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75.40 Algorithms and Programming I
Course: Méndez
November 5, 2017
1. Objective
That students can analyze a problem and develop a solution applying the concepts of
algorithm and programming related to file management.
That students demonstrate that they manage good programming practices.
2. History
Thanks to the incredible operational preparation of the warships and having performed thousands of simulations
In order to detect the best strategy, the Death Star was finally destroyed by the torpedo of a
simple ship tied with wire.
The space briefly lit up before such an explosion so that the dissipation of the temporary blindness revealed itself
something even worse: the Death Star was a distraction that gave time for another ship to join, and finish,
the battle, which received the name Maw of Perdition. This incredible ship had self-repairing faculties
and self-defensive, really meaning the destruction of the galaxy.
In the face of such a threat, the Rebel Alliance squads had to reorganize quickly. Inteli-
Gerencia detected that Fauces had several weak points that do not self-repair but that would obviously be
highly guarded.
The task of putting together a good strategy falls once again on us ... will we be able to accept it and win
once and for all?
3. Functional specifications
A library should be developed that makes available a series of functions that allow the development of
Battle with Maw of Doom using different binary and text files. Keep in mind that the
user is going to be another programmer that will consume our library, so it is important that our
implementation does not have any interaction with the user, neither by keyboard nor by screen.
Each of the required functions will not have preconditions since all the parameters must be
validated When receiving invalid parameters the functions must return false and in the opposite case
Proceed with the expected action of the functions and return true. In this sense, postconditions must
give an account of those cases, for example: The function returns false in cases X, Y and Z, otherwise it does
certain thing and returns true.
A general validation for all functions is that the files involved must be able to be opened, whether they are
for reading or writing as needed. In the case of not being able to perform this operation, the
execution of the function, that is to close all files that have been previously opened and return false,
without executing anything of the rest of the functionality.
Maw of the Bane has, for now, up to 7 vulnerabilities that each have a weakness to an element
different chemical. The vulnerabilities found are to the following elements: hydrogen, iodine, carbon,
nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus. Knowing that, the Rebel Alliance developed torpedoes whose component
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principal is any of these elements. Then he distributed the torpedoes of these elements to the different
drones, keeping in mind that all the ships of a squadron have the same element of attack.
To assemble the attack strategy, first the information corresponding to the squadrons and the
vulnerabilities, using functions provided for such purposes. Then the distribution of the squares will be
drones that will attack the vulnerabilities and with the file obtained from that function Intelligence will generate the
Strike of attack to know if in the end Fauces of the Bane will be destroyed or not.
4. File specifications
Squad Master: SQUADS.dat
Binary file where each record is a struct that contains: squadron code (char), amount of
squadron ships (int), attack element (char), attack power (int). It is not necessarily
ordered but it is known that at most there will be 26 records.
Vulnerability master: VULNERA.dat
Binary file where each record is a struct that contains: element to which it is weak (char, field
code), resistance (int), durability (int). It is sorted upwards by element code and
at the most it has 7 registers (since there are 7 known vulnerabilities so far).
Distribution of squads by vulnerability: (parameter)
Text file where each line contains: vulnerability code, squad codes separated by
scripts in the middle (For example: "ABC"). Both fields are separated by semicolons (.
It is ordered ascending by vulnerability code and has as many lines as vulnerabilities
have been loaded in the master file.
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Attacks by vulnerability and squadron: (parameter)
Text file where each line contains: vulnerability code, squad code, casualties
squad (whole number). All fields are separated by semicolons (. It is ordered
ascending by code of vulnerability and squad code but the amount of
lines it has.
Attack summary: (parameter)
Text file where each line contains: vulnerability code, number of attacks until the
resistance reached 0 (integer), number of attacks until the durability reached 0 (number
whole). All fields are separated by semicolons (. It is ordered ascending
by vulnerability code and has as many lines as there are vulnerabilities.
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Note: The structure of each record / line of the files will always be valid, that is, each file will have the
number of fields indicated and the type of data indicated. No need to validate that there is less or more
fields that are not of a data type other than that specified in the statement.
