Is the Advantage for me? - Advantage X7510 General

Hello, I'm having a little trouble deciding which device would suit my needs more. My first choice was the HTC Advantage X7501, but after reading countless reviews and such, the device's size is an ultimate turn off. The 5'' inch is really nice, and suit my needs for watching videos in some leisure time on the go. Also looks great for web surfing, but still the size is bugging me. I've learned the device isn't primarily a phone, but I just need an all in one device. At the same time though, I'm a heavy texter [SMS Messaging], and would like to know from first hand experience, how it is on this device.
On the other hand the I-Mate Ultimate 9502 caught my attention, but spec wise does not stand a chance against the Advantage in my opinion.
All I really want to know is:
1. Is this device SMS friendly with a touch screen keyboard?
2. It's portability. [I need a device that I can take anywhere and everywhere, and not have to carry anything extra such as a bag.]
3. If this device isn't for me, any alternatives?

My post-review might help you.
Google "xda-developers Athena post review"

Xanon said:
Hello, I'm having a little trouble deciding which device would suit my needs more. My first choice was the HTC Advantage X7501, but after reading countless reviews and such, the device's size is an ultimate turn off. The 5'' inch is really nice, and suit my needs for watching videos in some leisure time on the go. Also looks great for web surfing, but still the size is bugging me. I've learned the device isn't primarily a phone, but I just need an all in one device. At the same time though, I'm a heavy texter [SMS Messaging], and would like to know from first hand experience, how it is on this device.
On the other hand the I-Mate Ultimate 9502 caught my attention, but spec wise does not stand a chance against the Advantage in my opinion.
All I really want to know is:
1. Is this device SMS friendly with a touch screen keyboard?
2. It's portability. [I need a device that I can take anywhere and everywhere, and not have to carry anything extra such as a bag.]
3. If this device isn't for me, any alternatives?
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Hi there!
This is certainly not easy questions that you ask, but I will try my best to answer them for you anyway!
First of all I have to say that I used to have an X7500 but I sold it in the favour for the upcoming HTC Touch Pro wich is due to come out sometime this month!
Having said that, I can tell you that I do miss the beautiful big 5" screen of my device, surfing and watching videos is just not the same with a smaller device! Also I used it for navigation and I really miss the big screen there too!
I also miss the 8 GB built in harddrive becouse I am a heavy user and I fill up my 4 gb card very easy, but hey thats not really a very big issue becouse the card can be exchanged for a bigger one!
The device is as you say pretty big, but you dont need to carry any extra bags if you have big enough pockets! Also I know that there is at least several cases that you can strap to your belt and carry it like that, search in this forum for more information on that!
Now to answer sms typing question!
I guess it depends on what you are used to! If you are used typing on a touch screen with a stylus then this device is alot better then the smaller screen sized, also if you install "resco keybord" you will be able to type with your fingers without using a stylus, you cant beat that!
However if you are not used to type on a touch screen and prefer using the real keyboard for typing then you are in for a heck of a lot trouble! First of all the keyboard on the X7500 sucks! It has very small keys and almost no feedback at all to talk about, when I used it I typed wrong letters all the time and that was very frustrating! Also I think it is important to mention that the keyboard is attached with a very strong magnet, but it will work best if you place the device on a stable surface while typing, if you intend to hold the device with your hands and type the chance is big that the device will detach itself from the keyboard and fall forward or back! The magnet is not that strong so it can keep the keyboard attached in all position!
So in conclusion, if you are a havy typer and want to use the screen go for the X7500!
If you however prefer to type on a real keyboard then this device is not at all for you, I would then go for the upcoming HTC Touch Pro, or if you are not that of a havy user then you should consider a HTC Universal! I know that is an old device, but if you ask me it has by far the best keyboard compared to any other device! Also it has a big 3,8" screen and is alot smalled then X7500!
Also watching videos is very smooth and it´s not skipping frames due to missing drivers!
I hope this helps you in your decision!
Good luck!

You helped me plenty Branko
Actually using the touch screen to type is something I had in mind.
I forgot all about the HTC Touch Pro, isn't the price for it going to be around the same as the Advantage though?

If you use software keyboard, Softmaker for excel and word, watch lots of youtube, do lots of internet, 5 inch screen will be a better choice.

Xanon said:
You helped me plenty Branko
Actually using the touch screen to type is something I had in mind.
I forgot all about the HTC Touch Pro, isn't the price for it going to be around the same as the Advantage though?
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I actually think that the touch pro will be somewhat cheaper then the athena!
However it you are going to type on the screen then I would go for the athena and not the touch pro!
However I still think that a real keybord is better when it comes to typing, to be able to feal the keys you are pressing results in less typos! And the only device that I feal comfortable using when typing sms is the HTC Universal!
Maybe you should take a look at my post in this thread
Please look at the post number 6 "The universal is a masterpiece!", that will explain why I would still recommend the uni above all the other devices, not to mention it would be much cheaper if you can find a used one, you will save money!
Good luck, and please let us know what you decide!

Yeah saving money is a big factor for me.
If I have to fork over a hefty amount for the device, I want to know I'm getting the most bang for the buck. Which is why I made this thread, didn't want to be disappointed if I do decide to buy the Advantage. It's a lot of money and eating my saved money alive.
I was considering the Uni at one point, but the XDA Exec version.[Black is sexy baby] It's hard to come around though, so I'm considering a newer device.
I'm feeling so/so for the Advantage, seems SMS wouldn't work like I have in mind, on the other hand, a handset with a keyboard wouldn't be so bad. Think there will be a little keyboard lag when you first slide the keyboard out for SMS on the Touch Pro?

