Google Play Services reboots phone every midnight to push system update I don't want. - General Questions and Answers

Ok, I've got a Blu Life One X3 with BLU_L0150WW_V7.0.04.13_GENERIC ROM, Android Nougat, rooted with TWRP as bootloader and Magisk as root. AFWall+ is the iptables firewall, and the systemless Xposed Framework is installed as a module in Magisk.
All syncing is turned off and disabled, most of the Google pre-installed apps have been removed from the phone. Only the following remain:
Google Services Framework
Google Play Store
Google Play Services
Google Partner Setup
Google Account Manager
Google Phone (merely because I can't find contacts and dialer that properly hook into Android... I will eventually)
Google Chrome (internet activity tracking)
Google Tag Manager (tag & pixel tracking)
Google Play Music (lifestyle demography)
Google Play Movies & TV (lifestyle demography)
Google Maps (location tracking)
Google - Quick Search Box (search tracking)
Google YouTube (lifestyle demography)
Google TalkBack / Android Accessibility Suite
Google Drive (lifestyle demography)
Google Duo (audiovisual demography)
Google Contacts Sync (association demography)
Google Backup Transport
Google Market Feedback Agent
Google Calculator
Google Calendar (lifestyle demography)
Google Gmail (lifestyle and association demography)
Google Text-To-Speech
Google Japanese Input
Google SMS - Messages (SMS tracking)
Google Photos (lifestyle demography)
Google Carrier Services
OK Google voice assistant (audio monitoring)
Work Profile Setup
GBoard Google Keyboard (keylogger tracking)
Yes, GBoard logs keystrokes... Google's own privacy statement about the keyboard reads: "Gboard will remember words you type to help you with spelling or to predict searches you might be interested in."
Maybe you trust that "spelling or to predict searches" is all Google is using their keylogger keyboard for, but I don't.
I've been browsing through the phone's file system, doing a lot of research, and editing .xml files to disable all the jobs that Google starts when the phone boots, and to retract permissions that Google has taken the liberty of using... this reduces CPU utilization and increases battery life. The phone works beautifully, doing what I want it to do (and nothing more), and going for days before requiring a charge.
I've seen no adverse effects from this, save for the issue at hand... that of Google Play Services trying to push a new ROM (BLU_L0150WW_V7.0.04.14_GENERIC), despite me having disabled OTA updates and Google Play Store automatic updates. Google Play Services reboots my phone at midnight each night in attempting to install the update, against my will and without my express consent.
When Google becomes the data-filching malware you cannot turn off, it's time to put Google on a short leash.
Google Play Services downloads via WiFi a .zip file named to /cache, then reboots the phone at midnight. It expects to reboot to fastboot, but that no longer works because I've got TWRP as bootloader, so it boots to the main TWRP screen and just sits there until I reboot it. If the file is allowed to remain in /cache until the next night, Google Play Services won't re-download it, it'll simply reboot the phone in attempting to install it.
I've removed Scheduled Power On/Off (package:/system/vendor/app/SchedulePowerOnOff/SchedulePowerOnOff.apk=com.mediatek.schpwronoff), so it cannot be the cause of the reboots, it's definitely Google Play Services. I've watched system activity via adb logcat and can clearly see that the culprit is Google Play Services.
Even if the update could successfully execute, I wouldn't install it... why is Google pushing a phone manufacturer's ROM, and why are they doing so against my will and in contradiction to the disabled OTA and Google Play Store automatic updates? Why didn't Blu push the update? I suspect they're pushing the ROM to get their permissions back... I'm no longer a cash cow for them, and they desperately want to make money off my info.
I see no way of disabling this behavior, and I've certainly not authorized Google to push system updates to my phone, nor to reboot my phone... they must be brought to heel and forced (via litigation, if necessary) to respect personal property rights. This is illegal under California Penal Code 502(c), Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act.
This is tantamount to a mechanic creeping into someone's garage at midnight each night and letting the air out of someone's car tires because that someone doesn't use that mechanic's services. This is tantamount to a refrigerator manufacturer sneaking into someone's home at midnight each night and unplugging the refrigerator because it's made by another manufacturer.
How do I disable this behavior?

So far, the only thing in the file system that I can find that pertains to this is:
#Other Services
GoogleOtaBinder ubject_rta_agent_service:s0
Anyone know what this is? I can pull the file to the computer in TWRP Recovery Mode, comment out that line and push it back to the phone to see if that ends the behavior. Before I do so, though, I'm going to wait until tomorrow... tonight, I've deleted the /cache/ file, and I'm keeping internet connections down (and, for good measure, the firewall in lockdown mode), to see how Google Play Services reacts.
I'm betting it'll do this when that line is commented out:
private boolean setInstallInfo(String strPkgPath, String strTarVer) {
Xlog.i(TAG, "onSetRebootRecoveryFlag");
try {
IBinder binder = ServiceManager.getService("GoogleOtaBinder");
SystemUpdateBinder agent = SystemUpdateBinder.Stub.asInterface(binder);
if (agent == null) {
Xlog.e(TAG, "agent is null");
return false;

The phone did not reboot last night with deleted from /cache and all internet connections down.