5. Implementation specifications
The fauces library (.hy .c) must be developed and must have the following functions:
bool update squads (char code squadron, int quantity ships, char element attack,
int power attack)
To any validation it must be added that the squadron code must be a capital letter, the
number of ships and attack power must always be positive and that the element of their attacks
It has to be one of the pre-established ones.
If the squadron does not exist, it will be registered in the master file, but if it exists, the data will be updated
with the past by parameter.
bool update vulnerabilities (char * file updates)
The records will be registered with the vulnerabilities that do not exist in the master file, but the
that exist will be updated with the data of the registry of the file of updates having that in
note that this will be done in the only case that the update record is valid (that the points of
resistance and durability are positive and that the element that is weak is one of the pre-established).
In the latter case, if an update record is not valid it will simply be ignored and will continue
with the rest.
bool distribute squads (char * file distributions)
It will generate the file of distributions of squads by vulnerability. For each vulnerability in the
master will be obtained squads whose element of attack matches said weakness of said
bool perform attacks (char * file attacks, char * summary file, bool * fauces destroyed)
The file of attacks has lots of records by vulnerability, and in turn in those lots there are sublots
that correspond to the attacking squadrons. At the beginning of a batch of attacks due to vulnerability,
recover your data (resistance and durability) from the master file of vulnerabilities; at the beginning of a
sublot of attacks per squadron you must recover your data (number of ships and attack power
of each ship).
The dynamics of this function is as follows: for each record the number of ships of the
current squadron for the attack power of the ships of said squadron and will be subtracted from the resistance
of the vulnerability until it is 0; When the resistance reaches 0 the process will be the same
but for the durability until it also reaches 0. After each attack you should go discounting the
number of ships of the squadron the ships eliminated. The objective is to try to destroy each one of the
vulnerabilities, that is to say that its durability reaches 0. This process must be repeated for each of the
At the end of all attacks, the attack summary file should be generated. Keep in mind that if
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some of the attack quantities never reached 0 then that amount will be replaced by -1 for
indicate that it was not possible to reach 0 there.
In the variable fauces variable passed by reference, a true value will be saved if all could be destroyed.
the vulnerabilities, or false if it could not.
It must be taken into account that the master vulnerability file can be opened only once but the
Squad master can be opened as many times as necessary.
The characters that we are going to use to represent the elements of the attacks and weaknesses of the vulnerabilities
The chemical symbols of these elements are:
'H' for hydrogen.
'I' for iodine.
'C' for carbon.
'N' for nitrogen.
'O' for oxygen.
'S' for sulfur.
'P' for phosphorus.
6. Correction specifications
When there is 1 week left until the delivery date, the files prueba.c that Kwyjibo uses for co-
To correct the works. Until that moment they should write their own tests. To make the corresponding
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tests. The following command line must be compiled locally without errors:
gcc fauces.c tests.c -o tests -std = c99 -Wall -Wconversion -Werror
All the good programming practices seen so far must be applied, as we have already seen
they are as or more important than the correct functioning of the code.
Important: The works that do not compile will NOT be corrected and will go directly to redelivery. In case of no
perform the delivery of the work will also go to direct redelivery.
7. Delivery
You must upload a zip file (regardless of the name) that exclusively contains the files fauces.c and fauces.h
to Kwyjibo. You can make as many deliveries as you want, but the last and with limit will be taken into account
of rise the day Wednesday 22/11 at 23:59 hs.
In case of going to redelivery, the limit will be on Wednesday 06/12 at 23:59 hs.
In both cases, the note and return of the works will be sent by mail.

I uploaded the original PDF file which is in Spanish.


[Q] Copyright doubts. Request for app removal

Hi All,
Some time ago I've created a game called "Boulders and Diamonds" for Android.
The game was similar to well known 80s game "Boulder Dash", but contained no original code, graphics, levels or name. I've also added a lot of additional elements never present in "Boulder Dash", which makes game-play very different.
But after few weeks after distribution, I've got an email from "President" of First Star Software (original Boulder Dash publisher - not author!), that my game is not legal and have to be removed from market, because is violating their copyrights. See email below for details.
They assume that nobody can use falling stones or any other elements which were present in "Boulder Dash". Actually, thinking this way leads to conclusion that there is no legal application created nowadays, because every application contains some elements introduced previously!
