Samsung SelfieType news and discussion - Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Guides, News, & Discussion

Hi Guys,
I have created this thread as I could not find any to discuss and share news about this new interesting feature (mentioned in the title) shown by Samsung at CES 2020.
In this demo video it can be seen from 0:33 that is being used on our beloved Tab S6. I can't wait to try it on any of my devices, but I think it could be the most useful on our tablets (or phones connected to DeX) if it works out well. I think they could add a virtual trackpad to it and using any stand you already have a quite good setup for everyday usage and also doing some business/educational stuff on the go (and at home of course)
Any opinions are welcomed and also any new information (release date/beta download) is appreciated!


USB DAC support - Bring it up to a Google Engineer directly (Help needed to vote up!)

Hi everyone,
As many of you would have known, despite USB Host functionality being present in ICS, USB DACs have yet to be supported on our devices. This issue has also been starred by more than a thousand people on Google's site but still has not been noticed. (Link here:
Quoting a fellow XDA member: If Google did their work then we could use relatively cheap USB DACs with our Android phones and enjoy great music sound quality, no matter which cheap DAC/DSP the manufacturer has seen fit to include. Now with ICS this is a simple software fix, which makes it all the more irritating (someone has managed to add support for these in a Nook Colour kernel that works with CM9).
Right now, we can bring it up to a real Google Engineer while they visit my school (I have no idea how my school manages to be on such good terms with Google). All you need to do is help to vote this issue up so it gets the first pirioty to be asked. Perhaps then, we will get a chance to put the spotlight on our issue.
Vote the issue up here:
Please vote this up and share this out to your social networks. Lets make Android a even better operating system for all!
Quick update: Since this was posted it has risen in priority!
Please continue to give your support so our issue will be answered! (And remember to tell your friends to help too!)
Bumping this thread up!
Please continue to give your support on this issue! (And of course, remember to tell your friends to help too!)
Can I give it more than one vote? haha ):
It would be nice to have DAC/AMP support on Android by default.
Hi buddy,
thank you for the information and discussion! I'm more of a business head than engineering but I am a lossless guy who loves his media players. Can you tell us more about what kind of things would be possible if Google enables this support?

[Q] Bought the Samsung GTab 10.1 today, have a few questions about it?

Hey guys!
I just ordered the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (P5100) 10.1" today via Flipkart (Indian Online Mega-Store) and it is expected to arrive in a few days. I'm really excited that it's going to be my first tablet, but mostly because it'll be the first Android device I own. I've been living with my Nokia N8-00 (Symbian Belle) for about 2 years now and I finally have a replacement.
Along with the excitement, I had a lot of questions about the device. I'll just list them below, so it'll be easier for you guys to answer them
1. Have I made the right choice?
The first thing I thought to myself after I pressed the 'Buy Now' button. I bought it mostly for watching movies and the TV shows that I regularly download from the internet. Some rigorous browsing, downloading of music, and mostly showing off my photos to other people (I'm a photographer and having a portfolio on-hand is a good idea). I haven't demoed the device before, but my friends have all said theirs works wonderfully (granted, they own the 7" version).​
2. What is rooting? Do I need to root my device?
My friends keep talking about this rooting thing. I'm a new android user, so I lack the basic knowledge of these terminologies. Will I need to root my tablet? Is it safe to do so? What will I benefit from this procedure?​
3. What are the best apps I can download?
I want to know what are the best apps I can install on my device for my particular needs (mentioned above). I also wanted to know how I can customize my device to the fullest extent. When I had an iPod Touch, I jailbroke it and installed WinterBoard to use custom themes and icons of my own choice. What is the procedure to replicate the same on an Android device?​
4. Is Android App Development easy?
What language is it generally coded in? I have a basic understanding of HTML/CSS & PHP, a firm grasp on C# and .NET (from Windows 8 Development). I'd like to try my luck in the Android App genre, how many have tried the same and do you feel it is easy for a beginner/intermediate?​
I'd really love it if you guys could help me out starting with this new journey of Android! Thank you all!
you made the right choice.
Rooting is jailbreak. You don;t need it unless you want to install certain custom mods or apps.
Development is as easy as any platform if you have done it before, its the same once you set up the environment. Search Google and you will find a Google tutorial on getting started.
Sketch Book Pro if you like doodling
Photoshop Touch
Tunein Radio

List of Pre-Installed Apps [on Samsung Devices]