This means Google Play Services is performing unannounced, unsolicited and unwanted remote operations upon a computer system, while disregarding the 'Settings' > 'Developer Options' > 'Automatic System Updates' being disabled, a blatant violation of CA Penal Code 502(c). Anyone up for a class-action lawsuit?
Google Play Services / GoogleOtaBinder doesn't query the 'Automatic System Updates' setting prior to performing its above-described operations, and I have a hard time believing this was just an oversight on the part of Google... it would seem far more likely (given that they're a multi-billion dollar company which hires highly competent programmers, given that they have a financial incentive to regain deleted apps or retracted permissions which a knowledgeable user might delete / retract, given the unannounced nature of the operations they're attempting, given the midnight time at which they're attempting to perform those operations) that the bypassing of the 'Automatic System Updates' setting is quite intentional as means of Google surreptitiously regaining apps deleted or permissions retracted so they can continue to gather personal data via the phone.
Tonight I'm disabling the registration of the service context for GoogleOtaBinder... let's see what kind of fits Google Play Services throws. :silly:
Hrmph... /service_contexts is written to during boot to register Google's service contexts... I'm going to have to dig a bit deeper to permanently disable GoogleOtaBinder.
Until then, I'm renaming /system/etc/security/ so GoogleOtaBinder cannot communicate with the OTA update server.
There remains the nagging questions:
- Why does Google's OTA system updater disregard user settings which disable automatic system updates?
- Why does Google reboot the phone unannounced?
- Why does Google reboot the phone unannounced, at midnight, when the phone is least likely to be monitored?
- Why does Google dynamically write GoogleOtaBinder into /service_contexts at boot, rather than hard-coding it in so it can easily be commented out, thereby disabling Google OTA updates?
- Why doesn't Google provide a user-interface-accessible means of turning off Google OTA updates?

Well, that did the trick. Renaming /system/etc/security/ so GoogleOtaBinder cannot communicate with the OTA update server does away with Google Play Services' attempts at forcing a system update.
Now to dig into the files and figure out where they're writing to /service_contexts from during boot. I'm going to pull every bit of the Google-weed out by the roots that I can.


Any way to disable "you must have Google play services to run (name of app that doesn

Any way to disable "you must have Google play services to run (name of app that doesn
Title cut off, rest should say "doesn't require Google play services to run"
I only use the play store basically, and have no issues with manually enabling before checking for app updates or to download new apps (on my newer device, my older device doesn't even require them for the play store at all)
But things like ccleaner, my emoji keyboard, a few other apps I can't think, of annoyingly claim to need these services to run... While I'm actively running them and using them just fine without.
On a device without the option "disable notifications for this app"either within the app itself, or within my older 4.0.4 device that runs just fine despite it being older... How can I get rid of these annoyances?
Play services are a huge battery and ram hog which I keep disabled unless needed. So any "just install play services" comments isn't exactly what I'm looking for...
I've looked around in disable service (the app) for these apps, unable to find anything looking relevant.
Any help would be appreciated
Play Services are often used for authentication reasons. Meaning the apps look if you have a genuine version. For freemium apps they check for any in app purchases you might have done.
Other common cases are for push notifications or location services etc. These are often only minor or optional features of apps. That's why they usually work nonetheless without having Play Services active.
The only easy option is to use an alternative app store like the Amazon App Store or F-Droid. All the apps over there are pretty much guaranteed to work without Play Services.
There are also some projects out there that aim for a system without Play Services. A quick search should yield quite some results.
If you are rooted and capable of using XPosed, then there is a module in the repo somewhere that does exactly what you are looking for - hiding the pop up.
Can't remember the name right now and don't know if it is still maintained, but searching the modules should provide it to you.
However, Google Play Service shouldn't be so much of a power drainer any more. Beginning with Android 6 / M the battery optimizations are quite enormous, even though the Play Services are excluded from the system wide optimization (because they take care of these optimizations). To further improve the footprint, you could disable the location services and wireless scanning services.

Dispensing with or hiding beyond the usual measures Google Play Store

....without fouling up Google Play Services
Hi, I like to remove as many distractions from my phone as possible because of my piss poor discipline.
In the past, after rooting I simply went in and started deleting folders that I didn't want from /system/priv-app and then went about my merry way with a still functioning albeit wonky phone.
That being said there are some apps (Uber, etc) that rely on Google Play Services to function and in deleting the Google Play Store directory those would become corrupted as well.
So here's my question--is it possible to hide the store thoroughly enough that I won't be able to access it easily whilst still retaining the functionality of Google Play Services?

Advice for a new owner

I've taken the plunge and pre-ordered my P40 Pro which should arrive in a few days. I have done some reading around as to whether to go GMS-naked or not and have a few questions still to help make my decision, hoping someone can help...
