Simple T-865 Root.. - Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Guides, News, & Discussion

I have had extremely bad luck and all sorts of dramas including frying the mainboard of my T-865 while attempting to flash TWRP on my way to get it rooted. I will get my tablet back a few days later after paying 550 bucks for the repair on top of the purchase price of the tablet itself 10 days ago (of course of out warranty since I unlocked the bootloader and tried to install "unauthorized software" according to their warranty terms)
My simple question now is, is there is a way to get the T-865 rooted without having to install a custom recovery (which under no circumstances I will attempt again)? All I need is root, nothing else.
Thanks for the advice

@VeEuzUKY may I ask how your motherboard got fried?
Did you follow the steps mentioned in this thread
Usually if something goes wrong while attempting root, Odin flashing stock rom will bring back the device to working condition..

jaidev.s said:
@VeEuzUKY may I ask how your motherboard got fried?
Did you follow the steps mentioned in this thread
Usually if something goes wrong while attempting root, Odin flashing stock rom will bring back the device to working condition..
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Dearest jaidev.s.. it's quite of a long story (and a surprising one at that) as I have been flashing, testing and even helping build several custom ROMs for Samsung deviced in the past 12 years without ever getting stuck in a truly unforeseen situation.
To make a very long story short, after doing all my homework through all the available threads and feedback I could find on the matter, I ventured to unlock the bootloader, install TWRP custom recovery, required custom kernel and magisc root files for my T865. And yes, I followed precisely the available guides on it from our community. Things all went pretty much as planned and I eventually booted into a successful fully rooted session on my tablet. I tested all of the tablet's native apps and functionality, installed Root Explorer and a few other apps that I had backed-up APKs for. My session was about 30 minutes long, I never connect to any data in stayed always offline, after which I decided to reboot the tablet. And then, meltdown.
The tablet immediately refused to restart again, completely bypassing the initial standard Samsung splash screen, and going directly into a warning screen that it had been locked due to the "installation of unauthorised software". From that point on any attempt to get the tablet from that state or to simply flash the stock firmware, failed completely. With the help of some other developers we all ventured together if my firmware was actually from another region, all of which I tried without any success. Eventually the tablet got stuck in a state that would not even turn off anymore even if I forced it via the volume down and power button commands. I eventually just waited out until the battery exhausted itself and then that was that.
Upon taking it to Samsung for repair where within seconds they realised that I had unlocked the bootloader and had tried to install a custom recovery, they came back about half an hour later explaining me that the hardware itself would not read or write any data any more despite their efforts, for which they would have to replace the mainboard.
I am yet to try and understand how the the tablet stopped functioning upon a reboot when up to that point everything had been flashed correctly and I had managed to do a session with everything properly configured. This said, I'm facing a $550 repair to what was an $800 tablet purchased just 10 days ago. I will obviously now not venture to try to install custom recovery again. I believe my tablet might have been a one-off with some sort of a preexisting hardware glitch that got ignited by the custom flashing that I did.. I really don't know and it really doesn't matter. At this point as I am about to collect the repaired tablet in a couple of days, the only thing I am interested in doing (a must for me on any device) is to achieve root and let it be. I don't want custom recoveries, kernel overrides or anything else other than having root. Thus my search on what will be be the best venue I have how to get the tablet safely rooted without messing with TWRP again or trying to mod the bootloader. And that's pretty much it..
And let me state, I have received nothing other than truly overwhelming support and help from lots of members of the community on my particular case for which I am extremely thankful and appreciative.

PS - I also have a Note 10 plus, recently purchased to finally replace my daily driver Note 8 that I've had for almost 3 years. Needless to say that I am absolutely dreading about the thought of installing a custom recovery on it as well and achieving root, and having again any kind of bad luck to get myself stuck in another nightmare again. I will first deal with the tablet, and if that eventually goes well, I will try to gain the necessary courage to get myself to flash TWRP and root on it without destroying it next. More than 12 years doing these things with nothing but success on dozens of devices, and suddenly here I am.

