need a piece of kit that is powerful enough to squadron a fleet of f1 fighter jets automatically? "A piece of kit" of course being a smartphone.
Sure, there's use in it being able to play music, play video, take photos, and god-forbid be pretty decent at calls - something most smart phones seem to be forgetting lately - but what else? is it really of use to be able to connect to a tv to watch whatever via hdmi? is it really useful to be able to take stereoscopic photos? to be able to watch a blueray disc format at 60fps - when our eyes can detect no more than 30fps... then there's the apparent 11million colour limit of our eyes.
there's only so much you can do on a 4inch slab before usability issues kick in. and that inreality limits the max speed of a phone. anything else is superfluous.
sure geeks will buy the latest whatever smartphone simply because it's the latest one, but in reality it's no different to any other smartphone out there, just with a relatively small speed increase and higher price tag.
to me, it all sounds very much like flash websites. it all looks and sounds awesome, to someone who doesn't use it. but those annoying bleeps, animations and whatnot quickly add up to a useless website. is that the way smart phones are going? i'm sure 75% of users of smartphones these days don't use all the features.
yes technology can make super-small processors. but that doesn't mean it should immediately then shove it in a phone for no good reason. the age oif commercialism says otherwise though?
don't you agree?
MarkusPO said:
what with this talk of dual core, quad core, it sounds bloody great on a spec sheet, but in reality do we really need a piece of kit that is powerful enough to squadron a fleet of f1 fighter jets automatically? "A piece of kit" of course being a smartphone.
Sure, there's use in it being able to play music, play video, take photos, and god-forbid be pretty decent at calls - something most smart phones seem to be forgetting lately - but what else? is it really of use to be able to connect to a tv to watch whatever via hdmi? is it really useful to be able to take stereoscopic photos? to be able to watch a blueray disc format at 60fps - when our eyes can detect no more than 30fps... then there's the apparent 11million colour limit of our eyes.
there's only so much you can do on a 4inch slab before usability issues kick in. and that inreality limits the max speed of a phone. anything else is superfluous.
sure geeks will buy the latest whatever smartphone simply because it's the latest one, but in reality it's no different to any other smartphone out there, just with a relatively small speed increase and higher price tag.
to me, it all sounds very much like flash websites. it all looks and sounds awesome, to someone who doesn't use it. but those annoying bleeps, animations and whatnot quickly add up to a useless website. is that the way smart phones are going? i'm sure 75% of users of smartphones these days don't use all the features.
yes technology can make super-small processors. but that doesn't mean it should immediately then shove it in a phone for no good reason. the age oif commercialism says otherwise though?
don't you agree?
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Dude,the whole point of smartphones becoming more and more powerful is making us,the end users,able to use our full desktop's experience on the go.Maybe not everyone needs/uses all the functions of a modern smartphone,but it has to meet everyone's needs,right?What might be useless for you might be the most important for someone else.
So stop criticising,you won't achieve anything.We probably also don't need 50" TVs and 7.1 surround speekers,but we all love these things,right?
I in no way want to insult you or anyone else here,but just sayin'.
I use all the features of my desire from making calls, text, music, video, games, email, internet, downloading, photo's, alarm clock, watch, torch, the list goes on
It's like a Swiss army knife of technology
Well as you posted, there is no reason as to not have it. In having it we have no disadvantages, but there are possible advantages, so that's good. So if we can have more, why not?
ummmm have you watched anything science fiction like star trek tng? we want those tech... TODAY. that's the whole point.
Kailkti said:
Well as you posted, there is no reason as to not have it. In having it we have no disadvantages, but there are possible advantages, so that's good. So if we can have more, why not?
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Exactly. If you don't see the reasoning behind it, don't bother upgrading to the latest and greatest thing. Technology in general is like this; personal computers powerful enough to run pretty much ant program out there.... laptops that are over 6 lbs and containing Max specs...
There is obviously a reason to do it, if you cant find one then don't get one.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
Ill be happy when I can do everything on my phone that I would do on a PC. Why else would I want a smart phone. Definitely not so I can tweet and FB. Thats allways been possible. I think we are a far way away from that. Also battery technology and power efficiency have a long way to go. I need more than 1day battery life
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
It's really simple, OP. Carriers/Mfgrs still sell dumbphones for the general public who aren't ready to embrace that much power in the palm of their hand. Another REALLLYYY simple point, you're not forced to buy one.
