Crital Kernnel bug in most versions before 4.20.11 - Security Discussion

Haven't seen mobile specifically mentioned anywhere but given the nature of this, it may very well be. Short version is .. well, everything going back at to least 2.6.10. If it is indeed this bad it would be one of the worst I've ever seen in terms of scope.
> In the Linux kernel through 4.20.11, af_alg_release() in crypto/af_alg.c neglects to set a NULL value for a certain structure member, which leads to a use-after-free in sockfs_setattr.
CVSS v3.0 Severity and Metrics:
Base Score: 9.8 CRITICAL
Vector: AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H (V3 legend)
Impact Score: 5.9
Exploitability Score: 3.9
Attack Vector (AV): Network
Attack Complexity (AC): Low
Privileges Required (PR): None
User Interaction (UI): None
Scope (S): Unchanged
Confidentiality (C): High
Integrity (I): High
Availability (A): High


sd card speed camera detector?

hi guys.....the ultimate accessory for me would be a laser gun detector, which plugged into the sdio such a thing possible?
What part would the pda play in the detection? Would it just use the screen and speaker for the warnings?
Here in the UK all speed camera detectors, blockers, scanners etc are being outlawed under a new bill. I think they already banned in Ireland. I just read this article.
The Department for Transport said it would seek to ban the dashboard devices as soon as possible because of fears motorists were using them to break speed limits without being caught. Thousands of drivers have installed the technology after a huge rise in the use of cameras and other speed enforcement equipment by police.
The detection devices are already outlawed in many European countries including France and Ireland.
A Department for Transport spokeswoman said: "We are aware of the problem and as soon as a legislative opportunity becomes available we will seek to make these devices illegal."
Road safety groups welcomed the announcement. Rob Gifford of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety told The Times: "This is a long overdue closing of a legal loophole. Speed camera detectors should not be needed by law-abiding drivers."
On the issue of websites showing where speed cameras were located, transport minister David Jamieson yesterday said he was happy for people to know where the cameras were. However, he did not want information to be passed on revealing whether or not they were switched on.
He told the House of Commons Transport Committee: "If there is a map showing where they are, then I think that's a good idea, because people will then be very careful in that area."
I'm pretty sure speed cameras use RADAR, not LASER. A useful LASER detector simply does not exist at all, because of the rules of physics that apply to light.
The Origin b2 has many unique and patent protected features. The following is a list of key features.
Alerts for ALL types of fixed traps - Gatso, Truvelo, SPECS, DS2
Alerts for accident blackspots/Congestion Charging Cameras (time sensitive) & schools (time sensitive) (alerts may be switched off by user)
Alerts for user defined, personal locations
Standard laser detector
Optional radar detector
Unit ready for optional laser diffuser
Personal overspeed warnings
Driver Information System - displays distance covered, journey time and average speed
And GPS Based Detectors are not covered (unless they have an additional laser or radar module) as they have no 'active' detection, they simply report GPS Co-Ords of known locations.
Laser detectors are a complete waste of time. the police laser speed guns obtain your speed in 0.3 seconds. You cannot react qickly enough to beat this. The only way to defeat the laser guns is to jam there signal until you have slowed down enough.
The Pilgrim
Oh yes, jammers are also being outlawed.
cruisin-thru said:
Oh yes, jammers are also being outlawed.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No they're not - because they ALREADY are illegal.
Use of POI's in navigation software for speed/redlight camera's is already quit common in the Netherlands. Even mobile units are reported 'live' and coordinates given through TMC(radio), gprs. None of this is illegal.
Use of POI's in navigation software for speed/redlight camera's is already quit common in the Netherlands. Even mobile units are reported 'live' and coordinates given through TMC(radio), gprs. None of this is illegal.