1) I currently have a Mate Pro 20, so I would be looking to clone my apps over. My understanding is that I can expect the vast majority of them to copy over (even if not on Huawei's AppGallery) but if I was to go GMS-naked, am I right in thinking that these apps would then never update (unless they are on AppGallery)?
2) Without installing GMS, is there any way of getting Chrome working? I use it as my browser on my tablet and desktop and it's helpful to have that sync so would really ideally like it on my phone.
3) Same as question 2 but regarding Google Suite apps such as Sheets and Docs - any hope in getting them without GMS?
4) I have read some positive reviews regarding BlueMail, is it possible to use this for Gmail accounts without GMS?
5) Without GMS, will UK banking apps only work if already on AppGallery? I currently use Starling, First Direct & NatWest - especially the former two so hoping that they would work.
6) If I did go down the GMS route, would I need to be reinstalling it every time there is an Android or Google update or would it be a one-off?
Tmel14 said:
I've taken the plunge and pre-ordered my P40 Pro which should arrive in a few days. I have done some reading around as to whether to go GMS-naked or not and have a few questions still to help make my decision, hoping someone can help...
1) I currently have a Mate Pro 20, so I would be looking to clone my apps over. My understanding is that I can expect the vast majority of them to copy over (even if not on Huawei's AppGallery) but if I was to go GMS-naked, am I right in thinking that these apps would then never update (unless they are on AppGallery)?
2) Without installing GMS, is there any way of getting Chrome working? I use it as my browser on my tablet and desktop and it's helpful to have that sync so would really ideally like it on my phone.
3) Same as question 2 but regarding Google Suite apps such as Sheets and Docs - any hope in getting them without GMS?
4) I have read some positive reviews regarding BlueMail, is it possible to use this for Gmail accounts without GMS?
5) Without GMS, will UK banking apps only work if already on AppGallery? I currently use Starling, First Direct & NatWest - especially the former two so hoping that they would work.
6) If I did go down the GMS route, would I need to be reinstalling it every time there is an Android or Google update or would it be a one-off?
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Regarding #5.
Starling works, though Natwest will not either with or without GMS sadly.
I now use yolt which will sync your account for the next best alternative.
Currently any updates haven't mean a reinstallation of anything.
Thank you, really helpful!! Good to know about Starling.
I don't suppose anyone else knows the answers to questions 1-4?
Tmel14 said:
I've taken the plunge and pre-ordered my P40 Pro which should arrive in a few days. I have done some reading around as to whether to go GMS-naked or not and have a few questions still to help make my decision, hoping someone can help...
1) I currently have a Mate Pro 20, so I would be looking to clone my apps over. My understanding is that I can expect the vast majority of them to copy over (even if not on Huawei's AppGallery) but if I was to go GMS-naked, am I right in thinking that these apps would then never update (unless they are on AppGallery)?
2) Without installing GMS, is there any way of getting Chrome working? I use it as my browser on my tablet and desktop and it's helpful to have that sync so would really ideally like it on my phone.
3) Same as question 2 but regarding Google Suite apps such as Sheets and Docs - any hope in getting them without GMS?
4) I have read some positive reviews regarding BlueMail, is it possible to use this for Gmail accounts without GMS?
5) Without GMS, will UK banking apps only work if already on AppGallery? I currently use Starling, First Direct & NatWest - especially the former two so hoping that they would work.
6) If I did go down the GMS route, would I need to be reinstalling it every time there is an Android or Google update or would it be a one-off?
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1. Most can be phone-cloned. They will not update unless you install Aurora, APKPure, Aptoide, Amazon App Store .. just install all of these and pick your favourite. Notifications wont work for most.
2. Firefox is better and can sync across devices.
3. Part of the attraction of the P40 Pro is going google-free for the challenge and to support Huawei .. I am using Office from the Huawei App Gallery.
4. Despite being on the Huawei App Gallery, BlueMail notifications were unreliable with HMS-naked ... warning message that no Google Cloud Messaging is installed .. that you had to clear evey day or two .. and people that are using BlueMail don't realise that notifications are delayed for a while. BlueMail is a bad app at the moment.
5. Banking apps .. phone-clone or install from Aurora, APKPure, Aptoide, Amazon App Store ... my banks are working fine . not too many people are reporting problems.
6. Why do you need GMS? Have they fixed notifications with a GMS install? microG is a much simpler and more reliable solution at the moment to give you notifications and you can still get apps from Aurora, APKPure, Aptoide, Amazon App Store.
If you find a reason that HMS-naked and HMS-microG are not acceptable ... and you really have to do a HMS-GMS setup, then I would not buy the P40 Pro ... just get the P30 Pro.
4. I used the stock Huawei email application. Lets you add multiple accounts (gmail/outlook) and gives you notifications without issue. I ended up preferring it to Gmail/Outlook app.