Do you think they are right and I cannot create a game which is similar (but not the same) to their game or everything they say is just a bull****?
Note: As far as I know they don't have any patents for a game.
I've decided to unpublish my game from Android Marked for now.
Thanks in advance for comments.
Here is an email from First Star Software:
Hello again Arkadiusz,
We are writing to you once again regarding "Boulders & Diamonds" to let you know that the current version also infringes upon our copyrights which are registered with the United States Copyright Office.
Further due to international copyright laws, treaties and conventions, your continued distribution of "Boulders & Diamonds" is illegal; and, as pointed out in prior email, such continued distribution, even of a free, ad-supported game, has already caused us to suffer financial damages and losses.
The fact that you have changed the graphics and cave maps does not mean that 'Boulders & Diamonds" no longer violates our Intellectual Property rights. As stated above, it still does. While indeed, the graphics and cave maps are PART of our copyrighted material there is a GREAT deal more that is also copyrighted by us that remains in "Boulders & Diamonds".
Among these, without limitation, are the following non-obvious elements that comprise our copyright: the rules of physics that we created to determine when and how a boulder falls; the rules of how diamonds fall and their effects on the player; the 3 x 3 tiles size of explosions; the movement patterns of the enemies; the ability to push/grab/dig without moving; having the death of one type of enemy result in the creation of 9 diamonds, while other enemies die with a 3 x 3 explosion but without creating diamonds; having explosions destroy certain types of walls but not those that create the border of the cave; etc., etc.
You yourself in the game state: "Based on ideas of game developed by Peter Liepa and Chris Gray in 1980s." As stated in previous email (August 1, 2010, again below) First Star Software, Inc. purchased ALL rights to that game = Boulder Dash(R) and no one can use the protected ideas contained therein without our prior, written approval.
If you have any doubt or questions about the copyright claims being made here by First Star Software, Inc. you should consult an attorney who specializes in Intellectual property law; but, let me say, in summary form, and without prejudice of any kind: our Intellectual Property rights, including copyrights, protect the fundamentals of Boulder Dash(R) e.g. the unique and non-obvious expressions of ideas that were original and unique to Boulder Dash when it first came out. So, for example, even if someone changes the way things look (the in-game elements) we're still protected.
For example in Boulder Dash(R) one collects diamonds, however, the fact that in a 'clone' the player collects carrots instead, does not mean that the clone is non-infringing. Thus, if a clone is 'different' from Boulder Dash(R) because they both use different graphics to represent the corresponding 'elements' e.g. diamonds become carrots, boulders that fall are made to look like something else (say a melon), walls that block your path look differently but serve the same purpose, etc., etc. then the clone IS violating our Intellectual Property rights.
Sometimes the 'differences' are that some features in Boulder Dash are not included in these clones; BUT, all of the features, gameplay mechanics, etc. that are used in the clones FIRST appeared in Boulder Dash. (For example, we have enemies which turn into diamonds if they are killed by a falling boulders and others that do not turn into diamonds when killed...each enemy type moving in a unique pattern (algorithm) that controls how they travel in empty spaces). It is things such as these, and those listed above, that are protected under copyright law.
Once again, as we did in August, we are contacting you immediately upon learning that you have again posted 'Boulders & Diamonds" to the Android Marketplace, as required under law, in our attempt to mitigate our losses and enforce our Intellectual Property rights.
So, once again, with this email we are formally requesting, in writing, that you immediately remove "Boulders & Diamonds" from the Android Marketplace as well as any and all other distribution platforms and channels.
Please send an email acknowledging your receipt of this email and let us know when you have removed 'Boulders & Diamonds' from the Android Marketplace. Further, please attempt to notify the sites below, and any others that you are aware of, that you have been contacted by the owners of Boulder Dash(R) and that you have agreed to cease all distribution of any type or manner of 'Boulders & Diamonds' and request that they remove any and all download links from their sites. Thank you.
Again, by way of full disclosure, I must mention that if we have not heard from you by 10:00 a.m. (New York time) Monday morning, Nov. 1, 2010, we will be filing a formal Android Market Digital Millennium Copyright Act Complaint with Google.