Xanon said:
Yeah saving money is a big factor for me.
If I have to fork over a hefty amount for the device, I want to know I'm getting the most bang for the buck. Which is why I made this thread, didn't want to be disappointed if I do decide to buy the Advantage. It's a lot of money and eating my saved money alive.
I was considering the Uni at one point, but the XDA Exec version.[Black is sexy baby] It's hard to come around though, so I'm considering a newer device.
I'm feeling so/so for the Advantage, seems SMS wouldn't work like I have in mind, on the other hand, a handset with a keyboard wouldn't be so bad. Think there will be a little keyboard lag when you first slide the keyboard out for SMS on the Touch Pro?
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You should check out this video demonstrating the touch pro! What I can see there is no lag what so ever, but then again, we just have to wait for it to come out so that we can see for ourselfes! Who knows how it will perform when a few apps are installed?

Xanon said:
I was considering the Uni at one point, but the XDA Exec version.[Black is sexy baby] It's hard to come around though, so I'm considering a newer device.
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Yeah black is nice, but I dont think however that you should ignore the uni just becouse it´s not available in that particular color, I can promise you wont be disapointed with the uni if you type alot!
Somehow I think that the touch pro´s keybord, even if it is slightly better then the one on Tytn II can really be so good!? I for one would like to spare my fingers and hands, and I can not do that if the keys are so small that you have to be an acrobatic master to be able to type on them!
Hmm, no wonder I am using my uni to type all my sms with! Also very nice 3,8" screen to watch videos and surf the internet, and it still fits in your pocket nicely!
But hey, thats just my opinion!

Wow thanks a million Branko, been massive help to me. The Touch Pro has developed a lot since the last time I've seen it. This device looks very promising and I'm highly considering it. I just hope the price isn't sky high, I could use the extra money for a beefy SD card and some form of protection. Looks like the type that'll scratch.
But that 5 inch screen on the Advantage . . .

Xanon said:
the device's size is an ultimate turn off. The 5'' inch is really nice, and suit my needs for watching videos in some leisure time on the go. Also looks great for web surfing, but still the size is bugging me.
All I really want to know is:
1. Is this device SMS friendly with a touch screen keyboard?
2. It's portability. [I need a device that I can take anywhere and everywhere, and not have to carry anything extra such as a bag.]
3. If this device isn't for me, any alternatives?
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as they say... you gotta pay to play...
what i mean is You CAN'T possibly wish for a 5" screen in a 2.5" size phone, that is physically impossible, until some one make a mass production of Tactile virtual 3D Holographic cell phone with large screen display. (in another 20 years i'll estimate)
Here are my reasons why i got the X7510
R1: i got tired of my 2.5" x 2.5" screen on my old smart phone.
I wanted something big ... the iphone first got my attention, but software, and hardware support was horrible, so then i found the lagest posssible smartphone was our HTC 7510 with 5" display, i immediately fell in love with it, specially after seen the yutuve videos of how easy people are browsing the next and movies and games, etc
R2: as mentioned above, i wanted something to browse the net quickly, without having to scroll the screen like 10 times, just to be able to read the page from left to right.
R3: i Text (SMS) and email more than i talk, more convenient than a Blackberry + iphone combined.
R4: oh did i mentioned entertainment? i bet i did playing games and movies on a large screen, is hella wayyy better than on a 2.5" screen
specially if you are watching movies in foreign languages and you need to read the subs LOL
R5: for bragging rights "Look! i got a better "iphone" than yours, can your iphone do this? LOL "
R6: it fits in my pockets just fine, i'm medium size 5.6 so my pants and shirts pockets are not that big.
is only 1 inch bigger than my old Smartphone Treo 6XX
R7: need i say more?
to answer you last 3 question
1. SMS = superb way better than the Treo, you can use the on screen LCD keyboard just fine, provided you have medium size fingers, but not suitable for people with big fingers.
2. answered that on R6
3. get an iphone, and come back *****ing about it after a few weeks, you can;t play movies, you can;t play games, you can;t use blue tooth audio, you can;t .... etc

Oh man, so glad to hear it can fit in pockets. That's a huge plus to me, and how is the Opera Browser on the 7510?

Oh man, so glad to hear it can fit in pockets. That's a huge plus to me, and how is the Opera Browser on the 7510?

Opera browser is pretty damn good, i'm glad that it came included from factory.
if you have used and likes the Opera browser in your desktop PC
you wont even notice the difference (exept for the screen size)
it'll be easier to import all your book marks too

That's pretty nifty, but there's a really hefty price tag on the X7510.

If you're going to use software keyboard (which I recommend Tengo), and want portabibility, I suggest that you use it without carrying the keyboard (i.e tablet style). Buy a cheap used 7500 or 7501 instead of 7510. In this way, you have all the hardware buttons which 7510 does not have, and also the ability to use cooked ROM. (No cooked ROM for 7510 at this moment).
Also, although you can put it in your pocket, I do not recommend it as it would be uncomfortable. Use a pouch instead.
Read my post review here to get more info.
See post #4

Xanon said:
1. Is this device SMS friendly with a touch screen keyboard?
2. It's portability. [I need a device that I can take anywhere and everywhere, and not have to carry anything extra such as a bag.]
3. If this device isn't for me, any alternatives?
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1. YES, either using the screen itself or with the keyboard.
2. I have no problem with portability. I have a leather pouch and it stays there. All I need to answer and make calls is the LG HBM 700.
3. I currently see no alternatives, as none have the 5 inch screen yet.
If you do decide to get the X7500 or X7501. READ ABOUT TROUBLES WITH THE 8 GB HARD DRIVE FIRST. If buttons are important to you, then go get the X7500 or X7501. If both does not concern you at all and you are a first time buyer looking for a BRAND NEW DEVICE then I suggest get the X7510 instead, because the price difference is only about a $100 dollars and you get the peace of mind not to worry about the hard drive.

cktlcmd said:
If you do decide to get the X7500 or X7501. READ ABOUT TROUBLES WITH THE 8 GB HARD DRIVE FIRST. If buttons are important to you, then go get the X7500 or X7501. If both does not concern you at all and you are a first time buyer looking for a BRAND NEW DEVICE then I suggest get the X7510 instead, because the price difference is only about a $100 dollars and you get the peace of mind not to worry about the hard drive.
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that's exactly why i went for the X7510 instead of the cheaper older models

What problems are there with the 8GB microdrive????? I don't think there is anything you see there that you will not see in say a Storage Card. It is just as reliable for me, except it is way way faster.