Part of me is wondering if Knox's eFuse tripping could have been the reason the board got fired? Perhaps a fault in that. Can't see any other reason reason why modifying software would cause a catastrophic hardware failure.
Anyway, as far as I'm aware the only other way to achieve root is to patch your stock OS in Magisk, then flash the modified file as detailed in this thread...
Which is originally linked from This Thread
I've not tried it myself and it's a process from before TWRP was developed for the Tab S6 - So, you should do further research on it before jumping in to ensure nothing has changed.

Precisely why I am not installing twrp. The threads pages are having so many varied info and people getting bricks following steps, i feel discouraged to try root.
Tab s6 gonna be my first phone in 10 years that m gonna not root. I am using android since éclair and rooting.

"Samsung splash screen, and going directly into a warning screen that it had been locked due to the "installation of unauthorised software". From that point on any attempt to get the tablet from that state or to simply flash the stock firmware, failed completely. "
I had the same experience. I installed everything and rebooted to see this. Was only annoyed that oem unlock won't be an available instantly but it was. I went to download mode flashed stock, installed twrp again and it was fine. If you couldn't go to download mode (with cable inserted into pc! I assume you must know it because you flahed it, thie was another new idiotic introductement by gnus, i thought i have broken tablet because i couldn't get into download mode, when i found out cable must be in not mentioned anywhere in the instructions, just like we must know it, when it never in the universe been the case) then it's weird bug. Because what you are describing sound like standard behavior for these tablets, but why you couldn't get out of it right away i don't kno, because i could. Moreover i had the same on s9 snap. On s9 i also has issues when oem unlock will never appear, until i run some command checking it status and it got instantly unlocked. I shared it tp developer but he only laughed. When i knio there is nothing to laugh, sung's firmware has millions of such unexplainelable behaviors, a lot of people are faced with it. If you had another tablet and got the same result then just pick up non tgy one and it will be good, i promise. Also who knows why you want note 10 and t s6

Extreemator said:
"Samsung splash screen, and going directly into a warning screen that it had been locked due to the "installation of unauthorised software". From that point on any attempt to get the tablet from that state or to simply flash the stock firmware, failed completely. "
I had the same experience. I installed everything and rebooted to see this. Was only annoyed that oem unlock won't be an available instantly but it was. I went to download mode flashed stock, installed twrp again and it was fine. If you couldn't go to download mode (with cable inserted into pc! I assume you must know it because you flahed it, thie was another new idiotic introductement by gnus, i thought i have broken tablet because i couldn't get into download mode, when i found out cable must be in not mentioned anywhere in the instructions, just like we must know it, when it never in the universe been the case) then it's weird bug. Because what you are describing sound like standard behavior for these tablets, but why you couldn't get out of it right away i don't kno, because i could. Moreover i had the same on s9 snap. On s9 i also has issues when oem unlock will never appear, until i run some command checking it status and it got instantly unlocked. I shared it tp developer but he only laughed. When i knio there is nothing to laugh, sung's firmware has millions of such unexplainelable behaviors, a lot of people are faced with it. If you had another tablet and got the same result then just pick up non tgy one and it will be good, i promise. Also who knows why you want note 10 and t s6
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Thanks for all the info. The Note 10+ is my girlfriend's phone. I use sometimes as well when I don't feel like holding the tablet. The Galaxy A 8" with S-Pen is the perfect device.. not too small, not too big and has the pen. Unfortunately stupid Samsung decided to make it ridiculously low-end with atrocious specs, can't use it for any productivity.

