This battery amazes me sometimes - Moto G7 Power Questions & Answers

So I'm at a straight 2 hours and 45 minutes constant screen use with 75% Brightness and my battery is at 87%. That just floors me still.
I didn't post this in the Real Life review section because I have a question. I basically only do a few things on my phone. Play Madden, watch YouTube and browse on chrome. Barely text or call people. With the same habits sometimes the battery seems alot better one day and some days worse with idle battery drain. When I check battery or well-being and whatnot I really don't see what's causing idle battery drain. I don't have Facebook, Messenger even logged in. Any ideas how I can find the culprit. It's sometimes but not all the time.


my little rant about the battery life.

the battery life on the raphael is a bit.. odd. Before I had this phone, i had the Sidekick LX, which was able to last about 12-14 hours and it didnt really matter how much I used it. The data on the sidekick is on all the time, but it is Edge.
However, using the ATT Fuze (raphael variant), I am a bit happy, and yet, a bit upset at the battery life. First, if i do not have data on, the battery lasts extremely long. Its been more than 12 hours, and i am at 85%. I had minimum web browsing, made a few phone calls, and talked for about an hour. Oh and i have email updates every 2 hours. Thats pretty remarkable for a smart phone.
BUT, if i am to browse the internet, listen to internet radio, or have an instant messaging program open, the battery drains at least 10% every hour! Thats horrendous! What is the point of a 3g smart phone if i cannot really use it because the battery will die if i do?
Hmm, I have hammered my phone the past few days with texts email, phone calls, messaging and some light video usage. It lasted about 10 - 14 hours and I charged it once a night. I have been pretty pleased with it.
I leave data on all the time and it will download my RSS feeds every 2 hours pictures and all, weather will update etc so its always using something. With normal usage and the always on stuff I have had it last about 2.5 - 3 days making very short and few calls.
With the screen being on, data going and all of the other stuff it saps the battery fairly well. I wish battery tech would advance a little to make it last longer but its better than my last phone by a good amount.
Have you made any of the power saving tweaks from that thread to your phone? You should be able to squeeze some more juice out of it.
There are several Raphael power tweaks on this forum, I would find them for you but am about to go to bed and am really tired. One I remember is you can put a disconnect time on the data using diamond tweak so it disconnects from data quickly when your not using it and saves battery. Sorry for not eing fo more help.
Did you condition your battery when you got the phone? That can help with you battery life sometimes.
Battery gone wild
xgm541 said:
the battery life on the raphael is a bit.. odd. Before I had this phone, i had the Sidekick LX, which was able to last about 12-14 hours and it didnt really matter how much I used it. The data on the sidekick is on all the time, but it is Edge.
However, using the ATT Fuze (raphael variant), I am a bit happy, and yet, a bit upset at the battery life. First, if i do not have data on, the battery lasts extremely long. Its been more than 12 hours, and i am at 85%. I had minimum web browsing, made a few phone calls, and talked for about an hour. Oh and i have email updates every 2 hours. Thats pretty remarkable for a smart phone.
BUT, if i am to browse the internet, listen to internet radio, or have an instant messaging program open, the battery drains at least 10% every hour! Thats horrendous! What is the point of a 3g smart phone if i cannot really use it because the battery will die if i do?
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I have the phone for about 6 weeks and really didn't have too many problems with battery life until I bought a stereo BT headset and started using it in the last week or so. I had the battery literally drain to nothingness twice this week already in a matter of hours. And no, it wasn't off hook or on Wifi or left playing something. One time it was actually plugged in to a USB charger!
Do you use an A2DP headset or leave your BT active?
Dont get me wrong guys. I am aware the battery does drain when i do use it. Yes, i did do the most tweaking i could possibly have done to lengthen my battery life, but lets face it, streaming youtube videos through the youtube app will drain the battery 10% an hour.
The one thing that gets to me is why instant messaging programs drain the battery as fast as youtube streaming.
I did not make this thread to ask for help though, just contributing my 2 cents to my experience with the Raphael.
10% an hour??? Howd you fit a powerplant in your phone?? My battery drops to 50% in 20-30mins if I watch youtube movies. Are you watching in HQ?
well maybe more than 10% but definitely not 50% in 20 minutes lol.
My battery seems decent, I conditioned it by draining it to 1% and charging it to 100%, draining to 1% charging to 100% etc for the first few cycles. Basically I didn't charge it until it was drained. It doesn't hurt to condition, but I think it's just superstition by now, many people say modern Li-On batteries aren't supposed to have memory.
There are several threads about battery life around here already, no need to start a new one.

