If you're like me, you may have accidentally flashed and wiped your partitions, including the bootloader, causing your device to become an expensive doorstop or paperweight.
First of all, take a deep breath.
Second of all, you can use blankflash to fix it and allow the phone to boot back to the bootloader.
Check if your phone is detected. On Linux, your phone will be listed in lsusb as a QUALCOMM MODEM (or something close to that). That means your phone is not truly dead!
Go to https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/moto/beckham/blankflash
Download the zip file there
Save it somewhere
unzip the file
If you're using Linux (you should be), this is easy at this point. Plug the phone in, and run ./blankflash.sh
The terminal will flash and say that it's attempting to poll /dev/ttyUSB0 (or something similar). This is a good sign. Linux, unlike Windows, will let you directly write to a raw USB device. On Windows you'll have to install buggy QUALCOMM drivers that never seemed to work for me. (not that it won't work for you, but I wouldn't bet on it)
It's likely that the flash will fail. Keep trying. Hold down the power and volume down buttons and keep holding it down.
Eventually, it should work and you'll see that the phone has been flashed. Your phone will boot to a weird looking bootloader screen. Once that happens, you are done. If you reboot the phone, it'll boot to the same screen, and you can simply use fastboot for the rest.
I hope this helps someone. I spent 4 hours trying to get my device to rise again from the grave. If I can save one other person from this same issue of trying to find a working blankflash, then it'll be worth it!.
Actually, for the record, Windows most certainly lets you write directly to a raw USB device. Just not the way Linux or Unix does it.
In any case, the blankflash.sh script just runs qboot - which is exactly what the Windows version does except it runs qboot.exe.
rocktone said:
If you're like me, you may have accidentally flashed and wiped your partitions, including the bootloader, causing your device to become an expensive doorstop or paperweight.
First of all, take a deep breath.
Second of all, you can use blankflash to fix it and allow the phone to boot back to the bootloader.
Check if your phone is detected. On Linux, your phone will be listed in lsusb as a QUALCOMM MODEM (or something close to that). That means your phone is not truly dead!
Go to https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/moto/beckham/blankflash
Download the zip file there
Save it somewhere
unzip the file
If you're using Linux (you should be), this is easy at this point. Plug the phone in, and run ./blankflash.sh
The terminal will flash and say that it's attempting to poll /dev/ttyUSB0 (or something similar). This is a good sign. Linux, unlike Windows, will let you directly write to a raw USB device. On Windows you'll have to install buggy QUALCOMM drivers that never seemed to work for me. (not that it won't work for you, but I wouldn't bet on it)
It's likely that the flash will fail. Keep trying. Hold down the power and volume down buttons and keep holding it down.
Eventually, it should work and you'll see that the phone has been flashed. Your phone will boot to a weird looking bootloader screen. Once that happens, you are done. If you reboot the phone, it'll boot to the same screen, and you can simply use fastboot for the rest.
I hope this helps someone. I spent 4 hours trying to get my device to rise again from the grave. If I can save one other person from this same issue of trying to find a working blankflash, then it'll be worth it!.
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Grace and Peace my friend. Thank you very much for your help. With your help I was able to recover my MOTO Z3 Play. God bless you.
Still bricked Z3Play
Hello -
Here's my situation - I've got a bricked Z3 Play. It was rooted, with twrp-3.3.1-1-beckham installed, though the recovery screen never worked right after that - only brought up the splash screen.
All was well until I tried to install XPosed Framework.
Now my phone won't boot (bootloop), and as I mentioned already, TWRP doesn't work - it gets stuck on the splash screen.
From the Fastboot screen, I can execute some fastboot commands (fastboot version 29.0.5-5949299) however can't flash - it fails.
From the (frozen) TWRP screen, I can execute ADB (Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41 / Version 29.0.5-5949299). I can even get an ADB shell and see the phone's filesystem.
QBoot (Motorola qboot utility version 3.40) never finds any device.
I have installed the latest Moto drivers from their site. I'm running Windows 10, in TEST mode.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.
ftagnome said:
Hello -
Here's my situation - I've got a bricked Z3 Play. It was rooted, with twrp-3.3.1-1-beckham installed, though the recovery screen never worked right after that - only brought up the splash screen.
All was well until I tried to install XPosed Framework.
Now my phone won't boot (bootloop), and as I mentioned already, TWRP doesn't work - it gets stuck on the splash screen.
From the Fastboot screen, I can execute some fastboot commands (fastboot version 29.0.5-5949299) however can't flash - it fails.
From the (frozen) TWRP screen, I can execute ADB (Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41 / Version 29.0.5-5949299). I can even get an ADB shell and see the phone's filesystem.
QBoot (Motorola qboot utility version 3.40) never finds any device.
I have installed the latest Moto drivers from their site. I'm running Windows 10, in TEST mode.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.
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Fastboot "boot" into older version of TWRP?
In my case, lsusb found my moto z3 play as a "Motorola PCS"
Because of this, i guess, the ./blank-flash.sh stuck in "<waiting for device>"
Its mean i need install a driver? im using distro Deepin 15.10.1
Aun tendras el loader.img que me lo puedas proporcionar?
Sorry for the length. TL;DR: It was the USB-C cable/slot. Needed a USB-A to C or the USB-A slot
I ran into a problem trying to fix a hard brick so I'm posting what happened to me and what finally worked just incase anyone else runs into this kind of problem. First heres what got me into trouble. Now instead of wiping out a partition, I was trying to make backups of Slots A and B before doing anything. I had finished Slot A and was typing in my preferred backup naming for B when TWRP just restarted. I figured something might be bugging so I opted to reboot the Recovery. BIG mistake. I ended up switching to the empty B partition, which I didn't realize for many hours.
I was stuck with hard brick, the phone showed up as a QUALCOMM MODEM like rocktone said, but blankflash kept not finding the phone.
[ -0.000] Opening device: \\.\COM9
[ 0.006] Detecting device
[ 34.020] ERROR: sahara_greet_device()->change_mode()->do_hello()->IO error
[ 34.020] Check qboot_log.txt for more details
[ 34.021] Total time: 34.022s
[ 34.021]
[ 34.021] qboot version 3.86
[ 34.021]
[ 34.021] DEVICE {
[ 34.021] name = "\\.\COM9",
[ 34.021] flags = "0x64",
[ 34.021] addr = "0x28FD74",
[ 34.021] api.bnr = "0x482CE0",
[ 34.021] }
[ 34.021]
[ 34.021]
[ 34.021] Backup & Restore {
[ 34.021] num_entries = 0,
[ 34.021] restoring = "false",
[ 34.021] backup_error = "not started",
[ 34.021] restore_error = "not started",
[ 34.021] }
[ 34.021]
I went as far as trying a making a bootable live usb of linux, which I have no experience with, trying to fix this and getting almost the same thing.
[ 0.000] Opening device: /dev/ttyUSB0
[ 0.000] ERROR: device_open()->error opening device
[ 0.000] Check qboot_log.txt for more details
[ 0.000] Total time: 0.000s
[ 0.000]
[ 0.000] qboot version 3.86
[ 0.000]
[ 0.000] DEVICE {
[ 0.000] name = "/dev/ttyUSB0",
[ 0.000] flags = "0x60",
[ 0.000] addr = "0x161C5A60",
[ 0.000] serial_nix.device_pathname = "/sys/bus/usb/devices/4-1/4-1:1.0/ttyUSB0",
[ 0.000] api.bnr = "0x13D03D0",
[ 0.000] }
[ 0.000]
[ 0.000]
[ 0.000] Backup & Restore {
[ 0.000] num_entries = 0,
[ 0.000] restoring = "false",
[ 0.000] backup_error = "not started",
[ 0.000] restore_error = "not started",
[ 0.000] }
[ 0.000]
It was still a couple hours later of banging my head against a wall that finally made me think of switching from USB-C cable/slot I was using (this phone is my first experience using USB-C) to a USB-A to C cable/slot. I was so confused trying to get linux to work and it kept hanging so I rebooted to windows and blankflash worked the first time with the cable/slot switch. Hopefully this is helpful to someone down the line.