VeEuzUKY said:
Thanks for all the info. The Note 10+ is my girlfriend's phone. I use sometimes as well when I don't feel like holding the tablet. The Galaxy A 8" with S-Pen is the perfect device.. not too small, not too big and has the pen. Unfortunately stupid Samsung decided to make it ridiculously low-end with atrocious specs, can't use it for any productivity.
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and now Samsung has 11 and 12 inch tablet versions for the (next thing will be maybe a 14 inch or 17 inch 'tablet') 8 to 8.9 is the right size for a tablet. Anything bigger is basically looking at an old-school tv screen from the '70s or '80s just 6 inches or so away from your eyes with your entire face lit up by the screen lol

mac231us said:
and now Samsung has 11 and 12 inch tablet versions for the (next thing will be maybe a 14 inch or 17 inch 'tablet') 8 to 8.9 is the right size for a tablet. Anything bigger is basically looking at an old-school tv screen from the '70s or '80s just 6 inches or so away from your eyes with your entire face lit up by the screen lol
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Haha, I absolutely agree with you

I'd love a 17" Tablet. Lol. Personally, I don't like any Tablet less than 10" - If I want something small, I'll use my phone.
@VeEuzUKY did you get your Tab rooted?


[Q] Has someone attempted to Root and/or Install, Flash a Custom ROM on my phone?

I sold my Android phone recently, which was only 3 months old and in perfect condition. However, the person I sold it to was using it for around a month without any problems. Then all of a sudden he said the phone was stuck on the Android logo/Boot up screen and does not go to the Swipe screen to unlock screen. I am assuming he has tried to root the phone or install, flash a custom ROM, but messed it up. Is it possible to find out whether or not someone has attempted (incorrectly) to root the phone or install a custom ROM, causing it to be stuck on the boot menu, by looking at the phone? Note: Power ON + Volume Up/Down is still functional on the phone. Or is there another possible reason as to why this could of happened?
Chances are the phone has been tampered with and incorrectly.
Just buy the phone back for 1/3 of the original cost informing him that he bricked it and move on. You don't need liabilities like that floating around and coming back to haunt you, or worse, shoot/stab you because they're retarded. I never sell a phone to somebody I know is too stupid to use it properly in whatever fashion they'll likely think of. Just something I found out over the years selling used items to idiots on Craigslist and having to play tech support for them later for stupid simple things.

My brush with a Brick

SO I thought that I would post an experience I had this morning with flashing my Note 10.1. I am doing this that way if someone does a similar thing they might be able to fix it. First I will say that yes I am an idiot, and I was very lucky I was able to recover my device. I will not say that this was a hard brick. I believe that for it to be a hard brick there is no cure. I did believe for a while that it was a hard brick. Jesus must really love me :angel: I IN NO WAY PRETEND TO BE THAT SMART! This is just here to help other people who may have the same problem.
So like an idiot i flashed a mod onto an incompatible rom.
This made my device not capable of going into TWRP.
I could however get to the first screen of stock (warning of flashing new hardware) but then it would black out.
I installed the GNOTE 10.1 toolkit and proceeded to set that up.
Meanwhile I plugged my tab into the wall (it was at 99%) but I wanted to see what it would do, It went crazy blocky weird screen.
When the toolkit was setup, I told it to flash over TWRP 2.5 and luckily enough my computer recognized my tablet as a generic Samsung device. (with adb and Odin)
Then i flashed it over, and it worked.
I believe I was extremely lucky that this worked, and I do not promise this will work and take no responsibility for what it may or may not do to your tab, life, marriage, the world.
I just thought I should share this incase it can help someone else.
p.s. I think that the file i flashed over somehow jacked up my kernel and recovery. but i am not sure exactly what happened.