5. I don't have my P40 Pro any longer, but when I did FirstDirect app worked fine through GMS. Monzo bank did also. I downloaded NatWest and it worked but I didn't have an account so couldn't actually log in.
6. You only lose your GMS install if you factory reset. Software updates don't affect it.
Kotd88 said:
4. I used the stock Huawei email application. Lets you add multiple accounts (gmail/outlook) and gives you notifications without issue. I ended up preferring it to Gmail/Outlook app.
5. I don't have my P40 Pro any longer, but when I did FirstDirect app worked fine through GMS. Monzo bank did also. I downloaded NatWest and it worked but I didn't have an account so couldn't actually log in.
6. You only lose your GMS install if you factory reset. Software updates don't affect it.
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4. with my testing on P40 Pro with HMS-naked, the notifications with the Huawei email app are delayed .. particularly with a linked gmail account in the Huawei email app.
is your feedback with HMS-naked, HMS+microG or HMS+GMS?
linux2525 said:
4. with my testing on P40 Pro with HMS-naked, the notifications with the Huawei email app are delayed .. particularly with a linked gmail account in the Huawei email app.
is your feedback with HMS-naked, HMS+microG or HMS+GMS?
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I pretty much used the phone out the box with GMS, so maybe that's why I had a different experience. Gmail and Outlook definitely came through with timely notifications using stock app for me.
DaveHTC200 said:
Regarding #5.
Starling works, though Natwest will not either with or without GMS sadly.
I now use yolt which will sync your account for the next best alternative.
Currently any updates haven't mean a reinstallation of anything.
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I have had a mate30 pro for about 4 months and ive not had any struggles, Depending on who you bank with currently you may not be able to get an 'app' but what you can do is save a hot link, So from the browser hit the dots on the top right and add to home screen, What you can do which is what ive done is saved a link with in the login page, really for me it does the same thing shows my balance and that's it really.
I mean if you're looking for apps through app gallery there is 2 key ones I would really recommend one is MoreApps and one is Petal both of which once installed act as a hub for other apps you may need. Its one that I know I've relied on hugely.
Other than that how you getting on with it?
It arrived yesterday and really it's a beautiful phone! Haven't had too much time to play with it yet but seems great.
I cloned over my apps from my Mate Pro20 and had a quick play. All of my WhatsApp history seemed to automatically copy over which is great. My main issue so far is that a couple of apps I have tried to use (e.g. The Athletic) say that Google Services Installation Required in order to use them. If hey are not on AppStore, is there any way I can use them as apps without GMS?
Similar question for other apps that I have cloned over such as betting apps. When I load them it says that location services must be enabled to use the app (which they are) but it doesn't eem to be picking up on this (probably GMS related?).
Are More Apps & Petal a way round sourcing apps not on AppStore but without having to install GMS?
Tmel14 said:
My main issue so far is that a couple of apps I have tried to use (e.g. The Athletic) say that Google Services Installation Required in order to use them. If hey are not on AppStore, is there any way I can use them as apps without GMS?
Are More Apps & Petal a way round sourcing apps not on AppStore but without having to install GMS?
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1. I had some success with some apps that were broken with HMS-naked, but worked successfully with HMS+microG (but I have never tried HMS+GMS as it is silly to buy a P40 Pro then hack GMS onto it .. just buy a different phone).
2. Petal is a terrible app ... it just links you to other app store .. google these well know app stores, go to their websites and get the apk for the store and then install the new store on your p40 pro ..
amazon appstore
I have them all installed and play around with each .. they mostly have similar apps (other than amazon appstore and f-droid).
dont waste your time with petal.
Thanks, I'm a total novice here so it's really helpful to get some advice.
1) Is microg relatively easy to install? Am I right in thinking that it adds a Google foundation but without GMS? Therefore, some apps from Playstore that didn't work when first cloned may then work?
2) would the benefit of those appstores be that they may have versions of apps that don't require GMS but aren't available on Huawei's Appstore?
3) One other question that I thought of... for apps that I clone over and work fine (but aren't available on Huawei's Appstore) - how will I keep them updated? I do have a Samsung tablet so would I be able to periodically clone them over from that or would I need to do something else?
Tmel14 said:
Thanks, I'm a total novice here so it's really helpful to get some advice.
1) Is microg relatively easy to install? Am I right in thinking that it adds a Google foundation but without GMS? Therefore, some apps from Playstore that didn't work when first cloned may then work?
2) would the benefit of those appstores be that they may have versions of apps that don't require GMS but aren't available on Huawei's Appstore?
3) One other question that I thought of... for apps that I clone over and work fine (but aren't available on Huawei's Appstore) - how will I keep them updated? I do have a Samsung tablet so would I be able to periodically clone them over from that or would I need to do something else?
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1. Refer below .. 10 steps but they are simple steps ... it might take 15 mins for the first time .. 5 mins for the second time .. small open-source app to provide notifications only. what notifications are broken for you?