TL;DR: It was the USB-C cable/slot. Needed a USB-A to C or the USB-A slot
help!!!! the bootloader is corrupt and does not allow me to update it with any rom so I cannot repair the radio signal of my phone so I thought I would use the blankflash file to repair the boot loader and be able to update with stock rom but I don't know how a hard brick could be caused in my moto z3 play currently, I can enter fastboot mode and flash any rom beckham and the cell phone works but without signal and without wifi: / any ideas ??? Any help is appreciated !!!! I've been like this for almost a month!
fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) kernel: uefi
(bootloader) version-bootloader: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-43c7c77-190708
(bootloader) product: beckham
(bootloader) board: beckham
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: PVT
(bootloader) radio: LATAM
(bootloader) storage-type: eMMC
(bootloader) emmc: 64GB SAMSUNG DH6DMB RV=08 PV=05 FV=0000000000000005
(bootloader) ufs: N/A
(bootloader) ram: 4GB SAMSUNG LP4x DIE=16Gb M5=01 M6=06 M7=10 M8=12
(bootloader) cpu: SDM636 1.0 (1)
(bootloader) serialno: ZY2...........
(bootloader) cid: 0x0032
(bootloader) channelid: 0x23
(bootloader) uid: 1FB614B6
(bootloader) securestate: flashing_unlocked
(bootloader) verity-state: disabled (0)
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: yes
(bootloader) max-download-size: 536870912
(bootloader) reason: Volume down key pressed
(bootloader) imei: ..................
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date: 09-14-2018
(bootloader) sku: XT1929-6
(bootloader) carrier_sku: XT1929-6
(bootloader) battid: SB18C20117
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 3890
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[0]: motorola/beckham/beckham:9/PPWS29.
(bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[1]: 131-27-1-22/d2da2:user/release-key
(bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[2]: s
(bootloader) poweroffalarm: 0
(bootloader) ro.build.version.full[0]: Blur_Version.29.271.29.beckham.re
(bootloader) ro.build.version.full[1]: tail.en.US
(bootloader) ro.build.version.qcom: LA.UM.7.2.r1-05500-sdm660.0
(bootloader) version-baseband: <not found>
(bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 4.4.153-perf-gebfe3c50a253
(bootloader) kernel.version[1]: -02598-g4bfe89b274ac ([email protected]
(bootloader) kernel.version[2]: 2) (gcc version 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelea
(bootloader) kernel.version[3]: se) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Mar 12 22
(bootloader) kernel.version[4]: :35:14 CDT 2020
(bootloader) git:abl: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-43c7c77-190708
(bootloader) git:xbl: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-abcb4b6-190708
(bootloader) gitmic: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-abcb4b6-190708
(bootloader) git:rpm: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-33b79ec-190708
(bootloader) git:tz: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-c3fd846-dirty-190708
(bootloader) git:hyp: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-c3fd846-dirty-190708
(bootloader) git:devcfg: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-c3fd846-dirty-190708
(bootloader) git:cmnlib: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-c3fd846-dirty-190708
(bootloader) git:cmnlib64: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-c3fd846-dirty-190708
(bootloader) git:keymaster: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-c3fd846-dirty-190708
(bootloader) gitrov: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-c3fd846-dirty-190708
(bootloader) git:storsec: MBM-3.0-beckham_sprint-c3fd846-dirty-190708
(bootloader) frp-state: no protection (0)
(bootloader) ro.carrier: attmx
(bootloader) current-slot: a
(bootloader) running-bl-slot: _a/_a
(bootloader) running-boot-lun: 0
(bootloader) slot-count: 2
(bootloader) slot-successful:_a: yes
(bootloader) slot-successful:_b: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_a: no
(bootloader) slot-unbootable:_b: yes
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_a: 6
(bootloader) slot-retry-count:_b: 0
all: listed above
Finished. Total time: 0.146s
Thanks, it worked on the first try and literally took 5 secs. (setup: Windows 10 64-Bits), i did not download a particular Qualcomm driver, just plug the dead device and Windows recognized it as QHUSB_BULK. Again, thank you.
I have also "hard bricked" my Moto Z3 Play while trying to install TWRP recovery. The phone is is "Qualcomm" mode and I am trying to use blankflash from Linux. It seems that it's TRYING to flash the bootloader, but it fails with the following log entries:
**** Log buffer [000001] 2020-07-22_19:10:53 ****
[ 0.000] Opening device: /dev/ttyUSB1
[ 0.000] Detecting device
[ 5.710] ...cpu.id = 204 (0xcc)
[ 5.710] ...cpu.sn = 1760558744 (0x68effe98)
[ 5.710] Opening singleimage
[ 5.710] Loading package
[ 5.715] ...filename = pkg.xml
[ 5.717] Loading programmer
[ 5.718] ...filename = programmer.elf
[ 5.718] Sending programmer
[ 5.891] Handling things over to programmer
[ 5.891] Identifying CPU version
[ 5.891] Waiting for firehose to get ready
[ 8.910] ...SDM636 1.0
[ 8.910] Determining target secure state
[ 8.913] ...secure = yes
[ 8.966] Configuring device...
[ 8.975] Flashing GPT...
[ 8.975] Flashing partition with gpt.bin
[ 8.983] Initializing storage
[ 9.065] ...blksz = 512
[ 11.341] Target NAK!
[ 11.341] ...INFO: Device Total Logical Blocks: 0x2000
[ 11.342] ...INFO: Device Total Physical Partitions: 0x4
[ 11.342] ...INFO: Device Manufacturer ID: 0x15
[ 11.342] ...INFO: Device Serial Number: 0xdc246a2b
[ 11.342] ...INFO: {"storage_info": {"total_blocks":8192, "block_size":512, "page_size":512, "num_physical":4, "manufacturer_id":21, "serial_num":3693373995, "fw_version":"5","mem_type":"eMMC","prod_name":"DH6DMB"}}
[ 11.342] ...eMMC Extended CSD Revision: 0x8
[ 11.342] ...eMMC Firmware Version: 0x5
[ 11.342] ...e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
[ 11.342] ...eMMC_RAW_DATA [266:531]00010101000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081C70000030307050002013F3F0101010000000000000044000115320127D0FF03590FEFFFDBF60040408E
[ 11.342] ...ERROR: XML not formed correctly. Expected a < character at loc 0
[ 11.342] ERROR: do_package()->do_recipe()->do_flash()->flash_simg()->do_package()->do_recipe()->do_flash()->gpt_flash()->get_storage()->init_storage()->firehose_do_fmt()->do_recipe()->NAK
[ 11.342] Check qboot_log.txt for more details
[ 11.342] Total time: 11.342s
[ 11.342]
[ 11.342] qboot version 3.86
[ 11.342]
[ 11.342] DEVICE {
[ 11.342] name = "/dev/ttyUSB0",
[ 11.342] flags = "0x140",
[ 11.342] addr = "0xFAABBFF0",
[ 11.342] serial_nix.device_pathname = "/sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.1.2/1-1.1.2:1.0/ttyUSB0",
[ 11.342] sahara.current_mode = "0",
[ 11.342] api.buffer = "0x7F1A18828010",
[ 11.342] cpu.serial = "1760558744",
[ 11.342] cpu.id = "204",
[ 11.342] cpu.sv_sbl = "0",
[ 11.342] cpu.name = "SDM636",
[ 11.342] storage.type = "eMMC",
[ 11.342] sahara.programmer = "programmer.elf",
[ 11.342] module.firehose = "0x21C70E0",
[ 11.342] api.firehose = "0x21D0190",
[ 11.342] cpu.ver = "256",
[ 11.342] cpu.vername = "1.0",
[ 11.342] fh.max_packet_sz = "1048576",
[ 11.342] fh.storage_inited = "1",
[ 11.342] }
[ 11.342]
I have also tried to find a "loader.img" file for the Moto Z3 Play to try an SD card recovery, but I have not been able to find one. What is the difference between a loader.img file and a bootloader.img file? I have Moto Z3 Play stock ROMs. Is it possible to generate a loader.img file?
Thanks in advance,
Hopefully helps
ftagnome said:
Hello -
Here's my situation - I've got a bricked Z3 Play. It was rooted, with twrp-3.3.1-1-beckham installed, though the recovery screen never worked right after that - only brought up the splash screen.
All was well until I tried to install XPosed Framework.
Now my phone won't boot (bootloop), and as I mentioned already, TWRP doesn't work - it gets stuck on the splash screen.
From the Fastboot screen, I can execute some fastboot commands (fastboot version 29.0.5-5949299) however can't flash - it fails.
From the (frozen) TWRP screen, I can execute ADB (Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41 / Version 29.0.5-5949299). I can even get an ADB shell and see the phone's filesystem.
QBoot (Motorola qboot utility version 3.40) never finds any device.