AT&T Fuze / Touch Pro For Sale

Well, I've had the Touch pro for a while now and I love it to death... But a phone that seems equally appealing is the SE Xperia X1. First of all, would anyone be interested in buying my Fuze... And second, what's everyone's thought on the Xperia? I know for me it seems to be a touch pro with a curved keyboard, but more importantly, something to keep me entertained because it's new. I've loved sony ericsson phones in the past, so a blend of them and HTC seems to be bliss.
Back to the Fuze for a moment, includes 6 screen protectors (bought as a pack from expansys), tv-out, fm radio and headphones, as well as a ton more software to extend its capabilities beyond AT&T's intentions. Also includes HTC leather case, USB cable, home and car chargers. PM offers (if there are any). Thanks.
Forgot, it also comes with an 8 gig microsd card and tons of software (gps, etc) with backups for EVERYTHING.
I think TouchFlo is more functional than the X1's "panels" display, even if it's a bit of a mem hog. But I think a combination of the two would be killer, using the X1 panels as a pseudo Alt+Tab.
For me the major difference would be the Touch Pro's better keyboard or the X1's larger display, and I would personally go with the better keyboard.
fhsieh said:
I think TouchFlo is more functional than the X1's "panels" display, even if it's a bit of a mem hog. But I think a combination of the two would be killer, using the X1 panels as a pseudo Alt+Tab.
For me the major difference would be the Touch Pro's better keyboard or the X1's larger display, and I would personally go with the better keyboard.
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Interesting... Well, after using this for 2 weeks I have no qualms with screen size, but I do love the keyboard... Maybe I'll see if I can get one from a store that'd possibly allow a return within a few days and see if the keyboard is to my liking. Thanks for the input.
Black I Know What You Are Thinking!
The SlingBox/SlingPlayer mobile on my mini jimbotron X1 super TV screen, me and my Mets, Black I've been thinking the same thing too.......!(lol)
The Xperia is allready delayed for a couple of months (Dec - Jan) and there are rumors about SonyEricsson breacking. And given the recent economic results might just be true.
But... I used to have P900 and it was the best phone ever!
In all the X1 is a good phone, touch panel is not fully developed as of yet, and video playback is absolutely a negative, fps is very poor, guess these and all other negatives if taken care of xperia is going to be a good phone.
Another negative is the earpiece sound quality.. manageable at half volume..but anything more than half is bad, (this is relative anyway) and overall system sound is low, but it feels very sturdy, and sleek, all aluminium casing except the camera area thats is plastic, keypad is not too bad for small fingered people but a little tiny for big thumbers!
Battery life is pretty good and battery is same as the Sonyericsson P1i.
I have used 3 of this phone , still have the 3rd one now, 2 has been given out (dont ask me how )
there is room for improvement on what obtains of this phone as at now..
X1 - Four row keyboard. Available Q1 2009 - maybe
Touch Pro - FIVE row keyboard (you will never want to go back). Available - now
graemesmith said:
X1 - Four row keyboard. Available Q1 2009 - maybe
Touch Pro - FIVE row keyboard (you will never want to go back). Available - now
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Well, availability may not be an issue... I might be able to cop one now. The only thing I don't like is the look of the buttons on the front, I think the Touch Pro is much more attractive aesthetically.
2 thing x1 got on raphael is
1 microSD access without having to open it as it would result in microSDIO cards with ext connectors would only when when raphael is open
2 3.5mm minijack
Rudegar said:
2 thing x1 got on raphael is
1 microSD access without having to open it as it would result in microSDIO cards with ext connectors would only when when raphael is open
2 3.5mm minijack
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Woah it has a 3.5mm headphone jack? That's HUGE to me.
Some reviews I've read say the X1 keyboard feels cheap and cheesy like it's fixing to break, vs the TP's keyboard being very good. My thoughts are there are fewer keys on the X1's keyboard, so I think it'd be easier to type on if they get the hardware fixed.
Another thing to remember is the X1 uses WVGA, which is a non-standard 480x800 screen res, whereas the TP uses standard VGA of 480x640. Some people think the non-standard screen res will cause some app's to not work properly, but I'm not so sure of that. I believe someone could write a 'virtual screen' driver to create a VGA screen inside the WXGA screen area. Any video playback software shouldn't matter...
not sure if you saw my post in the other forum but I have a good friend that works for Qualcomm and he is a cab tester and a proc tester for new upcoiming devices. He got the xperia some time ago and has basically had to get 3 of them. The first the keyboard fell off lol. The second the screen blew out lol. And so far he says the 3rd has so many problems with the hardware drivers and WM that it wont stay stable for very long. Basically his advice was to steer clear for a ling time until a lot changes.
If you like i can relay some questions to him for you if your need to know something specific that he may know.
As a side note, he also had the TP for a long time and said there is absolutely no comparison and the TP wins hands down in all areas. BUT (hehe you knew there was a but), he is an IPhone user DOH!!! So take all that for what it is worth bro.
ill give you 500 shipped.
volcomnator999 said:
ill give you 500 shipped.
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he payed like 900
just to throw my towel in...
I was told that the SE was delayed as a result of a lot of complaints from those who are testing it. My AT&T rep got to test one shortly and he also said it was buggy and hard to use without the desire to bash it against a wall from time to time.
I'd wait this one out. But I agree that selling your TP now is the right move. You should be able to make money on it since nobody else has one.
volcomnator999 said:
ill give you 500 shipped.
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Haha, pending sale for $1,000. It's hilarious, I've also had offers of $350 and $400 from some clowns on here... When it comes out for AT&T, the retail price (no contract) will be like 599-699... Why the hell would I sell it months before release for $350? Seriously guys? I'm not desperate.
That being said, if the sale falls through for a grand I'll let everyone know. I also have offers in the 850-1000 range so don't even consider 500 next time. ;-)
mallman said:
not sure if you saw my post in the other forum but I have a good friend that works for Qualcomm and he is a cab tester and a proc tester for new upcoiming devices. He got the xperia some time ago and has basically had to get 3 of them. The first the keyboard fell off lol. The second the screen blew out lol. And so far he says the 3rd has so many problems with the hardware drivers and WM that it wont stay stable for very long. Basically his advice was to steer clear for a ling time until a lot changes.
If you like i can relay some questions to him for you if your need to know something specific that he may know.
As a side note, he also had the TP for a long time and said there is absolutely no comparison and the TP wins hands down in all areas. BUT (hehe you knew there was a but), he is an IPhone user DOH!!! So take all that for what it is worth bro.
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Yeah, after seeing quite a few reviews of the Xperia I realized how lucky I got with the Fuze. The SE is buggy as all hell because it's a pre-release, and it just made me more thankful that this thing has no problems at all. Also keep in mind though, the Xperia isn't slotted till Q1 2009 for release... Hopefully they have more time to work it out.
That being said, I think the keyboard will be a gigantic disappointment compared to the touch pro... Typing and having all of the punctuation available without a function key was the nicest part of the 5 row... Will the bigger screen and less memory-hungry interface (hopefully) make up for it? Well, I hope so... Maybe I'll wait for the AT&T release in Q1 so I can return it within 30 days and get another Fuze.
i was just joking :shifty......
ill be waiting to get mine soon...less than retail price..heheh
volcomnator999 said:
i was just joking :shifty......
ill be waiting to get mine soon...less than retail price..heheh
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Haha ok, like I said I've gotten plenty of ridiculous offers.
Just got another for $875, kinda wish I'd taken that $1400 offer when I had it... Oh well :-(