2. correct .. aurora even looks the same as the google playstore .. install some apps, update as required. I often just update apps directly from aurora or apkpure and dont even use the huawei app gallery.
3. Update your phone-cloned apps with aurora, apkpure, aptoide, f-droid, amazon appstore, etc ... I usually update at different stores every few days just for fun ... today is aurora day .. tomorrow is apkpure day.
1. Perform a factory reset of the phone.
2. Install F-Droid app (search for the apk .. F-Droid is a store with access to search for apps)
3. Add this repo into F-Droid ....
4. In F-Droid, then install MicroG Services Core.
5. In F-Droid, then Install MicroG Services Framework Proxy.
6. In F-Droid, then Install the MicroG FakeStore.
6. Open the Microg Settings app. Grant it all permissions and disable battery optimizations.
7. Add your Google account.
8. Turn on Device Registration, Cloud Messaging and SafetyNet.
9. Restart your phone.
10. Open Microg Settings app, check the status under Cloud Messaging. If it says not connected enter the following in the phone app: *#*#2432546#*#* and restart your phone. Check the status again - it should say Connected. (I had to enter the phone string and restart my phone twice until it said connected).
11. Install apps
12. Check connection in microG app for Google Cloud Messaging
All this will give you is push notifications with Google Cloud Messaging (including the Google Firebase messaging).
I also had notification issues caused by either Huawei PowerGenie and Android Doze .. if the notifications work and then suddenly stop after an hour or so, then try these ..
linux2525 said:
1. Refer below .. 10 steps but they are simple steps ... it might take 15 mins for the first time .. 5 mins for the second time .. small open-source app to provide notifications only. what notifications are broken for you?
2. correct .. aurora even looks the same as the google playstore .. install some apps, update as required. I often just update apps directly from aurora or apkpure and dont even use the huawei app gallery.
3. Update your phone-cloned apps with aurora, apkpure, aptoide, f-droid, amazon appstore, etc ... I usually update at different stores every few days just for fun ... today is aurora day .. tomorrow is apkpure day.
1. Perform a factory reset of the phone.
2. Install F-Droid app (search for the apk .. F-Droid is a store with access to search for apps)
3. Add this repo into F-Droid ....
4. In F-Droid, then install MicroG Services Core.
5. In F-Droid, then Install MicroG Services Framework Proxy.
6. In F-Droid, then Install the MicroG FakeStore.
6. Open the Microg Settings app. Grant it all permissions and disable battery optimizations.
7. Add your Google account.
8. Turn on Device Registration, Cloud Messaging and SafetyNet.
9. Restart your phone.
10. Open Microg Settings app, check the status under Cloud Messaging. If it says not connected enter the following in the phone app: *#*#2432546#*#* and restart your phone. Check the status again - it should say Connected. (I had to enter the phone string and restart my phone twice until it said connected).
11. Install apps
12. Check connection in microG app for Google Cloud Messaging
All this will give you is push notifications with Google Cloud Messaging (including the Google Firebase messaging).
I also had notification issues caused by either Huawei PowerGenie and Android Doze .. if the notifications work and then suddenly stop after an hour or so, then try these ..
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That's great, thank you. I'm still using my Mate Pro 20 as my phone at the moment so not really sure how effective the notifications on my P40 Pro are. It sounds like it would make sense to factory reset and Microg my P40 Pro before I properly make the switch to using that then? You mentioned it should only take 5 mins to do Microg the second time... unless I misread the instruction guide, why would I need to do it a second time?
And presumably once I've installed Microg, I could just clone my apps over from the Mate Pro 20 as normal?
Tmel14 said:
1. That's great, thank you. I'm still using my Mate Pro 20 as my phone at the moment so not really sure how effective the notifications on my P40 Pro are.
2. It sounds like it would make sense to factory reset and Microg my P40 Pro before I properly make the switch to using that then?
3. You mentioned it should only take 5 mins to do Microg the second time... unless I misread the instruction guide, why would I need to do it a second time?
4. And presumably once I've installed Microg, I could just clone my apps over from the Mate Pro 20 as normal?
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1. I would test your essential apps first and check if notifications are working for you. what are your critical apps for notifications? maybe you can go HMS-naked and no need for HMS+microG.
2. You have to install apps after installing microG ... otherwise the apps don't open .. if you have only installed a few apps, then no need to reset ... you can just install microG, uninstall those few apps, then reinstall those few apps .. but if you have 20 apps, it might be quicker to reset and start fresh.
3. quicker the second time as you know where to click! that's all.
4. yep.
but .. hopefully your critical apps have notifications working real-time & consistently, then no need for microG.
linux2525 said:
1. I would test your essential apps first and check if notifications are working for you. what are your critical apps for notifications? maybe you can go HMS-naked and no need for HMS+microG.
2. You have to install apps after installing microG ... otherwise the apps don't open .. if you have only installed a few apps, then no need to reset ... you can just install microG, uninstall those few apps, then reinstall those few apps .. but if you have 20 apps, it might be quicker to reset and start fresh.