Even if you don't want/need the latest and greatest, the constant improvements and advances in technology also serve to push prices further down and that benefits everyone.
i think when phones reach some capacity they won't be called phones anymore
dude, our phones will be able to teleport us to anywhere in the world ( standard rates apply of course ) just watch!
battery technology is holding them back i think, until there are some advances in that area i dont think we will see mind-blowingly powerful phones
I've felt that for a while but I'm not so sure now - advances in battery technology could be superseded by improvements (ie reductions) in CPU power usage/requirements.
With each new generation of CPUs/SoCs, the manufacturers not only increase processing capabilities but also improve efficiency, meaning that you can get processing grunt from less battery usage.
That could, potentially, render drastic improvements in battery technology less of a priority than they are/should be.
Of course, we'd all love something like a micro fuel-cell or a super-capacitor or whatever and have phones that last for a week of extremely heavy usage but most people would and probably will have to settle for their next iPhone/Android handset being more powerful and having the same battery life as their existing phone.
I'm waiting for the phones they implant in our heads

[Q] Looking to buy a tablet

The choices I'm looking at area really just two:
iPad 2
Motorola XOOM
I am guessing that you'll all tell me to get the XOOM because, well, it's XDA developers. Although I'm kind of leaning towards that direction, I would like to have concrete reasons other than "Apple is evil".
The biggest problem I have with the XOOM is that it's not IPS, if it were I'd already have bought it. So for those of you who have the XOOM, is it's screen ok in terms of viewing angle? Cuz I'm just sooo sick and tired of weird colors or reversed colors from TFT panels. And I'm also really sensitive to minor inaccuracy in color, just makes me so mad. Thank god it has a 1280X800 resolution or it would've been out of question instantly.
The second biggest problem is design. I mean excuse me, most tablets except the iPad and iPad 2 look like ****. I think the XOOM is the only acceptable looking one, yet it has a crappy looking back side. The Samsung Galaxy tab, is one of the ****tiest looking product I've ever seen. Why? Not only because its stupid thick, the proportion of its size versus its screen size is ugly, and its display theme totally does not match its physical appearance. So all other Android tablets are out of the question, they just look like ****. Those of you who's studied art must know, that it's all about proportion, the golden mean and all that. Not the absolute size or design of anything in particular.
You may all hate the lack of personalization and the icon tile of iPad, but it is just soooo much more harmonious in terms of design and looks. Not that I'm gonna be unpractical but the difference is just so significant I can't ignore it.
The iOS also has a significantly larger number of apps at 65,000. Now I don't own any iOS devices so I don't really know how many of them are actually worthy of using. The last time I checked Honeycomb has like, what? 400? Even though I don't play games so I can exclude all the iPad games that still sounds like a huge difference. I'm not sure what that translates to.
Having said so many good things for the iPad 2, I have problems with it as well. I'm so frustrated, no product is perfect.
The iPad 2 doesn't have retina display, I hate the term retina, it's as if Jobs invented a new type of screen just be increasing resolution. But really, why haven't any phone yet to beat the iPhone 4? All I see is bigger and bigger screen, without any of them beating iPhone 4 in resolution. Shame on the Android phones. And yes, I love pixels period. Anyway, the iPad 2 resolution is a bit unsatisfactory, it's smaller than the 720p's 1280 in width, that's the most problematic. It should've been 1280X960.
I my self also have a problem with customization in iOS, and it's icon tile. I think although Android 2.x look stupid on tablets. Android 3.0 looks awesome, and it seem to function a lot better. I think my self as really good at electronics so I won't be frustrated by its complications as long as it's not stupidly designed like the BB PlayBook which I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to quit an application and failed, such a stupid product, bad looking as well.
So yea... only if the XOOM had IPS screen, a bit longer battery life, and a little less stupid back cover. It would've been perfect.
Why limit to just 2? Why aren't you looking at new android tablets from Samsung, Asus, LG etc.?
Asus transformer, dont wast your money on apple garbage
because they look like ****. unacceptable in appearance.