[Q] Moto G bootloop

I realize many of you will state this has been asked before but I really can't find a fix for the phone so I thought maybe it's best to ask my own question and describe the issue.
So I work in a small company dealing with recycled mobile phones. I've been there about a year and a half, I had no training as it was just me and another guy, so it was just google and a lot of help from this site, so thanks guys for all the great help as I've got most of my answers from previously asked questions. I'm not a complete noob, but still have lots to learn.
This question I will keep related to the Moto G. So in my company we managed to pick up around 20 Moto G XT-1032. However around 6 of them seem to have software issues, after a factory reset (after testing) 6 got stuck on a boot loop. So I searched around and found '' which I followed and managed to flash the software back to 4.3, I had issues on an XP computer but after trying with a windows 7 it seemed to work and the phone booted up. The 6 which got stuck in a boot loop had previously been factory reset as I could see it was at the factory set-up when I turned them on. So I was quite confused why 6 would get stuck.
So today I actually finally figured out to move to a windows 7 laptop which allowed me to actually flash the phones. After flashing the phone back to 4.3 I tested the phone and all seemed fine, so as these are to be sold I had to factory reset them again (resetting through the standard settings, no special code). So once again they all seemed to get stuck in a bootloop, but instead of an actual bootloop it shows the Motorola logo and then the screen goes black but I can see the backlight is still on, then it just sits there as long as I leave it, over 4 hours so far.
I have attempted a second flash on one of the phones and it's done the same. I'm downloading UK firmware for the xt1032 not the dual sim version. I've held the power button for 120 seconds as someone mentioned that on some random thread. Managed to get to restart and got into the android bios thingy (not sure what it's actually called, hopefully you'll understand what I mean) and attempted a factory reset but it just gets stuck on the black screen (still can see the backlight is on).
I'm now out of ideas, I really don't know what else to try. I'd really appreciate if someone could shine some light on this and what could possibly be causing the issues. The phones look brand new and are known as '14 day returns' meaning someone has returned it from new after 14 days, they are then fully tested by the manufacturer before being sold to companies like ourselves. If it was one phone I'd suspect maybe a hardware issue but because it's 6 I'm just thinking this would be a strange coincidence.
I'd be interested to hear from anyone who could give me advice on, unlocking, flashing and anything else which could help me at my place of work. I work with Sony's, HTC's, Lumia's, Samsung's and Motorola's, and also every now and again ZTE and Huawei's. So feel free to contact me if you think you could offer me any advice, all is welcome.
Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance to any advice.
kimber015 said:
I realize many of you will state this has been asked before but I really can't find a fix for the phone so I thought maybe it's best to ask my own question and describe the issue.
So I work in a small company dealing with recycled mobile phones. I've been there about a year and a half, I had no training as it was just me and another guy, so it was just google and a lot of help from this site, so thanks guys for all the great help as I've got most of my answers from previously asked questions. I'm not a complete noob, but still have lots to learn.
This question I will keep related to the Moto G. So in my company we managed to pick up around 20 Moto G XT-1032. However around 6 of them seem to have software issues, after a factory reset (after testing) 6 got stuck on a boot loop. So I searched around and found '' which I followed and managed to flash the software back to 4.3, I had issues on an XP computer but after trying with a windows 7 it seemed to work and the phone booted up. The 6 which got stuck in a boot loop had previously been factory reset as I could see it was at the factory set-up when I turned them on. So I was quite confused why 6 would get stuck.
So today I actually finally figured out to move to a windows 7 laptop which allowed me to actually flash the phones. After flashing the phone back to 4.3 I tested the phone and all seemed fine, so as these are to be sold I had to factory reset them again (resetting through the standard settings, no special code). So once again they all seemed to get stuck in a bootloop, but instead of an actual bootloop it shows the Motorola logo and then the screen goes black but I can see the backlight is still on, then it just sits there as long as I leave it, over 4 hours so far.
I have attempted a second flash on one of the phones and it's done the same. I'm downloading UK firmware for the xt1032 not the dual sim version. I've held the power button for 120 seconds as someone mentioned that on some random thread. Managed to get to restart and got into the android bios thingy (not sure what it's actually called, hopefully you'll understand what I mean) and attempted a factory reset but it just gets stuck on the black screen (still can see the backlight is on).
I'm now out of ideas, I really don't know what else to try. I'd really appreciate if someone could shine some light on this and what could possibly be causing the issues. The phones look brand new and are known as '14 day returns' meaning someone has returned it from new after 14 days, they are then fully tested by the manufacturer before being sold to companies like ourselves. If it was one phone I'd suspect maybe a hardware issue but because it's 6 I'm just thinking this would be a strange coincidence.
I'd be interested to hear from anyone who could give me advice on, unlocking, flashing and anything else which could help me at my place of work. I work with Sony's, HTC's, Lumia's, Samsung's and Motorola's, and also every now and again ZTE and Huawei's. So feel free to contact me if you think you could offer me any advice, all is welcome.
Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance to any advice.
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Now we got that out of the way...
Try upgrading to 4.4.2: (Get the firmware here)
Use the thread you mentioned:

Hard Bricked... Pls Help!!!