Arkadiusz, now that we have further explained the basics of copyright law, it is my hope and expectation that you will please conform to our request; immediately remove 'Boulders & Diamonds' from the Andorid Marketplace and as many other sites as you can and work with us in protecting our Intellectual Property rights.
Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this serious matter,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
IMHO these guys are mental. They apparently aren't familiar with the 21st century. Name something that hasn't been cloned?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

“Anti” Android app allows to Hack local PCs from Smartphones

What is Anti?
ZImperium "Anti" LTD is proud to annonce Android Network Toolkit - Anti.
Anti consists of 2 parts: The Anti version itself and extendable plugins. Upcoming updates will add functionality, plugins or vulnerabilities/exploits to Anti
Using Anti is very intuitive - on each run, Anti will map your network, scan for active devices and vulnerabilities, and will display the information accordingly: Green led signals an 'Active device', Yellow led signals "Available ports", and Red led signals "Vulnerability found". Also, each device will have an icon representing the type of the device. When finished scanning, Anti will produce an automatic report specifying which vulnerabilities you have or bad practices used, and how to fix each one of them.
What is AntiCredit?
AntiCredit is the app to purchase status and credits for Anti usage.
Once you buy Silver, Gold or Platinum(for corporate users and power users), your status is saved forever. You can use MITM,DOS,SPY,REPLACE IMAGES and other features like PASSWORD CRACKER, but you also get N amount of credits, these credits can be used for attacks and reports.
Once Anti has mapped your network, it is time to choose the attack method:
[+] Scan - This will scan the selected target for open ports and vulnerabilities, also allowing the user to select a specific scanning script for a more advanced/targeted scan.
[+] Spy - This will 'sniff' images transferred to/from the selected device and display them on your phone in a nice gallery layout. If you choose a network subnet/range as target, then all images transferred on that network - for all connected devices - will be shown. Another feature of the Spy plugin is to sniff URLs (web sites) and non-secured (ie, not HTTPS) username/passwords logins, shown on the bottom drawer.
[+] D.O.S - This will cause a Denial Of Service (D.O.S) for the selected target, ie. it will deny them any further access to the internet until you exit the attack.
[+] Replace images - This will replace all images transferred to/from the target with an Anti logo, thus preventing from attacked used seeing any images on their browsers while the browse the internet, except for a nice looking Anti logo...
[+] M.I.T.M - The Man In The Middle attack (M.I.T.M) is an advanced attack used mainly in combination with other attack. It allows invoking specific filters to manipulate the network data. Users can also add their own mitm filters to create more mitm attacks.
[+] Attack - This will initiate a vulnerability attack using our Cloud service against a specific target. Once executed successfully, it will allow the attack to control the device remotely from your phone.
[+] Report - This will generate a vulnerability report with findings, recommendations and tips on how to fix found vulnerabilities or bad practices used.
Anti supports & uses the followings OSS tools :
We will be releasing patch sets for OSS shortly. This should assist developers to compile binaries used by Anti!
Anti Platinum
yes. yes. YES>
this is a SWEEET apppp!
working on cracking it, and finding a cracked one.
and dont give me no, "you should just pay for it" crap.
if your using it, you are no angle.
if it was 5 bux, suuure... but THAT much for platinum?!
must be HOG-High on glue
Permissions for this app? And who are they?
I am a little worried that this app doesn't appear on the android market (I'm still not used to say "google play") and at the same time don't tell me what the permissions are before I even download the zip-file. It's maybe understandable why.
And heading over to their website, there's not much about their privacy policies or anything else when it comes to this app.
It seems to be a fantastic tool that I could use for what it is intended for, to check vulnerabilities.
And Zimperium are probably some good guys that have come up with this app.
Kudos to them if so, but it is the nature of these apps that makes me worried.
I mean, if it does what it says then at least I would be very concerned about trusting them completely.
It could be the perfect tool to gather informatioin to be used against you.
Is there anybody that know a bit more about these guys?
Not so much more than some general info in their "about link" on their website.
Or what the permissions are?
they are from Israel, and they are good guys indeed.
you can find a review (in hebrew) here:
by the way, anyone knows of a good application that can crack WPA and WEP passwords?