I use an Android phone. I got an iPad, in the end it is just a big iPod Touch to me and not much more. I gave it to my wife who use it as an e-reader. I got a netbook instead and installed Ubuntu in it, now I have a real portable computer instead of a computer wannabe. Battery life is good enough and easily beat any smartphone out there in continuous use.
I mean yea the iPad is a big iPod touch. But the idea is that, that is just what it is, and the fact that it is big alone is enough reason to get it.
I can also see how the Honeycomb OS is more powerful, computer wise, if you want it to be a computer which it really isn't, it's a tablet.
But then, Honeycomb doesn't have the high quality apps the iPad is already filled with. which means less functionality in that sense.
Functionality is what made me gave up iPad. What it can do my Android phone could do it too.
The only pro is battery life which is legendary for a portable.
Of course it all depends on your need, so I suggest you look into what sort of specific function are you looking for.
For me it was web browsing, what I hate about my phone is it can't handle some web pages properly, the iPad is no better, if not worse (no Flash). So YMMV.
But if you just want a tablet and care about look, iPad is the way to go.
Ok, At first I bought myself the Blackberry Playbook, its multitasking of the new QNX OS is amazing great, battery life is not as promised by blackberry. Than when they made an announcement that Android Apps will be delayed in the merger passed the summer, I exchanged it for a Motorola Xoom, I was never a big fan of Motorola but I will tell you, I love this freaking Tablet, its fast reliable. Only thing I am slightly disappointed is even on a fast wifi. It freezes videos on and those are the only two I have tried so far.) Youtube plays flawlessly on wifi, I also use the 4G hotspot on my HTC EVO to get the internet anywhere I go.
Battery Life: I have played games on it. to test battery and I will tall you I am happy. I took it to work Played Doodle jump and Fruit Ninja THD on it and I came home with battery still at half full. I do not have my Xoom now since my sister in law decided to steal it, it's been 2 days now and I called her earlier and she told me battery is still halfway full. This girl plays Poker Stars on the thing all day long so I am happy I have a reliable device. I just wish they made better cases for it and the speakers in the front not back.
Primarily I bought the tablet to take it to school and do work on it. If I am doing a PowerPoint presentation and I need to throw it to a PC I do not want to have an IPad in that situation. Because you cant do mass storage transfer. Only way of transferring the file is emailing myself. now if I have a WiFi only IPad that sucks if I have no internet connection to email it. Also if the file is bigger than 10MB you cannot email it to no one unless you separate the file into two or more. Thank you for open source
Also im not hating on apple products, I am hating on the people who make the OS which is so strictly locked down by apple.
Sure you can jailbreak, but not everyone knows how to do it, OR some people are to by the book and don't do it. OR they are plain Dumb
The XOOM is a great tablet, actually. The only downside is that since it's so new, it's native apps are a little glitchy and there aren't many apps for tablets on the Android Market. But both of those will be resolved soon.
Try out a XOOM, they're great.
I would honestly wait for maybe another 3-4 months- within that time frame there should at least another 3-4 highly competitive Android tablets running Honeycomb and it'll give time for more usage of the tablet version and some updates will be on the way. In fact Honeycomb 3.1 has already been confirmed to be released very soon.
Crazy991 said:
The XOOM is a great tablet, actually. The only downside is that since it's so new, it's native apps are a little glitchy and there aren't many apps for tablets on the Android Market. But both of those will be resolved soon.
Try out a XOOM, they're great.
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Good point- Xoom native apps are still little glitchy.
You could even check out the LG G-Slate (branded as the T-Mobile G-Slate). Has 3D (which i don't care for) and it's running very similar hardware to that of the Xoom. Only downside to this one is the cost and the lack of a wifi only version.
Crazy991 said:
Try out a XOOM, they're great.
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If you can handle the somewhat buggy Honeycomb on it, I agree. Not that it's bad by any stretch of the imagination, just has a few odd quirks.
Of course, this is xda, so I mean...modding it probably isn't entirely out of the question.
The iPad on the other hand "just works". My only gripe with it is the lack of expandable memory.
The decision really comes down to open vs. closed. If you want a more open device that you can tinker with, the Xoom is it. If you want something that just works, but is locked down pretty tight, the iPad is it.