Recently, I bought the LG Stylo from Boost on Craigslist. Before the transaction was completed, I checked the IMEI and everything checked out clean. Like a lot of folks here on this site, as soon as I got home, I attempted to root. Prior to me rooting, I got an OS update to marshmallow and I went ahead and did it. Once the update was completed, I rooted with Kingo Root and root was achieved.
Not long after (within 24 hours), I noticed that my phone was getting very laggy and choppy so I decided to reboot. When I did that, the "LG Life's Good" boot image showed up like usual. Then the screen went blankb and turned back on to the boot image but the bottom said "SECURITY ERROR" then couple seconds later z the screen goes off again and it comes back on to the previous boot image. It pretty much is doing a boot loop. Initially, I was able to access the stock recovery and I did a hard reset but that didn't help because the outcome was the same. Then an hour or so afterwards, my access to the stock recovery was gone. Now when I try to boot recovery, it says LOADING RECOVERY but then instead of going to recovery, the Android guy pops up and right below him it says ERASING then it boots into the boot loop cycle.
At this point, all I can do is boot into download mode and from my understanding, all I can do is install the firmware. Since I was on Marshmallow, I looked online for days for the boost mobile 6.0 stock firmware. What I failed to realize is that what I found was completely not meant for the boost mobile 6.0 variant instead it was for T-Mobile 5.1.1. Yes, I made the mistake and flashed it the LG Support Tool and yeah... Stupid move because now my phone is completely bricked. Nothing comes up on the screen no matter what hard key combo I try BUT what's weird is when I try to power on my laptop makes the sound that it detects it but a box on the screen for my laptop pops up and say that I need to unplug and replug the USB cord to fix and if that doesn't work, then that means something is wrong with my device.
I really like this phone. Any one can drop knowledge, I'll be forever grateful. Please help.
Damn that's all bad I just gotta Stylo and I was thinking about using kingroot to root it right now too
poppyseeds said:
Recently, I bought the LG Stylo from Boost on Craigslist. Before the transaction was completed, I checked the IMEI and everything checked out clean. Like a lot of folks here on this site, as soon as I got home, I attempted to root. Prior to me rooting, I got an OS update to marshmallow and I went ahead and did it. Once the update was completed, I rooted with Kingo Root and root was achieved.
Not long after (within 24 hours), I noticed that my phone was getting very laggy and choppy so I decided to reboot. When I did that, the "LG Life's Good" boot image showed up like usual. Then the screen went blankb and turned back on to the boot image but the bottom said "SECURITY ERROR" then couple seconds later z the screen goes off again and it comes back on to the previous boot image. It pretty much is doing a boot loop. Initially, I was able to access the stock recovery and I did a hard reset but that didn't help because the outcome was the same. Then an hour or so afterwards, my access to the stock recovery was gone. Now when I try to boot recovery, it says LOADING RECOVERY but then instead of going to recovery, the Android guy pops up and right below him it says ERASING then it boots into the boot loop cycle.
At this point, all I can do is boot into download mode and from my understanding, all I can do is install the firmware. Since I was on Marshmallow, I looked online for days for the boost mobile 6.0 stock firmware. What I failed to realize is that what I found was completely not meant for the boost mobile 6.0 variant instead it was for T-Mobile 5.1.1. Yes, I made the mistake and flashed it the LG Support Tool and yeah... Stupid move because now my phone is completely bricked. Nothing comes up on the screen no matter what hard key combo I try BUT what's weird is when I try to power on my laptop makes the sound that it detects it but a box on the screen for my laptop pops up and say that I need to unplug and replug the USB cord to fix and if that doesn't work, then that means something is wrong with my device.
I really like this phone. Any one can drop knowledge, I'll be forever grateful. Please help.