3. quicker the second time as you know where to click! that's all.
4. yep.
but .. hopefully your critical apps have notifications working real-time & consistently, then no need for microG.
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Critical apps would be WhatsApp, SMS messages and emails. Other notifications such as news/sports and some other social media would be important but not critical.
I'll pop my SIM in tonight and do a comparison of how notifications are popping up vs my Galaxy tablet and Mate Pro 20 to see whether a reset and microg is necessary.
Thanks again for the help, I'll let you know how I get on!
linux2525 said:
1. Refer below .. 10 steps but they are simple steps ... it might take 15 mins for the first time .. 5 mins for the second time .. small open-source app to provide notifications only. what notifications are broken for you?
2. correct .. aurora even looks the same as the google playstore .. install some apps, update as required. I often just update apps directly from aurora or apkpure and dont even use the huawei app gallery.
3. Update your phone-cloned apps with aurora, apkpure, aptoide, f-droid, amazon appstore, etc ... I usually update at different stores every few days just for fun ... today is aurora day .. tomorrow is apkpure day.
1. Perform a factory reset of the phone.
2. Install F-Droid app (search for the apk .. F-Droid is a store with access to search for apps)
3. Add this repo into F-Droid ....
4. In F-Droid, then install MicroG Services Core.
5. In F-Droid, then Install MicroG Services Framework Proxy.
6. In F-Droid, then Install the MicroG FakeStore.
6. Open the Microg Settings app. Grant it all permissions and disable battery optimizations.
7. Add your Google account.
8. Turn on Device Registration, Cloud Messaging and SafetyNet.
9. Restart your phone.
10. Open Microg Settings app, check the status under Cloud Messaging. If it says not connected enter the following in the phone app: *#*#2432546#*#* and restart your phone. Check the status again - it should say Connected. (I had to enter the phone string and restart my phone twice until it said connected).
11. Install apps
12. Check connection in microG app for Google Cloud Messaging
All this will give you is push notifications with Google Cloud Messaging (including the Google Firebase messaging).
I also had notification issues caused by either Huawei PowerGenie and Android Doze .. if the notifications work and then suddenly stop after an hour or so, then try these ..
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Thanks for the guide, I followed it and got microG running, then cloned over my apps and appear to be getting notifications through (at least for the apps I've tried), which is great!
I have now run into a problem with my Google account though. I was trying to sign in to YT Music and typed in my Google account details but it said there was a problem communicating with Google servers. I then went in to Settings > Users and Accounts > Google and there were some sync issues so I removed the account and went to add it again but now it won't work as before, My microG is also showing as without an active Google account and when I try and add it, I am getting the same issue, I enter my email and password and then it takes me to Googles Terms of Service, which I agree but then get the following message:
Sorry... There was a problem communicating with Google servers. Try again later.
Any idea how I can add my Google account again?
Tmel14 said:
Thanks for the guide, I followed it and got microG running, then cloned over my apps and appear to be getting notifications through (at least for the apps I've tried), which is great!
I have now run into a problem with my Google account though. I was trying to sign in to YT Music and typed in my Google account details but it said there was a problem communicating with Google servers. I then went in to Settings > Users and Accounts > Google and there were some sync issues so I removed the account and went to add it again but now it won't work as before, My microG is also showing as without an active Google account and when I try and add it, I am getting the same issue, I enter my email and password and then it takes me to Googles Terms of Service, which I agree but then get the following message:
Sorry... There was a problem communicating with Google servers. Try again later.
Any idea how I can add my Google account again?
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So I cleared the data on my MicroG Services Core app which appeared to fix the problem of not being able to sign in. The issue I now have is that I've signed in to my Google account then when I go to an app such as YT Music and go to sign in, the account doesn't show up, when I then click 'add account' it takes me to MicroG Services but I type in my email and it just says 'This account already exists on your device'...
So my Google account is registered on the phone but whenever I try and sign in to any app with it, it redirects to MicroG Services Core for sign in and then it just says that the account already exists and I cannot go any further with log in
Tmel14 said:
So my Google account is registered on the phone but whenever I try and sign in to any app with it, it redirects to MicroG Services Core for sign in and then it just says that the account already exists and I cannot go any further with log in
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I think you're expecting too much from microG on a non-rooted phone without signature spoofing to use the full microG capabilities.
If want to run a full microG install, then buy a phone with good rooted ROM support with microG already built-in.
I logged into microG and have done no other google logins since .... if any apps have requested a google login, then I have ignored.
you can use amazon music, tidal, spotify, etc .. no idea how to use YoutTubeMusic
linux2525 said:
I think you're expecting too much from microG on a non-rooted phone without signature spoofing to use the full microG capabilities.
If want to run a full microG install, then buy a phone with good rooted ROM support with microG already built-in.