Again with the Battery

Is anyone that is having battery issues running Adao Task Manager and Battery Status Pro?
I just factory reset my phone and I got 24hours of batter life. About 8 standby but a good deal of texting, web, some calls and some you tube.
I installed Task Manager and Batter Status Pro last night and my battery this morning went down 15% in about 1hr.
I uninstalled these today and will post again but has anyone else seen big battery drain from these apps or does anyone that is having issues running something similar?
I have been playing with the battery for about a week now.
For me this phone runs pretty good during stand-by. I would have about 2-3% drop for a whole night (7 to 8 hrs), with Google (push), Twitter and weather syncing.
The problem is when you use it, it drops like crazy. When I read news or surf the web, it would drop 1% every 1 or 2 min.
This morning I read an ebook, with black background for about 30 min, it dropped about 3%.
So basically i think the screen, data connection, and non-black background are the ones that kill the battery.
Yea, I agree, the S-AMOLED screen in this thing is an energy hog. OLED's are supposed to be more energy efficient than typical LCD's but I'm just not seeing it. Whenever I look at battery usage stats it shows the display at 70-75% of battery usage. Thats ridiculous. I have until the 18th, but I'm quickly leaning towards returning this and just getting an iphone4. This phone is becoming more and more disappointing the longer I have it.
This morning I have been uplugged 4.75hrs and used 16% no battery monitor and no app killer. Basically done the same things I did yesterday. Some Bebbled,texting, email, phone calls .
I will update tomorrow with total hours battery life for today. Would be happy if I can replicate the 24hours I got the day before installing those apps.
I got like 45 hours of battery with moderate usage during the two days. Seems fine to me, I occasionally used system panel to monitor if anything was using high and constant CPU
This is pretty typical of a 1ghz phone My nexus would last a day of heavy usage, 2 days if i use it lightly. We need to wait for undervolted kernels to be developed xD
Also, it really helps if you disable 3G when you don't use it. This allows me to get 3-4 days of light usage out of my nexus. I haven't played with the Captivate long enough to know how much of a difference this makes on this phone though
when you guys refer to "stand by", what exactly do you mean? Just screen off/phone idle? The battery usage on my phone when I use it seems to be OK even if not amazing, but it continues to sap life from the battery when I'm using it at an alarming rate.
Standby is when the phone is idle/screen off/locked.
The display is definitely power hungry. Using the Power Control widget that comes installed definitely has helped with battery life. It will let you toggle WiFi, BT, GPS, Data Sync, and Brightness (at 3 levels). When I'm not using anyone of those, I turn it off. When I'm indoors, I'll set the brightness to the lowest level. I'm usually at my desk when I'm streaming music, so I'll have it plugged in.
derek4484 said:
Yea, I agree, the S-AMOLED screen in this thing is an energy hog. OLED's are supposed to be more energy efficient than typical LCD's but I'm just not seeing it. Whenever I look at battery usage stats it shows the display at 70-75% of battery usage. Thats ridiculous. I have until the 18th, but I'm quickly leaning towards returning this and just getting an iphone4. This phone is becoming more and more disappointing the longer I have it.
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Actually they are more energy efficient on black screens, But screens with a lot of white in them suck battery bad.
alphadog00 said:
Actually they are more energy efficient on black screens, But screens with a lot of white in them suck battery bad.
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This is true the white screens burn the battery etc. I just wanted to let everyone know what I did to make my battery last more that 24hrs.
First, read the Wiki guide and apply some of the battery saving tips.
Second, UNINSTALL a program called "gReader" created by noinnion. This program is a huge battery hog! At least it was for me.
Hope this helps.
Well I guess I am one of the "lucky ones" Im running a live wallpaper and have not run my battery down since the 1st day. Right now Im at 40% life and at 15 Hrs 30m since unplugged. This is with checking facebook, twitter, email, phone calls, internet browsing\video watching and following the steps for the GPS fix. The only thing I have done is install ATK on the phone, besides that its all stock.
One thing I know is a huge battery drain is Time without Service. Check that stat and see if you have anytime at all without service, if so, I am pointing to that as a major drain on the battery. I know currently I have 0% Time without signal, my fiancee however is usually in the 20+% range and her battery drains like many reports I have seen here (she has an EVO).....
Yesterday I only managed 16 hours. Web, Email, A bluetooth file transfer, short bit of gaming. I have about 5% of the cell standby time (26%) without signal. My girlfriend has the Aria which is running Android 2.1 also, has all sorts of widgets, haptic feedback on and can make it at least 24 hours. I get that it has a smaller screen but it is also an LCD. Shouldn't the Super Amoled be saving our battery some display consumption.
i get about 14 hours or so moderate usage and at the end of the day, i have about 35% left at night.
If you detail the "Display" usage in the battery usage details how many minutes has your screen been on? Mine says 1hour 2mins ...this is for 8 hours of running time. My display is using 50% of the battery (which is at 68% now).
W00t W00t today I have reached a new high 2 Days 6 hours and 29 minuts with 12% battery left.....
What I have found is keeping Wifi on while I am at work and home like almost doubled my battery life. Which is great that I can use Wifi all day and not drain the battery so fast like my Fuze. Right now been off charger since 7:30am and I have 84% left. Yesterday after 9 hours I was still over 50%. For me its better than any other smartphone I have owened.
I used manual brightness, (swipe notification bar), turn off GPS/BT. black wallpaper and set Wifi to never sleep. Also the power saving mode in settings is off for other reason and doesn't affect battery.
At 18% right now and it's been off the charger for about 30 hours. I noticed yesterday that while I was connected to wifi at home (with Y5 app), it was draining faster than when I was connected to 3g. Did some tested back and forth and JuicePlotter clearly had a noticeably steeper downward slope for when wifi was connected than when it was using 3g. Weird :\