Your thoughts on Asus Padfone

I feel this is more of a general "lets get your opinion/feel" but ive experienced in the past, any topic that has any question in it, gets moved to this section.. So im posting it here.
I'd like to get people opinions (and experiences if any) on the Asus Padfone. I've been eyeing the HTC Amaze, but there have been a few issues reported with it, and with new tech being released this year, im also considering other devices. The Padfone caught my eye due to its apparent versatility. (Especially since the HTC One series has been a massive letdown with the non-existent mSD card slot)
Though there do seem to be some things lacking with this device, such as the camera (apparently, the HTC one has an independent processor which speeds it up) for example.
Also the fact that its 3g and not 4g/LTE seems to be a step back (tho this isnt an concern for me, but could be later).
Anyway.. Thoughts? Concerns?
Not worth buying
I'm considering getting one. I'm from the Netherlands so 3G is just fine for me!
Pricing is rumoured around €699 euro here, pretty steep though... That's without the dock (which will set you back another €150 I bet)
I love the idea of having everything in one place (on your phone) and basically click it into the tablet for typing during class or watching/reading something.
Jam it into the dock for longer writing sessions... I can see this being a very useful combination for me personally. I'm not sure the average user will find this a useful gadget though.
Downside is that you really have to use the phone all the time and I'm not sure how well everything works softwarewise when you load the phone into the dock, screensize wise etc, etc.
Its just that I got a Gnex that I love so dearly
PokeiShoW said:
Not worth buying
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Care to elaborate?
newbie thoughts on the padfone
Last July 2011, I posted this thread on another forum and look at what happened in the interim - the Padfone!
"Looking for serious multi-purpose (non-existent yet) tablet
I am a newbie. I have been communicating with a variety of tech publications incl Walt Mossberg, WSJ. But no serious response. I do not own a tablet right now but want to propose features that can be incorporated to the current crop. You folks can chime in (with respect) if you think my ideas are plausible.
Full disclosure. Currently, I am not a fan of the crop of tablets in the market today. What is out there (regardless of brand) are just pure "gadgets" for me. I do not do social networking nor games. I realize that I am in the minority in the high-tech populace.
I will consider a tablet with the configuration below to trim my techie equipment inventory. I believe this would be a truly PORTABLE, POWERFUL, SINGLE COMBINATION alternative to having (1) a communication/convenience/entertainment" device (tablet) AND (2) a PC for serious professional computing work, should I need to do some.
Samsung Galaxy-like form factor (or maybe even slightly larger or heavier)
Full Cell phone call capable (CDMA/GSM) - 3 or 4G thru BT (either on ear device or car's BT wireless communicator) - not just Google Talk or Skype
Web-access wireless card (a/b/g/n)
BT enabled to pair with my car's BT audio system wireless connection to play music stored in the tablet and other BT capable devices (tech already available)
Semi-full size BT keyboard/case (tech already available)
Available USB2 or 3 port/s
Available docking device to connect to an external larger LCD monitor, full-size keyboard, printer, optical drive, external HD, etc (?) to really replace my office/home notebook
Enough processor power (Intel/AMD dual core or higher), storage to support a full PC OS (Windows 7/8 or Mac OS), Internet Browser (IE9, FF5, Chrome, Safari, etc) and APPLICATION PROGRAMS AND DATA!
Sufficient battery life (replaceable) with AC/DC charging/connectivity capability
Do you think this config for a tablet system has market and production potential? Or better yet, is there one already out there? I know that the technology to accomplish all of these exist already. It just takes somebody to put it all together.
Your professional insights are greatly appreciated."
Since the Pf is not in our shores yet and I have been sick and tired of the all the unboxing, first videos from Barcelona, Taiwan specs and availability, I just implore ASUS to get their act together and stop the teasing and give us the US model! Regardless how a bunch of folks have trashed it, I on the other hand WANT ONE NOW. I realize that this desire is sight unseen, performance and quality unknown and not all the specs I listed above are in the model available everywhere else, I believe the concept of 3 in 1 is a brilliant one. I may not be as techie as you folks but for my use and from prelim videos and specs, what ASUS has done is phenomenal.
I would greatly appreciate your more techie input as well as marketing intel (US availaibility, specs, price, carrier, etc.). BTW, I still refuse to buy and do not want any of the tablets available today. Thanks.