[GUIDE] Application for Analysis of the Programs Installed on Android

Author: Apriorit (Device Team)
Permanent link: www(dot)apriorit(dot)com/dev-blog/304-android-package-analyzer
In this article, I will tell you about the process of my research and the results I’ve obtained. I will describe PackageAnalyzer program created as a supplemental tool that displays various data on applications installed in the system. The following is a short summary of its functionality and basic elements implementation.
Research Process. Results
First of all we need to obtain the Android OS source code. The official web-site provides the detailed instruction on downloading the source code from the repository. Following this instruction, I set up the program environment and began the download. At that moment 4.1 was the latest version of the source code available for download. That process took a while, as the overall size of the data received was nearly 15Gb.
What should we begin with? How to find a way to analyze such a volume of data under tight schedule…
It is a well known fact that programmers are rather lazy, which prompts them to optimize their work process in various ways, and I wasn’t an exception to the rule. I came up with an idea how to ease this process a little bit by creating a program that would scan all installed packages and display the information I need, namely activities, services, broadcastservices. What’s the point in it? Firstly, it provides arranged information on packages, which allows to outline those that are of a particular interest to me. But you cannot always define the activity purpose by its name. That’s why I modified the program by adding a function that allows you to run a separate activity from the acquired list.
As the result I outlined the list of Android system applications that might be of a special interest:
The next step was the research itself.
What should I look for and pay special attention to? As we know, activity is launched with the help of Intent. To do this, we need to call the startActivity(Intent) or startActivityForResult(Intent,int) method, if we expect to obtain certain result, and pass to it the Intent we’ve already created. Intent is a kind of a package, which a sender fills with various data and sends to the recipient (activity) for analysis. Therefore I was tasked with identifying the activities capable of executing the instructions set in Intent, which are not described in the Android manual.
Activity life cycle begins with onCreate() method. In most cases, exactly this method extracts the data included into Intent. The getIntent() method is used for this purpose. Hence, equipped with Far, I started searching for classes with included getIntent() with further research of what happens inside of each class, what data is extracted from Intent, and for what purpose it is used. Using this algorithm, I went through each system package, which was planned to be researched.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any hidden possibilities in the system packages of Android OS. Perhaps, it happened due to shallow application research, for which I didn’t have much time, that didn’t allow me to go deep into the features of each application. But negative result is a result after all. I am sure that Google programmers did a great work to eliminate system vulnerabilities by the release of new Android OS – all loopholes, which I was trying to find, were covered.
Program Part. Package Analyzer
As I mentioned earlier, I created the PackageAnalyzer Android application that was mainly tasked with collecting and displaying various information on installed applications. Besides, additional service that checks the requested permissions in newly installed applications and warns about the potential danger was added to the program functionality.
• Acquiring the list of installed applications;
• Acquiring the list of Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Permissions;
• Launching a separate activity from the list;
• Notifying about potentially dangerous permissions used by the application;
• Service. Tracking the applications being installed and checking the permissions they request.
The user interface consists of two activities.
When launched, the program acquires the list of all installed packages and displays it in the main activity. After a package from the list is selected, the second activity is launched. It displays the detailed information on the internal package components (activities, services, receivers, permissions).
In the “Activities” section, you can initiate the launch of any component from the list by clicking it. In this case, an attempt to launch it with the help of Intent will be made. If everything goes smoothly, the selected activity is displayed on the screen. But not all activities can be launched this way, as an attempt to acquire certain data from Intent that initiated the launched is made in many of them, in onCreate() method, and if some data is not actual or wasn’t found, the activity cannot be launched.
Any Android application requires a permission to perform an action. The list of requested permissions is displayed to a user before each installation. That means that in theory it allows a user to make himself secure against malicious software getting into a phone. But practice shows different results: most users simply do not pay attention to this list. This gives malicious software the opportunity to get into the phone and use the user means as it wants.
That is why the ScannService service was added to PackageAnalyzer program. Its main task is to check the permissions requested by new applications and to inform a user in case any potentially dangerous permissions are detected. Such permissions would include: sending and receiving SMS, making paid phone calls, access to your location, access to personal data (contacts, emails), and so on.
The permissions are checked for new applications, as well as for already installed ones. This check is performed at the PackageAnalyzer launch. Depending on the permissions requested, the indicators in are displayed in the main activity and in the Permissions section in one of three states.