I have installed the latest Moto drivers from their site. I'm running Windows 10, in TEST mode.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.
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I don't know if the info will still be helpful, but I booted TWRP 3.4.0-0 and works fine with Z3 play. I haven't tried to flash it, I just " fasboot boot " it.
rocktone said:
If you're like me, you may have accidentally flashed and wiped your partitions, including the bootloader, causing your device to become an expensive doorstop or paperweight.
First of all, take a deep breath.
Second of all, you can use blankflash to fix it and allow the phone to boot back to the bootloader.
Check if your phone is detected. On Linux, your phone will be listed in lsusb as a QUALCOMM MODEM (or something close to that). That means your phone is not truly dead!
Go to https://mirrors.lol inet.c om/firmware/moto/beckh am/blankflash
Download the zip file there
Save it somewhere
unzip the file
If you're using Linux (you should be), this is easy at this point. Plug the phone in, and run ./blankflash.sh
The terminal will flash and say that it's attempting to poll /dev/ttyUSB0 (or something similar). This is a good sign. Linux, unlike Windows, will let you directly write to a raw USB device. On Windows you'll have to install buggy QUALCOMM drivers that never seemed to work for me. (not that it won't work for you, but I wouldn't bet on it)
It's likely that the flash will fail. Keep trying. Hold down the power and volume down buttons and keep holding it down.
Eventually, it should work and you'll see that the phone has been flashed. Your phone will boot to a weird looking bootloader screen. Once that happens, you are done. If you reboot the phone, it'll boot to the same screen, and you can simply use fastboot for the rest.
I hope this helps someone. I spent 4 hours trying to get my device to rise again from the grave. If I can save one other person from this same issue of trying to find a working blankflash, then it'll be worth it!.
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Good Morning kind human... I think,
So I finally bricked my Beckham device and I've been trying this blankflash that you speak of... Thru Windows 10, and exactly as you said the drivers seem to glitch at the moment of running the blankflash. exe. they are detecting the Qualcomm 9008 but goes in and out.
I want to try it on a Linux, don't know much about it but I know how to read. What I want to know if I could try it with the WSL or if there is an actual desktop with Linus as the OS.
I had the understanding that because of all the flavors available for Linux there was no actual desktop.
I search a bit about how to use it, but don't know how to get my hands on it other than WSL.
would you mind helping on this inquiry?
Redman3000 said:
Good Morning kind human... I think,
So I finally bricked my Beckham device and I've been trying this blankflash that you speak of... Thru Windows 10, and exactly as you said the drivers seem to glitch at the moment of running the blankflash. exe. they are detecting the Qualcomm 9008 but goes in and out.
I want to try it on a Linux, don't know much about it but I know how to read. What I want to know if I could try it with the WSL or if there is an actual desktop with Linus as the OS.
I had the understanding that because of all the flavors available for Linux there was no actual desktop.
I search a bit about how to use it, but don't know how to get my hands on it other than WSL.
would you mind helping on this inquiry?
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Nevermind... Did a bit of research and I'm dual booting Ubuntu.
Just having a bit of hard time installing the Realtek 8821cd Wi-fi driver
Bricked Z3 Play here. Blankflash runs to completion, ending with the following messages in verbose mode:
[ 9.098] D->H: log value="Inside handlePower() - Requested POWER_RESET_TO_FASTBOOT"
[ 9.098] D->H: log value="Issuing bsp_target_reset_fastboot() after 1 seconds"
[ 9.098] D->H: response value="ACK"
[ 9.098] Total time: 9.098s
On reboot, it never gets to fastboot mode. The Motorola splash screen blinks 3 times and then goes blank. The device continues to be recognized by Linux as "Qualcomm, Inc. Gobi Wireless Modem (QDL mode)". I've tried blankflashing it dozens of times now with the same result. Am I screwed?
rocktone said:
If you're like me, you may have accidentally flashed and wiped your partitions, including the bootloader, causing your device to become an expensive doorstop or paperweight.
First of all, take a deep breath.
Second of all, you can use blankflash to fix it and allow the phone to boot back to the bootloader.
Check if your phone is detected. On Linux, your phone will be listed in lsusb as a QUALCOMM MODEM (or something close to that). That means your phone is not truly dead!
Go to https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/moto/beckham/blankflash
Download the zip file there
Save it somewhere
unzip the file
If you're using Linux (you should be), this is easy at this point. Plug the phone in, and run ./blankflash.sh
The terminal will flash and say that it's attempting to poll /dev/ttyUSB0 (or something similar). This is a good sign. Linux, unlike Windows, will let you directly write to a raw USB device. On Windows you'll have to install buggy QUALCOMM drivers that never seemed to work for me. (not that it won't work for you, but I wouldn't bet on it)
It's likely that the flash will fail. Keep trying. Hold down the power and volume down buttons and keep holding it down.
Eventually, it should work and you'll see that the phone has been flashed. Your phone will boot to a weird looking bootloader screen. Once that happens, you are done. If you reboot the phone, it'll boot to the same screen, and you can simply use fastboot for the rest.
I hope this helps someone. I spent 4 hours trying to get my device to rise again from the grave. If I can save one other person from this same issue of trying to find a working blankflash, then it'll be worth it!.
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It worked man!!
It's Alive... I had to learn the basics of linux and ended up loving it.
Thank you very much! if I wasn't as broke I would def donate something XD
z3 play without OS and bootloader blocked
I hope I can get some help.. hello I have a z3 play bike without operating system, and it has the bootloader locked.. I have the key to disable it but there is no system to enter and enable "oem" I do not know what I can do in this case? does not go from fastboot mode and if you start the terminal a message comes out: your device is corrupt and will not boot "" so I thought blankflash. but he's not totally dead. someone who can help me? I've been looking for some solution but there doesn't seem to be any... try flashing the latest version available but there is only error. "permission denied" !!! I can't think of anything else! any ideas? a greeting and thank you in advance
Yayo70136 said:
I hope I can get some help.. hello I have a z3 play bike without operating system, and it has the bootloader locked.. I have the key to disable it but there is no system to enter and enable "oem" I do not know what I can do in this case? does not go from fastboot mode and if you start the terminal a message comes out: your device is corrupt and will not boot "" so I thought blankflash. but he's not totally dead. someone who can help me? I've been looking for some solution but there doesn't seem to be any... try flashing the latest version available but there is only error. "permission denied" !!! I can't think of anything else! any ideas? a greeting and thank you in advance
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Have you unlocked Developer Mode? Going off of memory since its baked into the ROM I'm using. Under the Settings menu look for 'About Phone'. In there look for 'Build Number'. Tap on in multiple times till it says 'you are now a Developer'. There should now be a new menu in Settings that called 'Developer Options'. Look in there for 'OEM unlock'.
KageCM said:
Have you unlocked Developer Mode? Going off of memory since its baked into the ROM I'm using. Under the Settings menu look for 'About Phone'. In there look for 'Build Number'. Tap on in multiple times till it says 'you are now a Developer'. There should now be a new menu in Settings that called 'Developer Options'. Look in there for 'OEM unlock'.
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Good morning , the problem is that I don't have an operating system. It does not enter the system at all, it only reboots in fastboot mode and the bootloader is blocked .... although I have the motorola unlock code .. when trying to unlock it tells me that I should check the oem unlock in the programmer options as you mentioned ... but as I said I don't have SO ... what other option do I have?
Yayo70136 said:
Good morning , the problem is that I don't have an operating system. It does not enter the system at all, it only reboots in fastboot mode and the bootloader is blocked .... although I have the motorola unlock code .. when trying to unlock it tells me that I should check the oem unlock in the programmer options as you mentioned ... but as I said I don't have SO ... what other option do I have?
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how do you know that you don't have an O/S? Have you tried booting into Recovery, and selecting factory reset?
Hi all, try to be brief, but not simple:
First, I swear I've read many posts with cases similar to mine and I tried so many commands and tricks without success, so I decide to publish mine.
I have an HTC Inspire 4G, AT&T, rooted, S-off, and running Trickdroid. After a while I decided to return it to the original stock. However, when using the RUU utility, I got an error message and my phone it ruined.
Try to summarize as much as possible the conditions and the current situation:
Environments: Windows XP, Windows 7, Mac OS.
Power not work
Power + Vol Down do not work.
If I connect it to the outlet orante LED turn on, and charging it, but I must not press any buttons at all, after ten minutes, HTC logo appears with four exclamation marks on the screen. However, Windows can not find the device until 5 or 10 minutes later.