Suitable upgrade for HTC Universal

I have been very happy with the HTC Universal over the last 5 years.
Unfortunately it is beginning to get a little loose and worn.
I have already replaced the screen on the poor thing after one accident.
Could someone help with advice on a suitable upgrade? I don't appear to see one on the HTC website which fits my likes (or any on other sites).
I have been looking through the HTC website, and thought the Athena/x7500 would be suitable, but then realised that this appears to be EOL already.
Items I like on the Universal, is the hi-res 640x480 screen. Better would be nice. It appears to be ~4" or so
I like the size of the keys on the keyboard, it is just about right for me. (it is a must, to be able to hide the keyboard). I like the way that the keys are rounded, and I can use it without light. Unfortunately, I do not like the way that the keyboard can be slid in on the HTC touch pro, I think I will hit the top screen with my fingers?
I like the way that I can attach a bluetooth GPS device and use it as a navigator for the car.
Quad band would be extremely useful, although I have an alternative quad-band phone for when it is required, it would be very useful to have it in the main phone.
Internet browser is a must (but is there any phone nowadays which doesn't have one?). Hi-speed internet is not a requirement.
Touchscreen is a must. (as is a stylus hide-hole)
I doubt it makes any real difference, but I am currently on T-Mobile UK.
An SD slot (or CF alternatively), would be good for storage. It would be useful if the phone had Excel and Word, or compatibles, as I do often use these.
Thanks in advance,
A good question!
I have Universal also and have found very hard to get a real replacement for great Uni!
I have now Rhodium, which to my opinion is the closer to an upgrade but I have to be honest there are some things still miss...
Better keyboard (Uni has the best hardware keyboard to this date)
From factor (unbeatable)
But we have to face the fact that HTC made Universal so good, so advanced to it´s time that hardly they will make something on the same line (I really hope I´m wrong)
Rhodium can make you feel good in the meantime
orb3000 said:
But we have to face the fact that HTC made Universal so good, so advanced to it´s time that hardly they will make something on the same line (I really hope I´m wrong)
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Thanks for the response. I suppose i can take some solace that there are others that think the same!
Of course!
We are several people thinking that way, just have a look on Universal section and you´ll see how in love members are with great Uni!