[APP][2.2+] SunSpider, a JavaScript benchmark tool

SunSpider, a JavaScript benchmark.
App Link :
This is SunSpider, a JavaScript benchmark. This benchmark tests the core JavaScript language only, not the DOM or other browser APIs. It is designed to compare different versions of the same browser, and different browsers to each other. Unlike many widely available JavaScript benchmarks, this test is:'
Real World
This test mostly avoids microbenchmarks, and tries to focus on the kinds of actual problems developers solve with JavaScript today, and the problems they may want to tackle in the future as the language gets faster. This includes tests to generate a tagcloud from JSON input, a 3D raytracer, cryptography tests, code decompression, and many more examples. There are a few microbenchmarkish things, but they mostly represent real performance problems that developers have encountered.
This test is balanced between different areas of the language and different types of code. It's not all math, all string processing, or all timing simple loops. In addition to having tests in many categories, the individual tests were balanced to take similar amounts of time on currently shipping versions of popular browsers.
Statistically Sound
One of the challenges of benchmarking is knowing how much noise you have in your measurements. This benchmark runs each test multiple times and determines an error range (technically, a 95% confidence interval). In addition, in comparison mode it tells you if you have enough data to determine if the difference is statistically significant.

Answer this excercise, it's in C language. I'll pay.