I have access to fastboot commands, but not ADB. I tried to format the partitions, reflash, do recovery, recover partitions, etc, endless commands that do not give me a result.
The information obtained from the achievement of limited screen or fastboot commands is as follows:
Dec 27 2012, 14:47:30
fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 0.85.0019
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: 0438
(bootloader) version-main: 2.47.502.7
(bootloader) serialno: HTxxxxxxxxxx
(bootloader) product: ace
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-7230
(bootloader) modelid: PD9812000
(bootloader) cidnum: 11111111
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4196mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: off
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: RUU
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: dirty-9854d819
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
(bootloader) region-id: 0
all: Done!
finished. total time: 0.171s
fastboot oem boot
< waiting for device >
(bootloader) setup_tag addr=0xA0000100 cmdline add=0x8D08BECC
(bootloader) TAG:Ramdisk OK
(bootloader) TAG:smi ok, size = 0
(bootloader) TAG:hwid 0x0
(bootloader) TAG:skuid 0x27E0E
(bootloader) TAG:hero panel = 0x830012
(bootloader) TAG:engineerid = 0x0
(bootloader) MCP dual-die
(bootloader) MCP dual-die
(bootloader) TAG:mono-die = 0x0
(bootloader) Device CID is super CID
(bootloader) CID is super CID
(bootloader) Backup CID is CWS__001
(bootloader) setting->cid::CWS__001
(bootloader) serial number: HT19VT207144
(bootloader) commandline from head: no_console_suspend=1
(bootloader) command line length =506
(bootloader) active commandline: board_spade.disable_uart2=0 board_spade.
(bootloader) usb_h2w_sw=0 board_spade.disable_sdcard=0 diag.enabled=0 boa
(bootloader) rd_spade.debug_uart=0 smisize=0 userdata_sel=0 androidboot.e
(bootloader) mmc=true androidboot.baseband= androidboot.cid
(bootloader) =CWS__001 androidboot.batt_poweron=good_battery androidboot.
(bootloader) carrier=ATT androidboot.mid=PD9812000 enable_zcharge=1 andro
(bootloader) idboot.keycaps=qwerty androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.se
(bootloader) rialno=HT19VT207144 androidboot.bootloader=0.85.0019 zygote_
(bootloader) oneshot=off kmemleak=off no_console_suspend=1
(bootloader) aARM_Partion[0].name=misc
(bootloader) aARM_Partion[1].name=recovery
(bootloader) aARM_Partion[2].name=boot
(bootloader) aARM_Partion[3].name=system
(bootloader) aARM_Partion[4].name=cache
(bootloader) aARM_Partion[5].name=userdata
(bootloader) aARM_Partion[6].name=devlog
(bootloader) aARM_Partion[7].name=pdata
(bootloader) partition number=8
(bootloader) Valid partition num=8
(bootloader) Delay 98712(us) for dpram command before goto AMSS...
(bootloader) jump_to_kernel: machine_id(2844), tags_addr(0x4000100), kern
(bootloader) el_addr(0x4008000)
(bootloader) -------------------hboot boot time:0 msec
FAILED (status read failed (Too many links))
finished. total time: 232.216s
I used the commands, among many others:
Fastboot oem boot
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img (or zip)
fastboot oem resetRUUflag
fastboot reboot -bootloader (this just turn the phone off)
fastboot oem get_identifier_token (answer: (bootloader) [ERR] Command error !!!)
fastboot format userdata
formatting 'userdata' partition...
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 0.020sfastboot format cache
formatting 'cache' partition...
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 0.017s
In many cases the response message in the command line is: remote no allowed
SD card formatted.
I have no access to the SD card from the phone connected.
Please tell me if there is any other way to recover my phone, or if it is just an expensive piece of nothing.
Thanks for everything.
What happened when you tried to flash recovery from fastboot?
bananagranola said:
What happened when you tried to flash recovery from fastboot?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
./fastboot flash zip PD98IMG.zip
sending 'zip' (3619 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.623s]
writing 'zip'...
No more response, stuck there...
In many other commands (I just don't remember after trying several) I got the message "remote not allowed"
Frogzter said:
./fastboot flash zip PD98IMG.zip
sending 'zip' (3619 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.623s]
writing 'zip'...
No more response, stuck there...
In many other commands (I just don't remember after trying several) I got the message "remote not allowed"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's because you need a recovery.img, not a PD98IMG.zip:
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
bananagranola said:
That's because you need a recovery.img, not a PD98IMG.zip:
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I got this:
./fastboot flash recovery r.img
sending 'recovery' (4456 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.764s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED (remote: not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.771s
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is your phone in fastboot mode?
bananagranola said:
Is your phone in fastboot mode?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, it is, or at least I think so, because the command fastboot devices, found my device, besides, the command fastboot getvarr all, also works...
No more responses guys?
Where are you getting the recovery? How are you putting your phone in fastboot? Are you running the command from the folder where the recovery is? Are you sure you are S-Off?
bananagranola said:
Where are you getting the recovery? How are you putting your phone in fastboot? Are you running the command from the folder where the recovery is? Are you sure you are S-Off?
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Click to collapse
Power button not work
Power + Vol Down not work either.
If I connect it to the outlet orange LED turn on, and charges the battery, after ten minutes, HTC logo appears with four exclamation marks on the screen. However, Windows can not find the device until 5 or 10 minutes later, after this 10 minutes, if I connect via USB the device is responsive to fast boot devices command...
besides the screen shows:
I have to command and the recovery file in the same folder
Er, what about the rest of my questions? How are you getting to fastboot with broken buttons? Is there an "adb reboot fastboot"?
Frogzter said:
Power button not work
Power + Vol Down not work either.
If I connect it to the outlet orange LED turn on, and charges the battery, after ten minutes, HTC logo appears with four exclamation marks on the screen. However, Windows can not find the device until 5 or 10 minutes later, after this 10 minutes, if I connect via USB the device is responsive to fast boot devices command...
besides the screen shows:
I have to command and the recovery file in the same folder
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Click to collapse
What RUU did you use?? that sounds like a messed bootloader....
bananagranola said:
Er, what about the rest of my questions? How are you getting to fastboot with broken buttons? Is there an "adb reboot fastboot"?
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Click to collapse
I don't do anything.. I can't... if I plug the usb cable and touch any button nothing happen but if just plug it and let the phone alone, after 20 minutes do to fastboot mode...
"adb devices" don't detect the device.. just "fastboot devices" does
glevitan said:
What RUU did you use?? that sounds like a messed bootloader....
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Click to collapse
Well, now I feel ashamed, I can't remember with one I used... I just google the last version, because I wanted to get back to the original rom...
I formatted the computer with MAC OS, Linux, Win 7 and Win XP, looking for fix it, so I don't have much trace of with one I used.
HTC INSPIRE. att cws_001 bootloader 2.00.0030 s-on
Same thing on mine except my phone never comes on but fastboot is the only thing that recognizes my phone with limited commands. when I do a faceboot devices I get this ☺ ⌠σ fastboot no serial numbers as it use to have. Phone will not turn on at all. while nothing plugged in no light or anything even when trying to power on or get to hboot no sign of life at all. When I plug it in I get solid orange light. Pc sees it as android usb devices - my htc. but stock rom exe dont find phone. this happened to me when I was using xlmultitool 2.1. I was tyring for s 0ff after the option to [5] Flash HBOOT S-OFF Unprotected (via adb) this is when my troubles started. cant flash anything to it. when I try to flash the stock rom I get error file to big. In need of help.......I do have a gold card....
C:\Android>fastboot flash zip PD98IMG_Inspire_S-ON_FactoryRestore_GB_1.07.zip.
sending 'zip' (315734 KB)...
FAILED (command write failed (Unknown error))
finished. total time: 0.636s
C:\Android>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-cpld: ☺
(bootloader) version-microp: ☺
(bootloader) version-main: ♦
(bootloader) serialno: ☺ ⌠σ
(bootloader) imei: 3544550xxxxxxxx ......just sits here tells me nothing more
C:\Android>fastboot flash recover recovery.img
< waiting for device >
sending 'recover' (5532 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.624s]
writing 'recover'...
FAILED (remote: partition does not exist!)
finished. total time: 0.625s
C:\Android>fastboot flash system system.img
sending 'system' (571388 KB)...
FAILED (remote: data length is too large)
finished. total time: 0.002s
C:\Android>fastboot oem boot
(bootloader) [DISPLAY_ERR] allocate heap for splash image fail!!!