Risk level:
- high;
- middle;
- low.
If a user allowed malicious software to be installed, ScannService shows the corresponding notifications and plays a sound signal.
By clicking the notification, you launch the activity with detailed information on the package. You can start/stop this service by clicking the button on the main activity.
The ScannService registers two BroadcastReceivers at launch. The first one gets the notifications on newly installed applications and initiates the check, and the second one starts the service in case of a mobile device restart.
Information on installed applications is located in PackageManager, which can be acquired from the context:
1 PackageManagerpackageManager = context.getPackageManager();
We acquire the list of installed packages:
public List<String> getInstalledPackagesList()
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
List<PackageInfo> packageInfoList = packageManager.getInstalledPackages(
PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES );
for( PackageInfo packageInfo : packageInfoList )
list.add( packageInfo.packageName );
return list;
We acquire the list of activities located in the indicated package:
public List<String> getActivities( String packageName )
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
PackageInfo info = packageManager.getPackageInfo( packageName,
PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES );
for( ActivityInfo activityInfo : info.activities )
list.add( );
catch( Exception ex )
return list;
We acquire the list of services, receivers, and permissions the same way by passing the corresponding parameter to:
BroadcastReceivers are declared with android: enabled="false" parameter in AndroidManifest.xml file, as by default the service is stopped. The receivers are inactive until a user launches the service. The components activity state is changed in the following way:
publicintonStartCommand( Intentintent, intflags, intstartId )
setComponentEnabled(true, PackageInstalledReceiver.class );
setComponentEnabled(true, OnBootDeviceReceiver.class );
publicvoid onDestroy()
setComponentEnabled(false, PackageInstalledReceiver.class );
setComponentEnabled(false, OnBootDeviceReceiver.class );
privatevoid setComponentEnabled(boolean enabled, Class<?> clazz)
int state = enabled ? PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED
new ComponentName( getApplicationContext(), clazz ), state,
PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP );
It is necessary to check the activity of the service at program launch. To do this, you need to acquire the list of all started services and perform a search in it:
publicstaticboolean isServiceRunning( Context context, String serviceClassName )
ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(
List<RunningServiceInfo> services = activityManager.getRunningServices(
Integer.MAX_VALUE );
for( RunningServiceInfo runningServiceInfo : services )
if ( runningServiceInfo.service.getClassName().equals( serviceClassName ) )
In conclusion, I would like to note that although I didn’t obtain any results after searching for hidden possibilities of Android system applications, I created an application for analysis of programs installed on a mobile device, which can be used in the future. The functionality of the program can be extended to obtain more detailed information on applications, as well as to provide security (detection of malicious software and so on).
All articles, code pieces, example project sources and other materials are the intellectual property of Apriorit Inc. and their authors.
All materials are distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC License.

Multi-dimensional Event Analysis|HUAWEI Analytics Kit of HMS Core

HUAWEI Analytics Kit is a one-stop data analysis platform for mobile app developers that utilizes data to drive daily app operations, bringing out dynamic details in a comprehensive, timely, and efficient manner. These cutting-edge solutions inspire out-of-the-box app service innovations, helping developers and operations personnel grow revenue and expand the reach of their apps.
In order to provide a comprehensive overview of how and when Analytics Kit can be applied, this article addresses a diverse range of related topics. We hope that it sheds light on the most important aspects of this exciting new app service paradigm.
In our current era of "post-mobile" Internet, characterized by slow traffic growth, and difficulty in monetizing products and services, access to both capital and users has become crucial, due to the finite nature of each. Developers have struggled to create unconventional apps that attract new users, and provide a steadily growing income. The best, and perhaps only, tool at their disposal is refined operations, which is, detailed analysis of user behavior for the purpose of gaining insight into user requirements and pain points. These assumptions are systematically verified, and then translated into marketing strategies, allowing the developers behind an app to perceive it through the eyes of its users, and grow its user base beyond previous expectations.
But how exactly can enterprises and operations personnel gain such precise insight? And how can they truly stand in users' shoes? This is where the notions of "Event" and "Event analysis" come into the picture.
What is an Event?