Wakelock battery drain [Need Help]

Hello, guys!
I have a problem with my phone for the past few months and after clean flashing 7.0 Nougat it's still present.
My problem is that when I'm home, my phone drains not even few percent of battery. Specially when I'm sleeping, I can go to bed with 100% battery and wake up with 98-99%. BUT when I'm out, specially when I'm working since my work involves a lot of walking the battery just drains like hell and I mean like 7-10% per hour considering I don't even use the phone. Sometimes I will have 30min to an hour of screen-on time and after 10 hours of work I will be home with 15% of battery left.
Now I know that this is mostly to some rouge app that keeps my phone awake and drains my battery but I'm not really sure how to pinpoint it.
I will provide my stats from Bettertbatteystats and WakelockDetector if you guys can help me.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I just want to explain that the straight line on the first picture with the batter drain graph is when I went home and left my phone on the table for about 3 hours. You can clearly see that the difference in battery consumption during my phone being in my pocket and on the table.
eSu.Matix said:
Hello, guys!
I have a problem with my phone for the past few months and after clean flashing 7.0 Nougat it's still present.
My problem is that when I'm home, my phone drains not even few percent of battery. Specially when I'm sleeping, I can go to bed with 100% battery and wake up with 98-99%. BUT when I'm out, specially when I'm working since my work involves a lot of walking the battery just drains like hell and I mean like 7-10% per hour considering I don't even use the phone. Sometimes I will have 30min to an hour of screen-on time and after 10 hours of work I will be home with 15% of battery left.
Now I know that this is mostly to some rouge app that keeps my phone awake and drains my battery but I'm not really sure how to pinpoint it.
I will provide my stats from Bettertbatteystats and WakelockDetector if you guys can help me.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I just want to explain that the straight line on the first picture with the batter drain graph is when I went home and left my phone on the table for about 3 hours. You can clearly see that the difference in battery consumption during my phone being in my pocket and on the table.
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Maybe you are in a poor service area when you're at work, poor signal drains battery pretty quick because the device is constantly scanning and searching for better signal.
You're using one or more social media apps such as Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.. These apps are constantly running/scanning for notifications and are well known for eating battery, especially on mid-low end and older devices because they don't have enough CPU and/or RAM to keep up efficiently. Judging from your screenshots, I would say that this is your issue.