(bootloader) [SD_HW_ERR] SD: No device attached
(bootloader) [SD_HW_ERR] SD: No device attached
(bootloader) [ERR] Boot/Recovery image does not exist!!!
OKAY [ 0.116s]
finished. total time: 0.117s
C:\Android>fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin
sending 'unlocktoken' (0 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.002s]
writing 'unlocktoken'...
FAILED (remote: unlock token check failed)
finished. total time: 0.008s
C:\Android>fastboot oem lock
(bootloader) Device was already locked!
OKAY [ 1.004s]
finished. total time: 1.005s
sorry to double post but its been about a year is there a fix for this please someone help....
wacky_35016 said:
sorry to double post but its been about a year is there a fix for this please someone help....
C:\Android>fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin
sending 'unlocktoken' (0 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.002s]
writing 'unlocktoken'...
FAILED (remote: unlock token check failed)
finished. total time: 0.008s
C:\Android>fastboot oem lock
(bootloader) Device was already locked!
OKAY [ 1.004s]
finished. total time: 1.005s
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Click to collapse
Sounds like it's still s-on. Where did you get your Unlock_code.bin from? Have you tried using htc dev to get one or a new one?
Q&A for [TOOL] Unbrick Corrupted Bootloader
Some developers prefer that questions remain separate from their main development thread to help keep things organized. Placing your question within this thread will increase its chances of being answered by a member of the community or by the developer. Thanks for understanding and for helping to keep XDA neat and tidy! :smile:
How do I unbrick corrupted Bootloader in XT1069?
Moto G xt1031 Failed to initiate partition and bootloader locked cant select any opt
So i was in the process of putting in a new rom on my moto g using flashify and it went all bad after reboot. It got stuck in a bootloop and any selection i made just gave me failed to validate boot image. Ive tried many different methods and none have worked or i get stuck on one of the steps. I am fairly new to custom roms kernels flashing and rooting and basically have learned what i know from teaching myself and reading up on forums.. Please help as soon as possible i will be very grateful. I have tried @Boss442 thread and kinda stuck i wish i could at least be able to send a message but since i am absolutely brand new to xda in order for me to do that i have to write 10 posts so i thought why not just write my own. Also my bootloader relocked itself so i think thats one of the reasons why i cant load anything to it or might be because i dont have adb enabled on my phone but how can i do that when i cant even get into the actual phone.
Hi, Giovanni need ur help, i stucked in
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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actually my phone is bricked for the script, and I tried with all MBM versions my phone is locked now.
Helppp PLsss i need my Moto G
ditto. I think the nand might just be corrupt, though, I dunno. same error message.
torqueo said:
ditto. I think the nand might just be corrupt, though, I dunno. same error message.
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Click to collapse
Thx u know how fix the nand?
unexpected packet
I'm getting this on moto G, and the bootloader was corrupted after i've received and installed system update 4.4 today
opening device: \\.\COM5
OKAY [ -0.000s]
greeting device for command mode
OKAY [ 1.763s]
identifying device
Unexpected packet: 4. Was expecting: 14
FAILED (blank-flash:sahara-chip-stat:unexpected packet)
I had a weird problem and posted at http://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-g/help/hard-bricked-trying-to-update-to-4-4-4-t2926071
I have error
OKAY [ -0.000s]
greeting device for command mode
opening device: \\.\COM4
OKAY [ 0.000s]
greeting device for command mode
FAILED (blank-flash:greet-device:error reading packet)
Notification LED solid on plug
I my Moto G 4G also bricked after it ran out of battery.
The notification LED just remains solid when I plug in the USB cable.
The PC doesn't even recognize the phone.
Left it a day charging in a 1.5A charger and still wouldn't turn on.
Left it another day charging in the PC, still nothing.
Any idea if this phone still has hope?
Moto G 4G steady led
My Moto G 4G doesn't want to power on or charge anymore after losing battery 1 night.
I can't get into fastboot and the PC doesn't recognize the device.
Everytime I plug it to a charger or PC, the notification LED is just always on.
Is there still a way to salvage this?
I have this error:
greeting device for command mode
opening device: \\.\COM4
OKAY [ 0.000s]
greeting device for command mode
opening device: \\.\COM4
OKAY [ -0.000s]
greeting device for command mode
opening device: \\.\COM4
OKAY [ 0.000s]
greeting device for command mode
FAILED (blank-flash:greet-device:error reading packet)
Phone breaked after OTA update from retail.en.us 4.4.3 to 4.4.4.
Wilk this procedure work on moto g 2ndgen
I have moto g 2nd gen.and its not turning on.tried most ways.none worked.it shows the qhusb_bulk in pc.wil the above procedure work or can u help with specific steps for my phone
najin said:
I have moto g 2nd gen.and its not turning on.tried most ways.none worked.it shows the qhusb_bulk in pc.wil the above procedure work or can u help with specific steps for my phone
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I will try to make unbricker to 2nd gen, but i dont have a moto g 2nd gen, if someone can send me a broken moto g i can develop an app that repair it
moto g xt1033 rom TIM-BR-DS_4.4.4_KXB21.14-L1.40_37_cid12_CFC_1FF_SVC
Hi felas,
i got a xt1033 with fastboot 41.13. this device is locked and i try to flash a rom
and i got it this report
C:\Users\RUIVO\Desktop\#Roms moto G\Roms\TIM-BR-DS_4.4.4_KXB21.14-L1.40_37_cid12
_CFC_1FF_SVC.xml>SET fastboot=.\mfastboot-v2\mfastboot.exe
C:\Users\RUIVO\Desktop\#Roms moto G\Roms\TIM-BR-DS_4.4.4_KXB21.14-L1.40_37_cid12
_CFC_1FF_SVC.xml>.\mfastboot-v2\mfastboot.exe flash partition gpt.bin
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.020s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) This may take a few seconds, if a
(bootloader) different partition table is being
(bootloader) flashed since we need to backup
(bootloader) and restore a few partitions
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Flashing backup GPT image...
OKAY [ 0.360s]
finished. total time: 0.400s
C:\Users\RUIVO\Desktop\#Roms moto G\Roms\TIM-BR-DS_4.4.4_KXB21.14-L1.40_37_cid12
_CFC_1FF_SVC.xml>.\mfastboot-v2\mfastboot.exe flash motoboot motoboot.img
target max-sparse-size: 256MB
sending 'motoboot' (1953 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.102s]
writing 'motoboot'...
(bootloader) flashing tz ...
(bootloader) Failed to flash partition tz
(bootloader) Failed to flash tz
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 11.075s
C:\Users\RUIVO\Desktop\#Roms moto G\Roms\TIM-BR-DS_4.4.4_KXB21.14-L1.40_37_cid12
_CFC_1FF_SVC.xml>.\mfastboot-v2\mfastboot.exe reboot-bootloader
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [ -0.000s]
finished. total time: -0.000s
C:\Users\RUIVO\Desktop\#Roms moto G\Roms\TIM-BR-DS_4.4.4_KXB21.14-L1.40_37_cid12
_CFC_1FF_SVC.xml>.\mfastboot-v2\mfastboot.exe flash logo logo.bin
C:\Users\RUIVO\Desktop\#Roms moto G\Roms\TIM-BR-DS_4.4.4_KXB21.14-L1.40_37_cid12
_CFC_1FF_SVC.xml>.\mfastboot-v2\mfastboot.exe flash boot boot.img
< waiting for device >
And this is device info report of my phone
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 4113(*)
(bootloader) product: falcon
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: 0x83C0
(bootloader) radio: 0x5
(bootloader) emmc: 8GB Sandisk REV=06 PRV=07 TYPE=
(bootloader) ram: 1024MB Samsung S4 SDRAM DIE=4Gb
(bootloader) cpu: MSM8226 CS
(bootloader) serialno: c8295d
(bootloader) cid: 0xFFFF
(bootloader) channelid: 0xDEAD
(bootloader) uid: 72E149030F000000000000000000
(bootloader) unlocked: Not supported
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: Not supported
(bootloader) mot_sst: 8
(bootloader) max-download-size: 536870912
(bootloader) reason: Failed to initialize partitio
(bootloader) imei:
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date:
(bootloader) sku:
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader) current-time:
(bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint:
(bootloader) ro.build.version.full:
(bootloader) ro.build.version.qcom:
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) kernel.version:
(bootloader) sdi.git:
(bootloader) sbl1.git:
(bootloader) rpm.git:
(bootloader) tz.git:
(bootloader) aboot.git: git=MBM-NG-V41.13-0-g7dc8e
(bootloader) qe:
(bootloader) ro.carrier:
all: listed above
finished. total time: 0.057s
Sorry for my bad english. Im brazilian and i want to revive my xt1033.