I have compiled a list of all pre-installed apps on Samsung devices (see attachment as xls and ods), the sources being all similar lists I've found on the various forums here and my own devices (GT-P7501, GT-n8000, GT-S5830). If there were a general 'Samsung Devices'-forum instead of a separate one for each single device, I'd have posted there, but as it is, this seemed the most appropriate place - move this thread if I am wrong .
I'd like to freeze or remove as many superfluous (for me!) apps on my devices as possible, but (as Gandalf said to Saruman - or words to that effect: "He who breaks a thing to find out what it is has deviated from the path of wisdom") I'd like to know exactly what app is what for beforehand.
Any research here and elsewhere is complicated by the facts that not only mostly localized names are used (What is named "Mobile Tracker" on English devices is "uTrack" on German ones) but that sometimes even the app-IDs differ (localized? "Accu Weather Widget" comes as "" on one device and "" on another). And to confuse even more, some come as "com.sec.[some thing or other]" here and just as "com.[some thing or other]" there or are just named differently on different devices and/or Android versions ("Picasa Uploader", "Meine Uploads").
So what I have done is compile this list incorporating as many variants I could detect and the general opinion (from the lists I found here and my own experience) if it is safe to free/remove when not needed. The most important part, for me, is the description. I have filled all I've found here and found out myself, but with quite a few I have no idea what it is for.
It would be great if you, the reader of this, would look over the list and help to fill out the blanks - this might be useful for all of us (or show me that already complete list/database in the other forum that I did not find )
08-06-13: Updated the list (v06) with new descriptions, added GT-S5830 (Galaxy Ace), added some search terms to OP.
07-31-13: Updated the list (v05) with additions by cybhunter (see attachment)
Tags: Bloatware; Samsung; GT-P7501, GT-P7500, Galaxy Tab 10.1; GT-n8000, Galaxy Note 10.1; GT-S5830, Galaxy Ace; preinstalled
klorgfasder said:
I have compiled a list of all pre-installed apps on Samsung devices (see attachment as xls and ods), the sources being all similar lists I've found on the various forums here and my own devices (GT-P7501 and GT-n8000). If there were a general 'Samsung Devices'-forum instead of a separate one for each single device, I'd have posted there, but as it is, this seemed the most appropriate place - move this thread if I am wrong .
I'd like to freeze or remove as many superfluous (for me!) apps on my devices as possible, but (as Gandalf said to Saruman - or words to that effect: "He who breaks a thing to find out what it is has deviated from the path of wisdom") I'd like to know exactly what app is what for beforehand.
Any research here and elsewhere is complicated by the facts that not only mostly localized names are used (What is named "Mobile Tracker" on English devices is "uTrack" on German ones) but that sometimes even the app-IDs differ (localized? "Accu Weather Widget" comes as "" on one device and "" on another). And to confuse even more, some come as "com.sec.[some thing or other]" here and just as "com.[some thing or other]" there or are just named differently on different devices and/or Android versions ("Picasa Uploader", "Meine Uploads").
So what I have done is compile this list incorporating as many variants I could detect and the general opinion (from the lists I found here and my own experience) if it is safe to free/remove when not needed. The most important part, for me, is the description. I have filled all I've found here and found out myself, but with quite a few I have no idea what it is for.
It would be great if you, the reader of this, would look over the list and help to fill out the blanks - this might be useful for all of us (or show me that already complete list/database in the other forum that I did not find )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I took a look at your posting and have been able to add some information I've compiled from my Samsung device (Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro, SGH-I547). I didn't add any apks (ie tetheringprovision.apk that is installed on North American market cellular devices for data plan usages) If possible just double check some of the information I added (to prevent confusion).
Hope it helps
cybhunter said:
I took a look at your posting and have been able to add some information I've compiled from my Samsung device (Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro, SGH-I547). I didn't add any apks (ie tetheringprovision.apk that is installed on North American market cellular devices for data plan usages) If possible just double check some of the information I added (to prevent confusion).
Hope it helps
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you, Joe! It sure helps. I'll work through your additions and update the links in the OP.
Updated the list (v05) with additions by cybhunter (see attachment in OP)

STAPPZ- What's live near you - location based app - early cm adopters needed

I'm Tim and we developed an Android app and started a startup in Germany. However, the app is free. Therefore, I hope that posting about the app in this forum to search cyanogenmod users is ok. If not, please delete this post.
I post here, because I, myself, love cynongenmod custom roms and would like to find out more about the compatibility of our app. Therefore, I search people that like to try new apps that report if it works from them. The app is location based and in beta (so not perfect yet) and for my cm10.1 on an Lg P990 and cm on a Galaxy S3 it works. I'd be curious about other phones. Therefore, I thought this forum here is the best place to find like minded people that use cm - Maybe even someone has the onplus one and can test it
We have the app for beta testers open and you can get it on our page STAPPZ com or find us on facebook (STAPPZ)
OK- now i talked so much about what we would like to test - here a brief description:
What is STAPPZ? In short, it is answer to the question: “What is live near me?”
With STAPPZ you participate in an open conversation with pictures and text at your current position. You create and perpetuate your own STAPPZ: Moments, noteworthy facts or any other information that you consider relevant.Nearby fellows (other STAPPZ users) see those STAPPZ and respond to them by posting something themselves or by saving them in their profile.This way, the people joining STAPPZ enrich and weave the world, collaborate and take advantage of the knowledge that others left around them.
However, if you like the app and have some feedback in other directions or you want more info or to blog about it, please let us know.
We'd be so glad to get feedback if it runs on your cm devices.
Kind regards

[Completed] How to find phones with the strongest development support?

When I advise or choose a new phone I always make sure to avoid phone with few users and little development. This way, if I have a problem there is a lot of other people out there writing tutorials and posting questions. I'm not alone.
But how do I find how popular development on a phone is?
I used to simply the process by looking at official Cyanogenmod supported phones only... but that is no more. Lineage doesn't give me much indication as to how well supported a phone may become like CM did in that way.
Where might I find:
- number of downloads
- number of users
- number of posts, in a quickly accessible manner
- how's about number of commits on github or a similar code hosting site?
I also usually go for a phone 1-2 years old. So... this sounds like a Nexus. However, the person who is asking me is question me on LG, which I have no experience with.
Hi !
The forum`s website page has built-in lots of filter options and buttons from where you can choose a wide variety of stats
Use the XDA 2013 Beta - 1024 theme format and from the top of the page you can chose top devices then chose one and go to its dedicated subforums , development or original development
A live statistic with your desired stats isn`t available on the fly , use those above and you can easily figure out what is interesting to you