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1st off, kingroot won't root Marshmallow yet, it only goes up to Lollipop 5.1. You got the temp root we all got using the newest kingroot. I used it too and I've bricked and sent my phone back to LG twice, because of kingroot. There are many others with this problem. You are gonna have to take a chance and send it to LG. You'll have to lie, and tell them you had a bad MM- OTA update. I wouldn't say anything else and make up a receipt, unless you can get an original receipt, or don't include a receipt, even though it asks for one. Some one on Android forums sent theirs in without a receipt and it wasn't a problem, I guess since stylos are not out of warranty since they haven't been in production a year yet. Go online to lg repairs, and/ or call them. There is no custom recovery for a boost/sprint/virgin stylo because it has a locked bootloader, so you'll have to take a chance or wait forever. If you send it to LG they will send you a prepaid label and if they won't fix it they'll send it back, That's all I got, Good Luck
Thank you jmacie. After you said that many other have this exact issue including yourself, I felt that maybe this isn't something that an average person could fix on its own and that it needs the knowledge of an LG tech. I called LG and requested a repair and I've filled out the request form and now I'm just waiting on the stuff they'll send to customers so we can mail it in. They said it takes about 5 to 9 business days before I get it back. During those days, from your experience of sending it in 2 times already, do you get an email from them telling you whether they can fix it or not or do you find that out when you open the box once they mail it back to you?
poppyseeds said:
Thank you jmacie. After you said that many other have this exact issue including yourself, I felt that maybe this isn't something that an average person could fix on its own and that it needs the knowledge of an LG tech. I called LG and requested a repair and I've filled out the request form and now I'm just waiting on the stuff they'll send to customers so we can mail it in. They said it takes about 5 to 9 business days before I get it back. During those days, from your experience of sending it in 2 times already, do you get an email from them telling you whether they can fix it or not or do you find that out when you open the box once they mail it back to you?
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If you don't get an email soon about shipping your phone to them, call them again.They should send an email titled "Mobile device repair instructions" That email will have a pdf with the label to print and instructions to take out your sd sim backcover, it doesn't say but take out the stylus. Take off your screen protector or they'll throw it away. The email has a tracking link that you can check the status from receipt to return. I'm sure you'll be nervous, I was but you have the new marshmallow update causing many people problems kind of covering you up. I don't know how they might evaluate your phone, but you know you don't have any other choice, none of us did, so keep positive. LG has been great to me and that fact keeps me considering buying my next phone from them too.
And that is exactly where I'm at in this whole process. I'm waiting for them to email me that pdf document for me to print out and off the LG Stylo. My quick question is since you mentioned that you've mailed your phone in TWICE already, do you remember exactly how long it took each time from the day you mailed it in to LG to the day you got it back from them?
And yes, the MM update is going to kind of cover me and my issue because I've read more negative things compared to the positive so fingers crossed. Hopefully all those positive experiences you've had would transfer to me and my case. I've wanted the phone for a while abd when I finally got it, within 48 hours, BAM! this happens. SMH
poppyseeds said:
And that is exactly where I'm at in this whole process. I'm waiting for them to email me that pdf document for me to print out and off the LG Stylo. My quick question is since you mentioned that you've mailed your phone in TWICE already, do you remember exactly how long it took each time from the day you mailed it in to LG to the day you got it back from them?
And yes, the MM update is going to kind of cover me and my issue because I've read more negative things compared to the positive so fingers crossed. Hopefully all those positive experiences you've had would transfer to me and my case. I've wanted the phone for a while abd when I finally got it, within 48 hours, BAM! this happens. SMH
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It was 10 days total. After I filled out my form I called saying I couldn't wait around for a phone call as my contact # was my landline, and they immediately sent me the label. That live agent call did include questions about what happened. In my case I had told them that google services was stopping and after a hard reset I got a frozen on LG logo screen, which was the truth both times, but I'm certain the circumstances were aggravated by my messing with the build.prop and kingroot
lg g ls770 stylo boost mobile help need,