My Moto G died and after performing all the steps I can not revive esto.Con blankflash to 4.4.4 I have this error "FAILED (blank-flash: sdl-transfer-image: send-image: Error reading packet)"
corrupted MBM-CI_4.4.4 for Moto G
I agree with suhridkhan that this file is corrupted.
I can download it, but no zip program will work, throwing up a 'this is not a valid Win32 application' message.
Does anyone have an uncorrupted 4.4.4 blankflash file.
Or is there yet an Android 5 file?
There is huge problem(s) with my moto g.
1)when it is booted into the stock rom(i didn't change it after unlocking the bootloader and rooting ) it constantly shows that gapps have crashed.
2)when i boot into recovery(twrp it is stuck on the teamwin screen.
3)i tried to reflash stock by the instructions given in this thread with out locking the device i.e. 4.2 and 4.4, neither cmd nor the bootloader shows any error and that every thing is flashed and erased perfectly. But there is no change in the state of the mobile i.e. problem 1 and 2 still remain.
4) when i try to follow whole instructions i.e. locking the boot loader .every thing flashes perfectly but cmd says sst failure and bootloader says "Hab check for system failed .".But there is no change in the system, when i boot the phone it still says gapps crashed repeatedly and none of the user data is erased.
5)fastboot works in bootloader and when booted into device but adb works neither in device nor in bootloader "adb get-state" always returns unknown.
6)the bootloader says status code:3(i dont know if it is supposed to mean something or not)
i Want to know if my bootloader is corrupted or not.
and how can i fix my device..
my firmware version is 4.4.4
Please do reply...
it is my only device and i can not even make calls i have been stuck with the problem since a week.
I don't understand what "Run Fastboot_IMG1" means. What exactly do I have to do?
if u can get ito download mode search how to install android 5.0 lollipop on to moto g on youtube in the video the guy doing the tutorial will show u some command pronmpts to flash the stock firmware onto your phone i have a feeling this will work for u but only if u can go into download mode
I bought a mobile XT1032 in Chile and had the bright idea to install Android 5.0.0, but before that should turn my phone GPE and worked smoothly for about two months, but a few weeks ago the screen began to random failures for example the phone is locked and unlocked without my intervention or the screen, the phone is locked, blinking (as it had voltage changes, such as when you move a flashlight with almost empty and this flashing batteries). I decided to go back to Android 4.4.4 Stock, however this time I did the procedure without considering the consequences, I first downloaded and installed the GPE 4.4.4, then downloaded and installed the Stock Brasil 4.4.4, then tried to go back to stock Movistar Chile but failed to find the 4.4.4 nowhere, so I decided to install the 4.4.3. My mistake. After that my phone did not work more.
Now if I switch it displays the message "Unlocked Bootloader" then shows motorola logos (the world turning) and then the screen goes black but not off (note that is on because it has brightness and that was with that flicker as if he had mentioned voltage failures) but this does not show anything.
I tried installing all the tutorials I found on the internet to revive my phone, I got about 15 different roms and nothing works. I can enter fastboot and no problems (strangely fastboot screen does not flash, it is as if he had nothing wrong), I can also enter recovery (either in recovery flashing display). If I make a recovery "wipe data / factory reset" does well, but if I do "wipe reset partition" android logo shows the blue loading bar appears 2 seconds and the phone reboots.
I not been possible to change the recovery of stock for some other recovery (eg Philz) because although fastboot or mfastboot shows that the process was well (sometimes shown on the phone that is making a downgrade) this does not change the recovery.
Currently my phone is flashed (at least it is assumed that no starts beyond the worlds of motorola) with Android 5.0.2 I downloaded some other forum.
I think, without knowing for sure, for more than I try with the common commands this dont "touch" or change the system version. It's like I always show as well (including with commands in cmd and phone) but practically nothing happened.
I appreciate any guidance to solve my problem.
I attach a "getall var" from my phone
C:\WorkingMotoG>mfastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 4118
(bootloader) product: falcon
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: 0x83C0
(bootloader) radio: 0x1
(bootloader) emmc: 16GB Sandisk REV=06 PRV=07 TYPE=17
(bootloader) ram: 1024MB Samsung S4 SDRAM DIE=4Gb
(bootloader) cpu: MSM8226 CS
(bootloader) serialno: TA9300B3Y4
(bootloader) cid: 0x000C
(bootloader) channelid: 0x00
(bootloader) uid: D3BDB4030F000000000000000000
(bootloader) unlocked: yes
(bootloader) iswarrantyvoid: yes
(bootloader) mot_sst: 3
(bootloader) max-download-size: 536870912
(bootloader) reason: Volume down key pressed
(bootloader) imei:
(bootloader) meid:
(bootloader) date:
(bootloader) sku:
(bootloader) iccid:
(bootloader) cust_md5:
(bootloader) max-sparse-size: 268435456
(bootloader) current-time: "Thu Jan 15 12:11:29 UTC 1970"
(bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[0]: motorola/falcon_tefcl/falcon_umts:
(bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[1]: 4.4.4/KXB21.14-L1.40/37:user/relea
(bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[2]: se-keys
(bootloader) ro.build.version.full[0]: Blur_Version.210.12.40.falcon_umt
(bootloader) ro.build.version.full[1]: s.Movistar.en.CL
(bootloader) ro.build.version.qcom[0]: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LNX.LA.3.5.1_RB1
(bootloader) ro.build.version.qcom[1]: .
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) kernel.version[0]: Linux version 3.4.42-gb89c9dd ([email protected]
(bootloader) kernel.version[1]: ilclbld31) (gcc version 4.7 (GCC) ) #1 S
(bootloader) kernel.version[2]: MP PREEMPT Fri Jun 20 01:58:53 CDT 2014
(bootloader) sdi.git: git=MBM-NG-V41.18-0-gdc5aeaf
(bootloader) sbl1.git: git=MBM-NG-V41.18-0-g5742832
(bootloader) rpm.git: git=MBM-NG-V41.18-0-gcecd6e9
(bootloader) tz.git: git=MBM-NG-V41.18-0-g99c1a7c
(bootloader) aboot.git: git=MBM-NG-V41.18-0-g99084d5
(bootloader) qe: qe 0/1
(bootloader) ro.carrier: unknown
all: listed above
finished. total time: 0.059s
Are you manually flashing each file/partition? You will get a validation error if you try to flash the motoboot file since you are already on a lollipop bootloader. A very important file to flash in my opinion is gpt.bin.
If you want a custom recovery on your phone, flash the recovery in fastboot or mfastboot, disconnect the USB cable, use the volume buttons to immediately boot into recovery without restarting the phone.
audit13 said:
Are you manually flashing each file/partition? You will get a validation error if you try to flash the motoboot file since you are already on a lollipop bootloader. A very important file to flash in my opinion is gpt.bin.
If you want a custom recovery on your phone, flash the recovery in fastboot or mfastboot, disconnect the USB cable, use the volume buttons to immediately boot into recovery without restarting the phone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
All the files loads OK, gpt.bin with exception of boot.img, it says: "version downgraded for boot" in the phone.
BTW: I do what you say about recovery and keep showing stock recovery. Dont show error messages, just no work.
Thanks anyway for you time...
Which recovery are you trying to flash?
So you flash custom recovery, use volumes button to boot to recovery from fastboot screen and you keep getting stock recovery, right?
audit13 said:
Which recovery are you trying to flash?
So you flash custom recovery, use volumes button to boot to recovery from fastboot screen and you keep getting stock recovery, right?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm trying to flash philz_touch_6.58.7-falcon.img
Thanks for your time
Did you try TWRP?
audit13 said:
Did you try TWRP?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, but dont work neither
So both recoveries flash without an error but you can't boot into either receiver right after flashing?
If it doesn't work, there may be something wrong with the internal memory?
audit13 said:
So both recoveries flash without an error but you can't boot into either receiver right after flashing?