Reccomend a Phone thread

Hi folks, you know the drill, my current phone (an HTC Mogul) is getting past it's usefulness and once more I find myself on a hunt to find a phone that has the most of what I do want and the least of what I don't, in other words the best compremise between the device of my dreams and what's actually avaliable.
Further to this I am limited in funds so not only can I not go out and purchase a brand new top of the line model, the device I do end up getting will hopefully last me for a long time (or at least longer then the 1yr I got out of my Mogul).
Perhaps I should start by looking at why my current phone just doesn't do it for me anymore?
1) No wireless - Ever since I flashed it to 6.5 I have had no wifi.
2) No 3.5mm plug - The HTC proprieity adapter hardly works half the time either.
3) OS - 6.5 WiMo flashed is pretty unstable, I regularly have to reset the device because it locks up or just won't work.
4) QVGA - probably the best I can afford, but I do a lot of reading on this and a higher res would be better for my eyes.
5) CDMA - I really need a quadband simcard capable phone.
So what do I want?
1) Wifi, bluetooth, GPS
2) 2mp camera or better
3) 6.5 Wimo native, preferably with duel boot capibility
4) 3.5 or 2.5mm audio output, or HTCusb that actually works!
5) Keyboard if possible (I really like the qwerty thumboard on my Mogul)
6) WVGA or VGA would be nice, but it might be out of my price point.
Any reccomendations of models would be nice, thankyou
Go for Rhodium!
Definitely the best hardware device out there
If want to spent less money you can try Rapahel or even less (if you find someone who want to sell) Universal
Thanks for the recc, I will check those two out
I agree with ORB you should go for a Rapahel because it has so many roms to flash and it is cheap compared to the latest devices .
DannyFenton said:
I agree with ORB you should go for a
Rapahel because it has so many roms to flash and it is cheap compared to the latest devices .
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Hmm, looking at ebay, the Rhod looks like its about $100 more then the Raph
or $300 for the Touch2 and $210 for the Raph.
At those prices it seems like it would be better just to pay the difference?
Also no one will ship to New Zealand
Yes on that case better go for Rhodium
I have seen ebay sellers who ships to almost any part of the world.
Also have a look on marketplace section, you can find very good deals
Good luck,
UPDATE: I bought myself a HTC Rhodium, very happy with it.
Now, I want to buy my GF a new phone for her birthday. Currenty she is using my ****ty old Blue Angel with WiMo 6.1
She uses the phone everyday (carries it around in her bag), but the only thing she does on it is read. She sometimes sends text messages, but usually not. She hasn't really used any of its other features or installed her own programs or anything (she is a programmer, so she does have the skills to do so).
At the moment I'm tossing up between a HTC Diamond, Diamond 2, Touch HD and another Rhodium. I'm leaning more toward the Diamond1 though. We generally try to avoid spending lots and she's more then happy with the PDA2k so even the diamond is a big upgrade and isn't too expensive.
I use my Rhodium to read alot of comics, but at 480x640 the screen should be highres enough to be an improvement. The other reason I'm leaning toward the Diamond is because of it's small size, and easier for her to carry around.
So, my question: Is there anything wrong with the Diamond that I should consider, and are there any other devices with VGA or better resolution in a similar price range that I should take a look?
Also what is the difference between the Touch Pro and the Diamond (besides the keyboard)?
If you need keyboard go for Raphael, if you don´t need it go for Diamond 2, I buyed one in marketplace for 180US a few months ago.
Or take another Rhodium
Why the recommendations for Rapheal? I am ready to put mine through a wall. The keyboard has gone flaky in the last three months...(delete requires holding down, not just press, P has started to not work, space now triple spaces)
In addition the screen started to separate over the 'x' button about two months back, now I hve that leaky black spot you get when screens break. The control pad at bottom has started to have the plastic cover start to come up.
In the last month the phone has decided to start dropping calls and even losing towers completely. (I have not changed anything on phone in over 6 months) I have rebooted the phone at least 10 times in last three weeks because of screen starting lock up, non-responsive push buttons, and complete lost of tower without attempting to reaquire.
This phone is going tits-up recently and I have had it locked to Edge forever because it will not hold a 3G signal in a very large city.
Not a recommend from me.
Thanks for the reccomendatiom - and the non recccomendation ^_^;
(silly extra text because my message was too short)
Ok, at this stage I am leaning toward the HTC Touch. The touch is fatter, but it looks like it has a lot more memory which has surely got to result in a better user experiance. It's about the same price as a diamond as well - I just have to find someone on here to sell a raphael to me.
I have a moderately worn Tmo Touch Pro 2 I'm selling off on ebay later today. Only doing a 3 day auction starting at $0.99. If interested I'll post a link. Pics are great of the scratches so you can probably grab it for $125-$150.
a link sounds good
Willuknight said:
Ok, at this stage I am leaning toward the HTC Touch. The touch is fatter, but it looks like it has a lot more memory which has surely got to result in a better user experiance. It's about the same price as a diamond as well - I just have to find someone on here to sell a raphael to me.
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Oh how I remember my HTC Touch days. That phone & the Mogul were a nightmare for many of us & we couldn't get rid of it fast enough.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Willuknight said:
a link sounds good
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ScandaLeX said:
Oh how I remember my HTC Touch days. That phone & the Mogul were a nightmare for many of us & we couldn't get rid of it fast enough.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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What where the main issues you had with it?
I've just upgraded from my mogul to the touch2, and the main issue I had with the mogul was the low res and slow processor compared to the touch 2, but overall it was a good phone.
I'm looking for a new phone to replace my aging G1 but I dont want to give up the real keyboard. The mytouch slide is nice but it's hardware isn't on par with nexus one or htc incredible. The new Samsung Galaxy S Pro with sprint seems promising but not so sure about community support. I love how with my G1 I have so many options, so many great ROMs from Cyanogen and others on XDA. I'm worried that If I go with a samsung I will have better hardware but very few choices when it comes to moded roms. Is there an alternative phone out there with hardware on par with the latest HTC phones that have a slide out keyboard. Any one care to offer thier opinions??
whats your budget?
android or wimo?

You want a SINGLE device that is a tablet AND a phone?