jmacie said:
It was 10 days total. After I filled out my form I called saying I couldn't wait around for a phone call as my contact # was my landline, and they immediately sent me the label. That live agent call did include questions about what happened. In my case I had told them that google services was stopping and after a hard reset I got a frozen on LG logo screen, which was the truth both times, but I'm certain the circumstances were aggravated by my messing with the build.prop and kingroot
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need help please, i brick my phone after i've tried to used the lg flash tool, and now my goes black can't do anything or see anything any ideas please.
it took 4 days to get it back from broken usb port and bootloop i got stuck on
just send phone it self
No back cover
no stylus pen
no battery
no sim/sd card
they'll dispose of them all if you send anything but device itself
i made the mistake of not taking my pen stylus out of device and gotta order new one
but overall i got mine fixed for FREE and got it fixed and back within 4 days lucky me
but yea they'll fix it just depends on case by case i guess since my charge port had burn smell and marks gues that caused them to fix entire device and i sent it in with 5.1.1 and got it back with 6.0 so yea i say don't root till there safe proven method or till they let us unlock bootloader but till then just be happy with what you got
poppyseeds said:
Recently, I bought the LG Stylo from Boost on Craigslist. Before the transaction was completed, I checked the IMEI and everything checked out clean. Like a lot of folks here on this site, as soon as I got home, I attempted to root. Prior to me rooting, I got an OS update to marshmallow and I went ahead and did it. Once the update was completed, I rooted with Kingo Root and root was achieved.
Not long after (within 24 hours), I noticed that my phone was getting very laggy and choppy so I decided to reboot. When I did that, the "LG Life's Good" boot image showed up like usual. Then the screen went blankb and turned back on to the boot image but the bottom said "SECURITY ERROR" then couple seconds later z the screen goes off again and it comes back on to the previous boot image. It pretty much is doing a boot loop. Initially, I was able to access the stock recovery and I did a hard reset but that didn't help because the outcome was the same. Then an hour or so afterwards, my access to the stock recovery was gone. Now when I try to boot recovery, it says LOADING RECOVERY but then instead of going to recovery, the Android guy pops up and right below him it says ERASING then it boots into the boot loop cycle.
At this point, all I can do is boot into download mode and from my understanding, all I can do is install the firmware. Since I was on Marshmallow, I looked online for days for the boost mobile 6.0 stock firmware. What I failed to realize is that what I found was completely not meant for the boost mobile 6.0 variant instead it was for T-Mobile 5.1.1. Yes, I made the mistake and flashed it the LG Support Tool and yeah... Stupid move because now my phone is completely bricked. Nothing comes up on the screen no matter what hard key combo I try BUT what's weird is when I try to power on my laptop makes the sound that it detects it but a box on the screen for my laptop pops up and say that I need to unplug and replug the USB cord to fix and if that doesn't work, then that means something is wrong with my device.
I really like this phone. Any one can drop knowledge, I'll be forever grateful. Please help.
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samething happened to me too, any help welcome
handyman509 said:
samething happened to me too, any help welcome
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you have to send it to LG.This phone has a locked bootloader, so there is no custom recovery, so you can't just mess with trying to use tools made for tmobile unlocked phone. LG is very good about fixing and they have fixed mine. Also there is no permanent root for MM 6.0, so when you use kingroot that is ONLY made for up to Lollipop 5.1.1 you take a chance of bricking and there is only 1 way out , send to LG
Is there any news about this model.. I also have one bricked.. Can someone help me with this, please ?
cehajjic said:
Is there any news about this model.. I also have one bricked.. Can someone help me with this, please ?
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Other than sending the device for repairs, or buying another phone: there's nothing else that could be done.
hard bricked ls770
Revenant Ghost said:
Other than sending the device for repairs, or buying another phone: there's nothing else that could be done.
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Need help re-installing OS