If it doesn't work, there may be something wrong with the internal memory?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Now my phone is recognized by Windows as "Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008". I try to fla**** with MotoFlasher and says:
OUTPUT: opening device: \\.\COM12
OUTPUT: OKAY [ 0.000s]
OUTPUT: greeting device for command mode
OUTPUT: OKAY [ -0.000s]
OUTPUT: identifying device
OUTPUT: ...serial = 0x3B4BDD3
OUTPUT: ...chip-id = 0x800 (MSM8226)
OUTPUT: ...chip-rev = 0x0
OUTPUT: ...sv-sbl = 0x0
OUTPUT: OKAY [ 0.002s]
OUTPUT: finding files
OUTPUT: ...programmer = programmer.mbn
OUTPUT: ...singleimage = singleimage.bin
OUTPUT: OKAY [ 0.000s]
OUTPUT: validating files
OUTPUT: OKAY [ 0.000s]
OUTPUT: switching to download mode
OUTPUT: OKAY [ 0.000s]
OUTPUT: greeting device for image downloading
OUTPUT: OKAY [ 0.001s]
OUTPUT: sending programmer
OUTPUT: OKAY [ 0.010s]
OUTPUT: flashing singleimage
OUTPUT: FAILED (blank-flash:sdl-transfer-image:sdl-hello:invalid HDLC frame)
That's not good. You may have to try the unbrick method to fix it.
audit13 said:
That's not good. You may have to try the unbrick method to fix it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Which method? Can you gave me instructions or a link, please...?
Hi there!
After stupidly flashing CM on a hiaeuhl device, every time I boot the device it reboots to bootloader with the "init fs_mgr_mount_all failed" error.
Obviously I try to restore my own Stock TWRP backup, but still blocked.
Then I try some RUU/ROM flashing, but since I'm S-ON and 1.27.401.5, I find nothing working for my device.
Have you got any advice?
Thank you so much!
Product: htc_hiaeuhl
Status: S-ON / Unlocked
CID: HTC__034
MID: 2PQ910000
OS: 1.27.401.5
Radio: [email protected]
Fingerprint: htc/hiaeuhl_00401/htc_hiaeuhl:6.0/MRA58K/656287.5:user/release-keys
OK, I'm on it since two days, post it and solve it in 30min...
For reference, it's possible to downgrade the ROM.
Have to use htc_fastboot and push 1.10.401.7 images.
See http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=64586583&postcount=146 and http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=64509541&postcount=122
InTheNorth said:
Hi there! funny mine to
My is unlocked with S-on
After stupidly flashing CM on a hiaeuhl device, every time I boot the device it reboots to bootloader with the "init fs_mgr_mount_all failed" error.
Obviously I try to restore my own Stock TWRP backup, but still blocked.
Then I try some RUU/ROM flashing, but since I'm S-ON and 1.27.401.5, I find nothing working for my device.
Have you got any advice?
Thank you so much!
I have also tried Cyanogenmod 13. I changed the "updater script" to target my device model too and added the letter "h" in text-editor hiaeul to hiaeuhl with boot loops
Product: htc_hiaeuhl
Status: S-ON / Unlocked
CID: HTC__034
MID: 2PQ910000
OS: 1.27.401.5
Radio: [email protected]
Fingerprint: htc/hiaeuhl_00401/htc_hiaeuhl:6.0/MRA58K/656287.5:user/release-keys
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the exakt problem too... Your hardware&Software description is identical.
I flash through htc_fastboot.exe and I flash system partition with wrong method
htc_fastboot flash system apppreload.img
I used images from combined
2PQ9IMG_HIA[email protected]51002.3_29.05_F_release_454007_combined_signed
fastboot get var all
h:\>htc_fastboot.exe getvar all
(bootloader) version:0.5
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) max-download-size: 0x20000000
(bootloader) partition-type:cache:ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:cache: 0x10000000
(bootloader) partition-type:userdata:ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:userdata: 0x29b000000
(bootloader) partition-type:system:ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:system: 0xc6000000
(bootloader) serialno:HT5A????secret
getvar all from download mode is
(bootloader) kernel: lk
(bootloader) product: htc_hiaeu[B]h[/B]l
(bootloader) version: 1.0
(bootloader) imei: *************secret
(bootloader) version-main: 1.27.401.5
(bootloader) boot-mode: download
(bootloader) version-baseband: [email protected]
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) mid: 2PQ910000
(bootloader) cid: HTC__034
Is changing manifest working? I'm not sure...
So you have restore your phone with those images?
InTheNorth said:
Is changing manifest working? I'm not sure...
So you have restore your phone with those images?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I still haven't succeded to restore phone to factory state... I didn't twrp backup it after root.
Status is unlocked, S-ON
I have tried your links to
I did
H:\>fastboot oem rebootRRU
:\>htc_fastboot.exe flash zip HTC_A9_1.10.401.7_partial.zip
sending 'zip'... (88062 KB) OKAY
sending time = 8.050 secs
writing 'zip'... (bootloader) HOSD CL#656287
(bootloader) ERR [SD_UPDATE_ERR] Main version NOT ALLOWED
(bootloader) ERR [SD_UPDATE_ERR] sddownload failed: 19
(bootloader) ERR Update zip file failed.
(bootloader) ERR ZIP ERROR, exit read zip loop
(bootloader) ERR ZIP signature checking failed...
(bootloader) Update zip file OK
(bootloader) ERR ZIP ERROR CODE, 19
(bootloader) [email protected]
FAIL19 RU_MAIN_VER_FAIL os-version in android-info missing or i
FAILED (remote: 19 RU_MAIN_VER_FAIL os-version in android-info missing or i)
Execution time is 12(s)
I think it isn't same partition size, I also tried regular fastboot and htc_fastboot in oem-mode.
>fastboot flash system system.img
target reported max download size of 800000000 bytes
system size on windows is 2,92 GB
according to this guy nenebear http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=64509541&postcount=122 I have another international model.
I am not sure wich version I have... according to this post
International version don't flash is images . Because the unlocked version of the system partitions of different size and international version .
unlocked version system partitions -- mmcblk0p62: d9000000 00000200 "system"
international version system partitions -- mmcblk0p62: c6000000 00000200 "system"
I have tried RUU.exe file with fail to not same main version
I flash zipped with fail
fastboot flash zip 2PQ9IMG_HIAE_UL_ATT_1.27.502.5_firmware.zip
Meanwhile i see that fastboot flash system system.img is working now haha it just took time to read/send system.img that is almost 3GB
thank you for your link, I needed that system.img file
fastboot flash system H:\Htc-blocket\rom\upNorth\partial\system.img
target reported max download size of 800000000 bytes
erasing 'system'...
OKAY [ 2.748s]
sending sparse 'system' (769748 KB)...
OKAY [ 71.392s]
writing 'system'...
(bootloader) HOSD CL#656287
(bootloader) [email protected]
(bootloader) [email protected]%
(bootloader) Update partition OK
(bootloader) [email protected]
OKAY [ 34.540s]
sending sparse 'system' (778860 KB)...
OKAY [ 72.596s]
writing 'system'...
(bootloader) HOSD CL#656287
(bootloader) [email protected]
(bootloader) [email protected]%
(bootloader) Update partition OK
(bootloader) [email protected]
OKAY [ 34.080s]
sending sparse 'system' (770834 KB)...
OKAY [ 72.728s]
writing 'system'...
(bootloader) HOSD CL#656287
(bootloader) [email protected]
(bootloader) [email protected]%
(bootloader) Update partition OK
(bootloader) [email protected]
OKAY [ 33.950s]
sending sparse 'system' (752915 KB)...
OKAY [ 70.736s]
writing 'system'...
(bootloader) HOSD CL#656287
(bootloader) [email protected]
(bootloader) [email protected]%
(bootloader) Update partition OK
(bootloader) [email protected]
OKAY [ 33.562s]
finished. total time: 426.364s
Many seconds here, 7 minutes
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
H:\>fastboot flash boot H:\Htc-blocket\rom\upNorth\partial\boot.img
target reported max download size of 167000000 bytes
sending 'boot' (45799 KB)...
OKAY [ 4.548s]
writing 'boot'...
(bootloader) HOSD CL#656287
(bootloader) [email protected]
(bootloader) [email protected]%
(bootloader) Update partition OK
(bootloader) [email protected]
OKAY [ 3.868s]
finished. total time: 8.416s
H:\>fastboot flash recovery H:\Htc-blocket\rom\upNorth\partial\recovery.img
target reported max download size of 800000000 bytes
sending 'recovery' (47229 KB)...
OKAY [ 4.416s]
writing 'recovery'...
(bootloader) HOSD CL#656287
(bootloader) [email protected]
(bootloader) [email protected]%
(bootloader) Update partition OK
(bootloader) [email protected]
OKAY [ 4.038s]
finished. total time: 8.454s
Solved! Thank you!