An event refers to the behavior of a user with regard to a product, or in other words, a specific event is something that a user completes at a specific time point, place, and manner.
Take the process of browsing for a typical item on an e-commerce platform, as an example. Corresponding events can include tapping the registration button, accessing the product details app, and exiting the page. Therefore, event monitoring is, in essence, the detailed study of user behavior within an app.
What is Event Analysis?
Event analysis attempts to determine the motivations and principles behind user events. It uses multiple dimensions to better capture the various attributes of individual users, for the purpose of user activation promotion, retention, and recall policies that are targeted precisely to match the users themselves.
Within a mobile app team, certain roles are dedicated for specific event indicators. For example, operations personnel may focus on the source of new users in recent months, product managers may care most about the geographical distribution of active users and daily purchasing trends, while R&D engineers may want to know the crash times of a new version. Event analysis provides the high-level information to satisfy each team member.
How Do I Use Event Analysis?
HUAWEI Analytics Kit implements automatic collection on various events and event presetting. If you are unable to collect system-level events for your app (such as uninstallations, resets, and crashes), Analytics Kit does so for you automatically, without need for manual tracking, analyzing user churn and app exception scenarios.
It also empowers you to customize events for in-depth and personalized analysis. For custom events, it is recommended that you set appropriate event parameters, in order to fully reveal important details, such as user trends and multi-dimensional comparisons. After setting the parameters, you can view the parameter details in the event analysis report.
By selecting an event, you'll be able to view detailed analysis corresponding to it, including real-time and historical trends, as well as custom parameters and default indicators (app version, model proportion, OS version, and number of events per session).
Event analysis also supports segmentation according to different conditions, which helps immensely with multi-dimensional drill-down analysis. By adding user attributes, audience, and login status as filter criteria, you can query event data that meets specific conditions with a high degree of precision.
Applicable scenarios for event analysis:
1: The operations personnel for a mobile game would like to know the purchasing information related to game props over the past month, such as the number of payments, number of users making payments, and the payment amount.
Define an event and the event parameters.
You can filter out and view the average number of daily events, average number of daily users, average number of payment times per user, and payment amount, according to time-based segments.
2: The operations personnel for a fresh product purchase app find that the traffic for a channel has soared recently, and they suspect that the spike in traffic is fake. How can they analyze the traffic to confirm that it's real?
Then select the event analysis details for the channel ad link, filtering out for user attributes, audience, and login status, and perform drill-down analysis based on the location, operating system, and app version to reveal the presence of fake traffic.
View the channel parameter analysis card.
Data-driven growth starts with the event model. The event-parameter model helps you gain crucial insight into the authentic interactions between users and apps. By accounting for all event-related factors, you can determine the root causes of user behavioral events, quickly locate strategic points, and enhance operations efficiency to unforeseen levels.
The event model also forms the basis for the funnel, retention, and behavior path analysis models, which will be covered in greater detail.

[APP] Introducing AESPAD - Encrypted Notes

Hey XDA community!
I'm an independent software developer who's made an encrypted notepad as a small side project. Every note goes through NSA approved AES 256 encryption, the same standard used by the United States government to protect top-secret level files.
I also made use of Android's biometric technologies to both enhance the lock screen proctection and enforce the user's privacy keeping a great practical-reliable value.
Notable features you'll find: instant & secure Android biometrics fingerprint login, fully customizable RGB UI, NSA approved AES 256 encryption, dark mode, autosave, autolock, anti brute-force and more.
Feel free to check it out on Google Play!
Additionally, I made a fully documented, open source example project file that showcase all the core systems that involve an encrypted multiple note-taking program.
This is incredibly useful for beginners looking forward deepening their CF2.5 programming knowledge, or just advanced Fusion developers looking for related systems to the matter or contributing to it.
Here you'll learn the AESFusion object, complex ini file structures and data management, ForEach loops, spread values to assign identifiers to an active, the use of loops and timers, GoE's flow, and applying mathematical functions to the fusion scripting language within the expression editor to pull off more complex programming.
The only thing missing is the lock screen, just because I don't consider it strictly related to the core systems. However, it's quite simple to do and you can add it if you want.
I hope you find it useful! No credits are needed. Feel free to contribute
.mfa example file on GitHub