Need it in 24 hours, thanks.
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75.40 Algorithms and Programming I
Course: Méndez
November 5, 2017
1. Objective
That students can analyze a problem and develop a solution applying the concepts of
algorithm and programming related to file management.
That students demonstrate that they manage good programming practices.
2. History
Thanks to the incredible operational preparation of the warships and having performed thousands of simulations
In order to detect the best strategy, the Death Star was finally destroyed by the torpedo of a
simple ship tied with wire.
The space briefly lit up before such an explosion so that the dissipation of the temporary blindness revealed itself
something even worse: the Death Star was a distraction that gave time for another ship to join, and finish,
the battle, which received the name Maw of Perdition. This incredible ship had self-repairing faculties
and self-defensive, really meaning the destruction of the galaxy.
In the face of such a threat, the Rebel Alliance squads had to reorganize quickly. Inteli-
Gerencia detected that Fauces had several weak points that do not self-repair but that would obviously be
highly guarded.
The task of putting together a good strategy falls once again on us ... will we be able to accept it and win
once and for all?
3. Functional specifications
A library should be developed that makes available a series of functions that allow the development of
Battle with Maw of Doom using different binary and text files. Keep in mind that the
user is going to be another programmer that will consume our library, so it is important that our
implementation does not have any interaction with the user, neither by keyboard nor by screen.
Each of the required functions will not have preconditions since all the parameters must be
validated When receiving invalid parameters the functions must return false and in the opposite case
Proceed with the expected action of the functions and return true. In this sense, postconditions must
give an account of those cases, for example: The function returns false in cases X, Y and Z, otherwise it does
certain thing and returns true.
A general validation for all functions is that the files involved must be able to be opened, whether they are
for reading or writing as needed. In the case of not being able to perform this operation, the
execution of the function, that is to close all files that have been previously opened and return false,
without executing anything of the rest of the functionality.
Maw of the Bane has, for now, up to 7 vulnerabilities that each have a weakness to an element
different chemical. The vulnerabilities found are to the following elements: hydrogen, iodine, carbon,
nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus. Knowing that, the Rebel Alliance developed torpedoes whose component
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principal is any of these elements. Then he distributed the torpedoes of these elements to the different
drones, keeping in mind that all the ships of a squadron have the same element of attack.
To assemble the attack strategy, first the information corresponding to the squadrons and the
vulnerabilities, using functions provided for such purposes. Then the distribution of the squares will be
drones that will attack the vulnerabilities and with the file obtained from that function Intelligence will generate the
Strike of attack to know if in the end Fauces of the Bane will be destroyed or not.
4. File specifications
Squad Master: SQUADS.dat
Binary file where each record is a struct that contains: squadron code (char), amount of
squadron ships (int), attack element (char), attack power (int). It is not necessarily
ordered but it is known that at most there will be 26 records.
Vulnerability master: VULNERA.dat
Binary file where each record is a struct that contains: element to which it is weak (char, field
code), resistance (int), durability (int). It is sorted upwards by element code and
at the most it has 7 registers (since there are 7 known vulnerabilities so far).
Distribution of squads by vulnerability: (parameter)
Text file where each line contains: vulnerability code, squad codes separated by
scripts in the middle (For example: "ABC"). Both fields are separated by semicolons (.
It is ordered ascending by vulnerability code and has as many lines as vulnerabilities
have been loaded in the master file.
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Attacks by vulnerability and squadron: (parameter)
Text file where each line contains: vulnerability code, squad code, casualties
squad (whole number). All fields are separated by semicolons (. It is ordered
ascending by code of vulnerability and squad code but the amount of
lines it has.
Attack summary: (parameter)
Text file where each line contains: vulnerability code, number of attacks until the
resistance reached 0 (integer), number of attacks until the durability reached 0 (number
whole). All fields are separated by semicolons (. It is ordered ascending
by vulnerability code and has as many lines as there are vulnerabilities.
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Note: The structure of each record / line of the files will always be valid, that is, each file will have the
number of fields indicated and the type of data indicated. No need to validate that there is less or more
fields that are not of a data type other than that specified in the statement.
5. Implementation specifications
The fauces library (.hy .c) must be developed and must have the following functions:
bool update squads (char code squadron, int quantity ships, char element attack,
int power attack)
To any validation it must be added that the squadron code must be a capital letter, the
number of ships and attack power must always be positive and that the element of their attacks
It has to be one of the pre-established ones.
If the squadron does not exist, it will be registered in the master file, but if it exists, the data will be updated
with the past by parameter.
bool update vulnerabilities (char * file updates)
The records will be registered with the vulnerabilities that do not exist in the master file, but the
that exist will be updated with the data of the registry of the file of updates having that in
note that this will be done in the only case that the update record is valid (that the points of
resistance and durability are positive and that the element that is weak is one of the pre-established).
In the latter case, if an update record is not valid it will simply be ignored and will continue
with the rest.
bool distribute squads (char * file distributions)
It will generate the file of distributions of squads by vulnerability. For each vulnerability in the
master will be obtained squads whose element of attack matches said weakness of said
bool perform attacks (char * file attacks, char * summary file, bool * fauces destroyed)
The file of attacks has lots of records by vulnerability, and in turn in those lots there are sublots
that correspond to the attacking squadrons. At the beginning of a batch of attacks due to vulnerability,
recover your data (resistance and durability) from the master file of vulnerabilities; at the beginning of a
sublot of attacks per squadron you must recover your data (number of ships and attack power
of each ship).
The dynamics of this function is as follows: for each record the number of ships of the
current squadron for the attack power of the ships of said squadron and will be subtracted from the resistance
of the vulnerability until it is 0; When the resistance reaches 0 the process will be the same
but for the durability until it also reaches 0. After each attack you should go discounting the
number of ships of the squadron the ships eliminated. The objective is to try to destroy each one of the
vulnerabilities, that is to say that its durability reaches 0. This process must be repeated for each of the
At the end of all attacks, the attack summary file should be generated. Keep in mind that if
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some of the attack quantities never reached 0 then that amount will be replaced by -1 for
indicate that it was not possible to reach 0 there.
In the variable fauces variable passed by reference, a true value will be saved if all could be destroyed.
the vulnerabilities, or false if it could not.
It must be taken into account that the master vulnerability file can be opened only once but the
Squad master can be opened as many times as necessary.
The characters that we are going to use to represent the elements of the attacks and weaknesses of the vulnerabilities
The chemical symbols of these elements are:
'H' for hydrogen.
'I' for iodine.
'C' for carbon.
'N' for nitrogen.
'O' for oxygen.
'S' for sulfur.
'P' for phosphorus.
6. Correction specifications
When there is 1 week left until the delivery date, the files prueba.c that Kwyjibo uses for co-
To correct the works. Until that moment they should write their own tests. To make the corresponding
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tests. The following command line must be compiled locally without errors:
gcc fauces.c tests.c -o tests -std = c99 -Wall -Wconversion -Werror
All the good programming practices seen so far must be applied, as we have already seen
they are as or more important than the correct functioning of the code.
Important: The works that do not compile will NOT be corrected and will go directly to redelivery. In case of no
perform the delivery of the work will also go to direct redelivery.
7. Delivery
You must upload a zip file (regardless of the name) that exclusively contains the files fauces.c and fauces.h
to Kwyjibo. You can make as many deliveries as you want, but the last and with limit will be taken into account
of rise the day Wednesday 22/11 at 23:59 hs.
In case of going to redelivery, the limit will be on Wednesday 06/12 at 23:59 hs.
In both cases, the note and return of the works will be sent by mail.
I uploaded the original PDF file which is in Spanish.