I would like to get some opinion from you guys....
I am a startup developing a new kind of mobile device that combines a phone and tablet - putting a 7" screen on a less than 5" phone body. (It is not like the Galaxy Note, where the size is fixed.)
SO when you just want to make calls, check SMS and emails, just use the "phone mode" with a 4"+ screen.
When you want to surf web, watch videos/photos, transform it into a 7"-screen tablet.
Now my question is about the potential market for this device, as it seems that no company is creating a device like this, I am worried if there's no market for it.
a) For those of you carrying two devices (a phone and a tablet), are you feeling a bit inconvenient, annd would you like to have this device?
b) For those of you carrying only a phone, would you like to have a bigger screen, perhaps 7", while retaining the same portability?
c) Would you still buy a 10" tablet after you have this device? (assuming you already have a laptop)
Your help will be very much appreciated!
the first thing that came to mind upon reading this post is the asus padfone.
i do carry the 2 devices (S2 + TF101), and IMO it isn't really a big inconvenience, thus i might not be that interested. Unless it comes with a unique feature / selling point?
if the tablet could make calls and i could pair a Bluetooth headset to it, i would get it. maybe it would stop me from texting and driving if it was 10 inch
I see no market for it. Some will buy it for what it is but not enough to make profit or even break even. Try focussing resources on let's say the body of the Droid Razr with an edge to edge screen, custom ROM that gets rid of the touch buttons of the bottom of the device so that can be more room for screen. I would buy something like that.
Or how about a smart-watch that can sync with any tablet to become a secondary display.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda premium
Didn't they already do this? And if I recall it kinda flopped... Not being negative, but I think people are used to carrying around a bunch of gadgets...
deliriume said:
the first thing that came to mind upon reading this post is the asus padfone.
i do carry the 2 devices (S2 + TF101), and IMO it isn't really a big inconvenience, thus i might not be that interested. Unless it comes with a unique feature / selling point?
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Thanks for your reply.
There are some aspects of Padfone that we don't think it will be a market success:
1. You still need to carry the 10" screen, and it is not as portable as a 4+" phone 2. When the phone is inside tablet, you'll need a headset to receive and make calls
Anyway our product is not in compete with padfone, although we have something in common - to combine devices from different categories. The key difference, besides the size, is that we emphasize on PORTABILITY; while they probably emphasize on versatile performance.
Our device is small and light and easily slip into pocket, yet comes with a beautiful 7" screen.
BTW, we think the combination of devices (our device + laptop/ultrabook) is more reasonable than (Padfone + laptop/ultrabook), because Padfone size is already very similar to laptop, and almost everyone already has a laptop.
Didn't they already do this? And if I recall it kinda flopped... Not being negative, but I think people are used to carrying around a bunch of gadgets...
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Thanks for your feedback!
Do you mean Sony's Tablet P?
However, since there is a bezel between the two screens, it cannot be seen as a one screen tablet when unfolded. In fact this is one of the main reason why it gets poor reviews and market reactions ( The bezel is simply annoying.
Our startup have found a way to remove the bezel.
Yes people now used to carry around many gadgets, because currently we have no choice
I love the idea of the padfone...4 inch phone during the day, 10 inch phone when at home.
If you have something to offer please let me know, as of know i am seriously looking at the padfone to be my next phone.
Sent from my overclocked desire z via tapatalk app
I love the idea of the padfone!
bigboxrate said:
Maybe this one can be a good choice for you if you do not mind using big screen to make telephone calls.
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800 mhz and 256 ram, gross...
Sent from my overclocked desire z via tapatalk app
Good Stuff....Thanks
Tablet s Phone
I really dont understand why Tablets dont incorporate phones, I own a Dell Streak Mini 5, (best phone Ive ever owned) also a sony tablet s.
Both brilliant devices but most of the pros are duplicated by one or the other,
Dell streak, android device, good general purpose but screen too small for word processing or watching vids, not to mention the small onscreen keybord.
Tablet s, android device, good for all things android but no phone.
I dont follow the logic that there would be no market for a tablet device with a phone, I carry a phone and I carry a tablet I would far rather only carry one, i.e. the tablet with a phone in it, I use a blue tooth earpiece for all my phone/music/audio books so its not as if Ive got it stuck to my ear all the time, in fact the phone never comes out unless i want to use an app.
So the answer for me is a resounding YES device of that nature.
This is a great idea. Today's smartphones have all this horsepower but what good is it if the tiny screens make it a chore to get anything done. I'm having difficulty imagining how one would go about incorporating an additional big screen on a phone, but if you can do a clean job at it, I believe it will be success. By clean, I mean the screens should be good quality either glass or matte, not some flimsy folding ****.
noobletsausecakebbq said:
This is a great idea. Today's smartphones have all this horsepower but what good is it if the tiny screens make it a chore to get anything done. I'm having difficulty imagining how one would go about incorporating an additional big screen on a phone, but if you can do a clean job at it, I believe it will be success. By clean, I mean the screens should be good quality either glass or matte, not some flimsy folding ****.
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Yes we are not using folding screens.
I bought a Samsung Galaxy Note exactly for this reason.
The screen is big enough for non-phone usage but small
enough to fit inside a pocket to carry around like you would
carry around a phone. It's already 5.4" so 7" is not that much
larger, you'd better have a real compelling reason for your
device in order to convince people who would otherwise
pick the Note.
Cool Idea
I don't know of your resource base, but have you seen the new translucent material they have demoed for new tablets. That would make your product something that would stand apart. They demoed the material at one of the electronic shows this year.
fetchinson said:
I bought a Samsung Galaxy Note exactly for this reason.
The screen is big enough for non-phone usage but small
enough to fit inside a pocket to carry around like you would
carry around a phone. It's already 5.4" so 7" is not that much
larger, you'd better have a real compelling reason for your
device in order to convince people who would otherwise
pick the Note.
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Yup! Ive had my g2 since the day it came out. The two devices im looking at is the padfone or the galaxy note. Im on tmobile usa so hooping one will get 4G sometime this summer. August is my upgrade month
Sent from my overclocked desire z via tapatalk app
challa3223 said:
I don't know of your resource base, but have you seen the new translucent material they have demoed for new tablets. That would make your product something that would stand apart. They demoed the material at one of the electronic shows this year.
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No, we are using standard touchscreens...
I think you will have a harder time distinguishing yourself from the padfone since it is out now.