I think I'm probably totally hosed here, but for lack of any other immediate solutions to my problem I'm hoping someone might be able to give me a hand. This is my first post on this forum and I'm a total noob when it comes to any kind of software development so please excuse any misuse of terms or complete lack of knowledge. And yes, I've checked the noob thread and sadly wasn't able to find an answer. This may be a bit long-winded for background, my apologies.
I bought a Pixel 3 about two weeks ago, from a Verizon store (which I understand may be source of my problems as the Verizon ones are not unlockable), and a day or two ago the power button became stuck down, causing the device to restart over and over again, and eventually, it seems it wiped the OS. All that's showing is a message saying "Can't find valid operating sytem. Device will not start."
I stupidly tried to pry the power button out, which I did, and broke it (the plastic bit on the button, though what's underneath can still be pressed and used), and when I contacted Google they said I'd have to repair the phone at one of their authorized retailers for them to honor the warranty and send me a refurbished one (with a working OS). Sadly that would mean spending about 300 dollars to repair the screen, though it isn't broken, but I guess the button comes with the screen. I don't have the money for that at the moment, it would probably be a month before I do (and being without a phone for a month isn't really an option right now with my job), and I don't think they'd honor the warranty otherwise. I'm in a pretty tough situation. So I'm trying to re-install the OS, but I'm not sure if that's possible.
All buttons are use-able, and I am able to get to the Fastboot Mode screen. I've tried putting it in recovery mode, restarting bootloader, and every other option on that screen accessible by the volume up-down key, and nothing different is happening.
I've downloaded the Android SDK Tools and tried to begin the process of re-installing using these three guides:
android.gadgethacks (dot) com/how-to/complete-guide-flashing-factory-images-android-using-fastboot-0175277
android.gadgethacks (dot) com/how-to/android-basics-install-adb-fastboot-mac-linux-windows-0164225
android.gadgethacks (dot) com/how-to/open-adb-fastboot-command-window-right-directory-0195269
(Sorry the links are unclickable - new users can't post links to avoid spam apparently)
I've made it to Step 5 in the first guide - the phone is in fastboot mode, it's communicating with my computer (running Windows 10) but when I try to use the command "fastboot flashing unlock" and "fastboot flashing unlock_critical", I get error messages saying "FAILED (remote: 'flashing unlock is not allowed')", and "FAILED (remote: 'Invalid argument unlock_critical')", respectively. I think it's important to note that I did not have USB debugging enabled on the device when it stopped working. And once again, I bought it from a Verizon store, meaning it's their version, and from what I've been reading on these forums that means it's locked and cannot be unlocked.
Am I totally screwed? Is there any way at all to unlock the Verizon version? Is there a way to flash the factory image without unlocking it? Do you think someone in a repair shop would be able to re-install the OS without it costing upwards of $150? I'm terribly disappointed, I just got the phone and was absolutely loving it. I'm sad that Google won't honor the warranty despite the fact that I didn't do anything to cause the original issue, it wasn't dropped or damaged by water, but I do feel pretty stupid now for messing with it after the fact and removing the button. You live and you learn I guess.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and offer help. I'll be checking this regularly and if any other information is needed to find a solution please let me know.
Fastboot will be pretty much useless to you since you have the Verizon version and as you said, it's locked and can't be unlocked. The factory image cannot be flashed.
Try downloading the full OTA here and get your phone into recovery mode and select sideload OTA. Follow the instructions on the screen and sideload the OTA via ADB on your PC. That would be my first step before looking at getting the power button repaired.
As for the power button cost you'd probably need to contact uBreakiFix for that to see what they would charge. If the button did only come in a kit with a screen, they might only charge you for the button since they can keep the screen and use for a different repair, but I'm not sure how they are packaged or how they bill for it.