I logged into microG and have done no other google logins since .... if any apps have requested a google login, then I have ignored.
you can use amazon music, tidal, spotify, etc .. no idea how to use YoutTubeMusic
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I definitely don't know the intricacies of what microG provides but it was definitely enabling much better performance from notifications.
This is an issue for me though as I get free YT Music so not something I would particularly want to give up. I don't appear to have an issue signing into YouTube via my browser with my Google account but it appears any app that requires an email log in directly on the app (as opposed to through a browser) automatically routes me to log in via microG core services and when I then try and log in, it says that the account is already regsitered on my device (which it is but I can't seem to access it for this purpose).
I'm not sure if I just did part of the process slightly wrong and if it#s worth me resetting and doing the whole process again, or if for some reason it's not possible?
linux2525 said:
I think you're expecting too much from microG on a non-rooted phone without signature spoofing to use the full microG capabilities.
If want to run a full microG install, then buy a phone with good rooted ROM support with microG already built-in.
I logged into microG and have done no other google logins since .... if any apps have requested a google login, then I have ignored.
you can use amazon music, tidal, spotify, etc .. no idea how to use YoutTubeMusic
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I'm wondering if it would work if I reset the phone, cloned over any apps where I need the few apps where I need to log in via Google (I don't need notifications for them anyway), then installed microG, then cloned over all the rest of the apps?

Is non-root,google free android possible???

I have Samsung galaxy a50 ( a505f). I disable or removed all possible google products. I only use google play services and google play store. I do not use any google product. No gmail,youtube calender or sync android. If i also disable google play services and google play store + remove my google account from phone and instal apps from Amazon, appstore,appgalery or as apk from my browser. How will this affect my phone? And i do not know if apps i downloaded not from playstore gonna work normal and stabil. Notifications will work normal??? Are there any apps do not work without google play services? I know google cloud messaging is important. It looks like i only need google cloud messasing for now. How to replace gcm?? Without root.
Installing apps from outside of Google Play Store is a surefire way to put yourself in danger. By installing apps from third-party stores, you're bypassing security measures put in place to vet apps for malware threats, making it much easier for a hacker to infiltrate your device with an infected app .
Here on xda many people using root or open source apps. Let's say i bought a new phone and i did not add google account. I removed all possible google apps. I disabled all other google services i can not remove. I downloaded apps as apk files. Will apps update or send push notifications normally? That is all i need to learn. The apps i use are outlook,twitter,signal,telegram,duckduckgo,yandex navi,onedrive and samsung cloud for sync and back up. I do not use any google apps or facebook,whatsapp,instagram, messenger. I just do not know what will be effected with removing google account from phone and disabling google play services. I just need few apps keep sending notifications.
jwoegerbauer said:
Installing apps from outside of Google Play Store is a surefire way to put yourself in danger. By installing apps from third-party stores, you're bypassing security measures put in place to vet apps for malware threats, making it much easier for a hacker to infiltrate your device with an infected app .
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At the very least scan any apks you intend to side load online with Virustotal. Just downloading them onto an Android without installing them isn't without risk. I side load only 2 or 3 apks from trusted sources.
You can download from Playstore then disable it, all apps will still function. I do this all the time.
Google Play Services* is needed for Playstore to run as well as some none Google apps.
You can then use ApkExport to copy your apps so you don't need to use Playstore next time you need to reload the OS. You save system apk updates as well so a full reload is possible with little or no internet connection. I store these on my SD card but a PC can be used.
Use Karma Firewall to block all the Google junk.
You can easily enable apks if needed.
It's freeware and uses very little battery.
*block Google Play Services with Karma Firewall when not using Playstore. A reboot will be needed after it's enabled for Playstore to work. GPS will waste battery by constantly connecting to the internet (4 times @ minute) if not firewall blocked.

Installation of google play services for a specific user profile

I wonder if I can create two (or more) user profiles on my android device, one of which I will use only open source stuff and everything else on the other.
As far as I know, it is possible to create several user profiles in Android that are isolated from each other.
I would probably install LineageOS for this as it doesn't have google play services pre-installed on it and it seems very "clean" in terms of these things (I have never used this system).
There is something like OpenGApps that allows you to install google play services but as far as I know it requires installation from twrp. So I suspect google play services will then be installed for all user profiles on the device.
So is there any possibility to install google services for one user only?
I also know that there is such a thing as microg (and Aurora stora). When I heard that there was such a thing as "LineageOS for microG" I thought it would be a very good option (on one android profile I just wouldn't use microg). But later I also found out that it is supposedly against the google policy and that they can ban my account for it, which I would prefer to avoid.
So I wanted to ask if the only option to do this is to install LineageOS, check what applications are installed by default, install OpenGApps to it and then disable all google related applications on one of the user profiles?
Does such disabling the application also ensure that Google will not be able to "work" on my device in any way? Does OpenGApps install any system level google stuff that will run in the background anyway?
And are OpenGApps not something that I should not install when I don't want to get a google ban?