Visual Aesthetics: Judging a photo’s quality using AI techniques

Visual aesthetics has been shown to critically affect a variety of constructs such as perceived usability, satisfaction, and pleasure. However, visual aesthetics is also a subjective concept and therefore, presents its unique challenges in training a machine learning algorithm to learn such subjectiveness.
Given the importance of visual aesthetics in human-computer interaction, it is vital that machines adequately assess the concept of visual aesthetics. Machine learning, especially deep learning techniques have already shown great promise on tasks with well-defined goals such as identifying objects in images or translating from one language to another. However, quantification of image aesthetics has been one of the most persistent problems in image processing and computer vision.
We decided to build a deep learning system that can automatically analyze and score an image for aesthetic quality with high accuracy. Please check out our demo to check your photo’s aesthetic score.
About the Research
We came up with a novel Deep Convolutional Neural Network which can be trained to recognize an image’s aesthetic quality. We also came up with multiple hacks while training the algorithm to increase the accuracy.
In our paper published on arxiv, we have proposed a new neural network architecture which can model the data efficiently by taking both low level and high-level features into account. It is a variant of DenseNets which has a skip connection at the end of every dense block. Besides this, we also propose training techniques that can increase the accuracy with which the algorithm trains. These methods are to train on LAB color space and to use similar images in a minibatch to train the algorithm, which we call coherent learning. Using these techniques, we get an accuracy of 78.7% of the AVA2 dataset. The state of the art accuracy on the AVA2 dataset is 85.6% which uses a deep Convolutional Neural Network with pretrained weights on the imagenet dataset. The best accuracy on the AVA2 dataset using handcrafted features is 68.55%. We also show that adding more data to our training set (from AVA dataset not included in AVA2) increases its accuracy to 81.48% on AVA2 Test Set, hence showing the model gets better with more data.
Use-cases of Visual Aesthetics
App developers of social media sites can help their users decide which photo will suit best for their profile image. We all have faced anxiety while uploading photos on social media sites or changing our display pic. With our API integration, app developers can help their users look good, always!
Smart Machine Learning algorithms can help you put your best photo on dating apps
Ok, now this use-case may not appeal to the zen, non-materialistic folks among us but to be honest, dating leads to the most social anxiety. Dating landscape keeps changing as well and therefore, if you are active on dating apps, it’s important to choose your best photos to improve your chances for right swipes!
Dating App developers can easily integrate our APIs to help their users upload their best photos; the visual aesthetics model can also be fine-tuned if the developers want to optimise it on their data set.
Recently Google has launched Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL which has a portrait mode. This phone offers the portrait mode even though it lacks the second lens that many other phones have. For example, the iPhone X, Galaxy Note 8, OnePlus 5… all these phones offer the portrait mode because they use data from two lenses. One lens captures the image, the other one captures the depth information, apart from providing some focal range magic for the blurred background. However, Pixel phone uses AI to give HDR+ images to users which are comparable to pictures clicked by a DSLR camera.
Similarly, mobile manufacturers can augment the capabilities of their native camera by integrating the visual aesthetic APIs to let their users know in real-time the quality of their photo even before taking a snap! This will enable your users to share their photos with confidence and you will end up creating a great differentiator for your brand at no additional hardware cost.
Virality in online content
visual aesthetics
Content is king, and it has become ever more difficult to write compelling content that resonates with your audience. However, the best content these days often have great images to complement them, and therefore, you’ve got to include something that will keep eyes moving down the page.
BuzzSumo did an analysis that covered over 1 million articles and found that the ones that had images every 75-100 words had more social shares. Using our visual aesthetics tool, you can quickly check how appealing your images are and accordingly, improve the virality of your blog post.
In this blog post, we have covered some of the use-cases of our visual aesthetics API. When machines become more competent than humans to judge such subjective content, it opens up a lot of possibilities to exploit which were not feasible yet. You can read more blogs on Visual Analytics here.
ParallelDots AI APIs are a deep learning powered web service by ParallelDots Inc, that can comprehend a huge amount of unstructured text and visual content to empower your products. You can check out some of our Visual Analytics APIs and write to us at [email protected].