Standby drain

When you sleep, does your phone sleep, or does it stay up all night and crunch 1s and 0s? Rate this thread to express how you deem the speed at which the OnePlus 5's battery drains under standby conditions. A higher rating indicates that when the phone is not in use, the battery drains minimally.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
I am not too pleased about idle battery drain.
Overnight, about 8h it consumes about 3%-5%. Sometimes more than 10%, if the device doesn't go in deep sleep for whatever reason..
If commute, it takes more battery (maybe sensors, switch to mobile data, etc).
About 20% in 9hours. wifi most of the time with about 1h hour on mobile data. And movement in pocket about 20-30mins.
My experience with idle drain has been good overall. Getting around 0.5% per hr
My idle drain is horrendous. I'm getting around 20% drain over night (7h sleep) with nothing enabled but WiFi. And that's with Greenify. I'm thinking of rooting and flashing the EX Kernel, but wanted to wait for an obviously outstanding major update before doing so.
ipredatorv said:
My idle drain is horrendous. I'm getting around 20% drain over night (7h sleep) with nothing enabled but WiFi. And that's with Greenify. I'm thinking of rooting and flashing the EX Kernel, but wanted to wait for an obviously outstanding major update before doing so.
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Maybe check whats draining the battery :cyclops:
I don't use greenify or anythinf and use only 4g. Im getting perfect battery life.
TheGripper said:
Maybe check whats draining the battery :cyclops:
I don't use greenify or anythinf and use only 4g. Im getting perfect battery life.
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Android System, Phone Services + Google Services, but only if WiFi/data is on. If they are off the battery life is perfect.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
Battery was good until yesterday, 8hrs SOT circa. Suddenly battery starts draining and can I barely reach 2,30 SOT. Any idea? No apps showed in battery page, the only app I downloaded yesterday was Textra SMS (Beta), but it's very strange that it can drains so much.
beautifulsun said:
Battery was good until yesterday, 8hrs SOT circa. Suddenly battery starts draining and can I barely reach 2,30 SOT. Any idea? No apps showed in battery page, the only app I downloaded yesterday was Textra SMS (Beta), but it's very strange that it can drains so much.
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For me Chrome was a big culprit for battery drain. Try to delete the cache and the storage of the app. You can as well disable and it and re enable it. That should be enough. Anyway, Chrome is a battery hog. I am thinking about switching to Opera or Firefox. Any recommendation for browsers?
I use Firefox with the add-on 'Dark Background and Light Text'. I have it set to turn the background of all pages to true black.
2% over night (7 hours) pretty pleased. But it was even better on OP3 when the drain over night was 0-1%
I'm on RR with no GAPPS and lost about 1.5% in about 8.5hrs of not being used (sleep + getting ready in the AM)
I have TASKER, and have set airplane mode to come on 8pm - 3am.
Currently getting roughly 2-3% drain in that "airplane mode" time
L22EEW said:
I have TASKER, and have set airplane mode to come on 8pm - 3am.
Currently getting roughly 2-3% drain in that "airplane mode" time
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What the? Do you have gestures enabled (eg: double tap to wake)?
In my opinion it consumes too much.. one time i got about 3% drain in about 8-9h idle with wifi on and no commute.
That's why i hate android idle drain. A never-ending issue.
SOT only 34 mins, 1h mobile data, the rest on wifi.
I've disabled gestures, location history, no google fit, etc etc