The mechanism to insert the phone into the tablet looks like its the first thing to break rendering the whole concept useless.
But i have not hold it in my hand, anyone have some info on the build quality?
Dark3n said:
The mechanism to insert the phone into the tablet looks like its the first thing to break rendering the whole concept useless.
But i have not hold it in my hand, anyone have some info on the build quality?
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It's possible, it depends if the "door" needs to be closed before it will output to the tabdock. Plus, im sure alot said that about flip phones and sliding phone. My Touch Pro 2 is still going pretty strong, and it has a sliding keyboard.
Something id like it know is with the Keyboard dock, is it 'closeable'. As in, can you dock the tablet to it, then "close it" like a laptop so you can transport it as one piece?
first try... and probably last
very difficult positioning for Asus. They're trying desperately to innovate more that the competition to get a strong foot in that market.
However, this solution might not be fully interesting for a lot of people... If its a failure, they'll have lost a great deal of money that could have been used to make up for the difference with the latest ipad...
If this will be a failure , atleast the price will drop fast ( something like Evo 3d -50% )
addiz said:
If this will be a failure , atleast the price will drop fast ( something like Evo 3d -50% )
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Why do you think it will be a failure?
it's something new and different let's see how people will act after buying it
Has a lot of potential...
Has a LOT of potential if marketed correctly.
I have a original ASUS Transformer TF101 with keyboard dock for eight months now and I can say its an amazing machine. The performance is just right, the battery lasts forever, almost stock ICS, lots of updates.
I have the only combination of devices that can compete with the full Padfone setup: a modern smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Note) and the mentioned Transformer, with full tethering support. If the Padfone system can have a significant price advantage, the consistency it provides (the Note have Android 2.3.6) can make it a winner.
Feels way to expensive.
$1 gets you a reply
yes the hinge closes like a laptop
problem: the hinge only opens around 90 degrees so you won't get a great viewing angle unless you are at a similar level.
when the latch of the tablet station opens to release the phone, it stops the phone being bent outwards, so you have to pull up and thus, not breaking the connector.
not having 4g is a big downer for me. I was going to get this and might still but seriously, uk is getting 4g this year so I doubt I'd want this when it gets released.
The price of phone + 10" screen is Euro 699.
I think it will not be a success.
Why? (iPhone 4S + New iPad) is only Euro 199 more than the phone and a dummy screen.
Moreover, if you're going to carry around a dummy screen, why not carry a REAL tablet??
tytung2020 said:
The price of phone + 10" screen is Euro 699.
I think it will not be a success.
Why? (iPhone 4S + New iPad) is only Euro 199 more than the phone and a dummy screen.
Moreover, if you're going to carry around a dummy screen, why not carry a REAL tablet??
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beeecause with a iphone and ipad, your data is in 2 places? So if you edit something on your ipad, you have to take steps to also update it on your iphone.. Plus, itunes.. thats always a disadvantage.
I see the appeal, and 200 bucks More isnt small.
Lyian said:
beeecause with a iphone and ipad, your data is in 2 places? So if you edit something on your ipad, you have to take steps to also update it on your iphone.. Plus, itunes.. thats always a disadvantage.
I see the appeal, and 200 bucks More isnt small.
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I thought it's no need to take any steps? As long as your iPad is online at home, whatever you do on iPhone outside is automatically synced, as shown in the iCloud launching videos.
199 euro is small, when you compare a screen+ battery, with a fully functioned retina display iPad.
sounds good
tytung2020 said:
I thought it's no need to take any steps? As long as your iPad is online at home, whatever you do on iPhone outside is automatically synced, as shown in the iCloud launching videos.
199 euro is small, when you compare a screen+ battery, with a fully functioned retina display iPad.
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Well, i wont get apple products. If i were to get two devices, both would be android. Im sure it would be similar, but i don't like messing with clouds either, that's just a gimik to eat up your limited "unlimited" data package. Especially when your talking about my case of 400+mb PDF files.
I'm not completely sold on it, but it seems like a good idea, plus ive not yet seen official pricing on it.
Not that benchmarks mean much.. but...
ASUS PadFone gets benchmarked: a mere teaser of what's to come