New slider coming out

This has been rumored for a while now, but this seems to be more concrete:
BTW, this place has been completely dead for a few weeks now, and the last nightly is dated Sept 6. I tried several months back to start building my own ROM images, but before I got all the way there, someone else stepped up. Before you vanish completely, I might like to try this again, especially if someone can help me get started. I remember one file in particular that I don't know if I did correctly, perhaps it was "local.manifest", or something like that. If I can get running, with a bit of assistance, I can start putting up nightlies, if not nightly, at least at some interval.
I dunno, I kinda don't like the way the keyboard is. The keys seems too small. I'd like a keyboard in landscape mode.
Also, being by blackberry means rooting won't be as easy.
I couldn't agree more with you tpmjb about wanting a landscape keyboard phone, but i think this a big move for blackberry and warrants our support if we ever want to see another qwerty android device ever. The priv is getting allot of press and i think allot of people are excited about it. I also believe that the capacitative thingy for s6 was made because they heard about it ahead of time.
chuckiev79 said:
I couldn't agree more with you tpmjb about wanting a landscape keyboard phone, but i think this a big move for blackberry and warrants our support if we ever want to see another qwerty android device ever. The priv is getting allot of press and i think allot of people are excited about it. I also believe that the capacitative thingy for s6 was made because they heard about it ahead of time.
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I changed my mind, I'm buying the Blackberry Priv. I figure it will be rooted before too long, and I'll probably get used to the keyboard. Also, this phone has severe problems with GPS, which I use to get around everywhere.
At $700, very few people will be purchasing a Priv. There will be no development community for the device.
There are plenty of people that want a keyboard, but that desire will not make hundreds of additional dollars magically materialize.
Furthermore, a $700 device should have 4GB and an 810 under the hood. The Priv forces compromise with 3 gigs and an 808.
QWERTY is dead.
No designated number row.... the main reason I chose the Relay over the Glide... well, that and lack of bluetooth phone calls in jb4.1+
I've been following the blackberry for a while and the rumors of them going android, really hoping somebody comes out with a horizontal slider.
Rumors say it has dual boot os. Android and bbos10
orange808 said:
At $700, very few people will be purchasing a Priv. There will be no development community for the device.
There are plenty of people that want a keyboard, but that desire will not make hundreds of additional dollars magically materialize.
Furthermore, a $700 device should have 4GB and an 810 under the hood. The Priv forces compromise with 3 gigs and an 808.
QWERTY is dead.
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If you buy a Samsung Galaxy S6, you can take advantage of certain economies of massive scale. If you choose a Priv, the economies of scale aren't the same. And so you won't get the same value for money.
Still, the price of the Priv will fall over time.
Plus, I suspect that, six months or a year after its release, it'll be possible to buy a used or refurbished Priv for far less than $700. Then you can use your Priv with a deep-discount carrier — a carrier which doesn't offer handset subsidies, but which offers ultra-cheap plans.
Alternatively, if you're with a carrier which offers handset subsidies, you may be able to sign a long-term contract and buy a heavily-discounted Priv. You can then pay your carrier back over time.
Looks cool but its t9 not qwerty
orange808 said:
At $700, very few people will be purchasing a Priv. There will be no development community for the device.
There are plenty of people that want a keyboard, but that desire will not make hundreds of additional dollars magically materialize.
Furthermore, a $700 device should have 4GB and an 810 under the hood. The Priv forces compromise with 3 gigs and an 808.
QWERTY is dead.
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Actually SD808 is atleast as good as SD810 or even better. SD810 is thorttling too much and it is not stable in every day use. Take a look at here: Thermal Throttling – Which SOC’s are the Worst Offenders.
Qwerty sliders are dying but you have to be creative. I modded my own qwerty slider from Xiaomi Mi4C and iPhone 6 bluetooth keyboard case: Qwerty Keyboard Slider [DIY]
phred14 said:
This has been rumored for a while now, but this seems to be more concrete:
BTW, this place has been completely dead for a few weeks now, and the last nightly is dated Sept 6. I tried several months back to start building my own ROM images, but before I got all the way there, someone else stepped up. Before you vanish completely, I might like to try this again, especially if someone can help me get started. I remember one file in particular that I don't know if I did correctly, perhaps it was "local.manifest", or something like that. If I can get running, with a bit of assistance, I can start putting up nightlies, if not nightly, at least at some interval.
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I don't know why they even came out with Priv cause there was already Q5 & Q10...and on top of that most big shot Companies think people (Or everyone is a Text-Crazed Teenager) only use phones for texting and emails... ... ...those are pretty much the same and most simplistic things people will do with a phone besides Facebook... BLACKBERRY, MOTOROLA, SAMSUNG...I use my Relay at one point to replace my Computer (Dell D800 which start to run at 600MHz and 1GB RAM)...Stop with this Marketing Target business.