Multi-dimensional Event Analysis|HUAWEI Analytics Kit of HMS Core

HUAWEI Analytics Kit is a one-stop data analysis platform for mobile app developers that utilizes data to drive daily app operations, bringing out dynamic details in a comprehensive, timely, and efficient manner. These cutting-edge solutions inspire out-of-the-box app service innovations, helping developers and operations personnel grow revenue and expand the reach of their apps.
In order to provide a comprehensive overview of how and when Analytics Kit can be applied, this article addresses a diverse range of related topics. We hope that it sheds light on the most important aspects of this exciting new app service paradigm.
In our current era of "post-mobile" Internet, characterized by slow traffic growth, and difficulty in monetizing products and services, access to both capital and users has become crucial, due to the finite nature of each. Developers have struggled to create unconventional apps that attract new users, and provide a steadily growing income. The best, and perhaps only, tool at their disposal is refined operations, which is, detailed analysis of user behavior for the purpose of gaining insight into user requirements and pain points. These assumptions are systematically verified, and then translated into marketing strategies, allowing the developers behind an app to perceive it through the eyes of its users, and grow its user base beyond previous expectations.
But how exactly can enterprises and operations personnel gain such precise insight? And how can they truly stand in users' shoes? This is where the notions of "Event" and "Event analysis" come into the picture.
What is an Event?
An event refers to the behavior of a user with regard to a product, or in other words, a specific event is something that a user completes at a specific time point, place, and manner.
Take the process of browsing for a typical item on an e-commerce platform, as an example. Corresponding events can include tapping the registration button, accessing the product details app, and exiting the page. Therefore, event monitoring is, in essence, the detailed study of user behavior within an app.
What is Event Analysis?
Event analysis attempts to determine the motivations and principles behind user events. It uses multiple dimensions to better capture the various attributes of individual users, for the purpose of user activation promotion, retention, and recall policies that are targeted precisely to match the users themselves.
Within a mobile app team, certain roles are dedicated for specific event indicators. For example, operations personnel may focus on the source of new users in recent months, product managers may care most about the geographical distribution of active users and daily purchasing trends, while R&D engineers may want to know the crash times of a new version. Event analysis provides the high-level information to satisfy each team member.
How Do I Use Event Analysis?
HUAWEI Analytics Kit implements automatic collection on various events and event presetting. If you are unable to collect system-level events for your app (such as uninstallations, resets, and crashes), Analytics Kit does so for you automatically, without need for manual tracking, analyzing user churn and app exception scenarios.
It also empowers you to customize events for in-depth and personalized analysis. For custom events, it is recommended that you set appropriate event parameters, in order to fully reveal important details, such as user trends and multi-dimensional comparisons. After setting the parameters, you can view the parameter details in the event analysis report.
By selecting an event, you'll be able to view detailed analysis corresponding to it, including real-time and historical trends, as well as custom parameters and default indicators (app version, model proportion, OS version, and number of events per session).
Event analysis also supports segmentation according to different conditions, which helps immensely with multi-dimensional drill-down analysis. By adding user attributes, audience, and login status as filter criteria, you can query event data that meets specific conditions with a high degree of precision.
Applicable scenarios for event analysis:
1: The operations personnel for a mobile game would like to know the purchasing information related to game props over the past month, such as the number of payments, number of users making payments, and the payment amount.
Define an event and the event parameters.
You can filter out and view the average number of daily events, average number of daily users, average number of payment times per user, and payment amount, according to time-based segments.
2: The operations personnel for a fresh product purchase app find that the traffic for a channel has soared recently, and they suspect that the spike in traffic is fake. How can they analyze the traffic to confirm that it's real?
Then select the event analysis details for the channel ad link, filtering out for user attributes, audience, and login status, and perform drill-down analysis based on the location, operating system, and app version to reveal the presence of fake traffic.
View the channel parameter analysis card.
Data-driven growth starts with the event model. The event-parameter model helps you gain crucial insight into the authentic interactions between users and apps. By accounting for all event-related factors, you can determine the root causes of user behavioral events, quickly locate strategic points, and enhance operations efficiency to unforeseen levels.
The event model also forms the basis for the funnel, retention, and behavior path analysis models, which will be covered in greater detail.