So CM is not available for the hiaeuhl ? I bought this device, didn't kno there were variants...
exploreresp said:
So CM is not available for the hiaeuhl ? I bought this device, didn't kno there were variants...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You have to remove the /system partition protection (S-on=Secure ON=you licensing the device, S-off=Security off=you own the device=God over your device) because the bootloader is checking the partition integrity and finds out if you did something with it (writing/deleting/etc).
:cyclops: Unfortunately I tried to logcat, adb-watch my device under the hood during the unlocking process by an app named "sunshine.apk" when is was unlocking (S-off'ing) with secret methods/(unshared knowledge), Unfortunately they (the app) kill logcat-process continuously all the way, in and out, out and in so I could'nt figure out that secret method the use....
You can still root your device since the Master of the masterdeveloper named ChainFire is putin th su binaries on a separate partition /su/bi and symlink some how (just guessing, correct me if I'm wrong) with a modified unlocked boot.img.
Forget xposed-framework, forget CyanogenMod unless you release/unchain your phones locked /system partition and other partitions too (not necessary) . It will cost you 25$ dollar, sorry, it is not my faults, I am just like you a hardware-owner of a Taiwanese cellphone.
After you S-off'ed your phone with money (25$) you can install CM13 or CM14 (year 2017). Hopefully some hardware/kernel hacker figure out an easy way to s-unlock/s-off without paying crying: there are more poor people in this world than there are rich people)
Me too bought this phone with the mind of put in CyanogenMod... I don't trust other manufactures android-OS. Also I can overclock/underclock etc and install the mothers of all hack... the xposed-framework... ayhem!
---------- Post added at 04:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 PM ----------
exploreresp said:
So CM is not available for the hiaeuhl ? I bought this device, didn't kno there were variants...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You simply convert your phone with money and this method in this linked thread
Read further, there is hope with money! :victory: and a payPal / visa account
Cheers :good:
InTheNorth said:
Hi there!
After stupidly flashing CM on a hiaeuhl device, every time I boot the device it reboots to bootloader with the "init fs_mgr_mount_all failed" error.
Obviously I try to restore my own Stock TWRP backup, but still blocked.
Then I try some RUU/ROM flashing, but since I'm S-ON and 1.27.401.5, I find nothing working for my device.
Have you got any advice?
Thank you so much!
Product: htc_hiaeuhl
Status: S-ON / Unlocked
CID: HTC__034
MID: 2PQ910000
OS: 1.27.401.5
Radio: [email protected]
Fingerprint: htc/hiaeuhl_00401/htc_hiaeuhl:6.0/MRA58K/656287.5:user/release-keys
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you should be able to install CM13 on your device...
check: http://forum.xda-developers.com/one-a9/general/cm13-t3290846/post64882819#post64882819
Edit: It seems you need to convert to us version first
Hey all,
Bringing that post up because I'm having the same issue here and none of the solutions proposed worked...
Problem is my phone began freezing 2mn after booting (I was still able to use it, apps, phone etc... but after around 2mn can't do anything anymore) after I took it with me in very low temperature. I tried to restore it and then this error appeared "init fs_mgr_mount_all failed"...
I had TWRP, unlocked, S-OFF and tried a few things :
This one first, didn't work : http://android-revolution-hd.blogspot.cl/2013/10/fix-data-htc-one.html
Then tried the solution proposed here, didn't work either : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=64509541&postcount=122
And as it turned out I came back to the stock recovery ... (wasn't sure of what I was doing) so now I only have adb sideload...
Tried installing CM using sideload, didn't work (signature verification failed... which is pretty normal).
Anyway I'm posting because it is really my last resort... don't have anything left under my sleeve. I'm currently downloading a stock rom (http://forum.xda-developers.com/one-a9/general/wip-ruu-htc-one-a9-t3240344) to try to downgrade but not sure the problem will be solved...
If someone can help, it would be great!!
Product: htc_hiaeuhl
Status: S-OFF / Unlocked
CID: HTC__034
MID: 2PQ910000
OS: 1.56.401.70
Radio: [email protected]
Aliass01 said:
Hey all,
Bringing that post up because I'm having the same issue here and none of the solutions proposed worked...
Problem is my phone began freezing 2mn after booting (I was still able to use it, apps, phone etc... but after around 2mn can't do anything anymore) after I took it with me in very low temperature. I tried to restore it and then this error appeared "init fs_mgr_mount_all failed"...
I had TWRP, unlocked, S-OFF and tried a few things :
This one first, didn't work : http://android-revolution-hd.blogspot.cl/2013/10/fix-data-htc-one.html
Then tried the solution proposed here, didn't work either : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=64509541&postcount=122
And as it turned out I came back to the stock recovery ... (wasn't sure of what I was doing) so now I only have adb sideload...
Tried installing CM using sideload, didn't work (signature verification failed... which is pretty normal).
Anyway I'm posting because it is really my last resort... don't have anything left under my sleeve. I'm currently downloading a stock rom (http://forum.xda-developers.com/one-a9/general/wip-ruu-htc-one-a9-t3240344) to try to downgrade but not sure the problem will be solved...
If someone can help, it would be great!!
Product: htc_hiaeuhl
Status: S-OFF / Unlocked
CID: HTC__034
MID: 2PQ910000
OS: 1.56.401.70
Radio: [email protected]
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just use a RUU, that's how you get everything back to stock.
Sent from my HTC One A9 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Hi, I am new here and I wanted some assistnce to get my old Moto G working. Its stuck in boot loop. When I power it on, it is looping on the Moto screen. I tried flashing it seeing some old threads here and was getting remote failure. I also tried custom recovery but it was failing. I can see Motorola AD Interface on the PC and I have installed all drivers as well. Whatever i try just fails with the same message. "FAILED (remote failure)"
I also a saw thread which talked about the PC to show QLoader9008 in device manager but that also doesnt show in my device manager. I can just see Motorola ADB Interface.
Anything we can do to fix it. I'd really want it to get back to life if its possible.
Thank You for the help in advance.
Images tried
XT1033_FALCON_ASIA_DS_5.1_LPB23.13-56_cid7_CFC.xml by jame
Tools used
RSDLite 6.2.4
Log Sample
F:\DownloadsFolder\Motorola_Moto_G_XT1033_Falcon_ASIA_DS_5.1_LPBS23.13-56-2_CID7_CFC1\Motorola_Moto_G_XT1033_Falcon_ASIA_DS_5.1_LPBS23.13-56-2_CID7_CFC\Firmware>fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slotartition: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 9.950s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) This may take a few seconds, if a
(bootloader) different partition table is being
(bootloader) flashed since we need to backup
(bootloader) and restore a few partitions
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Failed to write primary GPT.
(bootloader) Failed to program partition table
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 15.225s
maau1985 said:
Hi, I am new here and I wanted some assistnce to get my old Moto G working. Its stuck in boot loop. When I power it on, it is looping on the Moto screen. I tried flashing it seeing some old threads here and was getting remote failure. I also tried custom recovery but it was failing. I can see Motorola AD Interface on the PC and I have installed all drivers as well. Whatever i try just fails with the same message. "FAILED (remote failure)"
I also a saw thread which talked about the PC to show QLoader9008 in device manager but that also doesnt show in my device manager. I can just see Motorola ADB Interface.
Anything we can do to fix it. I'd really want it to get back to life if its possible.
Thank You for the help in advance.
Images tried
XT1033_FALCON_ASIA_DS_5.1_LPB23.13-56_cid7_CFC.xml by jame
Tools used
RSDLite 6.2.4
Log Sample
F:\DownloadsFolder\Motorola_Moto_G_XT1033_Falcon_ASIA_DS_5.1_LPBS23.13-56-2_CID7_CFC1\Motorola_Moto_G_XT1033_Falcon_ASIA_DS_5.1_LPBS23.13-56-2_CID7_CFC\Firmware>fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
(bootloader) slot-count: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) has-slotartition: not found
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'partition' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 9.950s]
writing 'partition'...
(bootloader) This may take a few seconds, if a
(bootloader) different partition table is being
(bootloader) flashed since we need to backup
(bootloader) and restore a few partitions
(bootloader) Flashing primary GPT image...
(bootloader) Failed to write primary GPT.
(bootloader) Failed to program partition table
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 15.225s
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you have not already, first you need to unlock your bootlloader before flashing anything.