We the customer aren't Programmers or Teenagers, we don't need an iPhone or Phones that match with what we wear (Motorola)...we need Convenience...hence why you -blackberry- lost the market cause you keep pushing out small screen -but bigger than Nokia- phones that didn't really improve much (NO NUMROW, worst is the Sony Xperia sk17 (Mini Pro, 3") and sk16 (Pro, 3.7"), both have the exact same keyboard...3.7" and they didn't put Numrow or Okay Button). Had they had the size of a S3 or a 4" screen-phone-size with the Keyboard or not make the mistake like Symbian -Nokia E6, Touch with Buttons on Screen design for DPAD- they couldn't lose there market, but Priv is show us how Blackberry needs to let go or improve its model, not make more nostalgia (I don't know if that is right) while thinking its the big screen that everyone loves (If iPod had a Stylus instead of Touch, people would look at that like its a Color Palm where touch is better based how you control it).
Me when I saw Passport and Priv, I laughed my butt off, only Trenders will buy. I was even thinking Blackberry was going to actually come out with a Landscape Slider at one point and make a video with the Song "I want to know that, want to know that, will you Love me Again" playing...but snap Blackberry, Storm (My Twin Sister first Bought it, I wasn't even into Phones until 2012...born 1992 and got a Relay in 2015...made in 2012) was fail for me cause of putting 1 clicker in the Center of phone instead of 9-13 or 16-20 (Top/Mid/Bottom+Left/Center/Right to Between Center/Corner=4 or to Quarter of Size or to Fifth of Size or even put more at the bottom for the keyboard) guys should have built a fake plastic prototype of that feature (1 Hard Clicker to 13 Mid-Soft Clickers unless the 1 made it seem hard) cause had it not failed it would have been like iPhone 6 pressure screen...
Blackberry thinks that only 1 Phone is the Best, but Truly they Grew when you went from Pearl to Bold, etc and bold to Q5/10 (Had they made Torch like that), but Priv or Private -as I call it if it becomes Landscape Slider then Lieutenant and Colonel- is why Blackberry shouldn't design Hardware Form.
They are 100% correct about software cause I can Play PSP and Edit Word Docs on my Android and Hackers figured out a way to play all PS1 on PSP, but Sony's Devs couldn't (Embarrassing).
The only reason I have a PC is literally cause I'm doing online schooling and the website needs Internet Explorer or Google Chrome or else the interaction might slip up on a Mobile Device...other than that the only reason I bought a Vostro 14 is because it can play PS3 equivalent games (Skyrim, Saints Row, etc) I don't need a PC or the Lastest Android (GingerBread was my World and now JellyBean, in fact an LG Ahola has a keyboard with Prediction, where as my Relay doesn't...Relay is 4.1.2 and LG Ahola is 2.1 with 600Mhz CPU & 256MB really depends on how you design it...even Motorola Defy Pro had it too...also Relay doesn't have a OKAY Button so if I highlight/select text (Shift+Left/Right) with Keyboard and touch to use Copy/Cut, the selected text disappears)
And funny thing today -Octo-core is 2xQuad-core CPU with 4 low & 4 high power- same thing I said ever since I got my first Phone -A Nokia 5000-6000series- I need something for note taking and I'm pretty sure that doesn't require a very fast Computer or computer at all (Cause now Tech is getting better)...if anyone is smart they stop with Big Screens and go to built-in Project-on-to-screen-like-a-flashlight or Project-to-a-screen-via-cable...cause I once saw a Phone design as Processor that goes into a Tablet...
There are so many things and ways of doing any thing, but Blackberry choose Portrait Slider...over Landscape and no alternative...when they've been using Landscape the Whole time (I know this contradicts before, but not increasing the Screen Size is what was Blackberry's Downfall)...In fact I just realize when has Portrait been used in an electronic besides Reading Text Material (Like on actual Paper) cause Televisions and Computers don't have Portrait Screens, I would use Word Doc and Landscape Shaped Window even if page is Portrait and the thing I see most people use big scr.een phones for is Landscape...I read my Comics in Landscape (Cause Portrait is small).
Portrait is for the Quick and Easy or Simple Stuff (1-Hand)...Landscape is for 2 Handers and yet people who design for Portrait still put the things you need to Touch at the Top of the Screen...I only need Time at Top if I need to see it at the Lock Screen not when I am using the Phone.
Sorry for variety of errors of Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Sentence Structure, dotting my i's and crossing my t's (Joking on the last part). I didn't proofread much.
Best Keyboard was Motorola Droid 3 and LG C710 Aloha, but sadly there Hardware wasn't good.
Flash-A-Holic said:
Actually SD808 is atleast as good as SD810 or even better. SD810 is thorttling too much and it is not stable in every day use. Take a look at here: Thermal Throttling – Which SOC’s are the Worst Offenders.
Qwerty sliders are dying but you have to be creative. I modded my own qwerty slider from Xiaomi Mi4C and iPhone 6 bluetooth keyboard case: Qwerty Keyboard Slider [DIY]
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I hate those keys, though. That's the same bluetooth case available on every modern phone. They change the brands a million times on Amazon, but it's the same case. Price varies wildly too.
Keys are wayyyyyy too close together. It's somehow faster to type each letter on a touch screen.
TPMJB said:
I hate those keys, though. That's the same bluetooth case available on every modern phone. They change the brands a million times on Amazon, but it's the same case. Price varies wildly too.
Keys are wayyyyyy too close together. It's somehow faster to type each letter on a touch screen.
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It is not that bad. There is shaped buttons for better touch in my keyboard. I have seen different keyboard which are worse.
Flash-A-Holic said:
It is not that bad. There is shaped buttons for better touch in my keyboard. I have seen different keyboard which are worse.
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Oh weird, where'd you get a 5 row case? I thought it was the ****ty 4 row case that's on Amazon, from the thumbnail on your video. I might just check it out
Edit: Wow, it looks exactly like my relay keyboard! I'm definitely interested! Every Amazon link I see is that awful 4 row keyboard.
...but not for $72 eee gad
It looks like BB is about to release another QWERTY phone. But the times of slider keyboards are gone.
Guys... prepare your butts, the holy grail:
The GraalPhone!!! Next year in Europe and USA!!
Had my hopes up then...but look at the size of it! It's massive