Not bad here. About .3% per hour overnight. So about 2% overnight. That's on 4G as I rarely ever have my phone on WiFi. I also have email at to push (2 accounts) and I usually turn off the sync stuff in my Google account. Things like app data, calendar, contacts and the rest. I just sync when I make changes like adding a contract I then toggle the contacts on then off kind of thing. No need to let it sync all day and night for nothing imo.
I just have that drain when location is set to "high accuracy". When its set to "battery saving" everthing seems fine.
I don't know what's wrong with my device/apps. Several times now i had a standby drain in around 7 hours of 30%+. I didn't plug my phone in overnight because of Dash charging, when I went to bed, the battery was at 37%. The next morning I overslept massively and completely missed my shift because my battery died over night. This is with airplane mode on during 75% of the night. The highest drain in battery settings was displayed for "Android System" with around 12% or so, but that was with the last day counted in. I feel like the battery drain stats in settings are completely unreliable...
Except from that I get normal battery life during the day though, although during the first few days standby drain was higher than screen on drain...
Chaphasilor said:
I don't know what's wrong with my device/apps. Several times now i had a standby drain in around 7 hours of 30%+. I didn't plug my phone in overnight because of Dash charging, when I went to bed, the battery was at 37%. The next morning I overslept massively and completely missed my shift because my battery died over night. This is with airplane mode on during 75% of the night. The highest drain in battery settings was displayed for "Android System" with around 12% or so, but that was with the last day counted in. I feel like the battery drain stats in settings are completely unreliable...
Except from that I get normal battery life during the day though, although during the first few days standby drain was higher than screen on drain...
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Yeah man you need to download accubattery or something to monitor the drain. That's ridiculous. And yeah I've been kinda confused about the stock battery stats as well. It seems to tell you nothing.
I have noticed a lot more battery drain since the 911 update a few days ago. I was getting 7ish sot now I'm under 5hrs. I'll bet I'm not the only one who noticed it though. It'll be fixed don't worry.
jkieffer46 said:
Yeah man you need to download accubattery or something to monitor the drain. That's ridiculous. And yeah I've been kinda confused about the stock battery stats as well. It seems to tell you nothing.
I have noticed a lot more battery drain since the 911 update a few days ago. I was getting 7ish sot now I'm under 5hrs. I'll bet I'm not the only one who noticed it though. It'll be fixed don't worry.
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I had AccuBattery installed at first but it didn't give me any meaningful insights so I uninstalled it a few weeks later.
I normally only get around 3 hours of SOT, but I'm not into mobile gaming or YouTube so that is normal...
I notice significant drain in idle after the 4.5.6 update last week. Android system seems to be the culprit, but not sure what's process under this is actually causing the problem.
All radios on, and 2 mail accounts syncing.

battery loss rates

I recently bought a Google pixel that appears to be suffering from excessive battery drain. I'm returning it, but am curious as to what sort of battery life I should expect.
I did an experiment. I fully charged it, and then just used Google camera to record video. I left it on the table, and came back sometime later.
It was losing charge at basically 1% per hour. In the 45 minutes of recording time, it had dropped by 46%. I used better battery stats to validate that no other apps were doing anything significant.
I'm hoping that they replace the battery, and if they do, what sort of life could I expect when taking video?
In general use scenarios, the battery does drain fast. The best I can hope for is 18 hours with less than 3 hours screen time, and sometimes even less...