You are confusing (Open)GApps - Google themselves call them Google Mobile Services (GMS) - and Google Play Services what are two completely different things.
Google Play Services is one of the most important parts of Android. It helps connect everything together and hold it all there. The Google Play Services are the interface to the Google Mobile Services as well as to the hardware functions of the Android device. Many of your apps use Google Play Services everyday.
GMS is a bunch of apps what includes
Google Play Store,
Google Now,
Google Play Music,
Google Maps,
Google Photos,
and the Android Device Manager.
Knowing the difference it should be clear that GMS can get installed on a per-user basis whereas Google Play Services not.
jwoegerbauer said:
You are confusing (Open)GApps - Google themselves call them Google Mobile Services (GMS) - and Google Play Services what are two completely different things.
Google Play Services is one of the most important parts of Android. It helps connect everything together and hold it all there. The Google Play Services are the interface to the Google Mobile Services as well as to the hardware functions of the Android device. Many of your apps use Google Play Services everyday.
GMS is a bunch of apps what includes
Google Play Store,
Google Now,
Google Play Music,
Google Maps,
Google Photos,
and the Android Device Manager.
Knowing the difference it should be clear that GMS can get installed on a per-user basis whereas Google Play Services not.
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Thanks for the clarification, although I still don't really know what you meant. I thought that google play services is the name for all those components that are needed to run, for example, the google play store. If the google play store needs also other components (?), then when I wrote google play services, I meant all the components that are needed to run the play store.
In any case, I mean in practice whether I am able to install both the play store and the components needed for it only for one user in Android, but from what I understand it is not possible in your opinion.
The questions at the end of my post probably still remain the same. I can only clarify that I meant more general cases in these questions:
Does installing the play store (along with the necessary components) install any system-level Google stuff that will run in the background anyway even if I disable these apps?
And isn't installing the play store (along with the necessary components) by hand something that I shouldn't be doing when I want to avoid a Google ban?
Google Play Store simply is an ordinary user app as any other user app, too, nothing else. It itself installs , except some Android OS libraries, nothing. Only thing is it requires Google Play Services ( which are running in background ) to properly run. As already said: Google Play Services can only get installed once because it extends Android OS. And Android OS always is the same for all created users.
Don't understand what you mean with "Google ban".
Dani3I said:
I would probably install LineageOS for this as it doesn't have google play services pre-installed on it and it seems very "clean" in terms of these things (I have never used this system).
There is something like OpenGApps that allows you to install google play services but as far as I know it requires installation from twrp. So I suspect google play services will then be installed for all user profiles on the device.
So is there any possibility to install google services for one user only?
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You can install those apps but you have to flash it via recovery. Also, you need to do that prior to booting into the os for the first time, which I think is related to encryption.
If you already booted into your os, you need to boot into recovery and perform a factory data reset, then flash those gapps (as far as I know dirty flashing those gapps will introduce instability to those gapps. That's why you need a factory data reset).
Keep in mind that factory reseting will delete all your person data.
After you flashed it, those gapps will be available for every user
Dani3I said:
I also know that there is such a thing as microg (and Aurora stora). When I heard that there was such a thing as "LineageOS for microG" I thought it would be a very good option (on one android profile I just wouldn't use microg). But later I also found out that it is supposedly against the google policy and that they can ban my account for it, which I would prefer to avoid.
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Aurora Store provides an anonymous google account. It's data isn't linked to you which means they cannot ban your account.
Dani3I said:
So I wanted to ask if the only option to do this is to install LineageOS, check what applications are installed by default, install OpenGApps to it and then disable all google related applications on one of the user profiles?
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LOS comes without any google apps preinstalled. So first flash LOS, then OpenGApps (follow their official guide. They describe it there).
And yes, after that you have to disable every google app you don't want to use for every new user profile.
Dani3I said:
Does such disabling the application also ensure that Google will not be able to "work" on my device in any way? Does OpenGApps install any system level google stuff that will run in the background anyway?
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If you disable it for the current user, it won't run in any way, yes.
OpenGApps itself shouldn't install anything on system level. But those apps will be installed on system level since you flash them to the system (using your recovery). However, if you disable them they won't run in the background.
Dani3I said:
And are OpenGApps not something that I should not install when I don't want to get a google ban?
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I don't know.
jwoegerbauer said:
You are confusing (Open)GApps - Google themselves call them Google Mobile Services (GMS) - and Google Play Services what are two completely different things.
Google Play Services is one of the most important parts of Android. It helps connect everything together and hold it all there. The Google Play Services are the interface to the Google Mobile Services as well as to the hardware functions of the Android device. Many of your apps use Google Play Services everyday.
GMS is a bunch of apps what includes
Google Play Store,
Google Now,
Google Play Music,
Google Maps,
Google Photos,
and the Android Device Manager.
Knowing the difference it should be clear that GMS can get installed on a per-user basis whereas Google Play Services not.
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Yep that's absolutely correct

